Anime Temples and religions uncovered in TFU.
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 18:34
The Congress today after many years of reviewing anime related things has uncovered a huge amount of anime worshipers , and shrine mangers . the union believes this is due to the massive contact with the rest of the universe both internally and externally, even the president him self like anime to an extent . the Union supports this because this is socially ,beneficial.
I’m tom hammerhead reporting for the UFP Information and news service .. bleep
Cencus found 50 % of it is Yaoi ...
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 18:57
Bumpedy for war hawks
19-02-2005, 19:15
Once again, the peoples of The Fedral Union express their deviant minds when concerning these foul illustrations that depict false worlds of happiness and love where the decencies of a moral society do not apply. Thankfully the people of Kriegorgrad are free of this filth that taints the minds of Federal citizens, we do pray that some of your people have the intellect to see for themselves the mental damage this tripe inflicts, concocted by the most ignorant dregs your society has to offer.
And as if to add insult to injury, we found out that half of this "anime" is a special section called "Yaoi," a perverse series of magazines and programmes depicting men doing dubious things.
My I ask, what good is a homosexual in a community? The downsides are:
1.) Consume food and resources.
2.) Don't reproduce.
3.) Don't contribute to the country because they consume and do not even produce more citizens.
But, if this is the choice of the deluded people of The Fedral Union, the noble people of Kriegorgrad can do nothing other than stand by and look down on their misguided compatriots of The Fedral Union.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 19:20
Unlike most nations the union ,embraces social evolution and social diversity if one nation doesn’t want to evolve beyond racist boundaries we shall not get involved with them , but I suppose less evolved mines warrant guidance ,how ever do what would wish you are of no concern to us we are in space you are on earth .
19-02-2005, 19:30
Social evolution? What roles do homosexuals fulfil in a society? They do not reproduce yet they consume the same resources as an honest heterosexual. Homosexuals are also renowned as paedophiles that prey upon innocent children. And racism, if racism is taking pride in one's nationality and nation, helping to build a stronger country, helping to build its economy, helping to strengthen its borders and armies, helping to strengthen the people as a whole, if that is racism, then racists must be very good people.
Otherwise, I am not too sure what you are speaking of. Thankfully, we send homosexuals to forced labour camps so they can do some good to society.
Also, it's amusing to see a nation with such powerful technology, bound by petty things such as ethics, and the belief in equality. Equality should only be given to the deserving who will help preserver that equality, not to homosexual leeches who consume the state's resources.
Sorry, I'm finding it hard to get over the sheer madness of it, a nation with such potent technological prowess still believes homosexuals have a place in the perfect society. Yes, you may be ahead of us technologically but socially, Kriegorgrad is millennia ahead.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 19:58
The union finds that the future is bright if other nations do this as well it’s the first step towards total internal peace and no crime , if you do not see it there’s no hope for you .
19-02-2005, 21:00
Funny, in Kriegorgrad, where no homosexuals lurk, there is no crime whatsoever, this is because there are no homosexuals to taint the minds of good men. And your words on "eternal" peace are nothing but humoristic fancies, also, if humanity was in a state of eternal peace, no progress would happen because war and conflict is the catalyst needed for human progress, socially and scientifically.
You're spouting nothing more interesting the next liberal, please back up whatever pathetic arguments you may have.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 21:20
no crime becuse you enforce the law by the gun and keep an eye on your people at all times , we dont need to enforce our rulse so much evry one dose it them selves
19-02-2005, 21:44
We wish to point out that the Dumpsterdanian Ambassador for Kriegorgrad is gay, other then that this was a useless transmission.
PS: Your not getting your naval bases back.
Random Dumpsterdanian Diplomat.
19-02-2005, 21:52
no crime becuse you enforce the law by the gun and keep an eye on your people at all times , we dont need to enforce our rulse so much evry one dose it them selves
So, your people somehow defy human nature simply because they are federal citizens? Not likely, if someone sees 1 million credits in a doorway, they'll take it, they won't walk on. Human nature is built on greed and fear - and only through stimulating one or both of those emotions can one truly achieve a perfect society in which people walk through the streets knowing the they are safe from crime.
And only a fool would let a large mass of civilians - potential heretics - wonder the nation without supervision.
