Christianism Outlawed in Imperial Japan
Hachiman Tenno
15-02-2005, 14:09
IJN Broadcast:
Today, our Divine Emperor Hachiman has decreed that Christianism will become an illegal religious practice. The reason behind this decision was a meeting with a Christian religious leader, Bishop Francis. Upon beginning the meeting, Mr. Francis never ceased to insult the Emperor by calling him "an usurper of God's power" and "a worshipper of false gods". Along with recent government decisions criticized by the Christian community, this made our Emperor indulge in this course of action.
Starting as of today, all Christians are to either pay a yearly fine of 10.000$, or be granted exile to a nation willing to receive them. Those that refuse to do either will be sent to prison for 5 years.
In other news, The L33T Mining company has begun exploration of the uranium deposits found last year...
Staggering drunks
15-02-2005, 14:13
IJN Broadcast:
Today, our Divine Emperor Hachiman has decreed that Christianism will become an illegal religious practice. The reason behind this decision was a meeting with a Christian religious leader, Bishop Francis. Upon beginning the meeting, Mr. Francis never ceased to insult the Emperor by calling him "an usurper of God's power" and "a worshipper of false gods". Along with recent government decisions criticized by the Christian community, this made our Emperor indulge in this course of action.
Starting as of today, all Christians are to either pay a yearly fine of 10.000$, or be granted exile to a nation willing to receive them. Those that refuse to do either will be sent to prison for 5 years.
In other news, The L33T Mining company has begun exploration of the uranium deposits found last year...
The Raving clan of Staggering Drunks would be glad to have them, and recently the head of the clan issued this statemen to the Emporor accompanied with an extended middle finger
'Oop yer jacsie yon scunner that y'are'
The Merchant Guilds
15-02-2005, 14:14
We denounce this action and would advise Imperial Japan to re-consider it's actions otherwise there may be dire consequences for your nation.
-Random Guild Bishop
15-02-2005, 14:23
Ah, the correct name for the family of religions that recognise Jesus Christ as the Son of God is "Christianity". Thought you ought to know before certain nations (e.g. Cherry Ridge, Decisive Action, to name two possible candidates) decide to move you closer to Him.
That said, we are willing to facilitate the transport of these religious refugees, and find your suppression of people based upon their beliefs to be abhorrent. Shame on you.
- Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs.
15-02-2005, 14:26
Rheinlandistan expresses official protests on Imperial Japan's decision. Freedom of religion, except for religions that violate Rheinlandistani laws, is one of the basic rights in our country and it is guaranteed in our constition, and both our government and the people consider it to be our duty to both promote and enforce this freedom across the globe. Therefore we demand you to immediately reverse your decision, or diplomatic and economical sanctions will follow.
Have a nice day
Kurt-Johann Niemann,
Chancellor and acting Foreign Minister, Constitutional Monarchy of Rheinlandistan
PS:We are willing to receive any christians.
15-02-2005, 14:34
The reason behind this decision was a meeting with a Christian religious leader, Bishop Francis. Upon beginning the meeting, Mr. Francis never ceased to insult the Emperor by calling him "an usurper of God's power" and "a worshipper of false gods". Along with recent government decisions criticized by the Christian community, this made our Emperor indulge in this course of action
Good for them, I wouldn't take that kind of crap from a Bishop, either.
Dostanuot Loj
15-02-2005, 14:44
We congratulate you on keeping your nation to it's beliefs, and on your emperor for dealing harshly for the agressor Bishop, which we hope you did.
We would like to ask that you let the Christians remain in your nation as legal residents, if you wish to not allow them citizenship.
In the end, your decsion is your decsion, do not let others bully you around for what you decide to do in your nation.
High Diplomat of External Relations,
Brigadier Josef Rommel
The People of Naboo
15-02-2005, 14:45
The People of Naboo will gladly accept any refugees fleeing religious persecution and intolerance. Like others here we believe in religious freedom as a basic and fundamental right that our government can not take away. So, no matter who they are or whether or not they agree with my beliefs, they are welcome our country.
Eternal Dragon DPRK
15-02-2005, 16:06
OOC: Hachiman Tenno you mind if i talk to you by tg about something..
