Stellar Oblivion (open space tech rp)
19-02-2005, 19:52
Drazkador looked out at the galaxy from the bridge of The Fellestar.
Drazkador turned to see one of his inferiors
"What is it?" he replied inquisitivly
"We are picking up signals of some Unkown object in the asteriod field"
Drazkador looked out to see thousands upon thousands of asteriods in the distance.
"Sir! what do you suggest we do?"
"We will hold our position here, and send the fighters to investigate"
"Yes sir!"
While the inferior officer scurried away, Drazkador looked back at the asteriods. What in the universe would hide in such a treacherous Asteriod field? he mused to himself.
OOC to give you some background the ship is massive and is both a Huge battleship and a Floating city for the people whom inhabit it, the people are known by the ship they sail on and are called Fellestarians.
19-02-2005, 20:02
OOC: join on in guys
19-02-2005, 20:20
The newly reactivated carrier, SEA Mandrake drifted amongst the asteroids, conducting a survey in this treacherous asteroid field, and with engines that desperately needed an overhaul, she had been crippled by one stray rock, now, she floated, fighters kept close to her, awaiting a repair vessel..
"Commander, we have incoming craft, unknown configuration" An officer said, her eyes pinned to the scanners, awaiting the repair craft that was meant to be here a while ago.
"Intriguing, Seeing as long range comms are down again, Keep alpha wing alert, lets see what comes of this" The Commander Responded.
"Yes sir"
19-02-2005, 20:25
The Supreme Warrior entered from the warp. "What's slowing us up?" Asked Captain Faltius. "What strange asteroids..."
19-02-2005, 20:27
The new Phalanx Class Frigate (, Berronan, drifted just outside of a starsystem. It was depolyed in recon mode, listening, plotting.
Onboard the Captian of the ship, Capt. F. Heron was listening in on com traffic and watching the ships in the sector. He stood there for awhile untill he saw a ship nearing another in that systems asteroid belt, combat looked possible. Heron ordered the ship into full battle configuration, and had his navigator plot a steath jump right behind what appear to be the aggressor ship.
19-02-2005, 21:00
A small squadron of Vigil fighters Blasted out of the hanger and into the Asteriod field where they then disperesed. Drazkador stood on the bridge awaiting any news form the fighters. He Tapped his foot and looked at his armor.
"I can not afford to get into combat, not now" he muttered
"Flayer squadron to bridge do you read me"
"Affirmative flayer Squadron, Have you found anything?" repelied Drazkador
"Affirmative Commander"
Drazkador dropped to his knees and let out a wail that was heard throughout the ship and over the intercom
"Commander what wil you have us do?"
Drazkador looked forward,
"Fall back to the ship" he said
Drazkador slowly got back up and then adressed the ship
" All Fellestarians Report ot your battle Stations now!"
19-02-2005, 21:05
" Sir are we going hostile against this ship?" asked Salazka
"No" Repleid Drazkador
"Then why is everyone beign sent to there battlestations?"
"our reports told us this sector was dead, this ship we have found means others might be in this sector, i don't want to be ambushed and not be able to fight it"
Drazkador unseathed his sword
"now to wait"
19-02-2005, 21:26
The Berronan, jumped into a small wormhole, and instantly tore out at its target. Behind a large battlecruiser, that seemed to be retreating. Fighter drones were launched to swarm around the ship, preventing any fighters from being launched and getting to far to harm the Berronan. After the launch of the drones, the Berronan bridge rose up from the center of the craft, giving a clear veiw of the other ship.
The Berronan's captian sent the automated hail to the ship, in every language that the Sebecean Imperium had encountered, and it said- "This is the Sebecean Imperial Warship Berronan, we have a lock on you ship. You have 15 seconds to power down weapons and engines, or we will be forced to open fire."
19-02-2005, 22:29
"Sir!" Shouted the tactical officer. "I think we have a target lock on our ship. I'm not sure but we shouldn't let down our guard."
"Very well," Said Faltius. "Charge the lances. This could get nasty."
20-02-2005, 03:28
OOC: Setian-Sebeceans have oyu locked my ship or his?
20-02-2005, 03:37
OOC: Yours, bullseye... we have detected him, but he is of minimal threat.
20-02-2005, 03:53
Drazkador gave the order and all weapon batteries were shutdown and so was the engine
" Sir! are you mad?"
"SILENCE! We are not looking for a fight. We will wait for a bit if they attempt to board let them our Warriors can easily defeat them. and if we must go over there, I will go with my gaurd."
"But sir this ship cna easily overpower them!"
The bridge fell queit, with only the glow of the control panels to give light
20-02-2005, 04:24
OOc: once again guys, ur move
Nanotech Army
20-02-2005, 04:40
Activity Detected- transfering power from propulsion systems to weapons and shields
Scanning... multiple targets acquired... various ship types... intentions unknown
Ship takes up position outside asteriod field
Hailing all channels all known languages:
This is Protectorate Vessel A-4 on patroll mission. Response is demanded. Failure to respond will result in deadly force.
Powering fighters.
ONI Concordiat
20-02-2005, 04:53
A small cylinder ripped into real space outside the asteroid field, near to the Nanotech Fleet.
Transmission in the Clear
Hello. I am Unit 0435 PLX. I am a Combat Probe of the ONI Concordiat. Several communications packets have eminated from this location. Please respond on same frequency. We are somewhat friendly to Mechanist nations, although anti-mechanist and anti-militarist nations are less appealing. Please respond.
The black, 30-meter long cylinder slowly rotated in space, awaiting any sign of sentience.
20-02-2005, 04:54
Two TehInterwebGame fighters drop out of FrogSpace suddenly.
"Damn asteroids.." the pilot of G-1 said, "they brought us out of FrogSpace.."
"Asteroids don't have that size gravity well, there's something in there!" noted the G-2 pilot. They quickly switched to a private channel.
"I've got multiple starships on my radar. #1 is a Fellestarian vessel, called "The Fellestar". Very original. Their weapons are charged. Next is a ship from Arenumberg called the SEA Mandrake, carrier class. Its engines are badly damaged and it has released fighters. Number three is a Setian-Sebeceans vessel, with weapons hot and fighters released. I think we should watch out and try to keep ourselves hidden.. from them at least. A Nanotech Army unknown configuration ship is also somewhere in there, watch out."
The G-2 pilot nodded and took up a defensive formation.
"Hail the T.D.F Froggyliciousness and tell it that we might have a situation on our hands. Relay sensor data."
The two ships waited far from the others, waiting and watching, hopefully outside of sensor range of the two vessels.
"Don't hail that probe yet. I don't want anyone detecting us."
20-02-2005, 05:16
OOC: shit this has escalated fast
Drazkador sighed and sent a message to the Nanotech ship
"This is Commander Drazkador Of the Fellestar We are passing through this system and mean no harm to anyone as long as they mean us no harm let us be"
ONI Concordiat
20-02-2005, 05:28
The probe intercepted the message, triggering an automated response code. Moving towards the Fallstar, the probe repeated the same message...
Are you Mechanist, Militarist, or Other? Do you built Machines of War, Machines of Peace, or no Machines? Please respond...{repeated}
As the probe approached the Fallstar, it began to infiltrate the data network. It did not believe that these people were Mechanist or Militarist, and it was determined to follow its orders.
20-02-2005, 05:33
" This ship" Repleid Drazkador to the signal " and tmy suit of armor are machinse we have built for war and survival"
ONI Concordiat
20-02-2005, 05:39
" This ship" Repleid Drazkador to the signal " and tmy suit of armor are machinse we have built for war and survival"
The probe was quite excited now, the lasers pulsing on his boards.
Might we use them? They are very inefficient for their assigned task, and--Oh my word! They are not sentient? Why do you restrict your machinery so?
At that, Unit PLX's awareness brushed the ship's electronic build in cyberspace, and began to shatter or circumvent firewalls on his way to discover the workings of the Fallstar, and to have a deeper understanding of their culture ad civilization...and maybe some more sinister motives.
ONI Concordiat
20-02-2005, 05:41
OOC: I must go now. I hope this will not proceed too far or fast while I am not able to be present.
20-02-2005, 05:42
"That thing's hax0ring teh fellastar! Hail them!"
"your ship's being haxx0red!"
20-02-2005, 05:50
"Orders Sir?" said a Tech Offircer to the Captian,
"We can destroy them, from space, but Sebecean Stratigic Command wants this ship, but we don't have a large enough Orbital Marine compliment. Officer, call Admiral Merrik, have his Command Carrier Entourage Armada meet us here. Tell his this urgent, Tell him this system is full of possible hostiles." said Heron
"Yes, Captian"
The message was received, with an acknowledgment. Admiral Merrik began preping his fleet for Subspace jump. Merrik also sent a com to a three near by Marine Vessels, ordering them to jump into combat placements around the Hostile ship. They jump, and within four minutes they were next to the ship. They then began to launch harpoon missiles to the latch onto the ship, holding it in place.
20-02-2005, 10:33
Faltius surveyed the scene. Several warlike races were showing aggression to each other, and nobody was worried about what was in that asteroid field. Well, he would find out. "Charge thrusters, officer!" He said. "We're going into that asteroid field."
Reploid Rebelion
20-02-2005, 10:58
A ship is slowly aproching the asteroid belt, as far as starships go, it's rather, pathetic, only about 1200 ft. long, no FTL drive, is STL drive can only get it up to about .3C, armor is limeted to a ten foot thick slab of titanium around the outer hull, and the shield is so weak it might as well not even be there. On the other hand, it's produceing more energy then some stars in there, and all that power has to be good for something.
20-02-2005, 19:06
-All Frequency Hail-
Crew of The Fellestar, you are ordered to abandon you ship, and surrender to the Sebecean Imperial Forces. Non-compliance will result in the distruction of your vessal. You are to surrender to the Command Carrier Hezmanna
Out of the black space, a four Karran Command Carriers and fleet of smaller support ships appear. Clearly written in a bold red print, on one of the Carriers, the name Hezmanna, or Hell Inquistion.
The fleet then releaved the frigate as it morphed back it recon form. On board the Intel Officers were relaying information back to the Armada, when they discovered a energy spike from the ship that appeared to be damaged. The frigate then morphed into Hunter Formation, and surrounding the frigate, slowly appeared five more Phalanx Modular Frigates, decloaking and changing to Hunter Formation form the most advanced steath formate, and Sebecean Hunting Pack. The pack then engaged engines and headed for the retreating ship.
20-02-2005, 19:16
"Holy shit. Setian-Sebeceans is taking over that ship for no apparent reason. Relay a message to the fleet, tell them to get their asses in here."
The G-2 pilot nodded. "Roger."
Nanotech Army
20-02-2005, 22:52
Communication Received:
Hello. I am Unit 0435 PLX. I am a Combat Probe of the ONI Concordiat. Several communications packets have eminated from this location. Please respond on same frequency. We are somewhat friendly to Mechanist nations, although anti-mechanist and anti-militarist nations are less appealing. Please respond.
