Black List of all terror groups
Eternal Dragon DPRK
17-02-2005, 18:23
OOC: Well after seeing various amounts of terror groups spring up I have decided that by doing some form of organisation chart.. Knowing who’s who and where in each country will make it easier to make alliances etc..
So this is all secret of course...
Contents page 1- [B]Neo-crusaders D.P.R.K(Mt)
Neo- black sun(Ft)
Black Widows(Mt)
Angels of Ankhmet(Ft)
Jihadi McJihad(M.T)
Romanokovski Family(mt)
Pax Maria/B]
Name: Neo-crusaders D.P.R.K
Operates in: (Earth III) North Korea , South Korea, Imperial Japan, China, North and South Indonesia, Possibly Taiwan, Maybe Australia.
Many more countries the group has been associated with, and has reported ties with a variety of extremist groups throughout Europe and Africa
Leaders: Supposedly led by Blaze Bloodlust and Lance axe
Members: Over 17-30 thousand known to operate in North Korea
A further 3-5 thousand operating in China
1000+ members supposedly operating in South Korea
2000 Known operating in North Indonesia
800+ South Indonesia
150+ Operatives supposedly operating in Taiwan
500 Japan
There have been many reputed claims of the group trying to gain access to the African and European market
Formed: Formed after Sephoto Bloodlust came to power. Many of the members and leaders are reportedly ex-Korean special forces
Home base of operations: North Korea
Ideals: The ideals of the Neo-crusaders are to reform back to the juche Lenisism/markism system, a system which was established by the North Korean leader of old, Kim Il-Sung. They are also pushing for a militaristic unification of the Korea, using the economic system that R.O.K has disputed about.
They also fear the growing capitalist powerhouse, and often denounce imperialistic capitalist countries.
E.G" Such as the recently destroyed U.S.A"
Funding= Little is known about where they get the funding from, although many believe that they are funded by recently exiled soviet Billionaires of old.
It has also been reported that that they have involved in selling of excess enriched uranium and plutonium, gained after the North Korean government decided to scrap their weapons programme.
Activities they are reputedly involved in: Drug trafficking, Kidnapping, Sabotaging, bombing, assassination attempts, infiltration, hijacking, illegal trades, hacking, selling military equipment, supplying training to other terrorist groups.
Wanted status: The leaders of the organization, Blaze and lance are known as international terrorists. They are wanted for a range of crimes and the reward for there capture is several million dollars.
OOC: Now post other groups in your country like this.......
Any criticism or praise is ok
17-02-2005, 18:39
Raven corps is a terrorist company that never actually fights but supplies terrorist groups.
Eternal Dragon DPRK
17-02-2005, 18:45
OOC:Just write it down similar to that format...Just state you supply rather then are readily involved in.....Maybe we can come to an agreement....My group has been in need for some surface to air missiles to use.....
Just with all the groups listed it will be easier.....Obviously there are some more i might list smaller extremist groups..
Green Sun
17-02-2005, 19:16
Neo Black Sun
Operates in: Space, Green Sun colonies, Green Sun planets, United Cultures, and rumored to be in Risban
Leaders: Supposively led by an Emperor-like figure
Members: 85% former Green Sun civilians. Others have been born into the organization or came from elsewhere.
Neo Black Sun is spread all over the galaxy. They are very large and their current activities are unknown. There are many rumors flying about, but none have been confirmed.
Eternal Dragon DPRK
17-02-2005, 19:24
Name: Black widows
Operates in: Indonesia, Philippines
Leader: Sophita Gainesboro
Members: 100 reportedly operate in P.I
70+ in Indonesia
They have reputed links to the Neo-crusaders and remnants of Al-martyrs brigade.
Formed: Shortly after North Indonesia gained independence
Home base of operations: Indonesia
Ideals: A strictly women only group designed to wage jihad against western armies. Many often join the extremist group through loss of spouse
Funding: Reportedly from warlords, strictly in control under the D.P.R.K name in Indonesia.
Activities: Suicide attacks, assassinations, bomb-making.
Wanted status: Very low on the international wanted scene.