Hachiman Tenno
15-02-2005, 16:58
The Divine Emperor decides to close his eyes to the occasional insult, and thanks those who would take the Christians as refugees. Furthermore, he decides that the refugees get the right to choose to which lands they would depart, and facilitates education about the background and language of said chosen nation.
OOC: Tg sent.
The Fedral Union
15-02-2005, 17:06
*sighs* more anti (enter people here) in ns ...
The Imperial Navy
15-02-2005, 17:07
The Empire has no interest in religious incidents. Believe what you want to believe.
Seneca falls
15-02-2005, 17:18
Well I believe you are making a good and bad decision. The problem with all these love and acceptance religions like muslim(ism?) and christianity always end up killing people who oppress them or they force their religion on you, like Novaya Russia, although he was more drastic, he oppressed Christians and a christian nation invaded him. But I hope that doesn't happen and if it does I will back you up, I would take your refugee's but all religion is against the law except the worshipn of the god emperer and the church of seneca falls. Well good luck with your anti christian laws. Just out of curuiosity what is your nations religion?
15-02-2005, 17:21
ViZion is willing to accept these people.
Though we disagree with this, it is within your nations sovereign rights to do so, and we are very pleased to see you are not planning any genocide. We age that those nations threatening Hachiman Tenno cease their threats. You may allow it, but it is their sovereign right to disallow it, and he is allowing these people to pay their government to stay or leave to another country. If he was planning to use genocide, this would be a whole different issue, however he is not.
Thank you,
President Maybury
The Merchant Guilds
15-02-2005, 17:25
ViZion is willing to accept these people.
Though we disagree with this, it is within your nations sovereign rights to do so, and we are very pleased to see you are not planning any genocide. We age that those nations threatening Hachiman Tenno cease their threats. You may allow it, but it is their sovereign right to disallow it, and he is allowing these people to pay their government to stay or leave to another country. If he was planning to use genocide, this would be a whole different issue, however he is not.
Thank you,
President Maybury
We will not abandon our Christian brothers, however if Hachiman Tenno was to send them to another nation tolerant of their beliefs, we would be fine with this.
-Random Guild Bureaucrat
15-02-2005, 17:27
Before we say anything else, we wish it to be known that we view Emperor Hachiman as being quite narrowminded.
Because of his actions against Christians, we would be willing to open our doors to the Christian peoples departing from Hachiman Tenno.
~ Harry Walters, Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs, KOR.
15-02-2005, 17:29
IJN Broadcast:
Today, our Divine Emperor Hachiman has decreed that Christianism will become an illegal religious practice. The reason behind this decision was a meeting with a Christian religious leader, Bishop Francis. Upon beginning the meeting, Mr. Francis never ceased to insult the Emperor by calling him "an usurper of God's power" and "a worshipper of false gods". Along with recent government decisions criticized by the Christian community, this made our Emperor indulge in this course of action.
Starting as of today, all Christians are to either pay a yearly fine of 10.000$, or be granted exile to a nation willing to receive them. Those that refuse to do either will be sent to prison for 5 years.
In other news, The L33T Mining company has begun exploration of the uranium deposits found last year...
I don't take crap from christians either...good one Hachiman!
15-02-2005, 18:50
Because of the actions of their Emperor, our Parliament has voted for a Travel Ban to be placed on the nation of Imperial Japan, meaning that travel between Romandeos and Imperial Japan is totally forbidden either way until Parliament or His Majesty King Christian I removes the ban, which shall happen only when Christians are permitted to practice their religion within Imperial Japan.
In addition, any Romandeosian citizens currently in Imperial Japan are advised to depart.
~ Harry Walters, Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs, KOR.
Hachiman Tenno
15-02-2005, 19:21
We will not abandon our Christian brothers, however if Hachiman Tenno was to send them to another nation tolerant of their beliefs, we would be fine with this.
-Random Guild Bureaucrat
I believe I gave them a choice to where they want to be sent. Read my previous posts more attentively.
Seneca Falls: The religions followed by our nation are Shinto and Buddhism. Most of our citizens follow both, as they are compatible.
OOC: By the way, it's Islamism. ^^
15-02-2005, 19:31
As it has become evident that you are not going to agree to our demands, Reichstag has decided to initiate a trade embargo. King Wilhelm IV has signed the law, and it will be in effect immediately.