Back on the homeworld, the Emporer saw what the ship's sensors saw. "They are attacking each other and so therefore cannot be part of one force," he mused. "There are many of them, however, and they are quite powerful." He begins moving A-3 to A-4's position and then uses the ship's communication systems.
Ship A-4 then launches 10 fighters into the asteriod field to locate the source of strange signals that have been emenating from the area for a while now.
To Combat Probe of ONI Concordiat on same frequency
Response received. We are a highly mechanist 'nation' and wish no hostile relations with anyone. We are merely here to monitor the situation and invistigate unusual emanations from this sector.
OOC: my base ships look like 2 large, fairly smooth, black pyramids whose square bases have been stuck together and whose bases are not as long as the heighth. There are no organic lifeforms on board. There are no external engines or other structures sticking out. My fighters look like small flat rectangles with flat immobile 'wings'. No visible engines on these either. If you should ever encounter them, my ground troops look like the middle part of the fighters except slightly smaller and with insectish legs instead of wings which it uses for movement. I will reveal other details as they become important.
ONI Concordiat
20-02-2005, 23:10
The probe detected the build up of power. As it rotated, a SWIFT communications signal flashed outwards. It was here to observe, not to fight, but Concordiat holdings were at stake, merely 40,000 lightyears away. The probe also recieved the response from the Nanotech Army, and relished in it.
Glad to have met another Mechanist nation, and we have no quarrel with you. Here, and now, the Military Forces of the ONI Concordiat pledge never to enter in hostilities with you unless legitimately provoked. In addition, we shall support you in this conflict if push comes to shove upon either of us, but our status as observers should render us immune.
20-02-2005, 23:46
"Sebecean Imperial Forces" replied Drazkador " we mean you no harm we only wish to pass through and make contact with an Friendly instalation, this ship is the only thing keeping us alive a few of our most important "crew" memebrs cannot leave this ship"
21-02-2005, 01:25
Drazkador grew impatient and gave the command for a risky move.
The engines turned on suddenly and the ship blasted out of the system, they where safe fro the time being. They could be tracked by the ion trail they left and the ship was out of energy for another if they where followed.
Drazkador did not wan't his people's quest for atonement to be endangered. all combat systems where turned on and all memebrs where given the order for comabt, if they where followed, he would try to talk to there pursuers but if worse came to worse, then blood would be spilled
OOC: i did this so a firefight would not break out when talking could have you can all follow the ship. hte idea is for you guys to find out why this ship is important to its inhabitants
ONI Concordiat
21-02-2005, 01:37
Drazkador grew impatient and gave the command for a risky move.
The engines turned on suddenly and the ship blasted out of the system, they where safe fro the time being. They could be tracked by the ion trail they left and the ship was out of energy for another if they where followed.
Drazkador did not wan't his people's quest for atonement to be endangered. all combat systems where turned on and all memebrs where given the order for comabt, if they where followed, he would try to talk to there pursuers but if worse came to worse, then blood would be spilled
OOC: i did this so a firefight would not break out when talking could have you can all follow the ship. hte idea is for you guys to find out why this ship is important to its inhabitants
Unit 0435 PLX read the ship's path. A second message spat from the probe as it began to engage its RIFT drives. It quietly winked out of existence, only to appear nearby the Fallstar.
As the Fallstar moved, three massive spheres appeared out of nothingness, their thick duralloy armor loosing bolts of green lightening as the RIFT engines discharged.
This is the Concordiat battleship Unyielding Raven, and we have come to make demands. Your ship has neared the outer patrol limit of Concordiat holdings in this area. You are not to proceed any farther in the direction you are travelling without Concordiat approval and military escort.
21-02-2005, 01:37
"Sir, the hostile ship jump out, Ion jump... were tracing it." Said a Tech Officer to Admiral Merrik
"Good, Ordinance Officer, Prep the ship for a combat jump" Merrik commanded
"Sir we got a lock, engaging subspace engines in 10 seconds."
As the Fleet jump out they caught a glimps of a ship with weapons hot. As instructed before, the Ordinance Officer, began to target the ships engines and power nods. The Hezmanna opened up on the Fellestar, with Compressed Partical Cannons, and Rail guns. A com was sent from the Command Carrier Hezmanna to Sebecean Imperial Command, requesting permission to destroy the vessel. As of now, no response from SebStragComm.
21-02-2005, 01:55
Drazkador looked at the screen to see one the hull had taken a hit, not to bad but they could do with out it. The hull around the power nodes had taken a real bad hit and the nodes where very vunerable. he received the messages and shut the engine down again. He sent Drones to go and fix the hull near the power nodes as stealthly as they could. the order was given for the ship to seem dormet now the hanger left open and all fighters and dropships removed to give the illusion they had fled.
OOC: you all don't know about this ploy, adn my people to give you some background knowledge that the characters don't know are esentialy beings of energy, the souls of the people who are in Mechanical suits of armor that they control so they give off no bio readings. you will all learn if you stop bein so hostile and want to dominate this ship!
ONI Concordiat
21-02-2005, 02:03
The Concordiat battleships watched in horror as a Mechanist ship was fired upon. Snapping on Battlescreens and the MagShields, the spheres manuvered to take the incoming fire. They began a slow spin, to dissapate the heat from energy weapons and to possibly deflect kenetic projectiles.
The Concordiat now understands your predicament, Fallstar. You will be permitted escorted passage into Concordiat territory. Please input your destination and we will cover you while you retreat. Please respond.
OOC: what is the nature of your weapons, Setian? Are they energy, kenetic, a mix, or what?
21-02-2005, 02:26
The fleet detected the energy burst of the Fellastar's engines and pursued them. The fleet was composed of one Delta Class Battlecruiser, four Mama Phr0g Carriers, five Toad Class Cruisers, and two Frog Class Destroyers. It was a big fleet, and powerful enough to crush almost any fleet.
(OOC: for details)
The fleet moved in, powered up, and started attacking the Hell Inquisition. The battlecruiser attacked with phaser arrays and quantum torpedoes, while the Mama Phr0gs fired their beams (along with the destroyers) and phase cannons and released fighters. The cruisers engaged sublight engines to intercept the frigates.
Each Mama Phr0g released two TehInterwebGame squadrons (25 fighters a squadron). Roughly 3/4 were Tadpole class squadrons, while the others were a mix of Alpha and Beta class ships.
The Battlecruiser sent a message to the squadrons.
"All squadrons, report in."
"A squadron, standing by."
"b squadron, standing by."
"C squadron, standing by."
"D squadron, standing by."
"E squadron, standing by."
"F squadron, standing by."
"G squadron, standing by."
"H squadron, standing by."
"Good. Attack those Setian-Sebatians ships at will."
"Roger, closing in. This is going to be fun."
"A" , "B", "C", and "D" squadrons engaged the Hell Inquisition, and the others engaged the frigates, weapons blazing.
21-02-2005, 02:30
OOC: the turret guns on the ship are pretty much like the PLasma Cannons form Halo2 they are called "Pulse Cannons". The Vigil fighters are armed with a pulse cannon and two ten foot long blades (which double as wings) which are used to cut through other craft. in Personel on Personel Combat my foot soldiers use either Halberds or Large curved swords and are deadly in combat but have no long ranged weapon for personel on personel
Drazkador received the message and paused for a bit then replied
" We thank you for your protection we mean no harm to our attackers and wish you not to harm them, we are en route to the Zaknane Monilith"
He sighed a sgh of releif and then said one more message
"Its The Fellestar by the way"
21-02-2005, 02:32
OOC: HOLY SHIT ive started something big
ONI Concordiat
21-02-2005, 02:35
OOC: the turret guns on the ship are pretty much like the PLasma Cannons form Halo2 they are called "Pulse Cannons". The Vigil fighters are armed with a pulse cannon and two ten foot long blades (which double as wings) which are used to cut through other craft. in Personel on Personel Combat my foot soldiers use either Halberds or Large curved swords and are deadly in combat but have no long ranged weapon for personel on personel
Drazkador received the message and paused for a bit then replied
" We thank you for your protection we mean no harm to our attackers and wish you not to harm them, we are en route to the Zaknane Monilith"
He sighed a sgh of releif and then said one more message
"Its The Fellestar by the way"
Please excuse our error, Fellestar. We are sincerely sorry. Three destroyers are awaiting you; could you transmit the coordinates of the Zakane Monolith?
Places on the spheres began to glow red with the inbound fire; the battlescreen's capacitiors overloading. In a bright flash, the sphere's simultaneously opened fire, draining their capacitors in a series of 9 megaton/second Hellbore bolts from their ball-mounted secondary batteries.
21-02-2005, 02:36
As these other now hostile ships, spheres, began taking the fire for the Fellestar, Merrik became annoyed. He decided there was one thing to do, fire directly on the spheres, call in the Hunter Pack, and call in the nearest Dreadnought Vanguard (18+ Dreadnoughts). Merrik was not going to tollerate this. He gave an order, "The Killing of Worlds" was the tactic. War with these machines, abominations. Merrik had ordered for a Decimator fleet to find the planets of ONI Concordiat, they would be obliterated.
Later a com was received by the Armada, he had the resources of the entire Sebecean Imperium at his disposal. A minute after he received the com, the six Phalanx frigates emerged and began to indescriminatly attacking all non-Sebecean ships. Merrik was certian that the new Aeroian Cannons of the frigates would obliterate the enemies. Merrik then decided that Sebecean Pride was at stake, he then ordered the use of one of the most powerful weapons in the Sebecean fleet, the FRAG Cannon (Flux Range Assault Generator Cannons), he was sure these sphere would be destroyed in beautiful range of colors. War has been declared.
OOC: Most Sebecean weapons are compressed charged particle cannons which are both energy and kenetic, and the rail guns which are highly compressed flux balls of a dense matter. So basically our weapons vary. And the FRAG Cannons tend to overload sheilds, crack and shatter hull armor, and because its flux nature, makes a horrible death, has a longe range too.
21-02-2005, 02:40
As more hostile fighters came into veiw, the carriers, frigates, and destroyers opened fire with their AFCOM Flak. The Dreadnought Vanguard is quickly aproaching.
21-02-2005, 02:47
A Squadron was being decimated.
"Damn these ships! They're destroying our entire squadron out there." said the A-2 pilot, before he erupted in a wall of flame.
Back on the battlecruiser, the crew was silent.
The captain spoke up. "We should..we should have sent our entire complement of fighters. All Mama Phr0gs, release ALL fighters, repeat ALL fighters. I know it's going to be hard to control, but you're going to need to do it."
1,739 fighters rushed out of the Mama Phr0gs, swarming the ships and making attack runs on the larger ones.
