The Fedral Union
03-02-2005, 16:52
Nova class
Accommodation: 80 officers and crew;
225 person evacuation limit.
Dimensions: Length, 180 meters;
beam, 43 meters;
height, 34 meters.
Mass: 276,948 metric tons.
Cargo capacity: 11,750 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 8 Total
Armament :
4 type IX Phaser arrays
3 Burst fire rapid fire torpedo launchers
Multi phaseic deflector shields
Phaser Array Range: Maximum effective range is 300,000 kilometers.
Primary purpose: Defense/Anti-Spacecraft
Secondary purpose: Assault
F-Type Standard Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 6.5
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.2
Aux craft :
8 type 9 shuttles :
Type: Medium long-range warp shuttle.
Accommodation: Two flight crew, two passengers.
Power Plant: One 400 cochrane warp engine, two 800 millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 8.5 m; beam, 4.61 m; height 2.67 m.
Mass: 2.61 metric tones.
Performance: Warp 6.
Armament: Two Type-VI phaser emitters.
8 Worker bees
Type: Utility craft.
Accommodation: One operator.
Power Plant: One microfusion reactor, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 4.11 m; beam, 1.92 m; height 1.90 m.
Mass: 1.68 metric tones.
Performance: Maximum delta-v, 4,000 m/sec.
Armament: None
Armory Inventory includes:
30 Type-I Phasers
60 Type-II Phaser pistols
25 Type-III Phaser rifles
10 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 30
This upgrade includes:
Installation of second-generation isolinear subprocessors throughout the vessel.
Replacement of both port and starboard main computer cores with updated systems.
Installation of Type-X phaser emitters.
Installation of a Class-6 M/ARA.
Refurbished warp nacelles with variable warp field geometry capabilities.
Updated Warp Propulsion System (WPS) software to account for additional capabilities.
Refurbishment of Impulse Propulsion System (IPS) and related systems.
Replacement of bridge module with upgraded design.
Replacement of primary and secondary graviton field generators.
Carpeting to cover metal floors through most high-traffic areas of the ship, most notably areas surround crew quarters and support systems.
Softer color palettes used on bulkheads and interior designs
Accommodation: 750 (250 Officers - 500 Enlisted Crew) - up to 100 visiting scientists, diplomats and civilians; 2,750 person evacuation limit
Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 526meters
Width: 322 meters
Height: 128 meters
Weight: 2,350,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 41,200 metric tons
Hull: Duranium hull planting over duranium/tritanium structural members
Number of Decks: 26 Total, 25 Habitable
12 type X Phaser arrays
6 Mk 4d Torpedo launchers
Armory Inventory includes:
100 Type-I Phasers
160 Type-II Phaser pistols
125 Type-III Phaser rifles
310 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles (marine assault quality)
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Nebula class
Length: 442.23 meters
Width: 318.11 meters
Height: 130.43 meters
Weight: 3,309,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: Dependant upon mission type
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 30
10 Type X phaser arrays
8 Rapid /burst fir torpedo tubes
Armory Inventory includes:
100 Type-I Phasers
160 Type-II Phaser pistols
125 Type-III Phaser rifles
310 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles (marine assault quality)
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Saber class
Length: 190 meters
Width: 193.19 meters
Height: 48.60 meters
Weight: 2,756,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 9,954 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite with Nano-fiber reinforced ablative armor
Number of Decks: 10 Total, 9 Habitable.
Armament :
2 type X phaser arrays
3 type IX phaser emitters
6 Mk XI torpedo launchers (3 aft ) ,(3 fwd)
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Steam runner class:
Overall Length: 300.98 meters
Overall Width: 223.2 meters
Overall Height: 50.7 meters
Primary Hull Dimensions - 8 decks
Length: 175.76 meters
Width: 223.2 meters
Height: 38.87 meters
Area: 1.1 million square meters
Secondary Hull Dimensions - 4 decks
Length: 67.6 meters
Width: 42.25 meters
Height: 20.28 meters
Area: 57,000 square meters
Nacelle Dimensions
Length: 158.86 meters
Width: 32.11 meters
Height: 20.28 meters
Weight: 585,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 19,360 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite with Nano-fiber reinforced ablative armor.