Eternal Dragon DPRK
17-02-2005, 20:06
Name:Angels of Ankhmet
Area of Operation:Ankh, Akronos,Ankhmeti Colony Worlds
Leader:Sankh Orpmekh
Formed after the fall of Ankhmet, the AoA are the remnant of a Space Marine chapter of the same name, with a history dating back to the days when Ankhmet operated from a single world. They aim to return Ankhmet to it's former glory, and remove the Chaos cult which rules the Imperium.
Methods:assasination, bombing, assaults.
wanted status:Virtually unknown outside the Imperium.
17-02-2005, 20:52
Restore Sarzonia Task Force
Name: Restore Sarzonia Task Force
Operates in: Sarzonia.
Leaders: Attempting to re-organise after the Second Civil War in Sarzonia. Previous leader was former Vice President for Defense Terrence Wilson
Members: Hard to determine, but estimates range from 10-70 in various cells throughout the country.
Formed: Initially formed after Sarzonia enacted legislation that ended recognition of marriage as a provider of civil benefits. Wilson joined the organisation some time after he was fired as Vice President for Defense. The RSTF became active officially after President Mike Sarzo announced he was gay and in a relationship with former Sarzonian Secret Service agent Jay Tyler.
Home base of operations: Sarzonia
Ideals: The organisation's goals are to reclaim power and repeal all civil rights laws beneficial to homosexuals. They also aim to isolate Sarzonia from the international community by forcing Sarzonia to resign from its several alliances.
Funding: Little is known about where they get their funding.
Activities they are reputedly involved in: Currently small-scale terrorist attacks (your run of the mill blowing up a bus here and there).
Wanted status: The organisation was officially recognised by Hamptonshire's government as a terrorist organisation after Sarzo was captured and imprisoned.
17-02-2005, 20:59
Name: Jihadi McJihad
Supporting nations: Believed to be Malgeria and Jihadi Arabia, although more may exist.
Funding:Laundered money from the aforementioned nations bureaus of religious support
Goals: According to their website, the Jihadi McJihadists support the downfall of all western and/or capitalist nations, and the subjugation of all religions, which they wish to replace with their own extremist branch of Islam, called al-Jihadi Jihad-Jihad.
Agents active: Mostly in Freudotopia (because of the government being headed by the M.C.H.A.M.M.E.R. computer system) and other extremely capitalist, modernized nations.
Activities: Anything related to Jihad. (Suicide bombings, murder of governmental and corporate officials, more suicide bombings, public refusal to bathe.)
Wanted status: Freudotopia has an interest in annhilating every last trace of these mongrels, and all allied nations would do well to be aware of their insidious presence.
The Real ALM
17-02-2005, 21:38
OOC: Mind you, this is all Secret IC.
Secret IC:
Name: The Real Anime Liberation Movement, aka RALM, the Real ALM, International Church of the Clow, KSC Enterprises, Virginian Enlightened Combine
Operations: Worldwide, believed to be operating in Upper Xen (International Church of the Clow, KSC), the Merchant Guilds (unconfirmed), MetaEarth continent (Shin-Nihon Colony, owned by KSC), Virginia and West Virginia (as Virginian Enlightened Combine), Europe and Eurasia (unconfirmed).
Major Leaders: Kimiko Ayasugi (Shogun, believed to be the spiritual and political head of the movement), Karl Von Esling (heads the Tokko, a paramilitary force of combined spies/assassins and soldiers), Jake Featherston IV (President of the Virginian Enlightened Combine, Secretary of the United Freedom Party), Jonathan O'Donnell (Governor of the Shin-Nihon Colony on MetaEarth), Michele Gincarelli (Head of KSC Enterprises, a monolithic front company), Charles Gincarelli (Pastor, head of the International Church of the Clow)
Home base: Unknown, believed to be in Virginia and the Merchant Guilds, decentralized structure makes it hard to pinpoint.
Ideals: Outlined in the Declaration of Sentiments, primary document of RALM. RALM believes anime is the "universal unifying force in the world, and it's universal dominion is inevitable," and seeks to "defend otakus in threat everywhere.....defend anime everywhere it is under threat, and unite the world under anime." Those dubbed "thoughtcriminals and haters" (defined as those opposed to anime, and Asian culture, especially Japanese), must be "cleansed with unyielding and fiery Jihad, to make way for the eventual unification of all peoples opposed to anime and our way."