"All fighters, max speed. Try to outrun their fire. Attack pattern Epsilon."
Hundreds of fighters flew toward the top of the Hell Inquisition.
"It's risky."
The fighters dived toward the surface. A few ran into each other, but the superior training of TehInterwebGame's pilots showed through.
Whispers erupted from the bridge.
The fighters all released their torpedoes at once, at one spot in the Hell Inquisition's hull.
They pulled up, but many did not do it in time, and crashed into the shields (OOC: if you don't have shields, just replace shields with hull.. w/e) of the ship.
(OOC: i know there's a bit more fighters than seems plausible, but keep in mind this is what these things were made for)
21-02-2005, 02:49
As these other now hostile ships, spheres, began taking the fire for the Fellestar, Merrik became annoyed. He decided there was one thing to do, fire directly on the spheres, call in the Hunter Pack, and call in the nearest Dreadnought Vanguard (18+ Dreadnoughts). Merrik was not going to tollerate this. He gave an order, "The Killing of Worlds" was the tactic. War with these machines, abominations. Merrik had ordered for a Decimator fleet to find the planets of ONI Concordiat, they would be obliterated.
Later a com was received by the Armada, he had the resources of the entire Sebecean Imperium at his disposal. A minute after he received the com, the six Phalanx frigates emerged and began to indescriminatly attacking all non-Sebecean ships. Merrik was certian that the new Aeroian Cannons of the frigates would obliterate the enemies. Merrik then decided that Sebecean Pride was at stake, he then ordered the use of one of the most powerful weapons in the Sebecean fleet, the FRAG Cannon (Flux Range Assault Generator Cannons), he was sure these sphere would be destroyed in beautiful range of colors. War has been declared.
OOC: once again holy shit ive started something big................i am so awesome and ONI Concordiat are you a race of robots or somethin?
Drazkador responded
"eighty clicks north of the Hercaules sector, i think thats what you beings call it. im sorry my people do not know muc about what everyone else calls these things. Maybe this can help you, The monilith is a large Space station that is in orbit around the star 235c or i think you might call it Osirus, again i apoligize i don't know what you call these things. The station is much like a Small Planet but with tow shall i put this........"cities" or obelesiks. one at each pole some towers extend many miles into the sky. i once again thank you for your help"
21-02-2005, 02:51
OOC: once again holy shit ive started something big................i am so awesome and ONI Concordiat are you a race of robots or somethin?
Drazkador responded
"eighty clicks north of the Hercaules sector, i think thats what you beings call it. im sorry my people do not know muc about what everyone else calls these things. Maybe this can help you, The monilith is a large Space station that is in orbit around the star 235c or i think you might call it Osirus, again i apoligize i don't know what you call these things. The station is much like a Small Planet but with tow shall i put this........"cities" or obelesiks. one at each pole some towers extend many miles into the sky. i once again thank you for your help"
OOC: you do realize you just told your attackers exactly where your stations are :rolleyes:
ONI Concordiat
21-02-2005, 02:52
The first sphere on the right took most of the fire from the newly-detected ships. The unprepared ship did not drain the capacitors fast enough; they exploded. Blooms of fire exploded along the lateral axis of the sphere, sending it spinning. Ions ravaged through the delecate electronics at the core of the artificial sentience, flames bloomed from the shattered hull. The AS's survival core kicked in. Protected by an internal disruptor shield, the core was virtually unharmed by the rampaging ions. The survival center activated, electrons spreading throughout the little remaing circuitry to warn the other ships and assess damage. Though the battlescreens were down and the circuitry was sparking and burning out and failing, the AS was not finished. With power draining, the sphere righted itself and shunted all power to the main Martyr cannons. The cannons began to glow red...
The other two spheres shuddered as hits upon their battlescreens transferred kenetic energy to the ships. The capacitors were nearly full when the artificial sentiences reacted, and bright purple lightening discharged between the battlescreen and the hull, and bled into cold space. The lefthand sphere swiveled, Hellbores redoubling their fire and Martyr cannon charging. The central sphere rotated, bringing the linear axis to bear. A small dimple in the "north pole" of the sideways sphere began to glow the same color purple that had been seen when the capacitors were overcharged.
SWIFT signals flashed like the firestorm around them, calling for help and alerting the other machines. With unworn presicion, the automated factories restarted after so long a dormancy, the large Concordiat dreadnoughts, built long ago by a forgotten organic sentience, activated. Lights flashed at unmanned outposts as artificial sentience units came on-line. Defensive measures popped on; offensive fleets formed up. The machines, built for war, then shut-down, now detected war. They had been awakened.
21-02-2005, 02:56
OOC: you do realize you just told your attackers exactly where your stations are :rolleyes:
OOC: that was to ONI Concordiat sorry i did not make that clear i was trying to show how big of a thing i started (Galactic war) and they arn't exactly my statiosn make contact wiht me peacefully and you may find out what they are and why i am goin there.
21-02-2005, 02:59
The ordinance hit the sheilds and eventually the hull, hitting the 3rd hanger, a piller of fire erupted from the Hezmanna. Damage was severe on the 3rd deck, but the main hull was holding. Merrik stood shocked, then ordered all carriers to launch Banshees and Valkyries(Fastest Known Sebecean Ship- Corvette Class), thousands of fighters flew out of the carriers. As the fighters launched the Dreandnought Vanguard arived, half around the carriers, and the other behind the enemy battlecarrier. The ships began to fire their FRAG and Herz Cannons at the enemy capital ship. As the first salvos hit the battleship, a Phalanx frigate decloaked in front of the battleship's bridge, with weapons charged.
Surrender your forces or face destruction.
21-02-2005, 03:05
*Onboard Decimator Ship Hericulii*
The crew placed the ship into orbit over a world covered by machines. Missiles began to rise from the surface, as the Hericulii's flak began. The ship then launched nuclear detonation missiles to the surface. They detonated about 15,000 feet from the surface, and allowed the EMP waves to destroy the machines and their abominations of minds.
21-02-2005, 03:06
"No thanks."
The battlecruiser powered up engines, heading forward toward the Phalanx frigate.
"Ok, get this. Our shields are meant to vaporize anything on contact. See, that's how they repel projectile fire."
The battlecruiser lurched forward, closing on the frigate.
"But if a ship, say, got in the way of the shields... guess what?"
The battlecruiser was closing fast.
"Well, it'd be fried just as much as any missile."
"Have fun!"
(OOC: I don't think you have time to get out of the capital ship's pretty damn fast.)
ONI Concordiat
21-02-2005, 03:06
The ordinance hit the sheilds and eventually the hull, hitting the 3rd hanger, a piller of fire erupted from the Hezmanna. Damage was severe on the 3rd deck, but the main hull was holding. Merrik stood shocked, then ordered all carriers to launch Banshees and Valkyries(Fastest Known Sebecean Ship- Corvette Class), thousands of fighters flew out of the carriers. As the fighters launched the Dreandnought Vanguard arived, half around the carriers, and the other behind the enemy battlecarrier. The ships began to fire their FRAG and Herz Cannons at the enemy capital ship. As the first salvos hit the battleship, a Phalanx frigate decloaked in front of the battleship's bridge, with weapons charged.
Surrender your forces or face destruction.
We do not fear destruction.
With that terse message, the AS in the sideways sphere swiveled towards the nearest dreadnought, and fired. Energy splashed from the purple dimple, streaking across space. Red and purple stripes coalesced towards the Setian ship, striking with the equivalent energy of thirteen suns. The sphere that had fired, however, darkened, sat virtually useless, only the battlescreens and the AS online.
The second undamaged sphere fired its Martyr cannons, thirteen shots of 90 megaton/second energy pulses streaked towards the initial capital ship targets, while the smaller Hellbores cycled rapidly, putting 9 megaton/second bolts into each Setian fighter.
OOC: Quite a war...i might be at a disadvantage because my fleets need time to form up...also i might not respond for a while...chores are such condemnable arts!
21-02-2005, 03:12
The frigates captian had no time, but had enough time to subspace-detonate the ship, a massive ball of flame that threw billions of energised peices that should over sheilds, but as it sent the peices out, the ball of fire colapsed and began exerting a gravitational force on the enemy ship. The dreadnought captians took advantage of the situation, and opened fire on the ship, hoping to shatter the hull.
21-02-2005, 03:17
The Delta Class battlecruiser initiated Multi-Vector Attack Mode- splitting into three parts. Two of the three ships attacked the Hezmanna with dozens of quantum torpedoes streaming out, looking to breach another hole in it.
21-02-2005, 03:18
Drazkador sent a message to the Sebecean forces
"Our misson is very important if you wish to impede our progress you will be fired on I do not wihs to fire upon you but if you insist with this warmongering and urge to take over this ship We will not hesitate to defend ourselves, we have freed ourselves form one opressive ruler we do not wish for another!"
21-02-2005, 03:24
Drazkador sent a message to the Sebecean forces
"Our misson is very important if you wish to impede our progress you will be fired on I do not wihs to fire upon you but if you insist with this warmongering and urge to take over this ship We will not hesitate to defend ourselves, we have freed ourselves form one opressive ruler we do not wish for another!"
OOC: i'm just loving this.. hundreds of ships are violently exploding in front of his ship and he's being fired upon, and he's just sitting there saying "well, if you're any BADDER, we'll blow you to smithereens"
21-02-2005, 03:24
Drazkador sent a message to the Sebecean forces
"Our misson is very important if you wish to impede our progress you will be fired on I do not wihs to fire upon you but if you insist with this warmongering and urge to take over this ship We will not hesitate to defend ourselves, we have freed ourselves form one opressive ruler we do not wish for another!"
You Will kneel before the Patriarch Emperor, unless you present him with a gift.
Behind the Fellestar, a Jugernought emerged, and began to fire on the ship. It also began to charge its main gun.
21-02-2005, 03:26
"Oooo, we'd LOVE to give him a gift.
Here's a free toy my kid got at Burger World!
We'll deliver it to you on your ship, personally."
21-02-2005, 03:28
The Delta Class battlecruiser initiated Multi-Vector Attack Mode- splitting into three parts. Two of the three ships attacked the Hezmanna with dozens of quantum torpedoes streaming out, looking to breach another hole in it.
Merrik looked at his screen, and decided there was one thing he could do without deploying more ships. He set the Hezmanna on full speed for the systems sun, appearing to be retreating, while the other Carriers, Dreadnought, and the newly arrived Jugernoughts and Vultura Class Carriers stayed and began to take shots on all ships, shots that were sure to inflict heavy damage.
ONI Concordiat
21-02-2005, 03:33
The Concordiat AS were stymied; they had braced for inbound fire when there was none. However, there were many threats on the battlefield. The tilted one remained low on power, while the other sphere began selecting targets and firing. The crippled sphere simply spun in space, floating around aimlessly. The Concordiat ships rejoiced, however. Thirteen Terra-class dreadnought battleships were on their way to save the beleagured ships, the lance-shaped ships rocketing through space. That is, if the battleships already there were not splintered into fragments.
