NationStates Jolt Archive

Huntaer begins to create it's own Clone Army, and Genetic Army (FT)

19-02-2005, 00:43
"My lord, all cloning facilities are ready to ship out the first regeme of our clone army." Deshoonde states as he kneels before his emperor.

"That is good news deshoonde. What of the other facilities?"

"Ah... The subjects have proven themselfs... worthy for their enhancements. If they are indeed successful in war, then we shall begin to clone them as well."

"Exelent work deshoonde. We will soon have one of the finnest armies in the galaxy. You may rise."

"My lord, this is Colonel Yumarill Gorkan, head of the new Genetic Army."

Just then, a huge being walked into the emperor's throne room. Standing at 6'7", Col. Lieutenant Yumarill Gorkan was a sight to see, even for the emperor who isn't easily impressed. Col. Gorkan stroled up to the emperor and bows. "My lord."

"Col. Gorkan, you may rise. How do you feel about commanding a army?"

"My lord? What are you asking?"

"Exactly what you are probably thinking, Colonel."

"Lord, my enhancements shall fulfill their purpose in essence. I shall hold my oath to its fullest. For each one of us that falls, another shall take his place. There will be no surrender."

"Good General. Colonel Lieutenant Yumarill Gorkan, I hereby promote you to the rank of Brigade General, Supreme Comander of the new Genetic Army."

"Thank you my lord. I shall fulfill my duties till my death, or shall you ever realese me from command."

OOC: Basically, I don't have a main prefference for a army. I use both 40k Space Marines, as well as the SW storm troopers. I just find that if you combine the two universes together, you have a nearly indestructable army.
As of now, my clone army stands at a mere 50,000 troops.
My version of the Space Marine army stands at 10,000.

I'm slowly building up my army, as it was too weak before even with 1,000 Battle ready Sith-like people and the 200,000 untrained militia. My character was focusing on the creation of his fleet instead of his army. Now he has conducted new cloning facilities as well as genetic enhancement. No one is realy impacted by this, except Kyanges. And we are on good terms. Infact, he even told me to start to produce a larger army.
19-02-2005, 01:28
OOC: Nice idea. I like how you used both Star Wars and 40K.
Gaian Ascendancy
19-02-2005, 01:38
((OC- give it about twenty days (20 NS years) and people will start accusing ya of godmoddong, what with the size of your army. =^^= ))
19-02-2005, 01:38
Thanks. I use the same philosophy for everything else too. Though my main characters are Sith-like people.
19-02-2005, 01:39
((OC- give it about twenty days (20 NS years) and people will start accusing ya of godmoddong, what with the size of your army. =^^= ))

I plan on limiting the amount of troops I produce. Otherwise, then I would be godmodding.
Unified Sith
19-02-2005, 01:40
I advise that you use our cloning facilities on Kaminos, they are alot better than any other facility in the Galaxy.
19-02-2005, 01:42
I shall. Will it cost anything? Or does this include the defence of the G.E.?
19-02-2005, 03:42
Here are some more pics.
19-02-2005, 03:47
No one is realy impacted by this, except Kyanges. And we are on good terms. Infact, he even told me to start to produce a larger army.

(OOC: Nani? ("What?" in Japanese.) How does this impact me? :confused: )
19-02-2005, 04:18
(OOC: Nani? ("What?" in Japanese.) How does this impact me? :confused: )

I'm in your reagon. I think that would mean that we share boarders or something like that. Unless our space boarders are something like, the otherside of the galaxy to eachother, then it wouldn't affect anyone at all.
19-02-2005, 04:30
I'm in your reagon. I think that would mean that we share boarders or something like that. Unless our space boarders are something like, the otherside of the galaxy to eachother, then it wouldn't affect anyone at all.

(OOC: Nope, not really. I've mentioned before that my space was deliberately set up with at lesat 100 lightyears between me, and the nearest major race, including you. To be honest, I think that your "Devil's Ops are cooler by far. Not to mention, some what more original)
19-02-2005, 04:47
(OOC: Nope, not really. I've mentioned before that my space was deliberately set up with at lesat 100 lightyears between me, and the nearest major race, including you. To be honest, I think that your "Devil's Ops are cooler by far. Not to mention, some what more original)

Thanks. It took me from 6-8 pm to type up everything, and I'm still not done.
19-02-2005, 04:55
(OOC: *Completely off topic* What time are you planning to get off your comp?)
19-02-2005, 05:01
I would like to make the slightly geeky note that stormtroopers are not clones. Clones are clones and stormtroopers are people who joined up. That is all.
19-02-2005, 14:00
The Clone Troopers became the Stormtroopers when the Old Republic became the Empire...
19-02-2005, 14:59
I was under the impression at least some of the Imperial Footsoldiers were volunteers.

Anyway, On topic, good to see you are noting the R&D and production behind your army. God knows we need more of that. I'm just about to upgrade all my Soldiers to Grey Knight esque troopers (I just love the look, although these guys have shields, Missile packs and lasers and so on) and yep, I need to do one of these too.

And alongside all of that, do you play DOW?
19-02-2005, 15:01
I Do :D Then again, I'm a Wh40K based Chaos nation....Did you really have to ask? I have tabletop experience too tho'
19-02-2005, 15:05
OOC: Account name? At least In dow I don't have my nation taken over If I lose. :P

I'm a 40k fanatic too. Imperial Guardsmen are like my love affair. Dere's so many of em!
19-02-2005, 18:46
I'm also a 40k player. I collect the Necrons and stylized them to look "Skynetsih." I'd play as the space marines if my brother didn't start collecting them.