Number of Decks: 10 Total.
Armament :
7 type X Phaser arrays
3 type XI phaser arrays
Total phaser armament: 12 phaser arrays
4 torpedo launchers ( 5 tubes each launcher )
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Galaxy class
Length: 642.51 meters
Width: 463.73 meters
Height: 195.26 meters
Weight: 4,500,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: Dependant upon mission type
Hull: Duranium microfoam and tritanium plating
Number of Decks: 42
14 type X phaser arrays
4 Mk 5 torpedo launchers capable of firing 20 torpedoes off in a single salvo
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Multi phaseic deflector shields
Secondary :Symmetrical subspace graviton field. This type of shield is fairly similar to those of most other Starships. Under Starfleet Directives all vessels incorporate the nutation shift in frequency.
There are a total of twelve shield generators on the Galaxy
Length: 511.25 meters
Width: 195.64 meters
Height: 86.76 meters
Weight: 2,350,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 35,200 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite with Nano-fiber reinforced ablative armor.
Number of Decks: 17 Total, 15 Habitable.
Multi phaseic deflector shields
Armament :
18 type X Phaser Turret emitters (covering all arcs)
4 torpedo launchers (2 tubes each)
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Length: 685 meters
Width: 224 meters
Height: 88 meters
Weight: 3,255,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 58,299 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-tritanium composite with micro-fiber reinforced ablative armor.
Number of Decks: 24 total, 22 habitable.
16 type XII Phaser array
9 rapid fire torpedo launchers ( 1 turrent forward of the captains yacht in the saucer section)
Defense :
Regenerative Auto modulating Shield
Secondary :
Redundant symmetrical subspace graviton field. While made up of standard 150 TW graviton polarity generators
“There are twenty six shield generators on the Sovereign class”
these shields make use of redundant shield generators which alternate coverage on a specific area when integrity drops below a predetermined percentage. In practice, this allows the active shield generator to bare the brunt of incoming fire while the redundant generator remains on hot standby. As the primary generator drops in integrity, power is then increased to the redundant generator which seamlessly takes over the burden of shielding that portion of the ship, allowing the other generator to once again recharge on standby.
Power systems:
Type 8 A advanced warp reactor
Length: 342.5 meters
Width: 144.84 meters
Height: 55.42 meters
Weight: 700,000 Metric Tonnes
Cargo Capacity: 35,750 Metric Tonnes
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 15 Total
13 type X Phaser arrays
4 Mk 2 Torpedo launchers
Regenerative Auto modulating Shield
There are 14 shield grids on the Intrepid class
Armory Inventory includes:
50 Type-I Phasers
150 Type-II Phaser pistols
40 Type-III Phaser rifles
30 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles
Type: Standard Version 4 magneto-Gravonamic - thrusters.
Output: Each thruster quad can produce 3.9 million Newtons of force
Type: Outfitted with twin fusion-powered Krayne-19 impulse drives mounted on the aft section of the nacelle pylons. Built by Krayne Industries, the K-19 drives were specially designed for the Intrepid class with tolerances built-in for the mobile nature of their mounts, as well as variable ethereal vanes for direction of hydrogen flow.
Output: The impulse engine can propel an Intrepid class starship at speeds just under .95c, at “Full Impulse” and an upper ceiling of .90c at three quarters the speed of light. Generally, Starfleet Vessels are restricted to .75c speeds to avoid the more dramatic time dilation effects of higher relativistic speeds. However, such restrictions can be overridden at the behest of the ship’s captain.
Type: First-Run Advanced Propulsion Drive (APD-01) designed by the ASDB and developed by Mercurion Inova Inc. This lighter, high-power core utilizes swirl technology instead of a reaction chamber. Additional improvements to Plasma Transfer Conduit technology makes the drive system energy efficient and allows for the variable warp geometry evinced by its maneuverable nacelles. Improved verterion coil manufacture allows for smaller nacelles producing superior warp fields. Information on this Warp Drive can be found in any Starfleet Library or Omnipedia.