Have a nice day.
Konrad Carlsson.
- Deputy foreign minister, Constitutional Monarchy of Rheinlandistan.
Dostanuot Loj
15-02-2005, 23:31
The Divine Emperor decides to close his eyes to the occasional insult, and thanks those who would take the Christians as refugees. Furthermore, he decides that the refugees get the right to choose to which lands they would depart, and facilitates education about the background and language of said chosen nation.
OOC: Tg sent.
They are welecome in our nation, however they can not become citizens.
In our nation, only practitioners of the two government recognised religions, Sumerian Pantheonism and Taino Spiritualism, may become citizens.
They may however, become legal residents, and join our very small Christian community. We do not care what religion they practice, nor how they practice it. And the only difference between a citizen and legal resident, is the privlidge to vote, work in the government or run for office in the Civil Senate, and the last two also require a military background.
Job oppertunities are abundant for those wishing to come, as are our glorious education and health care systems, both free to citizens and legal residents.
The official languages are Taino and Sumerian, and everything is in one of or both of the languages, in either territory, however English is widely understood and spoken, as well as Arabic. Integration classes are avalible for those wishing to become legal residents, where they will learn the customs, traditions, history, and languages of our nation.
Commanding Officer of Immigration and Integration,
Colonel Ishme Dagan
15-02-2005, 23:34
As it has become evident that you are not going to agree to our demands, Reichstag has decided to initiate a trade embargo. King Wilhelm IV has signed the law, and it will be in effect immediately.
Have a nice day.
Konrad Carlsson.
- Deputy foreign minister, Constitutional Monarchy of Rheinlandistan.
We'll be more than happy to assist in the smuggling of goods in the unlikely event that Haichiman Tenno needs anything from that dump.
Upper Xen
15-02-2005, 23:41
We find this distastesful. I myself am a Baptist, we, an Asian nation, have many Christians (we do just fine, thank you), and I feel that this hatred of Christians is irrational. We will gladly take any Christians fleeing Hachiman Tenno.
Gordon Lew (Lew Fong-Shek)
Demopublic of Upper Xen
15-02-2005, 23:44
McEacherntopia has the whole seperation of church and state thing going. All religions are welcome. Refugees are also welcome. So those fleeing religious persecution are doubly welcome in McEacherntopia.
The People of Naboo
16-02-2005, 01:48
As a member of the UN, I would like to remind you of two resolutions passed with overwhelming majorities in the UN…
The Universal Bill of Rights
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
The United Nations shall endorse what will be called the Universal Bill of Rights, the articles of which are as follows:
Article 1 -- All human beings have the right to choose worship any faith, and to change their religious beliefs at any time without punishment on the part of the state.
Religious Tolerance
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Description: Whereas,
Freedom of Religion does not exist
in all countries in the world.
Too many wars are started and fought
because of religious differences.
There is a need for more religious
tolerance on Earth.
Therefore be it resolved that the United
Nations support and promote a greater understanding
of all religions and promote more tolerance of
differences of religion.
Be it further resolved that the United Nations oppose
all wars fought in the name of God and religion.
16-02-2005, 02:03
OCC: Most everything the UN says isnt taken seriously by most regular players, thus UN resolutions are declared null and void.
I believe your Emperor and his advisors are clearly mistaken on this radical action brought about by the words of a rightous man and faithful servant of God Almighty. We highly suggest that these polices of discrimination and heresey are revoked so that the good Christian inhabitants of your lands may practice their religon once again.
Jean Le-Blanc
Le département de Affiars International
Confédération de La Lachenburg
16-02-2005, 02:21
Count Down to Cherry Ridge Intervention...... 10.......9.......8.....
16-02-2005, 03:23
16-02-2005, 03:31
OOC: C'mon, Cherry Ridge!
IC: In light of the actions taken by the Emperor of Imperial Japan, it has been decided that a full economic embargo is necessary, and that the Travel Ban is hereby going to be upgraded. We are now requiring all citizens of Imperial Japan in Romandeos to leave within twenty-four hours or face arrest and the seizure of their property.
~ Harry Walters, Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs, KOR.