And to let you know, most of the people in Kriegorgrad are rather happy ones, knowing that they are fulfilling their role in the perfect society.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
OOC: You cheeky little sod Dumpst! I'll pwn j00 on MSN later - and I don't want my scaffy naval bases back!
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 22:05
we have no money in our socity per say so that point is moot and void
OOC: I thought you were finished with II TFU?
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 22:20
look at the locked thread some people conviced me to stay
The Fedral Union
19-02-2005, 23:41
19-02-2005, 23:48
we have no money in our socity per say so that point is moot and void
No, it is not moot and void, that was simply an example, I'll change the situation. There is an advanced starship left with its doors open and its open to robbery. Now, stop seeking temporary solutions in order to buy yourself time. And you must be a tribal anarchy if you do not have any form of currency.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
look at the locked thread some people conviced me to stay
In that case, carry on I guess.
The Fedral Union
20-02-2005, 02:46
No, it is not moot and void, that was simply an example, I'll change the situation. There is an advanced starship left with its doors open and its open to robbery. Now, stop seeking temporary solutions in order to buy yourself time. And you must be a tribal anarchy if you do not have any form of currency.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
Chuckells we have no use for money any more we'ev grown passed it
The Real ALM
20-02-2005, 03:10
OOC: Was this inspired by my anime religion, by any chance?
BTW, my anime religion is slightly different.....we're mainly straight in character and embrace all factions.
The Fedral Union
20-02-2005, 03:12
ALM i didnt see that thread how ever .. it could have "spread from your nation"
The Real ALM
20-02-2005, 03:29
Actually, I am okay with that. As for the thread:
20-02-2005, 10:59
Chuckells we have no use for money any more we'ev grown passed it
I seriously doubt a nation with such naive ethics could ever evolve past the perfect society, an area in which Kriegorgrad is proudly positioned. And to let you know, Kriegorgrad only uses money when communicating with other cultures, in Kriegorgrad, people are given coupons for necessities like clothing and food, which is a form of currency required to keep a society functioning.
I doubt your people have evolved one iota since their time on Earth, if they had, they'd realise that homosexuals have no place in a perfect society and that humans cannot be left to their own devices as human nature contradicts the level of freedom that many nations would like to acheive.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
20-02-2005, 14:46
I seriously doubt a nation with such naive ethics could ever evolve past the perfect society, an area in which Kriegorgrad is proudly positioned. And to let you know, Kriegorgrad only uses money when communicating with other cultures, in Kriegorgrad, people are given coupons for necessities like clothing and food, which is a form of currency required to keep a society functioning.
I doubt your people have evolved one iota since their time on Earth, if they had, they'd realise that homosexuals have no place in a perfect society and that humans cannot be left to their own devices as human nature contradicts the level of freedom that many nations would like to acheive.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
Obviously, your nation is still at a primitive level of knowledge about both Human brains and natural empathy. Homosexuality is natures method of population control, I invite you to study it without your eyes being tainted by your obvious prejudices, and it a society where infant death rates are kept low, yet the population continues to increase, such as in the case of TFU, it is expected that Homosexuals will be born, or "formed". They help keep a handle on an ever increasing birth rate, which gives TFU time to recalculate how the ever rising population can be looked after in an efficient manner.
And don't get me started about the biology, or census statisics of it all. But you just stay cooped up in your little box, believing in the grossly unachieveable goal of a Perfect society.
Of course, I'm sure you'll write this off as some kind of pinko commie liberalist propangda, leaving my nation to point at yours and laugh at just how naieve you truly are. After all, you don't even bother us with your technology, and you cannot compare to TFU either. We have sciences you colud never hope to match. And machines, sadly (Well, For your grossly biased point of veiw), don't lie. Yet they continue to prove that Homsexuality is natural in every way, and cannont be stopped. And tjat it's benefical if allowed.
And of course, like every judgemental nation of your time, you attempt to prove Homosexuality is evil by the fact they do not reproduce, or the fact "more" of them are paedophiles, or other such pathetic lies. You forget to rule out most paedophialiac acts are commited by a close family member, or friend, of which no tangible link to sexual preferences can be found. In fact, it seems to swing towards Straight men being the major offenders, following the results of the latest survey.