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 8.5
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.995
Defiant class
Length: 119.5 meters
Width: 90.3 meters
Height: 25.5 meters
Mass: 355,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: 10,477 metric tonnes
Hull: Ablative armor overlaying a duranium/tritanium composite hull, augmented by synthetic castrodium alloy structural members
Number of Decks: 4
Armament :
4 phaser pulse cannons fwd facing
4 torpedo launchers 2 fwd 2 aft
1 type X phaser around bridge
Defenses :
A Defiant makes use of a total of four shield generators located throughout the vehicle space frame. The forward-most generator is located along the vehicle centerline within the Warhead section, and is responsible for keeping it shielded in the event that it must separate from the ship. Two additional generators are located further within the hull from the warp nacelles, port and starboard, while the final generator is located on the centerline just above the main impulse engines and forward of the deuterium storage tanks on Deck 1.
New Orleans Class
Length: 345 meters
Width: 246 meters
Height: 75 meters
Weight: 1,100,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: Dependant upon mission type
Hull: Duranium/Tritanium Hull
Number of Decks: 18
Armament :
8 type X phaser arrays
8 Rapid fire burst fire torpedo Launchers ( 14 with pods)
Quite well defended for a ship of its size, the New Orleans-class makes use of a total of seven symmetrical subspace graviton generators
Multi phaseic shield system back up system is a symmetrical subspace graviton generators
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 8.5
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.995
OOc: i got my specs from
Class SF-1 super raptor :
Type Space superiority fighter
2 GATTling phaser cannons
1 Polaron beam
Torpedoes / missiles:
4 quantum torpedoes / 4 photon torpedoes
or 8 mini photon and quantum torpedoes
Or 2 anti cap ship super quantum torpedoes and 2 graviton sheer torpedoes
Normal armament : 8 Mini photon torpedoes 8 Mini quantum torpedoes can also have a pod attached that can hold a magazine of 150 ( 100 photons and 50 quantum’s)
engines :
2 Mk III Gravimetric impulse drives
4 Gravodynamic Boosters (Max fighter speed .92 C )
8 Main quad maneuvering thruster packs (maneuvering speed is .84 c max..)
Mk III warp drive capable of : warp 8.5
Amour :
10 cm of ablative amour
100 cm of Tritnuim cobalt alloy
Shielding :
Mk IV fighter shields
Length : 13.4 m
Width : 5.4 m
Systems :
Mk II ECM systems
Mk V Self auto repair systems
Class SF-B super raptor :
Type Space superiority fighter
2 GATTling phaser cannons
1 Polaron beam
Torpedoes / missiles:
4 quantum torpedoes / 4 photon torpedoes
or 8 mini photon and quantum torpedoes
Or 2 anti cap ship super quantum torpedoes and 2 graviton sheer torpedoes
Normal armament : 8 Mini photon torpedoes 8 Mini quantum torpedoes can also have a pod attached that can hold a magazine of 150 ( 100 photons and 50 quantum’s)
engines :
1 Mk III Gravimetric impulse drive
2 Gravodynamic Boosters (Max fighter speed .72 C )
8 Main quad maneuvering thruster packs (maneuvering speed is .40 c max..)
Mk III warp drive capable of : warp 4.5
Amour :
20 cm of ablative amour
20 cm of Tritnuim cobalt alloy
Shielding :
Mk IV fighter shields
Length : 13.4 m
Width : 5.4 m
Systems :
Mk II ECM systems
Hyper warp scales:
H warp : 1 = 2,000 c
H warp 2 = 4,000 c
H warp 3 = 6,000 c
H warp 4 = 8,000 c
H warp 5 = 10,000 c
H warp 6 = 15,000 c
Accommodation: 80 officers and crew;
225 person evacuation limit.
Dimensions: Length, 180 meters;
beam, 43 meters;
height, 34 meters.
Mass: 276,948 metric tons.
