OOC: newbie to FT RP
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15-02-2005, 03:17
I'm kinda new to RPing (only a few months of actual serious RPing on an Invision, and never on this board) and just now created a SW FT version of my nation. I'd like to RP for a claim on a SW planet, Mon Calamari or Thyferra if possible. (not if someone else already has a claim to them though) Would someone be willing to give me some pointers and RP against me? I'd also like some help with fleet composition (it's harder with FT... dunno how logistics works for SW units or what decent fleet sizes are for X population)
15-02-2005, 03:20
I would be glad to. Post with more later...
Ah, found what I was looking for.
Generaly people dont claim planets from fiction, but I dont know that its viewed as 'bad'. Most people just use the races and leave it at that.
As to fleet composition, for new players its usualy pretty small. About ten mid-sized capitol ships (if that). As to logistics, it depends on what tech your using. I think (not sure) most star wars ships use a combination of fusion and solar power, so they wouldnt need lots of resupply on that bit, but they have limited supplies of food/water.
Water you can get from asteroids and such, I suppose, and food could be grown.
Well, google Star Wars Tech...it might work :)
For an RP, I would be glad to help you. Ive wanted a good war for a while now :)
15-02-2005, 03:25
I have a "Guide to FT Rping" somewhere, that basically tells you how to not wank. It is harder to stay balanced in FT than modern, especially with made-up nations and societies. I tend to just field armies that I feel are right for my size (I went into my first war against a billion+ nation with a fleet of 11 destroyers I believe).
Anyway, I'll try and find the article for you. I'd offer to RP but my commitment is rather iffy, and I don't want to leave you hanging.
I wanna get in on this practice RP too. I am a noob to board RPs and I need to learn also, war is approaching
15-02-2005, 03:34
This is an article written by Iuthia, one of the more respected FT Rpers around here. Not sure if he's still around, but he was a good guy.
Space RP Suggestions for a Friend
Introduction: Welcome to my rather brief guide to role-playing in space, mostly aimed at players like The Fedral Union and those who RP around him. The reason I’m keeping this OOC is to avoid all the IC issues that surround these nations and how they all seem to be pretty angry at one another and just love making accusations. Why am I writing this? Well lets call it a last ditch effort to slam some sense into a certain region of International Incidents, I did inform TFU that I would be writing something like this more or less to help him out… he can take it or leave it if he wants.
You would think that a lot of these nations have been role-playing space a lot longer then I have and would be more experienced at it, in general this is correct, but due to the fact that these nations commonly have arguments about number-wanking, tech-wanking, puppet-wanking and stat-wanking I think it’s about time we organised something to point out how role-playing etiquette fits into the space universe.
Please note these are suggestions, not laws or rules. They are not official and they are only being mentioned to hopefully point out some problems. Also note I will be changing this as I go along as I may have missed points… I’m fully prepared to change if someone has a better suggestion.
Why is it invite only then? Well that’s simple enough; because a lot of people like to take any opportunity to have a pop at the Fedral Union whenever someone points out their problems. This means that I’m forced to keep this between nations who generally RP with the Fedral Union and understand that if they are going to post in this thread they should be constructive… I will only warn you once before asking you to leave, if you do not leave then I will point out to a mod that you are being bothersome and they will warn you to leave. This is not an attempt to insult anyone, just help out with the arguments.
General Role-Playing Suggestions So that’s the basic idea of the thread out of the way, now on to the actual suggestions themselves. As many have noticed throughout the many role-plays in space, a lot of them in International Incidents have ended in arguments and claims that one player is ignoring the other, here are some tips to help avoid this:
- >> Work things out OOC: First piece of advise is fairly simple; you will find that when you start an role-play with a nation you may have combat with, you will find that most of the time you will both have different technologies and ideas on how the role-play will go. As such it’s important to work out any problems OOC before you start the RP. You can do this in MSN, telegram or even in a separate thread… if you don’t do this you may waste a lot of time arguing with the other nation over the power of your weapon, why they aren’t taking enough damage and so on. Work out how your technology will interact with one another… bare in mind people RP many different times and technologies and to say that yours is automatically better in every way will put them off role-playing with you. Work out an agreement.
- >> Spelling, Grammar and Format: This is a quick addition, but basically if you want to be understood you should make it easier to read for everyone else. Basically you should try and make sure that you’re spelling it reasonable, your grammar is ok and your format makes it easy for people to read. The best way to achieve this is to use a program like Win Word to spell check your post and maybe even point out some grammar problems. However your format is down to you. The best advice I can give you is to remember to space things out so it’s not all in one clump. Basically look at other peoples posts and see how they do it, who’s post is easier to read, which one looks neat… and so on.
- >> Its freeform baby! Yeah, I know I should have pointed this out earlier, but it goes without saying. You can RP anything you want and there is little anyone can do about it. However, while this is the case the little people can do about it includes the ignore feature, if you are being unreasonable with your latest idea people may choose not to acknowledge this. Remember, while you can role-play anything, you can also ignore anything. So while you can RP your nation being the best in the universe, everyone else can ignore such a claim and choose not to RP with you. That’s the beauty of freeform, and it’s greatest frustration. This is why you should be reasonable.
