NationStates Jolt Archive

The Galactic Empire [FT Alliance]

Unified Sith
08-02-2005, 13:12
The Galactic Empire

An alliance of true vision and greatness, an alliance not afraid to take what it wants nor afraid to do what it wants. An alliance which has no fear of repercussions. An alliance that has true dreams. The Galactic Empire is an alliance concocted from the minds of Unified Sith, Doomingsland, Chronasia and other assorted nations. We are all proud to offer this truly democratic organisation.

The Galactic Empire is envisioned to last and survive no matter the turmoil’s of internal or external strife. Based upon the governmental regime of the Galactic Senate with a few twists to make being a member of the alliance as fun as Nationstates itself the senate will offer a truly different aspect to the game.

Each member state will put forward a senator, who will vote and debate on behalf of their nation within the alliance itself. Laws will be passed and enforced in all member states, while the internal politics being as adept and challenging as International Incidents itself will drive every members lust for power, having the tantalising goal of becoming the supreme chancellor an very close probability for any member.

Defence and expansion will be a major priority for the alliance. With the recent surrender of Coreowrlds and the destruction of the Weyr fleet the morale of the combined forces of each member state is already soaring. Large joint projects have already begun within allied command, including the design and construction of a new Inter stellar fleet capable of insuring the safety of almost every member.

Joining is easy. Each nation can post a request here and then if found that you are suitable for the alliance you will be allowed to join. Following entrance a link to the Senate forums will be provided where you can register and then debate on issues that affect your nations sovereignty.

Current Members of the Galactic Empire

Unified Sith








Confedracy of the Farstars


Extonia Minor

Outer Heaven MKII

Fascist Confederacy

Neo Mekanta






The Imperial Navy

United Cultures




Snake Eaters


The Cassiopeia Galaxy

East Coast Federation

Shadow Tech



The Imperial Remnant
08-02-2005, 13:40
Ooc: For The Last Time Its Chronosia!!!!! >.<
08-02-2005, 19:58
I would like to join.
08-02-2005, 20:29
This alliance sounds interesting. I would be much obliged if the Galactic Alliance would accept Hanseania and it's surrounding colonies of Seljun and Andalsarn as applicants.

Yours sincerely,
Lord Haseon of House Haaldath,
Spokesman of the Purple Council
08-02-2005, 20:34
I definitely would like to join. I have sith warriors as a part of my oppressive "secret" police, and special forces. My gov. is corrupt. I focus on weapons production. I ignore nature lovers, and arrest them daily.
Snake Eaters
08-02-2005, 20:36
Sounds like a very good plan to us. We wish to join this organisation.

The Assembly, Snake Eaters
08-02-2005, 20:52
Vampad is also interested in this alliance :D
Unified Sith
10-02-2005, 12:27
All nations above are accepted. Forums for the alliance do exist but they are rarely used. Instead we use msn, so please contact me on
10-02-2005, 14:04
Bad idea.Bad idea. Bad,bad,bad idea!
Too much power in one place.
The Merchant Guilds
10-02-2005, 14:30
We do not care for such pathetic showns of Galactic Unity, they mean nothing to us and are only folly.


The Shadows,
10-02-2005, 14:34
We do not care for such pathetic showns of Galactic Unity, they mean nothing to us and are only folly.


The Shadows,

ooc:oooh, he's well hard ; :rolleyes:
The Merchant Guilds
10-02-2005, 14:38
ooc:oooh, he's well hard ; :rolleyes:

OOC: Really... Thats a flame Ankhmet, I'd suggust you leave off them.

Especially, since my patience already runs thin with your n00bish ways.
10-02-2005, 14:40
OOC: The Sskiss are already part of a great alliance. But consider my race a non-hostile - if the ESUS is not threatened.
10-02-2005, 14:42
ooc:How is that a flame?I simply said you're hard. I'm surprised at you! Did you think that was sarcastic?
Oh, it's suggest.
The Imperial Navy
10-02-2005, 15:07
Nominations to be senator of The Imperial Navy:

Ambassador Falkiri

A top class negotiator. He has prevented countless wars and has a seat on the Imperial Parliament. He is leader of the "Peace now!" Party. Seen as the faveroute.

Grand Lord Gregory, Supreme Commander of Imperial Military forces, holder of the Soul Calibur.

Against the Emperor's wishes, Lord Gregory has put himself up for nomination. A born leader, he has won countless space battles and claimed many worlds in the name of The Imperial Navy. Main opposition to Falkiri, it is feared he will rig the vote.

Admiral Galacian

Admiral of the 3rd Imperial Fleet, Galacian wants to enter the senate so he may convince the senate to expand it's borders. A man who loves war, this man is a long-shot for winning.
10-02-2005, 16:37
Lord Deshoonde, Dark Apprentice to the Emperor of Huntaer would like a seat
in the senate. Well trained in the dark arts of force powers and saber fighting.

