NationStates Jolt Archive

The Dysan mystery (FT - Space ; open)

Gaian Ascendancy
12-02-2005, 22:40
It was a simple Jump to the next exploration site, that the 2nd Gaian Exploration Fleet came across a completely unexpectant abnormality.

The Fleet was led by the Texas Class Battleship Gold Wolf, leading a Monolith JumpShip, two Tramp JumpShips, and the High-Mobile Battleship-Starcruiser Yamato-Azusa.

They carried the entire 3rd Gray Angel Dragoon Cluster along with the Planetar Galaxy Command Trinary of Sigma Galaxy, as well as the 212th Goddess Archon Wing.

They had been on this latest exploration run for about a month, and were faring no better with the surrounding stars and systems than the other six Exploration Fleets. Fleet Commander Rendar Kerensky was having his fill of the emptiness of space, and was in mind to make this last Jump a final one.

..the Fleet never finished the Jump. About 2/3 into the Jump, they were all but YANKED out of their Jump by an unexpected gravity well in their path!

All over the Fleet, klaxons were blaring as bodies were tossed all about.

Luckily for the Fleet, the 'yank' wasn't devestating enough to destroy them. Only give them a horrid headache.

After a few moments, Galaxy Commander Shayla Shalyla storms up to the Gold Wolf's bridge. "What the HELL just happened!!?!"

Commander Rendar only snaps back. "That's what 'we're' about to find out! REPORT!!!"

XO Commander Kammya Delaru only snaps back herself. "No clue yet sir!"

"Sir!" A tech yells out. "Say it!" Delaru bellows back. "We just hit a very strong gravity well. We're uncertain of the cause but it's not natural."

"Something's out here?" Shayla asks more clamly. Rendar just heads to the Tech. "How can that be? There's no noted star in this area."

"The maps are 'hardly' accurate sir." Delaru reminds the Fleet Commander. Rendar just rubs his face. "Fine time to find that out."

The Tech pegs the other sensor palletes and begins to get a semblance of a picture. "There's defenitly a strong, artifical source. It doesn't seem to be a singularity, as there's a lack of exotic particles in the area.

..I... wait... wait one..."

The others hold their breath, as a few moments of cross checking later..

"...reading an Ascendant Signature! Confirmed at bearing 021.44 by 005.18. We seem to be about at the upper quadrant of a gravity node equal to a Class-III Star."

Rendar looks out the bridge viewports. "Where? There's no star out there."

Shayla walks over near the navigation station. "Looks like a good place to start our next run."

Rendar looks over.. "Within caution. The idea of a hidden star disturbs me greatly."

Shayla just smirks with a look over at the Fleet Commander. "Good, I feel a tingle about this then."

Rendar just sighs.... "This job is annoying."

With that, the Fleet began moving towards the gravity well. What they would find would shock them all............
Gaian Ascendancy
12-02-2005, 23:22
*Two hours later*

The 2nd Fleet was moving at a gingerly pace inSystem, when Rendar noticed something. "Did you see that?" ..outside the viewports.

Delaru turns from a sensor station, and looks about. "What?"

A flash 'afar' though gains more attention. Rendar stands up. "That. Did you see.."

"Sir!" The sensor Tech calls attention. Rendar comes back forward. "Whatwhat!?"

Attention is directed at the enhanced sensor pallete screen. Rendar sees it and whistles.. "Is that what....?"

Another tech. "It's huge sir. The boundry already looks to be about 500 million kilometers out from the gravity node center."

"It's not complete either." Delaru says, as an apparent gap in whatever it is, betrays white sinlight.

"How far away are we still?"

"It looks like... 1.2 million kilometers. In... holy cow.." ..the Tech's voice changes, as suddenly a clear visual of the surface of something immense can be seen for the first time.

The titanic, gray , semi-fractured orb gains more light from the closing distance. Even from this distance, it's noticable the fact that the orb is broken up in a three-dimensional pattern, with apparent 'bands' of gray set apart from the hemisphere portions of the orb.

..the closer they come, the more broken up and band 'strewn' the superstructure becomes. The stabs of sunlight from an apparent white star within can occasionally be seen.

"That's........... that's Ascendant?"

"Works for me.." Rendar replies to his XO. "Take us closer, I'm too damn curious now."

By now, Shayla returns to inspect the situation and sees.. "What the **** is that thing!?!"

Rendar just looks back. "Your 'tingle' milady Commander."

Shayla is too stunned to reply.
12-02-2005, 23:41
As the Hobbeebian 100th scout fleet entered a new region of a galaxy that has been kept under surveillance( looking for Demionsional weaponary ammo)

" Major commander, we have picked up the orbs sir they are about 500 miles from here sir" said the sensor tech.

" Perfect, set the course for them now, the Royal family wil be pleased" said the Commander as he sat up and alerted the rest of the fleet.

The fleet slipped into a trans-Demionsional hole, and dissapeared, heading towards the ammo.
12-02-2005, 23:48
The Emperor-class battleships Sacred Light and Hallowed Empire, distinctive red with the emblem of the Blood Angels emerged from the warp, flanked by 25 frigates and 6 cruisers. They too had picked up the mysterious object, and wanted to investigate.
12-02-2005, 23:52
" sir we have company" said the senser tech

" Hail them" said the commander

13-02-2005, 00:01
"Channel opened, Captain!" said the comms officer.

"Greetings!" said Captain Thadia. "I am Captain Thadia of the Sacred Light. We are here with peaceful intentions. One of our ships was destroyed in this sector, and we wish to find out how and where. On our way here, we noticed a gravity well in the warp which nearly sucked us into the void between dimensions. We believe it is emanating from that celestial phenomenon over there."
13-02-2005, 00:11
" Yes well that celestial phenomenon you speak of is one of our key compounets in our travel, trade our very way of life. it is what keeps us going. We need that material " siad the Commander
13-02-2005, 00:22

this is one our trans-demionsional drives-see grey orb
13-02-2005, 00:34 (

Rehosted the image for you.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-02-2005, 07:29
((Neither link works.... =oo= ))

Rendar was looking at a sensor scan, when the new arrivals stunned the heck out of him and his officers.

They though had the advantage of having been closer to the massive orb than the other fleets.

The disadvantage was numbers. "I don't like this idea."

"And we can't abandon this discovery either. Prepare the translator to send a message on the known Ascendant frequencies." Shayla Shayla comments. "..meanwhile, let's play it cool with the other newcomers..."

Shayla though adds.. "..and prepare the Cluster DropShips. I bet there's a Gate in there as well. We need to get to it."

Rendar looks at Delaru and back.. "Kay... lets try to survive this please..."


To both unknown fleets.

This is Commander Rendar of the 2nd Gaian Exploration Fleet. We have run 'aground' of this object, and intend to explore it. We however cannot prevent either of your forces from attempting the same.

We though welcome your presence, as it's apparent the size of the object makes it impossible for any of our forces from an outright claim.

We however cannot vouch for anyone's safety in this matter. Already scans indicate a powerful field unto out present position.

..we also warn we intend contact with the makers of this object, in one format or another. This will be done in a few moments.


A few minutes later, a second transmission was sent...

...the known Ascendant Code.

Thou unto the stars, lost by own device.

Green of the life given, gained for good of the unknowing.

White that is the star that breadth the gap from beginning to end.

Blue is the second that breadth the expanse of start life and the end of death.

Thou be the answer we the new give to the old: Ascendant.

The message is sent once, just as it had been done unto the other known Ascendant Systems.

So far, silence....
Lessir Tsurani
14-02-2005, 08:11
Luck plays tricks on us, this might be why the Basestar was droped out of Anuer within the stars area. This had no apparent reasons, as gravaty wells had no effect on the Anuer transfere. Sighing, the Commadore of the ship, as well as the ISCS control pannle went to find out where they where. It was discovered the guide shadow had died, making it impossible for the computers to piolet the ship, due to this, the computer had automaticly droped them out of the Shadow place.

THus they began to work out where they where. The Raider fighters, ISCS controled, moved out, beging to look for anything they could use to get back. The Basestar itself watched the ships sythe through the black expances of space.

-Reports show a number of ships in the area, as well as a strange type of star, ship will lock down and establish as station, other ships deploying. came the mechanical voice of ISCS

"Very well, lets look around." Said the commadore sadly.
Gaian Ascendancy
14-02-2005, 08:26
"New contact has entered the gravity envelope of the area."

Rendar all but about throws his data Padd. "At this rate, the easter bunny will bring a fleet.

..anything from the Code in response?"

"Nay sir." ..the Comm-Tech responds. Rendar drags a hand across his face. "Goddess help me."

Shayla then says it simply. "Let's don't wait. Move it in anyway."

Rendar eyes the Galaxy Commander, then smiles, turning back to the Navi-Tech.

"You heard her, move it in quick. And send the same message out as before to the newcomers."


Afar, the 2nd Fleet begins to move towards the nearest opening about the Sphere. The sunlight within glints off their white hulls as they draw close.
14-02-2005, 09:06

"Probe IZ-0002, Please respond. I repeat, Probe IZ-0002, Please Respond."

"We have lost contact with Probe IZ-0002. Requesting Authorisation for expedition."

"AG-PR4683 Authorising recovery expedition."

"Acknowleged. Sending frigate team to investigate."

Several days later, three frigates departed Fox Station, dissappearing into hyperspace, destined to discover the great sphere that the unfortunate probe had immolated itself upon.

They too, almost noticed it too late, but equipped with more than simple programming, they were able to touchdown on its surface. What looked like an airlock on the side of the frigates opened, and hundreds of small remotely controlled exploration units emerged, equipped with a variety of tools, probes, and instruments.