- >> Be reasonable: This one is related to the last tip, basically you are both about to role-play a story which may end in some form of combat, or maybe even start with combat. However you can’t assume that NS is a competition that you can win, think of it as a cooperative storyline where you each add a party and play out a battle. The winner can be determined by both of you depending on how well you do against the other; you can probably come up with an agreement as to the winner assuming you didn’t decide at the beginning. Don’t just assume that because Star Trek technology will automatically win against Homeworld technology… you are here to write a story, not wank over how superior your technology is. However, that said, if the other person admits they are weaker but are willing to role-play a futile attack/defence then fair enough, because it comes out as interesting for both players…
- >> Be descriptive: This isn’t really as important, but it makes the thread a whole lot better. The more description you put into it, the more interesting it is to read and the more you will enjoy the role-play on the whole. It also allows the other player to have a better idea of what’s going on. However, it’s possible to have too much description… its up to the individual player, but try not to let the information get drowned out by the description.
- >> Show (OOC) respect: You may or may not respect the player you are role-playing with, but if you are going to insist on role-playing with them I would suggest you don’t insult them or their role-play fashion… after all, you are role-playing with them right? So at least role-play with them without going out of your way to insult them otherwise you will end up with nothing more then a bitch-fest on your hands. However, on the other hand, don’t assume every OOC criticism is intended as an insult, if you don’t like it then respectfully ask them to not to criticise like that… in the end they can choose not to role-play with you if you won’t pay attention to their problems.
- >> Have fun: It gets forgotten a lot of the time but Nationstates is just a game; albeit an addictive game which takes a lot of time and effort for some people. The important thing is to have fun; if you are not having fun then you should try something else. Tired of having wars with everyone? Chill out and try something else, make peace with those you fight or have a peace conference… that way you automatically have a character/diplomatic role-play. Or perhaps you don’t have enough combat… again, you can probably find something to get involved with or if you want to keep a good reputation you can role-play war games or something. Just enjoy yourself.
Combat Role-Playing Suggestions: Now that we have the basics out of the way, I think it’s time to move on to the more important parts of looking at combat itself. The problems here are that players often do things like deny the other player of the chance to defend themselves and so on. So these are the hints regarding combat:
- >> Work things out OOC: Oh dear, I’ve mentioned this one before, however I feel that this one is damn important for a combat role-play. In space, or anywhere for that matter, you will find that the other people will have different weapons and different ideas on how effective they are. Hell, both of you are using fictional weapons in a fictional universe, so how about working out together how effective your weapons would be and so on. This is important because if you don’t you may not like how the other player role-plays the damage he takes and argue about it, which would damage the thread. You can also talk about the speed of the thread here too, like if you want to bother role-playing mobilisation and deployment, mentioned below. Different players work at different speeds, work it out first guys.
- >> The Basics: These are the actual rules you shouldn’t be ignoring but a lot of people do anyways. I shouldn’t have to mention these but I guess that with people acting as they do it needs to be included. We are talking about things like claiming other people’s damage, role-playing other players’ character/forces and generally taking all the fun out of the role-play for the other players.
Firstly there is the godmode that is claiming damage. Freeform role-play is designed around the idea that you can role-play anything you like however you like. However you can only RP your own stuff, and more importantly, to make combat fair the defender chooses how much damage he takes from an attack. It’s a godmode to claim their damage for them; however it’s a godmod for them to ignore damage completely. As we all know, you can RP whatever you like, but if RP something in a way others can’t agree with, they can ignore whatever they like, including you.
Then there’s simple role-play etiquette like role-playing another nations forces or characters. You have to get permission to do so otherwise you will be enforcing something they may not have wanted to do; they control their people and you control yours. Breaking this one is to me a rather serious thing and I generally ignore any action which RPs when I didn’t allow them to do so.
You also need to know that you can’t puppet wank. This is basically the description I use of nations who use puppets to make their nation stronger then it is. You have one nation, you can’t use puppets to make it have more people or more forces… you can’t control another nation and claim it’s an ally, basically put puppets shouldn’t interact. Each nation is independent and one player can’t use two nations for the same problem.
- >> Mobilisation and Deployment: Ah, we are now on to the good stuff, you will recognise these words as being distinctively military based. Well now we discuss the importance of describing how your forces got into the combat, sometimes you won’t have to do this because neither player wants to bother with it… after all; you have a battle to get to. But to be safe, I’ll cover it here because many nations feel it is important and adds a level of realism.
Mobilisation is the process of getting your forces together and organising them so they are ready for action. This process is usually costly and you can’t really have your forces mobilised all the time because that’s pretty expensive. For space, imagine if your fleet was always on red alert, you can’t keep it up all the time. However could probably be done fairly quickly but remember that your forces could be all over the place so it could take some time, future tech or not.
Deployment is the process of moving the prepared forces into the areas they are going to be needed in. This can take a while and it depends on the speed of your vessels, you can use deployment to your advantage to flank and position yourself in the best area… however it needs to be said that the other side has to do this too so getting a good spot isn’t always possible. Both deployment and mobilisation should take at least a post each. Mobilisation takes more time depending on how much you are mobilising and where they are at the time. Deployment takes as long as it takes you to get the forces to the area you are deploying too.
- >> Take Turns You are in a cooperative story, it only makes sense to take it in turns to take actions. Basically you make your move and then allow them to make their move, fairly simple really. However, you can make more then one post at a time if you are bumping the thread a little or adding new information but you aren’t doing any more actions. You can also post more then once to describe action which isn’t going on between you and your opponent, such as reinforcements (bare in mind you can only post for the reinforcements once for each time your opponent posts). Basically, you do your bit and they do there’s… its simple.
- >> Made up statistics mean very little: Lets face it, we all know half of International Incidents is filled with posts about the latest tanks, ships and space craft which are going to be the greatest ever. However, when it really comes down to it, and I mean really comes down to it; these statistics are often over looked and ignored by the majority of role-players. Do you know how much damage a 10’000 Terawatt Phaser will do to a 5ft plate of Unobtanium? No? Well neither do I… they are both made up weapons for fiction. It’s up to the defender to decide how affective your weapon is against his unit, and a lot of the time he’s thinking about what he can afford to take without being ignored, he may take some of it into consideration but he won’t actually research the difference between two makes of one weapon. As such having a ship with uber-statitics will end up performing the same as a normal ship of its type because a lot of people don’t care about your improvements.
