Fascist Confederacy
07-02-2005, 23:11
The Code Of Hayden
The following is a set of laws written by Czar Charles Hayden to dictate 'The Primal Laws', or the essence of justice in The Armed Union. These are used to dictate punishment of crimes and what are crimes in-and-of themselves. This is being constructed in accordance with The Code of Hayden Act of 2005. Mind you, these aren't all of the laws of The Armed Union, but these are 'The Primals'.:
1) A citizen of The Armed Union may not create an idol of religion against God and His Trinity. Reformed Protestant is the national and only religion permitted within The Confederacy. Punishment for this heresy is executiong by: A) stoning, B) firing squad, C) inverse crucifixtion.
2) A citizen of The Armed Union may not speak of God and His Trinity. He/She may not take The Lord Our God's name in vain. Punishment for this heresy is fine of atleast
C$1,500 for the first breaking and execution by stoning for the second.
3) On every Sunday, every citizen of The Confederacy must attended a church service. The punishment for not doing so the first time is a fine of atleast C$500. The second offense is C$1,200. The final attempt is execution by hanging or stoning.
4) All citizens of The Armed Union must honour their Father and Mother. The daughters must abide by the will of the Father aswell as the son. The daughters and sons must respect the Mother for giving birth to them, but may not be forced to do her will. The first offense is a fine of C$500 for males and C$600 for females. The second offense is a public flogging on the soles of the feet for both genders. The third offense is forced conscription into the military for males and forced reforming for females. The final offense's punishment for both is execution by hanging or gasing.
5) A citizen of The Armed Union may not kill another. If a female kills another person they are to be executed by dry-electrocution (IE: Without a conductive fluid) and up to a C$90,000 fine for their male guardians (Husband, Father, Brother, Etc.). For men it is execution by inverse crucifixtion or forced conscription into the military.
6) A citizen of The Armed Union may not commit adultery in the physical or mental state. If a man is found guilty of adultery in the mental state they are find a minimum of $C300,000. For physical adultery they can suffer up to a C$5,000,000 fine and a C$1,000,000 fine for the person he commited adultery with--or he can suffer forced conscription into the military. For a female, the price of both is up to a C$2,000,000 fine and a C$1,000,000 fine for both the legal male guardian and the person she committed the sin with.
7) A citizen may not steal. For both genders they penalty for the first offense is removing of middile and ring fingers of both hands. The second pentaly for both is seizure of all property and estate or execution by firing squad.
8) A citizen may not commit purgery. The penalty for both genders can be up to an C$800,000 fine or the severing of the tounge or writing hand.
9) A citizen may not covet any physical or mental substance. The fine for both genders for mental coveting is up to C$500,000 fine while the second is seizure of all property and estates.
10) A citizen may not make any form of thing and call it as powerful or more powerful than God. The punishment for this heresy is execution by stoning or inverse crucifixtion.
11) A woman may not be anywhere withing The Confederacy and its Commonwealth without the presence of their legal male guardian or a man of the age 21 or up. The punishment for this is public flogging and lashings.
12) A woman may work as artisans, merchants, and craftsmen. They are only allowed to work in industry or commercial corporations with explicit permission from the CEO and The State.
13) All citizens must attend atleast 13 years of schooling (Kindergarten-12) and men must attend an additional 14th year (Grade 13). Women must also take classes for Home Economics, Family Resources, and Food Preparation to insure their home-making abilities.
14) No woman has authority over a man. If they are placed at higher points in a corporate heirarchy, they must obey men lower than her in status.
15) Interracial activites are strictly forbidden upon citizens both inside and outside of The Armed Union and Commonwealth. The punishment is execution by public flogging, electrical beating, and eventually breaking on the wheel and limb severing.
16) No citizen may whorship anything other than Our Lord And Savior inside or outside of The Armed Union and Commonwealth. The punishment is execution by public flogging, electrical beating, and eventually breaking on the wheel and limb severing.
17) A citizen must have a Bible in their home at all times. The punishment of now following this is a C$900,000 fine and/or deportation.