The ships, on the other hand, hailed the the other ships in a wide band signal.
14-02-2005, 11:36
Suddenly, Thadia's panel lit up like a Sanguinius Day tree. "Opening hailing channels, sir!" Said the comms officer. "Greetings, all ships. This is Captain Thadia of the Blood Angels Emperor-class battleship Sacred Light. We and the Hallowed Empire are investigating the loss of our sister ship the Eye of the Emperor. While armed, we will only show aggression to aggressors."
14-02-2005, 12:04
"New contact has entered the gravity envelope of the area."

Rendar all but about throws his data Padd. "At this rate, the easter bunny will bring a fleet.

Couldn't resist...

With a flicker of chance, a small golfball-sized object just... apeared, half a light second from the Gaian fleet - a minute later another arrived, this one a half million kilometers away, and for a breif moment, blaring active sensors.

A third then apeared, scanners likewise to the second but all FTL in nature, this one nearly a light-day away and on the opposite side of the star.

Several more minutes pass, befor twisted probability causes first one, then a second, and finally a third and fourth vessel to simply and suddenly 'be' in-system, a good 1.5 MSK from the Gaian force.

"This is the KCS Easter Bunny of Task Group 'Basket Case One', Rabbit Hole Astrogation Corp., to assembled vessels," the largest ship - aparently a converted missile cruiser - began in accented English and female voice on a broadcast channel, "We are investigating a gravity well that is rather aparently -not- the black hole it was belived to be; please state your purpose and identification. Easter Bunny out."

Light second = 300'000km
Light day = 25'920 million kilometers
MSK = 1 million kilometers

The ships are:

1x 1450m Long Ashen Wind-Class Missile Cruiser
-KCS Easter Bunny

1x 750m Long Athens-Class Combat Carrier
-KCS Bob's Space Diner

2x 50m Long Kobold-Class Patrol/Combatant
-KCS X-Mas Present
-KCS Board-With-A-Nail-In-It

All are custumised to varrying degrees(and somewhat eccentricly; the carrier has a large neon sign on it, for example), but fairly extensive overall; indeed, it would be easy to mistake the two Kobold's as being of entirly different designs.

Transponders show them to be Kanuckistani Civilian Vessels, registered to be working for - but, oddly, not property of - Rabbit Hole Astrogation. The KCS Easter Bunny is identified as the flagship.
14-02-2005, 13:16
God NO!!!
Gaian Ascendancy
15-02-2005, 06:33
Rendar hears the new signal..

"We are investigating a gravity well that is rather aparently -not- the black hole it was belived to be; please state your purpose and identification. Easter Bunny out."


"IT was a JOKE!!!!"

"We're about to enter the Sphere envelpoe sir."

Shayla just comments. "Maybe the Dog Star will send.."

"DON'T you dare Lady! Just get us in now!"

Delaru though asks. "What about the other Fleets?"

"What about them. They'll keep coming anyway. Just take us in, the others will come anyway."


Rendar looks back at the Navi-Tech. "What is... oh my god...."

Everyone is stunned moments later, as the Fleet begins to move inbetween the massive cleft between the orbital band and the super structure seperate. The view is of a several hundred long chasim in the zone the small vessels slip into. The 'crust' is a deep gray throughout, a sealed hull of multi-tiers of plating, gods only knows what metals. This runs the same for the band and superstructure the Fleet drifts through.

And then the view 'does' become incredible.

It begins with the continuous white sunlight having a clear source, as the Fleet passes deep in between the 'crust' to see a thickly hazed white star, untold kilometers distant...

..which gives life to the inner surface. Much of the far sight of the inner surface is like hundreds of Class M worlds were wallplastered unto it. Great seas, mountain chains with white caps, greens and browns of grasslands and plains, whisps of clouds unto darkers bulbous groups of storm clouds.

There's even, looking behind to the upper sphere superstructure surface, over a massive ocean that could dwarf the Atlantic Ocean on Terra, was a massive hurricane that was blistering across with a counter clockwise swirl to it.

But much of the detail was hazed by the atmospheric layers that clung to the interior. How is uncertain, considering from within a few kilometers of passing the inner boundry, that can be seen, the three habitation bands, one off tilt of equatorial, and the other two forming an 'x' cross at a strange angle from a far upper hemisphere position, from the Fleet's view, to one unseen at it's 'polar' opposite along the lower hemisphere down to their 'far' lower left.

The bands somehow display Class M displays as well, though a few sections seem to be 'grayer' than normal.

An amazing view added, is when the Fleet passes into all this sight, by passing the inner 'crust' of the habitation layer. They actually pass through clouds in doing so, noting a few portions of the inner layer 'crust', are glowing a good distance underneath the layer, glowing a dull red.

With this, the Fleet enters the full on of the Ascendant's greatest achievement.

"How.................... how could......... how...........?" Rendar just looks about in utter shock. Everyone that felt a deep disdain and cynisicm just killed that feeling. It's been replaced by a deep awe.

Shayla meanwhile whistles. "Man, these guys knew how to build something."

"Okay..." Rendar quips.. "...I swear we're completely over our heads here."

"Sir!" Rendar STABS a look at Sensors! "WHAT!!?!?"

"...I can read a Gate signature..."

"Make that two!" ..the sensor tech next to the first yelps!

"I'm reading something else in here as well!" ..the Tactical Officer yells out.

Rendar, Shayla and Delaru reach seperate readout consoles...

...all three say it as one.. "Oh shit........"
15-02-2005, 07:06
ooc:is it still ok to join if so

ic:On board ScoutShip 107APQ

"What the hell, Computer why the hell did you shut off the movie?"
"The sensors are reporting a anomalous contact."
“Another one, shit these always turn out to be a sensor error. Computer just put the movie back on.”
“Unable to comply. Protocol dictates al anomalous contacts be investigated.”
“Set course for the contact then…damn computer and double damn protocol.”

A few hours later

“Entering sensor range of the anomalous contact.”
“What the hell… that looks like… but it can’t be those are strictly theoretical. Computer take us in at ½ speed and set sensors to max.”
“Roger, also there appears that there have been no less than 3 different fleets to have been here in the past 48 hours.”
15-02-2005, 08:42
Hello, uh... (background comms) Did you say EASTER BUNNY? What? Yeesh. (/background comms) KCS Easter Bunny. I must... congratulate you on your, uh... unique ships.

Oh yes - we were originally sent to explore what our probe crashed into, and are about to attempt to explore the strange body here. We request that all parties be allowed to thoroughly search this, in the interests of science.

Upon closer inspection, there were not hundreds, but exactly thirty actual robots - the rest were simply drones setting up external analysers and scanners.

Four of the remote droids opened large hatches, and heavy cutting lasers extended on thick carbon nanotube arms. They began cutting a hole in the surface of the massive object.

(Gee, sure hope I don't piss off the makers by opening up this thing.)

-Laser Cutter Remote Vehicles (200Mw)-
LC-0001, LC-0002, LC-0003, LC-0004

-Electronic Systems Manipulator Vehicle-
ESM-0032, ESM-0033

-Heavy Object Manipulator Vehicle-
HOM-0208, HOM-0209, HOM-0210, HOM-0211, HOM-0212, HOM-0213, HOM-0214, HOM-0215, HOM-0216, HOM-0217, HOM-0218, HOM-0219, HOM-0220

-Mobile Sensor Vehicle-

-Mobile Probe Vehicle-
MP-0023, MP-0072

-Light Laser Security Floater (40Mw)-
LLSF-0001, LLSF-0002, LLSF-0003, LLSF-0004

-Mobile Levitator Carrier-
MLC-1982, MLC-1983, MLC-1984, MLC-1985
Gaian Ascendancy
15-02-2005, 08:42
((OC- Cool, come on in... ))

"Multiple contacts coming from all over!!"

Rendar rushes back to his station. "Any chance the Code reached them!?"

"Unknown sir! The sphere or star here may have interferred with the transmission!"

Rendar growns. "Well send it QUICK! We got compamy coming fast!"

"Reading over 600 contacts coming directly at us on all sides!!!"

Delaru is at the Comm station. "Ascendant Code ready!!!"

Rendar makes a curse laden prayer before.. "Send it! QUICK!!"


All about them, from literally the haze of the inner surface area, literally from nowhere, several hundred android driven vessels were approaching the tiny flotilla from everywhere at once!!

Meanwhile the comm is sent a second time....

Thou unto the stars, lost by own device.

Green of the life given, gained for good of the unknowing.

White that is the star that breadth the gap from beginning to end.

Blue is the second that breadth the expanse of start life and the end of death.

Thou be the answer we the new give to the old: Ascendant.


Rendar adds.. "Send the second verse too!!!"


Be that of the friend lost to, and is Ascendant, know the Stone Words..

The home is another's, and that Word becomes the new from the old.

The vessels of our, that is yours, now belongs to none and all..

..that none and all is the life and death of the new, taken place of the old.

The life of the Ancestor, and the life of the Progeny.


Rendar is making a deep prayer...

"Pleaseletitworkpleaseletitworkpleaseletitworkpleaseletitwork..." ...and simple.. =^^=;;;;;;;

Done as the vessels speed to within 500 kilometers...
15-02-2005, 17:34
The first probe had followed the Gaians in.


"Well, this is interesting," a slightly-chubby hunam in a red-and-white suit mused.

"Quite," an armoured figure replied from across the table, "think we should help?" fliping his helm's visor up with one hand to reveal blue eyes and hunam face, the other taking the offered soda from the vixen waitress' tray.

"We shouldn't be too haisty if we do," a third voice chimed in, a male fox in grease-stained cheff's dress apearing behind the counter; a hologram. "They still might get out of this peacfully."

"So we deploy autonomous assts - fighters, missiles, and ECM drones - and help 'em if a fight breaks out; that way we can probally still bug out with ships intact if if they're slaughtered in there," their leader explained as her busty, rabbit-like form sauntered back towards their table.

"Probally?" the Santa look-alike asked skepticly.

