NationStates Jolt Archive

Lake Erie Tropical Islands (thread III)

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02-02-2005, 08:53
This is the NEW new home of the Lake Erie tropical Islands thread

Thread II
Thread I

Other helpful links.....

LETI Region Economy

Lake Ontario Tropical Islands

Nimzonian Cival War thread

WWII Leti Thread (Telegram WWII Council of Clan for info)

Bulger 15 Regional Parliament

Manarth is Commissioning an Air Craft Carrier

Proposal for LETI/LOTI Nuclear Treaty

Treaty of Fei Fong Wong signed

Radio Broadcast from Council of Clan

Grand Opening of The LETI National Garden

The Spiders Web.... (Closed RP)

Weapons Tests

Wilhelm Shakeson presents "The Kingdom of Erie"

LOTI/LETI Summit on Erie-Ontario Canal and Lock System

Orion Pirates Hijack Manarthian Airliner!

The WORST amount of GODMODDING in NS

Manarthian Theater Siezed by Terrorists (Invite only RP)

Assasination atttempt on Emperor Romanov

LETI Gameplay Debate

The Secret Library (Closed RP)

Manarth to host "Symposium on LETI/LOTI Terrorism"

LETI Wedding--Emperor Ed and Empress Carolyn

Counterpoint cease fire conference. LETI/LOTI Nations

Andaluciaen Weapons Test: LETI only

LETI/LOTI Canal conflict

Tensions on the Rise in the Arctic (Invite RP)

LETI Peace Conference

Edensteins Guide to RPing in the Lake...! New and updated!

Hmm havn't posted this in a while....

OOC: Note to all nations when role playing battle...

Ok.. guys.. I didn't want it to come to this but it has... When role playing battle the attacker must state what he is sending and in what amount... The defender must have a chance to respond and state his own losses...

RP Nono #1
I.E. Nation 1 attacks nation 2

Nation 1: I'm sending 1,000,000 B-52's and X 2 escort fighters.. the B-52's are dropping nukes on you and no chance to retal!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Nation 2: BWHAHAHAHA!!! I have a doomsday device that is uberpowerful and all the nations are dead!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ALL HAIL ME!!!

Class why is this bad??? Yeah.... First, where did you get a Million B-52 Bombers, how did you conceal them from satellite recon. Second of all... *smacks head* where to start......

Good RP

Nation 1: I'm sending a wing of 25 B-52's dropping high ordance on Military/Civillian/Capital X, they are using a flight of 50 F-15's as escorts.

Nation 2: Your bombs hit target my (For are purposes) Airfield, destroying the runway and 15 B-52's and assorted buildings, We have SAM Batteries around the perimiter and we picked your planes up on radar 150 miles out and where able to scramble 25 f-16's and 12 f-15's from a neighboring airbase.

Nation 1: Your sam sites took out 4 B-52's and 15 of the fighters, the fighters took out 12 of the f-15's before we could return to our airspace.

Natiion 2: I lost 14 F-15's and 5 F-16's.

Something along those lines,

NoNo Number 2#

Nation 1: My Troops are invincible!!!! Your weapons are useless against me!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DIE DIE DIE!!!


Class again why is this bad? If you need to be told.... right..

RP Nono #3

Nation 1: I am attacking you with 500,000 troops with armor and air support(Not going into long detail)

Nation 2: I'm moving a Million troops to the front line to destroy them

Nation 1: I'm moving a Million more!!

Nation 2: A MILIION!!!!! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!

Nation 1: YES I CAN!!!11!!!!

Class why is this bad? Well if you have a million troops great fine and dandy but make sure your population can support all them! If you have 12 million people nation with a 6 million man army... Who's running everything while all of your able bodied men and women are off fighting.. also along with that.. moving troops take time.. state how long its going to take to move them, and be realistic. It takes more then a half hour to move 1 million men.

RP No No #4

Nation 1: ::All across Nation 1 many missiles are being activated. In 20 volleys of 1,000 Minutemen III missiles each (4, 80 megaton warheads per missile). Each volley is launched with 5 minutes between volleys. first 3 volleys go at Nation 2 Spread evenly amongst his cities. the second two are launched at Nation 3. Spread Evenly. A further 6 go at Nation 4. 4 Volleys at Nation 5. and 5 volleys at Nation 6::

OOC: To break it down. Nation 2 you've got 12,000 warheads heading your way(yes these are landing on the ** troops as well)

Nation 3 you got 8,000 warheads

Nation 4 you've got 24,000 coming your way

Nation 5 you got 16,000

Nation 6 got 20,000



Class...... where shall we begin with this one..... First of all, nuke Use in the Lakes is acceptable... in most cases if you tm first and is useful to RP or continuation of a story, most nations are acceptable to the use of a nuke or two.. Hell I've even taken a few in the history..

But when launching an obnoxious amount of Nuclear Ordinance, when one hasn't been active in affairs You will.....

A. Be mocked and made fun of.
B. Ignored
C. Get made fun of.
D. All of the Above
E. Asked to leave and not RP here.

Also as fun as it may sound.. we are not going to destroy anyone so far as to make them leave the game! Understood?
02-02-2005, 18:33
Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister of MadderMike takes a stroll around the new Palace of Events and declares it a success.
02-02-2005, 19:15
Grand Admiral Scheer and Interim Consul Korrigan view the new place and approve, with Korrigan noting that the old one was getting pretty cluttered.
Henceland Omega
02-02-2005, 21:27
OOC: TIme to begin a nice new, dark chapter.... hehehe

IC: ::On the Izimbeckwi front, orders have been given to attack any Pax soldiers and Izimbeckwi soldiers with them. What's more, civilian casualties are not necessarily to be avoided. Pfc Max Rittman and Francis James strike out with their Platoon::

Max: Wow! This is it! Hey look! Here are some Arlees now!

Colonel Bogey: Alright men! Fire at will! And don't stop until every last one of them is dead!

Francis: WooooHooo! ::He fires his gun with extreme prejudice. The Pax soldiers were caught relatively unaware, seeing as there had been no action on the front for nearly a month. It doesn't take long for the HO soldiers to overcome the Pax soldiers::

Max: Wow! What a rush! It's like stress relief!

Francis: Yeah! Who knew firing a gun could be so satisfying!

Cpl Gander: Alright, let's go loot those bodies, and see what's on them!

::The Platoon runs over to the scattered dead bodies and rummages through them like a video game RPG::

Francis: Check it out! This guy has a bunch of woodwinds on him! I wonder what the exchange rate is!

Max: Hey look! This guy had a credit card on him! I wonder if it still works! And look! This must've been his wife or girlfriend!

Francis: Wow! Nice going! She's definitely an 8, assuming! That's a keeper!

Max: Hey look at this! ::He kicks the body:: Ha ha! That's what you get, you dumb Arlee! Take this! ::He kicks it again:: And he won't fight back either! Hey Colonel!

Bogey: Yes, what is it?

Max: Can we move on and find some more Arlees to shoot?

Bogey: Absolutely! After we finishing looting the dead, we're off for the next village!

Max and Francis: Yay!
03-02-2005, 00:28
OCC: Tag for future use.

Also, I would just like to know when I was going to be informed of the recent happenings, or was I just supposed to find them?!
04-02-2005, 03:45
The counts are in from the Andaluciaen election! It would currently appear that the National Moderate Party has been successful in securing a bare majority in the election. With the conservative Andaluciaen Homeland Party coming in second, the Liberal Democracy Party in third and the loser Greens coming in with their customary two seats.

This means that the first post-coup Consul will be former navy Admiral Michael Cassius Arthur. Noted for being a commander in Halbar and founding the Government-in-Exile with Interim Consul Korrigan, Admiral Arthur was the commander of G-i-E military forces until Grand Admiral Scheer was able to escape from captivity.

Consul Arthur was also instrumental in coordinating the Andaluciaen convoy defense while supplying Edenstein and Henceland Omega against Counterpoint, for being the commander of the fleet that drove the FA warships from the Andaluciaen coast isolating the FA soldiers, and then he coordinated the peaceful and respectful removal of those same FA soldiers from Andaluciaen soil after the end of the war.
05-02-2005, 22:51
Michaelgrad News Network News Bulletin

"Mike Overbearing here with breaking news, It seems as if the head of the Anti-Gun party has been wounded and is now resting in the St. Charlton Heston Sinai Hospital."

"Michelle Goodbody here, reports are coming in suggesting an extended gun battle broke out at a local Starbrokes Coffee shop when an elderly man cut the line."

Mike "The leader of the Anti-Gun party was quoted as saying "It was a good thing I was carrying my matched set of S&W 10mm semi-auto pistols. I was able to knock down several patrons including the brash old man before someone got me in the leg."

Michelle "Well there you have it. It looks like Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping will have another easy election this year, with the opposition in the hospital."

Mike "Stay tuned for a new episode of "Enemies" the hottest sit-com on the Michaelgrad News Network where news is only an inconvenience."
Henceland Omega
07-02-2005, 16:51
::In Izimbeckwi, HO soliders are not meeting much resistance. The Pax soldiers fight back, but it seems like no one is commanding the troops in an organized fashion. Meanwhile Southern Izimbeckwi troops have come to help the Pax soldiers. Max and Francis' platoon has continued its push::

Max: Hey, who are those guys?

Bogey: Those are South Izimbeckwi soldiers. They're here to help the Arlees!

Max: Well we can't have that can we? Why would they help?

Francis: Yeah! They should e grateful that we're freeing them from tyranny a second time!

Max: Well the way I see it, if you aren't for us, you're going to be shot several times.

Francis: Sounds like a good idea. In fact, we should probably shoot them a few extra times just to make sure they're dead. Because you never know!

Max: You're right! We'll shoot them extra!

::They begin fighting once more, taking extra time to shoot soldiers that are obviuosly dead::
Pax Germania
07-02-2005, 22:01
**In Denderschetz (Pax Base of operations in Izembeckwi): Pfc. James Pallija is alerted by the abrupt flashing of his computer monitor. His heart skips a beat as James comes to a realization of what the computer is so worried about.**

Pallija: Corporal Sanders! Soldiers K.I.A. Squad 2293 all trans-pos report zero pulse Sir!

Sanders **Running to Pallija’s workstation**: Jumpin’ Jet-liners! Those idiots! Do they have any idea what they just did?!

**It is just around dinnertime when Chief of Military Operations, James Hartman’s “Emergency line” rings**

Hartman: Hartman here. Permission to speak.

Corporal Sanders: Thank you Sir. Sir, transponder feeds indicate that we have lost a squad to enemy fire.

Hartman: An entire squad?! We haven’t lost that many soldiers since we liberated of this godforsaken rock!

Sanders: Sir, you should also know that the time-codes show that our men were killed in quick succession.

Hartman: So they were outnumbered?!

Sanders: Sir, it appears so.

Hartman: Those cowards! Let me know if this happens again. I have work to do. Hartman out!

**Hartman hangs up the phone and orders his secretary to assemble the Divisional Field Marshals. He then proceeds to the armored locker near his bed. Hartman opens the door revealing his battle armor, with which he hastily outfitted himself.**
Pax Germania
07-02-2005, 22:27
**Moments later the 25 Field Marshals of first and second army have been assembled in a small movie theater in Denderschetz. Hartman paces back and forth as he speaks to his commanders.**

Hartman: As some of you know, we have been suddenly and deliberately attacked by ground forces of the empire of Henceland Omega.

**Audience mutters**

Hartman: Shut your filthy sewers! Squad 2293 has been totally decimated and Omegan forces are working their way toward other encounters with our fine marines. We were caught with our pants down this time gentlemen. But we will not allow this to happen again! I want every soldier on alert. Go to threat level “chartreuse.” If these dirty Hencemen so much as put their fingers on the triggers in sight of a Pax warrior, let the lead fly! Do you get me?!

Marshals: Sir, yes Sir!

Hartman: OUTSTANDING! Dismissed.
07-02-2005, 23:37
The new Consul is in his private quarters, reading The Daily Telegraph, when the telephone rings, he picks up the normal grey phone, but, only a dial tone comes out of that one. He looks over to the wall, where the red telephone is ringing, he hangs up the grey phone, walks over and answers the red one.

Consul Arthur: Yes?

Military Communications Director Campbell: Sir, we've got reports of HO forces inside pax Germanian territory in Izimbeckwi. We've also heard that HO has fighter bombers over that same territory right now.

Consul Arthur: Are these reports confirmed?

MCD Campbell: No sir, but we have reason to believe that they are true.

Consul Arthur: All right... (pause) Well Bob, it has started. God have mercy on us all. (pauses) I'd suggest you get ahold of Grand Admiral Scheer.

MCD Campbell: Yessir.

Consul Arthur hangs up the phone, and sits down. He puts his hand on his forehead and rubs his eyebrows, clearly in deep concentration and mental anguish.
Henceland Omega
08-02-2005, 04:30
::In the Hence Palace::

Carmine: So reports are coming back that we are the agressors in this comflict?

Watson: That's right. Because the Edenstein troops have done little, the fact that they sort of started things iis largely being ignored.

Carmine: ::sits back in his chair and grins:: Good... It's about time. Finally people are starting to realize that we aren't the pacifist cowardly nation everyone thought we were.

Watson: Umm, so what happens when they start fighting back?

Carmine: The second we have a confirmed HO casualty, get Ulonov on the phone and tell him we're being fired upon. Don't ask for help, instead I want him to volunteer to help us. Make it seem like his idea.

Watson: Yes sir... ::He leaves the throne room with a sinking feeling in his heart. He passes by Jenny::

Jenny: Well you look like you've just been asked to eat your own baby. What's the matter with you?

Watson: Jenny, does it feel like there's a point to all of this? It seems to me like the Premiere is doing things merely to spite the old regime. He doesn't really have any goals for the nation, does he? He merely wants to make us a name, no matter what it takes.

Jenny: Since when did that bother you?

Watson: Well it's been gnawing at me for a while, but this Izimbeckwi thing is really what's getting to me.

Jenny: Well after we destroy all of the Pax people in the country, we'll be done for a while.

Watson: I wouldn't be so sure...
Pax Germania
08-02-2005, 07:54
From: Premiere Hans Gorebl
To: CMO James Hartman

Although all of the battle predictions our Office of Strategic Services has run, show the Pax Military prevailing in every foreseeable circumstance, I have decided to air on the side of caution and send more reinforcements. As of 0200 hours you will be in control of 6th, 7th, 11th, 13th and 16th armies. These units will respond to the call sign of 2nd column. 1st column will be under my direct control, should things go awry. As for air cover and naval support, I have deemed your current allocations to be sufficient seeing as our radar net extends generously beyond both our and Edenstein’s spheres of control in Izimbeckwi. And just between you and me James, I will not let you fail in Izimbeckwi. I am prepared to employ any means necessary to ensure peace on our neighbor’s soil, regardless of any nefarious rabble-rousing those unscrupulous Henceland Omegens attempt. And I thank the gods that the people of Izimbeckwi remain loyal to the rational control of Arcturis. Stay well old friend, and may the bosom of earth comfort our fallen comrades.
08-02-2005, 09:52
Ulonov: Don't worry Carmine... its all taken care of....
*ulonov hangs up the phone and leans back in his chair, continuing to throw darts at the map when Jane buzzes him*

Jane: Ulonov, The Emperor wants to see you...
Ulonov: What does he want?
Jane: He just wants to see you...
Ulonov: I'll be right there...
*ulonov throws a dart and it hits Linux he begins to laugh uncontrollably till jane buzzes him again*
Jane: You forgot to turn off the intercom... ass....
*ulonov turns it off and walks down the hallway to the emperor's office, when he enters, Ed has maps strewn about with little soldiers that look like figures from Axis and allies on the map. Ulonov salutes*

Ulonov: You wanted to see me?

Ed: Yes Dimitri.. I just had a rather disturbing with from Carmine..

Ulonov: As did I...

Ed: This is what we are going to do.... The real threat is Du

Ulonov: Pax Germania sir..

Ed: NO! *he stands up and approaches Ulonov* Dimitri... Dubelco is the threat.... They are the ones who attacked us.. not Pax!

Ulonov: Ed..... Are you blind! It is obvious that Dubelco is just a lap dog for Pax! Infact, we have intelligence reports stating that paxians are bringing troops in to DDPP... and are poised to strike right into Linux itself!

Ed: Ulonov.... What are you talking about? If Pax wanted to attack us, they would of done so a long time ago! Have your wits left you?!?!

Ulonov: No old friend... I do belive yours have...

Jane: *Outside room* YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE!!!

*Small arms fire and then a double barreled shotgun is heard going off and then more small arms and Jane screaming bloody murder, in through the door 4 Alpha force rangers walk in, one of them looks like they just took a slug to the shoulder from a shotgun*

Ed: Ulonov... I demand to know the meaning of this!!!!!!

Ulonov: *pulls out a small piece of paper and his eye glasses* Emperor Edward Michkael Romanov, I am placing The Empress Carolyn, Heiress Natasha and Yourself under house arrest for crimes against the security of the state until such a time that the people and duma of Edenstein are convinced of your innocence. Gaurds, Escort Romanov to the living quaters.....

Ed: Dimitri...... you will pay for this insolence.....

Ulonov: I'm sorry old friend, these are desprate times....

*the four rangers escort Former Emperor Ed out of the room, as Ulonov sits down in his chair*

Ulonov: Hmmmmm... I like this chair a lot better.....

[Summation] Ulonov takes over control of Edenstein and places Ed under arrest.
08-02-2005, 10:07
*At the Edenstein Airport General Onotov and Empress Carolyn are returning from Madder Mike when they are stopped by a few gaurds*

Gaurd 1: Excuse me Empress you must come with me...
Carolyn: Whats the matter?
Gaurd 2: Your presence is required with Admiral Ulonov...
Onotov: For what?
Gaurd 1: EMPRESS CAROLYN'S.......... presence is required... Ms.... you are
Onotov: Lt. General Ms......
Gaurd 2: Whatever..... if you'll just come with me.. *he grabs Onotov by the arm, which she promptly grabs the gaurds arm and brakes it. The other gaurd begins to pull his gun but not before Onotov can put three rounds in him*
Carolyn: What's happening?!
Onotov: We need to get out of Edenstein
Carolyn: But we just got back!
Onotov: I'll explain once we get out....
Carolyn: But where are we going?
Onotov: Well.... I think the safest place is going to be Andaluciae....
Onotov: *grabs carolyn and begins to shake her* DON'T YOU GET IT!!! ULONOV IS A. TRYING TO KILL US! B. TAKING OVER. C. GOING TO KILL ED. OR D. ALL OF THE ABOVE!! *another bullet round flies over their head as more gaurds start running towards them, Onotov fires at them some more, drops 3 but is out of ammo*
Onotov: LETS GO! *she grabs Carolyn by the arm and runs back the way they came to the tarmac where a few planes are sitting, the twin engine turbo prop plane they came in on is out of fuel, but she spies an SU-37 Twin seat Trainer waiting to take off, she runs up with her gun pulled and climbs up the ladder to the cockpit*

Pilot: WHO ARE YOU?!
Onotov: It dosn't matter.. get out or I shoot you!
Pilot: your stealing my plane!!
Onotov: It would appear so.....
*the pilot jumps out and onotov helps carolyn into the back seat*
Carolyn: Arn't you in the army? Do you know how to fly a plane?
Onotov: *she puts on her helmet, her long brown hair hangs out the back* We'll find out in a minute won't we?
*carolyn puts on her helmet as well just as the cockpit closes. They taxi down the runway and take off*

[summation] Onotov and Carolyn get in a plane and fly to andalucaie for safe haven.
08-02-2005, 10:13
*After several hours of flying and almost crashing a few times, Onotov and Carolyn reach Andalucaien Air space, she finally flips on the transponder and radio's out to any forces*

This is Lt. General Onotov from Edenstein, We are low on fuel and are looking for a safe place to land. Please respond over....

Transponder Code

Carolyn: how much fuel do we have left....
Onotov: If I'm reading it right, probably... 45 minutes........ *just then the left engine goes out* Or ten minutes... take your pick....
Onotov: We'll have to bail out......
Carolyn: Ohhh... welll wake me up and let me know what happens.. *she leans her head back and falls asleer*
Onotov: Great......

[sumation] Onotov requests permission to enter Andaluciane airspace and make an emergency landing.
Henceland Omega
08-02-2005, 16:53
::Carmine fnishes talking to Admiral Ulonov and calls for Ramsus::

Ramsus: Yes sir?

Carmine: This is a grave situation General. We have it on a good reliable source that Pax forces have joined with Dubelcan forces in attacking Edenstein's DDPP territory.

Ramsus: Well that's not good, but we are already devoted to taking out the Pax threat in Imzimbeckwi, and doing well at that.

Carmine: It's not enough. Mobilize 2nd corps and have them in Edenstein in 2 days. In the meantime I want 3rd corps ready to go as well.

Ramsus: Sir?

Carmine: Defending Edenstein is just as high priority. Obviously we won't give up pushing in Izimbeckwi, but Edenstein cannot fall to a tool of Pax. We need to show them that we support them.

Ramsus: Yes Sir... But what if Pax retaliates?

Carmine: Pax isn't stupid. THey're not going to openly attack Edenstein, that would be MAD. But they will use Dubelco to test the waters. And they'll secretly use some of their own men to bolster the numbers. This won't be blown out of proportion.

Ramsus: And how is Emperor Ed taking all this?

Carmine: Oh... I don't think we'll have to worry about the Emperor. Edenstein will support us throughout this whole ordeal...

[Summation] HO is sending 2 corps of soldiers to Edenstein
08-02-2005, 17:00
*After several hours of flying and almost crashing a few times, Onotov and Carolyn reach Andalucaien Air space, she finally flips on the transponder and radio's out to any forces*

This is Lt. General Onotov from Edenstein, We are low on fuel and are looking for a safe place to land. Please respond over....

Transponder Code

Carolyn: how much fuel do we have left....
Onotov: If I'm reading it right, probably... 45 minutes........ *just then the left engine goes out* Or ten minutes... take your pick....
Onotov: We'll have to bail out......
Carolyn: Ohhh... welll wake me up and let me know what happens.. *she leans her head back and falls asleer*
Onotov: Great......

[sumation] Onotov requests permission to enter Andaluciane airspace and make an emergency landing.
Andaluciaen Air Control Tower #22
Lt. Correlson: Sir, we're getting a request from a plane out of Edenstein, asking permission to land on our strip.
Colonel Harcourt: You know the rules, if they need aid, they can use our landing strip.
Lt. Correlson: (into radio microphone) General Onotov, you have permission to land on airstrip 3. It's completely open, so all yours.
Colonel Harcourt: A General? What's going on? I'd better alert high command.

*The airplane carrying General Onotov and Empress Carolyn lands safely at Andaluciaen Air Defense base #22. Where they are quickly asked about their arrival. The colonel gets them a new plane, and orders them flown to Andrewtinople, so as to tell the Consul what is going on.*
08-02-2005, 23:47
The Andaluciaens are incredibly confused with what is happening, and reconnaissance flights have been ordered, as well as orders to scour the region with recon sattelites. As a response Grand Admiral Scheer arrives at the Consulate building to talk with Consul Arthur.

GA Scheer: Michael, it's unbelievable out there...

Consul Arthur: At least our recon forces are trying to figure out what's going on. Have our spies been activated everywhere?

GA Scheer: Yes, we've got the spies in Edenstein HO, pax and Dubelco, occupied Izimbeckwi and the like all running about. Number 17 Red in the Palace in Edenstein is sending us some really odd reports...Rumors of a coup by Ulonov. And it appears that General Onotov and Empress Carolyn are now inbound to Andrewtinople.

Consul Arthur: Well, that sure seems to leads towards the assumption of a coup...

GA Scheer: Yes, it does. Beyond that, we also know that HO forces are moving against the pax forces in Izimbeckwi. There's something happening on the Dubelcan border with Edenstein and Dubelco, and, well, it's nuts out there.

Consul Arthur: We have complete control over the military here, right?

GA Scheer: Yes, we do. The Generals respect us because I was recently and you are military. I've also promised increased funding for the army and air force, so that's got them happy.

Consul Arthur: At least we know that. Scheer, when Empress Carolyn and General Onotov arrive, bring them to me. I will grant them asylum if they seek it. Now, I need some time to think, I'll see you again when they arrive.

GA Scheer: I'll be back then.

*Scheer gets up and heads out, Arthur goes over to the bar and gets a drink*
09-02-2005, 09:55
*All across the Lake the LETI news logo flashes on the screen and then the Edenstein Imperial seal, the screen fades out and and then comes back up on Ulonov sitting at the Emperor's desk*

Ulonov: Goodevening fellow Edensteinians as well as LETI members as a whole, I come to you tonight to let you know of the transgressions that have befallen the Empire....

As of Yesterday, I have placed Emperor Romanov and his family under house arrest for crimes against the people of Edenstein and for failing to protect our soil. Emperor Romanov had all the information infront of him, but failed to protect our soldiers as well as endangered the country as a whole.

4 Days ago, Elements of an advance Dubelcan Scouting force attacked our superior forces along the Doo Doo Poo Poo border. Unfortunatly for these "terrorists" our soldiers where prepared and eliminated the threat that they posed. As of two days ago, we have committed troops to the border as well as bolstering our forces with men and supplies from Henceland Omega.

*he takes a drink of water on the desk and continues*
One not need to look farther then the Daily UN report as to how far the trechery of that nation runs..

*he picks up a report and reads from it*

Dubelco is ranked 1st in the region and 11th in the world for Most Corrupt Governments. Think about that fact.... 11th in the world... when one consideres that there are over 120,000 nations on this planet, one realizes how much of a threat these Evil Doers pose....... and how, if left unchecked will corrupt the hearts and minds of not only Edenstein.. but also the region as a whole....

So I ask tonight of you Edenstein..... be strong.... and follow me to a new glorious age of Edenstein...

*the screen goes black and you are returned to your regularly scheduled pogram*

[summation] Ulonov has called Dubelco traitorus, unscrupulous, power hungry, greedy dogs
09-02-2005, 10:36
*Ulonov walks out onto the balcony, where down in the square many people have gathered to protest the seizing and imprisonment of Emperor Ed. Ulonov ignores the jeers and looks at the Edenstein flag*

Ulonov: Hmmm need to change that.......

*he walks back into the office and makes a phone call.... a few hours later, a new flag is hoisted up replacing the old edenstein flag*
old flag
new flag

[summation] New flag
09-02-2005, 11:43
[summation] Ulonov has called Dubelco traitorus, unscrupulous, power hungry, greedy dogs

OOC: And whats wrong with that?

Seriously though. Guys, right now I'm incredibly busy. Gimme some time to actually think of some responses.
Connerys Children
09-02-2005, 18:42
*Out on the open sea, the freighter Euphoni Dream slowly makes its way on its usual run between the Edenstein held territories of Euphoni and Land O Eric. The crew of 14 are mostly awake, as this is the 2nd shift, and a lively card game has sprung up between the members of the crew.*

*In the bridge, the radio opperator and the skipper are the only ones on station. They notice another freighter approaching them from the direction of Land O Eric, but it's in no danger of impacting them. They toot their fog horn at it and wave.*

*Back below deck, the card game is heating up, and all the remaining crew members are mesmerized by the two remaining players.*

Georoff Vladoski: I think I could use a breath of fresh air.

Paul Abercrombie: Me too. I could use a piss.

*The two crew members leave the rest of the crew and walk onto the deck. Georoff moves to the bridge, and Paul moves over to the side of the boat.*

Skipper: Oh, hey Georoff. We're getting word that Ulonov has siezed control of Edenstein.

Georoff: Any word yet on Lt. Gen. Zofia?

Skipper: No.

Georoff: That's too bad.

*Georoff pulls out a small, silenced Skorpion, and places 5 rounds in the Skipper's chest and head. He turns and wastes the radioman before he could call for help. He pulls out a cellphone and presses one of the pre-dial buttons.*

Man on the phone: Yeah?

Georoff: Bridge is secured, we're ready to pick up the team.

*A squad of 8 men, in civilian clothing, on the neiboring freighter hop into a zodiac, which has been lowered into the water. They ride over and are helped aboard by Paul, while Georoff continues to guard the bridge. One of the other crew members comes up top for a smoke, but is cut down by silenced MP5 fire from the boarding party.*

*The boarding party procedes below, unnoticed due to the nature of the card game. Three of the boarding party opens fire at once, cutting down the remaining 9 crewmembers within half a minute.*

*Two other members of the boarding party begin to set small shaped charges along the side of the ship's paneling, rigging it for detonation via remote. Having accomplished their goal, they procede to the top of the ship.*

*The others have been weighting down the dead bodies of the crew members, and have pitched them overboard, watching them sink like stones. Reboarding the zodiac, with Georoff and Paul, they proceed back to their frieghter, and light off the explosives.*

*From their distance of 1 nautical mile, they can't even hear the charges going off, but they can watch as the ship begins taking on water rapidly. Within 15 minutes, it has sunk below the surface, into the 3 mile deep depths of Lake Erie.*

*In Land O Eric, the harbor master watches as the Euphoni Dream flickers on the dockside radar, and then disappears altogether. Attempts to hail the ship go on in vain.*

*The second freighter sails on out of sight of the reckage.*
09-02-2005, 19:23
The Learjet carrying Empress Carolyn and General Onotov lands at Andrewtinople international airport. The cold, grey and rainy early February weather is the back drop.