18) All citizens inside The Armed Union/Commonwealth/Confederacy must abide by 'The Acts'. Punishment for this ranges from C$5,000 fines to execution.
19) Espionage is a crime punisable by execution via firing squad or inverse crucifixtion of the spy and execution by gasing or firing squad of his/her entire family.
20) Publishings of books, newspapers, and all forms of writing are to be sent to The State to be evaluated before publishing. The punishment ranges from a C$1,000,000 fine, to 70 years imprisonment, to execution.
21) When/If a draft occurs, all men conscripted into the military must report to their drafting station. Refusal to do so is up to 200 years imprisonment, deportation, or execution by beating or breaking by the wheel.
22) Women may only travel within their Raion unless accompanied by their legal male guardian. Punishment for this is public flogging.
23) Selling and/or using of drugs results in deportation or imprisonment for females; Deportation or forced conscription into the military for males.
24) Divorce is forbidden.
25) Children born out-of-wedlock are given to Family Homes.
26) Soldiers must give 'The Pledge of The Confederate Wehrmacht' in order to join the military. This pledge states they will serve God, the White race, and the Czar totally and unquestioningly.
27) The legal smoking age for men is 14. The legal smoking age for women is 18.
28) The legal drinking age for men is 14. The legal drinking age for women is 22.
30) To apply for a Learners Permit a man must be atleast 15 years of age. To obtain a Drivers License and further licenses he must be 16. Women do not obtain licenses except for breeding.
31) The legal age to join the military is 14. The legal age to join a militia is non-existent. The legal age to be drafted is 12.
32) For anyone to pass an act or law, they must have explicit permission from the Czar.
33) Dissidention/treason is illegal and may be punished by death by inverse crucifixtion for both genders.
34) Funding dissidention/treason is considered treason and may be punished by death via inverse crucifixtion for both genders.
35) Citizens of both genders are allow to posses arms in accordance with the Arms Act of 1985.
37) Political parties other than The State are forbidden and considered dissidention/treason and may be punished accordingly.
38) Suspected criminals may be imprisoned indefinately if they are considered a threat in accordinance with the Patriot Act of 1991.
39) All citizens of The Armed Union must go to a Cerebral Monitoring Station and be tested atleast once a month.
40) All dominions of The Armed Union must abide by the Befehl 101 Act of 2004.
41) All nations of the international world must respect and abide by the Territorial Protection Act of 2004 (Formerly The Fascian Airspace Act of 1985). It states that any person/persons in Confederate airspace, territorial waters, and the like, are to be identified immediately as friend or foe. If foe, said tresspassers are to be executed. Passed into law by Charles Hayden.
42) All dominions of The Armed Union must abide by the Immigration Quarentine Act of 2002. It states that any White person wishing to immigrate into The Confederacy or any of its Commonwealth states, must take tests for serious diseases, must under-go vaccinations, and must stay in a Q-Colony for up to 3 weeks. This law excludes immediate allied citizens for the Q-Colony stay. Written into law by Reinhard Heydrich.
43) All people must abide by the 'Minuteman' Act of 1985.It stated that, and encouraged, able men (and women in some cases) to form militias and paramilitary units to help the state and ensure The Confederacy's well being. Passed into law by Reinhard Heydrich under counsel from Konstantin von Neurath.
44) All citizens must allow the Polizei, KSS, STASI, and The State to search their private property, estate, accounts, etc. without warning and warrent.
45) All citizens of The Armed Union must abide by The National Language Act of 1984 and learn the language of Fasces in order to remain a citizen.
46) In order to be a citizen of The Armed Union, you must be born in The Armed Union, annexed by The Armed Union, or have the honourary permission directly from the Czar to be one.
47) The Armed Union must abide by The White Independence Act of 1984. The bill insured that Whites within The Confederacy would continue to be the majority in the newly formed state and would reign in power. Written into law by Reinhard Heydrich.
48) To import or export, companies/people must have explicit permission from The State.
49) Martyrdom for God, the White race, and Czar us encouraged.