She just glared at him, then out the window; past the neon sign and the carrier's upper hull, and the wall of utter blackness that lay beyond, save for a crafk of white.

"Oh. Point."


And so it was that some 200 armed smallcraft - nearly half having actually started life as fighters - along with 1500 assorted long-range missiles of rather versatile design, launched, angled after the Gaians, and set off after them at best speed.

It wouldn't take long to catch up; hopefully, that would be soon enough. Hopefully, they wouldn't be needed.

But in the mean time, the drone that had tailed the Gaians relayed a simple message; "Assistance enroute."
15-02-2005, 19:57
"Officer!" Shouted Thadia. "I want a squadron of Thunderhawks finding out what in the name of the Emperor is in there."

Flight Officer Josius led the five Thunderhawk gunships into the maw. What they would find would shock them all.
15-02-2005, 21:45
SS12 loved extra-dimensional space. It was so peaceful, so quiet; there was nothing to scan but energy readings and gravitational anomalies. It was serene enough to allow SS12 to ponder over things he wouldn't normally have chance to consider while on duty; questions of life, the universe and suchlike.
And then it was torn away. Like a child's teddy bear being ripped from his clutches, SS12 was thrust into normal space violently and against his will. His sensors went haywire as all the energy of the galaxy came back into range all at once, in an uncontrolled slow-down.

The scout ship would normally have rippled calmly into view. Instead it exploded into view, a white flash of light and a stream of smoke as the ship spiralled out of control, drawn towards the massive source of gravity that had tugged it into normal space.
Gaian Ascendancy
15-02-2005, 21:53
The assistance never made it past the inner layer boundry.

Almost as soon as the signal was recieved by the Gaian Fleet, the numerous Kanuckistan fighters and missiles ran into something unexpected.

..the fighters ran into a null stasis field generated by the gap between the two massive 'crusts', and simply were rendered immobile.

..the missiles were teleported back into their originating vessels like they never were fired in the first place.

The probe that was tailing the Gaian Fleet was also immobilized, all too easily.

The Hakurabi remote driods that began to cut into the hull were suddenly hit with a MASSIVE Ion field strike, throwing the driods clear of the surface, back towards their source.

More, the Sphere began to utter a powerful Shield, one that was limited to about 100,000 kilometers from the Sphere's outer shell, both Habitation Bands and SuperStructure. The field type was the same as that immobilized the Kanuckistan fighters.

The Gaian Fleet was well within this effect. "We've lost control!!!"

Rendar looks about the bridge, as the various Techs cream and hollar at the loss of most station control. "Swell..."

Throughout the 2nd Fleet, the vessels simply had been immobilized.

However communication was apparently allowed, as reports between the four vessels and their DropShips relayed the barely masked panic between them.


Rendar wrings his ears out. "There a problem Shayla?"

Shayla recomposes herself. "Would everyone mind taking a look before we keep yelling like school kinseth's. They've stopped..."

Rendar looks and sees.. "Huh?" They have stopped..."

All about them, hundreds, maybe thousands of alien vessels have halted in a 'huge' sphere around the tiny Gaian Fleet.

Delaru then asks. "Okay, someone explain...."

All at once, a single PULSE is shot across every vessel currently near the Sphere.

"Now what?!?!" Rendar yells.


It's a single terse message.

(( ~ Thou is that alien, each and all one.

..we are the Keepers, and we will not abide the acts that harm or deride the makings of our Creations.

..we have heard Two of the Words... the Final is awaited however.

..send or all will be Ejected, and the Gift Hidden beyond all reach. ~ ))


The Gaians look at each other, then Rendar realizes.. "Where's the Third Code?!"

The Techs scramble to ready the Third known Code..

"Uh oh, better hurry.." Shayla quips with a heavy worry in her tone. Everyone sees a moment later..

..the growing field of a shimmer, coming from the area of the Star itself!

"What the Light is THAT!?" Rendar blurts!
15-02-2005, 22:07
Only have a moment, so I'll just note that the missiles couldn't be teleported back; the ships have ASPEW feilds which would prevent anything like that.
Gaian Ascendancy
15-02-2005, 22:15
((OC- Noted.. however also note we're talking about technology that created a fully habitable Dysan Sphere superstructure. The technology involved would be immense along other lines as well..

..besides, this is an rp to show that the race that created all this isn't belligerent, but overly magnamous. This also is my attempt to brigde the gap between the inital Gaians and the ones that existed after The Fall, setup in the Planets-I universe.'d be interesting to see 'where' the Avian Lords came from, as well as the 'real' Ascendancy that grew from a few simple worlds.

This is the long term rp I want to push while on NS, and I'm doing it despite any objections. So there.. =^^= ))
15-02-2005, 22:55
((OC- Noted.. however also note we're talking about technology that created a fully habitable Dysan Sphere superstructure. The technology involved would be immense along other lines as well..

ASPEW alters reality at the most fundimental levels, much of my ships here ships is made of something called sub-atomic particle lattice, most FTL is done via uncertanty-based teleportation, etc.

And Dyson Spheres are mainly impressive for their scale, and even then, people have built them in NS befor. Kanuckistan could build one readily enough, from a technological standpoint, but it would be a massive waste of time and resources; they could never use more than a fraction of it.

..besides, this is an rp to show that the race that created all this isn't belligerent, but overly magnamous. This also is my attempt to brigde the gap between the inital Gaians and the ones that existed after The Fall, setup in the Planets-I universe.'d be interesting to see 'where' the Avian Lords came from, as well as the 'real' Ascendancy that grew from a few simple worlds.

This is the long term rp I want to push while on NS, and I'm doing it despite any objections. So there.. =^^= ))

I'm just concerned with the precident that allowing you to teleport through an ASPEW feild would set, seeing as it's one of my primary defence against exotic weapons. That's all.
Gaian Ascendancy
16-02-2005, 01:34
((OC- Missiles noted, other than the fact I had no prior idea they could do this. Let's just hope we're not trying to outdo each other, and kill the storyline..

..besides, this Dysan Sphere in this case was built by a third party that 'supposedly' no longer exists.))


Rendar yells again. "Come on already, come on!"

The Techs are still scrambling. "We're trying sir! The loss of control has made getting the computer core to work, difficult!"

Rendar looks out at the approaching shimmer wave, not wanting to know what it's going to do if it hits them.

"Oh my pay better include hazard pay with this one..."
16-02-2005, 07:59
As the droids were flung back towards the ships, they rapidly packed their instruments away, and their pilots suddenly came on the com-link.


The droids, venting their reactor mass, each touched down on the sphere one by one. Crippled, they one by one began limping back to the REV carriers. The sensor vessel began listening in on the conversations going on...

"~~Computer core not wor~~"

Wait a minute... What was that?

"There's a huge energy reading coming in from all directions!"
"Crap. That can't be good. Anything else?"
"Well... One of the ships reports trouble with their computer core."
"Analyse the static. It could be useful."
"Nothing's getting through! There's some sort of interdiction field!"
"Get out of here! See if you can contact someone else!"
"Engines aren't responding! And we can't just vent plasma like the REVs."
"Warp out!"
"Jump drives are not responding!"
"Looks like we'll have to sit this out. I sure hope whoever is in a position to sort this out does."

An uncomfortable silence fell on the comm channel.
Gaian Ascendancy
16-02-2005, 08:34
Rendar could feel his hair turning white as he watched the shimmering field draw close. His voice was just as white.... meek that is..

"Any time now please."

Shayla was so jittery about all this, that she kept flitting back and forth between The Stratega-Room and the Bridge. During her latest flit back to the Bridge, she finally gets in the same state as Rendar.

Admittedly, seeing something move toward them with no signs of stopping was something that took decades off of one's life.

Finally.. "GOTITGOTITGOTIT!!!!!!!!!!"

Rendar about blows his spleen with his next yell. "SEND IT BLAST IT ALL!!!"

Shayla Shayla though quips off key. "Now who's stressed."

Rendar only comments back. "You know that bottle of brandy that's not supposed to be on this ship?"

Shayla nods. "One big fat cup each, I gotcha..."

A tech then says.. "Sending all Three.... now!!"

Rendar pick a bad time for a joke. "He's not too stressed."

Shayla though.. "Where's that bottle. I want booze in my mouth if this fails."


*external view*

The surrounded 2nd Fleet in the middle of the Ascendant Fleet sphere, and a massive shimmer wave capable of goddesses knows what bearing down on them, sends out their last chance.

~ First Ascendant Code:

Thou unto the stars, lost by own device.

Green of the life given, gained for good of the unknowing.

White that is the star that breadth the gap from beginning to end.

Blue is the second that breadth the expanse of start life and the end of death.

Thou be the answer we the new give to the old: Ascendant.


~ Second Ascendant Code:

Be that of the friend lost to, and is Ascendant, know the Stone Words..

The home is another's, and that Word becomes the new from the old.

The vessels of our, that is yours, now belongs to none and all..

..that none and all is the life and death of the new, taken place of the old.

The life of the Ancestor, and the life of the Progeny.


~ Final Ascendant Code:

All of the beginning unto the end begins life beyond the imagination.

That imagination grew from another existence, untold ages in time.

We of the present, given the gifts of the greater past, gain life and purpose from those that left behind.

Those left behind, still call the Ascendant World home.

By name from the young, we call the old of the Ascendant Word in Stone back home:

~ Ashir`sapp`rhina ~"


All of a sudden, the very light of the star dims a GREAT deal, and the crew has to focus eyes to see through the inflicted darkness...

"Oh crud... What did we just..."

Suddenly, a swift spike of light blinds everyone for a mere moment, and..

"...wha.. SIR, they're gone!!!"

Rendar blinks his eyes several times, but he and the crew indeed see no vessels, nor the shimmer wave.