As General Onotov and Empress Carolyn exit the airplane, they are greeted by an honor guard of Andaluciaen Marines, carrying both the Andaluciaen flag and the old Edensteinian flag. The national anthem of Edenstein is played by a military band, as is custom to group notable foreign diplomats and officials.

Grand Admiral Scheer greets the Empress and the General, and leads them to a car, which whisks all three of them off to the Consulate.
Henceland Omega
09-02-2005, 22:05
::In Izimbeckwi, HO soldiers continue heading south. They stop about a day's march from Durmest::

Max: So how many people have you killed?

Francis: I don't know...

Max: You haven't been keeping track?

Francis: No... you have?

Max: Yeah, I've killed 18 people so far. Not counting ones I shot that were killed by other people.

Francis: Wow... I'll have to start keeping track. That sounds like a good idea!

Max: I'm surprised there haven't been a lot of soldiers around so far.

Bogey: That's because we're in the DMZ right now. Technically, we're not supposed to be here, but because we're pursuing the Pax troops that started this whole thing it's ok. We're actually heading for Durmest. That's where they all are.

Francis: Will they be waiting for us?

Bogey: I bet they will. We'll have a lot more resistance there, so you'll have to be more careful. Anyone could be an enemy.

Max: Even children?

Bogey: Especially children, because nobody suspects them!

Max: So let's just kill everyone we see, and that'll work right?

Bogey: Stellar idea! Let's go!

[Summation] HO troops are 1 day from Durmest and have permission to kill everyone
WWII Council of Clan
09-02-2005, 22:11
OOC: from the dark boring area James River, Cheaseapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean Beaches of Virginia, wayne is making a post. That is all
09-02-2005, 22:49
All over Edenstein on buildings and theaters this sign appears....

Underneath the sign it reads... *Ministry for homeland defence*
09-02-2005, 22:59
*A small girl returns home from Ulonov Elementry school, she runs into the house carrying a large poster*

Mother: Why Kimmy... what do you have there?
Kim: Mommy Mommy, Teacher said that all of us had to take a poster home and hang it up... Admiral Ulonov gave them out on his visit today!!
Mommy: Well let me see...

*she picks up the poster*

Mommy: Well we'll just hang that right here by the door! So those dirty dubelcans can know that we are prepared!

*she hangs it up and gives her daughter a hug*

Kim: We'll be ok won't we!
Mommy: Yes Dear.. those heathen dubelcans wouldn't dream of making a fuss!!
*they go into the kitchen where the father, Carl, is passed out on the floor from drinking to much whiskey*
09-02-2005, 23:22
*Emperor Ed sits in his room, with Natasha, he is trying to teach her how to walk, he has a bottle of Vodka and his calling her like a small dog*

Ed: Come on Natasha... Come on... you know you want the Vodka...
Natahsa: BaBa
Ed: Yes.. this is a Baba! Come on!
*she looks at the bottle and starts to crawl the other way*
Ed: Drats.... *finds her baba and holds it out again*
Natasha: BABA!!!
Ed: Yes Baba!! come on!!
*Natasha gets up and hesitantly begins to walk towards Ed.. but falls down*
Ed: How come its so Easy on the sims!
*he continues trying for a few hours*
09-02-2005, 23:27
==in Andalucaie==

*Carolyn and Onotov are riding in the car with the Grand Admiral*

Onotov: Admiral, its good of you to take us in... We're not exactly sure who is with us and who isn't, but I had a good feeling that Andaluciae would be with us... if you hand us over to Ulonov.. I'll be sorely dissapointed... *she chuckles*

Carolyn: Can you tell me what is going on?

Onotov: Yes.. Ulonov has gone mad....

Carolyn: ok..... thank you..
10-02-2005, 00:41
GA Scheer: Yes, we are with you, when we get to the Consulate, we'll tell you what we can offer, I hope it's enough.

*The car continues on to the Consulate, where they get out and go to meet with Consul Arthur*

Consul Arthur: Welcome, I'm pleased to meet both of you, even though I'd have preferred better circumstances.

GA Scheer: Now, you're probably very stressed right now, knowing that the Emperor is captive somewhere, but, we need to go over what our plans are and what we can offer you.

Consul Arthur: First off, we are going to offer you asylum in Andaluciae. Beyond that, we are going to provide you with the resources to form a government in exile. We will recognize this government as the sole legitimate government of Edenstein. Initially we will start off with diplomatic means. We'll try to trade asylum for Ulonov, for the restoration of a government of Emperor Edward Romanov, if that fails...

GA Scheer: If that fails we have several options before us. First off, we do have a intelligence resources in Edenstein. If it would appear possible to stop this coup by simply taking out Ulonov, then we'd be willing to do so, if not, then, we can use a covert ops team to try to at least get Emperor Romanov out of incarceration...

Consul Arthur: At which point our fears begin to mount, it is clearly not in our interests to have Ulonov in charge and paranoid, nor is it in our interests to have a major LETI war, we want to get Edenstein and Pax disengaged as quickly as possible. As such, we are forced into a corner. We could always go with the precision strike that worked so well when Edenstein took out the two separate coups in Andaluciae, but if that doesn't work, well...

GA Scheer: We might consider an invasion of Edenstein to liberate the nation. I know this sounds extreme, but it is an option of last resort, but to have Ulonov in power, well, that's simply unacceptable.

Consul Arthur: But, you at least aren't the only Edensteinians who have come across as displeased. Your diplomatic staff here has disavowed Ulonov, and openly sworn allegiance to the Emperor. And you'll be in comfort here, our government is willing to offer each of you one of the Palacial Estates, just outside of the city.

GA Scheer: I know it doesn't seem like much now, but we have to start somewhere.

[Summary: Andaluciae stands behind the Romanov line as the sole legitimate government of Edenstein]
10-02-2005, 00:49
*Coded transmission to 17 Red*
If the rabbit hops, dance. For now, eat cake and smile. There is a hat in the building.

Descrabled: If the code word arrives, terminate Ulonov. For now, you need to figure out where Emperor Ed is being held, and keep tabs on Ulonov. If you are uncovered, kill yourself.
10-02-2005, 01:03

OOC: OMG! That is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Awesome Ed, that made my week, and its only wednesday.
Henceland Omega
10-02-2005, 03:50
::Ritsuko rendezvous with Maison in Napoli, Euphoni. Ritsuko looks around at the massive consruction that is still going on::

Ritsuko: Wow... that is going to be one COLOSSAL monument when it's finished!

Maison: Yes it is.

Ritsuko: So what's up? Why are we meeting here?

Maison: This is the safest place for now. General, they found the Holy Emperor! It was... Edenstein Special Forces!

Ritsuko: Well before this week I wouldn't've believed you. But after what I've been through, I understand now. What happened to him?

Maison: We don't know. The others all made it out safely and are here with me. Luckily Euphoni is staying out of everything during the construction, so we know we're ok here, but for how long I don't know.

::Ritsuko checks her palm pilot for any developments. She turns white::

Ritsuko: Oh no! Look at this! It appears that Ulonov arrested Emperor Ed and is taking over control of Edenstein!

Maison: Then that means we're not safe anywhere!

Ritsuko: Maybe... This place won't be safe. Edenstein has too much control over here.

Maison: Then where can we go? We can't go to Henceland Omega or Edenstein, or any country Edentein has a force in. Who does that leave?

Ritsuko: Hmm... we have 3 choices as far as I see. Andaluciae, MadderMike, and Manarth. I think what I need to do is send a message to those three nations, and scramble the location of the origin of the messages.

Maison: They wouldn't lie just to get us to come out in tthe open would they?

Ritsuko: Well if they tried to, I'd see through it...

[Summation] Ritsuko and Maison are looking for a safe haven
10-02-2005, 07:03
Andaluciaen signal intelligence receives this message, a hustle and flurry occur upon receipt.

::Message from unknown location::

This is former General Ritsuko Yamamoto of Henceland Omega. Currently I am seeking a safe haven for myself and other former advisors for HO. HO, and now Edenstein, have become too dangerous and their rulers have become madmen. I need to know where the loyalties of your nation lie.

A copy of the message is rushed to Consul Arthur and Grand Admiral Scheer, who both upon reading it get a conference call with the newly sworn in Secretary of Foreign Affairs Schumm.

Secretary Schumm: Well, it would appear that the coup by Ulonov has had far broader reaching effects than previously thought.

Consul Arthur: Yes, now we have people loyal to Emperor Corran of HO asking to take up residence here...

Secretary Schumm: And why might that be?

GA Scheer: Maybe because we're one of the last free nations in the lake? Hell, I'm all for it.

Secretary Schumm: But, if we accept the HO folks, and allow them to set up a government in exile we could have legal grounds for both HO and Edenstein to declare war on us...

GA Scheer: Like our policy states, if Ulonov declares war on us, it is totally unjust, as his government is not legitimate according to Andaluciaen law. And, HO, we never actually recognized the government there, just withdrew recognition for the Imperial government. Same thing goes there, we just re-recognize the government of the Emperor.

Secretary Schumm: But we'd still have a war on our hands!

Consul Arthur: Well, I see the problem then. We're going to accept the HO Imperials...

Secretary Schumm: But...

Consul Arthur: And begin open negotiations with Pax Germania and Dubelco.

Secretary Schumm: ...

GA Scheer: Aye... (a sudden gulp, followed by the sound of ice clinking in an empty glass in the background.)

*As per the Consul's orders, a few short hours later a message is sent along the same frequency that the previous one was received on, a message offering the HO Imperials asylum in Andaluciae*

To: General Ritsuko Yamamoto
From: Andaluciaen Consul Arthur, Grand Admiral Scheer, Secretary Schumm

We offer you asylum. If transport is needed, we can provide, just send us a signal on the same encrypted channel as previously. We are willing to help you topple the madman and replace the true Emperor of Henceland Omega.
Henceland Omega
10-02-2005, 08:15
::Ritsuko receives a response from Andaluciae::

Ritsuko: Hey look! Andaluciae responded to us! They're offering us assylum!

Maison: That didn't take very long.

Ritsuko: Well Manarth and MadderMike haven't gotten around to getting back to us yet so we should accept their offer I think.

Maison: You sent one to MadderMike? Seriously?

Ritsuko: Well, um... yeah I did. But nevermind let's just go to Andaluciae! Get the rest of the guys together and I'll radio back to send a transport!

Meanwhile in the Hence Palace

::Carmine and Raskalnokov are in the throne room discussing things when Watson comes in::

Carmine: ...power to them, we'll find much less resistance.

Raskalnokov: An excellent idea! THis way we'll have great followers even in our young!

Carmine: Ah Watson! I'd like you to put out an advertisement. I'd like to start recruiting young men and women who are truly loyal to me. They will become the leaders of my new Blue Guards.

Watson: Blue Guards?

Carmine: Yes. We'll give them a short training period with Raskalnokov who will show them some tricks and test their dedication to us, but then they shall lead their peers in protecting the forward progression of our great nation.

Raskalnokov: Our secret polls showed that approval rating was still only 89%. The Blue Guards will be charged with making sure the other 11% stay in line with the direction we are going. They will protect our own front while our brave soldiers fight to remove the treat of Walrusdom in Izimbeckwi.

Watson: Oh... ok. I'll, uh... start that right away. Wouldn't it help approval ratings to make a public appearance? You haven't gone out in public in a long time...

Carmine: I don't need to. They can see the results. Hencemen are happier, more content, and soon will be able to be proud to have a good army behind them. Nonetheless, I think I know what you're saying. A new image may be needed. Or should I say, less old image. There are still far too many reminders of the past dynasty here... Thank you Watson, I'll be pursuing that next...

Watson: Oh wow... I didn't mean it like that.

Raskalnokov: Helmholtz, just go find us some kids...

Watson: Yes Sir... ::With a heavy heart, he leaves the throne room::

[Summary] Ritsuko and Maison are taking the advisor's to Andaluciae. Carmine is recruiting young people to be leaders of his new Blue Guards
10-02-2005, 18:43
Like a bear, waking up after a long hibernation, the Manarthain navy and army have finally begun training outside of the Featherstone's American eye once more. With FA a nuclear wastland, still recovering from it's disasterous war with the LETI powers, Manarth has consolidated and rebuilt. Already, ships once belonging to it's proud navy have been salvaged from the watery grave of Northern Brittania and Port Hrabe and repaired to functionality. New warships have been built in the dockyards of New Miami, and the automotive industry has risen once again as the best in the Great Lakes.

And elections are held for the first time since the occupation. The political parties have changed, as the political climate has. Parties have multiplied, divided, and changed dramatically.

In the end, Triana Smith, a member of the Manarthian Socialist Party, is elected to the post of Prime Minister. Manarthains have a good hope for the future for the first time in several dozen LOTI years.
10-02-2005, 20:55
A pair of Andaluciaen Marine Transport Helicopters escorted by two Sea Comanches fly to the location specified in Ritsuko's response, where Ritsuko and the other Henceland Omegans are picked up by the Marine Transports.

The helicopters make it safely back to an Andaluciaen cruiser squadron undetected. After which point, the cruisers change course and head back to port in Andaluciae.
10-02-2005, 23:23
*Message to Admiral Ulonov*
In light of recent events, we see it as beneficial if you were to step down from the position you are now in and allow the government of Edward Romanov to come back in to power. In return, we are willing to allow you to seek asylum in Andaluciae including a yearly stipend of two million quintets, we realize that your actions may have been brash, and emotionally driven, that you might not see a way out, but we are offering you one. Please, in the name of the Lake region's good health, accept this offer.
Henceland Omega
11-02-2005, 05:28
::Ritsuko exits the ship at the port in Andaluciae. She observes while Luna, Laura, Rom, Ruri, and Maison are escorted to a room under guard. As Citan gets of the ship himself, she shakes her head::

Ritsuko: I need to talk to the Consulate. I don't know what's going on, but we need to do something.

Citan: Well, it is obvious that we first need to relocate Corran.

Ritsuko: ...if he's even alive.

Citan: Oh, I'm certain he's still alive somewhere. Slotter wanted him alive for something, and Ulonov's power hungry enough that he'll keep him alive but gone until he figures out what it is he's supposed to know.

Ritsuko: The worst thing is that the condition that he was in, I don't even know if he remembered his own name in the end.

Citan: Well I will do my part and see if I can find any information on this matter.

Ritsuko: What kind of information could you get?

Citan: I have many contacts. I may be able to fnd something. Meanwhile, you just get to the Consulate as you said and find out what the situation is.

[Summary] Ritsuko lands safely with the others at Andaluciae
Pax Germania
11-02-2005, 06:37
::The Pax Information Service responds to Edenstein Propaganda::
11-02-2005, 06:42
*Glenn Utenka, Ulonov's new minister of public information walks in.... he salutes and then sits down, he takes some papers from his briefcase*

Utenka: Admiral, I have the new propoganda posters ready...
Ulonov: Excellent, let me see them!

Ulonov: EXCELLENT!!!!! That last one hits the point home.....
Utenka: exactly..... I'll get these out the the public immediatly...

*he salutes and then walks out, ulonov puts his feet back up on the desk and takes a sip of vodka*

Ulonov: This is just the beginning.....
Henceland Omega
11-02-2005, 06:50
::Watson walks into the throne room of the Hence Palace. Following him are mostly high school age kids, with a few college age ones as well, including Andrew, Jeff, and Scott from Jenny Rom College. They are lined up and told to be silent. Raskalnokov enters the room::

Raskalnokov: Young men and women of Henceland Omega! I welcome you here to the Hence Palace, the home of our great leader, Premiere Zed Carmine! You may consider yourselves the chosen ones!

Watson: The Premiere has chosen you individually for your hard work and loyalty to our great country, which has recently been Progressing at a faster rate than at anytime in our nation's history. He has decided to allow you to be his eyes throughout our country.

Raskalnokov: You shall be the leaders of our Blue Guards! Blue Guards will be charged with protecting our forward progression. And to that end you may take the law into your own hands if you see anyone specifically trying to hamper our nation's good name. Use whatever means you deem necessary, but remember! Your ultimate goal is to keep us looking ever forward while the Premiere continues to find new and great ways to make our nation the best it can be! Recruit your friends. Start a group of Blue Guards at your own institutions, in your own home towns. We will provide each Blue Guard with an identification badge and hat.

Watson: We need only to test your true loyalty first. When you finish this test, you shall become the true leaders of the elite. Follow me...

::Watson escorts them down into the basement of the palace::

Scott: Do you know what this is all about?

Andrew: Not a clue, but I think we suddenly get to be Secret Police without any training, and I'm down with that...

[Summary] The Blue Guards are charged and are about to begin their test
11-02-2005, 17:32
*Ulonov recieves the message from the Pax Government, and chuckles, which then erupts into a maddened laugh*

Ulonov: Emotionally driven?! EMOTIONALLY DRIVEN!!! Where do they get off saying emotionally driven...... *reads further* Two million quintets..... that is a nice sum....... but what is that to being in charge of an entire country..... *he turns around in time to see a brick thrown through the window, Ulonov narroly misses it he walks over and picks it up*

*brick* RELEASE ROMANOV YOU NAVAL PIECE OF DUNG! signed, The angry mob in the square...

*Ulonov walks out and in the square is an angry mob of people demanding the release of the Emperor*

Ulonov: Bullucks to you!!!!! *he walks back in before a hail of fruit and vegetables are thrown at him, he gets on the phone and about 20 minutes later the military is called in to break up the mob*

*he sits down and pens a letter to the Andalucaiens*

To: The government of Andalucaie
From: Supreme Admiral Dimitri Ulonov Acting Emperor of Edenstein Steward of the people
Re: Offer

Although your offer for assylum is a generous one, the events that have taken place have been in the best intrests of the people of Edenstein as well as the LETI region in general. The Emperor had lost touch with the will of the people and therefore needed to be removed. The Edenstein government still looks forward to a peacable agreement between our two nations, but be assured that things will not be run the same as under the emperor.

11-02-2005, 18:44
New Propoganda from the ministry of public information

OOC: The ball is now in your courst striker!!! HAHA Suck it trebeck!
11-02-2005, 21:05
*in a theater in Edenstein, before the main performance of "The kingdom of Erie" A man wearing Brown Buisness Suit and a fedora stands up on the main stage, he is wearing a black armband with a linux penguin donning a helmet the theater quiets*

I have just received the information that there is a Pax spy among us—

a Pax spy watching us.

He is around, here somewhere, reporting upon you and me—sending reports about us to Nerlib and telling the Arlies just what we are doing with the Liberty Loan. From every section of the country these spies have been getting reports over to Uahcad—not general reports but details—where the loan is going well and where its success seems weak, and what people are saying in each community.

For the Pax Government is worried about our great loan. Those Junkers fear its effect upon the Pax Germanian morale. They’re raising a loan this month, too.

If the Edenstein people lend their billions now, one and all with a hip-hip-hurrah, it means that Edenstein is united and strong. While, if we lend our money half-heartedly, Edenstein seems weak and autocracy remains strong.

Money means everything now; it means quicker victory and therefore less bloodshed. We are on the verge of war, and now Edensteinians can have but one opinion, only one wish in the Liberty Loan.

Well, I hope these spies are getting their messages straight, letting Uahcad know that Edenstein is hurling back to the autocrats these answers:

For treachery here, attempted treachery in Izimbeckwi, treachery everywhere—one billion.

For murder of Edensteinian women and children—one billion more.

For broken faith and promise to murder more Edensteinians—billions and billions more.

And then we will add:

In the world fight for Liberty, our share—billions and billions and billions and endless billions.

Do not let the Pax spy hear and report that you *points to man in front row* are a slacker.

*the show is a great success, but not as much as the loan drive outside the theater afterwards, where a recruiting table and a loan table are set up, where men and women eargely give their money and enlist in the military*
11-02-2005, 22:13
To: The government of Andalucaie
From: Supreme Admiral Dimitri Ulonov Acting Emperor of Edenstein Steward of the people
Re: Offer

Although your offer for assylum is a generous one, the events that have taken place have been in the best intrests of the people of Edenstein as well as the LETI region in general. The Emperor had lost touch with the will of the people and therefore needed to be removed. The Edenstein government still looks forward to a peacable agreement between our two nations, but be assured that things will not be run the same as under the emperor.

*The denial of the asylum offer comes across as little surprise to the Andaluciaen government. In response the Andaluciaen National Security Council is convened, Consul Arthur, GA Scheer, Secretary Schumm and Defense Secretary Marshall.*

Consul Arthur: As we can now see, Ulonov has turned down our offer, we did not expect him to accept it, so, we now have to make a decision. We need to at least get ahold of the location of Emperor Romanov, so as to get him out of there. I suggest that we activate 17 Red to figure this out.

Secretary Schumm: Well, since we're headed down this path, I'd say that's probably a good option, it's discreet, and creative.

GA Scheer: And we'll need to get together the spec ops task force to get him out...Team Orange is our best option. They're ready to go right now, and they can mix in with Edensteinians extremely easily.

Secretary Marshall: Probably the best idea to get Emperor Romanov out of there.

GA Scheer: We'll also have to plan on how to get rid of Ulonov. We have strong reason to believe that a sniper near the palace would be a perfectly viable option.

Consul Arthur: Ok, you'd better get your resources together.

*Later a message is sent to 17 Red, a mail clerk in the Palace in Linux, the message is simple, it has 17 Red come up to Ulonov to ask what to do about a letter sent to Emperor Ed, the letter calls Emperor Ed a traitor, and is in so vehement a tone, that there is no way Ulonov wouldn't want it to reach Emperor Ed. 17 Red will ask Ulonov what to do and where to send it. When Ulonov tells him, he will write it on the envelope, and later report it to high command*

*The plan goes into action, the agent approaches Ulonov with the letter*
17 Red: Supreme Admiral...

Ulonov: Yes clerk?

17 Red: I've received this letter to the traitor Romanov, it's most wonderful, it's a display of the devotion of your people to your cause. I was wondering if I could get the letter to the traitorous fiend, could you tell me how to reach him? Perhaps where he is so that I can get this letter to him in the original handwriting?
11-02-2005, 22:48
Pax Germania
11-02-2005, 23:36
12-02-2005, 00:43
ooc: he he he
12-02-2005, 00:55
*After preparation for some time, the Andaluciaen government is proud to unveil the new ABM defenses. The combination of Andaluciaen detection measures and the DPM systems is highly effective, this capability is demonstrated in a test using fourteen disarmed ICBM's fired from a base in Occupied Aldovar*

[in summation: Andaluciae is now activating the ABM technologies it acquired from the cease fire agreement from FA]
Henceland Omega
14-02-2005, 06:35
::TheBlue Guard candidates emerge from the basement of the Hence Palace. Jenny watches and approaches Watson::

Jenny: So what did they do down there?

Watson: They went through a series of sacrifices where they proved their loaylty to the Premiere. There was a fast the whole time, readings of "A Penny For Your Thoughts, a Fortune For a Nation," the book Carmine wrote, story telling of his great deeds, as well as some good films about the great things that have happened since he took power, followed by a blood-letting symbolizing their devotion to Carmine and Henceland Omega. Those were the main things. Now we're taking them to show them propaganda against Pax Germania.

Raskalnokov: My friends the test is over, but now we must inform you of the very real threat! Come with us and you shall see how very real the threat of the Arlies is!

::Raskalnokov leads them to the Briefing Room. Watson hangs back for a second. He looks at Jenny. His eyes are full of conflict and agony::

Watson: Jenny... I, I don't know how much longer I can do this. I helped Carmine write that book, I exaggerated many of his accomplishments and completely made some up, and this propaganda thing is my doing too. The fact is... I don't even see why they're a threat myself! I really question his motives and I... I don't think I can continue like this! I'm almost single-handedly setting up a humongous war!

Jenny: Well for one, Carmine does not want to go to war with Pax directly, that's just plain stupid. Second, you're geting paid well aren't you? ANd third... well when you're done with those Blue Guards I'll give you a third reason to not feel so bad. ::She grins::

Watson: Uh... well, uh. Ok... ::He hurries off to catch up to the group::

Several hours later

::The Blue Gaurds leave the briefing Room. All of them are in shock::

Andrew: My God! I had no idea the Arlies were that bad!

Jeff: Yeah, they kept saying they wanted to help Izimbeckwi, but that was undeniable proof in there of what they were doing! That couldn't've been faked!

Fawn Nardred: (A junior from GOA High School on Omega Island) Not at all! I'm going to get all my friends and classmates to join me in the Blue Guards!

Shinji Lampola: (Senior from Kakumei High on Xeno Island) So am I! We'll be on the watch for any Arlie supporters!

Hari Hammond: (Sophomore from Winnebago Falls High Schooll) I think we sohuld be careful though, that it doesn't get out of control!

::The others look at her, then continue planning their recruitments. As they speak, Carmine enters the room. The kids go dead quiet::

Carmine: Young men and women! I would like to thank you for embarking on this great journey to keep our cities safe from corruption! You will be my eyes and ears in your own way, and if need be, you will be my hammer, falling swiftly on those who would stand in the way of our forward progress! I now proudly bestow on you all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of being the first Eliete Blue Guard leaders! General Ramsus Kahr shall now present you with your Badge and hat. Wear them with pride!

::The kids leave feeling overwhelemed with pride in their leader, most ofthem suddenly feeling special having seen Carmine in person. They return to their high schools and begin recruiting more students to join them::

[Summation] The Blue Guard leaders revere Carmine and return to their homes to start building up their units
14-02-2005, 18:39
Ritsuko and Citan are talking amongst themselves when a uniformed Andaluciaen Intelligence Officer walks up to them. He directs them to a car, in which they are promptly whisked off to the Consulate, where Grand Admiral Scheer and Consul Arthur are waiting to talk to them about what is going on.
14-02-2005, 20:41
*coming in half way through a press conference, we see Ulonov standing at a podium taking and answering questions*

Ulonov: Of course I love this country, if I didn't I wouldn't be here now would I?

Reporter: Admiral, There have been reports of major resistance to your Pax Agenda.. your thoughts?

Ulonov: Why, of course the people don't want war... but, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship... voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. War with those savages in Pax is almost a certainty... its just a matter of time...

Reporter: Jan Blather Leti Channel 5 Admiral... Have you heard that the Right wing Russian Orthadox church has thrown their support behind you in "A crusade against the evil powers in the Lake?"

Ulonov: I have heard this and Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Arlie, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.... The Arlie will feel the might of Edensteins boot down upon their necks....

Reporter: Elly Van Houten HO channel 2 News.. Admiral.... Can you confirm reports that Edenstein Army Rangers where used to forcibly extract Emperor Corran from a hospital in northern Edenstein?

Ulonov: I can neither confirm nor Deny that charge..

Elly: Admiral Second Question, what of Andalucaie recognising Empress Carolyn and the Previous HO administration as the true leaders of their respective countries?

Ulonov: Well with time Andalucaie will come to realize that this is the legitiment government... One last question....

*a man in the back stands up, the other reporters gasp*

reporter: This is Tom Brokejaw NBC News..............

Ulonov: I thought we had you killed.....

Brokejaw: Not quite..... Admiral..... What are reports that you will use weapons of mass destruction on Pax Germania, Izimbeckwi, Dubelco, other various countries in teh lake?

Ulonov: Nothing can beat the music of hundreds of voices screaming in unison.... That is all....

*the room takes a morbid feel to it as Ulonov walks off, he walks out into the hallway and runs into 17 red*

Ulonov: I don't remember seeing you around here before....... Whatever... the Emperor's room is up on the third floor, heavily gaurded, state of the art security yada yada yada.... Go ahead and take it to him....

Summation: Ulonov gives press conference, and tells 17 red where the emperor is.
15-02-2005, 17:43
17 Red: Thank you very much sir, I'll get the letter delivered right to him!

