Santa Barbara and ResiCorp unite to bring you a brand-new region! Claim land now!
Board of Trade
05-02-2005, 03:04
Today is a great day in the history of capitalism. For on this day, Feburary 4th 2005 A.D., the nations of Santa Barbara and the Resi Corporation have united for the first time in over half a year to bring a new era of economic prosperity to the capitalists of the world by bringing them closer together so as to better inteact with one another. Battles will be wadged, products will be traded, stocks will rise and crash, and islands and continents will be conquered! It will be an epic experience. It will be the Tradelands experience. Grab a piece of that action for yourself before all the land is taken up by other nations hungry for a place in the history books!
((OOC: Again, thanks to Ineptia of the Heartland for the inspiration, and yes I realize this is the Corporate Genesis map. CG murged into the Tradelands to consolidate capitalistic power))
Become a part of the Tradelands today and secure yourself a plot of land, as well as a place in our growing forum community and your very own spot in the Tradelands' stock market! Buy and sell shares of corporations to gain fiendish ammounts of money, and use it to ruin your competitors!
To join, simply...
submit a short and simple summary of your nation
The plot of land you want, and what color it should be
Get approval from either Santa Barbara or the Resi Corporation
Within seconds of gaining approval, the regional password will be telegrammed to you and your nation will appear in all its glory on the regional map. If you want to modify your nation's appearance on the map after this, simply telegram the Resi Corporation with a request for a blown-up version of your nation's map. Draw on it, do what you wish, then host it and send the Resi Corporation a link to your image.
Submit your application, move in, and live a life free of the taint of the red menace!
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 03:08
The region no longer has a password!
Hi, I'm the Resi Corporation, and I approve this message.
Please check your telegrams, Resi.
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 04:01
Please check your telegrams, Resi.
Done, welcome to the Tradelands!
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 04:21
BUMP the casbah, BUMP the casbah!
05-02-2005, 04:27
MT.. FT or what are we RP'ing here?
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 04:44
MT.. FT or what are we RP'ing here?
Post-Modern tech, a mix of FT and MT that attempts to keep the playing feild fair between the two tech levels.
Remember Kat's Law, an AK-47 will kill you just as dead as a laser rifle.
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 05:05
BUMP, because we're better than those degenerate Earth threads.
MP3 Pirates
05-02-2005, 05:14
That sounds like I would at least have a chance then.. number 50 please in blue in the name of the MP3 Pirates. The name can be deceiving, MP3 Pirates are a pro-capitalist nation in every sense of the word.. Free from the burdens of welfare, healthcare and other government nuisances, we focus our expenditures on a well educated populace, and commerce along with being well policed and defended. We believe everyone should have their fair chance at becoming rich, there should not be a few that control the loot! Not to mention we love mechs.
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 05:22
That sounds like I would at least have a chance then.. number 50 please in blue in the name of the MP3 Pirates. The name can be deceiving, MP3 Pirates are a pro-capitalist nation in every sense of the word.. Free from the burdens of welfare, healthcare and other government nuisances, we focus our expenditures on a well educated populace, and commerce along with being well policed and defended. We believe everyone should have their fair chance at becoming rich, there should not be a few that control the loot! Not to mention we love mechs.
Alright, you're in. I'm tging you the password.
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 06:49
Camel Eaters
05-02-2005, 07:26
We're a super capitalistic nation that loves our stock markey and our booming economy. We would like to claim Plot 4 and it should be green.
05-02-2005, 07:29
My nation is Tailorious, and we have been honing our economic prowess since our foundation. We believe that this entitles us to lot 23, which would allow us access to many different markets. Of course, the only acceptable color is gold, to show our love of what is always valuable.
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 07:50
We're a super capitalistic nation that loves our stock markey and our booming economy. We would like to claim Plot 4 and it should be green.
Normally I'd ask for a bit more, but I've seen you do some fairly good RP.
Therefore, you're on the map!
The Resi Corporation
05-02-2005, 07:57
My nation is Tailorious, and we have been honing our economic prowess since our foundation. We believe that this entitles us to lot 23, which would allow us access to many different markets. Of course, the only acceptable color is gold, to show our love of what is always valuable.
That's pretty vague. Could you tell us a bit more about your history, more than just your money-grubbing?