I'll post up an image later on.
10-02-2005, 16:46
Hobbeebia would like to join
what info do you wish to know
Biomech technology
East Coast Federation
10-02-2005, 23:56
OOC: As Discussed on MSN


" Sign me the Hell up! "
11-02-2005, 00:23
As stated before, the Dark Lord Deshoonde would like a seat on the senat to help expand the G.E. Sith.

Also, Kirtir (huntaer's Sith) Master Aelikes would like to be incharge of the expansion of the military.

(BTW, that's force crush Aelikes is useing)

And Grand Admiral Brandon would like a spot to help expand the G.E. Navy.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
11-02-2005, 01:07
The Republic of The Cassiopeia Galaxy would like to join your Alliance.
11-02-2005, 01:24
The borg collective of blackgrue seing the need for mutual protection and a mutual use of technologies wishes to join your alliance.
11-02-2005, 02:00
sign me up to.
11-02-2005, 05:09
The Confederacy didn't join during the first round of recruitment and we will not join now. Xessmithia is and shall always remain a free and independent state.
The Imperial Navy
11-02-2005, 10:29
The Confederacy didn't join during the first round of recruitment and we will not join now. Xessmithia is and shall always remain a free and independent state.

It's your choice. But you will miss out on a golden oppertunity.
Unified Sith
11-02-2005, 14:20
All Nations above are accepted into the Empire and the list has been amended. All Nations contact me on MSN at for the forum link.

On another note, I am sure Xessmithia will join, one way or another.
Crystal Palais
11-02-2005, 14:39
Unless, of course, they do not. Like us for instance. We'd just set up a defensive network and start shooting. When your weaponry's effective range is measured in light seconds, despite that it's relatively low firepower, concentrated fire can be a very effective thing...
11-02-2005, 14:45
Unless, of course, they do not. Like us for instance. We'd just set up a defensive network and start shooting. When your weaponry's effective range is measured in light seconds, despite that it's relatively low firepower, concentrated fire can be a very effective thing...

OOC: Hi five for similar technology! (Extreme range)


One way or another? I am not surprised such an alliance would resort to force - certainly a dangerous thing, given the power of the combined nations here. We will consider joining this alliance, after we have gathered data on the members.

Although, given our relations with the Cassopeians, this may be a difficult decision to make. They have engaged our allies and us in warfare, you see.

Arkady Gregorovich - President Speaker of Xenonier.
The Imperial Navy
11-02-2005, 16:12
Interesting... If you did join, you would make a fascinating addition to our forces...
11-02-2005, 21:22
The Eshierian Sovereignty is very interested in joining this alliance. We would like to submit this message as our application to be admitted into this grand alliance.

We would like to admit our home system containing our three home worlds. Our original colony, the planet Sapheirion, is our capital. The two other worlds are in the same system, and can be classified as "M" class planets. (Those well suited to supporting humanoid life) They serve as our additional population centers, and also as centers of intense research and as outposts for defense. The other few planets in the system are mainly gas giants, many times the size, and mass as the planet which is called "Jupiter" by those humans still in the Sol system. They serve as anchors for our many research stations, shipyards, and defense platforms, as well as planets from which many valuable materials are harvested. Other worlds in this system include many smaller rocky bodies, also serving as resource centers, along with two main asteroid belts. Around the same area are intense ion storms which are used on occasion as a defensive measure. This system includes 10 planets in all.

Our other star systems are nearby, all containing at least one habitable world and many other gas giants, secondary, and even tertiary stars, and smaller rocky worlds. These sytems serve mainly as resource centers, and strategic out posts. These secondary systems total 20 in all. Our space is practically littered with listening outposts, defensive grids, warp gates, traders, civilian centers, and ships we we hope will serve this alliance well. We also have a powerful defensive weapon, which is nearing operational status. (OOC: Some of it is in my R&D thread in my sig. Post 14 or 15 I think)

We await a swift response, thank you.
The Cassiopeia Galaxy
11-02-2005, 21:40
Thank you for leting me join this Alliance.
Neo Zeta
12-02-2005, 00:16
Neo Zeta would like to join the empire. It maybe a young force but Neo Zeta offers its large Droid armys to help the empire grow.
12-02-2005, 00:33
Huntaer contains about 14 super-command ships, incase anyone wants to know it's naval might. I'll post up the 14 naval divisions sometime later on.

But for now,

6 Super/Executor Star Destroyers
4 Sovereign Star Destroyers
4 Eclipse Star Destroyers

1 Star Forge
Death Star (Version 2) (75% complete)
INR Battle Station (60% complete) (huntaer's own super battle station).
Unified Sith
12-02-2005, 00:36
Huntaer you really need to review your fleet. I can only keep Two Super Star Destroyers Operational and i have a Death Star but i can only keep that going with the investment and taxation from all members of the alliance. You need to make some cut backs im afraid.
Neo Zeta
12-02-2005, 00:45
Just in case you would like to know the numbers of the Neo Zeta Fleet after major cut back to upgrade stand at

16 Carriers
8 Battleships
9,023 fighters
1 Neo Class Super Battleship

The Army stands at

3,021 Droids
1,632 Droid tanks
890 Droid 2000 modle ( more in production)

Neo Zeta can produce a much larger droid army if need be. Neo Zeta is also willing to add or cut back on its fleet.
12-02-2005, 01:09
Huntaer you really need to review your fleet. I can only keep Two Super Star Destroyers Operational and i have a Death Star but i can only keep that going with the investment and taxation from all members of the alliance. You need to make some cut backs im afraid.