- >> Logistics: This isn’t as important as many others, as some technology levels ignore this completely. However it’s something I felt should be mentioned because a fair few nations hold this as important. Basically logistics is the aspect of military operations that deals with the procurement, distribution, maintenance, and replacement of materiel and personnel. In modern warfare it is vital to an operation as your troops need supplies to keep fighting. In many space battles it’s not so important so I’m not going to be too harsh about this one, but generally it limits the range of your vessels as you have to re-supply after a while, the more combat you are in the more often you will need supplies. In the modern world you need ships to transport your supplies to your troops, these ships need deepwater ports to offload their cargo and then they need trucks to distribute them further and so on. The larger the operation the more complex it is, the smaller the operation the easier it becomes, but other factors like getting them there and how dangerous it is come into it.
In space this could be anything from having to go and get a proper system check done at a space station to actual supplies needed. It’s not often RPed but it can be important.
Realism Suggestions: I couldn’t think of a name for this section, but basically this the idea is to go into detail as to how to be reasonable with the forces of your nation and statistics, I know that these things aren’t always important, but people like to be detailed. This is a guide on how to be reasonable with your nation’s forces and cover some hints to help:
- >> Concept Your nation is clearly based on something’s, maybe you are using ideas you like from real life be they real or fantasy, maybe you are making it up as you go along, but you have an idea of how your nation is run and what technology it has. This is your concept. Iuthia is based on a benevolent dictatorship run in the fashion I would rule the world if I had the chance (who’s surprised about that one, I bet it’s not many). The Fedral Union’s concept is Star Trek’s Federation with some changes to suit the player.
This concept is important to helping you imagine your nation. You can make it up or your can follow some other fiction or reality, freeform is freeform after all, you can do what you like.
- >> Be Feasible: This is the more important hint really, a lot of nations seem to get a little lost in the concept which is all very well but you have to remember you aren’t the best nation in the world, there is no such thing. At best your nation may be brilliant at some things and poor at others, but there is no overall best and it’s quite common that someone is bigger then you, has more money then you or more naked then you. So don’t get caught up in being the best. You should try and stay true to your concept while bearing in mind that others will want to interact with you and won’t always agree that you are the best. Your concept may be better then you if you are role-playing science fiction, after all those fictions have an entire galaxy to use for their adventures, you have a nation with a set population. The population isn’t always important, but a lot of people take note of it so it’s important not to get carried away with your concept. For example; you are a Star Trek nation, if you RPed it as though you were just like them you would have the resources of the Federation with just under a trillion people and thousands of advanced ships, but then what if someone then RPed Star Wars? They would have an entire galaxy to play with, maybe hundreds of thousands of ships and hundreds if not thousands of trillions of people. How about Warhammer 40’000? Well then you have pretty much the same as Star Wars, only your ships are even more obscene, you have worlds which produce nothing but Titans and stupidly powerful space marines…
Everyone can RP an idea and some of those ideas are a lot more powerful then others, the trick here is to balance them out to an acceptable level. The acceptable level depends on who you are role-playing with, some people don’t mind you having several systems to yourself, and some people will ignore your extra population and obscene amounts of ships. Some will ignore you on site and others may even mock you, even though they should not. It’s up to you to strike that balance, who do you want to RP with? Personally I like to be pretty feasible and strike a balance. I hope you do to.
Thanks, that is the conclusion, for the time being, of my guide. I didn’t cover the points I wanted to, I wanted to get into numbers and so on, but this is a fairly open thing now. Anyone can use these hints and it will probably help you get along better with some. Remember, these aren’t rules, just suggestions.
I will take comments as you like and I’m not really looking for a sticky (though I have to admit, if the title is changed it would be nice) this is all because I want to explain, in detail, what you can do to improve your chances in role-play. Thanks, I hope you find this useful.
Pete – The Player behind Iuthia.
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15-02-2005, 03:35
O_O wow this forum spools fast!
Skeelzania: I think I've seen your guide before somewhere... do you have a link? I'd like to save it in my favs
Dontgonearthere: I've seen places that say a Mon Cal cruiser can last for 2 years w/o re-supply...
I've been trying to stay as close to Rebel SW tech as possible (y wings, e wings, etc) but there seems to be some things missing, namely ground vehicles.
15-02-2005, 03:40
O_O wow this forum spools fast!
Skeelzania: I think I've seen your guide before somewhere... do you have a link? I'd like to save it in my favs
Dontgonearthere: I've seen places that say a Mon Cal cruiser can last for 2 years w/o re-supply...
I've been trying to stay as close to Rebel SW tech as possible (y wings, e wings, etc) but there seems to be some things missing, namely ground vehicles.
If you think posts add up fast here, you should look at the general forum. Friggin' feeding frenzy in there. Anyhoo, here's the link to the original thread:
As for SW ground tech, there really isn't any unless its Imperial. Try shopping around though, there's plenty of storefronts that offer vehicles and ships. Not much Rebel Ground Tech, but you can cheat a little (or make up your own, that's fun too).
East Coast Federation
15-02-2005, 03:54
These are good FT starter ships. Take a look at the stats, that wil give you an idea of what the older more advanced FT nations use.
These are prime examples of Custom Weapons.
For Larger Captital Ships that have a stupid amount of firepower, Go for the Federation. They cost alot more money, but usally have alot more firepower. Than confedrate ships, which are great for small nations.
