The Macabees
06-02-2005, 08:59
[Somewhere In the Bay of Biscay]
The sole Spanish Carrier Task force cut through the crisp calm seas of the Bay of Biscay, sometimes known as the Celtic Sea, heading due west, where it would soon turn south and make its way to Cadiz, one of the largest Atlantic ports owned by Spain. It was sorrounded by most of the offensive power of the Spanish navy, which was composed of three Los Angeles class SSNs, imported from the United States, some British cruisers, and at least five destroyers. However, Spanish technology failed to reach the height of Macabee power, so, when the black hull of the Toledo class SSN emerged from under the waves, like a monster waiting to prey on its fawn, some five hundred kilometers off, the Spanish fleet had no chance for survival. The blue seas turned to white as the ocean mist gave heed to the mass of the Macabee submarine, one of the best in its class. The HESS-001 Aranjeuz had no fear of Spanish "military prowess." In fact, the captain had a tendency to scoff at Spanish technology, and for good reason as he was to prove.
When he rose the VLS tubes of the submarine were already flooded, readied, and opened, and within seconds, after a single RADAR array sweep, catching the coordinates of the enemy fleet, coupled with information from satellite data feeds and such, the captain ordered for the massive strike. The VLS tubes let go of one Principe III after another, until all twenty were in the air. How the VLS tubes on the Toledo worked was that after one launched it would rotate, leaving a slot open, which would be replenished as quickly as possible as the next missile completed fire procedures. Like this, all twenty missiles were in the air in less than forty seconds, heading towards the Spanish fleet, which was facing impending doom.
The Principe IIIs flew low, perhaps as low as one hundred meters, cruising at less than Mach 1.8, in order to avoid kicking up the waters around it. At around one hundred kilometers from target the missiles turned on its very expensive and heavy jamming systems, immediately jamming the older, and less powerful, Spanish RADAR, causing their eyes and ears to go, virtually, blind. Consequently, when the range of seventy kilometers was hit the missile capsules broke, releasing an MT-3 torpedo each. The MT-3s hit the water at one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour, nose first, using a parachute to ensure this, and as soon as the torpedoes plunged under the cold and brisk sea surface the underwater RAMjet propulsion of the torpedoes pushed it at 70knots as quietly as possible, using the MACCAVAB cavitational absorbers to give it even more of an advantage. Spanish SONAR would fail to pick it up until it was too late, and so it was so. GPS (provided by the missiles before the capsule collapsing), SONAR and LIDAR would guide the torpedoes into enemy keels, and in that order, the Spanish fleet was soon deprived of all three Los Angeles', two of four cruisers, a single destroyer, and most importantly, Spain's sole carrier, El Principe de Asturias - which was really an escort carrier, but it represented Spain's maritime power...and now that was gone.
With the destruction of a majority of the power of the fleet CTF-10 prepared for combat, carrying three infantry divisions and two armored divisions, as well as the carrier wing arm, surface to air missile batteries and other necessities of war - including massive logistical supplies. CTF-10 would be positioned fifty kilometers from Cadiz within the next day and soon enough Macabee soldiers would be landing in Southern Spain, somewhere off the coast of Andalucia or Huelva and the Spanish army would soon be destroyed completely - unless the Spaniards had a trick up their sleeve.
The sole Spanish Carrier Task force cut through the crisp calm seas of the Bay of Biscay, sometimes known as the Celtic Sea, heading due west, where it would soon turn south and make its way to Cadiz, one of the largest Atlantic ports owned by Spain. It was sorrounded by most of the offensive power of the Spanish navy, which was composed of three Los Angeles class SSNs, imported from the United States, some British cruisers, and at least five destroyers. However, Spanish technology failed to reach the height of Macabee power, so, when the black hull of the Toledo class SSN emerged from under the waves, like a monster waiting to prey on its fawn, some five hundred kilometers off, the Spanish fleet had no chance for survival. The blue seas turned to white as the ocean mist gave heed to the mass of the Macabee submarine, one of the best in its class. The HESS-001 Aranjeuz had no fear of Spanish "military prowess." In fact, the captain had a tendency to scoff at Spanish technology, and for good reason as he was to prove.
When he rose the VLS tubes of the submarine were already flooded, readied, and opened, and within seconds, after a single RADAR array sweep, catching the coordinates of the enemy fleet, coupled with information from satellite data feeds and such, the captain ordered for the massive strike. The VLS tubes let go of one Principe III after another, until all twenty were in the air. How the VLS tubes on the Toledo worked was that after one launched it would rotate, leaving a slot open, which would be replenished as quickly as possible as the next missile completed fire procedures. Like this, all twenty missiles were in the air in less than forty seconds, heading towards the Spanish fleet, which was facing impending doom.
The Principe IIIs flew low, perhaps as low as one hundred meters, cruising at less than Mach 1.8, in order to avoid kicking up the waters around it. At around one hundred kilometers from target the missiles turned on its very expensive and heavy jamming systems, immediately jamming the older, and less powerful, Spanish RADAR, causing their eyes and ears to go, virtually, blind. Consequently, when the range of seventy kilometers was hit the missile capsules broke, releasing an MT-3 torpedo each. The MT-3s hit the water at one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour, nose first, using a parachute to ensure this, and as soon as the torpedoes plunged under the cold and brisk sea surface the underwater RAMjet propulsion of the torpedoes pushed it at 70knots as quietly as possible, using the MACCAVAB cavitational absorbers to give it even more of an advantage. Spanish SONAR would fail to pick it up until it was too late, and so it was so. GPS (provided by the missiles before the capsule collapsing), SONAR and LIDAR would guide the torpedoes into enemy keels, and in that order, the Spanish fleet was soon deprived of all three Los Angeles', two of four cruisers, a single destroyer, and most importantly, Spain's sole carrier, El Principe de Asturias - which was really an escort carrier, but it represented Spain's maritime power...and now that was gone.
With the destruction of a majority of the power of the fleet CTF-10 prepared for combat, carrying three infantry divisions and two armored divisions, as well as the carrier wing arm, surface to air missile batteries and other necessities of war - including massive logistical supplies. CTF-10 would be positioned fifty kilometers from Cadiz within the next day and soon enough Macabee soldiers would be landing in Southern Spain, somewhere off the coast of Andalucia or Huelva and the Spanish army would soon be destroyed completely - unless the Spaniards had a trick up their sleeve.