The Star Forge helps with that. It helps create a vast amount of ships in a short amount of thime, and cost very little money. The only reason why I have that much is because I invest mainly in navy, I have little ground forces. Ofcourse, why would you need a lot of troops if all you have to do is bombard the planet, and then take it over from there? Or does it still seem too much of a "Godmod?"
12-02-2005, 03:30
The Star Forge helps with that. It helps create a vast amount of ships in a short amount of thime, and cost very little money. The only reason why I have that much is because I invest mainly in navy, I have little ground forces. Ofcourse, why would you need a lot of troops if all you have to do is bombard the planet, and then take it over from there? Or does it still seem too much of a "Godmod?"

OOC: Yes, it is a big Godmod. I think you need to lay off the Star Forge wanking a bit.
Lessir Tsurani
12-02-2005, 03:36
OHhhh Sithy, you have missed someone, My pop stays the same, so PUT ME ON THAT LIST BOY!
Soviet leaders
12-02-2005, 03:41
I would like to join

I am of course future tech and I have wanted to join for a long time you said I was on provisional and I was wondering if I could become a full member thanks sith
12-02-2005, 03:41
OOC: Yes, it is a big Godmod. I think you need to lay off the Star Forge wanking a bit.

"Wanking?" I haven't heard that term used in the US. Is it a U.K. terminology, or have I just been uterly cut off from society? But, I'll reduce the vast ships. BTW, I didn't create the Star Forge. It is a part of a plot in KOTOR 1. That was(is) a fun SW RP game. Now KOTOR 2 is out, and I'm abusing the wonderful use of "Force Crush."

(How about I just use it for producing ships for my store fronts?)
12-02-2005, 03:53
"Wanking?" I haven't heard that term used in the US. Is it a U.K. terminology, or have I just been uterly cut off from society? But, I'll reduce the vast ships. BTW, I didn't create the Star Forge. It is a part of a plot in KOTOR 1. That was(is) a fun SW RP game. Now KOTOR 2 is out, and I'm abusing the wonderful use of "Force Crush."

I'm a Canadian and it's used whenever someone has far too massive or powerful things. I've played both the KOTOR games. I like them both.
12-02-2005, 03:57
I'm a Canadian and it's used whenever someone has far too massive or powerful things. I've played both the KOTOR games. I like them both.

Cool. I have relatives in Quebec, though I live in the U.S.
What do you think about me using the Star Forge just for selling ships, vehicals, and the likes? Not military usage.
12-02-2005, 04:00
Cool. I have relatives in Quebec, though I live in the U.S.
What do you think about me using the Star Forge just for selling ships, vehicals, and the likes? Not military usage.

'Tis fine. Just don't use it to make massive military fleets. Makes for a good storefront though. Really quick construction and delivery times with a low cost. Good deal.
12-02-2005, 04:03
'Tis fine. Just don't use it to make massive military fleets. Makes for a good storefront though. Really quick construction and delivery times with a low cost. Good deal.

Though part of me is disapointed, I like this compromise. You can check out my store front in my signature. Just don't order anything yet please. I'm waiting for my buisness partner to post up his section.

You do realise that with this, members of the G.E. could buy from me with a 15% discount to help build the G.E. fleet. I get money, you get a larger, more kickass fleet. Its a win-win scenario;)!
14-02-2005, 01:39
I have started a storefront site which Unified Sith has seen which should be completed by the end of the week -.-
16-02-2005, 05:10
Any GE member who wishes to have specifications of my technology, simply TG me
16-02-2005, 05:35
The Eshierian Sovereignty is very interested in joining this alliance. We would like to submit this message as our application to be admitted into this grand alliance.

We would like to admit our home system containing our three home worlds. Our original colony, the planet Sapheirion, is our capital. The two other worlds are in the same system, and can be classified as "M" class planets. (Those well suited to supporting humanoid life) They serve as our additional population centers, and also as centers of intense research and as outposts for defense. The other few planets in the system are mainly gas giants, many times the size, and mass as the planet which is called "Jupiter" by those humans still in the Sol system. They serve as anchors for our many research stations, shipyards, and defense platforms, as well as planets from which many valuable materials are harvested. Other worlds in this system include many smaller rocky bodies, also serving as resource centers, along with two main asteroid belts. Around the same area are intense ion storms which are used on occasion as a defensive measure. This system includes 10 planets in all.