21-02-2005, 03:36
OOC: i'm just loving this.. hundreds of ships are violently exploding in front of his ship and he's being fired upon, and he's just sitting there saying "well, if you're any BADDER, we'll blow you to smithereens"
OOC: sorry my bad lol
IC: The ships hull Took the suprise hit pretty well, Drazkador on the other hand did not
Through out the ship thousands of souls Transfered into turrets and fighters. then one million transfered into Machine Suits, Boarding action was expected, they would be pushed back
21-02-2005, 03:37
"They're retreating!"
"What do they hire you guys for? They're going to blow up that sun or something! Retreat all fighters into those carriers and prepare for warp to H4X. If they follow us, they'll be annihilated instantly."
"Roger. Fighters streaming into carriers, fleet almost ready for warp."
"They're going to blow up the sun! Get your fleet to this location (coordinates sent) ASAP before you get your asses roasted!"
21-02-2005, 03:42
Thousands of pulses went Streaking toward the juggernaut and fighters pored out of the hangers
"Flayer squadron reporting in"
"Truth Squadron Reporting in"
"Genesis Squadron reporting in"
"Falchion Squadron reporting in"
Drazkador gave the executive order
"All Squadrons scatter and take out as many of there fighters as you can, and see what you can do to there hulls"
21-02-2005, 03:43
Merrik gave his last order, one to jump out all Sebecean ships in the sector. He watched as the jugernought trailed the Fellestar out side of the system, and then he strengthened the sheild and powered the "Rising Star" generator. The Hezmann plunged into the hot sun, and a few minutes later the sun doubled in size, then again, it was expanding... withing 10 minutes it would collapse and detonate the star... the weapon the powered the First Sebecean Revolution, had been used again.
This is a goddy weapon, but if your guys notice my ships leaving and see the sun exploding, then you have a good chance of getting away. 5 severly damaged Sebecean ships and crew will be killed in the blast, but this primarily to show that we can destroy your home.
Admiral Merrik gave his final command, in faith of his comrades and his God-Emperor. He defines all that is expected in a Sebecean Imperial Officer. May immortality be bestowed upon his family.
21-02-2005, 03:52
The ships of the Sebecean fleet that jumped out, reformed in a near by system, in the ring of a blue gas giant. They waited there as more ships jumped in with supplies and repair craft also with the new Decimator Fleet Kraft, with 7 20+ mile long Modular Battleships (, and on one, the new flagship of the Sebecean Fleet, Junior Emperor Hein, commander of the Sebecean Imperial Forces.
21-02-2005, 03:56
OOC: yea i think its fair what with me not getting hit for a good percet of the battle
IC: Drazkador saw the Sun expand and Demanded all Fighters return to there hangers. wihtin two minutes they had all returned, or at least those that were not shot down.
"How close can we get to the Station if we jump form here?" he asked
"One hundred clicks sir buts that if we use our reserve energy and the power for the cannons"
" Do it"
"What? are you mad"
"if that means i want my people to survive then yes"
The pilot looked at him and muttered
"lets do this"
The ship rocketed off
It arived to have the ship shut down instantly with in sight of a space station. Drazkador could see the station was abandon or at least seemed so. he collapsed in his chair and gave the order to apear dormant again. He looked around and said
"we lost them"
21-02-2005, 04:01
Emperor Hein looked up as the Jugernought returned, with nothing. Hein found that unacceptible and orders autorecon drones to scan for any contacts of gravitational mass that was simmiler to the Fellestar, they would find these people.
21-02-2005, 04:03
OOC: wow the crew is on a quest to ensure the survival of there people and they end up as the most wanted ship in the galaxy lol
21-02-2005, 04:05
OOC: Just remember that our captians, admirals, generals, and emperors are excellent tacticians. Thousands of NS years of space combat experiance have built us into a surgical war machine.
Nanotech Army
21-02-2005, 04:32
OOC: sorry about the lag, i am on at different times from you guys
IC: As these other now hostile ships, spheres, began taking the fire for the Fellestar, Merrik became annoyed. He decided there was one thing to do, fire directly on the spheres, call in the Hunter Pack, and call in the nearest Dreadnought Vanguard (18+ Dreadnoughts). Merrik was not going to tollerate this. He gave an order, "The Killing of Worlds" was the tactic. War with these machines, abominations. Merrik had ordered for a Decimator fleet to find the planets of ONI Concordiat, they would be obliterated.
Back on the homeworld, the Emperor was anxious. "Perhaps it is time to show what we can do." Wordlessly, he dispatched the rest of Alpha fleet (A1, A2, A5, A6) except for the command ship to reinforce Protectorate might and then activates Beta fleet, though not yet complete, for defense against incursion. "Let us see what becomes of this." He then begins pouring over the data collected thusfar on the Setian vessels, looking for weaknesses...
New Data: Solar emision change detected. EXTREME DANGER. Transferring power from weapons to propulsion systems. Moving directly away from the star at top speed
OOC: In case you guys are wondering the Emporer is 'merged' with the AI that runs all Protectorate hardware (including several citizens), essentially making it a living artificial intelligence. The original body is no longer necessary for him to continue existance.
21-02-2005, 04:37
OOC:I think you'll have a hard time finding a weakness, because my ships have evolved over thousands of years of war... but it is possible.
Nanotech Army
21-02-2005, 04:40
OOC:I think you'll have a hard time finding a weakness, because my ships have evolved over thousands of years of war... but it is possible.
OOC: never hurts to try lol. The emperor has a nack for it (considering as he can think at the same speed that a computer processes information and has access to all knowledge in existance in the Protectorate). Might not find a weakness against you, necessarily, but may find a better defence against you.
21-02-2005, 04:43
Do try too hard, Sebecean tactics have been known to be evolutionary, changing from egagement to engagement, sometimes even during one.
Reploid Rebelion
21-02-2005, 06:25
From amid the asteroid belt, where it is unaware of both the ongoing battle, and the aproching death from the colapsing sun, the still unnamed ship extends several masts from it's flanks. As this is happening, its bow is irising open, to expose the busness end of a massive fusion torch.
Nanotech Army
21-02-2005, 17:07
In orbit within a steller cloud:
Protectorate vessels A-3 and A-4 await the arrival of the rest of the Battle Group, using the cloud to create sensor interference so that, hopefully, they would not be detected before the reinforcements arrive. They had narrowly escaped the solar death trap set by the setians back in the asteriod field. In fact, several sensor blocks had been overloaded and had to be repaired.
- Later -
New Sensor Data: Incoming vessels, identity confirmed as Protectorate vessels A1, A2, A5, and A6.
The rest of the Battle Group entered the steller cloud and transfered power from their N.E.D.s (negative energy drive) to weapons and shields. They then took up formation with the rest of the ships (pattern is in shape of a gigantic version of an individual ship with one ship at each vertex of the shape, 4 ships on a horizontal plane with 1 above and in the middle and 1 below and in the middle).
The Emporer plotted his next move.
21-02-2005, 18:42
As the Sebecean Fleet was forming in the lone abondoned system, ships continued to jump in and out... recon ship came and went... they system remain dormant for any peeking eyes. Junior Emperor Hein watched his plan being set up. Gunships and Destroyers preped to fight a "Menshuiankleing" or Sebecean for Machine War. Only the hardiest HWMF-EMP (High Wave Multi-Frequency ElectroMagnetic Pulse) resistant vessels would fight, with Sebecean EMP, no one would have shields in this battle not even us, the Sebecean FRAG-C Destroyers would shatter the enemy ships into billion of peices. The computer abominations were sure to be affected by these anti-tech weapons.
OOC: Ofcourse you really don't know about this plan.
Nanotech Army
21-02-2005, 20:29
. Gunships and Destroyers preped to fight a "Menshuiankleing" or Sebecean for Machine War. Only the hardiest HWMF-EMP (High Wave Multi-Frequency ElectroMagnetic Pulse) resistant vessels would fight, with Sebecean EMP, no one would have shields in this battle not even us, the Sebecean FRAG-C Destroyers would shatter the enemy ships into billion of peices. The computer abominations were sure to be affected by these anti-tech weapons.
OOC: lol this assumes we dont have emp sheilding. Any extreme-tech civilization would have defences against such an obvious tactic or they would have been taken out long ago.
21-02-2005, 21:02
A few hours where passed and power was restored to The Fellestar Drazkador Lifted himself out of his chair and looked at the Space station they had aproached
"Check for any Bio readings"
The screens went insane and shoed millions of sigils and images and then gave the Fellestarian symbol for afrimative
"Ok lets go right past it and contunue towards the Zakane Monilith, All repair Drones report to the hull and see what you can do. All gunnery crews man your posts and all pilots to your fighters. We could come under attack any minute"
He Sighed,
"Why did this have to happen?"
21-02-2005, 21:35
OOC: lol this assumes we dont have emp sheilding. Any extreme-tech civilization would have defences against such an obvious tactic or they would have been taken out long ago.
Yes, but like I said our EMP disrupts shields.
21-02-2005, 21:42
'We've found them' echod in the Bridge of Hein's Decimator. A scout had detected them and moved in cloaked, and confirmed it was the Fellestar. Hein had ordered the entire fleet to jump. Within a few seconds after the arrival in this system where the Fellestar had been hiding a Hail went out, this time something different.
Crew of Fellestar, this is the Sebecean Imperial Warband Armada Group 2, we are willing to cease hostilities against your vessal, if you agree to a peaceful meeting at your desired quardinates. Please respond on hyperlight network channel 767Decca-Helo-- Please Respond.
21-02-2005, 22:16
Drazkador received the hail and responded with his own message
I am glad you are willing to talk sense, our ship will Stay at its location, you may aporoach with one Small Vessel, and land in our hanger, you will be escorted by two of our fighters, your main ships will be far away from us. you will not be harmed or fired on
21-02-2005, 23:12
Junior Emperor Hein heard this and noded. He ordered for the preping of a Valkaryie Corvette, he was going to meet these people. He ordered the sending of the acceptance comm, but with the insistance that two Sebecean Banshees escort the Valkaryie to a half way point at which the Fellestarian fighters can take over. Hein headed for the hanger, where his ship was waiting.
Unknown by anyone besides the ship captians and Hein, 2 Cloaked Phalanx Frigate drifted near the Fellestar, as a meer precaution if the Fellestar proved to be hostile to a Junior Emperor of the Sebecean Imperius Kreitar (Military Imperial Family)
21-02-2005, 23:21
"They want two of there fighters to escort them to the halfway point, Lord Drazkador"
"Very well then send a message of acceptance"
OOC: good move with the frigates, of course i don't know this i will describe what you see in the ship when yuor ship lands
22-02-2005, 03:34
The ship approached the Fellestar, it began its landing procedures, when Hein remembered about one important detail... He sent a com out inquiring about atmospheric details on the Fellestar.