*17 Red goes off, and doesn't deliver the letter. Instead he records the location of the Emperor, and finishes his work for the day. After leaving work, he heads back to his apartment, where he records the information about the location of Emperor Ed on a piece of paper and stuffs it inside his printer*

*After doing this, 17 Red Contacts 20 Red and 14 Red, who are both posing as bumbling custodians in some Edensteinian government building or another. He informs them that "I have a new car, and I know where it is." *

*He then heads to a payphone about four kilometers from his house and makes a long distance telephone call to the Andaluciaen Intelligence Division's headquarters. He relays the information about the Emperor's location, and informs them of the suspected pick-up time and location in the usual, strange cryptic manner.*

*Upon return to his apartment 17 Red opens several drawers and collects together a series of odd looking ceramic pieces, of which he assembles two Mk. XIX silenced metal-free ceramic pistols. He then dissasembles them, and places the pieces inside the laptop computer he carries to work, so as to make them seem like they are parts of the computer.*

*He then goes to bed*

[In Summation: 17 Red is preparing to break out the Emperor, and has notified everyone who is relevant, and has been sufficiently cryptic enough so as to keep those who aren't supposed to hear, just thinking it's a normal conversation]
Henceland Omega
16-02-2005, 06:38
::Ritsuko and Citan are taken to the Consulate::

Citan: Well we'd first like to take this chance to thank you for your hospitality and for they asylum you've granted us! We'd like to explain the situation at hand...

::In a matter of minutes, Ritsuko explains briefly about her recent rescue operation, leaving out any mention of Taskmaster. She then describes the hospital incident where Corran was taken away, and ends with her 'discussion' with Ulonov::

Ritsuko: that's the situation we're in right now. Could you please inform us as to what's been going on on the outside since then?
Henceland Omega
16-02-2005, 06:53
::In Izimbeckwi, the HO soldiers enter Durmest. Seargent Manners is a little worried about invading without waiting for permission from the higher powers,. but Colonel Bogey figures that a week of marching was more than enough time for anyone to do something about it.::

Max: Hey! Here we are in the city! It's time to wax some city slicking Arlies!

::Along the way, several Northern Izimbeckwi guerillas have joined the HO soldiers and are sent in first to knock out the defenses of the city. Meanwhile, Max and Francis and the rest of the soldiers start shooting at random::

Bogey: Remember! Civilians are the most dangerous because they're the least suspicious! ::He mows down a small child::

Francis: ::sprays bullets at a family running for cover:: Hey look! I got 4 kills in just a short time! Invading a city is great!

Max: Dude look! These people look pretty rich! Can I take their money Colonel?

Bogey: Of course! If you leave it, chances are the Arlies will find it and invest in weapons of mass destruction to use against us!

Max: Forget that! I'm going to buy a new tv! But I'll need more than that... ::He shoots some more people, then takes their money::

::The North Izimbeckwi Freedom Fighters cut all communications links in the city, knocking out phones, cable, and satellites::

[Summation] HO begins plundering Durmest
16-02-2005, 07:09
*In Andalucaie, Empress Carolyn has secheduled a speech, although she can't find a balcony like back in Edenstein she decideds to do it in the Governmet Building*

Stage Manager: Empress, five minutes till air...
Onotov: Carolyn are you sure you want to do this?
Caroyln: Well, not really, but.. I need to let Ulonov know that THE MAN!!! *pauses* will not dictate the way that this lake is run...
Onotov: *smaks her head* Dearie, maybe you should lay off the man stuff...
Carolyn: But Ulonov has turned into the man....
Onotov: Maybe you should let me speak....
Carolyn: No I need to do this...
Onotov: ohhh look a seagull...
Carolyn: WHERE? *she begins to look around as the stage manager pushes her out onto stage*

*LETI News flashes their logo as well as various other new logo's after it and then Farbra walters appears*

Walters: Goodevening LETI, We are on the verge of Emperess Carolyn making a speech to the lake... lets go live to Andalucaie where field reporter Jan Blather is waiting...

*the camera switches over to Jan*

Jan: Thank you Farbra, it appears as if Carolyn is ready so lets watch....

Caroyln: Goodevening Edenstein, umm I mean Andalucaie.. or the Lake or... anyways, I just wanted to tell you all tonight how Ulonov has committed treason and umm... imprisoned my husband.... Ed... and my dear little baby who shares the same name as Tori's baby... Natasha....
*she pauses to let things sink in*
Anyways, I want to thank Andalucaie for being gracious and putting us up here until things get settled down back in Edenstein.. and we kick out Ulonov who has joined forces with......


But... anyways..

Also the finks up in Hencland Omega are somehow behind this as well, and I'm sure once we find a connection to them and....


their reign of terror especially in Izimbeckwi will be cut rather short....

umm I guess thats it... any questions?

Reporter: Jan blather Leti channel 5.... How exactly do you plan on getting out Ulonov...

Ontov: Let me answer that.. We are working with the Andalucaien government currently to hopefully bring about a peaceful solution to this, if not other forms of co-ersion will be used...

Carolyn: Yes... Yes.. exactly...

Reporter: Dan Flather CBS News.... Are you proposing a military strike on Edenstein, against your own people, if so.... How far will you go...

Onotov: No comment...

Carolyn: Any other questions?
Henceland Omega
16-02-2005, 07:15
Elly: Elhaym Van Houten, HO Channel 2 News. Are you now claiming to be the ruler ofthe real Edenstein until the Emperor is found? If so, what would you tell the Edenstein people who don't know what to do?
16-02-2005, 07:19
*looks at elly*

Carolyn: Yeah... Yeah! I'm Ruler of Edenstein until they find Emperor Ed.... to the people of Edenstein..... be strong, I realize that right now it may seem a little chaotic but.. We'll be back in a bit.... Don't give into Ulonov and his backer....


*onotov smacks her head*

Once we root outTHE MAN! Ulonov will come tumbling down like a house of...... ummmm Dominos....

Any other questions?
Henceland Omega
16-02-2005, 07:22
Reporter: Johannes Organum out of Tempestia. You keep referencing "The Man." We've heard little about this The Man since before Carmine took over HO and even little before that since Counterpoint vanished. What proof do you have that The Man is behind all of this?
16-02-2005, 07:27
*onotov starts motioning to carolyn to stop but its too late......*

Carolyn: Dosn't seem odd that.... Counterpoint dissapeared after Edenstein, HO, Manarth, and Andalucaie took over... Dosn't it seem odd that once pacifist HO, has taken a turn towards agressor? Odd that on the way to Madder mike for the peace conference A sever winter storm hit Edenstein? And now, Ulonov has taken over...... Someone is trying to thrwart Edenstein, Peace and this lake... and who would have the kind of muscle to do it???

Onotov: (under her breath) Here it comes.....


It would be natural for THE MAN to take out the two countries that opposed him so bitterly since the inception of this region.........

I think the evidence speaks for itself...
16-02-2005, 07:46
A long time has passed. The long standing peace that was the massive control center of all the Confederation was broken over a week ago to all the information coming in on the current state of LETI.

-General kidnappings…
-Nation revolutions…
-Proposed Confed. attacks on Edenstein…
-Nation Leader kidnappings…

All of these things had the room scattered and in disarray. Staff had been working around the clock for over a week trying to send communiqué to where they needed to be. Staff had been flown in from all over, as this period of peace allowed for certain “breaks” for some upper level echelon leaders. Once all of the commanding officers had returned, a meeting was held to ascertain the situation.

“I find that this new array of situations is highly volatile. With the amount that has happened that we let slip past, it will be difficult to respond to half of these atrocities.” said General McDaniel.

“They have proof that we attacked Edenstein in the northern border. But we gave no order to attack. No one on our side of the border comes within a mile of the official border without strict clearance.” stated General Palko, Special Opps Commander.

“Listen, all we can do is deny the attack with proof of our forces being accounted for, which they were *Shakes a report in his hand*.” states McDaniel.

“That may please all of 2 people now. With Ulonov in charge I don’t think he cares what we have to say. He wants action, and it appears he’s going to get it. With Henceland Omega now on the move in Izimbeckwi, we need to do something. The leaders of Andaluciae sent a message to Edenstein about their actions. Shall we back it?” asks General Palko.

“We must. They are backing Pax, who is the only one who hasn’t made propaganda about us yet.” states Admiral McDaniel. “Pax is one of the few allies we have left. With Romanov captured, his wife and other cabinet in exile, and the Hence Regime moving towards this new era of “pro-active” approach, it appears the LETI we once knew is disappearing.”

General McDaniel looks down at his notes, “Well, this is all quite displeasing. Send word to our peacekeeping unit we sent to Izimbeckwi. Tell them they are to organize themselves, account for everyone, and then await evacuation from the C-130’s that are stationed there.“ One of the many men standing around the table runs off after writing all of the command down.

“What of the threat on the northern border? What then sir?” asks Palko.

“We must issue a formal apology, with assurance that our forces were not responsible for that atrocity.”, states McDaniel, as another man runs off.

“Well then. With all that taken care of, what now, what is our plan of action?” asks Palko.

“Ready all bases. Go to high alert, all areas all territories. Pull all leave men back and get our ships out of harbor. Mobilize people, it’s our next course.” McDaniel states, now standing.

“But won’t our new state of readiness make it look like we are somewhat responsible for what’s happened? Should we really risk it?” argues Palko.

“It will make no difference to those who have made up there mind, and those that have are all that matter at this point. No on in this damn region will step-up, and so we must. Send word to Andaluciae and Pax, we will back them if they will for us. Send a formal message to Henceland Omega and Edenstein for conference with the other leaders to council out a way to end this. The last thing we want is a war right now people, especially with 15% of our forces already promised to the Nimzonian Revolution. And so we must do what we must.” McDaniel sits back down as 2 more aids run off scribbling on pads.

“What of our operative? Has he returned from his mission?” asks Colonel McDaniel.

“He’s finished, but he’s still in the field waiting for any commands. I think he’ll be more useful out there than back here.” Answers Palko.

“I agree,” states McDaniel, “But, until we can get some answers from these other nations, let’s not do anything hasty. With Aronar away on special assignment, we aren’t at full strength, especially with James on vacation still. Where is he anyways?”

“Florida sir,” states an attendant.

“Will someone please find me the Executor?”

[Summation: All orders that were issued are carried out over a quick amount of time. Dubelco will back Andaluciae and Pax, and has requested communication with the leaders of HO and Edenstein.]
16-02-2005, 18:35
George Pollypolis, MNN: Emporess? What do you think of the rumor Manarth will be supporting the new Edenstein Reigime? And where is Lt. Gen. Zofia?
16-02-2005, 19:08
*Grand Admiral Scheer and Consul Arthur discuss what Andaluciae can offer Ritsuko and the HO exiles.*

GA Scheer: As you can see, it would appear that lines are being drawn in the lake. We still wish for peace, but we are no longer sure that we can ensure it.

Consul Arthur: As such we are willing to take some risks. We are willing to remove any diplomatic ties to Carmines government, and put full recognition on the government of Corran and his representatives.

GA Scheer: As it seems that war hs come to the Lake, we are going to be backing pax and Dubelco, and there is signifigant chance that Andaluciae will be entering this war. With this we run the risk of a temporary foreign occupation of HO. I know this is a tough decision, but it would be better, in my opinion, than a permanent occupation by Carmine.

Consul Arthur: It's obvious that Carmine has gone mad, so we won't be able to even bargain with him. Of course we're going to try to assassinate him, but that might not work. We do have agents in HO, so at least we'll be able to know what is going on.

As fear spreads across the nation, the Andaluciaen military is once again rapidy mobilized. Naval forces are rapidly deployed around all Andaluciaen commanders. Posters appear on the walls of Andaluciaen buildings. The posters are not targeted at anyone, just admonitions to be vigilant.

[In summation: Andaluciae offers the same stuff to Ritsuko, that it offered to Onotov and Empress Carolyn, war preparations have begun.]
Henceland Omega
17-02-2005, 01:30
::Across HO, the Blue Guard leaders have returned to their schools and recruited large forces. The main crux of Blue Guard activity seems to be at Kakumei HS in a suburb of Fei Fong Wong called Fatima. Within 3 days, new Blue Guard units appear in many other cities around the country. 1 out of 12 high school students are now involved::

In Izimbeckwi

::In Durmest, there has been no reinforcements for the Pax/South Izimbeckwi forces, so the HO soldeirs continue to pillage::

Francis: Hey Max, do you have a girlfriend?

Max: No, I don't. I have terrible luck with women. I've never been laid at all!

Francis: Do you want that to change?

Max: How so? ::He turns around. Francis is holding a fairly attractive Izimbeckwi woman. She is squirming, but not strong enough to break free::

Francis: Isn't she hot?

Max: Wow! Yeah! Well don't you want to...

Francis: I already did. If you want to you can too!

Max: Really? Hmm, I don't know if that's a good idea.

Francis: Why not? They're the enemy. We're just showing them who's in charge here! And if that gets us a little lucky in return, even better right?

Col. Bogey: Right you are! ::Bogey has already raped 3 girls and is shooting the third one now:: Just make sure they don't have the chance to tell anyone about it when you're done!

Max: Well... ok why not... ::He approaches the girl::

::From atop the highest point of Durmest, General Sherman looks across the city. He shakes his head::

Sherman: This is weak... But still, it would take too long to purge the whole place of teh Pax citizens. ::He pulls out his radio:: This is General Sherman, requesting backup from Edenstein Aircraft. Can we get some SU-25s with Napalm out here? No rush...
Henceland Omega
17-02-2005, 04:45
::In the Hence Palace, Watsonsits patiently waiting for Carmine. Carmine walks in from his chamber::

Watson: Sir... can I have a moment?

Carmine: Of course. What seems to be the problem?

Watson: Sir, I really wonder what you're tryingto prove here with the invasion of Izimbeckwi, the Blue Guards, and all that stuff. Where are you going with all of this? What is your ultimate goal, and why is it that the people don't know anything about it?

::Carmine sits for a moment and stares at Watson. Watson begins sweating profusely, realizing he probably has done something really bad...::

Carmine: Actually, you have a point, Helmholtz.

Watson: Wh.. wh... wha?

Carmine: I think we need to find out what the people think. They need to know that I care about what they want.

Watson: That's right... a little constructive criticism couldn't hurt right?

Carmine: Hmm. I think I may even make a public appearance in Yggdrasil Square. Hold a press conference. In 3 days we shall hold the Hundred Arrows Momvement, where anyone who wants to voice their opinion will be heard.

Watson: Your approval ratings will soar!

Carmine: Indeed... Thank you Watson.

::Watson leaves feeling very satisfied, not noticingthe smirk on Carmine's face...::
17-02-2005, 05:36
*Consular Address to Andaluciae*
I come before you, the people of Andaluciae, to address grim and terrifying changes in the lake. We all know of the coup against Emperor Edward Romanov in Edenstein. We see the wars between Henceland Omega and Ulonov's Edenstein against Pax Germania. We have witnessed a war begun between Edenstein and Dubelco. And now, the formerly benign dictator of Henceland Omega, has turned his nation into a police state.

Our worst fears have been all but realized, just as we finish reconstruction from the dreadful war with FA. Our military has been fully reconstituted, and using technology acqured as a result of the treaty, we have a fully functional, ABM shield.

And, now as a result of our concerns, we have reopened talks to re-activate The Treaty of Tokyo 3. Andaluciaen delegates have begun negotiations to ensure the stability of this great treaty that was once a vital tool in the Andaluciaen/Aldovareon Cold War. We hope this alliance will once again profit our nations as it has once done in the past.

I know that changes must occur. And that this is one of them. Now, we must be ready for any occurence. You must be patient, and vigilant in the face of the potential for war. Support your local civil defense teams. Be smart with your resources.

We need to be safe, we need to be smart. And if we do that, the rest will be taken care of.

Thank you, good night, and God bless Andaluciae.
17-02-2005, 05:51
*17 Red moves into position to spring the Emperor. It is late at night, so, very few people are out and about on the floor that the Emporer is being held in. In fact, the only other person 17 Red comes across initially is 20 Red, disguised as a janitor.*

17 Red: You have everything?

20 Red: *Flips open the flap on his janitors cart, revealing a whole cache of spy tools* Yep.

*17 Red and 20 Red both go their separate ways in the halls, and as planned they converge on the outer door to Emperor Ed's cell. Suddenly, 20 Red takes a bucket off of his cart, and sets it on the floor, he keeps moving forward. All of a sudden there is a bright flash and a loud bang as the bucket explodes. The charged copper coils work just as predicted, and an EMP shock radiates throughout the entire area, and shuts off everything that isn't shielded properly (as the spy tools are) including lights. The hall plunges into pitch black and 20 Red puts on night vision goggles very quickly and then uses his pistol to shoot the guards.*

17 Red: Do you have goggles for me? I'm going to need some.

20 Red: Yes, here's these.

*Both spies now outfitted with their pistols and night vision goggles, search the dead guards and find a key card. Using the key card, they get through the first door. Upon going through the first door, they shoot the guards in here as well.*

They then promptly drag the outside guards in, so as to not have the bodies in the hallway.

[In summation: 17 Red and 20 Red have begun the operation to break out Emporer Ed]

ooc: to be continued...
Henceland Omega
17-02-2005, 07:42
::HO Channel 2 News::

Tom: ...and with a little boy too. Makes you wonder Diane.

Diane: Makes you wonder Diane indeed Tom! And now our top story. Premiere Zed Carmine has just announced that he will make a public appearance in Yggdrasil Square 3 days from today. This public appearance will be the beginning of the Hundred Arrows Movement.

Tom: That's right Tom. The Hundred Arrows sumbolizes the Arrows of Hence and the hundreds that will gather at the Square to discuss matters with the Premiere. He has agreed to listen to anyone and everyone who wishes to talk aboutthe state of things in Henceland Omega. Naturally you can expect full coverage from HO Channel 2, unless you're talking about Diane, whose shirt is hanging a little low today.

Diane: Eat it Tom.

Tom: Oh I intend to Diane. This Movement marks the first time in HO History that any leader has given the people any say in what happens. The Premiere has stated that any criticisms will be welcome and will help him to know what the people of this nation want. Due to the huge turnout expected, The Hundred Arrows Movement will last several days and will be restricted to only HO citizens. Reporters from other countries who wish to report on the event must first gain permission from Advisor Helmholtz Watson.

Diane: Wow, so we actually get to tell the Premiere what we think of him.

Tom: I wish I could do the same to you Diane, but this is a children's show. And now to Val Liash with weather.

Val: Children's show? What the...?
17-02-2005, 15:50
OOC: New thread, huh. *Looks around* Roomy. I was just reading some old posts. Ah, the good old days, when the good guys were the good guys and the bad guys were Wayne. Such simple times they were. Guess the trouble will have to come from elsewhere...

IC: *Chancellor Sammek's ready room. Daniel Jackson is again conspicuously missing.*
Sammek: As you all know, our economy hasn't been doing all that well since we changed over to an ice cream based economy. Maybe we should get back to the know, back to the cheese. Thoughts?

Advisor Ash Williams: Cheese off, man.

Sammek: Shut up. What do I pay you for? Can we be serious here?

Emissary General Anne Davenport: Well, those days with the cheese were good ones...although I didn't exist then. In fact, most of us didn't. Our characters were created some time after the switch so that the leaders of this country would have actual personalities with memorable little quirks and...uh...I mean...yup...those were the good old days. *She reaches under her chair and finds an envelope stuffed with money taped to the bottom, a bribe for reminding everyone of her particular personality quirk, which of course is taking bribes.*

Vice Chancellor Aldo: Actually I was never all that fond of the cheese...

Everyone else: WHAT!! *Everyone else starts talking at the same time...*

Ash: Who is this guy?

Chief of Intelligence Twitch: *Shoots out a window.*

Advisor Tartiana: In old country we loved cheese...

General Hammond: he's a communist, too...

Sammek: QUIET DOWN NOW!! General Hammond, you should know that since we're sitting around dictating how the economy is to be run...that technically makes us all communists...

Hammond: It's the principle of the thing!

Sammek: Daniel, what do you think?

Ash: Uh...he's not here? Didn't you read the scene description?

Sammek: No, I skipped to the good parts. Anyway where is he? This is like the tenth meeting he's missed and no one has told my why and advanced that particular story line.

Ash: Actually we did tell you...he's been in the National Archives for about three months. Hope he took some clothes...

Sammek: Finally, some answers. Been gone for three months you say? Maybe we should send someone to...

*Just then the door opens and Daniel walks in. He seems distracted and fidgety.*
Daniel Jackson: Uh...hi...I'm going to Edenstein today. Bye now...

Sammek: Wait! What? Huh? Where have you been? Edenstein?

Daniel: Uh...I'd rather not say until I'm sure...I have to go now...

Sammek: But...*Daniel leaves again...*...that was odd. Ash...go with him. I need to know what's going on.

Ash: Aw*He heads out after Daniel Jackson.*

Sammek: Back to the business at hand...where was I...oh yes I remember...You don't prefer cheese!? Aldo, what the hell kind of Samsylvannian are you? This from the Vice Chancellor, no less!

Aldo:'s not that I don't prefer cheese...*He grits his teeth.* I just think it's a bad idea, okay? That's all. If you wanna go back to the cheese, well then fine. It's your damn country. Cheesus Christ.

Sammek: Now that's more like it. Back to the cheese based economy. According to the latest polls, we have the most apathetic citizens in the entire region, so we don't have to worry much about public opinion here. Very well...make it so. You are all dismissed.

*They all pack up to leave. Vice Chancellor Aldo walks away grumbling. Twitch takes the Chancellor aside.*

Twitch: Sir, can I be frank with you?

Sammek: You can be anybody you want to be.

Twitch: I don't trust Aldo...he's up to something. And it smells of limburger: strong...stinky...and a little like sweaty feet.

Sammek: There's a reason the Department of Intelligence reports directly to me...keep an eye on him. Be discreet, he's a whiley one and if he is up to something, we don't want him to get wise to it just yet...

Twitch: Or I could just shoot him...
17-02-2005, 16:14
OOC: Ed, if you don't mind I'll be borrowing for a bit. I don't think he's been used lately and frankly, I'm too lazy to come up with a cool name for a new character.

*DOS News Agency*
*Ace Reporter Sam Kitzler, on loan from LETI News, monitors the international news feeds. In particular he is interested in the one from Henceland Omega.*

Sam: Mmmm...Diane...she can tap my live feed...*He watches the news cast and about ten minutes later the fact that there was news on it registers with him. He begins typing a professional and well written message to send to the appropriate authority in the interest of international cooperation and mutual respect:*

To: Advisor Helmholtz Watson, Henceland Omega
From: Ace Reporter Sam Kitzler, DOS News Service
RE: The Hundred Arrows *He searches through the murky depths of his memory* Thingy *Yes, that's it*

Sup Helmboy...*Too personal...* Dr. Watson I presume... *Too obvious...* Dear Jackass *Getting warmer...* Your Henceness *Yeah...there we go. After all that thinking, he gets winded and doesn't bother with it for the rest of the message.*
Can I come to your Thousand Arrows Party? Like, it sounds pretty cool and stuff. Also, there might be some news happening. I think I should get to come because I'm pretty interested in the news. This Bunch of Missiles Shindig would be interesting to people, I think. In addition, I wouldn't say anything bad about it like it was lame or something. Okay well I gtg. CYOTFS,
Ace Reporter Sam Kitzler
17-02-2005, 18:19
OOC: *chuckles* Sam, you crazy crazy bastard....
17-02-2005, 19:59
OOC: That's right, baby...I'm baaaaaaaaaack...
Henceland Omega
18-02-2005, 04:11
::In the Hence Palace, Watson has had his hands full all day. Repoerters from all over the region have been begging to let them attend the Hundred Arrows Movement. Rejecting most of them on the grounds that they had no reason to take interest in the movement, he gets to the letter by Sam Kitzler. He looks at it, and he cracks a bit of a smile::

Watson: Wow. This guy is completely incompetent. And he represents LETI News in general. I think this is the guy we need to cover this event... No matter what happens he'll make it sound even better I'm sure.

::He responds to Sam Kitzler:

ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler. You are to be one of only 5 news reporters allowed to cover this event. We feel that a reporter of your caliber covering the event to the regional News outlet would be well received, and we are certain you will do an excellent job giving it the praise it deserves.

-Helmholtz Watson, PR
The People's Social Nationalism of Henceland Omega

Watson: I'm sure he'll get a kick out of it...

Allowed reporters:

Sam Kitzler: LETI 5 News/DOS News
Farbra Walters: ENN "Edenstein is our one true ally currently..."
Elhaym Van Houten: HO Channel 2 "A given..."
George Pollypolis: MNN "To get at least one from LOTI..."

He gets to the last one. He sighs. "I have to... as much as I'll probably regret this, there has to be one extra-regional reporter there, and he's the only one that's noticed this is going on... God help us all...

Final reporter allowed: Tom Brokejaw, NBC News
21-02-2005, 18:52
George Pollyopolis, MNN senior Andaluciaen correspondant, is rediculously surprised to be headed for Henceland Omega for, of all things, a free speech rally. With Manarth trying their best to procure the release of Zev Corran from Edenstein, he assumed Manarthians would be persona non grata. But, like much of life in the Lakes, surprises happen all the time.

He unfortuanatly had to drop a different story he was working on, detailing the misterious disappearence of an Edenstein Frieghter off Land O Eric "several pages back in the thread" as his source described it. He had an odd feeling something was wrong about it, but couldn't quite figure out what.

The disappearence of another Edenstein Frieghter today would have had him really interested, but he was off to HO.

Arriving at the airport, flying business class on one of Edenstein's famous HALO service shuttles, he collected his change of clothes and checked in with his coworker, Biniki Al Zakero, the top HO burough chief, and Eastern Detroit native.

Zakero: Okay, I'm not 100% sure how this is going to play out. Word on the street is positive, but I'm not really sure. Too much has happened recently to make me think this is purely honest.

George: I can't disagree with you there. In Manarth we take our rights for granted, but here... I can't believe they would give the people more rights unless it's some sort of trap.

Zakero: Well, be careful then. If you think something is about to go down, get out quickly and quietly.

*Summary: Manarthians are still not sure what HO thinks of them, or that HO is really serious about letting their people speak freely.
21-02-2005, 19:01
To: Emperor Ulonov, Ruler of Edenstein
CC: Duma of Edenstein
From: Prime Minister Triana Smith
Re: Treaty of Fei Fong Wong

Emperor Ulonov and Duma of Edenstein,
Dear Sirs,

I would like to, at the earliest possible time, meet with your estemed body and the new Emperor personally to discuss the ramifications of the Treaty as the people of Manarth see them. I would like to congratulate the Emperor on his new title, (I am assuming he's taken the title), and would like to extend the Treaty through to his reign as well.

However, I express chief concern over your holding of the rightful leader of Henceland Omega, and one of Manarth's greatest friends, Zev Corran. While I do not wish to infringe upon your soverignty, and potentially disrupt your alliance with Henceland Omega's new leadership, I formally request that you turn Emperor Corran over to me for safe keeping. He can, within Manarth, run a government in exile without comprimizing your nations integrity by turning him over to Andaluciae.

Manarth owes a great debt to you and your people, as they do to the rightful ruler of Henceland Omega. I ask that you allow me to travel to Edenstein and plead my case before all of you, and to discuss possible amendments to the FFW Treaty.

Your obediant,
T. Smith
Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Manarth
21-02-2005, 22:01
Military Status Report:
Overall readiness:
-Raised from DRL3 to DRL2
Strategic forces:
-Maintaining DRL2
Homeland Defense Forces
-Maintaining DRL2
Naval Forces
-Raised from DRL3 to DRL2
Army Forces
-Raised from DRL3 to DRL2
Non-Strategic and Non HD Air Forces
-Raised from DRL3 to DRL2
-Raised from DRL3 to DRL2
Colonial Occupation Forces
-Raised from DRL 3 to DRL2
Colonial Militias
-Raised from DRL 4 to DRL3
Forces in the Lock Region
-Maintaining DRL2

3 Army Divisions are currently afloat.
19 Strategic Bomber Squadrons are currently airborne.
Naval forces have been 70% deployed.
Colony based strategic forces are at 98% readiness.
Homeland based strategic forces are at 98% readiness.
Homeland ABM forces are at 97% readiness.
Civil Defense teams are currently being drilled to reach 80% readiness.
Henceland Omega
22-02-2005, 02:12
::Yggdrasil Square is absolutely packed with people. Nobody has room to move, and currently everything seems to be chaotic. The reporters are spread throughout the Square, although they are allowed near the front if they so desire. People's opinions are wide and varied. Some think this the best thing to happen, others think there may be some trap involved. Others still are here only to catch a glimpse of Carmine, who has not been seen in public in quite some time. Elly herself is talking with a couple of the other reporters, curious as to why they were the ones allowed. As they speak, The door tothe balcony opens, and Watson steps out. The Square comes to a hush::

Watson: Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the leader of our great country, the one who has done so much, and now wishes to do even more with your help! The great Premiere, Zed Carmine!

::The Square erupts into tumultous applause. Carmine walks out, wearing fairly modest clothes. He is dressed more like an upper class citizen than like a leader. He holds out his arms for quiet::

Carmine: Good people of Henceland Omega, know that I am always here to do what is best for Henceland Omega. And with that in mind, I'd like to give you the opportunity to tell me what you think is good, what is bad, and what new ideas you may have. I would ask our friends from the press to please not take part, and merely report what happens here, for this event is for our own citizens! I know call the Hundred Arrows Movement to commence! Let us begin with you there in the front. What do you have to say?