Camel Eaters
05-02-2005, 07:58
WHOO! I'm on the map.
05-02-2005, 13:29
Quite….well, I was always in Santa Barbara’s Free Trade Zone and quite content there, but I might move regions in an OOC sense i fit becomes a succes. To have an In Character region to be allied with and such could be an improvement – I wonder what plans there are in this regard by the way.
I don’t think I will be on the map as I am already located in a semi-vague ‘Europe’. However I would like to know where this continent ‘is’ in relation to other continents. Haven and the Emerald Heights are in the Pacific, Tareldanorë is in the South Atlantic with Sisgardia nearby, (greater) Excalbia is in the North Atlantic between Europe and the United States, etcetera. I am aware of course that RL earth does not apply and that there is a multiverse and such but it might be nice to say something about how these continents lie in relation to one another.
05-02-2005, 13:35
OOC: I have interest in claiming the two islands marked by "1" for the Soviet Union, but I was wondering... is it proper for me to RP landing there or shall I assume that I already have cities there etc etc?
Santa Barbara
05-02-2005, 15:57
ooc: Just to point out, you can be in the Tradelands and not have a space on the map. Also, you don't even have to RP - plenty of former FTZ members did not, and frankly I don't RP all that much these days either. I won't be on the map cuz SB is out there in some other ocean and always has been.
Of course if you're not gonna RP you probably dont need map space either.
05-02-2005, 16:13
OOC: Alright then, in that case, I'd like to claim the two 1 islands as the Hogsweatian Republic of Mandarvia.
05-02-2005, 16:15
The Celestial Empire of Tailorious was once simply the Holy Empire of Tailorious (HET). It was founded by four tailors who saw an empty clothing market in their homeland. Eager to make a profit, they decided that the easiest way would be to not to create a company (too many corporate laws, even if they were off-shore) but instead to create an offshore country. This would free them of foolish economic regulation, and allow them to have their own currency, which could be manipulated at will.
The founding tailors quickly ensured that the only focus of the country was generating wealth, and soon all industries boomed. It was determined that people work harder and have more financially viable ideas when they have freedom, so the domestic policy was set in place to allow a great range of civil freedoms, assuming they didn't require government spending. Political events took people's minds off money, and the government realized that a dictatorship would be the most beneficial for its country's coffers.
When HET, still an extremely young nation, first reaching double digits in an industrial census, the Spool (as the government is known) changed the name to the Divine Empire of Tailorious, and likewise changed it again for single digits.
The Spool originally based itself in the region known as the Consortium, for they believed its relaxed economic laws and openness to free trade would ensure a success business venture. Unfortunately, the region began to act more and more in an unprofitable (i.e. communist) fashion, and CET took advantage of an offer by the Transnational Exchange of Santa Barbara to move to the Free Trade Zone. Thanks to its cunning lawyers, CET's corporations secured extraterritorial rights in the old lands of CET (now taken over by a communist regime) so they would not have to undergo the costly move.
With the recent changes to the FTZ, Tailorious decided that again, a move would be in its best interests.
This has been a brief history of Tailorious.
David Reddingham,
-Chief Diplomat
05-02-2005, 16:17
OOC: While I RP a lot in my other ventures, I've never RP'ed in NS before, so pelase forgive if I kind of stumble a bit. I think I'm going to play Tailorious as an *extremely* arrogant economic nation, although there may be more than one reason as to why its citizens have such civil freedoms....
05-02-2005, 16:28
ooc: Just to point out, you can be in the Tradelands and not have a space on the map. Also, you don't even have to RP - plenty of former FTZ members did not, and frankly I don't RP all that much these days either. I won't be on the map cuz SB is out there in some other ocean and always has been.
Of course if you're not gonna RP you probably dont need map space either.
You got any ideas on the continents question? could your island not simply be in that region or something? with a little square in the corner of the map ;)
Santa Barbara
05-02-2005, 18:18
You got any ideas on the continents question? could your island not simply be in that region or something? with a little square in the corner of the map ;)
It could be. But I dont see the need for it, and my map's style is totally different from this one. When I was in the DD, there was an arrow pointing off in my direction on the map but that was it.. could do something like that.
Actually that sort of thing (this way to Arda, here be orcs) on maps is a good thing in general... hmm..