"Sir! Helm control is back!!' rendar hears this first from Navigation, but gets the same from all the previously nullified control stations. In fact the whole Fleet is back to nominal.

Rendar looks at Shayla... "It's behind my bunk with all the dirty mags."

Shayla.. "I know... they don't look that hot."

Rendar follows his eyes as Shayla heads back down to Strategia, before...

"Sir, getting a new message..."

Rendar turns back.. "Let's hear it."

The voice is as deep as before...

(( ~ The Full Code is Acknowledged...

..those present have passed the Test. Know that our devices of Removal are deactivated. However, those that intend harm upon Our structure, will meet the same nullifying effects as before. Otherwise, the System Dysan Sphere is yours to explore.

...but we also ask that the commanders of each vessel arrive in person to our Temple. You will know where to look and where to arrive.

..there, We will reveal that which is of left of our Ascendanct Way. ~ ))"

The Voice reaches to every vessel once again, this time with a far more appeased tone than before.

Rendar though is still jittered by the voice. "Sounds like an invitation."

"Sir..." ..a tech calls and points. Along the 'far' end of the Upper Hemisphere Superstructure, is a large glowing ring, marked with a great sparkle in the center.

The sight if hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and despite the haze generated by the white star and atmosphere of the surface, the sight is almost..

..clear as crystal.

Rendar notes this and.. "Set a course for that doohickey light."

The Navi-Tech turns around. "Aye sir..."
16-02-2005, 09:03
OOC: That... poses a problem - the ships have almost total integration - I sure hope the temple can fit a full size frigate...

"The field has lifted, and we're getting a message."
"I can hear it too. Wait..."
"This... could present a problem."
"Ah well. We'll figure it out when we see the temple. Are the REVs onboard?"
"Yes, they are all stowed and are being repaired after the wave and plasma venting."
"Say, there didn't happen to be a reference to a yellow star in the message, was there?"
"No, but they did mention a sign."
"Well that must be it, then. Let's go."

The ships used full engine power to fly towards the shining light.

But that was a good question - how would one place a frigate into an ancient temple?
Gaian Ascendancy
16-02-2005, 09:07
((OC- It means for personnel to come to the temple, with the vessels obviously parked above the area in 'orbit'... so to speak..))
16-02-2005, 09:55
16-02-2005, 10:01
OOC: What I mean is that the crew almost literally ARE the ship. The live the ship. They feel the ship. They only leave once every 10 years for a scheduled break. As such, to move the "personnel" into the temple, they would need to either send REVs or take the entire ship in.
16-02-2005, 11:18
OOC: We could download you onto floppy disks... Seriously though, our techpriest found some ancient STC hologram projectors. We'll loan some to you.

"Officer!" Said Thadia. "Fuel my Thunderhawk. I have been summoned to the temple."

"Right away sir!" Said the officer. "I'll assemble an Honour Guard."

An hour later, a red and gold Thunderhawk sped towards the sphere.
16-02-2005, 16:02
"This is ScoutShip107APQ to Gaian Fleet. I don't know what you did but requesting permission to acompany your expedition to the glowing thing. I am a member of the Theao scouting and expeditionary team." he transmited as the scout's engines took it to link up with the Gaians
16-02-2005, 17:12
"I don't think they ment our ship-selves, Jack."

Outside, the KCV Board-With-A-Nail-In-It's reactionless IDD drives flared reverse and died.

"And what would you sugest, Claws? I'm not risking this avvy so blaintently."

"So use a drone; oh, I forgot you didn't bring any, ya cheap bastard."

The rabbit just shook her head as she listened to the two trade words a minute longer, befor a third voice chimed in.

"I have a couple Endo/Exo-Atmospheric Combat Drones on a shuttle already out there; they're pretty hunamoid and have holo-effectors. I'll ditch their combat loads and we can use those."


Amoungst the Sphere, missile and smallcraft once launched returned to their distant ships; one, however, headed in the opposite direction - the converted dropship following other groups towards what was belived to be the requested gathering spot.
Gaian Ascendancy
16-02-2005, 23:33
As the 2nd fleet moved in a circle arc towards the destination, Commander Rendar listened to all the communicaes, including the one directed at them from the Theaoans..

"This is ScoutShip107APQ to Gaian Fleet. I don't know what you did but requesting permission to acompany your expedition to the glowing thing. I am a member of the Theao scouting and expeditionary team."

Rendar opened a comm link back with..

"This is the Texas Class Warship Gold Wolf, and you hear the same thing that we did. We're heading towards that... light.. and apparnetly meet with someone there. Got us who...

You're welcome to follow, though we can't gaurantee anything at this point.

And what we did will probably be explained for us once we get to the objective."

Rendar is turned away by a Tech. "Sir, look at that area."

Rendar sees towards the far upper zone of the Sphere, a large, rather dark red area. "What the hell? That looks like a volcanic field. But..."

Indeed, all the detail and texture of a lava field with volcanoes within, several by count, cover an area equal to North America and half of Austrailia combined. "Huge man.." Rendar breathes out..

"About 3 million kilometers from the Temple area. About one hour till we're close enough."

Rendar looks from the Navi-Tech and the growing sight before him. "Looks too close to me already."


Meanwhile, at the Temple, and in fact all over the Dysan Sphere, their movements have ben tracked from the start... the unknown natives, far too small to be seen from 'space', within the Sphere.
17-02-2005, 08:38
"Well, we could send a REV first and try to warp you in..."
"That'll have to do. I'm not getting mutilated just to see some temple."
"Hmm... Ah well. Let's head in."

As they approached the light, they encountered the Gaian fleet, and followed them into the bowels of the Dyson sphere.
17-02-2005, 10:19
The Faith in Imperium sped towards the Dysan sphere. "Where's the temple?" Asked the pilot?

"I don't know." Replied Thadia. "Follow the other ships."
Gaian Ascendancy
18-02-2005, 08:38
When the Fleet drew within 1.3 million kilometers of the 'Temple', yet another major observation was made.

Rendar was drawn attention to a sensor sweep, one that revealed something 'incredible'.

Rendar, when he looked at the data, called up Commander Shayla, which garnered the same reaction.

"That... looks like.... drydocks...."

Rendar adds to Shayla's amazement.. "Orbiting above the surface of the Sphere, inside of the Sphere."

A Tech adds more. In summary, the structure spreads over tens of thousands of kilometers, broken up into several sections, running all the way from the 'polar northern' to the 'polar southern' ends of the Sphere Inner Boundry. Indeed, the whole series of structures orbit above the Inner Surface.

What more, the setup is not too far off from the standard fleet drydock setups known and used in the Galaxy. Added to all this, several space ladders extend from several points of the Inner Surface, to these gargantuan Super DryDocks.

Rendar quips.. "Damn... you could repair our entire Fleet in there, and have room left over for just about every other fleet as well. and why this large. This vast..."

"This migraine inducing." Rendar eyes Shayla who looks kinda pale. Rendar chuckles. "Need some asprin?"

Shayla.. "I take Advil.."

The sight slowly passes by, as the detail of the Temple begins to take more shape...

...and by looks from just under a one million kilometers, it was just as huge.

Shayla quips again. "It... just makes no sense. Just..."

Rendar just looks away. "At some point, it made sense to the ones that built this place."

Shayla only looks at him and quips dryly. "Yeah, well I'm not one of them."
18-02-2005, 12:08
"Look!" Said the pilot. "Boarding Piers!"

"That's not all." Said Thadia, looking at the auspex* array. "Imperial signal over there."

The pilot activated all thrusters and as they crossed the horizon, they saw the silhouette of an Emperor-Class battleship. "The Hallowed Empire!" breathed Thadia. "Take her into the launch bays."

The ship was lifeless. The power was operating at a minimum level, sustaining life support and lighting, but little else. There were also no life signs, yet things seemed undisturbed. Mugs of protein drink lay on tables, untouched, with no skin yet formed on the surface. The pilot lifted it to his lips. "It's still warm," he noted.

"We've found the ship," Said Thadia, "But where are the crew?"

*Auspexes are like sensors.
Gaian Ascendancy
18-02-2005, 23:16
"We're coming up on it now sir."

Rendar just sits in his command chair and remarks back to the Navi-Tech. "Got it., this is getting.... boring."

Rendar then stands and walks over to the Navi-Station. He taks a long look at the 'Temple' now dominating the view within the entire starboard view ports.

The Temple was evidently some kind of gleaming structure, glass, crystal, glasssteel, who knows. But the place was gving it's glow, from sunlight taken from the white Star now to their Port side.

The entire thing looked like the most complex set of pickup sticks ever arranged in a setup. Gleaming beams of (said possible above) strut at many angles of horizontal and vertical, angles all set to maximize the space and granduer of the Temple. But not all was straight and narrow, many angles were curved with great elegance, especially towards the upper portions of the Temple.

However, though it shouldn't be unexpected, the beam layered interior was dusk and mysterious looking. A dull dark blusish 'glow' was all that was within the darkened spaces.

The format of the Temple was a half squarish base, with a dual split conical/pyramid atop, flanked on all four points by immense pointed, and, outwardly looking, serrrated pillars that stretched for tens kilometers. The beam set up gave the Temple a 'hollow' look, especially with the shadows within.

The outlying areas of the Temple were like immense Super-suburbs of the main structure, the entire area taking up over one hundred square kilometers at least, The Outlying areas were shaped as miniature versions of the Temple, with structures melded between beams of (said possible above,) and with numerous, small scale pillars of the same flanking the Temple.

But the detail didn't stop at the surface, there were clusters of these stuuctures actually hovering over the surface structures. Some of the hovering masses rose to almost an orbital level. Some were actially quite large, some as large as several hundred square meters across.

From this close position, the glow should be blinding, but in fact has a bare gleam to it. Course the entire structure gleams in the manner, and the total size gives off a combined glow.

Rendar drinks in the detail, adding... "Must be a nice summer home..."