MSN noonelikeshippos@hotmail.com
if you want to lean more about FT RP fast.
Central Facehuggeria
15-02-2005, 04:02
I would suggest that you make your own tech so that you aren't limited or hindered by peoples' preconceptions about turbolasers or star destroyers or what have you.
15-02-2005, 04:41
I shall give an example of using races, as I may be a good example of Species Cooperation.
Siesatia is made up of three races...
Siesatian Raptors- Keeping their origional bodily structure, they possess powerful minds, and bodies. They make up a large majority of the scientific community, and are pacifistic in nature. Many are even Vegitarian.
Humans- From earth, they are strong, and smart, but not overly so in either category. The are in all fields of carreers, from Military to Science.
Burmecians - From Gaia. They are militaristic, and keep to a strict sence of honor. They make up a vast majority of the military, and make up 100% of the Dragon Knights, Siesatia's premiere elite military organization, the only humans to ever pass basic training came from Arizona Nova.
My point, you can invent or use races, no matter how wierd they are. But you shouldn't use them without thinking about the consequences of using them. Don't make a nation of weak bodied creatures, with extremely powerful minds, unless you are willing to deal with the extreme limitations in using them, such as the reliance of machines. And if you make a race of Strong warriors, don't make them all ultra intelligent as well, unless you are to put another inherrant flaw into them.
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15-02-2005, 16:27
Skeelzania: I have found some rebel tech... Golan Arms DF.9 Anti-Infantry Battery. Those are the white towers used at Echo Base in SW5. Also, those ground based laser cannons that have the big dish on them (Atgar 1.4 FD P-Towers) look good, but they're weak. (I just found my ancient copies of the essential guide to vehicles and vessels/weapons & technology.)
East Coast Federation: O_O those are expensive... And would they be compatable with what I already have?
Central Facehuggeria: I know, but I want to make a nation that's strictly rebel SW tech if possible. I'll probably go Imperial for ground, but I prefer X-wings to WH40k fighters... I'll take some larger ships after my fleet is at a decent level for SW and I can't find anything to fill the gaps.
Siesatia: Good idea... I'll look into race...
15-02-2005, 16:40
I might just about make a space scifi nation. I've played modern tech nation God knows how long, so might try for something different. Does the planet my "nation" lives in have to be located in an RL solar system?
15-02-2005, 16:45
I might just about make a space scifi nation. I've played modern tech nation God knows how long, so might try for something different. Does the planet my "nation" lives in have to be located in an RL solar system?
God no, 3/4s of us aren't. Every one of my systems is made up, mostly because I lack a good star chart. Not that you can't chose a real system, there's plenty of them, but if you do try to avoid the famous ones (Sol, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, etc). Most of them are claimed by somebody or other.
15-02-2005, 16:46
God no, 3/4s of us aren't. Every one of my systems is made up, mostly because I lack a good star chart. Not that you can't chose a real system, there's plenty of them, but if you do try to avoid the famous ones (Sol, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, etc). Most of them are claimed by somebody or other.
My new space FT nation. Except to see it in forums soon! (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/target=display_nation/nation=carridia)
15-02-2005, 16:56
So, here i am. Anyone know what would be a good FT starting fleet?
15-02-2005, 17:23
So, here i am. Anyone know what would be a good FT starting fleet?
The first step to getting a fleet is to chose what kind of tech and/or race you're going to use. For example, I RP a race of 7ft human offshoots with tech based primarily in Battle Fleet Gothic, though there are elements from many other works of Sci-fi present.
This is, needless to say, important for two reasons. One is that its hard to RP a nation if you're not even sure of who you are, and another is that certain techs dictate how many ships you'll have. If you choose SW:Imperial you can probably afford one or maybe two Star Destroyers right off the bat, maybe another in a few days and so forth. I started with Zeonic tech, which uses relatively small and weak ships. Thus I had about twenty 'cruisers' by the end of my first week.
Of course, this all depends if your going to have your RP dictated by your population according to NS. Many people RP huge intergalactic empires with populations nowhere near the one on their nation page; the trick is that you have to RP it out well, and not simply claim "I have 1000000grilllion people I win."
15-02-2005, 17:31
The first step to getting a fleet is to chose what kind of tech and/or race you're going to use. For example, I RP a race of 7ft human offshoots with tech based primarily in Battle Fleet Gothic, though there are elements from many other works of Sci-fi present.
This is, needless to say, important for two reasons. One is that its hard to RP a nation if you're not even sure of who you are, and another is that certain techs dictate how many ships you'll have. If you choose SW:Imperial you can probably afford one or maybe two Star Destroyers right off the bat, maybe another in a few days and so forth. I started with Zeonic tech, which uses relatively small and weak ships. Thus I had about twenty 'cruisers' by the end of my first week.
Of course, this all depends if your going to have your RP dictated by your population according to NS. Many people RP huge intergalactic empires with populations nowhere near the one on their nation page; the trick is that you have to RP it out well, and not simply claim "I have 1000000grilllion people I win."
Okay thx. I already have stuff in mind ;) Can NS nations be sent on different timeframe, as an example could my nation be set in like 26th century or something like that and if it can, can it interact with other nations that are set in a different time frame?
15-02-2005, 17:37
Okay thx. I already have stuff in mind ;) Can NS nations be sent on different timeframe, as an example could my nation be set in like 26th century or something like that and if it can, can it interact with other nations that are set in a different time frame?