Cherry Ridge
16-02-2005, 03:34
His Imperial Highness John Antonette I has decreed that the this persecution be lifted immediatly. We are a Catholic nation and will protect our christian brothers where ever they are. If you do not, aggressive action will be taken. This may not be genocide yet, but it is leading to it. One mans remarks are not a whole religions fault.
His Imperial Highness John Antonette I
Emperor of Cherry Ridge
King of Burgundy
Dracun imperium
16-02-2005, 03:35
Offical Statement From Guardian Manstara
Many of you accuse the nation in question of something you all commit. Each and every one of you has different laws, practices and beliefs. Yet do we threaten invasion when one outlaws bubble gum? No, we ignore it. Just because it says something about religion you all pounce him. It's downright pathetic. Infect this has happened dozens of times before, but with different things. Yet you all ignore it. Your all hypocrites and you should learn to hold your tongue and think, then speak
TG to Emperor Hachiman
Greetings Emperor, we would be more then gladly accept anyone who wishes to leave your fine nation due to your new law. May I be the first to apologize, as a newly baptized Christian that I would like to apologize for this "bishops" behavior.
Guardian Manstara
16-02-2005, 03:36
(Announcer Voice) Ladies and Gentleman, Nations of all ages, I present to you, the king of christian rights... The Regent of Rightous Actions... The one who shall own this noob with every Nook and fanatic.... CHEEEERRRRRRYYYYY RIIIIDDDDDGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
16-02-2005, 03:38
His Imperial Highness John Antonette I has decreed that the this persecution be lifted immediatly. We are a Catholic nation and will protect our christian brothers where ever they are. If you do not, aggressive action will be taken. This may not be genocide yet, but it is leading to it. One mans remarks are not a whole religions fault.
His Imperial Highness John Antonette I
Emperor of Cherry Ridge
King of Burgundy
His Majesty, King Christian Woodburne I applauds His Imperial Highness on his actions against this persecution of the Christian peoples.
~ Royal Family Representative.
The Parthians
16-02-2005, 03:42
His Imperial Highness John Antonette I has decreed that the this persecution be lifted immediatly. We are a Catholic nation and will protect our christian brothers where ever they are. If you do not, aggressive action will be taken. This may not be genocide yet, but it is leading to it. One mans remarks are not a whole religions fault.
His Imperial Highness John Antonette I
Emperor of Cherry Ridge
King of Burgundy
You do the same to your religious minorities. He is fully within his rights to pursecute who he pleases.
-Shah Khosru III
16-02-2005, 04:24
Offical Statement From Guardian Manstara
Many of you accuse the nation in question of something you all commit. Each and every one of you has different laws, practices and beliefs. Yet do we threaten invasion when one outlaws bubble gum? No, we ignore it. Just because it says something about religion you all pounce him. It's downright pathetic. Infect this has happened dozens of times before, but with different things. Yet you all ignore it. Your all hypocrites and you should learn to hold your tongue and think, then speak
For your infomation, the last incident of religious persecution by government or Church in Macisikan was in 1723. The only limits on "religion" in our country are that it must not make compulsory acts that contravene secular law (such as female circumcision), it must not cause harm to either its practioners or to non-practitioners, and its officials must be respectful of other religions. Suppression of people based on religious beliefs is abhorrent.
However, we are grateful that you have choosen to insult us in this manner. Who are you going to confuse us with next? And on what issue? Decisive Action and race?
And as for the matter of "stop and think"; take the beam out of your own eye. You have managed to accuse nations such as ViZion, which tolerates all relegions (and asked the nations threatening war to kindly reconsider), The Imperial Navy, which takes the stance of "who cares?", and Rheinlandistan, who enshrines relgious freedom in its consistitution, of doing the same acts as Imperial Japan all in one statement.
There is only one problem with your accusation; it's wrong.
16-02-2005, 04:43
ViZion asks that all nations cease their complaining, bickering, and threatening. He has no plans to commit genocide, and is willing to allow these people to leave to any country that is willing to accept them. Many country, ViZion included, are willing to accept it. We highly suggest that no military action be taken against the nation of Hachiman Tenno. As long as genocide is not committed, he is within his sovereign right to do as he pleases, no matter how barbaric any of us feel it is.
ViZion is currently sending out 15 large transport ships guarded by 16 of its destroyers and a single aircraft carrier. They are leaving the harbor of ViZion City, setting sail to Hachiman Tenno's capital city.