Just as the 2nd Fleet entered a high orbital station keeping orbit above the Temple, the Voice ruptured through all comms (and minds) again.

((~ Your arrivals unto our wait ends.

..learn the Truth from within the bowels of our mighty creation.

..learn than not us all have become Ascendant, and remain in aspect, mortal. ~))

As the Gaians hear this, Rendar quips. "What the..?

..there's still Ascendants 'on' this world?"

"Sounds like.." Delaru quips.
18-02-2005, 23:33
Thadia and his Honour Guard began the slow trudge towards the temple from the Hallowed Empire. "Strange," said the pilot. "Everything here is Imperium Codex, yet... just too white and shiny."

"STC." Said Thadia "Maybe the 'Ascendants' they speak of were our ancestors?"

Thadia and his Honour Guard finally reached the temple. "Now what?" Asked the pilot.
18-02-2005, 23:35
As his scout settled on the landing platform, he strapped on a FTG kit and headed to the 'temple'.
Gaian Ascendancy
18-02-2005, 23:59
((Man, the server is flogging me at the moment. Suprised the last post got through...))

About a half hour later, two DropShips finally detach from the Congress Frigate and 'descend' slowly to the Temple. They head in towards where the other shuttles have gone. Seemed as good a place as any.

The others see the two spheroid Union-C DropShips land with a roar of straining engines. A few minutes later, Commanders Rendar and Shayla emerge from an extended ramp, with several Angel Gods as escort. Several OmniMechs were onboard, but weren't expected to be needed, one Timber Wolf was manned just in case.

Rendar looks about, unnerved by the sight of being on a surface, where the horizon bended upwards, and into a 'circle' horizon, heavily hazed over by the Star that was at the center. "I think I need that asprin now."

Shayla sorta walks off balance as she looks about. "I need dramamine..."
19-02-2005, 00:04
Seeing the Gaians landed Jason walked over. "Would you mind if I go to the 'temple' with you. You seem to know the most about this thing. So what do you say? Oh and by the way my name is Jason."
19-02-2005, 00:43
The frigates' retroboosters kicked in just as they came to the temple.

"Whoa... This thing is HUGE!"
"Looks like we don't need to hack you up, eh?"
"...Shut up."
"Ok, We're going to have a look at the drydocks, and see if there's anything we can get a good look at without blowing anything up."
"Wai- Crud. They're gone."

Two frigates left for the nearest drydock, intent on searching through the docks for any unknown technology.

The sensor frigate, however, engaged thrusters and began hovering over the other leaders.

"Hiyas. Are you here to have a look at the temple too?"
Gaian Ascendancy
19-02-2005, 01:03
Commander Rendar sees Jason and shakes his hand. "Commander Rendar, 2nd Gaian Exploration Fleet.

..and we don't mind."

..he then looks up as the 'vessel' hovers over them. "..aye, looks like we all are about to learn something."

All of a sudden, two major sounds draw attention...

..first comes afar to the far left, where, at their combined perspective at surface level, a immense Gate can be seen being opened along the surface. From orbital view, the Gate easily extends over 300 square kilometers in size. The Gate is rediculously huge.

..which is distracted from a moment later, as much closer, a huge portion of the Temple structure... expands... by over four times it's size. It does this to apparently create a massive and 'deep' tunnel that from looks, can accomidate the vessel-being as much as the smaller humanoids below it.

Shayla in character yells.. "What the hell is this?!"

Rendar just shrugs. "Probably both an invitation..." ..and looking back at the Gate. "..and a exit."

Shayla just shudders. "I'm gonna puke if this all keeps up like this...."
19-02-2005, 01:57
As the gate opened and the hole appeared, the Oracle's sensors went crazy, showing a detailed analysis of the two gaping entrances. The deep hole showed HUGE energy signatures, whereas the gate appeared to be totally beign, seeming to be an exit.

"Hmm... You're probably right. Your call."
Gaian Ascendancy
19-02-2005, 03:30
Rendar gukps and looks at Shayla..

...he then takes a step foward..

...and then dissapears!!

"WHATHE!?!" Shayla instinctively steps forward... ditto! She vannishes too. fact they both end up as streaks of light speeding incrediby fast down the open 'tunnel'.

One of the Angel God escorts whispers.. "Teleport tunnel..."
19-02-2005, 03:36
Seeing the Gaians disappear Jason touched a button on his suit "Computer do you have a lock on me."
"Yes Sir."
"Here goes nothing." Jason said as he stepped into the tunnel as well.
19-02-2005, 05:44
Seeing the others step into the great vortex, and dissappear, the Oracle was understandably edgy.

"Here goes nothing..."

And with that, he shut off his sensors and gave a short thrust with the engines.

During the whole journey, he hoped that this was not a black hole...

In fact, if the sensors were on, it would be clear that it was actually a different form of FTL travel. But... only a dedicated science vessel with empty data storage banks could get through this with sensors on and sanity intact.
Gaian Ascendancy
19-02-2005, 05:59
((There we go...))

Rendar is the first to finish the 'trip', Shalya following shortly. Jason and then the vessel-being follow...

...when Rendar finishes first, his first sight is 'not' what he expected..

"*Trampled voice* By.... the Goddess.............."

Everyone is greeted with the sight of a place that 'can't' be existing along with the Dysan Sphere.

...for one, everything is a haolic white, with a sky of blue running unto silver from horizon to sky...

..up and down in view.

A series of massive crystal platforms, many tiers that stack in many areas, float in midst of each other, connected by 'bridges' of pure light. Asgard or Heaven this is not. Many of the crystal platforms have pure white marble, or something like marble, structures that echo too much like Greco-Roman like architechture.

If not for the stars 'within' the 'marble', sparkling as if they were 'real'.

The sky was plain, yet almost 'silken' in texture from looks. No stars poked through, but the sky looked 'deep'.

Everything was open air, and expansive.

Behind them is the 'tunnel', shaped and color toned as before. Apparently the tunnel was a doorway to another world. Or... another dimension...

The platforms though had grass that seemed fine combed, and ran all the colors echoing the tones of this... place.

Before them was the 'objective', a massive white structure of the above flavors, several kilometers wide. Nowhere near as massive as the Temple 'outside', but it had another feel...


Rendar and Shayla just look stunned.
19-02-2005, 11:02
With a jolt, ten heavy Space Marines fly through the air and impact heavily on the floor. "Damn warpgates!" Thadia says as he sits up and rubs his head. "Power armour never agrees with the warp."

He stands up and walks over to the others. "Captain Thadia of the Sacred Light. Pleased to meet you." He points to the tangled mass regaining consciousness. "Those are my Honour Guard." He looks around himself. "Who built this place?"
19-02-2005, 12:19

As the sensors reactivated, and the starboard engine bumped against the floor before the retroboosters could compensate properly, Oracle noticed the strange feeling of insignificance, moreso than when in space.

A scan of the room show huge crystalline platforms, held up by what appeared to be nothing more than light. There was also a huge white structure sitting in the middle of the room, apparently the center of this all.

After taking a moment to analyse all this, the frigate slowly advanced towards the towering building.
Gaian Ascendancy
20-02-2005, 00:40
Rendar saw the Space Marines appear, and acknowledges Captain Thadia. "Commander Rendar and my associate Commander Shayla Shayla, Gaian Ascendancy 2nd Exploration Fleet."

Rendar looks back at the ancient structure, noting the vessel-being beginning forth. "We're reasonably sure that this entire structure, the Dysan Sphere and all, were built by a race called the Ascendants, who up to this point, we thought were long gone.

..but right now, I don't really know about that."

Shayla though notes something. "Hey, what's that?"

Rendar looks and sees.. "..or whom.."

Upon the far enterance of the white structure, a single white and gold creature seems to be standing at the enterance. From far looks, it's like a large bird like creature.

Rendar takes a step forward. "Let's find out.." ..and walks forth past the vessel-being above, and quickly in tow with Shayla following."
20-02-2005, 00:44
Seeing the weird looking creature Jason contacted his ship conferming it's lock on him, flipped open his holster, rested his hand on his pistol and followed the Gaians toward the creature.
Gaian Ascendancy
20-02-2005, 04:11
Rendar had come within about 50 meters when he saw enough detail to make him stop. "Dear Light..." Shayla also halted.

The bird like being, actually up close, looked like a magnificent Griffin, it's head like that of a powerful Eagle or Condor, the body thick and powerful looking, it's 'wings' structured with large 'points' of six 'finger' digits. The legs were heavily feathered and clawed feet, each a toe the size of a human person's arm.

All the feathers and coloring were patterned in silver and gold accents under which the prime white-ivory of the feathers covered all. All the tips of the feathers from head, tail, wing-finger tips and down to the legs, were a white with silver unto gold 'edging' all about.

The head was crowned in a beak that was polished and gleaming of a dull silver tone. It also had two very deep, penetrating, blue eyes, ones that looked at the arriving party with interest.

But the feathers were not it's only it's covering. A set of white robes, with more silver and gold trim all about, along with a held double bent staff of crystal, gave the avian being a sense of 'spirituality'.

Even it's posture was that of a strong yet ancient personage.

But most stunning to the newcomers of all..

It looks at the stopped humans and 'vessel', simply with..

"~ Do please come now. We've waited for ages for this day to come. ~" then turns and heads into the structure.

Rendar and Shayla only exchange glances, and then continue on.
20-02-2005, 04:15
"What the hell, is that a griffin. Enh."
He follows the gaians deeper into the temple.
20-02-2005, 05:10
The frigate, still hovering, followed Rendar and Shaylar into the towering building.

"I wonder what's going to happen? Sure hope it's not anything bad..."
Gaian Ascendancy
20-02-2005, 07:35
*Oustide the Temple, within the Sphere*

While the small group within was being mesmerized by the sights within, an event was occuring outside within the Dysan Sphere.

