NationStates Jolt Archive

Drownin in ruins

Drizzts Army
06-02-2005, 01:03
Its been months after fighting with Zooigedom and Deans Military forces. Now the sea's and air are quiet, no fighting taken place. But...a certain sub captain is now boiling with rage, wanting to attack Dean head on and destroy him completly

The sub Ark Duche was the Typhoon SSBN that had the Silent Drive which was tooken by the Free Drizzt Legions, ever since their leave of Cahoon, Drow, and Fenris Islands, the FDL never really gotten any action. The Ark Duche is now about 4 miles away from Drownin, with no official orders from Drizzt, just the Captains only free will.

*The Captain armed a nuclear missle, along with his first mate, who both were insane, they thought of nuking Drownin and killing Dean that way. They setted the target which was Drownin, and the submarine surfaced*

"This is a day that will go into history my freind" the captain laughed

*The first mate just gave a grin of evil, the alarm went off, calling for everyone to brace for missile launch*

The missile(sp?) slowly launched out of the sub silo, burning fuel as it started to head into the atmosphere. Just 20 minutes later, the nuke hitted Drownin head on, the skies turned black, it was like night, only the bright mushroom cloud was rising above Drownin, even 4 miles off, with special protection googles and Anti-Raditation Suits, the officers watched the mushroom cloud*
(B&W photo of the mushroom cloud over Drownin)

OOC: I know post sucks, but I was bored