NationStates Jolt Archive

Axis of ......

14-02-2005, 07:24
I have decided to take it upon myself to create a way to properly gauge all the new axis ideals that have popped up recently. I think that it is only fair to all nations that I do this, and in one fatal swoop, end what has become such a treacherous state of events. From this point forward, Jarridia has created a new Axis, one that we like to call AoHKAJRI. To simply put this, it stands for Axis of How Kick Ass Jarridia Really Is.

Now some of you may not agree with this new axis, and that is understandable. However, to you I say, in the words of Macabees, 'buzz off.' I guess one would have to be a bee or a fly to be able to do so. With this axis I hope to prove, that all types of nations can come together under one banner, and all believe how inferior they really are to the true awesomeness of Jarridia.

Many of you may be thinking..."who the hell is Jarridia?" If you are saying this, you will soon be sacked. If you still insist on knowing, then you can just guess that I am far to good for you to know about, or you could visit Also, we are the supreme holders of the Pink Tacos, and to this day, we have beaten Matich to a pulp, and he will never triumph in having the pink tacos within his borders.

Another question that is probably floating around, 'how will this axis work?" The answer is very simple. At my choosing and discretion, I will choose 3 basic nations (at random) and dissect what they are in the Kick Ass Jarridia Scale.

Finally, the last question needed to be answered would be, "oh god, why would you do this?" The answer to that lies between the moment when my sanity disappeared in my Texas Politics book, and I became bored with the very facet of my existance.

So here we go:

The Macabees: First and foremost, what the heck is a macabee? I don't know what it is, and really...I don't care to know. For some reason he thinks I hate him. Really, I don't. Why should I? I don't know him. So i've followed him a bit and made some sarcastic that really so wrong? More or less, his 'reformation' is mind boggling because he still seems like the same old maca to me. Jarridia Kick Ass Scale...absolutely no chance of measuring up.

ViZion: quite a pretender. I do believe the whole nation is suffering from an extreme case of being bi-polar. One day, he's a raging, drunken alcoholic looking for a fight from anyone. Then the next, he's sitting in a corner twiddling his thumbs. Could someone please slap him around abit and get it over with? The last time he truely got beaten around was by Terror of the World. And he still has nightmares over it. As a member of the CFA, he is kinda wimpy. I haven't seen the CFA do much since march of last year, gotta stop picking their noses. Kick Ass level....n00b

Canad_a: Between his divine love of Texas, and his random rp's, there isn't much time for anything else. He seems to focus more on how to follow myself around than really rping, but hey, can you blame him? As a member of the WWA he is extremely helpful, and has come to help in times of need, but really, anyone that dislikes Canada so much, why name yourself Canada? Please.... Kick Ass Level...Reformation

COMING SOON: Generic Empire, Dr_Twist, Euroslavia
Canad a
14-02-2005, 07:35
Well the Federal Republic of Canada is what I believed it should be governed and handled...
14-02-2005, 07:38
*laughs hystarically at Jarridia, then kicks him, followed by taking his stick and breaking it over his head before he can poke me with it* Now who's the ass-kicker, huh? :p