Cargo capacity: 11,750 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 8 Total
Armament :
4 type IX Phaser arrays
3 Burst fire rapid fire torpedo launchers
Multi phaseic deflector shields
Phaser Array Range: Maximum effective range is 300,000 kilometers.
Primary purpose: Defense/Anti-Spacecraft
Secondary purpose: Assault
F-Type Standard Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 6.5
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.2
Aux craft :
8 type 9 shuttles :
Type: Medium long-range warp shuttle.
Accommodation: Two flight crew, two passengers.
Power Plant: One 400 cochrane warp engine, two 800 millicochrane impulse engines, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 8.5 m; beam, 4.61 m; height 2.67 m.
Mass: 2.61 metric tones.
Performance: Warp 6.
Armament: Two Type-VI phaser emitters.
8 Worker bees
Type: Utility craft.
Accommodation: One operator.
Power Plant: One microfusion reactor, four RCS thrusters.
Dimensions: Length, 4.11 m; beam, 1.92 m; height 1.90 m.
Mass: 1.68 metric tones.
Performance: Maximum delta-v, 4,000 m/sec.
Armament: None
Armory Inventory includes:
30 Type-I Phasers
60 Type-II Phaser pistols
25 Type-III Phaser rifles
10 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 30
This upgrade includes:
Installation of second-generation isolinear subprocessors throughout the vessel.
Replacement of both port and starboard main computer cores with updated systems.
Installation of Type-X phaser emitters.
Installation of a Class-6 M/ARA.
Refurbished warp nacelles with variable warp field geometry capabilities.
Updated Warp Propulsion System (WPS) software to account for additional capabilities.
Refurbishment of Impulse Propulsion System (IPS) and related systems.
Replacement of bridge module with upgraded design.
Replacement of primary and secondary graviton field generators.
Carpeting to cover metal floors through most high-traffic areas of the ship, most notably areas surround crew quarters and support systems.
Softer color palettes used on bulkheads and interior designs
Accommodation: 750 (250 Officers - 500 Enlisted Crew) - up to 100 visiting scientists, diplomats and civilians; 2,750 person evacuation limit
Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Length: 526meters
Width: 322 meters
Height: 128 meters
Weight: 2,350,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 41,200 metric tons
Hull: Duranium hull planting over duranium/tritanium structural members
Number of Decks: 26 Total, 25 Habitable
12 type X Phaser arrays
6 Mk 4d Torpedo launchers
Armory Inventory includes:
100 Type-I Phasers
160 Type-II Phaser pistols
125 Type-III Phaser rifles
310 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles (marine assault quality)
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Nebula class
Length: 442.23 meters
Width: 318.11 meters
Height: 130.43 meters
Weight: 3,309,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: Dependant upon mission type
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 30
10 Type X phaser arrays
8 Rapid /burst fir torpedo tubes
Armory Inventory includes:
100 Type-I Phasers
160 Type-II Phaser pistols
125 Type-III Phaser rifles
310 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles (marine assault quality)
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Saber class
Length: 190 meters
Width: 193.19 meters
Height: 48.60 meters
Weight: 2,756,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 9,954 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite with Nano-fiber reinforced ablative armor
Number of Decks: 10 Total, 9 Habitable.
Armament :
2 type X phaser arrays
3 type IX phaser emitters
6 Mk XI torpedo launchers (3 aft ) ,(3 fwd)
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Steam runner class:
Overall Length: 300.98 meters
Overall Width: 223.2 meters
Overall Height: 50.7 meters
Primary Hull Dimensions - 8 decks
Length: 175.76 meters
Width: 223.2 meters
Height: 38.87 meters
Area: 1.1 million square meters
Secondary Hull Dimensions - 4 decks
Length: 67.6 meters
Width: 42.25 meters
Height: 20.28 meters
Area: 57,000 square meters
Nacelle Dimensions
Length: 158.86 meters
Width: 32.11 meters
Height: 20.28 meters
Weight: 585,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 19,360 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite with Nano-fiber reinforced ablative armor.