05-02-2005, 19:28
*prods SB meanwhile to post in his Corporate thread thingy as he is having loads of fun with it*
Riot Squad
06-02-2005, 22:04
I would like to challenge Tailorious's right to slot 23. I believe that I should rightfully be given slot 23 for this reason:
I posted on the tradelands forum and asked for lot 23 before Tailorious posted here.
I understand that this is the proper place to place the map request, but the notice on the Tradelands board to come here was posted after I had posted in the Tradelands forum.
Thus, since I asked first I believe the island of 23 should be the land in which my nation may thrive.
I will now tell you the story of my nation. It started as a corrupt dictatorship in which our people were oppressed and mistreated. Trade was minimal, technology rare, and progress stagnant. A group of individuals decided this was not how they wanted to live and thus the Naval rebellion occured. This was a rebellion of the few sea faring traders in Riot Squad. They overthrew the dictator and established a republic. Their main priority to this day has been to increase trade and to stimulate the economy. Riot Squad has a powerful navy and specializes in overseas trade through its massive shipping lines.
Well, that is my story, and my reason for why I think lot 23 should be mine. (If that is accepted I would like it in Royal Purple, the color of the roman nobility. That is a darker shade of purple than what Board of Trade has)
06-02-2005, 22:44
please note that Einhauser is not a country, it is a company based in the Dominion of Kargucagstan. In fact, I control kargucagstan as well as this. Einhauser is in desperate need of land for testing facilitys and factorys, so I figured this would be a good place to settle down. And really, whats more capitalistic then a corperation? Heres the history of the Einhauser Company:
In 2005, the Kargucagstanian goverment was in desperate need of a permanant military, but they could not afford to import the expensive forign aircraft. They ended up creating the KR-02 Ragnarok fighter bomber, but then realized that creating military weapons is not the job of the goverment, but of a company, so the Einhauser Company was created with Jason Green as CEO. Einhauser quickly rolled half a dozen new types of aircraft off of thier state-sponsored assembly lines. Production was good, but eventually they ran out of space. Jason Green decided to move the company to a new location, one that has good acces to water, air, and land trade routes (unlike Kargucagstan, which is a landlocked, mountainous country).
To this end I would like to claim spot 12, and it should be grey
07-02-2005, 05:23
I would like to challenge Tailorious's right to slot 23. I believe that I should rightfully be given slot 23 for this reason:
I posted on the tradelands forum and asked for lot 23 before Tailorious posted here.
I understand that this is the proper place to place the map request, but the notice on the Tradelands board to come here was posted after I had posted in the Tradelands forum.
Thus, since I asked first I believe the island of 23 should be the land in which my nation may thrive.
I don't know about differrences in timestamps on different forums, but on the Tradelands forum your request is at 11:13 PM, and my original request was made at 7:29 AM and by revised request at 4:15 PM according to the NS forum.
Merely an observation.
07-02-2005, 16:37
All right, conflict already! Roshambo for it!
07-02-2005, 21:37
So... is there any chance I can get my piece of land anytime soon? In case youve forgotten, I would like spot 12 and it should be grey.
Riot Squad
08-02-2005, 05:35
I don't know about differrences in timestamps on different forums, but on the Tradelands forum your request is at 11:13 PM, and my original request was made at 7:29 AM and by revised request at 4:15 PM according to the NS forum.
Merely an observation.
The time stamp on this forum is about 9 hours behind the other one I think or more. So mine was before your revised for sure and I think before the initial.
How bout we both start regions and attack eachother for it ;)
11-02-2005, 20:58
COme on resi corp! I need land
The Resi Corporation
13-02-2005, 01:16
I would like to challenge Tailorious's right to slot 23. I believe that I should rightfully be given slot 23 for this reason:
I posted on the tradelands forum and asked for lot 23 before Tailorious posted here.
I understand that this is the proper place to place the map request, but the notice on the Tradelands board to come here was posted after I had posted in the Tradelands forum.
Thus, since I asked first I believe the island of 23 should be the land in which my nation may thrive.
I will now tell you the story of my nation. It started as a corrupt dictatorship in which our people were oppressed and mistreated. Trade was minimal, technology rare, and progress stagnant. A group of individuals decided this was not how they wanted to live and thus the Naval rebellion occured. This was a rebellion of the few sea faring traders in Riot Squad. They overthrew the dictator and established a republic. Their main priority to this day has been to increase trade and to stimulate the economy. Riot Squad has a powerful navy and specializes in overseas trade through its massive shipping lines.