Delaru watched as sensor readings started going haywaire. "Are these readings... accurate?"

Sensors replies.. "You're seeing what I'm seeing."

This all comprised of a massive spike of energy being formed.. from the Star.

The surface of the Star was apparently building up in a vector, in line with the immense Portal that opened on the Sphere hull.

Delaru could only watch and wonder at what was happening.



Rendar reached the transparent steps first, slowly walking up to the structure enterance. Shayla winds up to his left.

Looking into the enterance, it has the feel more of an Ancient Egyptian setup, rather than the Greco-Roman type upon the exterior.

However Rendar has a feeling. "Wonder..."

Rendar forgoes caution and passes into the enterance.

And dissapears again.

..this time a column of light heading 'up'.

Shayla growls. "Don't these wierdos just walk down tunnels?" ..and then folllows with the same effect.

However this time, what they see is unique to each race, that is those that enter the entrance.

Their specific minds are imprinted upon what they see next.

..that of their versions of a homeworld. Some Gaian, some Terran, some Hakurabian, some Theaon, some Falcanian, some ((whoever else posted in this thread, which is a lot of ya..))

..all with one binding theme.

..all were looking at a single open air hallway with pillars, many pillars, all with glowing orbs above each. The orbs are phasic and swirling upon themselves constantly. The hallway wall sections, cieling and floor, are etched in script and academic scroll that lie in realms of science and math, not easily understood for more than gibberish.

But the script 'glows' in places, fluctuating position slowly and constantly.

Rendar and Shayla, looking about the terrain of 'White Diamond', their home planet. Everyone else sees their version in their eyesight, but also see the same as a group before them.

Rendar just sighs. "When is this damn ride going to end?"

They also see one additional detail. The Griffin creature. It awaits down the end of the hallway.

..and indeed its easily large enough to accomidate the vessel-being.
20-02-2005, 07:46
ooc:Jason was born on a spacestation, hes never been to the Theao homeworld, also he is moderatly distrusting of 'weird things'

"Mind games, I hate people messing with my head. I had to undergo enough of that during training to last me till the end of time." Jason muttered and grumbled as he walked down the corrider, his hand never leaving his pistol.
Gaian Ascendancy
20-02-2005, 07:54
((OC- For all intents and purposes, the Ascendants know this even if Jason doesn't. Call it his introduction in kind as a result..

..besides, a spacestation seems a bit off to look at as 'scenery'..))


Rendar however had no such ills. Nothing in his mind warned him that this was a danger.

..if it had, they wouldn't have gotten this far.

Shayla though was more guarded. And they all walked further into the ancient hallway.
20-02-2005, 08:03
ooc:just saying because he is probably the only one who has no clue what hes looking at
20-02-2005, 10:28
As Thadia and his honour guard hit the ground hard for the second time that day, they noted a difference. Instead of hard white marble, they were on the battle-scorched dust of Baal Secundus. Thadia looked up. There were many pillars, in the imperial style, but with strange orbs on the top. In the percieved distance lay the griffin creature. Thadia clambered to his feet and walked slowly towards the griffin. "Who are you?"
Gaian Ascendancy
21-02-2005, 07:04
The ancient avian looks at Thadia. "~ In your tounge, a guard. ~"

It then turns toward another hallway opening.

"~ My Lord in waiting wishes to meet you. ~"

Rendar and the others exchange glances again, and follow the large, 10 foot avain. The route taken is essentially the same, pillars with whispy orbs, script on the partial walls, and scenery that began to turn more from surface images of the various 'worlds', into various pictures of various 'worlds' seen from space. Every step taken gives a 'higher' view of their respective worlds.

..this all however abruptly ends as they enter a dull golden chamber, with the partial walls now bare, and only stars and bands of galaxies as 'scenery'.

One seen the same by all parties. This is by design. The entire chamber is over 500 square meters wide.

However to their front, the avian moves to end up standing near a simple flat platform of marble white, glowing softly within.

Rendar looks about. "What is this place?"

The avian replies back to the general question. "~ This is where your existence, and ours meet.

..your own toung young Gaian, tells that ours is an 'Ascendant' race.

..that is only a word that explains partial our truth. ~"

Rendar just stands there for a moment.

..and then the non-avain minds are suddenly pegged with the 'approach' of something.

Shayla.. "What be 'this'?"

A warp-shimmer sound drags attention, as the platform suddenly begins to... 'warp'...

The avian then adds.. "~ You must forgive my Ascendant version. It takes time to break through the dimensional barriers between our two existences. ~"

Shayla though senses more readily. "Dear Goddess........."


"IT'S SPIKING!!!!!!!!!"

Delaru stabs a look back up, just in time to see it. a massive beam of energy suddenly SHOOTS out from the Star, and out the open Gate.

"Keep Sensors recording on that! I want to know where it's going."

The Sensor-Tech though admits. "That's not possible. The beam is going past the gravitational zone of the Sphere."

Delaru then cocks an eye. "Then where is it going?"


*The Home System*

Gaian souls are going on with their lives as normal, many in inter-System traffic.

All that is interrupted by the events coming towards them. second all is nominal.

..the next, a titanic beam of light suddenly STABS dead at the center of the Two Stars: Angelisus I and II.

Gaian Command is suddenly thrown in immense confusion!
21-02-2005, 07:34
OOC: I'll just skip the corridoor and such, and assume that the ship has flown through all that, and found that out.


"What's this thing?"

"Looks like a button. Wonder what it does?"

"I'm going to push it."

As the claw had just tapped the panel, the scanners went wild.

"HUGE energy signatures coming from the temple? WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"Uh oh."


"Nothing. Don't worry. It's nothing."

"You said 'Uh oh'."

"Well, it's just that we -"
"You did."
"Okay. Well it's just that I pushed this thing that looked like a button."



"You're going to KILL US ALL!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Not much we can do now, can we? This is all your fault you know."


Unbeknownst to them, the 'button' was no more than just a loose panel, and the pushing of it had nothing to do with the energy spike. It was no more than a strange coincidence.
Gaian Ascendancy
21-02-2005, 08:07
..a coincidence that was causing the Gaian Council and Command to freak out, quite bluntly.

*Imperial Palace Tree*

"What the BLAZES is going on!?!?"

Lord Azusa looked as Aleaic, Arashi and Tsunami came up, with Aleaic the most pegged of the bunch. All about them, Techs and aides ran about while clearly above through the transparent glassteel panes, and through the Tree canopy, the beam can be seen lancing at the dual stars of the Home System.

Azusa splits between two screens and Aleaic in explanation. "All we know is that a powerful energy beam has made contact at the Stellar La Grange Point between Angelisus I and II.

.we're getting reports from the other Star Systems, that similar beams have made contact with the Stars there as well."

Aleaic just blinks with a.. "Huh? Beams contacting stars? What's causing it?"

Azusa just shakes his head. "Unknown kid. Just came out of nowhere."

Aleaic looks back at his wives, as Azusa turns back to find out more information.

Aleiac just quips. "Do you think..."

Arashi replies. "Who knows. After everything we've seen so far..."

"Much of the Ascendant technology is still beyond us. I wouldn't be supporsed by this display." Tsunami adds.

Aleaic nods, then turns back. "What's the condition of the stars themselves?"

Azusa asks the same of a Tech, and gets back. "Sirs, the Stars aren't imploding or anything..

..what I am getting, seems similar to a wavepattern used in Boson Jump tests."

Azusa looks down at the Tech. "Boson Jump? At this scale?"

Aleaic quips. "Does size matter?"

Tsunami.. "To me it does."

Aleaic eyes back. "Can we try and live through this first love?" Tsunami just half-giggles.


Meanwhile, the Beam starts to make it's own will known.

..the gravity envelope of the System begins to shift.
21-02-2005, 17:37
Thadia buckles as his feet are thrown from under him. "What in the name of the Emperor is going on?"
Gaian Ascendancy
22-02-2005, 00:12
Rendar is thrown about as well when the lurch finally hit the 'interior'. "What in!?"

Even as the shimmering portal coalesces, Rendar hits his comm-unit. "Delaru, report!"

A staticy reply.. ":: ..ot certa.. sir.. Bu.. a lar..e beam of ligh... as shot ou.. rom the star an.. ::"

Rendar hits his comm-unit.. "You're breaking up too much, say again."

Only a hiss is returned this time. "Delaru! DELARU!?" Rendar stabs a look at the avian. "What the hell is going on with my ships! What was he talking about!?" ..his fingers itchy over hos own holster suddenly.

The avian only replies.. "~ What is now yours, we are attempting to contact further. As of now, both our existences are intertwined. ~"

"What does that mean!? If we've become prisoners..." The avian though stops Shayla short. "~ Do not haste your young minds in such ill conceptions.

..for if it were so, we as well would be 'prisoners'. not, none here are, nor you or we. ~"

Rendar just looks dumbfounded. "Then what do you mean? What 'is' going on?"

The avain shakes it's head. "~ Does your imagination fall so low? Open your mind to our words, and that truth will come to you as you see fit.

But my Lord will explain more. ~"

Words stop there, as the portal sears open and a single form floats from it.

..a blue-white whisp field begins to regain a shape once familiar to it. One similar to that of the avian guarding the Temple Oracle.

One that however, is a format that of a crystal ghost. As if it's form was made of light formed into crystal. It glows such, as if everyone was looking at an angel.

..and they would not be far off.

It also is the one that holds a Voice clear to the mortals. It looks at them softly. "(( ~ Tremble ye not young ones.

...your lives and belongings of all scale do not fall under endangerment. However your actions bring us pause. Too far into realms of emotion and clouded judgement, not allowing clear through of the obvious before you. lack what we have gained thereby.

..but you gained Words that we must acknowledge. The Stone Words of long lost to us, apparently of that which the Powers decided to give to anew.