-THe landing scene is yours... but this is the valkaryie and it landed
Nanotech Army
22-02-2005, 04:17
Yes, but like I said our EMP disrupts shields.
OOC: EMP's disrupt electronic cirtuitry, effectively disabling whatever system was hit. If it hits the systems which generates the shields, then the shields are affected. EMP shielding is when you do something (usually a material but not always) to prevent the EMP from reaching the vulnerable circuitry. At least this is my understanding of it, if your EMP works in a different way then i guess it could effect the actuall shield itself.
IC: COMMUNICATIONS DETECTED: sources verified as Setian fleet and Fellestar. Points of origination confirmed.
Course plotted to the Fellestar.
Transfering power from weapons to propulsion systems; maintaining power to shields. ETA in 10 hours Earth Time.
OOC: If the Fellestar is still at the same spot in 10 hours then my ships will take up defensive positions around the Fellestar, maintaining their current formation (Fellestar will be at geometric center of the formation)
ONI Concordiat
22-02-2005, 04:36
OOC: Sorry about the lag too...I get on at odd times sometimes.
The Concordiat Terra-class dreadnoughts finally arrived on the scene, with the standard 13-ship escort per. Two fleets, twenty-eight ships, had arrived. Had they been capable of it, they would be grieving their fallen comerades. However, they were built for war; grief was not known to them. The ships tracked the diplomatic actions, and saw to it that the cease fire was upheld.
This is Unit 4127 NDR, to Fellestar. We have acknowledged your tiresome need for diplomatics, and we await position instructions and deployment grids from all present nations, save the Enemy. A single carrier and two destroyer escorts will be arriving shortly as well. Monitoring devices indicate that there is a second inbound Mechanist fleet. We heartily await their arrival. Meanwhile, our Mark XVII Combat Units will deploy to our flanks, while the eight Unyielding-class ships form up around the two Dreadnoughts. Awaiting further input.
22-02-2005, 05:26
As the fleet, 239 Capital Ships large, sent out combat patrols around the fleet, and watched the Valkarye initate landing proceedures. They also watched the Abominable AI Ships, targeting them in case any hostile move was made, ordinance was on stand by, the whole fleet was waiting to push the button to fight again, if need be.
22-02-2005, 05:31
Drazkador sent a message to both the Nanotech forces and the ONI Concordiat forces
Stay out of range of the ships, this truce, I beleive is betwen just us Fellestarians and the Sebeceans. We do not wish for a conflict you will be updated if this is to change
The Ship landed into the hanger and suddenly the Hanger doors shut. A Bioworlds atmosphere (ooc: earthlike) filled the room. There was no ship in the room.
(ooc: im just doin this to speed up time)
The doors of the dropship opened up and the Emperor walked out with his Gaurd (ooc: i guess he comes with a few gaurds). Then a door opened and 8 massive armored figures marched out, they stood about six feet high each weilding a large halberd. They made a Phalanx position around the Emeror and his gaurds and motioned for them to follow. They then marched out of the room and into a lift. They went up and entered a large room filled with Armored figures. They moved and made way for the group as it went through. They aproached another lift and once again went up. Then the door opened to show the Bridge. Ten armored beings were at panels and controls and one Heavily armored Figure in Black armor turned around and spoke
" Welcome to the Fellestar, I am Lord Drazkador Captian of this ship and Leader of my people."
22-02-2005, 05:50
The Emperor, looked at this man (ooc- i assume there is a real man in there) in armor. He then motioned to his 10 personal SSD (Elite Special Forces) troopers, to motion to them to take up a two row pattern. The man in armor spook, saying " Welcome to the Fellestar, I am Lord Drazkador Captian of this ship and Leader of my people."
The Emperor then returned the greeting, saying "I am Lord Emperor of the Sebecean Imperial Monarchy, of the Grand Sebecean Democratic Imperium; Commander of the Joint Sebecean Imperial Space Fleet. The Patriarch Emperor sends his greetings to you and your people."
Hein stood there waiting for a response... and he wondered about these people, and asked, "Are you a machine, machine augmented person, or a pure person?"
OOC: Note that Hein got promoted, the Emperor Ranks are the highest ranks in the Imperium (which is basically the Sebecean Military), it goes from Lord General/Admiral to Junior Emperor, to Lord Emperor, to Grand Emperor, to Emperor Hierarch. The highest emperor is the Patriarch Emperor, and there is only one and he has been that for thousands of years... he is Immortal and Absolute.
22-02-2005, 06:21
Drazkador pressed a button and the wall behind the Lord Emperor Slid down to show a the huge room but this time millions glowing balls where flying around inside.
"That is what we look like in our orginal form. We became that after a great cataclysm. We then are transfered into either a suit or armor like mine, the cockpit of a fighter or a gunnery position."
22-02-2005, 07:13
"Now From what I hear you are intrested in taking over this ship. I would like to know is, why are you intrested?" asked Drazkador
Reploid Rebelion
22-02-2005, 07:25
Becoming aware of the distruction of the star only seconds before the radiation released buy it's death strikes the ship, which kills every living thing on the ship. A few moments later, as the expanding cloud of super-heated plasma reaches the ship, it is supriseingly enough deverted around it for quight some time before failing, the shealds haveing held long enough to have saved the ship from total distruction, but only by the slimist margin, the forword two thirds of the ship has been melted away, and the remaining third is in almost as bad shape. However, the most supriseing thing is the fragment of ship is fireing its thrusters, trying to stop the erratic motin it was given when caught up by the blast.
22-02-2005, 18:36
22-02-2005, 19:37
Two cloaked Alpha class ships layed mines around the two ships..
Nanotech Army
22-02-2005, 21:55
COMMUNICATION RECEIVED: source identified as Fellestar:
Stay out of range of the ships, this truce, I beleive is betwen just us Fellestarians and the Sebeceans. We do not wish for a conflict you will be updated if this is to change
"Very well" said the Emporer to himself as he redeployed Alpha fleet a good distance away from both the Fellestar and the Setian Fleet, though still close enough to be able to arrive on the scene in but a minute.
OOC: Setian, how are your ships deployed with regard to the Fellestar? Are you arranged around it or are your ships congregated together away from it?
COMMUNICATION to the Fellestar
Very well, our forces shall keep their distance
COMMUNICATION to the Setian Fleet
Protectorate forces are now monitoring the situation. Any hostile action against the Fellestar will be treated as hostile action against the Protectorate.
COMMUNICATION to the ONI Concordiat
We should coordinate fleet placement for optimal effectiveness. Recommend that you do not fire upon Setian fleet unless they fire upon you or the Fellestar
23-02-2005, 02:03
The Emperor was startled, "So you are energy? Never have we, the Elect(Term for the Sebeceans), met a being of enegy. But, to get down to it, What is your business traveling through a Sebecean Boarder System (Not next to the main Sebecean worlds, just a few lightyears from a Sebecean Colony), without our escort."
The Emperor saw this energy in a suit make what appeared to be a frown, a frown of 'why are you so controlling', typical of younger races, nations, and Sebecean youth, "Well not to sound to controlling but, we prefer to moniter everyone that is near a system of ours. This paranoia, you could call it dates back to the Incursion of Sybia, and early colony that was invaded by a early 'declared' trading ally. A race of Machine augmented humans, they attack a young Captian fought back and destroyed their worlds. That man fufilled a ancient prophacy, he then gave himself immortality fufilling another, he built our nation to what it is today, and that young Captian is our Patriarch Emperor." Hein said bragginly
We will not fight upon you as long as your ships do not act in anyway hostile to the Lord Emperor Hein. We have 'Planetdiver' drones ready to destroy you ships if hostilities increase once more. We do not at this wish to harm you, but we watch you earnestly, and thus is our relationship with you, observer and the observed.
ooc: our ships are formed in a loose-effictive defensive pattern, with fighters and combat drones out constantly, just out of visual range of the Fellestar, but in FRAG-C range of it and your vessels.
23-02-2005, 02:10
ooc: please refer to me and my nation as Sebeceans or Sebecean Imperium, because Setian is a holy name for the Sebeceans that mainly Sebeceans use alone with out Sebeceans with it. Also Setian-Sebeceans is the main nation of a host of annexed nations refered to as the Sebecean Democratic Imperium.
Nanotech Army
23-02-2005, 03:53
ooc: k sorry about that, I didn't know.
23-02-2005, 05:31
OOC: So Nanotech, explain about your nations history, and other aspects of you culture. You too ONI Concordiat, you machine stuff got me interested, so give me more history.
23-02-2005, 07:12
"Well we are en route to the Zakane Monilith This is an important pilgrimage for our people. We must complete this journy otherwise our people will not survive. If we can not get to this Monilith without incedent then we will smite all in our path.Now if we must have an escort to get to this relic then so be it. But we must not be hindered!!"
Nanotech Army
23-02-2005, 23:36
lol i didn't realize how long this post had gotten, hope you guys like to read.
Long ago, before the Protectorate, the homeworld had many nations. There were minor wars between them, and occasionally there were major wars but nothing that lasted more than a few years. Over the course of time, two nations arose which became superpowers. These two nations developed a rivalry which escalated into a Cold War. Both sides developed their military might and eventually an incident occured (that has been since lost to time) which ignited a war between the two superpowers which dragged all the other nations into the war with them. There was mass destruction, complete chaos, the war raged on for decades destroying much knowledge other than knowledge of destruction. A scientist, who had been the foremost expert on nanotechnology before the War, could no longer stand what his world was going through. He, along with a group of other scientists and military specialists, used nanotechnology to create a weapon which would destroy all other weapons on the planet and thus end the war. Thus was born the Nanotech Army, at first made up only of an earlier model of the ground based drones. It soon became clear to the scientist that his collegues were going to turn on each other and continue the War using the nanobots. He therefore resolved to ensure that nobody but he would be able to control the army and used his knowledge to merge his consciousness with the program which controlled the Army, and thus the scientist became the Emporer. He then used this process to Integrate the knowledge of the others into himself, thus giving himself greater knowledge and tactical skill. He then used the army to wipe out all other weapons of war on the planet and restored order to his war torn planet. He then helped establish new governments, but kept the Nanotech Army seperate from these nations and allowed them to controll their own internal affairs but controlled all international actions. It would be a force to keep order. Thus the Protectorate was born. About a century ago, an advanced hostile race came to the planet and began an invasion of the planet. Their plan backfired, however, as the Emporer managed to capture some of their landing craft and used them to transport nanobots up to the alien motherships, which they then Integrated. This gave the Protectorate the Negative Energy Drive technology, which allowed their unique form of ship to be constructed and be effective, because any other form of movement would not be possible with the ship design. N.E.D.'s move the space around a ship instead of moving a ship through space, thus allowing faster than light travel and the ship is not actually moving. This encounter also showed that there were larger versions of the same War going on in the universe as had happened on the Homeworld years ago. Thus the Emporer decided to expand the Protectorate into the galaxy, Integrating races that attacked others and providing protection to the weak, all the while growing more powerful through the raw resources of the enemy and also advanced their technology further. This is the history of the Protectorate, so far only a few hostile worlds close to the Homeworld have been Integrated.