Well, that is my story, and my reason for why I think lot 23 should be mine. (If that is accepted I would like it in Royal Purple, the color of the roman nobility. That is a darker shade of purple than what Board of Trade has)
Hmm... well, there's only one way to solve this.
*flips a coin*
Heads. Eh, looks like Tailoria won. Sorry, you can still have another plot of land. The two southern continents are just begging for settlers.
And yes, I'm back and slowly but surely updating the map. :p
The Resi Corporation
13-02-2005, 01:27
Okay, everyone's on the map 'cept for Riot! Thanks for being patient!
The Resi Corporation
13-02-2005, 21:08
Speaking of BUMPS...
Jangle Jangle Ridge
13-02-2005, 21:23
Hi Resi. I can't really join, I'm just here to ask... why the HELL is Northrop on it?
Riot Squad
13-02-2005, 23:16
Hmm... well, there's only one way to solve this.
*flips a coin*
Heads. Eh, looks like Tailoria won. Sorry, you can still have another plot of land. The two southern continents are just begging for settlers.
First off, when you flip a coin aren't you supposed to ask someone to call it first? Not to mention war solves ones problems much better.
Second, the guys name is "Tailorious" not Tailoria so atleast spell the "winners" name right.
And I will take 32, keeping me close to Tailorious and the diplomacy area. An ideal position to one day invade Tailorious and so as to be close to the diplomacy zone so as to save sailing time.
The Resi Corporation
14-02-2005, 00:49
Hi Resi. I can't really join, I'm just here to ask... why the HELL is Northrop on it?
Er... why shouldn't he be?
First off, when you flip a coin aren't you supposed to ask someone to call it first? Not to mention war solves ones problems much better.
Second, the guys name is "Tailorious" not Tailoria so atleast spell the "winners" name right.
And I will take 32, keeping me close to Tailorious and the diplomacy area. An ideal position to one day invade Tailorious and so as to be close to the diplomacy zone so as to save sailing time.
I agree to your war proposition, but how do you plan on having a war if you don't have any land to serve as bases for your troops? You could always choose another plot and invade his, in essence claiming two plots.
And "calling" generally takes too much time. I just called one for Tailorious and he one. The misspelling of his name is just me making a mistake and being too lazy to correct it. That's a problem with me. :p
32 has been marked for your nation, and your nation should appear on the map shortly.
Greetings from Xeraph!
We are a nation of 2.45 billion. We have a foothold in space, and are presently conducting diplomatic relations with approx 100 allied nations, most of whom have embassies in our capitol of Xeraphia.
The Emperor wishes to lay claim to the islands numbered "22", and the color should be grey.
It would be an honor to be part of this wonderful trade/culture opportunity.
Lord Strunz, in the Name of the Emperor
Jangle Jangle Ridge
14-02-2005, 01:13
Er... why shouldn't he be?
I agree to your war proposition, but how do you plan on having a war if you don't have any land to serve as bases for your troops? You could always choose another plot and invade his, in essence claiming two plots.
And "calling" generally takes too much time. I just called one for Tailorious and he one. The misspelling of his name is just me making a mistake and being too lazy to correct it. That's a problem with me. :p
32 has been marked for your nation, and your nation should appear on the map shortly.
Erm, cause he's all, you know, space tech and such... man do you have AIM or MSN or Yahoo? We need to set up a first contact or something. Because I'm bored, and people should tailor to my every whim....
The Resi Corporation
14-02-2005, 01:30
Erm, cause he's all, you know, space tech and such... man do you have AIM or MSN or Yahoo? We need to set up a first contact or something. Because I'm bored, and people should tailor to my every whim....
But... I'm all, y'know, space tech and such.
*points to siggy*
*points to national motto*
*points to store (*
The Resi Corporation
14-02-2005, 01:35
Greetings from Xeraph!
We are a nation of 2.45 billion. We have a foothold in space, and are presently conducting diplomatic relations with approx 100 allied nations, most of whom have embassies in our capitol of Xeraphia.
The Emperor wishes to lay claim to the islands numbered "22", and the color should be grey.
