Luyork Makes Household Firearms Illegal
The goverment of Luyork has debated the series for some time know because of all the gun nuts in our nation and the unbelievable amount of gunshot wounds (fatal) in Luyork. The goverment has agreed to make household firearms illegal and to kill anyone who is found guilty of murder with a firearm. There will be an inspection of every house in Luyork (March 1 through June 1) to make sure that no one has possesion of firearms and to dispose of them if they are found. You will be better off disposing of them before the inspection or you will be fined from 1,000 to 2,000 $.
Armandian Cheese
05-02-2005, 01:59
While I applaud your tough stance on murder, banning weapons is surely not the answer. The people must be allowed to protect themselves.
You are right. Everything stands in my message except that I will only allow handguns and small pistols.
Cherry Ridge
07-02-2005, 23:37
The Ridgian government is stauntly opposed to this act. Just because your police force is too inept to safly stop criminals, doesn't mean you ban guns. Train your force better. You will only create a new criminal market, gun sales. I am willing to send soldiers to train your men.
~Count John Antonette,
Secratary of War and Intelligence
Attorney General of Cherry RIdge
The Parthians
08-02-2005, 00:00
Please tell me one reason not to invade your nation right now?
-Shah Khosru III
The Czar is absolutely against this obstruction in necessary liberties. If you cannot defend your people, you do not deserve to be able to rule them.
The Czar demands you repeal this measure immediately, or loosen it up.
Also, if your police forces are inadequate, the Czar has allowed us to send over some troops from either the SS or the Army Rangers to train them. Who knows, you may even get some brand new shiny weapons.
Deo Vindice,
Count Franz von Papen
Foreign Minister to the Czar
The Protestant Prussian Czardom of Derscon
Greater Prussia
The Island of Rose
08-02-2005, 23:51
Official Reply:
We have no gun laws, and we have no crime. It's called castration.
Department of the Interior
08-02-2005, 23:52
"Outlaw guns and only the outlaws will have the guns."
The Parthians
09-02-2005, 00:13
The goverment of Luyork has debated the series for some time know because of all the gun nuts in our nation and the unbelievable amount of gunshot wounds (fatal) in Luyork. The goverment has agreed to make household firearms illegal and to kill anyone who is found guilty of murder with a firearm. There will be an inspection of every house in Luyork (March 1 through June 1) to make sure that no one has possesion of firearms and to dispose of them if they are found. You will be better off disposing of them before the inspection or you will be fined from 1,000 to 2,000 $.
You will either repeal this law, or I will begin airstrikes and then invasion.
-Shah Khosru III
Dersconi Naval Command
"Sir, orders from the Kremlin," a Lt-JG said to the Grand Admiral. Marko Herkjyavich, CINC of the Imperial Navy, looked at it. He threw it in the memory hole and turned back to the Lt.
"Mobilize the Superfleet, tell them to report to Luyork, you are to defend the coastline from enemy attack." He nodded.
HMS Armageddon
On board the new flagship of the Superfleet, the Fleet Admiral ordered the departure to Luyork.
In about thirty minutes, the entire fleet was en route to Luyork.
Message to Luyork
PLease do not mind the Dersconi Naval Fleet heading towards you. It is only for your protection from The Parthians.
--Imperial Admiral Marko Herkjyavich
Commander in Chief of the Dersconi Imperial Navy
Cherry Ridge
09-02-2005, 01:51
22 Ridgian ships (1 aircraft carrier, 14 destroyers, 5 crusiers, 2 submarines) are enroute to Luyork. (8:30 Eastern time)
They will be flying the Ridgian flag high. They are just to protect Luyork. If they are fired upon, it will be considered an act of war on Cherry Ridge. They are commanded by High Admiral James Callahan.