50) All must abide by The Code of Hayden and The Acts.
The following is a set of laws written by Czar Charles Hayden to dictate 'The Primal Laws', or the essence of justice in The Armed Union. These are used to dictate punishment of crimes and what are crimes in-and-of themselves. This is being constructed in accordance with The Code of Hayden Act of 2005. Mind you, these aren't all of the laws of The Armed Union, but these are 'The Primals'.:
1) A citizen of The Armed Union may not create an idol of religion against God and His Trinity. Reformed Protestant is the national and only religion permitted within The Confederacy. Punishment for this heresy is executiong by: A) stoning, B) firing squad, C) inverse crucifixtion.
2) A citizen of The Armed Union may not speak of God and His Trinity. He/She may not take The Lord Our God's name in vain. Punishment for this heresy is fine of atleast
C$1,500 for the first breaking and execution by stoning for the second.
3) On every Sunday, every citizen of The Confederacy must attended a church service. The punishment for not doing so the first time is a fine of atleast C$500. The second offense is C$1,200. The final attempt is execution by hanging or stoning.
4) All citizens of The Armed Union must honour their Father and Mother. The daughters must abide by the will of the Father aswell as the son. The daughters and sons must respect the Mother for giving birth to them, but may not be forced to do her will. The first offense is a fine of C$500 for males and C$600 for females. The second offense is a public flogging on the soles of the feet for both genders. The third offense is forced conscription into the military for males and forced reforming for females. The final offense's punishment for both is execution by hanging or gasing.
5) A citizen of The Armed Union may not kill another. If a female kills another person they are to be executed by dry-electrocution (IE: Without a conductive fluid) and up to a C$90,000 fine for their male guardians (Husband, Father, Brother, Etc.). For men it is execution by inverse crucifixtion or forced conscription into the military.
6) A citizen of The Armed Union may not commit adultery in the physical or mental state. If a man is found guilty of adultery in the mental state they are find a minimum of $C300,000. For physical adultery they can suffer up to a C$5,000,000 fine and a C$1,000,000 fine for the person he commited adultery with--or he can suffer forced conscription into the military. For a female, the price of both is up to a C$2,000,000 fine and a C$1,000,000 fine for both the legal male guardian and the person she committed the sin with.
7) A citizen may not steal. For both genders they penalty for the first offense is removing of middile and ring fingers of both hands. The second pentaly for both is seizure of all property and estate or execution by firing squad.
8) A citizen may not commit purgery. The penalty for both genders can be up to an C$800,000 fine or the severing of the tounge or writing hand.
9) A citizen may not covet any physical or mental substance. The fine for both genders for mental coveting is up to C$500,000 fine while the second is seizure of all property and estates.
10) A citizen may not make any form of thing and call it as powerful or more powerful than God. The punishment for this heresy is execution by stoning or inverse crucifixtion.
11) A woman may not be anywhere withing The Confederacy and its Commonwealth without the presence of their legal male guardian or a man of the age 21 or up. The punishment for this is public flogging and lashings.
12) A woman may work as artisans, merchants, and craftsmen. They are only allowed to work in industry or commercial corporations with explicit permission from the CEO and The State.
13) All citizens must attend atleast 13 years of schooling (Kindergarten-12) and men must attend an additional 14th year (Grade 13). Women must also take classes for Home Economics, Family Resources, and Food Preparation to insure their home-making abilities.
14) No woman has authority over a man. If they are placed at higher points in a corporate heirarchy, they must obey men lower than her in status.
15) Interracial activites are strictly forbidden upon citizens both inside and outside of The Armed Union and Commonwealth. The punishment is execution by public flogging, electrical beating, and eventually breaking on the wheel and limb severing.
16) No citizen may whorship anything other than Our Lord And Savior inside or outside of The Armed Union and Commonwealth. The punishment is execution by public flogging, electrical beating, and eventually breaking on the wheel and limb severing.
17) A citizen must have a Bible in their home at all times. The punishment of now following this is a C$900,000 fine and/or deportation.