It would be an honor to be part of this wonderful trade/culture opportunity.
Lord Strunz, in the Name of the Emperor
Gladly! We welcome you to the Tradelands, enjoy your stay and check all communists at the door.
Gladly! We welcome you to the Tradelands, enjoy your stay and check all communists at the door.
Thank you. The 34th CBG will be escorting the 1st and 2nd Divisions of the Xeraphian Military Corps of Engineers to the new islands, where on each of the islands, a naval/commercial dock system will be constructed.
In addition, a central area will be secured for the construction of the Xeraphian TradeLands Corporation Headquarters. This will be a one-story building (above ground) with 6 stories below ground level, approx 42,000 ft. sq.
There will be minimun overland traffic, as the Emperor has ordered the placement of TransBeam equipment in all areas of the islands.
Lastly, there will be a security force comprised of 25,000 Armored Troopers from the Empire's subject nation of Grey Legions. These men will be supported by 10 MBT's, and 20 HCGS's.
Lord Strunz
The Resi Corporation
14-02-2005, 04:18
Jangle Jangle Ridge
14-02-2005, 04:40
I know. But you're Resi. Anyway. Do you have MSN or anything? I never get to RP with you, and yet you're one of the few nations that has known me almost since I started out.
The Resi Corporation
14-02-2005, 05:45
I know. But you're Resi. Anyway. Do you have MSN or anything? I never get to RP with you, and yet you're one of the few nations that has known me almost since I started out.
MSN and Yahoo are the devil, I only use AIM and IRC. Telegram me your AIM s/n.
The Resi Corporation
15-02-2005, 00:22
Jamaica Reborn
15-02-2005, 01:01
We'd like the territory of 51 please.
My nation is one of almost entirely African descent, and is known as the Empire of Jamaica. We plan for our Empire to stretch across the entire globe and to be feared and respected by many in the distant future. So when an opportunity to landgrab and colonize surfaces, we're on it like white on rice. We plan on using the land mainly for colonial and commercial purposes, and in the future possibly military bases as well.
Thank you.
(OOC: Oh yea, and make the color green if possible)
The Resi Corporation
15-02-2005, 01:37
We'd like the territory of 51 please.
My nation is one of almost entirely African descent, and is known as the Empire of Jamaica. We plan for our Empire to stretch across the entire globe and to be feared and respected by many in the distant future. So when an opportunity to landgrab and colonize surfaces, we're on it like white on rice. We plan on using the land mainly for colonial and commercial purposes, and in the future possibly military bases as well.
Thank you.
(OOC: Oh yea, and make the color green if possible)
Hmm... world domination you say? This makes me a bit uncertain, as many newbies to NationStates are anxious to control the world. Could you tell me about something that would restore my faith in your potential, such as how your country is run or some such other information about yourself?
Jamaica Reborn
15-02-2005, 01:59
Hmm... world domination you say? This makes me a bit uncertain, as many newbies to NationStates are anxious to control the world. Could you tell me about something that would restore my faith in your potential, such as how your country is run or some such other information about yourself?
My, my, my, you've gotten the wrong idea here. My nation is run by a powerful man by the name of Swoonie Woo, who is titled as 'Di Dude' of Jamaica. He has two top advisors who are known as 'Di Men', and every important decision that Swoonie makes that will effect the taxpaying citizens must go through 'Di People', who can vote in or vote out Swoonie's decision. The Empire is largely dedicated to bettering the conditions of blacks worldwide, but not in a racist fashion, as there are many whites, asians and arabs that live comfortably within the Empire's borders. Do you need more?
The Resi Corporation
15-02-2005, 02:13
My, my, my, you've gotten the wrong idea here. My nation is run by a powerful man by the name of Swoonie Woo, who is titled as 'Di Dude' of Jamaica. He has two top advisors who are known as 'Di Men', and every important decision that Swoonie makes that will effect the taxpaying citizens must go through 'Di People', who can vote in or vote out Swoonie's decision. The Empire is largely dedicated to bettering the conditions of blacks worldwide, but not in a racist fashion, as there are many whites, asians and arabs that live comfortably within the Empire's borders. Do you need more?
