NationStates Jolt Archive

Cicho Gniew Seeks Trading Partners

Cicho Gniew
03-02-2005, 03:11
Official Communique from the Republic of Cicho Gniew
From the Ministry of Trade & Commerce
New Warsaw, Slavania Province

To Whom it May Concern;

The Republic of Cicho Gniew is seeking to open trade with other nations.

Our money is the shlotzny, which is backed by gold and precious metals.

We would like to trade our nations goods in exchange for military
hardware, ordinances and general military goods. We in turn will
trade our excess materials to said nation, at a favourable rate of

Interested nations may post here, and the Ministry of Trade
& Commerce will respond to your proposal.

Thank You,

Minister Adam Polanski
Ministry of Trade & Commerce
New Warsaw, Slavania Province
Democratic Colonies
03-02-2005, 04:57
The Colonial Government would welcome you with open arms into the Free Commerce and Trade Association of Democratic Nations ( if you would like to apply. As a democratic nation, we believe that you and your people could have both much to offer to and much to gain from membership in the FCTADN.

- Secretary Matt Caprasson, Colonial Department of Commerce