18) All citizens inside The Armed Union/Commonwealth/Confederacy must abide by 'The Acts'. Punishment for this ranges from C$5,000 fines to execution.
19) Espionage is a crime punisable by execution via firing squad or inverse crucifixtion of the spy and execution by gasing or firing squad of his/her entire family.
20) Publishings of books, newspapers, and all forms of writing are to be sent to The State to be evaluated before publishing. The punishment ranges from a C$1,000,000 fine, to 70 years imprisonment, to execution.
21) When/If a draft occurs, all men conscripted into the military must report to their drafting station. Refusal to do so is up to 200 years imprisonment, deportation, or execution by beating or breaking by the wheel.
22) Women may only travel within their Raion unless accompanied by their legal male guardian. Punishment for this is public flogging.
23) Selling and/or using of drugs results in deportation or imprisonment for females; Deportation or forced conscription into the military for males.
24) Divorce is forbidden.
25) Children born out-of-wedlock are given to Family Homes.
26) Soldiers must give 'The Pledge of The Confederate Wehrmacht' in order to join the military. This pledge states they will serve God, the White race, and the Czar totally and unquestioningly.
27) The legal smoking age for men is 14. The legal smoking age for women is 18.
28) The legal drinking age for men is 14. The legal drinking age for women is 22.
30) To apply for a Learners Permit a man must be atleast 15 years of age. To obtain a Drivers License and further licenses he must be 16. Women do not obtain licenses except for breeding.
31) The legal age to join the military is 14. The legal age to join a militia is non-existent. The legal age to be drafted is 12.
32) For anyone to pass an act or law, they must have explicit permission from the Czar.
33) Dissidention/treason is illegal and may be punished by death by inverse crucifixtion for both genders.
34) Funding dissidention/treason is considered treason and may be punished by death via inverse crucifixtion for both genders.
35) Citizens of both genders are allow to posses arms in accordance with the Arms Act of 1985.
37) Political parties other than The State are forbidden and considered dissidention/treason and may be punished accordingly.
38) Suspected criminals may be imprisoned indefinately if they are considered a threat in accordinance with the Patriot Act of 1991.
39) All citizens of The Armed Union must go to a Cerebral Monitoring Station and be tested atleast once a month.
40) All dominions of The Armed Union must abide by the Befehl 101 Act of 2004.
41) All nations of the international world must respect and abide by the Territorial Protection Act of 2004 (Formerly The Fascian Airspace Act of 1985). It states that any person/persons in Confederate airspace, territorial waters, and the like, are to be identified immediately as friend or foe. If foe, said tresspassers are to be executed. Passed into law by Charles Hayden.
42) All dominions of The Armed Union must abide by the Immigration Quarentine Act of 2002. It states that any White person wishing to immigrate into The Confederacy or any of its Commonwealth states, must take tests for serious diseases, must under-go vaccinations, and must stay in a Q-Colony for up to 3 weeks. This law excludes immediate allied citizens for the Q-Colony stay. Written into law by Reinhard Heydrich.
43) All people must abide by the 'Minuteman' Act of 1985.It stated that, and encouraged, able men (and women in some cases) to form militias and paramilitary units to help the state and ensure The Confederacy's well being. Passed into law by Reinhard Heydrich under counsel from Konstantin von Neurath.
44) All citizens must allow the Polizei, KSS, STASI, and The State to search their private property, estate, accounts, etc. without warning and warrent.
45) All citizens of The Armed Union must abide by The National Language Act of 1984 and learn the language of Fasces in order to remain a citizen.
46) In order to be a citizen of The Armed Union, you must be born in The Armed Union, annexed by The Armed Union, or have the honourary permission directly from the Czar to be one.
47) The Armed Union must abide by The White Independence Act of 1984. The bill insured that Whites within The Confederacy would continue to be the majority in the newly formed state and would reign in power. Written into law by Reinhard Heydrich.
48) To import or export, companies/people must have explicit permission from The State.
49) Martyrdom for God, the White race, and Czar us encouraged.
50) All must abide by The Code of Hayden and The Acts.