Hence Man: I'd first like to say I'm honored to be speaking to you personally. I also think you're doing a marvelous job so far. However, I'd like to know what purpose we have in Izimbeckwi? Why is Pax Germaina such a threat?

::Carmine pauses a moment::

Carmine: You mean you can't see why Pax threatens our very existence? My good sir, the Pax Germainans crave one thing: military strength and power. And they will do what it takes to reach that goal. Edenstein is the only nation strong enough to keep them at bay. We are doing our part to see that the disease of militarism is kept out of LETI. This is why we are pushing through Izimbeckwi.

Man: Umm... ok.

Carmine: Next?

::The Movement continues all day. So far there seem to be mostly good comments and only a few questions about Carmine's decisions. As the day goes on however, people start getting a little bolder. Finally, Carmine calls for the end of Day 1::

Carmine: Those of you who were here today will get a chance to speak. We shall reconvene tomorrow morning and continue this...

::He leaves the balcony and retires to his chamber. He speaks to nobody on his way in::

The Hundred Arrows Movement begins and Day 1 is fairly successful
22-02-2005, 02:29
George Pollypolis, MNN: Emporess? What do you think of the rumor Manarth will be supporting the new Edenstein Reigime? And where is Lt. Gen. Zofia?

Well..... it is troubling that manarth, a long time ally of Emperor Ed is supporting the evil despot that is Ulonov....

And Lt. Zofia i

*onotov steps up:
Onotov: on special assignment... That is all for this conference....
22-02-2005, 02:40
To: Emperor Ulonov, Ruler of Edenstein
CC: Duma of Edenstein
From: Prime Minister Triana Smith
Re: Treaty of Fei Fong Wong

Emperor Ulonov and Duma of Edenstein,
Dear Sirs,

I would like to, at the earliest possible time, meet with your estemed body and the new Emperor personally to discuss the ramifications of the Treaty as the people of Manarth see them. I would like to congratulate the Emperor on his new title, (I am assuming he's taken the title), and would like to extend the Treaty through to his reign as well.

However, I express chief concern over your holding of the rightful leader of Henceland Omega, and one of Manarth's greatest friends, Zev Corran. While I do not wish to infringe upon your soverignty, and potentially disrupt your alliance with Henceland Omega's new leadership, I formally request that you turn Emperor Corran over to me for safe keeping. He can, within Manarth, run a government in exile without comprimizing your nations integrity by turning him over to Andaluciae.

Manarth owes a great debt to you and your people, as they do to the rightful ruler of Henceland Omega. I ask that you allow me to travel to Edenstein and plead my case before all of you, and to discuss possible amendments to the FFW Treaty.

Your obediant,
T. Smith
Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Manarth

To: T. Smith Prime Minister of Manarth
From: Emperor Dimitri Ulonov
Re: Proceedings...

Prime Minister,

I thank you for your kind words, and of course I welcome the long standing tradition our two countries have had.

As for the former Emperor, Edenstein does not know, nor have we ever known the location of Elwood Zev Corran. Reports of Corran hiding in Edenstein these can not be confirmend nor denied, but if we where to aquire the presence of the former Emperor, we would graciously comply and allow him to go to Manarth.

As always you are welcome in our country and I would be privlaged and honored to have you speak before the Duma and welcome the continuation of the FFW and ammending it to coincide with current trends in the lake.

I look forward to your response,

Your humble servent,
Emperor Dimitri Ulonov

[Summation] Letter to Manarth...
Edenstein News
22-02-2005, 03:18
*Farbra walters boards a HALO shuttle and stows her gear in the overhead compartment she barely gets comfortable and eats her nuts before the short 30 minute flight to HO is over. She exits the plane and is greetend on the tarmac by an affiliate of ENN from Stephani Schuster HO news channel 2*

Schuster: How was the flight Farbra...
Walters: Not as bad as that time in LoE but wasn't fun...
*they "Hollywood Kiss as they walk into the terminal and get into a car*

Farbra: So what exactly are they planning?
Schuster: I don't know, some kind of political thing....
Farbra: Ehh.. thats how it always is... they come out, make a speech, wave their arms, parade some missles and tanks and execute anyone they find out of line...
Schuster: this seems different though, they are letting the people speak out against the government..
Walters: Hmm intresting...

*they continue to the square where she watches the proceedings all day, and then goes back to her hotel and begins to write her report*
23-02-2005, 18:53

Triana Smith has gotten things ready for her trip into Edenstein. Flying in on the HALO system, she arrives late in the day. "I'll appear before the Duma tomorrow or the next day." She says, before heading to the Manarthian Embassy.

Henceland Omega

George Pollypolis watches the crowd with interest. How odd, it almost seems legitimate, he thinks. I wonder what the trick is? He feels like he's at a New Pittsburg show, and the Magician is just good enough to leave him with a vague impression that somehow he was duped.

George Pollypolis: You there, kid! I want you to ask a question for me tomorrow.

He draws out a politically motivated shirt reading "The Walrus must be stopped!" and hands it to the young man, along with 150 Gu.

George Pollypolis: I just want you to ask one question for me tomorrow. "Why does Manarth distrust our country?" Get here early and stand in the front, and I'll give you another 150.

He goes back to the hotel satisfied.


The Embassador is busy telling anyone that will listen that the rise in deployed troops along the Dubelco border in Eastern Detroit is mearly a precautionary measure.
Pax Germania
23-02-2005, 22:04
**From his perch atop the bridge of the PGS Stanley J. Lemanski, Fleet Admiral William Ballzy overlooks the Germanic First Navy as the scores of ships make ready for their voyage. Battle fleets 4, 7, 8, and 14 have been activated and amassed in the port of Kielhaven, and in the distance Ballzy can see the silhouette of four Megalith Battlecarriers at anchor on the horizon.**

**Ballzy looks at his wristwatch, extinguishes his cigar, and proceeds to the ship’s officer’s mess where an assortment of maps and charts have been arrayed. Just as he begins to study the plans he is interrupted by a knock on the stainless steel door.**

Ballzy: Whoever it is, I’m busy!

Fleet Marshal, Lester Minitz pounds on the door and wails: But Billy, I want you NOW!

Ballzy (swinging the door open): Les, you old salt-blooded cuss! Why didn’t you say it was you?

Minitz: I wouldn’t want that wife of yours getting too jealous.

Ballzy: So why do I have to talk to you this early in the morning?

Minitz: I just wanted to let you know that BC-Charlie has got your back, and also there is the matter of our little tradition...

Ballzy: Aww, I thought you would forget.

Minitz: Not a chance. Now where is the ONE-M.C.?

**Ballzy grabs the microphone and pulls the trigger; allowing the men’s voices to resonate through the P.A.’s of the entire First Navy. Minitz then goes to the corner, turns on the old record player and gently moves the needle.**

After a short musical intro, both men break into full song: We sail the ocean blue, and our saucy ship’s a beauty. We are sober men and true, and attentive to our duty. When the balls whistle free o'er the bright blue sea, we stand to our guns all day; when at anchor we ride on the Portsmouth tide, We have plenty of time to play. (

**As the veteran seamen join in and some of the younger sailors follow along, the ships cast their lines and embark for their unsuspecting target**
24-02-2005, 03:48
*Andaluciaen Strategic Reconnaissance Office*

Major Jones: Well, that's interesting...

Dr. Jacobs: What?

Major Jones: The Lancer XII Satellites we have circling the lake have been taking pictures of everyone's naval bases, and, well, Pax's ships are gone.

Dr. Jacobs: Well, looks like they're finally committing forces. I'll let the Consul know.

*Dr. Jacobs gets on the hotline*
Dr. Jacobs: Sir, the pax Germanians have put a large fleet to sea, we don't know exactly where it is right now.

Consul Arthur: Well, it's finally started in force...Thank you Doctor. *picks up another phone*

GA Scheer: What do you need from the navy today, Sir?

Consul Arthur: Pax has deployed a full fledged fleet, I want cruisers to figure out what's going on, and if an Edenstein ship fires on our cruisers, don't be afraid to respond. Remember, the Treaty of Tokyo Three is almost back in force, and a pre-emptive strike against our navy will be a major national morale booster.

GA Scheer: Understood.

[In Summation: Andaluciae is deploying 15 cruisers to the area, to "monitor the situation, and possibly provoke Ulonov.]

ooc: Ed, could you get me the specs for the security to get to the Emperor?
Henceland Omega
24-02-2005, 05:20
The Hundred Arrows Movement: Day 2

::Carmine walks out onto the balcony. There are just as many people as the day before, and the excitement is greater::

Carmine: All right, let's start with this young lady right here today. You will be the first to voice your opinion!

Lady: Well, I just wanted to say that I really appreaciate all that you're doing for us, but I have one request. Can we do something about the 100% tax rate/legal under the counter pay that we've had going for a while? I never did like that.

Carmine: Is that still around? Well, that's proof that the last Emperor was an idiot. I'll talk to Miss Heartwind this evening, and we'll change that first thing.

Lady: Wow! Thanks!

Carmine: Who said the people never had a hand in the government? Next, how about the man there wearing the shirt that says, "The Walrus Must Be Stopped!"

Man: Um... If I may, sir. Why does Manarth distrust our country?

Carmine: That sounds more like a question for a press conference than a suggestion for our movement, but if you must know I'll sum it up in one word: Fear. They are afraid of us now. Under the old government HO was a nation of followers, a nation of supporting roles, a nation that enjoyed being in the background. Under my rule, HO has grown up. No longer do we rely on others to determine what we think. Now we stand up for ourselves, speak out, and act on what we believe. We will no longer be pushed around, as the quiet school boy that sulked in the corner. Now we are in control of our own destinies and not afraid of what others think. And that scares other nations, including Manarth, Dubelco, and of course, Pax Germania. Suddenly, they can't ignore us anymore, and they can no longer predict exactly what we are going to do. Does that answer your question?

Man: Um, yes Sir. Thank you.

::The day continues, mostly the same as the first. Issues are brought up that weren't addressed the previous day, including things such as public dippings, the state of education, and the alarming rate of military buildup. People are slowly getting more confident in their questions and criticisms, but things are still proceeding well. Carmine closes day 2 and promises the Hundred Arrows Movement will continue the next day::

[Summation:] Day 2 goes well. Confidence is building. Carmine accuses Manarth and other nations as being afraid of HO's new aggressive policies
24-02-2005, 08:19
Sitting in his office President Kerry and Chief Advisor Donaldson read news of Henceland Omega’s continued aggression towards Pax Germania.

President Kerry: The situation between Pax Germania and Henceland Omega is growing more serious each day. I do fear that unless something is done soon this could turn into a serious regional conflict.

Donaldson: Yes sir I do believe you are right, but what do u propose we do about it?

President Kerry: I honestly hoped that this could be solved through diplomacy however I believe that the time for diplomacy has passed, at least for now.

Donaldson: Mr. President let me remind you that the presidential election is only a month away and you hold only a very narrow margin over your opponent Admiral Jorge “Dubya” Busch. It seems the country is almost completely split between your apparent support of the Pax cause and Busch’s support of H.O. In his earlier “Axel of evil” speech Busch accused both Pax and Izimbeckwi of harboring “ ill will ” and “ WMD’s ”. He compared them to bullies who wish to use their superior military strength and political power to oppress smaller nations.

President Kerry: I am well aware of the of the political dangers if I choose to lend support to Pax especially in an election year. It has also come to my attention that if the people feel so strongly about our possible invlovement in this conflict it could trigger civil unrest and disorder here at home. The last thing I need is a civil war on my hands

Summary: The President of Rialto discusses whether or not to lend assistance to Pax Germania.
24-02-2005, 22:31
*at the Duma building the Duma readies for the visit of the manarthian dignitary, most of them are milling about, talking, reading newpapers, getting in heated debates about the state of the military. The ceremonial bell is rung and they they make their way to their seats. The barker walks out from the rear entry door and yells in a loud and boisterous voice*

Barker: RESPECTED MEMBERS OF THE DUMA, THE HONORABLE TRIANA SMITH! AMBASSADOR FROM MANARTH! *a small quintet begins to play the Manarthian national anthem*

[summation] Duma is ready for the manarthian dignitary to speak
24-02-2005, 23:20
*ulonov begins going through the MONTHS of backlogged issues that had come up infront of Ed, which he had just ignored*

Ulonov: Lets see..... Don't dam our rivers.... They've been damned for years.... *chuckles at witty remark*

New budget... accountents excited.... Yeah, I can see where this will go.. *writes in option for military spending, especially in the navy*

High STD rate... Hmmm.. "seculsion camps" yes.. that sounds better then treating it.... *approves the measure*

*continues on like this for hours until the lights go out*

WHAT IS GOING ON? *he gets a page on the palm from command ops which is in an EMP shielded room 200 feet below the palace* Hmmmm... this could be something... *writes back to scramble security to the emperor's wing*

*from out in the square he hears jeers and cat calls, he walks out onto the balcony where hundreds of people have gatherd demanding the release of the emperor*

Ulonov: excellent... just in time..

*funny looking man dressed in funnly looking clothers jumps up onto a post and begins to yell*

Folk: Yeah?
Folk: We know that get to the part with the bringing down!

*the crowd gets an annoyed look on their face and slowly disperses*

Ulonov: *pats a small book in his back pocket* Number 109: I will see to it that plucky young lads/lasses in strange clothes and with the accent of an outlander shall REGULARLY climb some monument in the main square of my capital and denounce me, claim to know the secret of my power, rally the masses to rebellion, etc. That way, the citizens will be jaded in case the real thing ever comes along.

*Ulonov then returns to his room and escapes down the stairs to where a helicopter is waiting, he takes off and flies to parts unknown while the gaurds deal with "whatever"*

[summation] Ulonov puts down attempted rebellion and leaves the palace
24-02-2005, 23:28
*Now through the first door, the two Andaluciaen Agents come to the second door, realizing that it couldn't be this easy to get through to the Emperor, the stay on either side of the door. They grab flash-bang grenades off of the dead guards bodies, staying out of the open doorway, they push it open and toss the flash-bangs in.

The two SAS guards who had flipped over and taken cover behind a large bankers desk and the two Edensteinian Agents inside the room are momentarily stunned. Red 17 roars into the ante-room firing his pistols and red 20 comes after him. Red 17's marksmanship training pays off nicely, he puts bullets right in the middle of the two SAS guards heads, and brings down one of the Agents with two shots.

But he doesn't notice the other Agent who has already begun to regain concentration. The second agent pulls out his 9mm Beretta and levels it at 17 Red's torso, when, 20 Red, the lesser shot is able to squeeze off a pair of shots into the Agents lightly armored torso, not killing the Agent, but knocking him down.

17 Red reacts quickly, and dives behind the opposite side of the now unoccupied bankers desk for cover, 20 Red follows shortly, but not before being hit in his torso area, also protected by body armor.

With the wind knocked out of 20 Red, 17 Red finds himself having to take on the Agent alone. 17 Red picks up one of the combat shotguns the SAS guards had been carrying and tosses it off to the side, as the Agent is distracted for just a second, 17 Red rises above the desk and shoots the Agent twice in the armored torso, temporarily stunning him, and then once in the head, finishing him off.*

*17 Red walks over to 20 Red, and kneels down beside him*
17: Are you okay?
20: I'm fine, (oof) damn, that stung.
17: Always does the first time, but I'd bet the guards are on their way here, we need to get Romanov out of here now.

*17 Red stands up and walks over to the door, he pushes on the handle, which swings freely and pushes the door open, inside he finds Emperor Ed.*

Emperor Ed: (total surprise on his face) What is going on?

17: Emperor, time to go.

*To be continued...*
(ooc: when I am not at the library and supposed to be doing research on the dietary habits of lowland gorillas.)

[In Summation: Agents 17 Red and 20 Red have found the Emperor.]
ooc: and thanks to Ed for telling me the specs to the room so everything didn't seem totally out of style.
26-02-2005, 20:16
After the fall of the Veirt Riech, people left find a new place to start a life. And they did so on a new island in LETI. Fearing the reichism they left, they wanted to create a new national identity.

Press Conference at the new capital with a fresh paint smell.
President Ulrich: We seek support from larger nations since as you can see, we are a shrimp in this lake.

Reporter 1: Why are we seeking support?

Ulrich: We could easily be invaded if we didn't ally with a larger nation. And we don't want the same fate as our ancestors.

Reporter 2: Are the rumors true that we are sending units to the desoulate island?

Ulrich: I do not know what your are talking about. No more questions please.
Hoy Principalities
26-02-2005, 21:37
General Broadcast:
"Garl Aeterheim here with some information about the newest addition to the Lake Erie Tropical Islands, the Hoy Principalities:"

Just recently moved from the South Pacific, the people of the Hoy Principalities enjoy plenty of waterfront property next to the (mostly) dormant volcano chain, the Howling Peaks. Although new to the area, the odd tendancies of the Hoy Principalities have already attracted a number of settlers and tourists (mainly the "No Hawaiian Shirt, No Service" policy).

But who cares about that? "What can the Hoy Principalities do for me?", you might be asking. Well, due mainly to the large population of nerds/geeks/general social outcasts that populate this proud nation, the Confederacy of Hoy Principalities is one of the forerunners of technology. Need something innovative/destructive/odd made? The Hoy Principalities are the place to go.

Resources: Ores, minerals, convenient places for intimidating volcano lairs (5 currently under construction)
Imports: foodstuffs, textiles, lumber
Exports: Minerals, metals, technology, addictive fashion statements
27-02-2005, 04:38
*Emperor Ed stares in shock at the two spies*
Emperor Ed: Who the hell are you, and how did you get through security?

17 Red: No time for questions now Romanov, time to go!

20 Red: I've got the kid *grabs the kid*

*17 Red advances into the hallway to the outer door picking up one of the assault shotguns dropped by the dead guards, as 20 Red has Emperor Ed put on some body armor retrieved from the dead guards. 20 Red grabs a small case of plastic explosives and detonators from his cart, as well as a set of rapelling gear.*

17 Red: I'm going to clear the hall, turn around!

*17 Red flings open the door and tosses out another flashbang, blinding the night vision goggled guards in the hall who thought they had set a trap. 17 Red jumps into the hallway and shoots three guards on the right, and another four on the left*

20 Red: Romanov, run and follow the other guy!!

Emperor Ed: (confused and disoriented)

20 Red: NOW!

*Emperor Ed takes off after 17 Red, who is leading them down the hallway, toward a room with large windows. 20 Red takes up the rear, gunning down three more guards rounding the corner all the while carrying the heir to Edenstein's throne.*

17 Red: This room, get in here!

Romanov: Okay... (still mildly disoriented)

*20 Red rushes in behind them, they close and secure the door with a heavy bankers desk, then, 20 Red hands the rapelling gear and Emperor Ed's daughter over to Emperor Ed, 20 Red walks over to a window, puts five small dabs of plastic explosives on the window, sets the detonators, and blows open the window*

*20 Red and 17 Red hurridly set up the rapelling gear, and toss the lines down to a small group of resistance workers on the ground. Everyone can now hear the guards outside in the hall yelling as they search the various rooms. 20 Red clips into his harness, and rigs up the kid in a special harness and rapells down the side of the building.*

17 Red: Romanov! Put on the gear, we need to get the hell out of here!

Emperor Ed: Just put my leg through here, and clip that closed...Ok, here goes...

*Romanov mostly successfully rapells down the building. At which point 17 Red takes off one of the ropes and sets the remaining explosive on a timer, he rapells down fairly quickly, and reaches the bottom just as the charges go off.*

Resistance Worker 1: Emperor! It's wonderful that you are well, but now we've got to get you out of here.

*A loud explosion comes from the room as the guards destroy the door*

*The small group rushes off down a nearby alley, to take Emperor Ed to a safehouse*

As the guards enter the now empty room, guns drawn, they look around in confusion, they slowly approach the now empty window pane and look out and down, only to see shards of glass below them...

[in summation: Emporer Ed is now out of captivity, but not to safety...more to come!]
Henceland Omega
27-02-2005, 07:20
::In Durmest, the last of the Hence soldiers exits the city. At this point, if there are any southern Izimbeckwi/Pax survivors, they are currently in hiding. The Hence soldiers have raped the city of both its women and its wealth. The troops gather around General Sherman and watch in awe as Edenstein planes fly overhead, dropping massive amounts of napalm, engulfing the city in flames. General Sherman grins with satisfaction as he watches the city buurn to the ground. He turns to his men::

Sherman: Soldiers! Today we have scored our first victory over the Pax ways in this nation. This entire city was teeming with Pax influence, and it has now been quelled. Our success shall continue! And as we continue, we will continue garnering support from our Northern Izimbeckwi friends who see the threat the Arlies are posing! Let us march onward to Provech!

Max: Do you think we'll run into more resistance there?

Sgt. Manners: Probably. The Arlies will be mad that we're threatening their stranglehold on Izimbeckwi, and will be better prepared.

Francis: Good! That means I'll be able to shoot more people! I want to see just how many Arlies I can kill this time!

Max: Hey! Keep the count separate from all the civilians you kill! They don't shoot back!

Francis: Yeah, I hear you. The civilians just get in the way anyway...

::They begin moving southeast::

[Summation:] Edenstein bombers have burned Durmest to the ground, and now HO troops are moving to Provech
27-02-2005, 21:00

Reporter: This is George Stroedelmeier in Izimbeckwi, near the city of Durmest, previously HO Soldiers had not allowed us anywhere near the city, but, as you can see they have left...with utter destruction in their wake.

Hundreds, if not thousands lay dead in the burning heaps of these once proud buildings, in one of the worst atrocities to strike the lake region in ages. We can only imagine the terror the inhabitants felt as foreign soldiers came and killed indiscriminately, and then, jet bombers came and coated everyone's homes in flaming gasoline jelly.

*sound of jet engines in the distance*

The absolute horror and fear that must have been felt here as these people died must have been incredible, we're giving the lake these images to testify to the terror of the rape of durmest.

*The jet engines go from a background sound to a loud roar, as the planes near the city*

Clearly they are coming back for another run on the city, we have to leave now for our own safety, we will try to...HOLY SHI...

*Momentarily audible over the shriek of the jets is the whistling of more napalm canisters, which burst over the city, the last thing seen on the camera is Stroedelmeier screaming in pain and burning alive, as the camera fizzles and burns, the satellite transmission ends*
27-02-2005, 21:36

*Momentarily audible over the shriek of the jets is the whistling of more napalm canisters, which burst over the city, the last thing seen on the camera is Stroedelmeier screaming in pain and burning alive, as the camera fizzles and burns, the satellite transmission ends*

Em Secretary of State of MadderMike and Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping, Prime Minister of MadderMike watch the end of the newscast.

Mike "The sure flattened that city."

Em "Mike they shot civilians."

Mike "So."

Em "The civilians were unarmed, they couldn't shoot back."

Mike "No way. I can't believe that anyplace in LETI has citizens that are unarmed."

Em "Mike there are plenty of places like that."

Mike "That is unconsciencable!" Pretty proud of himself to use that word in a sentence. "What can we do?"

Em "We must arm the Zembecks."

Mike "Of course but how?"

Em "I'm working on it."

[Summary - MadderMikians are upset about killing unarmed civilians, planning to resolve that issue.]
28-02-2005, 03:28
LtCol Mike Burnsides stroked his three day beard and switched off the tv. He and his group were "Honored Guests and Military Advisors" to the Izimbeckwi at Provech. He addresses his cadre of twelve highly trained special forces troops. "Men you have just seen the utter destruction in Durmest. You can assume we are going to be next. Corporal Johnson get on the satellite up-link and ask for more weapons, land-mines, rocket launchers, cherry bombs, tactical nukes anything the homeland has to help us."

Corporal Johnson "Col do we have tactical nukes?"

LtCol Burnsides "No but I wish we did. Sgt Witekarr round up any citizens with an ounce of fight left in them and pass out your extra guns. Lt Fickar did you get the land mines laid out?"

Lt Fickar "Yes Col I did but there was only twenty mines available."

LtCol Burnsides "Well it will have to do until we get some replenishments."

[Summary - Crazed gun toting fools of MadderMike trying to protect citizens of Provech.]
28-02-2005, 03:50
*Emergency National Security Council Meeting*
Consul Arthur: So, we've all seen it a million times. Durmest being burned, and an ANN reporter burning to death before our eyes. What are we going to do?

GA Scheer: It seems obvious to me that the next target is going to be Provech. And it will be the same there. Raping and pillaging, followed by firebombing, and we probably cannot do anything substantial to stop it.

National Security Advisor Larsen: We can give them pause though, if we deploy paratroopers to the area, then the HO forces will think twice about touching the city. They kill our paratroopers, then we are at war. Deter them.

GA Scheer: I seriously doubt that they'll respect our troops...but a war was inevitable...

Consul Arthur: Well, the order is given, divert naval squadrons to the area to give as much air cover as is possible, put the paratroopers on the ground, and make sure they have sufficient supplies, I want anti-tank rockets, SAM's, anti-tank guns, anything you can get paradropped into the area.

After that I want our navy to escort the Rapid Deployment Force to Izimbeckwi, and put some armor on the ground. Looks like The Treaty of Tokyo Three will come back into existence.

*Elsewhere in Edenstein*

The resistance workers have successfully gotten Emperor Ed and the Andaluciaen spies out of Linux, and are taking them to a remote oceanfront marina, where a speedboat is waiting to take them out to the Andaluciaen destroyer Mayor Karov.

[In summation: Andaluciae is ordering paratroopers to stop attempt to waylay the HO forces through deterrence. And Emperor Ed and company are safely out of Linux, and on the way to a boat to take them out of Edenstein]
28-02-2005, 04:32
*At the first conference of the Federation of Stuphen*

President Ulrich: Thank you all for coming to the conference. We have called on support of other nations but have not gotten any responses back.

Legislation Premire Johan: Shall we start writing a treaty?

Ulrich: Yes, perhaps we should attempt a treaty with Pax Germania.

Johan: That would be desirable.

* Parliment member motions to start negotiations with Pax Germania. Others whisper. And then pass the vote. *

Ulrich: There is some unrest in the southern portion of the country with the new government. I am requesting that we use the military to calm the situation.

Johan: We will back that decision.

* Military units are sent to help persuade them to join the North *
28-02-2005, 04:49
*Marshall Airbase, Andaluciae*

As the klaxons sound, the 32nd Airborne Division is rushed onboard their transports. They know where they're going, and what they're supposed to do. Escorted by F-22 fighters, the transports roar aloft, and head towards Izimbeckwi, flying over Pax controlled territory. The Airborne troops jump with the aid of GPS navigation system, and hit the dirt just outside of Provech, and form up, they approach the city under the Andaluciaen flag, hoping that the defenders won't fire.
Henceland Omega
28-02-2005, 06:34
::At B4U hidden base, General Kahr has just arrived. He surveys the situation in Izimbeckwi, and gets all his intelligence reports::

Ramsus: Hmm. So reports are showing that not only is Provech ripe with Pax soldiers, but a MadderMike garrisson as well. In addition, Andaluciaens are flying in towards the city. Get me Sherman!

::Moments later, General Sherman is talking to Ramsus::

Sherman: Yes, General?

Ramsus: Sherman, I'm going to be honest here. You aren't going to win at Provech. In fact, it's going to be utter defeat.

Sherman: How do you mean? Our troops are on the biggest morale kick they've ever been on!

Ramsus: The problem is that Provech contains other military forces as well. Attacking Provech full on would almost certainly mean war between us and Andaluciae, and perhaps even MadderMike and Pax. And that would bring utter ruin to our nation. Great as it is, our military still is not built up enough to hold out against those odds.

Sherman: I see what you're saying. But my men crave blood! They crave death! They crave the destruction of the Arlies! They are crying out to become Hence!

Ramsus: Well Provech will have to be dealt with in... other ways. Meanwhile, I want your troops to take a detour! And remember, be absolutely certain that whatever you do, you kill only Pax and Izimbeckwi people unless you are fired upon first! IS THAT CLEAR?

Sherman: Yes Sir!

Ramsus: And one more thing. I'd like to speak with Mahn Ni Qins.

Sherman: The leader of the Northern Izimbeckwi guerrillas?

Ramsus: Yes. I have plans for them...

[Summation:] HO wants to avoid direct war, and decides not to attack Provech. The soldiers detour around the city.
Pax Germania
28-02-2005, 06:49
**Sirens begin sounding in the Izimbeckwi city of Provech. Word of the horde of hencemen has reached the headquarters of the Pax 1st Army. Soldiers scurry to make ready their defense of the city from the approaching brigade of bandits. Field Marshals Michael Duncan, Robert Bowers, and Tony Spitzer are sitting at a map console discussing their plan of action.**

Duncan: Field Marshal Gates and the 7th Mech. Division will be the first line of defense, followed by you Tony and your 11th. Bob, your “Marauders” will fill in the gaps in the lines, and my Cavalry Division will support the 3rd Infantry in the rear.