Formed: Shortly after a failed plebiscite that proposed to make anime a religion in the Demopublic of Upper Xen. When this failed, the original Anime Liberation Movement, as the group who proposed it was called, split into two groups: the Real Anime Liberation Movement and the Moderated Anime Liberation Movement. The Moderated died off, while the Real went into the deserts of the Xinjiang region, where they eventually fled after pressure from the Xenizen government to an unknown nation, believed to be The Merchant Guilds.
Funding: Receives aid from various sources, one benefactor is believed to be the Merchant Guilds (unconfirmed). It was believed that before its downfall, the J.L. Government of Roach-Busters aided the RALM with substantial monetary donations (again, unconfirmed). RALM also makes substantial money using its monolithic KSC Enterprises, which serves as both a money laundering and money making scheme, as well as a convenient avenue of transport for men and goods. Since the takeover of Virginia and the Settlement of Shin-Nihon, revenues in the form of taxes have flowed to the group via "financial aid" as well as "tithes" to its main religious front, the International Church of the Clow. It is believed that the group also managed plantations and oil fields in Shin-Nihon (under the Korematsu, Towser and Blacker Fruit and Mineral Companies) enabling it to make enormous profits there. Munitions are both purchased from reputed Russian Mob sources, as well as the Deadly Assassin Empire of the Cottonmouth, and made in Virginia, and by the KSC Enterprises company in Shin Nihon and in other areas it manages.
Activities: Initially infamous for launching spectacularly huge terror attacks in PIcaRMPCia (the Vreden nuclear incident and the attacks on highways near New Holandisburg), Bob-Omb (gas attack on the royal family), Winters End (dirty bomb, bank robbery), and in Present Day Comatica (the Springbrook Incident, Assassination of Emperor Lucius, among others), the group has now been more engaged in low key, if just as jarring activities, seemingly designed to create a Hapsburg-style empire linked by anime and force, if not by proximity. The group has been involved in settling MetaEarth, placing the regime of Jake Featherston IV in power in Virginia, and it is reported that RALM agents are in West Virginia now. It is also reported that the group is engaged in various finance schemes, and it may be plotting designs on Africa and in North America.
The group is notorious for using slaves, it was reported that some estimated 100,000-200,000 (mainly of feminist and environmentalist ideals) were purchased from the nation of Roach-Busters before it was forced to stop selling them. It was reported that the purchase of some 20,000+ Shoobooshaaban slaves was conducted. Proof of these transactions comes from Shin-Nihon, where it seems that many (at least 80%) of those who work the sugarcane and other tropical agriculture fields are enslaved persons, dubbed "contract laborers" for legal reasons.
The group's trademark style of attack is believed to be the use of poison gas, radiological materials or explosives, and it seems to enjoy subversive activity.
It has dabbled in assassination and robbery, as witnessed, as well as hostage taking. It likes to work behind the scenes, as many groups do, but it seems poised for bigger things...
Wanted level: High. Its infamy and early violence (plus the perpetual arrogance of its leader) made it a feared and hated group thought the world. In particular, Kimiko and Karl are wanted by the MassPwnage Skorpion Inquisitors, as well as the Xenizen CIA. The group however, is hunted generally wherever it goes......
Eternal Dragon DPRK
17-02-2005, 22:18
Annual Report on Terrorist and Criminal Organizations Operating within the Siapian Borders
Lucrecia Helmes, Siapian Inteligence Network
Romanokovski Family:
known operations- tariff evasion, smuggling (arms or otherwise), money laundering, illegal waste disposal, unfair corporate practices (e.g. offering kickbacks to nation leaders for granting a certain favored corporation exclusive market rights)
Fronts- Unknown for sure, but believed to have ties to the Siapian 4th Nat'l bank of the private sector, Siap Cola© and Pan-Siapian Arms Manufacturers. Marcus Romanokovski was arrested and the front company BEEPH was dismanted, but Marcus died of selenium poisoning in jail before he could give a deposition. currently, the family is almost impossible to nail down.