The current capabilities of the Nanotech Army are quiet impressive. Because the massive ships have no need of life-support systems or living quarters or hallways, they are extremely dense and therefore more powerful than ships of the same size. They house hundreds of fighters each which have low-powered versions of the N.E.D. All systems are extremely decentralized meaning that they are spread all throughout the ship and can only be disabled through total destruction of the ship or some exotic means. The ships, being made up entirely of nanoscopic machines, are able to rapidly repair themselves if the shields are breached. Energy weapons used against them are converted into energy usable by the ship. Energy is generated through a variety of ways, all using nanoscopic generators (it is actually true that many smaller engines can generate more power than a larger version of the same type of engine, for if you can create a viable engine which is a third the mass of the larger engine you get an engine which can generate half the power of the larger engine, so three of these engines would have the same mass but generate 150% the power of the large engine. If you repeat this process with the smaller engines you can get a phonomenally greater amount of power with the same amount of mass than the original engine.) The generators currently include solar and nuclear but better ones are being researched.
So how about you Sebecean? What is the history of your people?
24-02-2005, 00:30
OOC: Ok, my ships are like..waiting, and stuff. Anyone want MY history :(
24-02-2005, 02:05
"Well we are en route to the Zakane Monilith This is an important pilgrimage for our people. We must complete this journy otherwise our people will not survive. If we can not get to this Monilith without incedent then we will smite all in our path.Now if we must have an escort to get to this relic then so be it. But we must not be hindered!!"
"We will provide you with safe passage, as long as you give every bit of information about your history and your race, language, and anything you learn from this 'monolith'"
Nanotech Army
24-02-2005, 02:14
OOC: Forgot some stuff
highly concentrated energy beams (lasers) that fire from the vertices of the ships, are effective at medium range but devestating at short range.
The Swarm- field of gerneralized nanobots that are not in any configuration; all they do is float in space and replicate themselves. Extremely devestating to any unprotected vessel or planet but is vulnerable to EMP. Only used on weak or disabled ships and planets that have been rendered defenceless but cannot be Integrated for some reason.
Fighters. Each ship can house hundreds of fighters depending on the situation (in a planetary assault there are fewer fighters in favor of ground-based invasion nanobots); Fighters will often swarm an enemy ship firing in concentrated spots in order to punch a hole through the hull. Then they will penetrate inside the vessel where they reconfigure themselves into ground-based nanobots and begin Integrating the vessel.
P.S. sure i would like to hear your history TehInterwebGame
24-02-2005, 02:38
The history of the Sebeceans People's creation is somewhat of a myth yet has fact. From what we know a prehistoric race took humans, in their early form, and enhanced parts of the genome. We then know they seeded us on our homeworld of Higar IV, AKA Sebekka. However these aleins have been our gods, and in a prophacy, it stated that three gods we forever frozen in the massive ships of the Seeders(Ancient 'Gods'). The prophacies came true and we saw our gods, they were not of another race, but were Sebeceans, the rest of history until the Dark Age of Sebekka has remain myth.
Dark Age of Sebekka-
As technology advanced dramatically from the discovery of the Seeder ships, wars began to breakout, massive orbital bombardments, destroying much of the ancient history of the Sebecean People. These wars raged for thousands of years, until a 'tradeing ally' began to invade the Sebecean Homespace. After that invasion the Sebecean people united under the Hero, Captian Furion Miniah, who alone sent his ship and destroyed the enemy world. The Capitan had fufilled another prophacy. However, Miniah was a inventor he created and designed many things, along with most pre-Imperial Sebecean Propulsion. But with his creations, he created Sebecean Immortality, and with it he was named Patriarch Emperor for the building of the Setian-Sebecean Coalition, and later conquered parts of the nations in the current Sebecean Democratic Imperium.
As of now, the Sebecean Core Systems are unknown, and filled with defensive drones and mines
The Sebecean Race itself appears identical to modern humans, but live thousands of years, except those are immortal. The Sebeceans also a naturally stronger, more endurant, and cannot die of a heartattack or bloodclot.
The Sebecean Military ranking system goes as such (Army, Orbital Marines verson) Note: That the Fleet ranks are the same in the Emperor field, but change from there and below.
Patriarch Emperor -Only one- He has, is, and will always be the Patriarch Emperor
Emperor Hierarch
Lord Emperor
Junior Emperor
Lord Commandant
General of the Imperium
Lord General
Vaiyer General
Junno General
Helro General
Senior Colonel (1st General)
1 Lt
Grand Master Sgt
Senior Master Sgt
1st Sgt
Master Sgt
Cheif Sgt
Staff Sgt
Infantry 1st Class
Infantry 2nd Class
24-02-2005, 02:55
The spore flew through space. Looking for life, it moved towards a large congregation it had sensed. As it travelled, it began to grow, using the copious powers the Father/Lord had provided.
Within 100 days, it had grown to the size of a cruiser, and had outfitted itself using many mutations, and absorbing metal. It had also mutated to be able to absorb light, Uv, and a few other substances it had found as energy.
It created an FTL drive, using the knowledge the Father/Lord had taken from the Tyraelians. It sped towards the place it had sensed, as it may hold the key to the spore's survival.
It created weapons, and armour, in case it must fight. As it arrived, it saw a congregation of spaceships, all looking somewhat...edgy.
It spoke, in the language of the mind (Psychic speech, it translates into the induvidual's language when received.
I/we are here. We wish to speak with your leader/creator. I am a symbiont, an ancient being, newly created by my Lord/Father. I sense many young races amongst you, and many who may profit from an alliance.
With those words, the spore retracted its huge claws, and assorted weaponry, and waited...
24-02-2005, 03:02
COMM TO Tyraelia
This is the Sebecean Destroyer Udamahas, we have a lock on your ship, you are ordered to stop your ship and disarm all weapon systems, if you do not comply the Sebecean Imperial Forces open all weapons on your ship. As of now the space you travel in is Sebecean Territory. Banshee fighters will escort your vessel to a holding sector.
Nanotech Army
24-02-2005, 03:02
COMMUNICATION RECEIVED: source identified as unknown biological construct
I/we are here. We wish to speak with your leader/creator. I am a symbiont, an ancient being, newly created by my Lord/Father. I sense many young races amongst you, and many who may profit from an alliance.
COMMUNICATION to Unknown biological construct
We are the Protectorate. We request information about your purpose and intentions.
OOC: This is an extremely tense situation and it is important to know where you ship is in relation to the others. There is an extremely large Sebecean fleet, a several groups of ONI Concordiat ships, one Protectorate Battle Group, the Fellestar, and a few other ships in the area. The fleets are all targeting each other.
24-02-2005, 03:13
OOC: Yeah I think my Armada of capital ships or everything frigate class and above, is a larger than all the ships of everyone else. Being and older nation, I naturally have more resources and [u]generally[/g] more advanced tactics and tech. But that is not set in stone.
Nanotech Army
24-02-2005, 03:19
OOC: my ships are few, but they are (i think) extremely powerful and very resilient. In conjuction with ONI ships i believe that we pose a threat to the Sebeacean fleet.
24-02-2005, 03:21
The spore spoke once more. "I stand simply with those who would ally themselves to me. I am, as I said, a symbiont. I can empower organic and artificial bodies far beyond their natural capacities. However, I require energy to live, mainly in the form of human neural energy."
(Super-soldiers, who happen to be stupid)
It flew towards the Nano-ship. "If you wish it, I may find it within my power to aid you."
It then slowed down, and re-activated its defenses.
Nanotech Army
24-02-2005, 03:24
COMMUNICATION RECEIVED: Source identified as Biological Construct
"I stand simply with those who would ally themselves to me. I am, as I said, a symbiont. I can empower organic and artificial bodies far beyond their natural capacities. However, I require energy to live, mainly in the form of human neural energy."
COMMUNICATION TO Biological Construct
The Protectorate welcomes all those who wish for order in the universe. Unfortunately, our vessels have no biological life on board although we do have energy which we could transfer to you if you require it.
24-02-2005, 03:42
The Captian of the Udamahas stood by as this ship moved to the Nano Army ship. How dare they disrespect the people of the Sebecean Imperium. He was told in his orders that he had the right to choose to fire or not.
"Power main Batteries, Load Torps! Ordinance Officer, give me a Active and Passive target on that ship, prepare to fire on my order."
"Yes Sir" Replyed the Ordinance Lt.
"Navigation, put me in a closer range. Communications, activate a transmition laser, send the Sebecean Force Hail message"
ooc: that hail was a IC message that only Tyraelia could receive
24-02-2005, 04:02
"Sir, no response, and going on 2 minutes." said a Comm Tech
"Dammit, Fire a few warning shots around the ship, maybe that will wake them up." Said Captian Cisa ordered.
As the Captian had instructed, the Udamahas aimed two yards of the sides of the ship, and fired, the blots when straight and true, and passed over the hull of the ship, in the hope of causing a shock wave ripple throught the enemy ship.
24-02-2005, 06:50
"If you must know Here is a Data clip of all of our history, The reason we Are going to the Monilith is to find the key that may allow our people to reproduce"
Drazkador Gave The Emperor the Data Clip and then told his Gaurds to escort the Emperor Back to his ship.
OOC: I may not be on for a while ill be up in maine. I will post my history later when you insert the data clip.
Nanotech Army
24-02-2005, 18:55
We are alarmed at your increased alert status. Explain your actions.
Powering fighters and transfering power to weaopons and shields.
OOC: i dont know about your ultimatum to the biologic ship.
24-02-2005, 21:58
The antimatter mines, made to look as if set up by Sebeceans, exploded, causing moderate damage to the Fellastar and rocking the Sebeceans vessel.
OOC: Setian-Sebeceans, RP damage, if any. Uh oh! Fellastar's going to get mad thinking you tried to blow up his ship ;) And Nanotech, there's your chance to kick some ass.
Nanotech Army
24-02-2005, 23:09
ooc: thanks a lot... (sarcasm in this statement)
ACTIVITY DETECTED: source appears to be Sebecean fleet
The Emporer could not understand why the Sebecean fleet would do this "Why would they use mines when they could just as easily wipe out the Fellestar with their 200+ ships, this doesn't make any sense," he thought to himself. "In any case we need to protect ourselves and the Fellestar."
TARGETING WEAPONS on nearest Sebecean ships
FIGHTERS TARGETING apparent Sebecean flagship and capital ships
Prepare for hostile action from the Sebecean fleet.