Eh, that should be enough. Just don't start nuking people left and right once you get your plot of land. :p
Jamaica Reborn
15-02-2005, 02:22
Eh, that should be enough. Just don't start nuking people left and right once you get your plot of land. :p
Naw, nukes are boring and n00bish, but you might see a few border conflicts with Ravea if he/she is willing to participate.
The Resi Corporation
15-02-2005, 03:52
Jamaica Reborn
15-02-2005, 03:55
My good sir, excuse me if I'm mistaken, but wasn't I suppose to recieve a password of some sort through my t-grams?
The Resi Corporation
15-02-2005, 03:58
My good sir, excuse me if I'm mistaken, but wasn't I suppose to recieve a password of some sort through my t-grams?
Ah yes, that. We took that off our region a while back, but I guess I forgot to edit the first post. Good call. ;)
The Resi Corporation
18-02-2005, 01:46
*deletes and adds a BUMP*
The Resi Corporation
22-02-2005, 00:49
06-03-2005, 17:55
The nation of Maldaathi would like to be a electric blue at number 45. We are a strong capitalist nation that is beginning to make minor breakthroughs in Civil Rights... although the people share little to no political rights. Nothing makes our citizens happier than serving their great country!
The Resi Corporation
12-03-2005, 01:20
The nation of Maldaathi would like to be a electric blue at number 45. We are a strong capitalist nation that is beginning to make minor breakthroughs in Civil Rights... although the people share little to no political rights. Nothing makes our citizens happier than serving their great country!
Done and done... sorry about the delay! :)
Xeraph would like to extend it's holdings by the aquisition of islands number 13 and 21. If necessary, we will purchase these territories.
Lord Stroonz
Santa Barbara
12-03-2005, 19:46
ooc: I'm not certain we can sell land plots to foreigners. We haven't really established a policy on that, but... The map is mostly so that residents of the Tradelands region can be on a map. If we start allowing anyone to buy in, well pretty soon we'll need another map...
You could join the region though.. In that case you'd get a map spot for free.
12-03-2005, 20:03
Juumanistra is a vibrant and out-going state that prides itself on its rugged individualism and innovativeness. We're interested in Plot 39, as we think we can turn it into a 'lil fixer-upper to maximize its unique position on the Indigo continent. As for color on the map...a light blue, I think; cerulean, sky, something like that.
The Resi Corporation
12-03-2005, 21:39
Xeraph would like to extend it's holdings by the aquisition of islands number 13 and 21. If necessary, we will purchase these territories.
Lord Stroonz
((OOC: First off, like Santa Barbara said you actually have to be in the region to hold land here. Purchasing was never an option. Who would the money even go to, anyway? Neither SB or myself owns the vacant land.
Secondly, even if you were to move to the region, you only get ONE plot of land like everyone else, no matter how big your nation is.))
EDIT: Also, I just noticed you aren't actually in our region. This could be a problem, if you intend on keeping the land you hold here already. If you don't move to the Tradelands within 24 RL hours, we'll be revoking your land.
The Resi Corporation
12-03-2005, 21:43
Juumanistra is a vibrant and out-going state that prides itself on its rugged individualism and innovativeness. We're interested in Plot 39, as we think we can turn it into a 'lil fixer-upper to maximize its unique position on the Indigo continent. As for color on the map...a light blue, I think; cerulean, sky, something like that.
Good, good, you look very promising. :)
Could you perhaps just tell us a little bit more about your nation? Anything will do, really.
((OOC: First off, like Santa Barbara said you actually have to be in the region to hold land here. Purchasing was never an option. Who would the money even go to, anyway? Neither SB or myself owns the vacant land.
Secondly, even if you were to move to the region, you only get ONE plot of land like everyone else, no matter how big your nation is.))
EDIT: Also, I just noticed you aren't actually in our region. This could be a problem, if you intend on keeping the land you hold here already. If you don't move to the Tradelands within 24 RL hours, we'll be revoking your land.
Please see TG.....
The Resi Corporation
13-03-2005, 00:33
Please see TG.....
13-03-2005, 00:59
More about Juumanistra? We're a fairly large state by NationStates standards of apparent technophiles; it's a national rite of passage to receive one's first cell phone and one's first laptop. National diet is largely derived from wheat, corn, and cattle products, with the white meats also finding their own ways onto dinner tables. National language is Juumanistran, though for all practical purposes it's a corrupted form of English that uses Japanese to fill in the spaces and gaps. Ethnic Juumanistrans are the majority group within the state, though there are significant numbers of Kiramekistanis, Hibikinopians, and Moeginoans within the state.