Size-beleived to have several thousand members, although most are believed to hold seats throughout the private sector. Very few are known of. Believed to have a hand in the senate, because most pro privacy and pro business legislation has prevented further investigation of them.
Northern Liberation Front-
known operations- armed robbery, extortion, car bombings of Siapian military installations, theft of federal property, assasination and abduction of Siapian officials.
Fronts-charitable organizations. Located throughout the northern archipelago of Siap, still demands independence of the islands, despite the partial autonomy the islands enjoy.
Size-3,000 members, extremely militant. The last mole we had in the organization was skinned alive and hung from the flagpole of the local military installation, so inside information is completely unavailable.
Eternal Dragon DPRK
17-02-2005, 22:46
Annual Report on Terrorist and Criminal Organizations Operating within the Siapian Borders
Lucrecia Helmes, Siapian Inteligence Network
Romanokovski Family:
known operations- tariff evasion, smuggling (arms or otherwise), money laundering, illegal waste disposal, unfair corporate practices (e.g. offering kickbacks to nation leaders for granting a certain favored corporation exclusive market rights)
Fronts- Unknown for sure, but believed to have ties to the Siapian 4th Nat'l bank of the private sector, Siap Cola© and Pan-Siapian Arms Manufacturers. Marcus Romanokovski was arrested and the front company BEEPH was dismanted, but Marcus died of selenium poisoning in jail before he could give a deposition. currently, the family is almost impossible to nail down.
Size-beleived to have several thousand members, although most are believed to hold seats throughout the private sector. Very few are known of. Believed to have a hand in the senate, because most pro privacy and pro business legislation has prevented further investigation of them.
Northern Liberation Front-
known operations- armed robbery, extortion, car bombings of Siapian military installations, theft of federal property, assasination and abduction of Siapian officials.
Fronts-charitable organizations. Located throughout the northern archipelago of Siap, still demands independence of the islands, despite the partial autonomy the islands enjoy.
Size-3,000 members, extremely militant. The last mole we had in the organization was skinned alive and hung from the flagpole of the local military installation, so inside information is completely unavailable.
Skinned alive thats crazy...... :)
17-02-2005, 23:15
Name: Pax Maria
Operates in: Greater Prussian Empire. (MT)
Leader: Unknown
Members: Unknown
They have managed to set up operatives through out the Greater Prussian Empire
Formed: Long ago
Home base of operations: Gretaer Prussia
Ideals: An extremely anti-christian group.
Funding: Robbery
Activities: Suicide attacks, assassinations, Bombs, Robberies
Wanted status: Extremely High. They have executed many Religous leaders recently, in Cherry Ridge and Golencia, however their attacks will be on anyone of the Christian faith or in the Greater Prussian Empire.
18-02-2005, 00:21
are these REAL NS terror groups, or just pretend ones?
Eternal Dragon DPRK
18-02-2005, 00:31
OOC: Real
The Black Agents
18-02-2005, 01:22
The Black Agents
Operates in:almost every know nation
Leaders: lead by 2 peolpe one female one male
Members: Clasified
The Black Agents were started by a Rogue Guardian-of-Light, and his wife. the Agents have been buying their time. Members do not join by free will. The Black Agents have operitives in almost ever hospital in the world. And every child born there is tested for a special hormone, once the Hormone is found the child is replaced with another child normally from an adoption area were mothers of newborns give up their children. the kids are taken to a Hq where they are trained in every know language in the world, encluding computer languages. Then the are taught every known Hand to hand combat skill, everyone from backyrad brawling to Shangi-ti-nigitshu. Then they must forge thier own armor and weapons. The black Agents are more Mersonary(sp?) then terroristic, but will assist terrorists in operations if payed to do so.
more info to come later.....
Eternal Dragon DPRK
18-02-2005, 01:51
PAGE 2 - The Black Agents
The Black Agents
18-02-2005, 02:48
see factbook for more info
Eternal Dragon DPRK
18-02-2005, 16:48
OOC: Bump
Eternal Dragon DPRK
18-02-2005, 23:39
OOC: Bump