Our other star systems are nearby, all containing at least one habitable world and many other gas giants, secondary, and even tertiary stars, and smaller rocky worlds. These sytems serve mainly as resource centers, and strategic out posts. These secondary systems total 20 in all. Our space is practically littered with listening outposts, defensive grids, warp gates, traders, civilian centers, and ships we we hope will serve this alliance well. We also have a powerful defensive weapon, which is nearing operational status. (OOC: Some of it is in my R&D thread in my sig. Post 14 or 15 I think)

We await a swift response, thank you.

(OOC: Looks like my post became lost... Ah well, here it is. Well?)
Crystal Palais
16-02-2005, 09:00
Just out of curiousity, what galaxy is the GE supposed to be in, anyway? I had heard something about it being in a different galaxy than the majority of FT nations.
18-02-2005, 11:00
It stands for Galactic Empire.
18-02-2005, 13:01
Just out of curiousity, what galaxy is the GE supposed to be in, anyway? I had heard something about it being in a different galaxy than the majority of FT nations.

It's basically the Star Wars galaxy with everyone else thrown in too. So it's a 200,000 ly diameter galaxy or so to accomodate everybody.
Crystal Palais
18-02-2005, 14:25
Hm, economy-sized. Which means, in terms of star volume, considering the Milky Way has around two hundred billion and it's a little under a hundred thousand light years across, you've got between eight hundred billion and a trillion stars. Nifty.

Though what I actually had meant was, where is this galaxy in relation to the galaxy that others in NS seem to use? Or is everyone without their own specific galaxy supposed to end up crammed into the same galaxy here? Not that it isn't large enough, of course.
Unified Sith
18-02-2005, 14:28
The GE Galaxy just came about by chance. Its where we have simply adopted the Star Wars Galaxy and made it our nations home. Those that join the GE or become rebel nations are adopted into the Galaxy so we can add them to the already complicated politics of the GE.

The NS Galaxy is well billions of lightyears away, you know a "Galaxy far far away" but we are considdering rping a wormhole or something to connect the two.
18-02-2005, 16:40
that would be interesting.
18-02-2005, 17:59
The NS Galaxy is well billions of lightyears away, you know a "Galaxy far far away" but we are considdering rping a wormhole or something to connect the two.

I think there is already connection between the two... many people in the "NS Galaxies" have had past and continuing relations with people in the "Star Wars Galaxy." Unless, of course, some of the Rebel/Imperial/SW nations associated with the GE didn't move, though I’m rather confused on this point.
Unified Sith
18-02-2005, 18:13
Keep in mind i said that whenthey are accepted into the GE Galaxy, but they can still rp with others but not everyone must accept them. Such as East Coast Federation and I won't accept most ESUS players, but I will accept Mentallinauts, it is a way of roleplaying with those you like and ignoring those you don't.
Unified Sith
18-02-2005, 18:19
(OOC: Looks like my post became lost... Ah well, here it is. Well?)

Accepted, please contact me on MSN for more details.
Crystal Palais
18-02-2005, 19:10
Keep in mind i said that whenthey are accepted into the GE Galaxy, but they can still rp with others but not everyone must accept them. Such as East Coast Federation and I won't accept most ESUS players, but I will accept Mentallinauts, it is a way of roleplaying with those you like and ignoring those you don't.

I apologize if I sound like a jerk, but I'm sorry, it sounds like that's just a cop-out to me. Not to mention that there are some people who have FTL drives capable of crossing the distance, wormhole or no.
Industrial Experiment
18-02-2005, 19:54
Keep in mind i said that whenthey are accepted into the GE Galaxy, but they can still rp with others but not everyone must accept them. Such as East Coast Federation and I won't accept most ESUS players, but I will accept Mentallinauts, it is a way of roleplaying with those you like and ignoring those you don't.

So basically, that means you never have to face any serious competition from any of the real powers of the FT period?

Wow, I'm even more impressed with this alliance than when I first started reading -_-

I think I'll go with Xessmithia on this and...

Though we have thought long and hard about joining your alliance (we spoke of it over lunch), we will have to abstain in the interest of remaining an independent and free nation. We wish you good days ahead and hope, for your sakes, that we never have to wipe any of your fleets off our collective boot heel.
Jolamar IV
24-02-2005, 23:35
The Jolamarian Empire would like to join this Galactic Empire.
We have been removed from galactic affairs for the better part of four thousand years, and we must reunite with other Evil ones.

Darth Sharap/Empress Shala Jangalas
Dark Lady of the Jolamarian Sith/Empress of Jolamar IV
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 02:09
Hello. By now all you fine nations who wish to join the GE are beginning to realize what we have to offer as an alliance. Of Crouse you know about our wonderful programs, like free trade and a free flow of ideas. And a free market with a small tax rate, which goes to help support members in need.

If you want to know more, Read out charter.