We demand an explanation for this unprovoked attack. Cease your attack and respond or deadly force will be used.
25-02-2005, 01:56
The Valkayre speed from the Fellestar and was his my a shock wave, no damage was taken, but it was clear the Fellestar had taken damage. The Imperial corvette entered the landing bay of the massive Decimator. The mechanist factions were moving around the the Fellestar, and they fired upon Sebecean ships. This was not good, the Fellestar had been attacked, but not by the Imperiral forces, but Hein knew he had to avoid this. He ordered for all vessels to divert power to sheilds and energy dispersal nodes. All ships that had AFFCOM Flak, fired the defensive measure in a sphere around the Sebecean Fleet, fighters were ordered to fly around to shoot down fighters inside the Flak net and inbound missiles. No combat was ordered directly.
Nanotech Army
25-02-2005, 02:12
COMMUNICATION RECEIVED: source identified as Sebecean Fleet
Explain your hostile actions immediately. Why have you attacked the Fellestar.
OOC: i dont know about the cloaked ships that set you up. In fact I am unaware that cloaking technology even exists at this point.
25-02-2005, 02:21
The Sebecean Imperiral Forces DID NOT attack the Fellestar, our Sensor history and Intel Officers beleive the explosion to be from a unknown type of stealth mine that appeard to be space debris. We will not engage you... Stop your actions against this Battlegroup. COMCHANIDEN-CONFERM-IDEN-LORD EMPEROR HEIN
Nanotech Army
25-02-2005, 02:29
COMMUNICATION RECEIVED: source confirmed as Sebeacean Fleet
The Sebecean Imperiral Forces DID NOT attack the Fellestar, our Sensor history and Intel Officers beleive the explosion to be from a unknown type of stealth mine that appeard to be space debris. We will not engage you... Stop your actions against this Battlegroup. COMCHANIDEN-CONFERM-IDEN-LORD EMPEROR HEIN
Very well. We suggest that we gradually step down our alert status and begin a cooperative search for the true attacker, if it was in fact not you. We suggest that you transmit your sensor data along with explanations. We do not want war between the Protectorate and the Sebeacean Imperium.
25-02-2005, 02:49
From: SIS Machan
To: Protectorate Fleet
OOC: THe data does not contian any information about the cloaked frigates, and their trace as been clear in such a manner that it could not appear to be cleaned.
Nanotech Army
25-02-2005, 03:00
DATA RECEIVED from Sebecean Fleet
Thank you for helping to avert hostilities. The sensor logs appear to be authentic and to corroborate your explanation. The next step is to step back down one alert level and begin cooperating to find the true attackers.
25-02-2005, 03:07
Fighters and Corvettes of the Sebecean Fleet will begin to fly system wide patrols with your fighters, if you want. We have jumped in 23 sensor firgates to scan they system for unusal energy activity.
OOC: Sebecean alert level decca(D) two is a threat present, unknown local.
Nanotech Army
25-02-2005, 03:18
False Alarm. Do not engage the Sebecean Fleet
That would be agreeable
The Nano-fighters begin coordinated scans with the Sebecean sensor ships and fighters, looking for any spacial disturbances and investigating anything large enough to have contained an explosive devise.
The Protectorate motherships transfer power to sensors and begin scanning the sector, focusing on areas around the outskirts of the various fleets.
25-02-2005, 03:35
OCC: The Frigate jumped back to our main fleet and decloaked.
The Sebecean fleet began to move ships to repair the Fellestar, and two Dreadnoughts guarded it at all times, when the ship was fixed, it would be given clearance to go to their station along with a few mechanist and Sebecean escorts.
ONI Concordiat
25-02-2005, 03:36
<Internal Inconsistancy>
<Interrupt Process: Communications: Sequencer Engaged>
Response to Nanotech Army Communications Packet:
Acknowledged. We will not engage the Enemy. We are awaiting further information.
OOC: Sorry, guys, I can't really respond that quickly.
25-02-2005, 03:39
OOC: Hmph. I was hoping you guys would blow up each other.
IC: The two ships decloak and set a collision course for the Sebestians vessel.
Nanotech Army
25-02-2005, 03:52
ACTIVITY DETECTED: Unknown Vessels have suddenly appeared on sensors
Identify yourselves and your intentions or be destroyed.
You have incoming vessels. Defend yourself
Diverting nearest Protectorate fighters to intercept the unknown vessels, prepared to fire upon what appear to be the engines and power cores.
ONI Concordiat
25-02-2005, 04:05
<Scanner Interrupt>
<Sequencer Interrupt; Descision Point>
<Processor A Input Acknowledged; Main Cannon Loading Sequence Commenicing>
<Sequencer Interrupt>
<Processor B Input Acknowledged; Communications Gear Engaging>
<Awaiting Sequence Stimuli/Sensory Input>
The Concordiat vessels moved to intercept the frigates, powering their main cannon. The Terra-dreadnought ships glowed with power, the Hellrail main gun loading a Cryo-Hydrogen sliver. The smaller ships remained in formation, and fighters swarmed from the bay of the single carrier, accelerating past the point where many (not all) organic pilots would have been forced into unconciousness by the g-forces.
25-02-2005, 04:13
The fleet ships, powered up primary weapons at the two approaching ships. Within 10 seconds the Fleet engaged the ships, hunderds of thousands if not millions of rail, particle, mass, and FRAG cannons fired. Fighters turned on the ship, launching missle salvos, a Dictator frigate, moved and began jamming the ship, and firing focused bursts of EMP and multi frequency high wave bursts. From all collected information, this ship shouldn't survive, but Hein was ready for a surprise, after all he had received a lot all day. And in a back up measure 10 of the Phalanx Frigates changed into surveillance mode and cloaked the vessels, setting them on route to the hostile ships location.
25-02-2005, 04:20
The Captian of the Udamahas stood by as this ship moved to the Nano Army ship. How dare they disrespect the people of the Sebecean Imperium. He was told in his orders that he had the right to choose to fire or not.
"Power main Batteries, Load Torps! Ordinance Officer, give me a Active and Passive target on that ship, prepare to fire on my order."
"Yes Sir" Replyed the Ordinance Lt.
"Navigation, put me in a closer range. Communications, activate a transmition laser, send the Sebecean Force Hail message"
ooc: that hail was a IC message that only Tyraelia could receive
"We are aware of no orders. Please repeat said aforementioned orders."
ONI Concordiat
25-02-2005, 04:21
<Weapons Discharge Detected...>
<Combat Protocol Activation; Override Internal Inhibitors>
<Inhibitors Overridden; Targeting and Tracking Lead Ship...>
<Targeting Solution Complete; Main Hellrail Firing...>
<Main Cannon Reload Sequence Activiated...Complete>
<Main Hellrail Firing...>
The Concordiat warships, upon seeing the massive starcore-temperature discharge from the Setian ships, added their own fire as well. The Hellrails of two Terra-Dreadnoughts coupled their fire with over one-hundred and forty Infinite Repeater Hellbore cannon and Martyr kenetic-kill railcannon. Eight Unyielding ships rotated on their axis and fired a Linear Projection Cannon, jetting little laser-thin bolts of purple lightening upon the enemy ships. Despite this massive discharge, the computers could easily see that the Setian's fleet broadside probably should have done the job alone.
25-02-2005, 04:28
COMM TO Tyraelia
This is the Sebecean Destroyer Udamahas, we have a lock on your ship, you are ordered to stop your ship and disarm all weapon systems, if you do not comply the Sebecean Imperial Forces open all weapons on your ship. As of now the space you travel in is Sebecean Territory. Banshee fighters will escort your vessel to a holding sector.
This Was Orginal Hail- Sent 13.45 HSST
25-02-2005, 04:29
"We are aware of no orders. Please repeat said aforementioned orders."
Oh yeah, those ten seconds are long over... we already fired warning shots at you.
Nanotech Army
25-02-2005, 05:12
OOC: great now that you guys have most likely destroyed the ships instead of disabling them we may not be able to figure out what they were and who they worked for
During the chaos the sensors picked up something intesting within the Sebecean fleet. "The data speaks for itself, the Sebeceans have cloaking technology," the Emporer thought to himself. "That is the only possible explanation of those ships being there one instant and gone the next." He then began analyzing the data, looking for some way to improve the sensors to be able to detect the cloaked ships in case the Sebeceans decided to go hostile. "And who knows, perhaps this will help find more of the ships like those which attempted to start a war between us."
25-02-2005, 05:29
OOC: Two reasons to blast the ships with everything,
1-Show what happens when we become threatened
2-To make pritty colors
Reploid Rebelion
25-02-2005, 07:41
(OOC) OOOOOOOO, pritty colors.
25-02-2005, 16:54
The ships explode.
OOC: haha, I love where you're going w/ this nanotech...
OOC2: I've got a great idea...
25-02-2005, 19:22
OOC: I am posting form maine! i have returned
Fellestarian History
The People now refered to as Fellestarians have little to tell for their history. What information they will give out is about the Psyker War
Around A thousand years ago the People where much like Humans and had a small empire. There technology was quite advanced
OOC: think Mechwarrior tech
They soon began researching in Psionic powers, this proved disatrous for the people where soon enslaved by a Power Hungry Psyker. They all became Souls trapped inside Mechanical suits OR a space fighter. The a small group of rebels lead by Drazkador Fought Against the Psyker and his mindless army by pitting those with souls and control of there minds against empty shells controled by The Psyker. After a lengthy War there planet was destroyed and the only hope is to go to the Zakane Monilith which is fabled to have been built by the people before the era of Psionics. All the surviving people, led by Drazkador Built with new found Techology a massive starship known as
The Fellestar and began a pilgramage to the monilith.
In personel Battles they use Halberds and swords the ship uses Pulse Weapons to fend of Attackers. There fighters also use Pulse weapons and also are equiped wiht large blades used to cut through enemy fighters.
Nanotech Army
25-02-2005, 21:23
ooc: Am I able to determine anything from my scans of the ships cloaking? Namely is there a way to detect them?
26-02-2005, 00:08
ooc: Am I able to determine anything from my scans of the ships cloaking? Namely is there a way to detect them?
OOC: they are visual and wavelength cloak, so most sensors can't detect them, but if you tune your sensors in a certian way, you will detect the anomolies of the ship, it also has a small visual distortion when veiw near by. But you can detect them, honestly how do you think we moniter them.
ONI Concordiat
26-02-2005, 02:55
<Process Complete; the Enemy does posess Cloak Technology!>
<We must tune the Scanners to them!>
<But only a Few, we cannot divert all Sensors>
<Process Complete; Enemy ships were NOT Setians.>
<Process Complete; Fellestar intact.>
<Internal Inconsistancy; Sequencer Override>
<Processor A output/input port engaged; Awaiting Process.>
Nanotech Army
26-02-2005, 03:40
RECONFIGURING SENSOR BLOCKS: now scanning various cloak wavelengths
SCANNING SECTOR FOR any cloaked vessels with special interest on vessels matching unknown vessels' configurations.