Oh dear, but that just wouldn't be part of a perfect society, would it? Straight men being paedophiles and lazy slobs that don't contribute anything to our society, put down, hated and revilied by a governemnt that hasn't the brains nor balls to attempt to put things right without murder? Never.
Arkady Gregorovich, President Speaker of Xenonier.
And to TFU - carry on as per normal. People have rights to beleive what they will.
20-02-2005, 15:12
OoC: Have you read 1984? And to let you know, TFU and I get on great OOCly, just in case you think I'm picking on him. And to let you know - I am an Oligarchic Collectivist state.
IC: Pinko Liberal? You obviously haven't researched anything about Kriegorgrad, for if you did, you'd realise we are nothing less than a glorious communist regime that is the embodiment of the perfect society. Everyone has a place and a role, homosexuals, who do not reproduce, do not fit into this society because, as I said earlier, they consume resources and do not procreate, therefore, they do not help further the race. A society of heterosexual will survive, a society of homosexuals will not.
And you make out as if we haven't achieved our goal yet, that is where you are grossly mistaken, Kriegorgrad is the perfect society. And to the contray, Kriegos statistics show homosexuals are 973% more likely to commit acts of paedophilia, so anyone who shows signs of homosexuality are sent to forced labour camps so they can contribute to the state even in their exile.
Also, we never claimed homosexuality was not natural, we know it is but it is still a devious practice and should be put down wherever is flourishes for the good of the children and the society.
And Kriegorgrad's glorious government never murders its citizens, we teach them about the glories of our society until they see the light, then they are reintegrated into the perfect society.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
The Fedral Union
21-02-2005, 03:12
IC: 973 % how is that possible if you have 100 % of some thing that’s all there is you can not have any more , our society is evolving passed many petty disputes and racial bigotry , thus with that we announce that one of the most worshiped Anime is apprently called Full Metal Alchemist ..
moving on :
The Union wishes other space nations to be open about this and other subjects we have legalized same sex marriage as well .
21-02-2005, 03:23
IC: 973 % how is that possible if you have 100 % .
It means that homosexuals have a 97.3 higher chance than heterosexuals to be pedophiles.
Do some math before you flame.
The Fedral Union
21-02-2005, 03:49
that was a flame ... wow ... plese enlighten me on how that was a flame..
21-02-2005, 09:58
OoC: Have you read 1984? And to let you know, TFU and I get on great OOCly, just in case you think I'm picking on him. And to let you know - I am an Oligarchic Collectivist state.
IC: Pinko Liberal? You obviously haven't researched anything about Kriegorgrad, for if you did, you'd realise we are nothing less than a glorious communist regime that is the embodiment of the perfect society. Everyone has a place and a role, homosexuals, who do not reproduce, do not fit into this society because, as I said earlier, they consume resources and do not procreate, therefore, they do not help further the race. A society of heterosexual will survive, a society of homosexuals will not.
And you make out as if we haven't achieved our goal yet, that is where you are grossly mistaken, Kriegorgrad is the perfect society. And to the contray, Kriegos statistics show homosexuals are 973% more likely to commit acts of paedophilia, so anyone who shows signs of homosexuality are sent to forced labour camps so they can contribute to the state even in their exile.
Also, we never claimed homosexuality was not natural, we know it is but it is still a devious practice and should be put down wherever is flourishes for the good of the children and the society.
And Kriegorgrad's glorious government never murders its citizens, we teach them about the glories of our society until they see the light, then they are reintegrated into the perfect society.
Comrade Leader Nikolai Fedorenkov
OOC: I never meant to suggest I thought anything of the sort. It's just that my leader, who has a long backstory of hating what he sees as mindless idiocity, has had it up to here with this sort of ideal. Nothing Personal et all, apologies if anything suggested that. As for 1984, a government that opresses it's people through cultural conditioning doesn't go unnoticed. Of course, my nation, even though It is FT, has contacts throughout Earth, so we have picked up on little cracks in anybody's "perfect nation" claims.