The most important part however is protection. You may be thinking right now " protection is always good, but from what " well don't worry, I'll explain why protection is so valuable. There are factions out there that will lure you into " peace agreements, Free trade ". Then they will strike, they will take advantage of any weakness you show to further there own profit, and sick and twisted ideals. The Federal Union is an example of this. Like many others they only wish to further their immoral beliefs and sick and twisted ideals that don't work.

There for we must NEVER show weakness. And to not show weakness, you must have none.

Admiral Tharwn is by far the most brilliant traction and stagiest to date. He leads ships and troops into battle, and always comes out of battle with a a win!

Admiral Willing is another figure hailing from the East Coast Federation. While not as experienced or as skilled as Thrawn, he has gone into battle of 230 times, and has never lost. He leads men into battle, and does his best to bring them home.

Join the GE, stand against warmongers!
Draconic Order
01-03-2005, 02:14
<Hyperspace communication...>

TO: The Galactic Empire
FR: The Foreign Office, Draconic Order
SU: Establishing diplomatic relations with foreign nations to achieve growth and prosperity

The Dominion of Draconic Order wishes to join the Galactic Empire. We will be sending a delegate, he should arrive in a matter of days.

-martivir ghoros kepesk-
(peace before the storm)
Maekrix Azure
01-03-2005, 02:17
I, the benevolent ruler of the Evil Empire of Melcor, would humbly ask to be considered for membership in the Galactic Empire.
The Imperial Remnant
01-03-2005, 02:23
As the leader of the great Imperial Remant, I am overjoyed at the prospect of finally getting to ally myself with other Imperials. As such I ish for a spot in your Galactic Empire, and I will be an evervigilant ally to all true followers of His majesty!
You can never Kill the Empire,
Grand Moff Kies
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 02:28
The Imperial Remnant - You have been Approved!
Melcor - You have Been Approved!

You can contact me at MSN or contact Sith, his name is back a page or to.
Draconic Order
01-03-2005, 03:01
<Hyperspace communication...>

TO: The Galactic Empire
FR: The Foreign Office, Draconic Order
SU: Establishing diplomatic relations with foreign nations to achieve growth and prosperity

The Dominion of Draconic Order wishes to join the Galactic Empire. We will be sending a delegate, he should arrive in a matter of days.

-martivir ghoros kepesk-
(peace before the storm)
Maekrix Azure

(from earlier post)
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 03:08
Draconic Order- Congrats! You are part of the GE!
No endorse
01-03-2005, 03:11
The Military Junta of No Endorse would like to petition for membership status in this lovely organization.

OOC: I know I RP as MT too, but I'm multi-classing my account lol
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 03:15
No endorse - Welcome to the GE!
01-03-2005, 03:20
The Grand Sebecean Democratic Imperium, does not wish to fully join this alliance, but instead we would like to send a observer/representative to hear possible intergalactic/stellar treaties that the Sebecean Democratic Imperium might want to sign on to. We would also wish to sign to a nonagression pact with the GE.
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 03:22
OOC: If you wish to ask about us contact me at


Of crouse of crouse, We will wait for your rep to arrive.
Draconic Order
01-03-2005, 03:23
Jolamar IV
01-03-2005, 03:23
The Empire of Jolamar IV would like to join this Empire. We request that you will allow us to join and fight to conquer the galaxy in the name of the Dark Side.
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 03:28
Jolamar IV - We Shall Burn the Galaxy!
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 03:48

As you can see Warmongering people like the USF build these massive WMD's so they have more control over your affairs. They are only in it to promote themselves! The GE bands together to protect the innocent from the warmongers!
Draconic Order
01-03-2005, 04:08

As you can see Warmongering people like the USF build these massive WMD's so they have more control over your affairs. They are only in it to promote themselves! The GE bands together to protect the innocent from the warmongers!

((I've been reading these threads, looking at the specs of ships... I am still laughing at the obvious god modding of almost every one of them.))
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 04:13
They are WMD's. Used to destory helpless nations who never even ventured outside there own territory. The more the GE unites! The less chances those warmongers can commit genocide!
Draconic Order
01-03-2005, 04:17
They are WMD's. Used to destory helpless nations who never even ventured outside there own territory. The more the GE unites! The less chances those warmongers can commit genocide!

that or I ignore them and their obviously stupid designs...
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 04:25
OOC: Dont be flaming in this thread
Draconic Order
01-03-2005, 04:27
OOC: Dont be flaming in this thread

((I will try to keep my comments down.))
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 14:17
OOC: I dont want any OOCly Flaming, however ICly smearing anyone to help get new memeber is perfectly ok.

The GE protects the weak from warmongers. But we cant do it alone! Join the GE and help in the fight aganist evil!
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 15:35
Warmongering nations such as the UFP destroy your planets and allies! To further there own sick ideals. Peaceful nations such as Unified Sith attempt to bring peace and order to the galaxy, in midst of all this turmoil. However we cannot do it alone! With your help we can bring freedom back to the galaxy. Join the GE Today!
Nanotech Army
01-03-2005, 16:06
The Protectorate is interested in joining the Galactic Empire if only to help the order which it brings to the galaxy and for expansion purposes.
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 16:11
Secert IC: Oh, there will be more than just expansion !