I should theoretically now know the locations of the Sebecean ships (although at this point I dont care too much). The main purpose of this is to see if I can detect any more of TehInterwebGame's ships in the area (if any). So do I detect anything Sebecean and TehInterwebGame?
26-02-2005, 04:21
Well if my ships go black, where we cannot detect them, not even small anomolies, the have a ping device which send status every 5 mins to 2 hours, you might see a sensor blip. My ships are currently regular cloak, and you might find their anomolies searching a planetary belt.
Nanotech Army
27-02-2005, 04:51
OOC: Im waiting for TehInterWebGame's response on whether or not I can detect anything of his in the area to be able to make my next IC post.
27-02-2005, 18:01
OOC: Nothing else is in the system from us.
27-02-2005, 20:38
After two sweeps of the system, we have determined that the system is safe and clear. We shall proceed in escorting the Fellestar through Sebecean Boarder Space, to their station. All factions are welcome to send ships to assist in the escort. The Sebecean Imperial Forces shall deploy 1 Karran Class Command Carrier and two Oppressor Class Dreadnoughts, and a 10 Support Type Frigates.
Nanotech Army
28-02-2005, 02:59
SCAN COMPLETE: No ships matching unknown vessels configuation detected
Scan confirmed. We shall provide 20 fighters to assist in escorting the Fellestar. One mothership shall maintain present position to await return of fighters.
The Protectorate appreciates your restraint in this situation which helped to avoid major conflict. We offer you a non-aggression pact with the Protectorate. Please respond if you are interested.
Protectorate Ships A1, A2, A3, A5, and A6 then set a course back to Protectorate Space and activate their Negative Energy Drives. Ship A4 launches 20 fighters which take up position around the Fellestar.
28-02-2005, 03:12
The ship shivered as the shots touched it, and it retracted into itself, into an amorphous blob.
It replied to the Setians. "Very well. As you have chosen to initiate hostilities, we shall continue."
A huge blast of psychic force, near-instantly converted into pure power, ripped toward the Setian ship. It would easily be enough to fry any traditional frigate or cruiser shield, and perhaps every mind on the ship. Another blast followed, this one carrying millions of metal, plastic, and organic material-eating spores. The spores did not reproduce, but quickly ate through nearly any material you could imagine.
It then morphed into a small, compact ball, perhaps as big as a marble. The marble-sized ship flew off, and started to enter slipspace.
(OOC: Attacking a naturally xenocidal race who have just managed to overcome their prejudices earns being attacked. Also, you have to take things in RP time. If I dont reply, because im not at the keyboard, does not give you an excuse to fire at me. Try and think of things in the time I have to spend at the keyboard, not vastly accelerated time. It wont earn you any kudos, anywhere.)
Nanotech Army
28-02-2005, 03:19
Thank you for your assistance in this enounter. Are you interested in beginning trade negotiations and/or mutual defence negotiations?
28-02-2005, 03:40
The Sebecean Democratic Imperium, will agree to a N-A Pact and a possible Trade agreement.
Nanotech Army
28-02-2005, 03:44
We are alarmed to learn that you have been attacked. Do you require assistance in repair operations?
ONI Concordiat
28-02-2005, 04:16
<Communciations Sequencer AutoResponse Engaged>
To Nanotech Army:
We would be willing to form a mutual-defense pact. Trade is another matter entirely. We would like it; but since we are programmed for military conflict, we would not know how to undertake it. You could speak with some of our diplomacy-programmed sentiences or our Internal Rationalization sentiences, if you would like. End Packet.
28-02-2005, 04:41
Drazkador sighed a heavy sigh of releif. it was time to go to the monilith at last
He gave the order and the ship began to move with its Escorts. They where soon to be a freed people.
28-02-2005, 04:45
On board the destroyer, the first bolt wiped out the primary shields, but as the second speed towards the ship, the captian ordered and the textbook tactic, of ejecting the forward armor, and jumping out of the position. The tactic work, and as the second blob hit the armor eating it, the ship fired two fusion missiles, and jumped. The missiles detonated destroying the ejected armor, the spores, and created a huge ball of light. The destroyer was saved.
28-02-2005, 04:55
The Fellestar and her escorts flew to the near by Sebecean Subspace Gate, the best way for this 'fleet' to get to the monolith.
OOC: Note that this gate can jump one large ship at a time, the Fellestar will be the middle one to go.
Prepare for Subspace Gate Initiation and Jump.
Initiating Jump Cycle... 1...2...3...Initiated
Ready to Jump Ships in 5...4...3...2...1...
Ready for Jumps
The Sebecean Command Carrier Balkora, passed through the massive gate, soon vanishing. The Gate cycled through within a second, ready for the next ship.
Nanotech Army
28-02-2005, 15:24
The nano-fighters prepared to move through the gate after the Fellestar
OOC: assuming that they have clearance
COMMUNICATION to Sebecean Fleet
Very well then, the Protectorate agrees not to attack or interfere with the Sebecean Imperium in exchange for the Sebecean Imperium's guarantee that it will not attack or interfere with the Protectorate. As for trade, direct access is not authorized but trade is. Please respond as to whether you agree to this or not.
OOC: in other words you cant come to a Protectorate world and trade but you can make an purchase or sale and pick it up or drop it off at neutral coordinates
Very well then, the Protectorate agrees to come to the aid of the Concordiat if it is attacked in exchange that the Concordiat comes to the aid of the Protectorate if it is attacked. This agreement excludes conflicts initiated by the Protectorate or the Concordiat.
OOC: in other words we will come to the defence of each other if we are attacked but will not help if you start the attack and suffer a counter-attack, that kind of help would require a stronger agreement.
01-03-2005, 01:00
The spore spoke once more. "I have offered ye peace, yet you attacked me. My brothers and sisters will not stand for this. Indeed, your frail civilization is doomed to failure. I bid thee farewell, and good luck. Thou shalt need it to stand 'gainst us.
01-03-2005, 02:28
The Sebecean Democratic Imperium, agrees directly to the terms. As with us trade will be done at a predetermined location, and any Protectorate ships in a Sebecean Core or Colony System, without clearance will make the NA Pact void, and war will be declared.
01-03-2005, 02:31
The spore spoke once more. "I have offered ye peace, yet you attacked me. My brothers and sisters will not stand for this. Indeed, your frail civilization is doomed to failure. I bid thee farewell, and good luck. Thou shalt need it to stand 'gainst us.
Your petty nation has not even seen the full force of the Sebecean Democratic Imperium.
Nanotech Army
03-03-2005, 03:44
OOC: let me know when the Fellestar reaches its destination; ship A-4 is needed elsewhere (specifically to assist in the destruction of the pirates that has started)
03-03-2005, 06:03
OOC: The Fellestar has arrived, and he can RP the scene...
Reploid Rebelion
03-03-2005, 06:03
From a point in space a radio transmission is brodcast. "Mayday, mayday, mayday, this is the Reploid republic starship Gotfreid declaring an emergency situation, the ship has sufferd massive damage and casualties, our drive is off-line, life-suport is all but gone, buy the maker, please send help."
03-03-2005, 06:08
A Sebecean destroyer picked up a distress message, near by. Ordered by the fleet commander, the destroyer SIS Reis was dispatched to the quardinates of the distress becon.
Draconic Order
03-03-2005, 09:24
The newly reactivated carrier, SEA Mandrake drifted amongst the asteroids, conducting a survey in this treacherous asteroid field, and with engines that desperately needed an overhaul, she had been crippled by one stray rock, now, she floated, fighters kept close to her, awaiting a repair vessel..
"Commander, we have incoming craft, unknown configuration" An officer said, her eyes pinned to the scanners, awaiting the repair craft that was meant to be here a while ago.
"Intriguing, Seeing as long range comms are down again, Keep alpha wing alert, lets see what comes of this" The Commander Responded.
"Yes sir"
~Much had happened in the sector of space close to the asteroid field. Now that the fighting had ended for the present moment, another ship entered the system, very close to the asteroid belt. It was a small transport carrying emergency supplies for the damaged carrier adrift in the system, contracted recently from a neighboring system. The small freighter made its way slowly into the asteroid field.~
Reploid Rebelion
03-03-2005, 20:59
When the SIS Ries nears the area the signal is comming from, all that it finds is a tiny wormhole, less then a millameter wide. As the ship closeis inon it, a second message comes through, "If anyone is out there, we won't be able to here your response, our recevers were melted in the supernove that nearly distroyed our ship, as of the last report that I got, there are only seven suvivors that have been found so far, and it's not looking good for finding others. Of the ships systems,only our gate-com, aft thrusters, shuttle bay two, reactor room six and cargo bay twelve have survived in working condition."
Nanotech Army
03-03-2005, 23:24
Protectorate Vessel A-4 starts going back to near the asteriod field where this all started.
After completing their escort mission, the nano-fighters return the the sebeacean gate.
Request clearance to use gate to go back to original coordinates
04-03-2005, 00:48
The monilith was insight. Drazkador sent a message telling their escorts they could take it from there. The ship Careened towards the large Structure.
"We thank you for you're help."
He told them finaly.
The Ship sent a electironic message to the Monilith. Suddenly the Monilith opened up a large hanger big enough to hold the Ship. It docked and there was silence for quite a long time from it......................then a huge BOOM was heard. A Large beam of bluish purplish light blasted from both poles of the monilith and silence once again overtook the area of space.
04-03-2005, 01:50
Protectorate Vessel A-4, This is Sebecean Gate Command, you have clearance to proceed. Activating Gate Proceedures now, please stand by for jump...
As the Reis neared a small wormhole, it received a another destress comm. In having a good Idea one where the distress was, the ship was then ordered to jump to the old star system; Order Search and Destroy.
Nanotech Army
04-03-2005, 02:24
Thank you
The 20 nano-fighters jump through the gate and head back towards their mothership.
Nanotech Army
05-03-2005, 16:30
OOC: I guess its time I took my leave.
The nano-fighters rejoined their mothership.
Setting Course for Battle Group Alpha
Protectorate ship A-4 sped away from the system, heading toward the planetary siege underway by Alpha Group.
06-03-2005, 01:03
A message was sent to all Ships commanders as if someone was speaking to them it was Drazkador
"Thank you for reuniting me With the monilith. I am now the only Fellestarian left. I have total control over all the Ships fighters and "soldiers" at this Facility that number for fighters and Troops is a Legion. I now have tasked my self with sending my forces to aid you in anyway possible, please tell me where and what you want my troops to do."
Nanotech Army
06-03-2005, 23:21
Just make sure to aid the forces of order in the universe and not the agents of chaos. That is all we ask.