Number of Decks: 10 Total.
Armament :
7 type X Phaser arrays
3 type XI phaser arrays
Total phaser armament: 12 phaser arrays
4 torpedo launchers ( 5 tubes each launcher )
Multi phaseic deflector shields
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Galaxy class
Length: 642.51 meters
Width: 463.73 meters
Height: 195.26 meters
Weight: 4,500,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: Dependant upon mission type
Hull: Duranium microfoam and tritanium plating
Number of Decks: 42
14 type X phaser arrays
4 Mk 5 torpedo launchers capable of firing 20 torpedoes off in a single salvo
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Multi phaseic deflector shields
Secondary :Symmetrical subspace graviton field. This type of shield is fairly similar to those of most other Starships. Under Starfleet Directives all vessels incorporate the nutation shift in frequency.
There are a total of twelve shield generators on the Galaxy
Length: 511.25 meters
Width: 195.64 meters
Height: 86.76 meters
Weight: 2,350,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 35,200 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite with Nano-fiber reinforced ablative armor.
Number of Decks: 17 Total, 15 Habitable.
Multi phaseic deflector shields
Armament :
18 type X Phaser Turret emitters (covering all arcs)
4 torpedo launchers (2 tubes each)
A-Type Advanced Matter/Anti-Matter Reaction Drive
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 9.992
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.9993
Length: 685 meters
Width: 224 meters
Height: 88 meters
Weight: 3,255,000 metric tons
Cargo capacity: 58,299 metric tons
Hull: Duranium-tritanium composite with micro-fiber reinforced ablative armor.
Number of Decks: 24 total, 22 habitable.
16 type XII Phaser array
9 rapid fire torpedo launchers ( 1 turrent forward of the captains yacht in the saucer section)
Defense :
Regenerative Auto modulating Shield
Secondary :
Redundant symmetrical subspace graviton field. While made up of standard 150 TW graviton polarity generators
“There are twenty six shield generators on the Sovereign class”
these shields make use of redundant shield generators which alternate coverage on a specific area when integrity drops below a predetermined percentage. In practice, this allows the active shield generator to bare the brunt of incoming fire while the redundant generator remains on hot standby. As the primary generator drops in integrity, power is then increased to the redundant generator which seamlessly takes over the burden of shielding that portion of the ship, allowing the other generator to once again recharge on standby.
Power systems:
Type 8 A advanced warp reactor
Length: 342.5 meters
Width: 144.84 meters
Height: 55.42 meters
Weight: 700,000 Metric Tonnes
Cargo Capacity: 35,750 Metric Tonnes
Hull: Duranium-Tritanium composite
Number of Decks: 15 Total
13 type X Phaser arrays
4 Mk 2 Torpedo launchers
Regenerative Auto modulating Shield
There are 14 shield grids on the Intrepid class
Armory Inventory includes:
50 Type-I Phasers
150 Type-II Phaser pistols
40 Type-III Phaser rifles
30 Type-IIIc Compression Phaser rifles
Type: Standard Version 4 magneto-Gravonamic - thrusters.
Output: Each thruster quad can produce 3.9 million Newtons of force
Type: Outfitted with twin fusion-powered Krayne-19 impulse drives mounted on the aft section of the nacelle pylons. Built by Krayne Industries, the K-19 drives were specially designed for the Intrepid class with tolerances built-in for the mobile nature of their mounts, as well as variable ethereal vanes for direction of hydrogen flow.
Output: The impulse engine can propel an Intrepid class starship at speeds just under .95c, at “Full Impulse” and an upper ceiling of .90c at three quarters the speed of light. Generally, Starfleet Vessels are restricted to .75c speeds to avoid the more dramatic time dilation effects of higher relativistic speeds. However, such restrictions can be overridden at the behest of the ship’s captain.
Type: First-Run Advanced Propulsion Drive (APD-01) designed by the ASDB and developed by Mercurion Inova Inc. This lighter, high-power core utilizes swirl technology instead of a reaction chamber. Additional improvements to Plasma Transfer Conduit technology makes the drive system energy efficient and allows for the variable warp geometry evinced by its maneuverable nacelles. Improved verterion coil manufacture allows for smaller nacelles producing superior warp fields. Information on this Warp Drive can be found in any Starfleet Library or Omnipedia.
