al-Kabah Enacting Conscription
12-02-2005, 01:15
Snippet from Kabaheen Newspaper
King Imam Mahir has announced today that a major overhaul will soon take place in the Kabaheen military. Military strength is expected to increase threefold over the next six months, including a near doubling of active service personnel, as well as a quadroupling of militia men within the country. To meet these demands, immediate conscription is taking place, as well as a new law stating that all males must serve at least four years in the military after the age of 18, but beginning before the age of 30. Arms production is to increase at a proportional rate.......
12-02-2005, 14:08
Kabaheen News Network
The honored King Mahir has announced today the reestablishment of numerous outposts on Kabaheen borders. These outposts, left unmanned for decades, are now to be called back into service, to be manned by many of the new conscripts.
To prepare these men for their new duty, a number of training camps have sprung up throughout the country, three in the capitol city alone. Sarsaresh has truly become the heart of the country as it was meant to be, hundreds making their way here to be trained in the art of war.
13-02-2005, 18:19
Kabaheen News Network
The high officials of the Kabaheen government have announced today that there are plans in the works for at least three major arms facilities to be built in the next several weeks. Many in the government have gone so far as to suggest that those drafted over the past month will be put to work in the construction of said facilities. This appears likely, as Prince Habashir has suggested a completion date of less than a month. Not only will these manufacturing plants provide hundreds of soldiers with armaments, it is likely to provide hundreds of jobs to the disenfranchised.
20-02-2005, 14:16
Kabaheen Press Release
The honored King Mahir has announced today the official formation of the Fedayeen, the last line of defense for al-Kabah and her people. The Fedayeen is to be a core group of fighters, drawn mostly from the militias, given rigorous training in the art of urban warfare. These are the men who will carry on the fight should any foreign invader take Kabaheen soil as their own. The training course is said to take place over roughly three months, will further training and testing every few weeks following. This is but one more step King Mahir has taken to protect his people.
21-02-2005, 03:03
Declassified Kabaheen Documents
Officially placed in Kabaheen Official Library during Public Address by Mahir
New Tank Design Put into Production
Designation: 338-71146
Common Name: Cobra III
Crew: Commander, gunner, loader, driver
Weight: 62,400 kilograms
Length: 8 meters
Width: 3.50 meters
Length with Gun Forward: 11 meters
Height: 2 meters
Speed: 65 kilometers/hour by road
42 kilometers/hour cross country
Range: 550 kilometers by road
280 kilometers cross country
Armaments: 1 x 120 mm, model L30 gun
2 x 7.62 mm chain Gun
1 x 7.62 mm, model L37A2 anti-aircraft gun
First Field Testing: April 24, 2004
ooc: modeled after Challenger Two, U.K.
21-02-2005, 15:44
Further Document Declassification
Current Armaments of Kabaheen Armed Forces
Standard Rifle of the Kabaheen Army
Designation: wz. 89 Onyks
Common Name: Emir Rifle
Classification: Assualt Rifle
Calibre: 5.45 x 39.5
Rate of Fire:700 rpm
Capacity: 30
Cost per Soldier: $450
Standard Rifle of the Kabaheen Armored Corps.
Designation: AKU94
Common Name: Mansur Rifle
Calibre: 5.56 NATO
Rate of Fire: 400 rpm
Capacity: 25 rounds
Cost per Soldier: $100
Standard Rifle of the Kabaheen Marine Corps.
Designation: wx. 88 Tantal
Common Name: Thaqib
Calibre: 5.45 x 39.5
Rate of Fire: 700 rpm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Cost per Soldier: $400
Standard Rifle of the Fedayeen
Designation: AK-102
Common Name: Azeem Rifle
Classification: Assualt Rifle
Calibre: 5.56 NATO
Rate of Fire: 600 rpm
Capacity: 30 rounds
Cost per Soldier: $500