You can use your own calendar if you want, the hard part is keeping track of the damn thing. Nobody really mentions the actual time though when RPing; however, there are things like "23rd century" and "26th century" tech, which are kind of generic terms commonly applied to user-created technology. So while your tech level may be that of a 26th century nation, you can still RP with a 27th cent. person or a Star Wars person or whatever. The only real taboo is that FT people do not commonly RP with Modern-tech for balance reasons (AT-ATs vs yur M1A1 OMG I winz!), though many have a modern tech alter-ego (like yourself).
15-02-2005, 17:39
You can use your own calendar if you want, the hard part is keeping track of the damn thing. Nobody really mentions the actual time though when RPing; however, there are things like "23rd century" and "26th century" tech, which are kind of generic terms commonly applied to user-created technology. So while your tech level may be that of a 26th century nation, you can still RP with a 27th cent. person or a Star Wars person or whatever. The only real taboo is that FT people do not commonly RP with Modern-tech for balance reasons (AT-ATs vs yur M1A1 OMG I winz!), though many have a modern tech alter-ego (like yourself).
Okay thx! :)
15-02-2005, 18:38
God no, 3/4s of us aren't. Every one of my systems is made up, mostly because I lack a good star chart. Not that you can't chose a real system, there's plenty of them, but if you do try to avoid the famous ones (Sol, Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, etc). Most of them are claimed by somebody or other.
If you make one up, which I sugest, you may want a map to decide where it's located.
This (http://www.anzwers.org/free/universe/milkyway.html) is a good one; just keep the scale in mind when deciding placment.
The first step to getting a fleet is to chose what kind of tech and/or race you're going to use. For example, I RP a race of 7ft human offshoots with tech based primarily in Battle Fleet Gothic, though there are elements from many other works of Sci-fi present.
This is, needless to say, important for two reasons. One is that its hard to RP a nation if you're not even sure of who you are, and another is that certain techs dictate how many ships you'll have. If you choose SW:Imperial you can probably afford one or maybe two Star Destroyers right off the bat, maybe another in a few days and so forth. I started with Zeonic tech, which uses relatively small and weak ships. Thus I had about twenty 'cruisers' by the end of my first week.
Of course, this all depends if your going to have your RP dictated by your population according to NS. Many people RP huge intergalactic empires with populations nowhere near the one on their nation page; the trick is that you have to RP it out well, and not simply claim "I have 1000000grilllion people I win."
As a rule of thumb, however, your NS population is often used to figure one's reasonible relative power in comparison to another.
Nations can and do choose to ignore this at times, but in general a larger fleet will be treated as being composed of less individually potent ships, with the opposite true - sometimes with blaintent disregaurd for claimed firepower and sheild numbers; afterall, folks have widly varrying opinions of what constitutes reasonible firepower in sci-fi, and tho it's a bit more homogonised in NS, it still holds true.
Of course, being able to RP it well can allow you to get away with more, but that holds true in all tech levels; it's just more true here.
15-02-2005, 19:00
And ladies and gentlemen:My FT nation (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=397928) is now on!
15-02-2005, 19:50
And ladies and gentlemen:My FT nation (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=397928) is now on!
Excellent, you even got the obligatory penal colony in. Your race sounds surprisingly similar to mine, although the current Skeelzanian condition is a result of higher background radiation and from living on a planet three times the size of Earth. Perhaps good relations are in the future...
Still interseted to see what ships you use though. Maybe I can sell you some.
15-02-2005, 19:59
Excellent, you even got the obligatory penal colony in. Your race sounds surprisingly similar to mine, although the current Skeelzanian condition is a result of higher background radiation and from living on a planet three times the size of Earth. Perhaps good relations are in the future...
Still interseted to see what ships you use though. Maybe I can sell you some.
Obligatory penal colony.... :p I have some weird fixation with penal colonies located on snow planets like Rura Penthe in ST:VI! :D
Think i'm gonna make my tech a mix of B5, ST and Farscape.
15-02-2005, 20:01
Obligatory penal colony.... :p I have some weird fixation with penal colonies located on snow planets like Rura Penthe in ST:VI! :D
Think i'm gonna make my tech a mix of B5, ST and Farscape.
Ah, can't help you then. Like I said, my tech is primarily WH40k.
My own penal colony is a jungle-temperate planet that I periodically drop people on. We record the subsequent battle for survival and market it as a reality TV show.
15-02-2005, 20:33
We record the subsequent battle for survival and market it as a reality TV show.
Well, atleast it's not scripted!
As for tech, I personally use my own for the most part.
15-02-2005, 20:58
Ah, can't help you then. Like I said, my tech is primarily WH40k.
My own penal colony is a jungle-temperate planet that I periodically drop people on. We record the subsequent battle for survival and market it as a reality TV show.
That's what i call reality TV :D That'd make a big hit in Carridia...survival of the fittest and stuff :mp5:
Oh i plan to add some FL (Freelancer. A computer game) touch too
16-02-2005, 00:18
That's what i call reality TV :D That'd make a big hit in Carridia...survival of the fittest and stuff :mp5:
Oh i plan to add some FL (Freelancer. A computer game) touch too
Freelancer was a good game, even though its capital ships are crap. I use pics of the Rhineland fighters myself, though I'm working on my own.
16-02-2005, 05:57
Freelancer was a good game, even though its capital ships are crap. I use pics of the Rhineland fighters myself, though I'm working on my own.
Yea. I mean, why even bother having capital ships when you can kill them with a fighter if you take enough time.
16-02-2005, 06:30
Yea. I mean, why even bother having capital ships when you can kill them with a fighter if you take enough time.
Eh, you can buy toxic waste from them. Although that is a problem, since just about every Sci-fi has capital ships getting knocked out by pissant fighters. Better to use your own, then you can explain why they aren't so vulnerable a bit easier.