Bowers: These vile intruders will pay for their blatant disregard for human life.

Spitzer: Indeed, they will be unsuspecting of a force this large when all they have met so far is a couple of infantry corps.

Duncan: 1st Army lead the way!

Spitzer and Bowers: ALL THE WAY!

[Summation] The 50,000 soldiers of the Pax 1st Army are digging in in Provech.
28-02-2005, 09:45
*at a small base in northern carianada an SR-71 blackbird sits on the tarmac, the sweet smell of jet fuel can be smelled as it leakes out of the porus skin of the jet. A small runway car rolls out and two edenstein Majors step out dressed in their flight suits. They havn't been told where they are headed and only will be once they are in the air. They climb up the ladder and begin the engine startup procedure.

After the checklists have followed the sleek black plane taxis down the runway and off into the strata. In the plane, Major Tom Ronod, the co-pilot and camera operator looks at their orders and gasps*

Tom: Frank, we are going into the lions den....
Frank: Where are we headed?
*tom punches in their flight path, which takes them over many of the most dangerous and well defended parts of Pax Germania*
Frank: looks like we are in for a bumpy ride...

*Major Frank hits the afterburners and climbs to their crusing altitude and speed of 50,000 feet and mach 3 They quickly cross the distance and make it to Pax Territory, they begin taking pictures of the targets and are well into their mission when their proximity alert goes off*

Tom: Looks like pax is unrolling the red carpet....... umm.... shit.. *looks at radar* 10 planes.. ummm f-22 variety....
Frank: Well we've only got one more target, lets punch it....

*frank pushes the throttle to full and tops the plane out at Mach 3.7*

Frank: hold together baby...

*the F-22's continue in pursuit of the SR-71 but unable to catch up, frank pushes the nose of the bird up, taking its altitude to 86,000 well above the cieling of raptors they reach their last target as another squad of F-22's try to intercept, but can not reach them, after Tom confirms the last set of pictures they turn and head back for their base in Carianada*

=A few hours later=
Pictures from the SR-71 flight..

Ulonov: Astounding, I can see the megaliths right here... points to picture.... I didn't relize what a large fleet they had.......
Agent Junkers: Yes.. it is trouble some, we've plotted two possible courses for their fleet.... *points on map* Either is very likely.. and we should be prepared...
Ulonov: Yes.. Yes.. I concur.. Ha.. couldn't get this nice a photo out of those damnable satelites.. only work when there are no clouds..... ha....
Agent: Yes... Emperor, what are your orders?
Ulonov: Re-activate fleets 15-30... we have to compete with these bastards.... *looking at photo again* What they lack in variety, they make up for in numbers....

Agent: And what of the 400,000 troops moving into Izimbeckwi?
Ulonov: for now, leave them be.... they arn't bothering us....
Agent: What about the HO troops?
Ulonov: We'll provide air support, but its their silly asses that went into southern izimbeckwi...
Agent: Yes Emperor.. *the agent salutes and leaves the room as Ulonov continues to look at the pictures*

[Summation] SR-71 flight results in new info about pax movements and fleet strength
28-02-2005, 15:03
At 80 feet above the calm of Lake Erie a MadderMikian C5A cargo plane is loaded with supplies for the isolated Special Forces contingent at Provech. The plane is equiped with drop packs so they don't have to land. The drop packs are pushed off the plane at extremly low altitudes and pulled off with parachutes.

LtCol Mike Burnsides has his men ready with marker flares to guide the plane into the drop zone. Lt Fickar and Corporal Johnson have been on a reconnaissance mission to scout out the approaching HO forces.

The huge C5A approaches the men notice a very large Santa painted on the vertical stabilizer and grin. The massive plane is only about twenty feet off the ground when pallets of stuff begin to fall out of the plane. There is enough stuff for a small army.

The plane finishes dumping stuff and disappears over the horizon. LtCol Mike Burnsides coordinates the redistribution of material and the team begins to arm the hastily gathered militia.

Lt Fickar and Corporal Johnson report back in. It seems as if the HO forces have begun to turn away from Provech and are headed elsewhere. In true MadderMikian form the team wants to persue them. LtCol Mike Burnsides keeps them focused on the task at hand and with the help of the locals moves the gear to three different empty warehouses.

The first thing they discover is several pallets of small arms and ammo. There is almost three hundred M16s and several thousand rounds of ammo. The next box contains a UAV. LtCol Mike Burnsides "Excellent, get that thing operational and lets see where those "Baby Killers" are headed.

[Summary - MadderMikian Special forces are rearmed and are training local Provech militia.]
Children of Connery
28-02-2005, 18:33
4:00 am, Edenstein site 110-B, Oil Platform off the coast of Spinkoslovakia

*Two workers on the late shift are discussing the condition of Edenstein.*

Worker 1: I don't know if we should still be doing this. Lt. Gen. Zofia is our enemy, and from what I've heard Olonov hates her as much as we do.

Worker 2: We've been planning this for months though. We can't just back out now.

Worker 1: Okay... But I don't like it. We should be fighting with him, not against him.

*The two walk in a patrol around the Platform, setting the charges on demolition equipment they had hidden weeks before. 50 miles down the coast, a similar pair are doing the same to another platform. Soon, they have completed their task.*

Worker 2: Okay, let's get out of here.

*He taps 3 times on the main pumping tube, then once more, then 3 times again. Worker 1 calls to him as he watches a small submarine surface on the horizon.*

Worker 1: Let's get going.


*The explosions of the two platforms can be heard as far away as HO. No bodies are recovered.*
28-02-2005, 18:46
Triana Smith: Address to the Duma and Emperor Ulonov

Gentlemen and Ladies of the Duma, people of Edenstein, His Emminence the Emperor,

I know the challenges of the world we live in today are many, and even once old friends and allies can turn to bitter enemies in the blink of an eye. But through these long years and hardships we have allied with one another on numerous occasions, and our two people have formed a friendship that even war and conquest cannot change.

I have come before you today to pledge our commitment to you, our friends, the Edenstein people. If Dubleco, Andaluciae, Pax Germania, or any other agresser nation wants a war against our fair people, then we must stand strong together and tell them with one voice that they will not succede! That we will not bow down to tyrany, or slip back and become an occupied people dependant upon a foreign hegemony to determine our own way of life!

I ask the Duma, the people of Edenstein and the Emperor to sign with me today a new Treaty, The Second Treaty of Linux. This will show once and for all that while the Fei Fong Wong Treaty is dead, the cooperation and alliance of Manarth and Edenstein lives on!

[Summation = Triana Smith calls for a new alliance between Manarth and Edenstein]
28-02-2005, 21:58
*Emperor Ed and the two Andaluciaen agents are in a resistance safehouse, when a resistance worker comes rushing in*

Resistance Worker: Quickly! We must get you out of here! A window of opportunity has opened, and while the interdictor cruisers are occupied, we must move!

17 Red: What? What happened?

Resistance Worker: It doesn't matter, we weren't involved, so we are not suspect. Get ahold of your government, let them know that you are breaking out of Edenstein.

17 Red: (grabs his phone and dials a number) Hey, it's Todd, yeah, the shepherd, yeah, the sheep are coming home. Yeah, you know where we're coming through the fence, I'll see you at the gate! (flips phone closed) So, is the boat ready?

Resistance Worker: Yes, it's five kilometers away, do your friends know where to meet you?

17 Red: Yes, and we've even got a reason to cover for the boat.

Resistance worker: OK

*Emperor Ed, the princess and the Andaluciaen spies are hurried to a speedboat, which they all three board, they roar across the ocean as fast as they can, on the horizon they see the outline of a warship, and a helicopter coming towards them*

20 Red: There's our ride, ready for another trip in a harness Emperor?

Emperor Ed: In a harness? Out here? What's going on?

20 Red: We'll all be fine, don't worry.

*The helicopter circles around behind the boat and matches course and speed. A uniformed officer ziplines down to the boat and attaches a line between the two moving vehicles. Emperor Ed is hooked into another harness and hoisted up to the helicopter, then 20 Red, who is holding the princess, then 17 Red. At which point some dead bodies (criminals and prisoners who had been executed) are dropped into the speedboat, the officer arranges the bodies, then is hoisted up into the helicopter.*

Emperor Ed: What's that for?

20 Red: Watch...

*The helicopter zips away from the speedboat which is now rapidly approaching the Andaluciaen cruiser ANS Foehammer, the Foehammer blares out a warning, and opens up on the unoccupied boat with it's CIWS gun, destroying it and sending bits all over the place*

17 Red: Now we have a cover story for why a boat was found rushing out towards an Andaluciaen cruise, oh, and the names John, by the way.

[In summation: Emperor Ed is now on board an Andaluciaen cruiser, headed for the Andaluciaen naval base in Occupied Aldovar, he will be flown to Andrewtinople shortly after arrival]
28-02-2005, 23:58
*Samsylvannia News*
*Ace Reporter Sam Kitzler reads the message from HO. Almost Ace Reporter Jennifer Garner walks and reads over his shoulder.*

Sam: Oh boy oh boy oh boy I'm going for a ride in the car!

Jennifer: know that Henceland Omega is across an ocean, right?

Sam: Oh. I'm going for a ride in an airplane oh boy oh boy! Or a boat! Or a boatplane! Hee hee! I have to pack.

Jennifer: Also, that's been sitting on your desk for days. The Hundred Arrows Movement has already started.

Sam: Well then I'd better hurry...I need to make a list of things to pack...*he gets a pencil and starts scribbling on an old receit he found in his pocket.* Okay okay...I need...uh...socks, shirts, maybe some ties, some underwear, melons, Bat shark repellent, anti-spin spray, twine, a magic 8-ball, and a pound of bacon.

*Jennifer rolls her eyes as Sam leaves for his apartment. He gathers up everything on his list and boards the first available flight to HO.*

[summation] Ace Reporter Sam Kitzler is on his way to HO.
01-03-2005, 00:08
*Sam City Airport, Gate 42*
*Daniel Jackson and Ash are preparing to board their VIP flight to Edenstein.*

Ash: So why the hell are we going to Edenstein again?

Daniel: I told you, I'm not ready to say exactly yet. If I'm wrong, it could be bad. If I'm right, it could be worse.

Ash: So either way we're screwed.

Daniel: Yup.

Ash: Okay, look here, four eyes. That's it, I'm not letting you get anywhere until you tell me what's going on. I'm not gonna risk my life for no good reason.

Daniel: There'll be a Hooters.

Ash: Well that's different.

Daniel: Besides, we're going to Edenstein. It's not like we going to tFooTCoC or Izembekwi. What could possibly go wrong?

[summation] Ash and Daniel Jackson are on their way to Edenstein.
01-03-2005, 03:12
*Major Andaluciaen Consular Address*
It has come to be known, that troops from Henceland Omega, under the explicit consent of Carmine, our one time ally, have killed thousands of innocent civilians in Durmest, and we have seen the destruction first hand. This ruthless adnd indiscriminate murder of civilians has led us to fear an attempt to do the same thing at Provech. Fortunately Andaluciaen and Maddermikian forces were able to interpose themselves in between General Sherman's forces and the city. We were able to stop something terrible at Provech, but we can't put paratroopers in every Izimbeckwi city. We must confront HO and the murderers who committed the crime.

HO has two days to surrender General Sherman and his forces to the Andaluciaen paratroopers in Izimbeckwi to be placed on trial for war crimes. If this is not done in 48 hours, there will be harsh reprisals. There are 48 hours before the wrath and righteous might of Andaluciae will be brought to bear.

Thank you, good night, and God save us from the oncoming confrontation.
Henceland Omega
01-03-2005, 03:31
::Before the Hundred Arrows Day 3 begins, Carmine looks at some of his reports. He shakes his head::

Carmine: And even Andaluciae is being bought over. And those idiots in Edenstein don't realize they're involved in this too! Don't they realize a victory in Izimbeckwi means a victory for themselves or Pax?

Raskalnokov: Kahr says that chances are, if this continues our own country is going to be invaded.

Carmine: All that over one little burning. I don't see them going after the Edenstein bombers that levelled the city! That just shows the stupidity of those people. "Ooh! Let's attackthe little country that's being a pain in Izimbeckwi, while ignoring the huge threat!" This whole region makes me sick. How is the Miami 2017 Project?

Raskalnokov: Tests are scheduled for tomorrow, everything operating as planned.

Carmine: Good. And the Blue Guards?

Raskalnokov: ::grins:: Huge success. They are now covering nearly every island in the nation!

Carmine: Ok. Well, I'm off to listen to another round of pleading and whining...

Raskalnokov: Good luck Sir.

Carmine: Oh, when this whole thing is over, the day will be mine!

::He exits onto Yggdrasil Square::

[Summation:] Carmine is upset about the region's upheaval over Izimbeckwi, but continues to hold the Hundred Arrows Movement
Henceland Omega
01-03-2005, 03:57
Hundred Arrows Movement, Day 3

::Elly stands in her usual spot near the front of Yggdrasil Square. A new reporter has shown up today, who calls himself ACE Reporter, Sam Kitzler from DOS. So far the guy has proven to be a total ninny::

Sam: Do you think I brought enough shark repellent?

Elly: Umm... yeah. I think you brought enough for all of us.

Sam: Boy, that's great! I sure hope we witness some news today! Do you think we'll get some news?

Elly: The Land-O-Eric desert sun must've gotten to him all that time he covered the LoE/Edenstein conflict. He's totally lost it... Yeah. I think we'll get some news.

Sam: Fabulous! I love news!

::The door opens and Carmine steps out onto the balcony, opening up the third day. He points to a young lady to open up the comments::

Girl: Hi, I'm from Winnebago Falls on Flirrhy Island, and I've been followingthe Izimbeckwi happenings. I really don't think we should be involved there. It looks like we're totally in danger, and our soldiers aren't doing anything but making Pax and Andaluciae mad! They might even attack us! I'd like to suggest we pull out!

Carmine: Well that's a littel pretentious don't you think? Do you think I want to needlessly endanger the lives of our people? Now Andaluciae has not stated what it will do to us yet, but I hope we all realize that Andaluciae, like Dubelco, is now a mere puppet of Pax. Unfortunately, a large number of puppets can be overpowering. I am in the process of negotiating things with the army in Izimbeckwi. You on the other hand should really let me as your leader handle things like this...

Girl: Well I was just...

Carmine: You were just second guessing me was all. You'd better be a little more careful about that. Next, how about...

Sam: Ooo! Oooh! Pick me! Pickmepickmepickmepickme!

Elly: We're not allowed to ask questions, only Hence civilians can say things.

Sam: But I am Hence! Look at all this bacon!

::Carmine chooses a middle-aged man next::

Man: Yeah, I'd just like to say that I don't understand the whole thing with Pax Germania. I realize they are in competition with Edenstein, but what does that have to do with us?

Carmine: Now I hope you understand why ou aren't in power here. Isn't it obvious? We've been through this before! Look what they did in Izimbeckwi! They brainwashed the citizens to become androgynous, militaristic people who are totally reliant on Pax to survive. They wouldn't even feed them properly unless they conformed to their ideals! It's one thing to ask your own country to support your ideals, but to plot against other nations is too much. In addition, one needs only to look at their military spending to notice that their whole goal is to have the biggest, baddest weapons, and their competition would bring even Edenstein to its knees! Why are you all so daft to this?

Man: Umm... well I guess that makes sense...

::The day continues. People continue asking the same sort of questions. Carmine continues to answer everyone, but there is more cynicism in Carmines' responses. As the day finishes, ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler turns to Elly::

Sam: Boy look at all this news I wrote down!

::Elly looks at Sam's notes, which consist mostly of writing down the description of some of the good looking girls that were there, along with what Carmine was wearing, and a comment or two that he probably thought was funny::

Elly: Well... good luck with your report!

[Summation:] People are getting bolder, Carmine is getting more cynical, but keeps to his word. ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler appears to be inept.
01-03-2005, 04:42
*The National Security Council is watching the Hundred Arrows Movement thing*

GA Scheer: (not in uniform, and drinking scotch) What the hell? A puppet of pax? If anyone's a puppet, he's Ulonov's puppet.

Secretary Schumm: amusing image...

Consul Arthur: What?

Secretary Schumm: nothing, nothing at all

GA Scheer: Ah hell, who cares, the war is coming anyways, and our fleets are out at sea, the national defense grid is at DRL1, nothing's getting through. We're safe.

Consul Arthur: And if we know anything about HO's defenses...

DCI Thompson: It's been full of holes since before Carmine came to power.
01-03-2005, 06:06
* President Ulrich reads this message from Pax Germania *

From Primere: Hanz Gorebl
To: Allies

As a friendly gesture to our newest allies, the Walrusdom of Pax Germania is committing our 2nd Infantry Division to the cause of protecting peace within your rebellious territories. I hope that these matters can be resolved quiclky, so that our nations can live in peace. Thank you, and good day.

President Ulrich: * Starts eating his daily breakfast cheese. * I think we shall crush this revolt soon as long as Edenstein doesn't get involved.

General Feuerstahl: *sternly* I suggest having Pax troops help train our troops before stopping this revolt.

Ulrich: Good idea, but I want them ready before the end of the week. We are losing tax revenues from this.
01-03-2005, 06:42
All over the territories, mobilization of troops and supplies has been slow but without problem. In the home ports, Interdicter Fleet 1 as well as Naval Task Force 1 and the Excalibur Battle Group have been readied to go out of port. In two days time, all groups will make for the open waters North of Dubelco for destinations classified. First Army has been mobilized, along with the First Mechanized Division with standby orders.

In Eastern Detroit, Interdicter Fleet 3 and NTF 6 have been put to the waters and are now moving South East into the open Lake for parts unknown. The Fifth Army and The 3-4 Airbourne's have been put on standby.

In DDPP, the 8th Mechanized Division along with sixth army are being activated.

In every territory, all air patrols have been doubled and on full alert.

In Bentanapolis, the peace-keeping units that were flown out of Izimbeckwi when the fights started have been unloaded and secured.

[Summation: Dubelco has mobilized itself and is 2 days time away from full preparation.]
01-03-2005, 17:07
*Samsylvannia Palace*

Sammek: Alright, people, we need to take a stand on this conflict between the Pax Axis and the Edenstein-Henceland Omega alliance. Options.

Anne: We have nothing to gain from joining the conflict. There will, however, be money in the reconstruction efforts.

Vice Chancellor Aldo: We need to help our Edenstein and Henceland Omega brethren. We need full mobilization of all forces right now.

Sammek: General Hammond, what kind of forces do we have available?

Hammond: We...uh...there are...that is to say...we have some forces ready.

Sammek: many, exactly?

Hammond: Uh...I don't know.

Sammek: You don't know?

Hammond: No, sir.


Hammond:'s like this...uh...someone stole my laptop. You know, the one that has every bit of information about all of our military on it? The only place where all of that information is in one place. That since it's so top secret that I don't really have a backup copy...

Sammek: Stole your laptop? You mean there's some asshole running around out there with complete access to our military?

Hammond: But they broke my car windows! Two of them! They couldn't break one and then unlock it, oooooh no, they had to break two windows just to be safe. Jerks.

Sammek: You left it in your car?!! Our entire military database. Terrific. Twitch?

Twitch: Yes, sir?

Sammek: Find them and kill them. Also, if you're not rushed, torture them a bit first.

Twitch: What, like just five minutes of torture, or the full half-hour?

Sammek: Actually, make it a lot. And make it gross. So gross that if I had to describe it in a meeting, that anyone who may be reading a transcript of it in, say, some kind of parallel world where we're all just characters in some kind of nations game would be completely grossed out and have to leave the room after reading it. That's how gross I want it to be.

Twitch: Well, okay, but I expect a bubble bath when I get back.

Sammek: Okay then, so outright military action is out for now.

Aldo: Actually, if we just told everyone to attack...

Sammek: Aldo, please need some testosterone suppressant or something. For now, we will officially remain neutral, however, should an open war develop, Henceland Omega and Edenstein will not be left to defend themselves alone.
Pax Germania
01-03-2005, 17:18
**Holding position in the waters west of Dubelco the 1st Navy drops their sea anchors and prepares for a lengthy delay.**

**With the entire 1st Navy loitering in international waters Fleet Admiral Ballzy picks up his phone and calls Fleet Marshal Minitz.**

Ballzy: Lester my old buddy, we need to talk...
01-03-2005, 17:46
*In pax controlled territory the Andaluciaen Rapid Deployment Force is unloaded from their ships. Two armored divisions are put on shore, with three infantry divisions to follow up shortly.*


*The Andaluciaen cruiser ANS Foehammer rushes back to the nearest port in Occupied Aldovar, where Emperor Ed and his daughter are unloaded from the ship, they board a plane headed for Andrewtinople. 17 Red and 20 Red are taken by train deep into Occupied Aldovar where a large military base is.*
01-03-2005, 18:45
[/b]Eastern Detroit, Western Side of the Manarth/Dubelco Border[/b]
405th Air Cavalry Regement, 17th Rapid Deployment Division
(One of 5 Divisions currently patrolling the Manarth side of the border)

Lt. Col. Stubenson: I don't like this at all, sir. Frankly, I think we're getting involved in a war we can't possibly win. Edenstein, HO and us are all still recovering from the 2nd Canal War, and you can't possibly tell me we're all at full strength again after a nuke attack.

Maj. Gen. Mark McMillian IV: I know what you mean, Tom. But the guys in the war rooms in Manarth know what they're doing. They wouldn't commit us to anything that wasn't vital to our nation's survival.

Lt. Col. Stubenson: I still say it doesn't make any sense. Why are we allying ourselves with Edenstein. No one has threatened us, have they?

Maj. Gen. McMillian: Listen to me. Without the CoC we're nothing, admit it. For a year of LETI time, they were our pit bulls, and we were their golden retrievers. They made people fear us when fear was appropriate, and we made people love them, when love was what was needed. Without them, we're just a big friendly stupid dog, we need to show our teeth to the world once more.

Lt. Col. Stubenson: And that's Smith's plan then, to bear Manarth's teeth to the world?

Maj. Gen. McMillian: Exactly. That's why our forces are on high alert, and that's why Smith is in Edenstein now. Manarth will soon be back to it's rightful place as the hegemon of Lake Ontario.
01-03-2005, 22:05
In the main room of the C&C, General Palko is reading the reports of the day. He comes across a report that Manarth seems to be leaning towards the Edenstein/Henceland Omega side of the war.

"Those crafty bastards. I thought they would be smarter than to oppose us again. Haven't they realized that when they get involved in LETI matters bad things happen, to them." Palko mutters this to himself, but is heard by people about 5 feet away. As he reads more reports, he remembers exactly what boders Dubelco happens to share. "Jenkins, take a note."

"Sir!" an aide pulls up his palm pilot.

"Make a note to Admiral McArthur in Eastern Detroit, tell him to go ahead and mobilize everything, just because.", he dictates.

"Yes sir, I'll process and send immediately." Jenkins walks off to a secondary communications room.

As the General puts all the reports back on the docket, he notices a text message on his palm, from a internet cafe computer in Peter Rules....

[Summation: General Palko has ordered for full mobilization of all military in Eastern Detroit. Estimated time til completion 2 1/2 days time.]
01-03-2005, 23:59
LtCol Mike Burnsides walks into his staff meeting and asks for status. Lt Fickar goes first: "Col we have armed two hundred Zembecks and are training them to shoot. We have placed another three hundred land mines in the obvious attack lanes."

Corporal Johnson reports "Sir, we have about twenty of the Zembecks that want to try an ambush of the HO troops moving around Provech."

LtCol Mike Burnsides "I don't know, can they shoot the M16s?"

Corporal Johnson "Some are quite good shots and we do have a lot of ammo now."

LtCol Mike Burnsides "It would be the MadderMikian way to shoot up the countryside. Sgt Witekarr how are the rest of the newly formed militia turning out?"

Sgt Witekarr "There are some that want to strike back at the HO contingent, they had family back in Durmest. There has been some unrest mostly aimed at local shopkeepers. The new miltia took it upon themselves to regulate some of the price gouging."

LtCol Mike Burnsides "Ah, just like home, it just goes to show you that if you arm everyone it leads to civiality. Well, Lt. Fickar do you thing a midnight raid against the HO "Baby Rapers" will succeed?"

Lt Fickar "Yes Col I do but remember they are not MadderMikians they haven't learned to shoot first, shoot second and continue to shoot. They seem to have a stalwart leader in Gunther Stromdormburger. I say let them go out and see what they can accomplish."

LtCol Burnsides "Ok send them out towards the last known position of the HO forces. Lets see if they are any good at guerrilla warfare."

[Summary - MadderMikians have armed a small militia and are sending them out to harass the HO troops.]
Henceland Omega
02-03-2005, 02:21
::At the Hence Palace, General Kahr issues a response to Andaluciae:

In the interests of preventing a war that would cripple both nations and leave the region in utter destruction, General Sherman is being ordered to halt all attacks. At 2100 hours tomorrow, if not before, all troops will be subject to the Andaluciaen paratroopers. That is all.

-General Ramsus Kahr, Commander
The People's Social Nationalism of Henceland Omega

::In Izimbeckwi, the military leaders are gathered around General Sherman, who just received his report from Kahr::

Lieutenant Brax: So what's the verdict? What's going on?

Sherman: Andaluciae is giving us 48 hours to stop attacking and meet their demands, or they'll attack HO directly. And That ultimatum was given 12 hours ago, so we have 36 hours.

Brax: What? We can't have that!

Lieutenant Gruber: We'd never survive a full out attack by Pax backed Andaluciae! Especially with our troops spread out like they are! They'd march right into our country and take us out!

Sherman: You're absolutely right. There's nothing to be gained by not meeting their needs in 36 hours. So do we know what that means?

Col. Bogey: That there's 35 hours of good killin' left!

Sherman: Absolutely! Forget military tactics, I want your men to shoot and kill anything they come in contact with for 35 hours. At exactly 2000 hours tomorrow, I want an immediate cease fire! Do not fire another shot or there will be SEVERE penalties! Am I understood?

::The other leadrs stand in shock, but agree::

Sherman: Excellent! Bogey, you're a good man! Bogey? ::He looks around, finally finding Colonel Bogey setting fire to a group of nearby trees.

Bogey: Way ahead of you! Come on men! Le's go!
Henceland Omega
02-03-2005, 02:37
::In the Hence Palace, Carmine is receiving his updates before going out to the next session of the Hundred Arrows Movement::

Jenny: ...and with that, we have received enough money to almost double the supply.

Carmine: Excellent. Next, I'd like to know the military situation. Raskalnokov, what have you heard from Kahr?

Raskalnokov: He has issued a command to Sherman to surrender his troops within the alloted time. We just are not ready yet for a full on assault, and our allies are not tight enough to come to our aid.

Carmine: That has to stop. Watson are you listening?

Watson: Yes Sir! What do you need?

Carmine: I want you to go to Manarth. I want you to negotiate some kind of alliance with Manarth. Under the Treaty of Fei Fong Wong, Edenstein and Manarth were our allies. Unfortunately that bimbo Corran made that thing so loose that a baby could find its way out of that! We need to be on better terms! Meanwhile, Heartwind, I'd like you to go to Edenstein and do the same.

Jenny: Me?

Carmine: Yes, you. You have a way of persuasion about you that would bring even Ulonov to good standing. I trust you.

Jenny: Um... yes sir. Right away. ::Jenny and Watson are bid to leave immediately. They pack their things and depart, sending word ahead of them of their arrival::

Carmine: Meanwhile, Raskalnokov, are the Blue Guards ready?

Raskalnokov: They are. They will be standing by today to show their might and give stability to the people.

Carmine: Excellent. Now then... ::He is interrupted by a ringing yellow phone. He runs over and answers it::

Carmine: Yes? Oh really? The results? Excellent. Begin production immediately. Let me know. Boy you sound older... Ha ha! ::He hangs up and grins:: Well my friend, it would appear that the Miami 2017 Project is successful. We'll soon be able to help keep up the balance of things.

Raskalnokov: So soon? How is that possible?

Carmine: I have my ways... Now let's get out there and hope that we get some decent suggestions today. Maybe the fact that we stopped the atacks in Izimbeckwi will get them to shut up for a bit... ::He prepares to exit onto the balcony.

At B4U Base

::Kahr is speaking to some of the other generals when he is iinterrupted.

Man: Sir! I have an urgent message for you! It's from the miners!

Kahr: Miners? There are no miners out here! There's nobody out here!

Man: No, the miners at Klahn Mountain. The criminals Carmine sent out there to do work. They found something you might be verrrry interested in!
02-03-2005, 02:42
*Grand Admiral Scheer and a group of aides are clustered around a map room table*

GA Scheer: What the hell is going on?

*Consul Arthur hurries into the room with the rest of his entourage*

Consul Arthur: HO has sent us an article telling us that Sherman is surrendering, what's going on?

