NationStates Jolt Archive

Shadows Do Come Alive... [OPEN, INTRODUCTORY RP]

04-02-2005, 08:34
For centuries upon centuries, what had been alive, now resided in the land of death. An invasion from the Underworld perhaps, not one knew on the grounds outside what had taken place in this nation. Anyhow, it was somewhat ironic too, for the new leader of Spencertopia was known to those around him, only as Hades. Indeed, this was the new land of the underworld, skies blackened by death and an earth scorched by fire and ice. The wind blew crisp across the countryside, keeping those who still lived in a state of paralysis. To visit would be suicide, unless you prefered the afterlife. Death knocked on your doorstep.

And still, those who were able to move lived perhaps in the eternal torment with a lack of soul, for Hades kept them under his proverbial pillow, kept safe from the Gods in an empty looking jar. Mindless, killing creatures some said. Others praised them for the fear inside them loomed.

Do not forget... cried Hades when he had seized power, Do not forget the mercy I have upon you!

Perhaps his greatest gift to those who took upon the hardship, was that they were gifted the powers of darkness. Creatures perhaps sponsered or created by Satan, could kill and purge the lives of others with ease. They, had an eternity to play, for death had already come and could not visit a second time. The living, could be murdered, and so they were, bloodcurdling screams held within the city walls. A tale of darkness had spread here, and after conquering all, they could only speak of the world outside. A message would be sent, the pigeons would fly and pass a tale to the outside world, from Hades.

TO: Lands and Leaders Abroad;
FROM: Hades, Lord of the Seventh
SUBJECT: An invitation

For so much time we have been silent, for so much time the inner turmoil has grown. And now that the Seventh stands tall upon a rock, we cannot help but release the desires for new horizons. This will be a great monument in our history, for this is the time for the darkness to spread among you all. Perhaps not consume you, but to at least leave its birthmark to be stained upon your minds.

As such, I am inviting all leaders of this world to a party, where I may meet each and every one of you. Interesting, your world seems. Perhaps it may not be ready for a being like me. Please, respond to this message as quick as possible, for I would like to begin preparations immediatly. We will meet in our great capital sometime this month, named Devil's Gate.

I look forward to hearing from the mortals, and perhaps immortals of this world.

In Excellence,

Lord of the Seventh
05-02-2005, 08:56
OOC: Bump! RAWR!