My Yavuz battlecruiser is one example.
Role: Battlecruiser
Length: 1270m
Bean: 790m
Draft: 345m
Propulsion: 10 flowchip antimatter drives of varying power
Power plant: 2 flowchip antimatter reactors
Armament: dual-barreled ‘lancer’ turrets x6, heavy railguns x2, torpedo launchers x10, PD ‘tower’ x 24
Armor: 20m of Endor armor
Shielding: Hard shields, Bolton Wall Shield, MK I Pulse Wave
FTL Drive: Corpsacian Hyperspace Drives
Crew: 1450
Marines: 120
Small craft: 12 fighters, 6 pinnances; space for 24 small craft
16-02-2005, 06:33
Eh, you can buy toxic waste from them. Although that is a problem, since just about every Sci-fi has capital ships getting knocked out by pissant fighters. Better to use your own, then you can explain why they aren't so vulnerable a bit easier.
My Yavuz battlecruiser is one example.
Yea infact i'm gonna make something with paint (probably will look like crap but let's give it a shot:D) to even distantly look like my own spaceship design.
16-02-2005, 06:38
Good luck with that, though there are plenty of good and free 3-D modeler programs out there (DoGA, for example).
16-02-2005, 06:40
Good luck with that, though there are plenty of good and free 3-D modeler programs out there (DoGA, for example).
Care to give me a link?
16-02-2005, 06:47
Download L1, that's the beginners version. Once your comfortable you can jump straight to L3, L2 doesn't offer anything.
16-02-2005, 06:55
Download L1, that's the beginners version. Once your comfortable you can jump straight to L3, L2 doesn't offer anything.
Considering that 2 and 3 aren't free i think i don't get L3 unless i ******. ;)
16-02-2005, 07:00
Considering that 2 and 3 aren't free i think i don't get L3 unless i ******. ;)
There's a demo version somewhere, that allows full modeling capability. Try looking around, as I don't remember stealing it.
16-02-2005, 10:17
My Tip is keep it realistic.
My nation has teh "OMGWTFUBER" ships in most Rp's I've seen. I won't deny that they are capable of taking on and annihilating most enemy ships in a 5v1 for negligible loss. I plan to write a closed rp with a friend about an enemy they encounter, where you have 20km long battleships being owned by my 4.8 km long Heavy Cruisers in a straight fight.
However, I keep my fleet small. So far, I don't have too many capital ships, and rely mostly on the frigates and interceptors in battle. I don't think I can really make my fleet any larger than 100 capital ships thus far without doing godmodding.
Although I won't lie, I'm new to this too. I'm learning ,and I'm still open for advice on what size my fleet should be for my factbook. Still, keep it reasonable, follow Iuthia's advice and you'll do fine.
16-02-2005, 10:54
On the topic of planets, I actually managed to search for and subsequently claim Upsilon Andromedae.
Probably totally out of tune with everyone else, the primary capital ships of my fleets are actually Broadsides from TA: FF. Almost everything else is a frigate.
Also, with the species theme, I use Crys-Mats, formerly humans and AIs, then neuroscience and engineering kicked in and I converted to crystalline matrix entities. Now they have direct neural linkups, so flying the ship and plotting courses is as simple as standing up. Of course, the glaring weakness is that if you lose any part of the ship, it would feel like limbs being ripped off.
I wonder why when I shoot specifically at certain parts of ships, something else blows up?
"Firing upon engines"
"The bridge explodes in a shower of sparks"
"Firing upon weapons"
"The reactor overloads and explodes, vaporising the entire ship"
"I neuro-shock your crew and EMP your computer"
"Deciding that the ship should not fall into enemy hands, the captain tells the computer to self destruct."
"I fire a remote probe into your ship, designed to subvert the AI"
"The captain tells the AI to blow up the ship. The ship blows up."
Oh, and yes, it is oversimplified in the examples.
No endorse
17-02-2005, 23:17
Aye... always wondered how that lowly A-wing took out a freaking SSD!
We should start an all new FT RP. I have the link to an older SW RP here:
Maybe we can try to get everyone who was involved in that one into a more open RP...
18-02-2005, 06:32
Aye... always wondered how that lowly A-wing took out a freaking SSD!
We should start an all new FT RP. I have the link to an older SW RP here:
Maybe we can try to get everyone who was involved in that one into a more open RP...
Or like Death Star just happens to have a maintenance shaft that leads directly into it's main reactor ;)
Jangle Jangle Ridge
18-02-2005, 06:39
All I can say is this: be creative. You may wish to use a base of SW tech, but try to expand past that. Make some of your own stuff, if you want. And, of course, you can make a completely strange nation, like Neo Mekanta did, and kind of like what I did.
19-02-2005, 12:23
Heck, even a Bio-race is fine if done properly.
I've recently made a bio-race example, so I'll repost it here.
Evolved on a world with very volatile evolutionary processes, and as a result, used tools to mould the evolution of plants and animals to suit their own needs. From there, their culture evolved rapidly until they ran into the problem of space.
Engineering massive plant/animal hybrids, they created creatures that could draw raw nourishment from their twin suns. Eventually developing solar sails and large carrying capacity, they traversed their system, most of the time near the inner system.
It was inevitable that conflicts of interest would occur in space, and since the sonic weapons they normally used were of no use in space, they began evolving war starfarers, utilising electrical discharges and detachable spikes.
When the race finally overcame their differences, they turned their efforts to the stars, working tirelessly for a way of crossing them.
Soon, one of their number figured out a way of storing nutrients for centuries, and several colony beasts were soon sent out in search for new and fertile worlds.