Who are thee that our own powers now touch, of worlds, some fifteen clusters of, we know that is occupied. ~ ))"

Rendar has to fight to control his awe and fear. There's nothing he knows that can give him help unto this moment. All he can ask in a stammer is..

"Who be you?"

The Guardian replies to the haolic avian.. "~ That be the one called a Gaian. The others are I believe, Falcanian, Hakurabian, and Theaoan. They are the first to breach the Enterance. ~"

The angelic-like avian responds.. "(( ~ See that I will.

..know that then, that my name is Ackronus, Lord of the Avian Lords, and the name used as Ascendant therefore. The last moment I stood as unto the Mortal Plane, was 15 Eons removed, each well over a billion of your invididual star cycles. name, is that of the head of my Lord of Clans. ~ ))"

Rendar only nods.

..Shayla just faints.


"It's a Gate-beam."

Azusa looks down. "Say that again Tech?"

Aleaic comes closer, as he and his wives are joined by Washu, Misaki and Tenchi. The tech explains. "It's a massive subspace tunnel beam. The effect seems to be a transport tube, almost the same in scale as our Boson JumpChulip System. Only the size is at least one hundred times greater.

..I can only guess why it's connecting to our Stars, but it seems to be the point of the, believe it or not, power source for the tunnel."

Washu then adds. "If that's true, then a vessel might be able to transport using the tunnel to it's source."

Aleaic eyes Washu warily. "Send a vessel in THAT thing? Oh sure, honorable solution."

Washu grinds back. "I didn't mean it that way twit king! I suggested that it 'could' be a feasable solution."

Azusa then pegs in. "Assuming it's only meant for vessels." The others look at him. "Say that again?" Aleaic adds.

The Tech then puts in. "Energy readings seem to be 'reflecting' off of the gravity envelope of our Star System. I think the beam is affecting stability in the System. But I don't think it's a harmful one."

Aleaic looks from the Tech to Washu and Azusa. "Let me get that straight. This beam is affecting the System? How can that 'not' be harmful?"

Washu would answer, however all of a sudden. "SIR! The Beam is heading this way!!!"

Everyone looks between status screens, holoscreens and then up through the Canopy, as the Beam suddenly 'reflects' off the Twin Stars and heads dead straight at them!

Aleaic and everyone has their eyes reduced to anime black pips.

Aleaic (very meek voice..): "Oh shit.."
22-02-2005, 04:17
I'm offically pulling out of this; a war is brewing, and I can't spare the time needed to compose the proper RP posts as this thread deserves.
Gaian Ascendancy
22-02-2005, 06:09
((OC- No problemo. Just keep an eye on it, since I've got a wild situation about to bruhahaw here as well.

Hope this thread is at least entertaining. ))
22-02-2005, 06:23
"Yo Ackronus or what ever your name is speak english.(assuming english basic means of talking) Stop with this mumbo-jumbo that sounds like it was written by Shakespeare. Also what's with the energy and siesmic stuff you've been pulling. And another thing what the heck are you." Jason shouted at the glowing dude, having decided if he's going to have to put up with some thing claiming it was over a billion he was going to get answers.
22-02-2005, 09:03
Back in the chamber...

Oracle directed a sharp burst of energy at Jason, sensing that this was important, and that such rash actions would be frowned upon. It was nowhere near powerful enough to hurt him, but was carefully judged to feel like an elbow in the ribs.

"Whilst you probably already know of all this, I am required by protocol to introduce myself. I am the Scanning Frigate Oracle of the Hakurabian Exploratory Navy. I have the authority to form alliances, and make mutual agreements. Now, with the formalities out of the way, I would like to thank you for allowing us the honour of being the first to enter your inner sanctums. Aside from that, I apologise on the behalf of my colleagues for attempting to damage your Dysan Sphere. We did not realise that it still remained operational."
22-02-2005, 18:33
"Honourable Guardian?" Asked Thadia. "When we arrived here we saw a ship of our nation, but the crew was not there. Can you tell us, where are our comrades?"
Gaian Ascendancy
23-02-2005, 05:45
Ackronus looked first at Thadia. "(( ~ You must forgive us. They were detained on the suurface of the Sphere and can be transported back easily.

..if not for the Code, all of you would have been removed to your originating Star Systems, as we abhore violent measures. This we felt from your people young Lord Thadia. for the rest of you, learn these words carefully.

We were once a part of the Elder races, those that came before your younger races. We like you, were once young, ignorant, and searching as we went from a terrestrial race unto one of the stars.

..however over ages in time, we learned that there was more than one step unto the evolutionary ladder. Science and technology as you call it in this era, were only tools for the soul to climb a long ladder unto other stepping stones. of those stepping stones became our road from where we departed this Plane upon. However we also learned along the way, that the universe could be manipulated in facets not easily thought of by your races.

..ones that could make travel between whole universes, a mere fraction of moments in time, or to take life and meld the word immortality unto it, as if it were your atmosphere to breathe in.

All matter and though is controllable. Limits exist only to bring realism and forethought into future actions. However these are merely new challenges to eventually overcome. It's is only a tool for these steps. Any technology can be created, and any limit overcome.

We are an end result. We are where one day, you all may reach. ~))"

Everyone listens to this. Rendar though feels a bit neutral. "All words, and like it or not, we are not easily swayed by them alone.

..why 'are' we here? How come this Sphere was here of all places? What is exactly going on birdy?"

Ackronus slits his avain eyes and shakes his head. "(( ~ If it must take action to cowl your mortal minds into acceptance, then do note that your seperate worlds are at this moment, being targeted by our Dimensional Beam.

..with them, we can transport your entire worlds 'here' inside this Sphere, and bring more mortal minds to understand us.

..this will not harm them, only transport them as per same like your small vessels. Such size does not matter to us, as the method is the same."

Shayla moans out.. "Move our worlds? Is that a joke?"

Ackronus only replies.. "(( ~ No...

..action will bring our words more credence. ~))"

Rendar looks at the other. "He's got to be joking.."


.........the Beam reached White Diamond, and suddenly envelops the entire world in a massive energy latice.

The same is occuring around the other present race's own worlds. As Ascendant Dimensional Tunnels are created, using the energy of their own Stars as amplification. mere moments, the largest example of a matter transportation begins to take place. Each world is 'Folded' from their respective positions, and in so doing, leaves a gravity power node to hold System stability, in a quotient equal to the world's themselves. None of the moons or other System worlds are unaffected as a result. There is no damage.

..only several entire worlds transported enmasse into the Dysan Sphere all at once.

Delaru is still looking on, when the Tunnels begin to 'deposit' each world within the Sphere, including sight of... "That's OUR world!! What the ****!!!"

Word are about similar upon each world 'transported' in this manner.
23-02-2005, 08:05
"Holy Emperor!" Shouted the pilot as he noticed Baal Secundus, location of Falcania, being slowly drawn into the sphere. "Why are you doing this to us? What have we done wrong?"
Gaian Ascendancy
23-02-2005, 08:21
Ackronus simply replies.. "(( ~ Nothing of note. This display is of what our knowledge has gained us.

..we have brought you here to show you what real power can be, and to open your minds to the useage of that power.

..and how to be wise with it. ~ ))"

The Guardian adds.. "~ It is a simple matter for us to transport whole worlds and Star Systems, when compared to the greater power of Dimensional creation and the power to alter the universe as you would see fit.

..It is only knowledge that many races before us, and many more to come, including yours, can garner, if your minds are open, and are willing to learn the long path needed to achieve this power and responsibility. ~"

Ackonrus quips.. "(( ~ Put well my Templar. ~ ))"

The Guardian shrugs. "~ Be it little bother... ~"
23-02-2005, 17:24
The pilot was quick to cotton on. "Can we use this power, for, to put it one way, overcoming interplanetary boundaries?"

Thadia shot him a look. "We cannot use this power for militant use, officer. The..." He gestures to Ackronus, "here has admitted that he was one of the Eldar. You know how much we abhor those foul aliens. Using Eldar technology is base and immoral."

OOC: I note you said Elder not Eldar, but I am proposing that Thadia misheard.
23-02-2005, 18:01
"Yo floating glowing dude. Mind put the planets back where they belong. We see you can F-Up the laws of sciences so just tell us what you want, in plain english please, so we can get back to doing what each of us does best." Jason shouted
23-02-2005, 18:56
Thadia pulled out his plasma pistol and pointed it at Jason. "These beings could snap your entire body into the space of a molecule with just a thought. If you insult them, they will. And all of us. Treat them with respect, or I won't treat you with respect."
23-02-2005, 19:15
"Put your gun away. I was just asking the floating dude to put things back in order. Things messing with the laws of physics give me a monumental headache. Floating dude, I apologise if I offended you but you've been messing with the laws of physics which tends to give me massive migrains. Also if it's not too much trouble could you please try to speak modern english?"
Jason said
23-02-2005, 19:22
Thadia kept his pistol trained on Jason. "They will speak how they want to speak. Contrary to popular belief, the entire universe has NOT been colonised by the United States of America."
23-02-2005, 19:25
"I understand that but if whatever it is is powerful enought to alter the laws of physics then it should be a simple matter for it to speak English in a manner I could understanded it without wasting the time to try to translated it ok buddy."
Gaian Ascendancy
23-02-2005, 22:26
The pilot was quick to cotton on. "Can we use this power, for, to put it one way, overcoming interplanetary boundaries?"

Thadia shot him a look. "We cannot use this power for militant use, officer. The..." He gestures to Ackronus, "here has admitted that he was one of the Eldar. You know how much we abhor those foul aliens. Using Eldar technology is base and immoral."

OOC: I note you said Elder not Eldar, but I am proposing that Thadia misheard.

((OC- I presume you mean the Warhammer40,000 Eldar, in which case, the Avian Lords are 'nothing' like that race.

