The Earth VI Grand Opening Party!!
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 07:42
We are welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to RP a new Earth in modern tech, with few rules excpet common sense and maturity.
We have a forum, maps, and moderators. All we need is members. So, if you want to have some fun on a new earth free from the crowded other Earths, this is your place!!
This link: (
Register at the forum there with your own current name, and you're home free! Good Luck and Have Fun!!
EDIT: We now have 42 members, three international organizations, and a major war is about to break out.
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 08:15
The Macabees
06-02-2005, 08:22
On your forums..make sure for the permissions on each board all the boxes are checked - cuz' I can't see anything.
Just joined your Earth VI forums. When are the campaigns going to start?
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 16:26
@ The Macabees: Did you register at the forum? You need to register (preferably your nation's name) in order to see the forums.
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 17:15
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 20:48
06-02-2005, 21:03
add me in plz!
06-02-2005, 21:05
I think I'm going to go to a corner and cry. GIVE IT UP WITH THE ******* EARTHS! Getting very old very fast. Find something original. Earth BC, AuctionEarth, those were ideas I fully supported. This is just copying 5 earths before it. Besides, there's already been up to Earth 7 or 8.
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 21:47
Quit whining. I'm not making you join.
Gaian Ascendancy
06-02-2005, 22:00
Nice to know all my orginal Earth-VI work is down the drain. Just as well since the previous Earth VI was dead and my FT nation won't fit in here anymore.
Nice to know we aren't discriminating, but oh well..
..hope this really works out for you Lame Buns.
And as of now I fully declare myself as a FT nation, with Battletech as my primary theme. I like being official.. =^^=
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 22:39
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 23:26
Lame Bums
06-02-2005, 23:54
Lame Bums
07-02-2005, 01:57
Lame Bums
07-02-2005, 22:59
Bumpity Bumpity Bum Bump.
Jamaica Reborn
07-02-2005, 23:07
Hmmm, I'd like to join up since my RP's have all writhed and slowly died, but I'm not sure how this works. Do you claim a RL nation as your home nation, and then go from there? Or is it an imperialist/colonist type thing where you claim nations, but your homeland is somewhere else?
Lame Bums
08-02-2005, 00:05
Reister at the forum it explains it all. It's too much for a bum like myself to repeat here. But yeah you claim a piece of land in the RL world (not necessarily a nation).
Are you going to allow the rest of us to create Earth VI based threads in this forum as the other Earth players do?
14-02-2005, 01:15
I thought Hataria had already made an Earth VI.
14-02-2005, 01:26
I thought Hataria had already made an Earth VI.
Yes, yes he did but it fell apart, I think it is being resurected by us members though
Still lots of unclaimed land everyone!
Still lots of oil producing countries unclaimed...
Land Sector A-7G
15-02-2005, 02:05
The People's Republic of Land Sector A-7G would like to join.
15-02-2005, 02:26
Yes, yes he did but it fell apart, I think it is being resurected by us members though
Does that mean I need to do my claims all over?
Does that mean I need to do my claims all over?
There's still plenty of empty land left for all prospective super-power nations of Earth VI to claim.
Lame Bums
16-02-2005, 01:27
Bump. We currently have 37 members.
Grosser Mattvia
16-02-2005, 11:30
I have joined!
Great! Now more people should follow his example. :)
Lame Bums
20-02-2005, 02:18
St Norton and Peos
20-02-2005, 03:03
I guess I'll join.
22-02-2005, 04:50
I'll join.
22-02-2005, 23:02
Do not join this Earth!
It is lead by a god-modding imbecile who abuses his powers as an admin. The quality of RPing is terrible, and at times laughable. The miniscule amount of entertainment one can extract from laughing at the sheer ignorance of some of it's members does not outweigh it's damaging effect to the brain.
Lame Bums
23-02-2005, 01:04
Bump. Ignore Sloatyourthrit.
Lame Bums
25-02-2005, 00:46
Bump...Lots of land left...
Can you guess what I'm going to say?
And Bump.
Lame Bums
27-02-2005, 23:57
Lame Bums
31-03-2005, 01:23