IC: Bah, right. Supposedly a perfect society yet you term something Natural as a Devious practice. Of course, your hpyocsricy is evident. Judging by your actions alone, you spit in the face of Communisim itself. Communisim has no titles such as "leader" in any way, shape or form. On the Other hand, I am mere a presidential (Signifying I am elected) Speaker for my own public, through direct democracy. Everyone is unequal until everyone has a fair say, and an equal share of the most priceless commodity - information.
Communisim has no tiers, your actions prove your own nation has. Futhermore, a Society of Heterosexuals will not survive if population restrictions are not in order. As it is, Earth is suffering increasing signs of ecological devastation and degredation caused by overpopulation. Earth was never meant to support so many Human beings - and her (Should you wish to personify) strain is evident. In such cases, Nature helps keep your population down, something few governments can handle themselves. Census's have shown, that both in TFU, Xenonier, thousands of other nations, and old Earth, that Homosexuals do not decrease the birth rate my any markable note. It is the 24-hour day, longer work hours, maternity issues with Women, societal issues in the workplace, increasing spread of STD's, and thousands of othe factors that have far more effect that Homosexuality.
But, of course, the thing I love about your statements is this illusion of a perfect empire. Communisim is an order in which everyone is broken down to the level of the common worker, rdespite method of employment, and then they establish a dictatorship of the proletariat - a Democracy. You lack both the parts of the Democracy, and the rule of the common worker. My sources know of this, as you allow your people no freedom at all. If Anyone who disagree with you is brainwashed to serve some pathetic greater glory, then you are no Communist nation at all. Sounds more like a Collection of powerful individuals and their hangers on who control every scrap of data, and use it to abuse people.
Arkady Gregorovich, President Speaker of Xenonier.
New Stamford
21-02-2005, 12:10
OOC: On the issue of homosexuals and population control, I'd direct everyone to a Sci-fi book called Forver War. In it, the Earth becomes first a third homosexual, then they are the majority (about 98%) and then heterosexuality is labeled psychotic, and the population is maintained at a steady 1 billion through cloning.
IC: The nation of New Stamford is not very accepting of Anime, and this "religion" has simply deepened its dislike of it. Although New Stamford is generally very accepting of religions (the Mayor of the nation is a devotee of Nys, the Sleep God, and Preachers of Buffalo Star crawl through the land, not to mention aggressive Catholic and Protestant activity) we feel that a religion based on what is basically badly drawn people and silly stories is odd in the extreme. You won't find many converts here.
The Fedral Union
22-02-2005, 00:55
OOC: On the issue of homosexuals and population control, I'd direct everyone to a Sci-fi book called Forver War. In it, the Earth becomes first a third homosexual, then they are the majority (about 98%) and then heterosexuality is labeled psychotic, and the population is maintained at a steady 1 billion through cloning.
IC: The nation of New Stamford is not very accepting of Anime, and this "religion" has simply deepened its dislike of it. Although New Stamford is generally very accepting of religions (the Mayor of the nation is a devotee of Nys, the Sleep God, and Preachers of Buffalo Star crawl through the land, not to mention aggressive Catholic and Protestant activity) we feel that a religion based on what is basically badly drawn people and silly stories is odd in the extreme. You won't find many converts here.
The union is not advocating the spread of this we leave that to its own devices , we mealy give the people freedom to choose whether they want to worship or watch it or not ,
‘ the union is not in the business of spread religions to other nations either .We do not go on crusades to spread or strike down religions either we are a peaceful nation unless you provoke us we will not meddle in your internal affairs or attack you.
The Real ALM
22-02-2005, 01:12
The union is not advocating the spread of this we leave that to its own devices , we mealy give the people freedom to choose whether they want to worship or watch it or not ,
‘ the union is not in the business of spread religions to other nations either .We do not go on crusades to spread or strike down religions either we are a peaceful nation unless you provoke us we will not meddle in your internal affairs or attack you.
We will concur with the Federal Union on this one. Any attempts to attack the Federal Union due to its anime religion will be met with severe force from the Virginian Armed Forces, and our allies.
Jake Featherston IV
Virginian Enlightened Combine
I'd back off, savvy? We at the Real Anime Liberation Movement have a tendency to get quite concerned when others start hating on anime for no good reason.....I'd hate to marshal the resources of millions of angry anime fans to teach you a lesson in manners, please don't make me angry.