GA Scheer: It looks like Sherman's boys have gone on a murderous rampage all over Izimbeckwi. They're destroying everything.

Colonel Kreuzschwert: God, we're getting reports that they're burning and pillaging relentlessly...

Secretary Schumm: They might be making use of a technicality in the demand...

GA Scheer: Well, we have to stop this madman...

Consul Arthur: Get me a link to General Jones in Izimbeckwi... *A phone is handed to the Consul* General,

General Jones: Sir, what should we do about this?

Consul Arthur: This is in direct violation of the spirit of our demands. Destroy General Sherman's forces, all of our forces in the area are available to you. Including the armored forces that are being landed in Pax controlled territory. Air support will be provided from our carriers in the area.

General Jones: Understood Sir. I'll get Sherman, you want him alive.

Consul Arthur: However you find him General, However you find him.

*As a result of this order, the Andaluciaen forces in Izimbeckwi rapidly advance against the HO forces loyal of General Sherman*
Henceland Omega
02-03-2005, 03:55
::As they run through Izimbeckwi, needlessly shooting and burning just for spite, suddenly the HO troops notice Andaluciaen soldiers running against them::

Lieutenant Gruber: I knew they wouldn't be fooled! Loophole or no, they're not going to let us go!

Sherman: I realize that. Their attacking us in in vilation of their ultimatum, I want you to remember that. That doesn't change things, and of course, we don't have the means to do anything about it, but I want you to realize what they are doing.

Gruber: Are we going to surrender?

Sherman: Hell no! Not untill 2100 tomorrow are we going to surrender! Comtinue fighting!

Gruber: You realize they're probably coming for you you right!

Sherman: Well, I won't let them get me. No matter what happens, they won't have me...

::A ways away, Francis and Max are shooting animals and setting fire to trees. They so far have encountered few people, but they have killed those they have seen with extreme prejudice::

Max: I want more people to kill! I want to see more blood!

Francis: This whole countryside should be covered in blood! I hear the Andaluciaens are coming after us now. Just because they're big and bad and have the support of the Pax mega-army here they think they can do whatever they want!

Max: Yeah! And have you seen the numbers of Pax soldiers stationed here? It's not a garrisson, they're in total control of their sectors! I hate them all! They should all die!

Francis: Look at the way they ignore their own demands and do what they want! Look at the way they control everything through force! Look at the way they rely only on their military for everything! I want to see the destruction of Pax Germania before I die! And if that's not my fate, then I'll destroy everything I can before I do!

::At this point Andaluciaens come into view, along with a few armed Zembecks with MadderMike supplied weapons. Max and Francis fire recklessly into the group of them, dropping down for cover as they do. The hill they are standing on fortunately provides them a good vantage point as they mow down the people coming at them::

Bogey: Don't let them overtake you! Retreat to a better position if need be! The point is to survive until 2000 tomorrow! ::He blows the head off a Zembeck:: YAAARRRRR!
02-03-2005, 05:41
*Squad 19 runs across some HO soldiers*
Captain Harris: Damn, we're under fire...get me the radio.

Corporal Rader: Right here sir. *Hands Captain Harris the radiophone*

Captain Harris: This Squad 19 to tango squadron, we have some hostiles. Yeah, GPS should show you where we are, the hostiles are ahead of us, some close air support would be nice. Ok, wonderful. *Hands the radiophone back to Rader* (to everyone) GET SOME COVER!

*Andaluciaen F/A 18's come screaming from behind the troops, machine guns chattering, the planes lay down cluster bomblets in the area in front of the Andaluciaen troops*
02-03-2005, 05:55
Triana Smith: Address to the Duma and Emperor Ulonov

Gentlemen and Ladies of the Duma, people of Edenstein, His Emminence the Emperor,

I know the challenges of the world we live in today are many, and even once old friends and allies can turn to bitter enemies in the blink of an eye. But through these long years and hardships we have allied with one another on numerous occasions, and our two people have formed a friendship that even war and conquest cannot change.

I have come before you today to pledge our commitment to you, our friends, the Edenstein people. If Dubleco, Andaluciae, Pax Germania, or any other agresser nation wants a war against our fair people, then we must stand strong together and tell them with one voice that they will not succede! That we will not bow down to tyrany, or slip back and become an occupied people dependant upon a foreign hegemony to determine our own way of life!

I ask the Duma, the people of Edenstein and the Emperor to sign with me today a new Treaty, The Second Treaty of Linux. This will show once and for all that while the Fei Fong Wong Treaty is dead, the cooperation and alliance of Manarth and Edenstein lives on!

[Summation = Triana Smith calls for a new alliance between Manarth and Edenstein]

*The Duma Explodes in applause, Ulonov stands up to speak and the applause begins to die down*

Ulonov: My friends and esteemed legislators..... Edenstein has been invariably intertwined with the history of Manarth, I myself was even at the launch of Manarth's first carrier. Ms. Smith... You will have your treaty.... and we will make this lake and lake ontario a safer place! Free from the Tyrrany and opression that Pax and Dubelco bring!

*applause erupts once again*

[summation] Edenstein agrees to reformating of TFFW or addition to TOL
02-03-2005, 06:21
*As Daniel Jackson and Ash get off the Halo shuttle in Edenstein, they stand looking around, trying to take in everything*

Jackson: Ah, Linux...

Ash Yes. Uh, how will we recognize this Doctor Schneider when we
see him?

Jackson: I don't know. Maybe he'll know

*Suddenly a WOMAN comes up to him. Attractive features. Blonde hair. Eyes
that are bright and intelligent.*

Elsa: Doctor Jackson?

Jackson: Yes?

Elsa: I knew it was you-

*She looks at him with an appraising expression that is brazenly flirtatious.*

EElsa -you have your father's eyes.

*Jackson is instantly attracted to her.*

Jackson: And my mother's ears. But the rest belongs to you.

Elsa: Looks like the best parts have already been spoken for.

*Jackson grins, enjoying the repartee. The women turns to ash, who tips his hat.*

Elsa: Ash Williams

Ash: That's right.

*The Woman, Dr. Elsa Schneider, extends her hand to Ash*.

Elsa: (introducing herself) Doctor Elsa Schneider.

Jackson's grin fades. Ash registers a look of surprise.

Ash: Uh... how do you do?

[Summation] Elsa greets Jackson and Ash in Edenstein
Henceland Omega
02-03-2005, 06:25
Hundred Arrows Movement, Day 4

::Carmine walks out onto the balcony. He looks around Yggdrasil Square. In addition to the usual civilians and reporters, the Blue Guards are now standing around the Square on the perimeters. People don't quite know what to say about them::

ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler: Hey, you're back!

Elly: Umm... yeah. I'm covering the whole event.

Sam: Does that mean you were here before I was?

Elly: Yeah...

Sam: Wow! That must man you like news or something! We should get together and hang out or something.

Elly: What?

::Carmine holds his arms up for silence::

Carmine: Good Hencemen, before we begin I'd like to take this opportunity to publicly recognize the brand new Blue Guards! These guards are on watch at all times making sure that we are safe from any outside and inside threats! Now, let us begin with this man over here...

Man: What's this I hear about Izimbeckwi and our men getting attacked by hundreds of thousands of Pax soldiers?

Carmine: An exaggeration I'm sure. Pax doesn't have that many soldiers, at least not unless they only have one factory in their whole nation! Ha ha! Meanwhile, we have ordered General Sherman to halt his attacks for now. We don't want to bring unnecessary destruction upon our nation, regardless of how much of a stranglehold Pax has Izimbeckwi in. Now can we please drop the Izimbeckwi thing? Next person...

Man 2: I think we ought to not have to spend so much money on education! I mean, come on! We're already the most intelligent nation in the region, and it isn't doing us a lick of good! I think we ought to be investing more in things like our parks and things. And honestly, I think the military has enough money already!

Man 3: And why can't we get a computer in every house!

Woman: And if it's possible, I think we should hold more international festivals.

Young man: And government sponsored raves!

::This continues al day. No more are people complimenting Carmine. They have grown bold in their requests. Carmine speaks less and less, just listening and taking it all in::

Sam: Ooh boy! I might need some bacon for all of this!

Elly: Bacon? What does bacon have to do with anything?

Sam: I like to write my reports late at night.

Elly: That didn't answer my question...

Sam: What do you mean? Of course it did!

Elly: Uhh... nevermind.

Carmine: Well ladies and gentlemen, we will have at least one more session of the Hundred Arrows Movement. And remember, don't ever say that the Premiere of Henceland Omega doesn't care about the people's opinions!

::He returns to the throne room. Raskalnov walks up to him::

Carmine: This has to stop... It's one thing to offer suggestions. It's another thing altogether to question my judgments and make inane requests...

[Summation:] People are getting more and more outrageous with their suggestions. Carmine is getting fed up. ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler is an idiot.
02-03-2005, 07:11
*Sectary of State Rumpsfeel Appears at a podium, the only Edenstein Administrator from the old regime stayed in power due to him being sufficiently sleezy*

Rumpsfeel: No of course not... The Emperor would never dream of Intentionally killing babies.. that is just a myth brought about by the Arlie

Reporter 1: Orjit Bly Net!-7 News... Secretary, what about the random acts of Terrorisim that has swept Edenstein, a freighter has been destroyed and recently two oil platforms have also been sabotaged....

Rumpsfeel: These where not acts of Terrorisim... The oil wells, after investigation exploded due to operator error, as well as lack of maintnence.. the freightor was also due to neglect....

Reproter 2: Oedipus Tex PDQ News... What of the growing Quagmeyer in Izembecwi.. it appears that Madder Mike, as well as Pax and Andalucaie are committing troops to the incursion by HO... What is Edenstein Response.

Rumpsfeel: Well due to the nature of the cease fire signed by Edenstein, Pax, and North and South Izembecwi, Any incursion by Edenstein, Pax, or Izembecwi across the border would make the treaty null and void and destroy the peace that has been fostered between the forces, as of now.. Unless provoked, Edenstein will remain behind the DMZ.

Reporter 3: Elly Van Houton HO Channel 2, What of reports that dissidents from the former Foot-CoC have become active?

Rumpsfeel: We can not confirm nor Deny... *looks up at reporter in back* Arn't you dead???? I thought we killed you?

Reporter 4: TOM BROKEJAW, NBC NEWS.... Mr. Rumpsfeel......... what are the reports that.. the Emperor Romanov has been abducted by aliens....

Rumpsfeel: Yes...... Yes.. actually for once Brokejaw.. you are right... Mikhael Romanov has been abducted by aliens.... That is all for this meeting...

*rumpsfeel leaves and the news stations go back to their previous broadcasts*

[Summation] Rumpsfeel address's Terrorisim, Izembeckwi, and Ed
02-03-2005, 07:49
Corran: Thank you! Come again.....

*in Corrans small mini mart in Detroit, Edenstein.... Mr. Napedalon as he is known is wearing a head wrap, a smock and has put a beautiful statue of Jo Jo the circus clown in the corner of the store. He cheerfully rings out a customer who looks like a biker, spits on the counter then leaves the store... Corran turns to his wife Shilan... and his 12 kids*

C/N: Ohhh my darling wife.... just another fine day in the store...
Wife: *begins to speak in Indian*
C/N: Ohhh.. I wish my memory would come back so I know what you where saying...
Wife: *obviously angry at her "New husband" She storms off into the back of the store*
C/N: ahh the joys of my life..... 12 beautiful children *he looks at the children who, stare back not knowing who he is* A beautiful wife, and a wonderful, profitable store... *watches out in the street as two cars drive by.. shooting at each other, one of the stray bullets zings in and destroys the statue of Jojo, Corran replaces it with another*

C/N: Ahhhh... what a blessed life I lead! *he smiles as he cleans the spit off of the counter...

[Summation] Nothing, just story
02-03-2005, 08:50
::Jenny arrives at the Edenstein Palace and looks around. She's never been there before so this is all new to her unlike previous regimes, there is not an honor gaurd waiting, band playing the national anthem or any formalities. She is greeted by two men wearing plain black suits and sunglasses*

::Jenny looks at the two men:: Hi. I'm here to see Ulonov...

*the one agent pushes an ear piece, and then takes out a Microsoft Padd* What buisness do you have with the Emperor?

Jenny: I'm here on a goodwill mission from Henceland Omega. I'm here to discuss internation relations

Agent: Come this way.... *they lead her through twisting hallways, many of the pictures that once lined the hallways have been taken down and replaced. They end at Ulonov's office, there are still feint shotgun marks in the wall from Jane*

Agent: The emperor is waiting for you, go in...

::Jenny enters the room and looks around:: Gee, this place looks so... foreboding...

Ulonov: I had to redecorate.. the last regime didn't command enough power.... to friendly... not the kind of image that a self respecting power should be conveying..... *he stands up and extends his hand* Emperor Dimitri Ulonov.... What can I do for my friends in HO?

::Jenny shakes his hand and smiles at him:: Well sir, I'd like to speak about the relationship between our two nations...

Ulonov:Ahh... yes..... it appears that HO has gotten itself in a quagmyere... Please sit.. *he walks back behind the desk pushing a button a large map of Izimbeckwi comes down on the wall..*

::Jenny sits down:: Jenny: Well if you put it that way, yes. It appears our garrisson will soon be wiped out by the monstrous numbers of Pax soldiers that have apparently been there the whole time

Ulonov: Yes we are troubled by the apparent "Appearance" of these soldiers... We have reports that 400,000 more are coming in

Jenny: Yeah. Our intelligence gathered that they were supposed to have "garrissons" in the country, not entire armies. And as you say, more are coming in

*Ulonov opens up a drawer and flings some ariel pictures on the table* Also, one of our SR-71's took those over pax the other day, looks like they are gearing up for something.

::Jenny's eyes widen:: Oh my God... What are they doing? At times like this, with Pax, Dubelco, and Andalucaie all set against us, Premiere Carmine feels it is a losing battle for each of us to stand alone While your nation is not currently in imminent danger, what will happen if all three nations combine forces and decide to invade Edenstein inthe future? Don't say it isn't a possibility.

*Ulonov leans back and in his chair and grins* Ulonov: Would you care for some water?

::Jenny smiles:: Yes, Thank you!

Ulonov: Ms Heartwind... Edenstein has already accomodated for this.....We are currently re-ratifiying a treaty with manarth, and Sammyslvania shall soon be with us...

Jenny: Really?

Ulonov: Also we have two insurance policies up our sleaves..... Yes...... The cogs are already in motion. If you can’t be An Edenstein or Omegan Whats the point of living?

Jenny: You have an excellent Point Emperor

Ulonov: Thank you...... So.... lets discuss these relations between our two countries....

Jenny: Yes... Well you see ::She gests a little closer to Ulonov:: Our countries have always had a good relationship, but under the previous rulers, things were more of a mutual friendship than a real firm alliance...

Ulonov: Trust me.... I understand completly...... They where fond of Monitoring the situation....

Jenny: That they were. And as you can already see. HO is no longer afraid to stand up for itself, We've... grown up

Ulonov: *looks Jenny up and down seriously for the first time* I see that you have..... But.... other then being dragged into what appears at this moment.. a very... disturbing situation... can Henceland Omega offer us..

::Jenny stretches her arms, showing off her chest a bit more:: Jenny: Well you see Emperor, while our nation isn't near the military power of your nation, you should know quite well that our information technology is second to none in the region, and our technological developments are coming at an amzing rate You'd have a free place to dock the ships in your mighty fleets, the protection of the HO Air Force, which actually does nearly measure up to the bigger nations. ::She leans over towards Ulonov a little more:: : And like I said, we're trying to prevent this war anyway. You won't be jumping into a full out war. We don't want that anymore than you do! with

*ulonov zones out staring at Jenny's chest* Ulonov: Ohh umm.. yes... This could help to balance this arms race in our favor...

Jenny: Like I said, we've grown up! Soon we'll be able to defend ourselves if the need arose! No longer will we sit idly by and wince at the might of all the superpower nations!

::She leans over Ulonov more forcefully, with her chest almost right in Ulonov's face:: We would be the support cruisers to your carriers!

Ulonov: *Ulonov stands up resisting the urge of Jenny's chest and walks back to his desk* Ms. Heartwind.... What exactly does Henceland Omega want....

::She smiles:: Jenny: Why, only a firm alliance between our two nations of course!
Ulonov: How.... *looks at her chest again* Firm.....

::She follows him back to his desk:: Jenny:A total alliance, dear Emperor. Not only to come to one another's aid in the case of attack, but a complete alliace to work together to

Ulonov: Excuse me for one second.... *he reaches into his coat and pulls a small book from his pocket and begins flipping through the pages*

Jenny: Of course!

Ulonov: Hmmm Excellent..... #199..... and .. *flips back through book* and #12.... *pushes a button* Send in Wayne......

*A small child, no more then five years old holding a teddy bear walks in.... he is missing many of his teeth and his hair is curley, snot is dripping from his nose*

Ulonov: Now wayne..... Edenstein wants to enter into a permanent alliance with Henceland Omega.. do you see anything wrong with that?

::Jenny tries not to act surprised as she smiles and waves at the kid:: Hi!

Wayne: Do they have pony's?

Ulonov: Yes.. lots of pony's.....

*wayne waves back at the kid* Hi pretty lady...

Ulonov: They've also said he could use their bases...

Wayne: Like forts? For the Cowboys?

Ulonov: Yes.. exactly right....
Wayne: Ok.... just make sure that the cowboys don't get dwubble crossed by the guy inside the fort..

Ulonov: Thank you wayne.. *he reaches into his desk and gives wayne a lollipop* That will be all...

*Wayne leaves the room*

Jenny: Cute kid... who is he?

Ulonov: My Advisor...

Jenny: Your advisor?

Ulonov: Yes.... *takes out small book and throws it on the table* look on page one... #12

:She leans over and reads it:: #12 One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.

Jenny: Wow... that's amazing

Ulonov: Yeah..... It is a wonderful little piece of advice... that book is full of them.... The previous regime made so many mistakes... So.. Ms. Heartwind.. about your treaty...

Jenny: Yes, about the treaty... ::She smiles again at Ulonov::

Ulonov: I belive that this can be acceptable.... after all.. our two nation have been the dominint force in the region since its inception... these... New bloods spit on everything J

::Jenny walks closer to Ulonov:: Jenny: Yes they do. And that is exactly what we cannot have!

Ulonov: This...... this.... Adomination can not stand...... This solidifation will bring many glorius victories for Edenstein...

::Jenny walks right up to Ulonov:: Yes it will! Together we shall be unstoppable!
Ulonov: Yes Yes! Edenstein will be unstoppable!

::She grabs his arm:: Jenny: Edenstein and Henceland Omega will be unstoppable!

Ulonov: Ohhh.... Yes....... Edenstein and Henceland Omega............ *he turns to Jenny and looks her deep in the Eyes*.... for this to work.... for now on in the future... your government MUST tell us what it is planning...

Jenny: What do you mean?

Ulonov: *he pulls her close and kisses her full on the lips* You'll find out my darling................

Artoo99: ::She pulls herself close to Ulonov:: ANd withthe addition of Manarth and DOS, there will be no one to stand in our way! ::She pulls Ulonov onto his desk, clearing it of anything that is on it::

*still kissing her Ulonov reaches to turn of the intercomm when he gets a page*

Page: Emperor.... we have a situation.....

Ulonov: TELL ME LATER!!!

*he kills the intercom system*

Jenny: ::The desk begins to wobble a bit. Jenny wonders about the integrity of the table legs as she continues kissing Ulonov::

*Ulonov begins to try and pull off Jenny's top... when a Agent Walks in.....*

Agent: Emperor... Romanov has escaped to Andalucaie

Ulonov: I'M BUSY!!! GET OUT!!

Agent: *leaves mutterin*

::As the agent leaves, Jay Smerling walks into the room with a broom Apparently not noticing what is going on, he starts in a corner and begins sweeping the room::

*Ulonov Kisses Jenny again* WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!

Jay: Huh? Oh, I'm the janitor! I'm here to sweep the room... Hey, wait a minute! ::He walks over to the desk:: Is... is, that my table leg?

Jenny: ::whispers:: You're very popular, aren't you?


*continues to get jenny's shirt off*

Jay: My table leg! ::He points:: It's right there! After all this time! I knew it was there! Bert said it wouldn't be back but it is! It's mine!

::Jenny finishes taking her shirt off for Ulonov, deciding that Jay is too stupid to pay attention::

*Ulonov takes off his shirt as well and then reaches behind and unhooks her bra*

*ulonov accidently kicks a hole in the front of the desk* GAH!!! JUST GET OUT OF HERE!

::Jay runs out where he starts raving to Bert about the table leg. Bert looks in and sees

Ulonov. His eyes grow wide. He quickly shuts the door, grabs Jay, and runs to clean some other room::

Ulonov: ahh.... Excellent... lets get back to diplomatic relations.....

Jenny: Yes.... diplomatic... relations

randomtubaEd: OOC: Steve..although you are one of my best friends.. I am not RPing a sex scene with you...
randomtubaEd: lol
randomtubaEd: LMAO
Artoo99: OOC: That's perfectly fine with me... Ha ha ha!
Artoo99: How's this:

IC: :: hour later, Jenny gets up and finds her glasses and clothing::
IC: Jenny: Well Emperor, have we reached an agreement?

*takes a swig of vodka* Ulonov Yes.. I think we have sealed the deal... Edenstein will be sending the newly recomissioned 15-18th fleets to your waters as a saftey precaution... and increasing the strength of Edenstein forces in the Zem...

::She puts her clothes back on and tries to make her hair more manageable:: Excellent. Do you feel it would be benificial to have a meeting between you, Carmine, Sammek, and Smith to sign something official?

Ulonov: Yes.... It can be the New TOL or FFW or whatever... just to get this on paper....

Jenny: All right. Just get in contact with me and let me know when it's taking place! Out of curiousity, ::She leans down to look at the table legs of the desk. She drops her jaw
Standing up quickly, she smiles at Ulonov and extends her hand:: Well Emperor, I think it's time I returned home!

Ulonov: *takes her hand* Its been a pleasure..... The agents will see you out.....

Jenny: A pleasure doing business with you Emperor! I look forward to many dealings between our nations!

Ulonov: Yes.. as do i....

::As the agents come to lead her out, she smiles at Ulonov one more time and waves flirtively at him::

*as Jenny leaves.... Ulonov looks under the desk.... through the hole he kicked.. and almost turns white*

Ulonov: *on the phone* Get me CNC NOW! *he slowly eases his way out of the room....

::Jenny exits the Palace and gets on the jet home:: That can't be possible... how could he have one of those? ::She shakes her head as the jet takes off::

[summation]Emperor Ulonov and Jenny Highwind Discuss relations between Edenstein and Henceland Omega then get it on.. something is discovered under the desk and we also realize that Steve is Perv........

Just kidding steve... ^_^
02-03-2005, 16:29
Edensteins Guide to RPing in the Lake...! New and updated!

Hmm havn't posted this in a while....

OOC: Note to all nations when role playing battle...

Ok.. guys.. I didn't want it to come to this but it has... When role playing battle the attacker must state what he is sending and in what amount... The defender must have a chance to respond and state his own losses...

RP Nono #1
I.E. Nation 1 attacks nation 2

Nation 1: I'm sending 1,000,000 B-52's and X 2 escort fighters.. the B-52's are dropping nukes on you and no chance to retal!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Nation 2: BWHAHAHAHA!!! I have a doomsday device that is uberpowerful and all the nations are dead!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! ALL HAIL ME!!!

Class why is this bad??? Yeah.... First, where did you get a Million B-52 Bombers, how did you conceal them from satellite recon. Second of all... *smacks head* where to start......

Good RP

Nation 1: I'm sending a wing of 25 B-52's dropping high ordance on Military/Civillian/Capital X, they are using a flight of 50 F-15's as escorts.

Nation 2: Your bombs hit target my (For are purposes) Airfield, destroying the runway and 15 B-52's and assorted buildings, We have SAM Batteries around the perimiter and we picked your planes up on radar 150 miles out and where able to scramble 25 f-16's and 12 f-15's from a neighboring airbase.

Nation 1: Your sam sites took out 4 B-52's and 15 of the fighters, the fighters took out 12 of the f-15's before we could return to our airspace.

Natiion 2: I lost 14 F-15's and 5 F-16's.

Something along those lines,

NoNo Number 2#

Nation 1: My Troops are invincible!!!! Your weapons are useless against me!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DIE DIE DIE!!!


Class again why is this bad? If you need to be told.... right..

RP Nono #3

Nation 1: I am attacking you with 500,000 troops with armor and air support(Not going into long detail)

Nation 2: I'm moving a Million troops to the front line to destroy them

Nation 1: I'm moving a Million more!!

Nation 2: A MILIION!!!!! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!

Nation 1: YES I CAN!!!11!!!!

Class why is this bad? Well if you have a million troops great fine and dandy but make sure your population can support all them! If you have 12 million people nation with a 6 million man army... Who's running everything while all of your able bodied men and women are off fighting.. also along with that.. moving troops take time.. state how long its going to take to move them, and be realistic. It takes more then a half hour to move 1 million men.

RP No No #4

Nation 1: ::All across Nation 1 many missiles are being activated. In 20 volleys of 1,000 Minutemen III missiles each (4, 80 megaton warheads per missile). Each volley is launched with 5 minutes between volleys. first 3 volleys go at Nation 2 Spread evenly amongst his cities. the second two are launched at Nation 3. Spread Evenly. A further 6 go at Nation 4. 4 Volleys at Nation 5. and 5 volleys at Nation 6::

OOC: To break it down. Nation 2 you've got 12,000 warheads heading your way(yes these are landing on the ** troops as well)

Nation 3 you got 8,000 warheads

Nation 4 you've got 24,000 coming your way

Nation 5 you got 16,000

Nation 6 got 20,000



Class...... where shall we begin with this one..... First of all, nuke Use in the Lakes is acceptable... in most cases if you tm first and is useful to RP or continuation of a story, most nations are acceptable to the use of a nuke or two.. Hell I've even taken a few in the history..

But when launching an obnoxious amount of Nuclear Ordinance, when one hasn't been active in affairs You will.....

A. Be mocked and made fun of.
B. Ignored
C. Get made fun of.
D. All of the Above
E. Asked to leave and not RP here.

Also as fun as it may sound.. we are not going to destroy anyone so far as to make them leave the game! Understood?
02-03-2005, 17:12
OOC: You know, it would be one thing if you two agreed on the scene beforehand and one of you wrote it... But that it was an actual IM conversation... ::shudder::

IC: Manarth

Triana Smith arrives home to discover Watson has preceded her there. Wasting no time, she arranges a meeting with him to discuss their mutual friend Edenstein.

She waits in her local office in the rural country around New Miami, for Watson to arrive. With him entering, she watches the nervious man as he prepares to speak.

Smith: Come on now, you're not trying to seduce me are you? Don't be so nervous. What does HO want from Manarth, and why should agree with anything you say?

Henceland Omega

George Pollypolis is very confused. So far the entire thing has gone off without a hitch, no one has been arrested, and even real people have been able to ask questions. So what's the catch he asks himself I'm missing something here, I know I am.

He examines his transcrips from the days before. While Carmine seemed aggitated, it seemed normal for someone who was being questioned in every little nuance to be the same way. Something just feels wrong here He thought to himself. Something...

Well, I'll probubly find out when it happens. He left for the day to go to one of the HO pubs. A fine establishement, it actually served authentic CoC wiskey aged 200 LETI days at the rough equivalent to him of 50 Gu a glass. Impressive, as the Coc no longer existed, and the only similar wiskey was an immitation from FA. He put the drinks down under "traveling expenses" in his company reciept book, and went back to the hotel.
02-03-2005, 18:51
* Stuphen archologists continue to make secret trips into the old legendary land of the Viert Reich *

Dr. Egon: Look at this odd hole ...

Dr. Peter: Yeah this hole in my donut is oddly shaped.

Dr. Raymond: NO! He's talking about that one.

Dr. Egon: Peter do you want to take a look?

* Peter looks *


Dr. Raymond: You are kidding right?

Dr. Peter: No really.

Dr. Egon: * Pulls out his mobile phone *

Dr. Raymond: Who you gonna call?

* Dr. Egon just gives him a funny look. As he contacts President Ulrich. *

Dr. Peter, Dr. Raymond, and Dr. Egon have stumbled on people living in old uranium mine shafts for a few years. This bringing back the country of the Viert Reich.
02-03-2005, 19:04
*ANN Breaking News Brief*
George Lorens: This is George Lorens of ANN News, and this is breaking news. The government has called for reporters from all different news agencies to be at Andrewtinople airbase, and we are gathered around this 757, there appears to be an honor guard of some sort and a military band. The jet ramp is down, and there are several flags in their protective canvas casings. Who is here, we don't know?