Another 14 transport airplanes are preparing to take off to Hachiman Tenno. We will be picking up as many of these people as possible.
Any attack by any nation upon these ships, planes, or people will be considered an act of war, and will be delt with swiftly.
Thank you,
President Maybury
I personally find that war, however well-intentioned it may appear, will cause far more suffering and devastation than simply allowing people to depart a land no longer welcoming. While Krioval may not appreciate the Emperor's decision to outlaw Christianity, our struggles with the missionary aspect of that faith lead us to understand the motivations behind his decision. Ultimately, a peaceful solution presents itself, and I believe it should be taken.
Lord Raijin Dekker, Darklighter, the Light
Commander of Krioval
High Paladin of the Temple of Solokaro
16-02-2005, 06:13
Romandeosian forces might not actively attack this country, but I would not be shocked if the feelings of the international community were made clear in other ways.
~ Harry Walters, Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs, KOR.
OOC: Hachiman, in case you were wondering, that is an IC threat against your country.
Hachiman Tenno
16-02-2005, 12:01
OOC: Imagine my mortification...
IC: The Emperor announces: if you truly feel that you need to protect your Christian brothers, TAKE THEM AWAY FROM MY SIGHT. Laws in my country forbid racist and xenophobous remarks, which is what the Bishop did. Our Emperor was subject to religious intolerance by a religious leader. Do we want us to overlook this?
If you believe me so badly to commit genocide, fine. I'll start executing Christians right away. No, I can't. Why? Because it's against my policies to assassinate my nations' own residents. I've given them the choice to pay a tax if they wish to stay, which is something many other nations never did. Instead of sending them to a remote island where they would wait to be sold to just about any country that would use them as slaves, I gave them choices, and helped them integrate in which country they would accept as their own, using a good portion of the education budget.
Also, the only way that Christians would die is the nations that have threatened me do declare war. But it would not be the ones already in our nation. Think about it.
16-02-2005, 12:24
I don't blame you for wanting the christians out; first of all they say everything is naughty, second of all they are no fun in bed!
16-02-2005, 13:54
OOC: Imagine my mortification...
OOC: It is not necessary for me to have a powerful military to do damage to a country, y'know. In any case, it's just IC-talk.
IC: If you harm a single hair on the head of a single Christian, you will earn the Wrath of God as well as the wrath of several countries, so I would advise against executing them. It is not the right of any leader to persecute people in his or her country-even if he is a living god, or whatever is it you happen to believe you are.
In any case, we are still quite willing to accept the Christians leaving your country with no financial charges to them.
~ Harry Walters, Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs, KOR.
16-02-2005, 14:42
To: Bishop Francis of Hachiman Tenno
From: Cardinal Augustus Brown of the Jeruselem Catholic Church
We are surprised at the decision to outlaw Christianity in Hachiman Tenno. Since they have been attributed to your direct insults to the Emperor of Hachiman Tenno, we ask you learn a little diplomacy. There is no need to insult the leader of your nation to his face especially in feudal or imperial government.
It's God will you spread the word in a civil and peaceful matter where the community can look on Christians in a manner of respect. Outbursts of zeal do not help the matter. Rome was not built in a day, so neither will your Christian community. You must win converts through the words of the bible as the word is what people need to hear.
I ask you to tone down the rhetoric and concentrate of what God wants. Salvation of the God's peoples even if they are surrounded by other religions. The fight is with the word not an insult match.
God bless
Dracun imperium
16-02-2005, 22:30
To Macisikan
You seem to take my argument terribly wrong. Where did I accuse Vizion of going wrong? Infact they're the only sane ones here and a few others, by the way which includes Imperial Navy. My argument is simple, just because he says he outlaws a religion you all "blah blah blah", yet if someone goes and establishes a dictatorship no one cares, no one goes and tries to stop it. No they let it happen. Learn your words carefully Macisikan, we a nation of peace are treading close to a war like letter. This is not a very good thing now is it?
Guadrian Jason Manstara, Guadrian of the Dracun Remnant
16-02-2005, 22:36
ViZion's transport planes are nearing Hachiman Tenno's airspace, and we are requesting permission to land and begin to gather the Christians. (In RL time) Our ships will be at the edge of your waters in 2-3 hours. We are requesting ahead of time clearance to enter.