..bringing them into the picture later on would be interesting though. =^^= ))


Ackronus sees the tension between the Theaoans and Falcaniana, and makes a simple guesture of a waved wing-hand..

..which causes a wall of solid light to snap inbetween the two parties.

"(( ~ Our language is our own. Our providence is our own. And such will 'not' see violence upon our lands. not worried young ones. Your worlds and Systems are not harmed. However we have done this to bring attention to ourselves for a purpose. ~ )) Ackronus looks dead at Rendar and Shayla.. "(( ~ 'You' will bring your leader here to us, the one the Dimensional Memory calls 'Aleaic'.

..we wish to test if your race deserves our gifts. Until this is done, 'no' world will be returned. It is suggested that the other leaders attend as well, so that 'all' words are heard at the same moment. ~ ))"

Ackronus then turns dead serious in tone. "(( ~ If you need me to translate 'that' young Theaon, know simply that until this requirement is met, your worlds are held unto our power.

..after which, they all will be returned.

And we do not alter physics simply. We tear and mend them upon our whims. That technology can be upon many forms, with again, an open mind. ~ ))"
23-02-2005, 22:37
"Ackronus if the Gaians are not 'worthy' what happens to the rest of us?"
24-02-2005, 10:54
Oracle, who had been silent whilst Theaolite and Falcanian representatives bickered finally piped up, having slowed his information feed earlier to cope with the sheer bulk of information suddenly rushing through his neural pathways.

"So we are to be tested of our worth? Indeed, a rational decision. However, I must enquire as to what shall become of us should they fail the test?"

Back at the drydock, the other two were still totally unawares of the universe shaking events taking place in the center, still totally absorbed fiddling with objects and pushing buttons, the rumbling stopped.
Gaian Ascendancy
24-02-2005, 22:12
Ackronus then adopts a sly tone that the others could easily interpret as dangerous.

"(( ~ If you wish not to find out, then I suggest you make the Gaian's succeed. ~ ))"

The Guardian Avian eyes Ackronus warily, but Ackronus only makes a 'shhing' motion with a feather tip to his beak.

Just then, Rendar's Comm unit starts beeping. "That you Delaru?"

":: Sir! Fianlly got you. ::" Rendar looks at his unit like it's a mutant. "What happened before? You were breaking up and.."

":: Excuse me sir. But you should know... ::"

Rendar.. "..that our homeworld and several others have been miraculously teleported inside the Sphere."

..silence for a moment...

":: How did... ::"

"A little birdy told me."

":: Is that the one that looks like a ghost version of some oversized eagle or something? ::" Rendar cocks an eye at the unit. "How did you know that?"

..response... ":: There's this... thing.. saying it's an Ascendant, and it's demanding that our Excellency come to the Temple. I think this is being done on all the other vessels and worlds in here. There's transmissions being directed at us with less than appeased tones. ::"

Rendar looks at the other three represented groups. "Figures."


*Homeworld; Imperial Palace Tree*

The event that transported their entire world caused no little amount of civil unrest and induced panic. Even for the logic and honor bound Gaians, even 'this' was beyond their capacity to accept easily.

As the Council members were trying to get the Command Center personnel to calm down the some 100 million souls of White Diamond/Sapphire, along with trying to figure out what happened, the holo-'transmission' sent by Ackronus reached about three hundred seperate areas of the world.

Aleaic had one about ten meters away from him, indicating the 'demand'.

Aleaic looks to his beleagured Council members. "Um... 'me'?

Why ME again!? And why does an Ascendant look like some Sci-Fi version of Big Bird!?"

Washu though takes an unusually plain stance. "You think he simply wants to meet you?"

Aleaic really eyes Washu like she was a mutant. "It sounds like if I mess up, we're screwed!"

Washu just smiles.. "No pressure."

Aleaic almost retorts 'colorfully', but Azusa then adds. "I wonder if this has to do with the Powers and the Ascendants. There may be a real history between them we haven't seen yet."

"We've been wondering all this time, why the Powers gave us a System, and access to technology we 'shouldn't' be able to reverse engineer so quickly. Even I am starting to wonder about the connection between the Ascendants and the Powers were." ..Aleaic listens from Arashi, finishing.

"..and more, since you're a relation love."

Aleaic looks between Tsui and Arashi, adding his inject.. "I'm only a relation through my Father. Heck, I still don't like the idea of being forced into becoming a Power." ..he says with a huff and folded arms.

Azusa then asks. "What are you going to do then kid?"

Aleaic looks up at the 'sky', filled with a white haze and detail of the Dysan Sphere Inner Surfance. " I have a choice. We're in this too deep, and have to live with it."

Aleaic looks at Azusa. "Prepare one of those new Lambada shuttles we got. I'm heading over."

Azusa smirks and then shoots his head over, barking orders of the same.


Within an hour, the Shuttle containing Aleaic and several Council members (especially his wives.. big time..) departs White Diamond for the 'short' trip to the Temple.

Delaru gets the transmission of the incoming shuttle, and exhanges a look with his Comm-Tech.. "He's in character at least."

"Braver than I am." ..the Tech quips back.

It takes about an hour at full sublight to reach the Temple, their sight and reactions no less than what everyone else present has seen. They soon reach the surface, following the beacon of the Gaian DropShips as a landing source.
25-02-2005, 08:34
OOC: The term "System Administrator" in this case simply refers to the leader title, not to [violet]

On Upsilon Centauri II...

"Uh oh... Well, let's see here - we've suddenly materialised in the middle of a giant sphere. We could be in a spot of trouble."

"Yes, and there's a message for you demanding you go to the big 'temple' in the middle of the sphere."

"Why would they want me? I'm just the Administrator!"

"Apparently that constitutes being a leader."


"You're still the leader."

"I can't even get out of bed* without a majority vote!"
*figure of speech

"Nevertheless, you must go."

"Can I do ANYTHING about it?"



"Are you ready to go then?"


"What will you be taking, then? A Broadside?"

"No. From what they appear to have done, no amount of armour could even begin to stop their wrath, should it be invoked."

"So... A skiff then?"

"Even smaller - a scout."
Scouts were little contraptions consisting of A transciever, a basic sensor package, a reactor, and high-efficiency engines stuck together with Tacki-bond, the starfaring equivalent of paste.

"I'll let Oracle know you're coming, then."

Soon, a small shape was to be seen hurtling towards the temple.

Back at the temple, Oracle was surprised to get a message from the homeworld.

<The System Administrator is approaching the temple.>

"Well, apparently our current Admin is coming here. From the scanner readings, he's either taking a shuttle, or a scout."
25-02-2005, 17:24
Force Commander Sangre of the Falcanian Blood Angel company, known as the Fifth Avengers and nicknamed the "Gemstones," had just entered the system with his three honour guard battleships: Wings of the Falcon, Wrath of Sanguinius, and Spirit of the Primarch. Defender of Sanguinius, his private Thunderhawk, was fueled and ready. It quite literally razzed out of the starboard launch bay of Wrath and soared towards the Sphere. Thadia looked out and saw him. "That's Force Commander Sangre, the leader of our Blood Angel contingent. He should be here in..." The pilot presented his wrist. "Judging by the speed of Defender, twelve seconds."

Ten seconds later, Sangre ran into the room, resplendent in his blood-red armour. "I was summoned here and briefed on the trip. How can I help?"
26-02-2005, 02:39
AG-PR4683 slowed down and pulled alongside the flagship.

"Don't you think that taking capital ships is a bit... How you say... 'Boastful'? I've got a better word for it, but for the life of me I can't remember it."
Gaian Ascendancy
26-02-2005, 22:37
Meanwhile the Gaian Lambada Shuttle makes a landing, folding it's lower two wings upward as it lands.

Soon from the extended ramp sees Aleaic, his wives, Azusa, Misaki, Ifurita, Yurika, Tenchi and Belldandy emerge.

As soon as they appear, the Angel Gods near the DropShips come to attention.

Aleaic though is looking up at the 'sky'. "Dang this is a huge place."

Ifurita meanwhile comes up the Angel Gods. "What happened here?" After a detailed report of Rendar and Shayla entering the Temple, and the Sphere's 'activities', Ifurita turns back. "Been pretty busy."

Tsunami then adds.. "Then we have to go in there too."

Azusa though. "Can we be certain that if we appear, that the worlds will be returned?"

Arashi.. "Sounds like we can be certain they 'won't' if we don't."

Aleaic looks at the tunnel simply. "Then let not make them wait." ..and starts toward the tunnel.
26-02-2005, 23:56
As Aleiac begins to head towards the tunnel, the scout, having sped up again, smashes into the ground and bounces neatly into the dark tunnel.

"Icouldneverlandthesesamnscouu..." were the only audible words as the scout was passing through the tunnel.

Fortunately, the designers of the scouts took into account incompetent pilots, and added collision shielding to them. Unfortunately, AG-PR4683 was worse than most, and as a result, had significantly strengthened armour, along with a fully fledged shielding device. Little did the engineers know, both of those would be completely spent by the time the scout came back from the 'short' trip.

And not from enemy fire, either.
Gaian Ascendancy
27-02-2005, 07:30
Belldandy saw and then skip-hid behind Tenchi as the Scout vessel as it 'crashed' into the tunnel.

Azusa sees and.. "Someone has a insanity clause..."

Aleaic has seen the vessel fly over his head (about 75 meters..) and unflinches. It doesn't mean his eyes aren't wide.. "Someone needs a driver's license.


Seconds later, Aleaic and his Advisors enter the tunnel....
27-02-2005, 07:52
Eventually, AG-PR4683 made it to the chamber, albeit with dented armour and a gaping hole where the shield generator once was.

"I made it... What now?"

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Stupid... floors..."

27-02-2005, 11:56
Thadia risked a cocked eyebrow. "Even our neophytes fly better than that."