Public IC: Welcome to the GE!
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 16:47
Join the GE today!
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 18:50
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 20:09
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 20:15
01-03-2005, 21:26
I Emperor Shadaum IV will pledge the Empire of Thrashia's support to this alliance of galatic nations. It would be fruitful since my country is allied to some of its present members. I can formally pledge the Thrashian Fleets to the Alliance. As of this moment I am now sending Kai Del'Aqua to represent Thrashia in the Senate.

If the leading member states such as Unified Sith wishes to see Thrashia's military resources, here is a link: Link ( Link to Fleet Military Updates (

I will expect good things for the furture of the Galaxy.

-Emperor Shadaum IV
Empire of Thrashia
01-03-2005, 21:47
01-03-2005, 21:53

Since when were we a peacful organization?
Jolamar IV
01-03-2005, 22:00
Excellent. I am sending my flagship, the JDN Savage Hunter, to deliver the new senator, Sith Marauder Salara Senis to the Imperial Senate.
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 22:06
OOC: We are not, still pure evil, but its all part of a smear program I'm running to make other nations look evil. And us look like goodies goodies.
01-03-2005, 22:11
We know the true purpose of the Galactic Empire has an expansionistic force with plans to rule the galaxy and all who dwell in it. Whether the agree to join or not. No amount of propaganda can hide the truth from Xessmithian eyes.

-Xessmithian Parlimentery Statement
East Coast Federation
01-03-2005, 22:17
We know the true purpose of the Galactic Empire has an expansionistic force with plans to rule the galaxy and all who dwell in it. Whether the agree to join or not. No amount of propaganda can hide the truth from Xessmithian eyes.

-Xessmithian Parlimentery Statement
East Coast Federation
02-03-2005, 03:14

Green Sun
02-03-2005, 03:22
Green Sun asks the Galactic Empire this:

Recently The Fedral Union joined TEOO, an alliance I helped found. I am aware ta the fact Fedral Union isn't your favorite nation, so I ask you, if Fedral Union calls on TEOO to help him, please do not harm the nations within TEOO. I believe Albinoism is a member, as well.
02-03-2005, 03:29
The Empire of Xeraph would like to be considered for this Alliance.


Alaric Tan'it....Emperor of Xeraph
7th Lord of AXE
Councilor Prime of GAPTS
Co-Regent of TEOO
Master of the Knights Templar
Green Sun
02-03-2005, 03:33
Your joining would be rather difficult, Xeraph, You lack the technology, but it's up to them. I don't know their priorities.
02-03-2005, 03:33
Green Sun asks the Galactic Empire this:

Recently The Fedral Union joined TEOO, an alliance I helped found. I am aware ta the fact Fedral Union isn't your favorite nation, so I ask you, if Fedral Union calls on TEOO to help him, please do not harm the nations within TEOO. I believe Albinoism is a member, as well.

When a member nation of TEOO calls for military aid, all consideration is given before commitments are made. Usually, there is no conflict. But if there is, then member nations can either sya "yay" or "nay". In other words, if my ally is a past enemy of a member of TEOO, then I stay neutral. Let them iron out their difficulties.
Green Sun
02-03-2005, 03:36
Then there will be no difficulties on that part. But I'm concerned about the other members. The Founders and Witzgall are the most active TEOO members. I don't want TEOO to be dissolved.
02-03-2005, 03:38
Your joining would be rather difficult, Xeraph, You lack the technology, but it's up to them. I don't know their priorities.

Excuse me? MY technology is lacking? Tell me, how does a nation a year younger than Xeraph have more/better technology? Yet you have applied. For your information, Xeraph has an extensive presence in the Typhon Expanse, Andromeda Galaxy. We have settled 6 planets in sector 11-A, and are planning future settlements. Our SpaceFleet is medium-sized, and growing. We have Orbiting BattleDocks, and 3 OSS (Orbiting Space Stations).
Apologies not necessary...just think before you post.
Green Sun
02-03-2005, 03:40
OOC: I thought you were MT.
IC: Green Sun was not aware that Xeraph had colonies in otehr galaxies.
02-03-2005, 03:44
OOC: I thought you were MT.
IC: Green Sun was not aware that Xeraph had colonies in otehr galaxies.

(OOC>)My fault. I very rarely post anything about my FT stuff. Am not yet ready to do anything serious. Don't have the time right now.
East Coast Federation
02-03-2005, 04:22
OOC: I'm not sure, but If you allies with TFU i'm not sure you can join, I'll see if I can clear it though. "
The Wraith Hive
02-03-2005, 04:33
TO: The Galactic Empire
FROM: Wraith Hive Fleet 12

The Wraith Hive, so recently awakened from our thousand-year slumber, wishes to know what the status of the Galaxy is. As much as we...regret to join with Food, we believe that only though Allies will we be able to rebuild our empire and achieve our goals.