This proved inefficient, and they drew on the abilities of a predatory creature on one of the many colonised worlds. It used special organs that moved it faster than light to catch its prey, who had extremely keen eyes and would easily detect a slower predator.
Soon, all their ships had such organs, and they began crossing the stars, meeting many strange and fantastic peoples.
Central Facehuggeria
19-02-2005, 15:30
My Tip is keep it realistic.
My nation has teh "OMGWTFUBER" ships in most Rp's I've seen. I won't deny that they are capable of taking on and annihilating most enemy ships in a 5v1 for negligible loss. I plan to write a closed rp with a friend about an enemy they encounter, where you have 20km long battleships being owned by my 4.8 km long Heavy Cruisers in a straight fight.
However, I keep my fleet small. So far, I don't have too many capital ships, and rely mostly on the frigates and interceptors in battle. I don't think I can really make my fleet any larger than 100 capital ships thus far without doing godmodding.
Wow. That's like my fleet, except larger and less powerful. I like how you think. (My fleet is approximately 30 total capital ships and 12 capital ships of the line for comparison.)
19-02-2005, 15:54
Wow. That's like my fleet, except larger and less powerful. I like how you think. (My fleet is approximately 30 total capital ships and 12 capital ships of the line for comparison.)
Well, actually, I still haven't decided on my fleet size thus far 100 was a round figure, my Fleet is really only 30-40, mostly destroyers, which I don't think you count as ships of the line. I have a massive territory to protect, and not a great deal fo manufacturing capability to do it. So, taking into account that, and that therefore I can only mass less ships than you have in your fleet in one place at any given times, we'd be about even in firepower. Most fo my fleet is frigates for heavy firepower, and few capital ships. Those frigates are the best I've seen though.
I'm planning on eventually upgrading my ships in size and firepower. I really want to have the best ships 1on1 in this game, or the best with many equals. Sounds like I have one :p .
Although in all honesty, I think you should upgrade your fleet size, unless you are guarding a very small amount of Solar Systems. Even with my ships being equal to everything and masters of almost everything, they can't be everywhere at once. Yours can't either, unless I've missed your factbook somewhere. Under some advice from other people I've considering increasing my numbers of capital ships simply to cover the twenty or so Solar systems I guard. People dont' really consider it a godmod, even though It's perhaps too many ships for the area considering their power, because any decent tactican would take advantage of the fact they are spread thin.
Honestly, I don't know. As it is, I'm pretty happy knowing my Capital ships are the superior of most and probably equal to yours. Besides, I'm making them larger by around a 1/3 for each ship when I reach 1 billion, which shoul (In Theory) make them without equal. I consider it more fun, and more challening in Rp's, than simply making a new fleet. Quality all the way I say!
Central Facehuggeria
19-02-2005, 16:53
Well, actually, I still haven't decided on my fleet size thus far 100 was a round figure, my Fleet is really only 30-40, mostly destroyers, which I don't think you count as ships of the line. I have a massive territory to protect, and not a great deal fo manufacturing capability to do it. So, taking into account that, and that therefore I can only mass less ships than you have in your fleet in one place at any given times, we'd be about even in firepower. Most fo my fleet is frigates for heavy firepower, and few capital ships. Those frigates are the best I've seen though.
I'm planning on eventually upgrading my ships in size and firepower. I really want to have the best ships 1on1 in this game, or the best with many equals. Sounds like I have one :p .
Although in all honesty, I think you should upgrade your fleet size, unless you are guarding a very small amount of Solar Systems. Even with my ships being equal to everything and masters of almost everything, they can't be everywhere at once. Yours can't either, unless I've missed your factbook somewhere. Under some advice from other people I've considering increasing my numbers of capital ships simply to cover the twenty or so Solar systems I guard. People dont' really consider it a godmod, even though It's perhaps too many ships for the area considering their power, because any decent tactican would take advantage of the fact they are spread thin.
Honestly, I don't know. As it is, I'm pretty happy knowing my Capital ships are the superior of most and probably equal to yours. Besides, I'm making them larger by around a 1/3 for each ship when I reach 1 billion, which shoul (In Theory) make them without equal. I consider it more fun, and more challening in Rp's, than simply making a new fleet. Quality all the way I say!
Cool. I'll look forward to RPing with you in the future. :)
(Note: I have thirty total capital ships, and the twelve main capships are included in this. I also have nearly three billion people, so I'm like your average highly militarized 2.9 billion nation that puts trillions into the defense budget, except that instead of having several thousand ships, I have a handful of high quality ships. Like you. :) And yes, that lack of strategic flexibility is my main weakness, and the one that I intentionally leave in so that others have a chance.)
Edit: It also makes sense because I only guard four star systems.
Free Eagles
19-02-2005, 19:20
How many capital ships would be appropriate for a civilisation that has been spacefaring for 750+ years, but only controls one system? They are, however, very afraid of being attacked.
I ask because I'm trying to put an FT civilisation together, details of which will be posted soon.
EDIT: Where is the best place to post a factbook (of the above-mentioned civilisation)?
Also, is it possible to RP both as MT and FT with the same nation (but as different civilisations)?
20-02-2005, 02:46
Cool. I'll look forward to RPing with you in the future. :)
(Note: I have thirty total capital ships, and the twelve main capships are included in this. I also have nearly three billion people, so I'm like your average highly militarized 2.9 billion nation that puts trillions into the defense budget, except that instead of having several thousand ships, I have a handful of high quality ships. Like you. :) And yes, that lack of strategic flexibility is my main weakness, and the one that I intentionally leave in so that others have a chance.)
Edit: It also makes sense because I only guard four star systems.