That enough or shall this provide the impetus I need to finally get off my butt and compile a factbook?
The Resi Corporation
13-03-2005, 01:53
More about Juumanistra? We're a fairly large state by NationStates standards of apparent technophiles; it's a national rite of passage to receive one's first cell phone and one's first laptop. National diet is largely derived from wheat, corn, and cattle products, with the white meats also finding their own ways onto dinner tables. National language is Juumanistran, though for all practical purposes it's a corrupted form of English that uses Japanese to fill in the spaces and gaps. Ethnic Juumanistrans are the majority group within the state, though there are significant numbers of Kiramekistanis, Hibikinopians, and Moeginoans within the state.
That enough or shall this provide the impetus I need to finally get off my butt and compile a factbook?
That's enough to show you put some serious thought into your nation, so you're definately aboard. I'll just edit you into the map, and you can start your life in the Tradelands! :)
Thank you for the opportunity to become part of such a fine corporation. We cannot at this time abandon our region, as it is thoroughly settled, and has been for many years. Perhaps we can remain friendly through diplomatic channels.
13-03-2005, 16:51
the nation of Groundfield was recently created when militants forced empire troop's out the country the nation is ravaged gang wars but with the death of the nations dictator elections are taking place and violence is becoming less common. the nations econamy still stuggles but is improving
we would like Santa Barbara 21 black or any land at all
The Resi Corporation
13-03-2005, 22:22
the nation of Groundfield was recently created when militants forced empire troop's out the country the nation is ravaged gang wars but with the death of the nations dictator elections are taking place and violence is becoming less common. the nations econamy still stuggles but is improvingNot the most impressive blurb, but I'll let that slide for now, because...
we would like Santa Barbara 21 black or any land at all...this really makes no sense. You want Santa Barbara? No, wait, you want plot 21 colored black? Then how the hell'd Santa Barbara get in there? :confused:
15-03-2005, 21:31
on the second map it has an arrow leading to Santa barbara in the direction of previous (bet you feel stupid now)
The Resi Corporation
16-03-2005, 00:47
on the second map it has an arrow leading to Santa barbara in the direction of previous (bet you feel stupid now)
Yeah, but what does his arrow have to do with anything? You want an arrow too, or something?
Also, insulting one of the people who controls the region is definately NOT the smartest way to get in. Just thought you'd like to know.
16-03-2005, 03:19
:p lol
16-03-2005, 19:31
Yeah, but what does his arrow have to do with anything? You want an arrow too, or something?
Also, insulting one of the people who controls the region is definately NOT the smartest way to get in. Just thought you'd like to know.
so what does the arrow didin't steal this of a cartoon did you :p
16-03-2005, 19:40
The island Santa Barbara controls is not in the Tradelands. It is to the west, right where the arrow points. He doesnt hace to be on the Tradelands map to be part of it because he jointly created the thing. At least thats what I assume. I guess I should prolly talk to SB before I go saying these things, :D
Santa Barbara
16-03-2005, 20:02
The island Santa Barbara controls is not in the Tradelands. It is to the west, right where the arrow points. He doesnt hace to be on the Tradelands map to be part of it because he jointly created the thing. At least thats what I assume. I guess I should prolly talk to SB before I go saying these things, :D
True. My arrow points to my little continent of SB, off in the west, it's not on the map. I had a similar arrow on the Devil's Desert map. I'm teh inside outsider! :mp5: :)
The Resi Corporation
16-03-2005, 23:32
True. My arrow points to my little continent of SB, off in the west, it's not on the map. I had a similar arrow on the Devil's Desert map. I'm teh inside outsider! :mp5: :)
Come to think of it, wouldn't the arrow point to the east? There isn't much ocean to the east of Santa Barbara, the real one at least...
Santa Barbara
28-03-2005, 19:10
Come to think of it, wouldn't the arrow point to the east? There isn't much ocean to the east of Santa Barbara, the real one at least...
Well... it's not the real one. :p
NS Santa Barbara is it's own continent and stuff. (Isla Vista is an actual island.) Check out the map (