Kimiko Ayasugi
The Real ALM
Cherry Ridge
22-02-2005, 01:15
Ridgian Government Statement
The Imperial Catholic Empire of Cherry Ridge
We officially condemn anime being allowed as a religion. This is heresy and blasphemy. However, we respect the Unionists right to do this.
22-02-2005, 01:17
The millions of anime fans in our nation concur with the Fedral Union with a big fat 'nyaaah!' (sticking out the tongue while pulling down an eyelid) :p
22-02-2005, 01:25
Official Statement from the United Republics of Tiburon
The Tiburonese government sees no reason whatsoever for any nation to launch attacks on the Fedral Union simply because at one point in time, an anime religion was significant in that nation. We denounce the various verbal attacks all sides have made, and hope a much more diplomatic air can follow suit.
As for the United Republics, we have not known an anime religion, much more of a very small cult following, although anime itself is widely popular throughout the nation.
As for the content of said temples... we're not here to pass judgement on anyone, although we highly doubt that as high as 50% of the followers of the religion could actually be male homosexuals; the figure would make much more sense if there were an equal distribution of male and female heterosexuals who adhere to said religion.
And as for homosexuality itself... Tiburon remains a free nation. Within the law frame, you may do whatever you wish.
OOC: Hey, Kriegs. Fancy meeting you here.
The Fedral Union
22-02-2005, 01:42
well the union allows its citzens to be free
The Real ALM
22-02-2005, 01:47
well the union allows its citzens to be free
I just thought of something...since our two nations share similar anime religions (though ours is generally "straighter" in sexual composition), perhaps we should sign an alliance, and exchange embassies? It is always good to meet a fellow anime fan who won't take s**t from anybody.
Jake Featherston IV
Virginian Enlightened Combine
Why would a religion be formed around comics?!?!
22-02-2005, 01:54
Why would a religion be formed around comics?!?!
Why not? Cults are formed around movies and TV shows all the time.
The Real ALM
22-02-2005, 01:56
Why not? Cults are formed around movies and TV shows all the time.
So Culex, you have anything ELSE to contribute?
22-02-2005, 02:01
Why would a religion be formed around comics?!?!
Speaking of which, why would a nation be formed around a book/movie?
Melkor? Siri? Any suggestions? ^_~
The Fedral Union
22-02-2005, 22:20
I just thought of something...since our two nations share similar anime religions (though ours is generally "straighter" in sexual composition), perhaps we should sign an alliance, and exchange embassies? It is always good to meet a fellow anime fan who won't take s**t from anybody.
Jake Featherston IV
Virginian Enlightened Combine
Sounds like a plan perhaps you could send your leader or delegate to our capital , and we can discuss things in more detail ? we would welcome you very much .
The Real ALM
22-02-2005, 22:49
Sounds like a plan perhaps you could send your leader or delegate to our capital , and we can discuss things in more detail ? we would welcome you very much .
That sounds nice.....I think we could have a chat. I'll send my Ambassador, Abigail Kleinwald, to the Federal Union to see what else we can do.....
Jake Featherston IV
Virginian Enlightened Combine
The Fedral Union
22-02-2005, 23:23
(ooc want to start a seprate thread? so we dont clutter up this one , i can start one if you want unless you'll do it)
The Real ALM
23-02-2005, 00:01
(ooc want to start a seprate thread? so we dont clutter up this one , i can start one if you want unless you'll do it)
OOC: You go ahead and start it, me, I might be backlogged with RL stuff, but I'll check it out once it is done.
The Fedral Union
23-02-2005, 00:40
The Fedral Union
23-02-2005, 02:31
To the Federal Union
We the Holy republic are interested in your temple discovery. Ironically my wife is also of the descent of the religion. We hope that we have travel rights to your region.
The Fedral Union
23-02-2005, 03:41
To the Federal Union
We the Holy republic are interested in your temple discovery. Ironically my wife is also of the descent of the religion. We hope that we have travel rights to your region.
Sure why not your wlecomed , though you would need a star port
The Fedral Union
24-02-2005, 01:25
The Fedral Union
24-02-2005, 12:34
bump again
The Fedral Union
24-02-2005, 21:15