Only one? God, I wish I could concentrate my capital ships in that manner. Mine are split up everywhere. There are some at war, some searching for new colonies, some scouting - I can barely keep up with where my Rp's take em!
Free Eagles, Place your factbook on NSwiki or here, and palce a link to it in your signature. Plus, if you are a very nervous civilisation, you'd want a very large amount fo Ground Based Anti-Orbital Defences, Orbital defences, picket ships, scout sensors, and a large degree fo control. Ie, quarantine zones, so on. Communist FT nations can usually support a larger military or a better quality one than Capitalist FT nations, but Capitalist nations can build a lot quicker, given the power of cash to make miracles happen.
For your nation size, aim for around 10 000 ships, with around of medium to medium high quality. However, pile on the ground based troops and Orbital defences.
As for MT/Ft roleplaying together, ask Imported Vizion and The Phoenix Milita. They do both I believe.
Hello everybody. Right now, I'm posting on my Main, Modern Tech Nation, but I have another nation (Population 890 Million, Powerhouse Economy) That I have been wanting to turn FT. I am also a fairly good (water) ship builder, and I could probably try my lot at Spaceship building. Know where I can get started doing all this?
Free Eagles
20-02-2005, 12:07
Free Eagles, Place your factbook on NSwiki or here, and palce a link to it in your signature. Plus, if you are a very nervous civilisation, you'd want a very large amount fo Ground Based Anti-Orbital Defences, Orbital defences, picket ships, scout sensors, and a large degree fo control. Ie, quarantine zones, so on. Communist FT nations can usually support a larger military or a better quality one than Capitalist FT nations, but Capitalist nations can build a lot quicker, given the power of cash to make miracles happen.
For your nation size, aim for around 10 000 ships, with around of medium to medium high quality. However, pile on the ground based troops and Orbital defences.
As for MT/Ft roleplaying together, ask Imported Vizion and The Phoenix Milita. They do both I believe.
Thanks for that. Although, was the 10,000 ships a typo? The system has two inhabited medium-size planets (both Capitalist), each with a pop. of approx. 4.5 billion*. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of about 10 high-quality capships, not 10,000. I never thought of orbital or ground based defences though, thanks very much.
A note to help clarify the numbers: I'm going for a highly trained, well equipped military, so the numbers will be smaller.
(* It's not related to the size of my nation- that number will stay fixed, unless they expand, which is unlikely. But if it has to be connected to my nation, I think 10,000 is definitely too much.)
20-02-2005, 14:29
I meant 10 000 ships overall, including transports, Capital ships, corvettes, fighters, etc. A nation that keeps to itself wouldn' have a great deal of heavy shipyards, so couldn't really go for a very large force of ships. You'd probably have lots of scouts too, so you can see enemies from a mile away.
Free Eagles
20-02-2005, 14:57
Ah right. Gotcha. That makes a lot more sense. Thanks for your help. Is 10 high-quality capital ships reasonable though? More/less? I want to get this right, so it can go in my factbook.
20-02-2005, 15:06
Do you have the technology for it? If so, go right ahead. IT's probably too few for effecive war-rping, but if you want an isolationist state, that sounds about right for numbers.
Because, essnetially you are aiming for a Higaara esque sized fleet.
I'm new to FT. Somebody mind pointing me to a place where I can get started?
20-02-2005, 18:24
I'm new to FT. Somebody mind pointing me to a place where I can get started?
Like I said, first step to FT Rping is deciding what you want to play as race-wise. Humans, elves, sponges, whatever. The second step is getting some warships. There's a couple ways to do this. One is that you simply find some Sci-fi you like (Babylon 5, Star Trek, and Star Wars being popular choices) and take some ships from their. Another idea is to come up with your own designs, either with your own technology or having them based on some sort of canon, like SW. Or you can go to the International Mall, Future Tech Department.
You might need an account to view them, but I don't think so.
I'm new to FT. Somebody mind pointing me to a place where I can get started?
I'd be happy to RP with you. I'm not exactly experienced, but I want to play FT as well as MT, so this could be a good place to start.
I'd be happy to RP with you. I'm not exactly experienced, but I want to play FT as well as MT, so this could be a good place to start.
Sure, I've been RPing MT on this account for a year. Let me get situated first.
Free Eagles
21-02-2005, 18:49
This is the factbook for my new FT civilisation.
The Indoan Factbook (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=399389)
Can someone look over it and give me an opinion (does anything need changing, adding, etc?). I'm thinking about doing an official intro thread as well.
21-02-2005, 20:35
This is the factbook for my new FT civilisation.
The Indoan Factbook (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=399389)
Can someone look over it and give me an opinion (does anything need changing, adding, etc?). I'm thinking about doing an official intro thread as well.
Is this Inkana? It looks good, well rounded and informative. Tech is similar to mine actually, though Skeelzanians rely more guns than missiles for ground combat. Watch your back, as I don't particularly like Xenos from an IC standpoint.
Free Eagles
21-02-2005, 22:09
No, this is Free Eagles, not Inkana. I am my own independent entity. Now, thank you for looking over my factbook and for the comments.
Infantry (of all species) use mostly guns, but the AFVs can carry more missiles than gun ammo, and they're more accurate. That was the only reason.
It's worth noting that the exact location of the Indo system is unknown unless I give it to you IC (the Indoans are incredibly paranoid and don't advertise their location). And I like Xenos, although the Matrai are close enough to humans (They evolved from a slightly different ape to humans).
Free Eagles
24-02-2005, 00:23
Here is the official Indoan intro RP:
Indoan Curiosity Finally Overcomes Paranoia (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=400159)