*The curtain parts in the airplane's doorway and a pair of uniformed Andaluciaen officers come out, followed by a man in a trenchcoat, obviously from the intelligence service*

It appears that some people are coming off of the plane, and look, there's a helicopter coming in. The helicopter is landing, someone is getting out of's Consul Arthur. He's walking over to the plane, and he's waiting at the steps, the curtain is parting again someone is coming out...

*The military band strikes up the national anthem of Edenstein under Emperor Ed, and the flags are unfurled, revealing that they are the old flags of Edenstein. Emperor Ed comes out through the door...*

It's Emperor Edward Romanov, and his child. Oh my...Um, Romanov is walking down the stairs of the airplane, he greets the Consul, and now they are heading off to the helicopter.... This is a major development in the lake...

*fades out to a pundit table*

Wolf Switzer: So, what does this mean?

Mort Pluckerman: Well, this is certainly another step towards hostilities with Ulonov.

Bill O'Smiley: I think the big question, is our government in league with aliens?
02-03-2005, 23:04
*In the recently deployed Andaluciaen Mobile Command Center in Izimbeckwi, General Jones is studying maps and tactical predictions when Major Louis comes up to him with some news.*

General Jones: What is it Major?

Major Louis: Sir, we've just received intelligence reports that General Sherman *points to spot on map.*

General Jones: Our nearest Infantry ground forces are five hours away...and our nearest armored units are three hours away, if they stick to roads...Colonel Baggert! Is your air mobile regiment ready?

Colonel Baggert: Yessir, we can be on the move in 10 minutes.

General Jones: Good, I need you and your boys to get here *points to map* and apprehend General Sherman and end this madness.

Colonel Baggert: Dead or alive, Sir?

General Jones: Alive, if possible, but we won't hold any grudges if he isn't.

Colonel Baggert: Yessir. *Rushes off to his regiment, which is ready to go and is up in twelve minutes*

An Andaluciaen Air Mobile Regiment consists of:
7 Apache Attack Helicopters
4 Comanche Attack Helicopters
10 Blackhawk Helicopters
3 Kiowa Warriors
03-03-2005, 02:43
::At this point Andaluciaens come into view, along with a few armed Zembecks with MadderMike supplied weapons. Max and Francis fire recklessly into the group of them, dropping down for cover as they do. The hill they are standing on fortunately provides them a good vantage point as they mow down the people coming at them::

Bogey: Don't let them overtake you! Retreat to a better position if need be! The point is to survive until 2000 tomorrow! ::He blows the head off a Zembeck:: YAAARRRRR!

Gunther Stromdormburger yells at his men to get down as the first bullets come flying at them from the HO troops. Unfortunately three do not make it to cover. One has his head blown into pieces.

Gunther's men were trained by MadderMikians and as such began to return fire immedately. They sustained an unbelievable rate of fire. Some even managed to aim before shooting. The normal infantry carries between three to five days of supplies and ammo on a raid like this. As they were trained by the MadderMikian Special Forces they used that up in the first thirty minutes. Luckily they had been trained in the MadderMikian way and each carried enough ammo to stagger a small mule. Gunther was down to sixteen men but it sounded like a hundred by the amount of shooting.

***Michaelgrad News Network News Bulletin***

Announcer "We interrupt this exciting reality show "Shots Fired -- Man Down" to bring you an important announcement from the Prime Minister himself."

Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister "My fellow MadderMikians I have just received some terrible news today. As you know MadderMike has specialized in the "Head in the Sand" style of diplomacy in LETI but this news is so bad I must intervene. Our extensive spy network has discovered that there is a large native population of Zembecks being threated by many varied and dangerous factions. There are armies surrounding them in the northern reaches of their country.

I would not get involved in this conflict but for the most amazing news." (he holds his hand up) "I know you will find this hard to believe but these people have NO guns whatsoever. I have pledged the crack troops of the Ninth "Broken Ankle" Division of the Airborne Paratroopers to train them. I am calling upon the caring, giving nature of MadderMike to donate weapons and ammo for this noble cause.

We have set up collection stations around the country and are asking you to donate M16s, 9mm semi automatic pistols, and as much ammo as you can spare. To make it easier we are asking for the ammo to be in the typical 1,000 round boxes for shipping ease. This is a great time to give to your fellow LETI countrymen and upgrade your arsenal. So give and make the Zembecks stronger."

Announcer "Well now you heard it, please donate, you will find the bright pink tractor trailers set up in convenient locations. Now back to our regularly scheduled show "Shots Fired -- Man Down" .

[Summary Maddermikian trained Zembecks return HO fire. MadderMikian government asks citizens to donate guns and ammo for the Zembeck cause]
03-03-2005, 03:14
*Grand Admiral Scheer has boarded the single Andaluciaen Megalith Carrier/Battleship, and is headed out with a large battlegroup into the ocean. He is video-conferencing with Consul Arthur and others*

GA Scheer: I think it's time we got ourselves completely ready, we ought to order Operation Night Shield into effect.

Secretary Schumm: (looks stunned) Do you really think that's necesary?

GA Scheer: As a method of deterrence, most certainly. Those B2s should be in the air in the space of the next 30 minutes in my opinion.

Consul Arthur: Yes, espescially with hostilities as tense as they are now.

GA Scheer: So you are going to give the order?

Consul Arthur: Yes, I want half of our B2 bombers in the air as soon as possible. Grand Admiral, keep your fleet at full readiness. I want planes in the air before something goes wrong. And you have full discretion as to the level of threat your force is facing. If you feel it is sufficient to warrant concern, well, then I'll support your decision. But, meanwhile, I want the bombers flying patrol patterns all around the lake.

Commander LeBay: Sir, I'll keep those planes ready for your order at a moments notice.

GA Scheer: My boys will be ready for anything.

GA Scheer:
03-03-2005, 03:20
Henceland Omega
03-03-2005, 04:55
In Izimbeckwi

::Sherman gets more and more reports back from his scattered men. Resistance is growing, and more and more Hence soldiers are dying. He looks at his watch::

Sherman: 1942 hours. Just a little bit longer...

::He reaches into his pocket for some matches. Looking up, he notices Andaluciaen troops marching, as well as Zembecks firing like mad off in the distance. He grabs his white flag, shrugs and walks towards them::

In Manarth

::Watson looks around the room, startign to get more and more nervous. He chuckles a bit at the thought of using seduction to gain an alliance. "Who would try to..." He stops himself midthought, realizing who he works with::

Watson: Ha ha! Of course I wouldn't try to seduce you! I'm much too bad at that sort of thing anyway! Seriously though, we are looking to form a more firm alliance between Manarth, HO, and Edenstein. Before, there was the Treaty of Fei Fong Wong. Unfortunately, this treaty was so weak it was almost worthless. We come to you now as a nation that has grown up. No longer do we sit idly by. Now we stand up for what we believe in. We wish to ally ourselves with your great nation. Know though, that this is not just our way of asking for help. I know the Izimbeckwi situation looks like it's leading to war. That will not happen. As I speak, we are surrendering our soldiers over. But we need to do something to help defend against the growing threats that plague our region. Will you help us?
03-03-2005, 05:33
*A man with a white flag approaches the Andaluciaen troops*

Sergeant Zaros: Hold steady boys, he's got a white flag..

*The Andaluciaens aim their assault rifles, but do not fire*

General Sherman: Here I am, I surrender!

Sergeant Zaros: Identify yourself and remain where you are! (to a Private) Go and check him out, make sure he doesn't have anything on him. (to General Sherman) We are sending out a soldier to confirm your identity and make sure you are unarmed!

General Sherman: It's General Sherman! Why don't you just shoot me right now you ruthless bastards!

Sergeant Zaros: (stands up) Remain still! (under his breath) Now I'm going to make lieutenant for sure...

Private Tucker: I'll be making sure you are General Sherman, identification please.

[In Summation] And so the Andaluciaens have captured General Sherman and ended the madness in Izimbeckwi. (or so we think...)
03-03-2005, 18:18
Manarth, Meeting between Watson and Smith

Smith: You would understand of cource if we didn't jump right onto a formal alliance. There is still a large number of supporters of the old Corran dynasty in Manarth, who don't think HO is headed in the right direction, and, to be frank, I'm one of them. I think though, if you ally yourselves with Edenstein, as do we, if it does come to war we can have a co-belligerant status, which I should add, is better than nothing.

And believe me, if I was the least bit worried about a war with Dubelco and Pax, I wouldn't be pushing so hard for an alliance with Edenstein. Dubelco may have a large navy, large enough to rival Edenstein's perhapse, but wars are won by boots on the ground, and it's population couldn't take ours in an even fight. And Pax, despite being totalitarian, takes years to decide on anything that comes their way...

At any rate, the best I'm willing to offer is a mutual ally in Edenstein. We'll join any battle they join, and I'm sure they'll join any battle you join. That should be simple enough deterance for Pax and Dubelco for sure. Just don't expect us to run in and liberate any territory for you, I'm affraid it will be some time before our countries will be friends again.

Dubelco/Manarth Border
405th Air Cavalry Regement, 17th Rapid Deployment Division

Lt. Col. Stubenson: Okay men. We've recieved word that the Dubelcans on the other side of the fence are on high alert as well. I'm sure they expect us to try something, and we should be equally prepared for them to pull something too.

Major Wollenski: One question, sir. What about Featherstones America?

Lt. Col. Stubenson: What about them?

Major Wollenski: They've been quiet for far too long. Everyone seems to have recovered but them. I'm worried our nation is forgetting about them.

Lt. Col. Stubenson: Wollenski, the FAs are done. They've been beaten back, they've lost most of their fleet, 1/2 of their standing army. They're worthless now. Besides, we've got folks at home to look after them. Our problem is Dubelco.
Henceland Omega
03-03-2005, 18:39
::In Izimbeckwi, General Sherman watches as Pvt. Tucker comes near him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his matches, while pulling off a small vial he has around his neck::

Sherman: You didn't think it would be this easy to take me would you?

::The other Andalucaien soldiers raise their guns at Sherman, who pourst he contaents of the vial on himself::

Tucker: What is he doing?

::Sherman lights a match, instantly engulfing himself in flames::

Tucker: Jesus Christ! He set himself on FIRE!

::Around the area, the other HO soldiers are surrendering themselves. Meanwhile Francis and Max are sitting in a tree stewing::

Francis: I hate them all...

Max: I know... but as much as I hate them, I don't want ot die at theirr hands. Do you think by surrendering now we'll have the chance to kill more people later?

Francis: Well for now, they seem to have forgotten the two of us. Maybe if we hide here and don't shoot anyone we can get away. If they find us we'll just go with them.

Max: Ok, but if we get away with this, we'll have to be careful and not kill anyone until after we go home...

Francis: Yes. And if we do make it home, I'm going to do whatever it takes to help take those Arlies down from their high loft. I hate them all...

::They continue to hide in the tree, not making a sound::

[Summation:] Sherman lit himself on fire. HO solders are surrendering, but Max and Francis are trying to hide
03-03-2005, 20:04
Pvt Tucker: Jesus Christ! He set himself on Fire!

Sgt. Zaros: Goddamit! Knock him down with your gun!

*Pvt Tucker knocks General Sherman down as Sgt. Zaros comes over with a soap-foam fire extinguisher*

Sgt. Zaros: You ain't ruining my promotion you bastard! *sprays General Sherman with the soap foam, which smothers the flames on his upper body fairly rapidly, another soldier comes over with his soap-foam extinguisher and puts out the fire on General Shermans legs* Damn, he's burned there a mobile med center around here?

Pvt. Tucker: I'll grab the radiophone sir!
03-03-2005, 20:28
Gunther Stromdormburger sees the white flag and realizes the hostilities are over for the moment. "Alright men, lets get over there and see what is going on."

The Zembecks stand up shaking empty casings onto the ground and begin reloading. They slowly approach the area where General Sherman is approaching the Andaluciaeians. Franz Brewmeister asks Gunter if he can clear his gun.

Gunter "What is the matter?"

Franz "I think it is jamming when I hold it onto full auto."

Gunter "Well fire at that tree over there and clear out your gun. Don't excite those people trying to put out the man on fire."

Gunter by now has managed to pick up three more pistols and another five hundred rounds of ammo. Every step he takes echos with the clink and clank of ammo stuffed into backpacks, sidepacks, hip-packs, butt-packs, leg pockets, shirt pockets and behind the ears.

[Summary Zembeck Militia arriving on the surrender scene.]
03-03-2005, 22:40
In mid afternoon in the country of Tubamanea every thing stopped all of the kids in school had to watch the TV and everyone at work and home were glued to their TV’s as were the Tubamanea’s leader was going to give a speech. A man in a black uniform came up he had a gold cloth around his right arm with a silver tuba on it. The uniform for Tubamanea was a red uniform not black so it though the people off there. He steps up to the microphones and said the leader of Tubamanea is dead and I will be taking over for him. He looks at the flag of Tubamanea and said "take that thing down and fly something better for our country". As the new flag went up not a sound could be heard "my name is Jake Dorence I am the new leader of Tubamanea" men from the army came in with the new uniform on the walked Mr. Dorence out. The camera zoomed in on the new flag of Tubamanea and the country didn’t know what to do, but look and think.
That night Mr. Dorence was at the leader’s house in the city of Brass the capital of Tubamanea when a knock came at his door. “Come in” said Dorence and a man walked in

The man “good speech”

Dorence “thank you”

The man “what do you have planed for our country”

Dorence “I am planning to make Tubamanea know in LETI other then the country that stays out of the way Tubamanea is ready for the world I am just pushing it in the right direction”

The man “ I don’t think that Tubamanea is ready for this the people don’t know what is going on and I think that we are better off staying out of the way let the bigger countries do what is best for them and Tubamanea will stay in the back and watch”

Dorence “NO Tubamanea is going to be known and will stand up show our flag to the world that we are not going to site to the side any more.”

The man “very well then I guess Tubamanea is going to be changing for the better only time will tell, but I would like to worn you that I am not going to let this country go to hell where you are planning to take it”

The man pulls a knife out of his pocket and runs at Dorence he shots out “die”. Dorence grabs his arm flips him onto the floor and runs the knife though his head then calls for some one to clean up the mess and said “I am going to have to watch who is let in here better”. Dorence then went to bed for he is ready to change Tubamanea into a better stronger country.
04-03-2005, 00:02
*Sergeant Zaros is on the radio phone calling in to the central command*

Sgt. Zaros: Homeplate, homeplate, this is Sgt. Zaros...we have General Sherman, he's burned bad...

CC Dispatcher: You want a medical flight? I can get Rapier 9 to your location in five minutes.

Sgt. Zaros: Tell them they'd better hurry...
04-03-2005, 03:37
04-03-2005, 04:00
The citizens of Saxes stopped their activities and went to their televisions, as there had been an announcement the night before on the nightly news that there would be an announcement by their leader, Empress Jessamine de Medici. She appeared on the television in her ceremonial robes of state and tapped on the microphone, then began to speak.

"Citizens of Saxes, I am here before you to inform you all of the new developments in our country and world. The Emperor of Edenstein has contacted me with an invitation to join in alliance with that nation. It will help us in times of war and peace. As all of you know, I had sent out a poll to the entire nation, asking for your opinions on the subject. Almost all of the citizens in this nation voted for this alliance, so we have entered an alliance with The Empire of Edenstein. Hopefully this will lead to further improvements between our nations. Thank you."

She stepped down from the podium and left.

To Be Continued....
04-03-2005, 18:56
*Samsylvannia Palace*
*In the meeting room, another policy meeting has just been wrapped up. A maintainance crew comes in to replace the window that Twitch had shot out. The Chancellor asks Twitch to stay.*

Sammek: Uh...Twitch? Can I see you in my ready room, I've got to talk to you about all this shooting.

Twitch: Yes, sir, right away sir! *He nervously flicks the safety on his pistol on and off.*

Sammek: Go on in, I'll be in in a moment. *Twitch dives, rolls, and leaps into the ready room, humming the James Bond Theme. Chancellor Sammek rolls his eyes. Vice Chancellor Aldo approaches Sammek.*

Aldo: You know, I wouldn't trust that guy farther than I could throw him. He's a fidgety little bastard. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to accidentally shoot one of us, or, heaven forbid, you...

Sammek: I'm going to have a talk with him right now. In the mean time, you and General Hammond keep working on recompiling our military readiness reports. We may to step in on Edenstein's behalf soon.

Aldo: As you wish...
*Sammek goes to the ready room, where Twitch is already waiting. He shuts the door and sits down at his desk. Twitch seems considerably less fidgety, in fact, he seems completely normal. He pulls out a cigarette, then offers one to the Chancellor.*

Twitch: Smoke?

Sammek: No thanks, you know those things kill.

Twitch: Yeah, and so do bullets.

Sammek: So how are you, Mr. Thompson?

Twitch: Not bad. Do you have any idea how exhausting it is to keep up that act out there?

Sammek: So why do you do it?

Twitch: I find it useful for our enemies to underestimate me. Haha! Like that first policy meeting...the one where I shot the spy behind the curtain? He was too far away for me to get a good shot. He got brave after I took that random shot in the wrong direction and you told me to put the gun away. Moved in just close enough. Poor bastard...

Sammek: So what do you have on Aldo?

Twitch: Not much, I'm afraid. I have taps on his communications lines. If he is up to something, we'll find out. Surveillance has to keep their distance, though, since he knows our tactics and knows what to look for. He could easily be making drops or brush passes and we'd never know.

Sammek: Well, keep on it. What about General Hammond's laptop?

Twitch: Ah, now that's interesting. We've got a description of the guy that did it...apparently a neighbor saw the whole thing. Now, here's the weird part. There was a security camera on his vehicle at the time, but it recorded nothing but static for a half hour before and after the robbery. Even stranger, the intersection cameras a block away, you know, the ones that take pictures of red light runners? Blacked out too. Something was interfereing with all video for a half mile radius around the crime scene.

Sammek: Wow. You have my permission to do whatever is necessary to retrieve that laptop.

Twitch: Yes, sir.

Sammek: Ok, Mr. Thompson, that's all for now.

Twitch: Thank you, sir.

Sammek: Oh, and Philip?

Twitch: Sir?

Sammek: Be careful out there.
Pax Germania
05-03-2005, 23:51
**Pax Germania activates the rest of 1st Garrison, as well as 2nd through 25th Garrisons. Soldiers will be equipped and ready to march in slightly over 1 week.**
06-03-2005, 07:46
ABC Nightly News...

Anchorman: And in other news, former Supreme Consul Andrew von Beppler has been appointed Ambassador to non-LETI nation End of Darkness. It appears he is flying over there right now. Good luck Sir!

Anchorwoman: Ron, I've heard that EoD is beautiful, I hope he has a good tenure there.

Anchorman: It sure is Veronica, it sure is. We've received a report that a pet monkey has bitten a random man's face off, live to the scene!
06-03-2005, 17:42
Almost six hundred bright pink sea vans arrive at the docks in Michaelgrad. They are fill of M16s, 9mm semi automatics of every type and description and tons of ammo. The are loaded onto two container ships that were waiting on the end of the pier. The night was dark, misty and most of the lights on the end of the pier were burned out or shot out.

The container ships were new and the symbol on the exhaust stacks was obliterated. The flags they were flying were torn, dirty and impossible to determine country of origin. There were names painted on the stern of the ships but it could have been sanskrit for all you could read of them.

The ships were loaded rapidly and steamed out of the harbor still in the dark of night.
07-03-2005, 03:01
*Special Report*

The United States of Rialto in response to the ongoing regional threat herby deploys 200,000 troops, Special Forces, and combat engineers along with anti air and missile defense systems as well as tanks to defend the capitol city of Pasadena. Alert Status has been raised from Defcon 4 to Defcon 3. In addition to the alert status being raised there will be increased air and sea patrols of our borders. Any threatening activity by Edenstein or ANY of her allies will be regarded as an act of war and will be met with force. We are currently mobilizing a military force of over 700,000 personnel not including reserves or those deployed to defend Pasadena, plus an undisclosed number of aircraft and tanks . Full mobilization will be complete in 36 hours.

Summation: Rialto begins mobilization of troops and equipment and prepares for possible war against Edenstein and her allies.
Henceland Omega
07-03-2005, 07:01
::Carmine prepares to continue the Hundred Arrows Movement, but as usual gets his morning reports...::

Carmine: What the f*** is this? "Rialto mobilizes troops for war?" What the hell is that about? When was the last time anybody dealt with that country?

Raskalnokov: Well it would seem that they're itching for war, and Edenstein and ourselves seemlike the likely bad guys.

Carmine: You're right they're itching for war, and the second we do anything they're giong to attack. And of course that would set the ball rolling that we don't want right now. I have too many things to take care of first.

::Watson and Jenny walk in the door. Jenny is giggling and Watson is completely wide-eyed::

Carmine: Ah, you've returned. I heard of your success Heartwind. Excellent job. Watson, although you didn't manage to get a firm alliance, I think we both know that Manarth will abck us through Edenstein if anything happens. So not all was in vain.

Watson: You actually...

Jenny: Shh.

Carmine: Meanwhile, what the f*** do we do about this Rialto thing? Since when did they ally themselves with Pax and Dubelco?

Watson: Well Sir, they have elections in a week and I think they want to kick things off with a bang. I hear that Kerry guy's a real prick and would attack anyone just for moving a finger. If he wins there's no doubt he'll find some reason to attack us.

Carmine: ::shrugs:: I'm actually more worried about that than about Pax's mobilization. Pax is trying to thumb their nose at us, but they're not stupid. They know that to start anything would be death to both them and Edenstein. Rialto on the other hand isn't quite that smart. They're the kind of nation that might attack just for the sake of having a war.

Watson: I don't see what the problem is. Sherman and his men surrendered, and if they haven't noticed, the Hundred Arrows movment is going on and going splendidly. Edenstein has actually been pretty quiet lately too. What on earth did everybody see that made them suddenly activate their militaries?

Raskalnokov: Gluttony. Gluttony for war, devastation, conquering, and stomping out countries they think are far inferior to themselves.

Carmine: I want you all to mark this. I will mention this to the people today who have doubted me. Anything else of note?

Jenny: Well, in DOS, I hear General Hammond's laptop was stolen...

Carmine: I didn't hear anything about that...

Watson: It wasn't on the news. How do you know?

Jenny: I have... friends in DOS. I think we'll have to watch them and see what's going on. Things have started over there that might be of interest to us later.

Carmine: Ok, anything else I need to know?

::Watson looks at Jenny, who puts her finger over her lips::

Watson: Uh, no.

Carmine: All right then... let's get this thing over with... ::He proceeds outside to the balcony::

[Summation:] Carmine is upset over everyone's mobilizations considering absolutely nothing has happened lately. He wories more about Rialto than Pax because 'Pax isn't stupid.' Jenny knows something about DOS?
Peter Rules
07-03-2005, 07:16
*After a long winter's nap, President Peter awakes and scratches his ass. He looks at the pil of newspapers that is sitting on his doorstep*

Peter: Oh great! Hey Lois! We don't need to buy any diapers for a while!

*Brian the dog looks at the most recent newspaper*

Brian: My God! Look at this! Henceland Omega troops on the loose in Izimbeckwi, coups in Edenstein and Henceland Omega, troops being moblized in Pax Germania, Dubelco, and Rialto--wherever the heck that is. This whole region's getting ready to repeat the mistakes of World War I!

Peter: Well we can't let that happen now can we?

Brian: You're right! We ought to really set up a diplomatic

Peter: *interrupts Brian* We need to even the stakes here! Whose side has less people on it?

Brian: Y, y, you're kidding right?

Peter: Of course I am! I'm not stupid! We're going to ally ourselves with the winning team! Ha ha! I got you good didn't I?

Brian: That's, not exactly what I had in mind.

Peter: Send word to the guys with more countries on their team that the great nation of Peter Rules will support them to the very end! That is, as long as the very end means that we win!

Brian: I've got a better idea. Why don't you go in the house, put some pants on, and watch some Star Trek?

Peter: Ooh, that's a good idea too!
07-03-2005, 18:31
It's election night in Manarth, and the polls are buzzing about who the new party or parties in command will be. Triana Smith, head of the long powerful Conservative party, has taken hits in recent weeks, as her party has geared for war, and backed Edenstein openly. The person on the street has begun to feel betrayed by the regime, which seems to be rushing into war without having ample time to recover first.

As the first round of exit polls come in, it is apparent that the Democratic Socialists will be far ahaed, even in strongly Conservative districts such as Port Hrabe.

Finaly exit poll numbers predict a strong victory for the DS canidates, and a good showing for the Moderate and Radical Liberal Parties.

*MNN Newsdesk 2 days later.*

Harold Narvitsky: Welcome back from the break, I'm Harold Narvitsky.

Verona Wallace: And I'm Verona Wallace, and todays top story. The votes have all been counted and the Conservatives, thought to have lost by all exit polls and popular oppinion, have won the majority of Upper House seats.

Narvitsky: That seems a bit odd.

Wallace: The High Court of Manarth, and the reigning Upper House have endorsed the vote, blocking a recount, except in Eastern Detroit, which when solidly to the Democratic Socialist Party. Prime Minister Triana Smith was heard as saying "This is a resounding affirmation of my politicies, and I see this a mandate from the Prophet and the people of Manarth to continue to trust in my leadership and decisions."

Narvitsky: This just in... It seems that the Lower House has just passed a new law, the Alien and Sedition Act for Protection, which has barred citizens of Non-Manarthian decent from voting in elections until having resided here for a period of 20 years and made it a felony crime to criticise the government in times of war. The Upper House is voting on it now.

Wallace: I hope they pass it, it sounds like an important plan to stop LETI nations from siding with the Radical Liberals.

Narvitsky: Exactly, Verona. Next up, Prof. Ivan Yeager from the New Pittsburg Institute of Government Pollicy will talk to us about the new law and it's implications for making Manarth safer.
07-03-2005, 18:46
*Consul Arthur's speech before the Andaluciaen Senate*

It seems that a vast array of alliances are being activated all over the lake, and Andaluciae finds itself torn. We have long been friends and allies of Pax Germania, ever since the Cold War of Tokyo 3, and the treaty that was signed then is still in force today. But in recent times we have also developed a friendship with other nations, namely Edenstein and HO. But changes have happened in those nations. We now protect the government-in-exile of Emperor Edward Romanov in Andaluciae. We dread the changes that have occured in HO. And the violence of General Sherman in Izimbeckwi has been troubling.

Beyond that, the occupation of Izimbeckwi is disturbing. Andaluciae would truly like to see a free, democratic and independent Izimbeckwi in the lake region. Recent discussions with Pax Germanian diplomats have begun to open a door towards this happening, and with the aid of Maddermikian training and weapons, we might yet see a free and defended Izimbeckwi in the lake region.

We have colonies spread throughout the lake regions, and we are also concerned for the safety of Andaluciaen colonists, and the local inhabitants. We fear for the defense of Fijar in LOTI, Halbar in LHTI, Occupied Aldovar in LETI and Halban which lies just off the northern shore of Ohio.

Perhaps we may once again see Andaluciae, Fijar and Pax Germania stand together as we once did against the tyrrany of Aldovar. As such, we have made a decision, we are asking the leaders of Pax Germania to stand with us and confirm our dedication to the Treaty of Tokyo 3.

We do not desire a war. For a war between the powers of LETI would be most terrible and dreadful. We must cultivate a peaceful LETI, but if force should become necessary, The Andaluciaen Empire will not shirk from it's responsibility. We never have.

We ask that we may find a way to not make use of the tools of war, that we must make our way to a state of peace in the Lake regions. We counsel patience and wisdom.

As such, our military must be ready. That is why we have ordered increased weapons productions, and to begin to expand our military by adding another 10 million volunteers. We must be ready should the storm come. For this storm will mean more than just the difference between victory and defeat, but the survival of our very nation.

Thank you, good night, and God Save Andaluciae.
Henceland Omega
07-03-2005, 20:33
::In Andaluciae, Ritsuko and Citan finally get some word fromthe outside::

Ritsuko: Boy, it's hard gettingword ofthings when you're trying to hide from a crazy nation such as our own...

Citan: Yes, but what is moretroubling is what I've heard happening in the other nations. It seems that Carmine has almost singlehandedly made LETI prepare itselffor a war. A war that will be bigger and more destructivethan the Great LETI War. All this over trying to 'liberate' Izimbeckwi, which, oddly enough, is what Andaluciae is trying to do now anyway...

Ritsuko: Unfortunately, I still haven't heard anything about the location of the Holy Emperor. Not one person knows where he is, and I have a lot of sources still in Edenstein! What did that putz Ulonov do?!?

Citan: I have the feeling we're not going to find him...

Ritsuko: Well, let's just hope we can talk to Ed and see what we can do about all of this...
Pax Germania
08-03-2005, 05:39
**Hanz Gorebl in a public address to the nation**
Pax Germaniana and friends,
Tonight my single duty is to speak to the whole of Pax.
For many weeks a succession of actual wars and constant crises have shaken the entire region and have threatened in each case to bring on the gigantic conflict which is today unhappily an inevitability.

