NationStates Jolt Archive

Operation Fire in the Sky

12-02-2005, 06:21
This is Czar Sam Fabus speaking, on Kahtan News Channel. If you see anything going into the sky, it is because I am beginnning "Operation Fire in the Sky", a plan for launching orbiting weapons systems into space. Do not be alarmed. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself. I am preparing to launch these weapons because there could be a use for them within the next 48-72 hours. God Bless and good night.

Secret IC:
Being launched into space from their bunkers across Kahta are:

500 Sattelites with 10 "Rods from God" 12 foot long, 3 feet thick depleted uranium rods with rocket boosters to assist in reentry.

700 Sattelites with 10 "Rods from Satan" 36 foot long, one foot thick rods of Tungsten.
12-02-2005, 06:23
OOC: You wanna explain how you're affording all this, while maintaining your 30 million man army, your 100,000 nuclear missiles, not to mention god-knows whatever else you use for your military?
12-02-2005, 06:25
OOC: You wanna explain how you're affording all this, while maintaining your 30 million man army, your 100,000 nuclear missiles, not to mention god-knows whatever else you use for your military?

1. I have a population of 3 billion.
2. We clarified this already regarding the nuclear WARHEADS
3. A 30 Million man army is very small for a country of my size.
4. My defense budget is $13 trillion.
12-02-2005, 06:32
1. I have a population of 3 billion.
2. We clarified this already regarding the nuclear WARHEADS
3. A 30 Million man army is very small for a country of my size.
4. My defense budget is $13 trillion.

1. I have a population of 2.1 billionish, and I sure as hell can't afford that many strategic assets without screwing my conventional forces.
2. Alright then...
3. I'm 2/3s your size and I have only six million.
4. So? My defense budget is something like twice yours (26 trillion going by Thirdgeek). Orbital attack platforms are EXTREMELY expensive, there's no way that anyone could afford over a thousand of them, assuming they have 50 rods each...
The Macabees
12-02-2005, 07:11
OOC: Let it go Tyrandis.. if only you were on yahoo messenger!
12-02-2005, 15:38
1. I have a population of 2.1 billionish, and I sure as hell can't afford that many strategic assets without screwing my conventional forces.
2. Alright then...
3. I'm 2/3s your size and I have only six million.
4. So? My defense budget is something like twice yours (26 trillion going by Thirdgeek). Orbital attack platforms are EXTREMELY expensive, there's no way that anyone could afford over a thousand of them, assuming they have 50 rods each...

1. From what I know about you, you are a naval power, and just that.
3. Yes, because you are a naval power.
4. No, they're not that expensive, only around $1 Billion each