Thank you,
President Maybury
17-02-2005, 05:15
To: Guadrian Jason Manstara
From: Ministry of External Affairs
Subject: Diplomatic Matters
My Lord Guardrian,
We refer you to these statements issued by your office;
Many of you accuse the nation in question of something you all commit.
[emphasis added]
Just because it says something about religion you all pounce him. It's downright pathetic.
[emphasis added]
In fact this has happened dozens of times before, but with different things. Yet you all ignore it.
[emphasis added]
You're all hypocrites and you should learn to hold your tongue and think, then speak.
[emphasis added]
In each of these the key word is "all". As these statements were issued after the statements issued by ViZion and others, therefore, due to reasons based upon the logical and semantic structure of the language, they can, and in this case have been, construed so as to apply to every one of the parties previously mentioned, including the parties that have been mentioned in the most recent statement received by this office from your own, thereby in the case of the nation which this individual represents causing a degree of ill feelings directed towards the originators of the original statement.
Of course, the matter of less than desirable nations establishing extreme authoritarian regimes over their respective populations while the more desirable nations do not employ any means diplomatic or otherwise to engage the authoritarian regimes over such matters is a cause for concern among all more desirable national leadership groups, however there is a countervailing consideration of infinitely superior magnitude involving your national complicity and prerogative maleficence with a consequence that the taint and stigma of your nation's former associations and diversions which could irredeemably, and in fact irretrievably, invalidate the adopted position and culminate in public revelations and recriminations of a profoundly embarrassing and ultimately indefensible character and therefore the assumption of such positions should be considered with a great deal of care and forethought before they are assumed particularly in such grave situations.
Finally, in reference to the last phrase in the statement that you have issued to this office, when taken into consideration with previous statements issued by your office in the recent past, seems to be of a nature so profoundly inconsistent with the prior sentiments as to cause a degree of concern, particularly when certain other associated facts are taken into consideration, including the present and past associations of the nations concerned in this matter, and could, in the view of this office, cause a degree of inconvenience for certain parties who are mutually respected and aligned by both the nation this office represents and yourselves as to make it of the utmost preference for all parties concerned if this matter was not escalated further, the effects of which would be most desirable particularly for a certain party currently engaged in negotiations of a delicate nature the outcome of which is directly dependent on the status of the nation represented by this office remaining steadfastly neutral in all international matters.
We thank you for your time and consideration in this matter, and are confident that you will understand our position, and realise that it is in no way intended to be confrontational to your nation, or to any party involved, save for dissaproval on the part of our nation towards Imperial Japan, as well as a similiar sentiment to that expressed by yourself to other nations based upon their inactions in certain matters previously mentioned by this nation that we mutually share.
Lady Justina Valdir, Minister of External Affairs.
Dostanuot Loj
17-02-2005, 05:17
OOC: Hachiman Tenno, perhaps you could post how many people are leaving to what nation? I wouldn't mind knowing.
17-02-2005, 23:20
We ask Hachiman Tenno permission to allow us to land and dock, and we will begin to collecting those who wish to leave.
Hachiman Tenno
17-02-2005, 23:21
OOC: Sorry about abandoning you guys yesterday. I'll go and count them myself now ^^;;;
IC: The media of Christians for each of the countries that has suggested to welcome the Christians is about 600. This does NOT include Romandeos, as the nation forbade any travel between both our nations. And seeing they are still legal residents of our nation... About 300 chose to stay in our lands and pay the tax. They will not be harmed in any way. Permission to enter our airspace has been granted to all transport planes.
17-02-2005, 23:31
OOC: Meh. I do it all the time, and so do most people. RL can be sooo annoying ;)
While we disapprove of your original actions in this matter, we can understand why they were taken and we are most pleased that you have shown a degree of restraint and not chosen a more military course of action. In our opinion this speaks well of Your Majesty and your nation. We also commend ViZion for their actions in securing the refugees and offering them a new home.
We have but one question; there are hundreds of different sects of Christianity, and most of them are not on speaking terms with the others (to put it politely). Our question is "was it absolutely necessary to include all of them in this ban? would it not have been more appropriate simply to ban the denomination represented by that Bishop?"
