Green Sun
03-02-2005, 03:01
Secret IC:
"President Uziel, are you sure you want to go through with this? I know we've got a huge coalition against them, but we're already in two confliicts right now. I don't think it would be safe to attack Muru right now," Empress Natasha asked President Uziel.
"Nonsense. We've had more than one in the past, even more than this. Besides, we'll just use our Earth forces, nothing that can be used for the Black Crusade or helping out Collapsia. Just shoot the hell out of them, bomb them, then take them over with Marines and tanks. Very simple. I know General Yillik can handle it," President Uziel replied.
"I don't think we should be in any military conflict. Just make peace and love with music!" the Hendrixist leader said, "Wanna toke?"
"Toke? I'm a Presi-Wait, that's a good idea!"
"Getting high?"
"No, getting them high. If we could release some sort of hallucinagetic over their nation that can be carried airborn with a short effectiveness span, we can actually pull this off easier than we thought."
"You're fucking nuts," the musical muslim said.
"Yeah, that is stupid. Just get all the napalm ready."
"President Uziel, are you sure you want to go through with this? I know we've got a huge coalition against them, but we're already in two confliicts right now. I don't think it would be safe to attack Muru right now," Empress Natasha asked President Uziel.
"Nonsense. We've had more than one in the past, even more than this. Besides, we'll just use our Earth forces, nothing that can be used for the Black Crusade or helping out Collapsia. Just shoot the hell out of them, bomb them, then take them over with Marines and tanks. Very simple. I know General Yillik can handle it," President Uziel replied.
"I don't think we should be in any military conflict. Just make peace and love with music!" the Hendrixist leader said, "Wanna toke?"
"Toke? I'm a Presi-Wait, that's a good idea!"
"Getting high?"
"No, getting them high. If we could release some sort of hallucinagetic over their nation that can be carried airborn with a short effectiveness span, we can actually pull this off easier than we thought."
"You're fucking nuts," the musical muslim said.
"Yeah, that is stupid. Just get all the napalm ready."