We request to join the ranks of your assemblies, only if a few conditions are met:

1) All Wraith quarters on all Senate worlds are not subject to searches and are off-limit to the general public.

2) All Wraith dietary habets shall not be altered or changed in any way.

3) All Wraith technology will, respectfully, be kept secret. All Human technology may be shared at each nation's discression.

4) Humans shall be allowed to enter Wraith-controlled soil (embasies) only if they have been given permission by the Wraith to enter. Any other humans caught entering Wraith-controlled soil will be treated as food.

In our joining the Wraith will sware to not cull any humans of any Allied nations. However, culling of non-allied nations must not be infringed upon.

-The Keeper
The Wraith Hive
03-03-2005, 01:06
East Coast Federation
03-03-2005, 01:18
OOC: You could be a problem, US is thinking on it.
The Wraith Hive
03-03-2005, 01:30
OOC: You could be a problem, US is thinking on it.

OOC: Problem!? What problem!? *Hides hands behind back*

Come on.....I'll be good. I promise ^_^
East Coast Federation
03-03-2005, 02:59
This might be better to discuss over MSN, would go much quicker. MSN
The Wraith Hive
03-03-2005, 04:16
OOC: 'Kay. I sent you an e-mail.
03-03-2005, 07:34
OOC: Not to be picky at all but ah....when am I going to be replied to? :confused:
East Coast Federation
03-03-2005, 13:11
OOC: Meh

Welcome to the GE!
03-03-2005, 13:22
Del'Aqua was still tired. His new senatorial ship the Ramora, baring the marking of the Senate, was being escorted by two Praetorian-class crusiers. They had left several standard days before, in a rush as it would seem, since the Emperor's decision to join the GE. His age was telling on him as well. Del'Aqua was exactly six foot, steel gray hair swept back, and calming silver robes. Always was he dressed as such.

He stood and walked out of his room. He passed by the barracks of his ceremonial guard. 20 clone troopers, each fully armed and armored. He nodded to the groups leader, Captain C7-92A12 as he passed. He kept walking until he came to the cockpit. The co-pilot looked up.

"Hello Senator, can I help you?"

"Yes, when will be arriving to our destination?"

"In 23 hours, its a long run from Thrashia to the Senate sir. Just remain calm and rest." He smiled and went back to his navigation.

Del'Aqua shrugged and walked back to his quarters.
The Imperial Navy
03-03-2005, 13:25
Ambassador Falkiri has been elected Imperial Navy senator, in a poll last night.

He won a landslide Majority of 75%, Lord Gregory 20%, and Admiral Galacian 5%. It is hailed as a victory on the path to peace.
East Coast Federation
03-03-2005, 13:55
Del'Aqua was still tired. His new senatorial ship the Ramora, baring the marking of the Senate, was being escorted by two Praetorian-class crusiers. They had left several standard days before, in a rush as it would seem, since the Emperor's decision to join the GE. His age was telling on him as well. Del'Aqua was exactly six foot, steel gray hair swept back, and calming silver robes. Always was he dressed as such.

He stood and walked out of his room. He passed by the barracks of his ceremonial guard. 20 clone troopers, each fully armed and armored. He nodded to the groups leader, Captain C7-92A12 as he passed. He kept walking until he came to the cockpit. The co-pilot looked up.

"Hello Senator, can I help you?"

"Yes, when will be arriving to our destination?"

"In 23 hours, its a long run from Thrashia to the Senate sir. Just remain calm and rest." He smiled and went back to his navigation.

Del'Aqua shrugged and walked back to his quarters.

OOC: If you have MSN messenger or AIM, list your names. MSN AIM East Federation and we can discuss your joining further.
The Wraith Hive
03-03-2005, 19:13
OOC: Thank ye'.


It was a quiet afternoon on the Galactic Empire's capital of Coruscant(OOC: If this isn't it, just <INSERT NAME HERE>). Traffic was flowing as normal, the sky was relatively clear, the Senate had recently voted their new Imperial Navy senator, Ambassador Falkiri, and all seemed to be running at status quo.

That was when the ship flew overhead.

It was huge...too huge ( It was almost a mile across, half a mile tall, and 3/4 of a mile wide. The outside was deep blue, with gray glinting off of the sleak metal. It was distincly alien, and looked almost organic, as it floated down above Landing Platform 6-D. The Platform, only 600 meters across, was ill-equipped to deal with the massive bulk of the Ship as it descended. Skimming twenty-five meters above the surface, ablue beam ( flashed over the platform.

In its wake, a smaller ship, made of the same alien material, was manifested on the platform. (

It sat there, unmoving, for minutes. Then, a small doorway hissed open out of the side; and out came...them..

Three Wraith (, blue-skinned; white-haired aliens, came out of the ship. Two of Wraith's faces were dawned with a Wraith Helmet: grey and ugly. They seemed to be faceless horrors, devoid of emotion or personalities, bred only to fight. Their fierce figures were nothing, however, compared to the one in the center.