-Ministry of External Affairs.
17-02-2005, 23:36
OOC: No prob
Hachiman Tenno, thank you. We will be handing shortly.
We have ships on their way, too, to help evacuate the Christians. Do they have permission to enter and dock at your ports?
We also thank Macisikan for their praise of our efforts. We feel that this needs to be done to assure both parties will not choose military to fight for their views, and for the sake of these Christians.
Hachiman Tenno
17-02-2005, 23:55
The different sects of Christianism have gave us trouble in the recent past more than once. Though the majority is composed of Catholics, there have been commited acts of violence between the Catholic and Protestant communities. The ones who stayed behind were exclusively rich Protestant families. Perhaps someday the Emperor will allow the Protestant sect freedom of worship, depending on how things devellop.
On another note, our docks open to the ships willing to take the refugees away. We thank you all for your cooperation.
OOC: When I mean all, I mean the ones who would take them "out of my sight" :D j/k
18-02-2005, 00:04
We must also thank you for your cooperation. We will be docking in a while. Our plans are arriving.
18-02-2005, 00:35
The Dominion of Apennines regrets the decisions made by Hachiman Tenno, but recognizes his right to do so.
We are more than happy to accept any and all Christian refugees to our humble nation and region.
We will be sending vessels over immediately.
18-02-2005, 01:03
This does NOT include Romandeos, as the nation forbade any travel between both our nations.
It would appear you have misunderstood us, sir. We meant all regular travel in between our two countries was banned. If a Romandeosian currently living in the sovereign territories of Hachiman Tenno may feel free to re-enter here, and any Christian fleeing Hachiman Tenno may come here freely as well.
~ Harry Walters, Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs, KOR.
Dostanuot Loj
18-02-2005, 05:37
We will be re-routing an AN-225 military transport that is practising exercises off our coast to your nation to pick up all who wish to come here. And we would like to appologise ahead of time for the less the first class conditions aboard the aircraft. Although the bight side they may be able to take as much of their posessions as possible, if not all.
Commanding Officer of Immigration and Integration,
Colonel Ishme Dagan
18-02-2005, 05:52
As the ships began to dock, the men and women on them looked at the land in awe. They had heard of how beautiful Japan was, but there were many who had never been to Japan before. It was majestic.
The same sort of reaction applied to those on the planes after they began exiting it. They took in the landscape, the sky, the air. It was such a wonderful place.
Within a few hours, the people awaited orders as the top-ranking officials went to the capital.
"We need the addresses of all the Christians who we are deporting. The sooner we can get that, the sooner we can get these people deported, which is a plus for everyone." stated Colonel James R. Bradley to a government official of Imperial Japan.
Hachiman Tenno
18-02-2005, 12:24
"We've already taken care of such matters." The official to which Colonel Bradley spoke to replied. "They should be arriving at the assigned docks and airports by bus at any time."
Indeed, about half an hour after they began to arrive at the ships and planes destined to take them away. Some were sad to leave the land, others couldn't believe their fortunes and shouted aloud swears to the government.
18-02-2005, 13:35
Hachiman Tenno, doesn't the good Bishop reply to letters or shall I translated it into Japanese :)
(See page 2)
18-02-2005, 13:44
we praise imperial Japan for their most wise action in outlawing this deadly Bolshevik cult called Christianism.
21-03-2005, 03:25
"We've already taken care of such matters." The official to which Colonel Bradley spoke to replied. "They should be arriving at the assigned docks and airports by bus at any time."
Indeed, about half an hour after they began to arrive at the ships and planes destined to take them away. Some were sad to leave the land, others couldn't believe their fortunes and shouted aloud swears to the government.
Colonel James R. Bradley was quite suprised that this was already being done. "Well, that much less work for us. Thank you, sir." he said before walking out.
As the Christians began arriving, they were given instructions, their names, addresses, birth, and family information, among other personal information, were collected. About an hour later, the first set of people cleared to board were allowed to begin their boarding process.
Sel Appa
21-03-2005, 03:37
Sel Appa believes this is an important move towards perfection. However, we beleive that Christians should be allowed to pray on their own, but not congregate in public for prayer. The Christian population is very small and is not affected much by this.
Miehm will accept as many refugees as seek our borders.