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 8.5
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.995
Defiant class
Length: 119.5 meters
Width: 90.3 meters
Height: 25.5 meters
Mass: 355,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: 10,477 metric tonnes
Hull: Ablative armor overlaying a duranium/tritanium composite hull, augmented by synthetic castrodium alloy structural members
Number of Decks: 4
Armament :
4 phaser pulse cannons fwd facing
4 torpedo launchers 2 fwd 2 aft
1 type X phaser around bridge
Defenses :
A Defiant makes use of a total of four shield generators located throughout the vehicle space frame. The forward-most generator is located along the vehicle centerline within the Warhead section, and is responsible for keeping it shielded in the event that it must separate from the ship. Two additional generators are located further within the hull from the warp nacelles, port and starboard, while the final generator is located on the centerline just above the main impulse engines and forward of the deuterium storage tanks on Deck 1.
New Orleans Class
Length: 345 meters
Width: 246 meters
Height: 75 meters
Weight: 1,100,000 metric tonnes
Cargo capacity: Dependant upon mission type
Hull: Duranium/Tritanium Hull
Number of Decks: 18
Armament :
8 type X phaser arrays
8 Rapid fire burst fire torpedo Launchers ( 14 with pods)
Quite well defended for a ship of its size, the New Orleans-class makes use of a total of seven symmetrical subspace graviton generators
Multi phaseic shield system back up system is a symmetrical subspace graviton generators
Normal Cruising Speed: Warp 8.5
Maximum Speed: Warp 9.995
OOc: i got my specs from
Class SF-1 super raptor :
Type Space superiority fighter
2 GATTling phaser cannons
1 Polaron beam
Torpedoes / missiles:
4 quantum torpedoes / 4 photon torpedoes
or 8 mini photon and quantum torpedoes
Or 2 anti cap ship super quantum torpedoes and 2 graviton sheer torpedoes
Normal armament : 8 Mini photon torpedoes 8 Mini quantum torpedoes can also have a pod attached that can hold a magazine of 150 ( 100 photons and 50 quantum’s)
engines :
2 Mk III Gravimetric impulse drives
4 Gravodynamic Boosters (Max fighter speed .92 C )
8 Main quad maneuvering thruster packs (maneuvering speed is .84 c max..)
Mk III warp drive capable of : warp 8.5
Amour :
10 cm of ablative amour
100 cm of Tritnuim cobalt alloy
Shielding :
Mk IV fighter shields
Length : 13.4 m
Width : 5.4 m
Systems :
Mk II ECM systems
Mk V Self auto repair systems
Class SF-B super raptor :
Type Space superiority fighter
2 GATTling phaser cannons
1 Polaron beam
Torpedoes / missiles:
4 quantum torpedoes / 4 photon torpedoes
or 8 mini photon and quantum torpedoes
Or 2 anti cap ship super quantum torpedoes and 2 graviton sheer torpedoes
Normal armament : 8 Mini photon torpedoes 8 Mini quantum torpedoes can also have a pod attached that can hold a magazine of 150 ( 100 photons and 50 quantum’s)
engines :
1 Mk III Gravimetric impulse drive
2 Gravodynamic Boosters (Max fighter speed .72 C )
8 Main quad maneuvering thruster packs (maneuvering speed is .40 c max..)
Mk III warp drive capable of : warp 4.5
Amour :
20 cm of ablative amour
20 cm of Tritnuim cobalt alloy
Shielding :
Mk IV fighter shields
Length : 13.4 m
Width : 5.4 m
Systems :
Mk II ECM systems
Hyper warp scales:
H warp : 1 = 2,000 c
H warp 2 = 4,000 c
H warp 3 = 6,000 c
H warp 4 = 8,000 c
H warp 5 = 10,000 c
H warp 6 = 15,000 c