He had a high-collar black robe on, its sliver trimmings almost to subtle to be noticed. His hair was long and white, beautifully styled, its contrast to his blue skin striking. His face, however, was a different matter. Save for a "U" shaped white goatee, he was a Wraith. The gills around his cheeks, the elongated, sharp nose, and the sharp, shark-like rows of teeth. But his eyes...his eyes were the most terrifying. Lizard-like, green with orange, and bulging. His eyes looked like Monsters' eyes from old 1950's horror movies...only so much more real. So much more vivid. So much more terrifying.

He stood on the platform, his guards standing close, waiting for the diplomat to arive.
03-03-2005, 19:18
I, Pope Nesbit the XII of the Church of Robotology, would like to put forth that my fledgeling country of Nesbit join this grand alliance. Though we are new and unwise to many of the workings of the world, stong alliances are the first step to greatness. We will pledge whatevever we can to this alliance if allowed to join.
East Coast Federation
03-03-2005, 19:28
OOC: Thank ye'.


It was a quiet afternoon on the Galactic Empire's capital of Coruscant(OOC: If this isn't it, just <INSERT NAME HERE>). Traffic was flowing as normal, the sky was relatively clear, the Senate had recently voted their new Imperial Navy senator, Ambassador Falkiri, and all seemed to be running at status quo.

That was when the ship flew overhead.

It was huge...too huge ( It was almost a mile across, half a mile tall, and 3/4 of a mile wide. The outside was deep blue, with gray glinting off of the sleak metal. It was distincly alien, and looked almost organic, as it floated down above Landing Platform 6-D. The Platform, only 600 meters across, was ill-equipped to deal with the massive bulk of the Ship as it descended. Skimming twenty-five meters above the surface, ablue beam ( flashed over the platform.

In its wake, a smaller ship, made of the same alien material, was manifested on the platform. (

It sat there, unmoving, for minutes. Then, a small doorway hissed open out of the side; and out came...them..

Three Wraith (, blue-skinned; white-haired aliens, came out of the ship. Two of Wraith's faces were dawned with a Wraith Helmet: grey and ugly. They seemed to be faceless horrors, devoid of emotion or personalities, bred only to fight. Their fierce figures were nothing, however, compared to the one in the center.

He had a high-collar black robe on, its sliver trimmings almost to subtle to be noticed. His hair was long and white, beautifully styled, its contrast to his blue skin striking. His face, however, was a different matter. Save for a "U" shaped white goatee, he was a Wraith. The gills around his cheeks, the elongated, sharp nose, and the sharp, shark-like rows of teeth. But his eyes...his eyes were the most terrifying. Lizard-like, green with orange, and bulging. His eyes looked like Monsters' eyes from old 1950's horror movies...only so much more real. So much more vivid. So much more terrifying.

He stood on the platform, his guards standing close, waiting for the diplomat to arive.

OOC: I was hoping you used some type of instant messenger program.
Shitty ICly:

He watched as the tiny ship crusied past his 12km Battleship still waiting for the new member. " Welcome " was all he said.
Darth NWNN
03-03-2005, 19:44
I wish to join your empire, along with my 20 Star Destroyers.............Master
03-03-2005, 19:58
03-03-2005, 20:00
If the Galactic Alliance still is excepting, The Empire of Nekarra would be pleased to join you. We may be small, but our power would help the alliance, and would be willing to die in its defense.


Emperor Lord Ariukis Voltaire
Emperor of Nekarra
East Coast Federation
03-03-2005, 20:10

OOC: If you want to discuss more about your fleet, and the proper way to set it , my MSN messenger name is or if you feel like using AIM it's East Federation.
Beta Aurigae VII
03-03-2005, 21:27
The nation of Beta Aurigae VII formally requests admission into the Galactic Empire.

My AIM is hockeyrules743. I do not use MSN.
The Wraith Hive
03-03-2005, 22:17
OOC: Err...can I get the forum address!?

Just tellegram or e-mail me. I do not use IM.
Nanotech Army
04-03-2005, 00:01
IC: The Protectorate created its senator/ambassador in the form of an attractive human female, not attractive in a rediculous way, but just attractive in general. This form was chosen because it often helps give a slight advantage in interaction with organics.

COMMUNICATION TO Galactic Empire Leadership
Request coordinates and clearance to drop off our senator/ambassador.
Jolamar IV
04-03-2005, 01:12
OOC: Can I please get the forum address? TG me or give it to me on AIM, Lord Elessar 267
05-03-2005, 14:22
You misspelled my nation name. It's BLACKGRUE. It's a refence to an old video game plz correct this.
East Coast Federation
07-03-2005, 01:13
Nanotech Army
08-03-2005, 03:56
(I have AIM and MSN Messenger now) :)
username is: nanofuture now (for AIM) (for MSN)
12-03-2005, 21:24
The Hierarchy of Azurbajan would like to join the incresing ranks of the Galactic Empire.


I do not use MSN