It is right that I should recall to your minds the consistent and at time successful efforts of your Government in these crises to throw the full weight of Pax Germania into the cause of peace. In spite of spreading wars I think that we have every right and every reason to maintain as a national policy the fundamental moralities, the teachings of religion and the continuation of efforts to restore peace; because some day, though the time may be distant, we can be of even greater help to a crippled humanity.

It is right, too, to point out that the unfortunate events of these recent weeks have, without question, been based on the use of force and the threat of force. And it seems to me clear, even at the outbreak of this great war, that the influence of Germania should be consistent in seeking for humanity a final peace which will eliminate, as far as it is possible to do so, the continued use of force between nations.

It is, of course, impossible to predict the future. I have my constant stream of information from Pax representatives and other sources throughout the region. At the same time, it is of the highest importance that the press and the radio use the utmost caution to discriminate between actual verified fact on the one hand, and mere rumor on the other.

I can add to that by saying that I hope the people of this country will also discriminate most carefully between news and rumor. Do not believe of necessity everything you hear or read. Check up on it first.

It is easy for you and for me to shrug our shoulders and to say that conflicts taking place thousands of miles from the mainland of Pax, do not seriously affect the Germanians; and that all the nation has to do is to ignore them and go about its own business. Passionately though we may desire detachment, we are forced to realize that every word that comes through the air, every ship that sails the sea, every battle that is fought does affect the Pax future.

I have said not once but many times that I have seen war and that I hate war. I say that again and again.

I hope Pax Germania will keep out of this war. I believe that it will. And I give you assurance and reassurance that every effort of your Government will be directed toward that end.

In this pursuit, myself and the Pax High Command have resolved to persist with our nation’s devotion to our great allies in Andaluciae and Fijar. Furthermore, I am proud to announce that last Monday’s national elections in Izimbeckwi went without a hitch, and the votes are being tabulated this moment.

As long as it remains within my power to prevent, there will be no blackout of peace in the Lake Erie Tropical Islands Region.
08-03-2005, 06:02
Let it be known that while Rialto whole heartedly supports Pax, Dubelco, and Izimbeckwi, we have yet to ally ourselves with any nation. We are mobilizing and deploying our forces to protect our own national interests and sovereignty. "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty".
Henceland Omega
08-03-2005, 07:51
Hundred Arrows Movement Day 5

::As Carmine exits the balcony at the close of the day, Elly looks at ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler. He is singing to himself as he scribbles notes down.

Elly: Oddly enough, today went without a hitch. I was surprised Carmine took things this well wouldn't you say?

Sam: What?

Elly: Well he came out and informed everyone of the warm-mongering going on in Pax and Rialto and such, and then got flamed for some of his anti-social welfare policies. He got ridiculed for the Blue Guard's creation, and got a request to lower the drinking age to 12. And he stayed calm the whole entire time!

Sam: Is that newsworthy?

Elly: Umm... well I'd say so.

Sam: All right! Like Tony always used to say, 'That's GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEAT!'

Elly: Tony the Tiger?

Sam: Yeah! He was the man!

Elly: I wouldn't say that too loud around here...

Sam: I said that once in X-iles. They looked at me funny too.

Elly: That's a bit different...

Sam: ::reaches into his pocket:: Bacon?

::In the Hence Palace, Carmine sits down at the throne and breathes heavily::

Raskalnokov: How can you stand there and take such stupid requests and obviously uninformed criticisms, Premiere?

Carmine: I have to. I promised I would. Besides, the eye of the region is upon us. They are waiting for me to lash out against another country, against Pax. They are greedily awaiting the moment they can drop in and attack us. But don't worry, I'm keeping tabs on what's being said...
08-03-2005, 17:33
*A sudden high level press conference with delegates from Andaluciae, Edenstein and Pax Germania*

*camera flashes go off*
*General Petrov Youmensky walks out onto the stage with a folder in his hand, he sits down on the stage next to the podium*
*Secretary Schumm follows behind General Petrov, and takes another open seat*
*Youmensky reaches over and extends his hand to Schumm*
*Schumm takes Youmensky's hand firmly and shakes it smiling*
*The remaining seat is hastily occupied by Chief Of Military Operations James Hartman*
*camers flash again*
To the othergentlemen: "Sorry my flight just got here."
Youmensky: Its fine... I understand how that goes.
To Hartman: Perfectly understandable, espescially in light of the flight I just had
Y: so who wants to start this off?
Schumm: Chief Hartman, you have probably had the most up-to-date info, would you like to?
Hartman: Indeed...
**Shuffles papers**
*the reporters in the audiance start to get a little rowdy.. throwing paper at each otehr, and paper clips*
*ANN Reporter George Kartmann zips a paper clip at a local stations reporter*
*NBC news correspondent Tom Brokejaw stands talking to himself* Tom Brokejaw NBC news.... Or.. TOM BROKEjaw nBc news....
*Hartman pounds on the table and the audience quickly falls to silence*
Hartman: "Well, as some of you may already know, the people of Izimbeckwi crossed a very important hurdle, in their quest for self-governance. On February 28th the nation participated in a free democratic election."
*mumbles from the crowd*
Hartman: "As of yet, the votes are still being tabulated, and no winner is being declared."
*Youmensky hands Schumm a note* Look brokejaw has a paperclip stuck in his forehead...
*Schumm draws a little picture of a smiley face with a paperclip in it's forehead and hands it back to Youmensky*
Hartman: "Due to these advancements, and the current battle-ready state of the Izimbeckwi Military, we are here to announce the removal of all peacekeeping forces within the national boundaries."
*reporters gasp and begin writing*
Hartman: "Ha! Thats the front page, guaranteed."
*youmensky opens the note and begins to chuckle*
*George Kartman zips a paperclip at Brokejaw*
*Schumm grins*
*Hartman nods to the audience and takes his seat.*
Schumm: While we do intend to withdraw our forces as rapidly as possible, it will not be instantaneous.
*General Youmensky stands up and puts on reading glasses* Edenstein has proposed to our fellow nations that troops begin withdraw no later then March the 14th with an ultimate pull out by april 15th.
*Hartman remembers he still has his taxes to do.*
Schumm: We have all come to the conclusion that this plan will provide for a stable and steady Izimbeckwi after our withdrawl.
And we look forward to co-operation with our fellow countries.
*An aide to Secretary Schumm comes out onto the stage, and hands all three delegates a note*
*The immediately look to their peers for their responses*
*Schumm leans forward to the microphone*
*Youmensky leans back in his chair and stuffs the note in his pocket*
Schumm: We have just received word that a victor can be found for certain in the election
*reporters begin a flurry of activity*
Schumm: Arcturis Dernitz has won the election with a projected...*blinks*...94.65% of the vote
Hartman (looking offstage): "Do we have any way of getting ahold of him?"
*Another aide whispers something from the shadows.*
*reports begin to wave to ask questions*
Schumm: Patience, there will be plenty of time for questions after we are done.
Hartman: Well we are going to have the good people at Ameritech connect us with Mr. Dernitz....
*rring, rrring- Click*
Dernitz: Hello?
Hartman: Is this Arcturis Dernitz?
Dernitz: Yeah.
Y: leans over to Shumann* I hope they don't get a phone sex cross feed on here..... *he chuckles*
Hartman: This is James Hartman, here with representatives from Edenstein, and Andaluciae.
Schumm: (whispers to Youmensky) It would be one hell of a moment for the stations ratings though
*chuckles again*
Hartman: Mr. Dernitrz... You have won a majority of the popular vote in the Izimbeckwi elections.
Dernitz: Wha?!
Schumm: (into microphone) A fairly...massive majority sir.
Dernitz: Woooohooooo!
Schumm: Our tallies show that you are at about 94.65% of the vote right now
Dernitz: Holy $#!~, they love me, they really love me!
Hartman: It would appear so.
Brokejaw: Not as much as the love ME!!!! *the paper clips are still embedded in his head*
*George Kartmann lands a seventh paperclip on Brokejaw*
Youmensky: Mr Dermitz.. what are your plans after the withdwral?
*Dernitz, in a furry of excitement hangs up the phone, leaving the press conference listening to a loud dial-tone.*
Youmensky: You have it folks!
Schumm: We'd like to congratulate the people of Izimbeckwi on their successful elections, and we'd like congratulate Mr. Dernitz on his election victory.
Hartman: We will now open the floor to questions.
George Kartman: George Kartman of ANN, do you view this as a return to the pre-occupation policies of Izimbeckwi?
Y: I've got this one
Hartman: Go right ahead.
Youmensky: Mr. Kartman, When the people who "liberated" The zembecks asked what they wanted.. a resounding 94% said they want to go back to the old ways....
I think its clear that our intervention was not in the best intrests of the Zembeck people.
Farbra Walters, LETI channel 5, ENN channel 2, How did these three nations, which seemed on destroying each other come to such a conclusion?
And a peaceful agreement?
Hartman: We are all reasonable adults. We can see the reality of issues within our region.
Johannes Kneppler: Johannes Kneppler, Izimbeckwi News. Are you saying that the war fought in our country was in vain?
*Hartman sinks in his chair and shows no signs of answering the question.*
*Youmensky looks up at the ceiling*
Schumm: While Andaluciae was not involved in the war and occupation of Izimbeckwi, we have realized that our allies made a decision which they felt was in the best interests of LETI
*Youmensky nods approvingly*
*Hartman sighs loudly*
Schumm: And while this result may not exactly be in line with their original intent when this began, we can realize that the true importance is that the results have given LETI a healthy Izimbeckwi.
Schumm: An Izimbeckwi that has had a choice, a free choice. And while they have not chosen as our allies may have necessarily desired, they still chose, and that's what is important.
Schumm: Next question please
Hartman: GAAAH!
*Youmensky shakes his head* Mr. Brokejaw I sugest you run...
*Hartman smacks his microphone off of the table and storms off the stage.*
Schumm: I think the more important question is, is it true you have over a half-dozen paper-clips stuck to your head?
*feels his head* I belive you are just making that up to throw me off the true story!
*walters throws a pencil and sticks it in brokejaws head*
*George Kartman zips three paper clips at once at Brokejaw*
Schumm: Make that more than a dozen...
*Hartman returns panting loudly.*
Youmensky: are you alright?
Schumm: Allergies, i assume?
Brokejaw: I you sir... are wrong... *falls over due to loss of blood*
Hartman: Serves him right.
Hartman: Next question please.
Youmensky: I think we have time for one more question.
Kneppler: And what of any lesser forces that choose to remain on our soil?
Schumm: I'll handle this one
Schumm: This is just an agreement between our three nations, no other nations are bound by it, but if lesser forces decide to remain, we have washed our hands of wars in Izimbeckwi.
Schumm: And we cannot ensure the Zembecks will wait for a peaceful withdrawl.
Schumm: Izimbeckwi is now a free and independent nation, responsible for it's own decisions.
Youmensky: Friends.. This step, albeit a small one in lake policies is a prime example of what like minded nations can do once they put political squabbles behind them.....
I look forward to working with these two fine gentlemen in the future, and so does Edenstein.
*The three men pose for a final publicity shot, and as dozens of flash-bulbs go off the men walk offstage.*

[in summation: read it punks]
Viert Reich
08-03-2005, 22:24
* The citizens begin rebuilding on the surface again. The newly built and highly crafted submarines begin to be deployed into the lake. *

* The Meet the Emp' show is on *

The Unidentified Emperor: We have been hiding; we are back and we do not like the entrance of these 'new' countries.

Reporter 1: Can you tell us anything about the sub___

* Suddenly ducttape is placed on the reporters mouth and he is carried out by guards *

Reporter 2: *somewhat hesistantly* Is it true that in the rebuilding stage we will have fiberoptic lines to every home?

TUE: Yes, we plan to be the most advanced nation in the lake.

Reporter 3: Is it true that we helped Stuphen put down the communist revolt in Stuphen and helped stop the civil conflict?

TUE: That is also true.

[in summary: Subs are out on reconnisance and submarine testing and other questions answered]
09-03-2005, 18:31
Manarth welcomes the return of Viert Reich to the lakes.
09-03-2005, 18:46
Andaluciae sends a friendly welcome TG to Viert Reich. Offering Andaluciaen friendship and aid to help establish the nation in LETI if it needs it.
10-03-2005, 02:51
In the northern reaches of Izimbeckwi

Lt Col Mike Ludwig commander of the Local MadderMikian forces training the Izimbeckwi militia is supervising the offloading of the two mysterious container ships.

"There looks like enough guns and ammo to arm a small nation." Lt Col Ludwig says to his Chief of Staff Major Mike Chaney.

Major Mike Chaney "Yessir, we can arm almost two divisions with this stuff."

Lt Col Ludwig "Well we have almost two thousand volunteers in boot camp now and another three thousand signed up. It is a good start. They will provide the backbone of a military and for the near future the only standing police department."

[Summary MadderMikian troops training and arming the first 2,000 Izimbeckwi militia.]
10-03-2005, 03:49
*FArbra walters stands up and poses a question for the emperor of Viert Reich*

Walters: Farbra Walters Leti Channel 5, Since your nation has been gone for so long, how do you factor yourself into the new "Leti". Followup.. How are you going to acclimate your nation to current Regimes?

OOC: Welcome back Dustin
10-03-2005, 04:59
Rialto formally requests an alliance with Andaluciae, Pax Germania, and Dubelco so that we may present a united front against our common enemies.
11-03-2005, 03:07
*FArbra walters stands up and poses a question for the emperor of Viert Reich*

Walters: Farbra Walters Leti Channel 5, Since your nation has been gone for so long, how do you factor yourself into the new "Leti". Followup.. How are you going to acclimate your nation to current Regimes?

The Unidentified Emperor of VR: We haven't been gone, we've been living in our uranium mines underground and forgot there was the surface. We plan to be a constant threat to nations who dislike us. I think we will fit right in to other dictatorships who have similar ideals as us and there may be the possibility of an alliance. We know we are not as large as some nations but again we can either be a friend or a pain in your ... hmm elbow.
11-03-2005, 19:36
Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister and President for Life of MadderMike is discussing the maintenance of his ships with the Chief Operating Officer of Mike and Mike Shipping: Mike.

Mike (PM) "You mean to tell me that we have to inspect the hulls of all of our tankers?"

Mike (COO) "Yeah, and there are some countries that want us to use double hull tankers when we enter their countries."

Mike (PM) "Who in the h*ll wants that?"

Mike (COO) "It seems as if the UN nations are required to have double hulled tankers and they are getting pushy about us using them too."

Mike (PM) Who are these UN nations? There aren't any UN nations in LETI is there? If they insist we will quit shipping to them or bomb them back to the stone age. We have been stockpiling cruise missles for years. If we let loose with seven or eight thousand we could upgrade our inventory. Where is Mike Bond, Minister of Intelligence and Information?

Mike (COO) "I think he is in Edenstein working on some Nano-bot technology."

Mike (PM) "Well, I think it is time we started to make some nuclear bombs. The only type of reactor we build in MadderMike is the breeder reactor lets get on it."
[Summary - One of the stupidest nations in LETI is starting a Nuclear Bomb program.]
14-03-2005, 07:09
*All across nothern Izimbeckwi Edenstein troops begin to pull out, most of them are in the very north around Acirema*

==In Andalucaie==

*Emperor Ed has called together what is left of his administration to discuss a course of action*

Ed: So have we heard from anyone in the HO government after their liberation?
Onotov: Nothing.... I heard they are here in Andaluciae, but I don't know anything..
Ed: What about Zofia? Anything from her?
Onotov: Nothing as well, last I heard she was still in Izembeckwi, but.. I don't know...
Carloyn: So what about Ulonov?
Onotov: Well the Andaluciaens have offered to take him out, but he's been relativly quiet lately...
Ed: Well all we can do is wait......

==In Edenstein==

Ulonov: *on phone* Commence with operation "Who moved my cheese" at your earlierst convience... yes..... yes... no.. not to much at least... need something to keep the color in their faces..... alright...

*he hangs up just as the news cameras come into the room, and makeup people start applying makeup..*

== On LETI News==

*the leti news logo flashes and then the ENN news logo appears*

Walters: This is farbra walters taking you live to Edenstein palace where Emperor Ulonov is making a speech...

*the screen changes to Ulonov sitting at the desk the desk is much cleaner then what it usualy is*

Ulonov: My fellow Edensteinians as wel as members of the larger lake community, in accordance with our recent treaty with Andlucaie and Pax, we are we have begun to pull our troops from Northen Izembeckwi.... this is a move that will save our young men and women.... as well as defend us from our new enemy... Rialto....

The JohnKerrydom of Rialto, run by an evil tyrant of a man... John Kerry, who is already a member of the United Nations, has put out feelers into the posistion of UN delegate..... this move is not good for our region, as well as not good for Edenstein...

These mongrel Hoards to our south have provoked the wrong country.... Edenstein fought and won a war for our freedom, sovreignty and independence from the black hand that is the UN... therefore... Edenstein, I call upon you to fight back this Tryranical opression once more! And defend our way of life! For yourselfs, and our children!

I am confident, that with our deep rooted allies, Henceland Omega and the new treaty organization that is building, we wiil stop these opressors.....

Goodnight Edenstein, and may peace be with you.

*stations go back to "The Golden Girls join the Gerryatric Baseball leauge!"

[Summation] Edenstein troops begin pulling out of N Izembecwi, The original administration asks wheer in the hell Zofia, and the HO government are... and Ulonov declares Rialto to be the real threat...
Henceland Omega
14-03-2005, 07:32
::At the Hence Palace, the administration is enjoying the weekend. Carmine has called for a recess of the Hundred Flowers Movement until the weekend is over to give him time to catch up on all the work he hasn't gotten to. They finish watching the news for the evening::

Watson: Rialto is the real threat now huh? That's new.

Carmine: Can't you see? Rialto is just a frotn! Look at the timing!

Jenny: The timing?

Carmine: Absolutely. Izimbeckwi became a truce and nobody was a clear winner. Pax and Edenstein halted things before they got out of hand and real war broke out. Conveniently Rialto starts harrassing us at the same time. Coincidence? I think not.

Watson: So you're saying that Pax is secretly putting Rialto up to this to test us on grounds less politically unstable?

Carmine: Absolutely. We cannot stand for this.

Raskalnokov: I noticed that Ulonov mentioned that he would be asking for our support in dealing with the Rialtan threat. If Edenstein declares war on Rialto or vice versa will we come to their aid?

Carmine: Of course we will. We do not "monitor the situation" when we have a firm alliance with our friends! We do not run and hide! We stand up for ourselves and our friends! Whatever Ulonov decides to do, we will back him up.

Watson: And if Pax backs Rialto?

Carmine: They won't, at least openly. They want to see what we're capable of by using another country. And a UN one at that. If that bimbo Corran got nothing else right, he was absolutely right not to trust the UN. I'm glad that sentiment has stuck around...

In Andaluciae

::Citan and Ritsuko are in a cofee shop. Ritsuko is standing up, infuriated::


Citan: Calm down Ritsuko, please. What is the big deal about that? Oh... that's right. You were responsible for that in the first place weren't you.

Ritsuko: Yeah! It was a good shot too! I can't believe it! ::She sits down and sighs:: I just hope to God someone else is in charge over there now.

Citan: Well I'm sure we'll find out. I'd forgotten how much you hated Viert Reich.

Ritsuko: It was mostly Dorrstein, that putz. ::She looks up and shrugs:: Anyway, let's go find Emperor Ed. We need to get a plan in action if we're ever going to do something about Ulonov and Carmine, and maybe get a lead on Corran...

::They pay their bill, tip the waitress well as usual, and leave the coffe shop::
14-03-2005, 18:16
Embassador Timothy Pointdexter, head of the Manarthian Embassy in Rialto, has requested an audience with Johnathan Kerry to discuss the current aggressive stance taken in recent months. With peace, at least in theory, settling in over the region, Manarth has found that only Rialto retains the standoffishness once seen around the Lake, and wants to discuss ways to bring Riatlo back into less beligerant forms of negotiation.
Featherstones America
14-03-2005, 18:24
Naturally, President Patten has been cheating on the Treaty of MadderMike, from the minute he signed it. He still chuckles inwardly when he thinks of turning over his "Remaining 10%" of nuclear devices. That Manarth is now an independant Repubic again concerns him, but he has done all he could to keep his nation alive and independant after the war.

He wonders how effective Andalucaies new missile defence shield is. Naturally, his scientists reduced the effectiveness of the intercepter missiles before turning over the schematics, but he was fairly sure they'd catch most of the bugs before implimentation.

But now, he has other matters on his mind. While the recent flairup in tensions would have left his country too weak to join in, Gen. MacArthur and his staff have assured him that FA is rebuilt to most of it's former glory. All that remains is to pick a side.

And so, Patten has sent out hints to various nations around the region. It's former ally Dubelco, Rialto, Pax Germania, and even the new regime in Edenstein, to feel out the condition of the lake and to possibly find a cause to get behind, and recover their former glory.
14-03-2005, 18:55
* The Unidentified Emperor calls Bianca to take a message. *

UE: Write a telegram to Andaluciae. And include the following: We gladly accept the offering of friendship and we offer the same back to you.

Deborah: Holyness, the press conference is in 5 minutes.

UE: Thank you. * Sends orders for the submarines to follow convoys of all transports in the lake and to not engage unless fired upon. *

Deborah: The press conference is in a minute.

UE: Okay.

* The Unidentifed Emperor decides at this press conference to show his identity *

UE: I realize many have wondered who is behind the dark mask. My father passed on a legacy that did not survive. And I do not want to wish that on the rebirth of this nation. Who would have known that we where underground for so many years and forgot that there was a surface ... As a way to prove that we have stability my identity must be proven. I am the son of the Holy Emperor Dorrstein. I am Dorrstein II.

* All who attend the press conference gasp and bow down. *
14-03-2005, 23:24
*Rialto news report*

Reporter: Well it appears President John Kerry has won re-election by 1,212,865 votes. He was all smiles last night at his home as he watched the final vote tallies come in. While we must wait for the votes to be certified it does appear as though he has handily won reelection.

* special report*

Newly re-elected President John Kerry has just been rushed to a hospital after falling in his home. Sources tell us that the president was talking to his aids when he suddenly collapsed and fell to the floor. At this time we do not know his condition. All we can do is pray that he will be ok.
14-03-2005, 23:35
We regret to inform Ambassador Pointdexter that due to pressing matters of state we cannot grant an audience at this time.

Henry Kissinger
Secretary of State
15-03-2005, 02:23
*An telegram to the region*

Andaluciae will be testing it's new missile shield in the next few days. So as to maximize the realistic behavior of the missiles, we are using foreign designed weaponry, and are launching them at an unspecified time in the next few days. The missiles will be launched from our territory in Occupied Aldovar. This message is so that noone is alarmed by a sudden, large volume missile launch. Thank you.

-Consul Arthur
-Secretary Schumm
-Grand Admiral Scheer
Henceland Omega
15-03-2005, 06:34
::As Ritsuko walks through the streets of Andaluciae, she happens to catch the end of the VR press conference::

UE: I am Dorrstein II.


Citan: Oh my. I wonder how this is even possible? Was his son somehow linked to a whole different group of people? Well, I am sure of it! That must be how they all survived.

Ritsuko: I'm going to kill him! He has to be just as bad as his father!

Citan: Now, you don't know that for sure.

Ritsuko: You just wait! I bet he is!
18-03-2005, 15:19
OOC: Going to sunny Florida for Spring Break today, so I won't be posting with Manarth, FA or Connerys Children at least until the 28th.

Take care all of you, and try not to get into a shooting war while I'm away.

Matt "Kelso" Kelsey
18-03-2005, 16:15
OOC: Ohhh.. poor kelso.. going somewhere warm.... lol have fun
18-03-2005, 21:23
OOC: Ditching the weather phenom that is Ohio for florida?

You lucky bastard!
19-03-2005, 16:55
From Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister of MadderMike and President for Life. We would like to test our missiles against your missile defense. I propose six of our oldest cruise missiles, six of our next generations missiles and then six of our newest missiles. If you could direct us to an uninhabited island where your missile defense is set up we would be willing to help you in your tests.
/s Mike

From Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister of MadderMike and President for Life. It has come to our attention that LETI is becoming a hot bed of UN activity. We request your assistance in neutralizing this ominious threat.
/s Mike PM Maddermike

Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister of MadderMike and President for Life, "We must test our missiles against a highly developed missile defense system like Andaluciae's.
19-03-2005, 17:02
Certainly, just off of the northern coast of Andaluciae, there are a series of small islands, there are very few inhabitants. They are protected by our missile shield, and if you want to test, we have no problem with it. It will be good training for our ABM forces.

*Meanwhile, the Andaluciaen missile facilities in Occupied Aldovar light off 60 ICBMs, some Andaluciaen designed missiles, some of the missiles are based off of the designs recovered of some downed FA missiles.*
19-03-2005, 20:16
*Inside the Andaluciaen ABM control center*

Major Carlyle: Sir, we have inbounds, computer estimates 300 targets closing.

General Smark: Allright, Major, can you eliminate the decoys?

Maj. Carlyle: I believe so sir, give the computer a second...There, I've been able to eliminate all but 68 of the targets. Their targets are spread out across the nation.

General Smark: Good, Captain Smithers!

Captain Smithers: Yessir?

Gen. Smark: You are authorized to shoot down the inbound targets that the Major here has identified as missiles, is that understood?

Captain Smithers: Yessir, I'll get right on it.

*Smithers rushes over to his team, which moves quickly to get firing solutions on the inbound missiles*

Capt. Smithers: Interceptors away!

*The Andaluciaen missile interceptors roar aloft from various air defense bases around the nation, 31 missiles are downed on the first try, the second volley takes down another 27, The remaining two missiles are dispatched by Airborne lasers mounted on 747s. The Andaluciaen ABM shield test has been a total success*
20-03-2005, 03:44
We applaud the success of the Andaluciaen ABM shield. This system may prove very useful in countering any regional communist threats.
20-03-2005, 19:20
For the first round of missile tests to the off shore islands of Andaluciae we will launch six of our block I mod 2 cruise missiles. To further assist your efforts the following is provided:
1. Missiles fly at 1,000 feet.
2. Missiles have rudimentary Artificial Intelligence on-board to identify and attempt to destroy largest target when arriving on station.
3. Missile warheads are loaded with flour to mark any hits that occur, please transmit any co-ordinates on a hit so we can calibrate our targeting algorithms.
/s ADM Mike Dewey Chairman MadderMikian Joint Chief of Armed Forces.

***Michaelgrad Daily Newspaper Special Edition****
In a rare and hastily called news conference Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister and President for Life of MadderMike announced that he is putting the entire nation on Unbelievably High Alert. When questioned about this Mike answered that a new nation has arrived in LETI and now we have a UN regional delegate!

Mike went on to say that he will be contacting the new delegate in the next few days requesting they reject the UN Delegate position or MadderMike will be forced to consider that an act of war.

In a Heavily Fortified Bunker in the Mikian Alps

Huge blast doors begin to open and as soon as they are fully open six cruise missile roar out and head for Andaluciae. The blast doors slam shut. The six missiles soon arrive over sparcely settled islands in Andaluciae.
20-03-2005, 20:49
Two messages go out to Edenstein personel abroad,.

To: All Edenstein forces, home and abroad
From: Edenstein C&C
Re: deployment

All Edenstein forces are to be on Extremly high alert, the UN has reared its Ugly head in our region once more... be ready for military action.

To: All Edenstein Civillians
From: Edenstein Ministry of Homeland Defense
Re: Traveling

To All Edenstein Civillians, all Visa's have been CANCELLED, furthermore no new visa's will be issued, please contact the closest Edenstein Embacy for instructions.
20-03-2005, 22:14
Occ: well great I guess the shit is about to hit the fan.
20-03-2005, 22:17
Rialto herby urges all citizens traveling abroad to return to Rialto immediately. While this is not yet mandatory it is strongly encouraged.
20-03-2005, 23:29
*The Maddermikian missiles come roaring in low towards Andaluciae*

Major Hayes: General, we have inbound missiles, I don't see any decoys, just some electronic jamming.

General Smark: Alright, those must be the Maddermikian cruise missiles, Get a plot on their path, and alert all ABMR-19 Crews in it's path, these buggers are cruise missiles and they're coming in low, can't use the large interceptors for these...

Colonel Baker: Sir, we have some potential targets plotted for the cruise missiles.

General Smark: Alright, the ABMR-19s in those areas are free to fire.

Colonel Baker: I'll alert them right away sir.

*Colonel Baker hurries off and has the ABMR-19 crews in the proper area activate their low-altitude interceptor rockets. They launch 32 rockets, at the inbound missiles*
21-03-2005, 00:02
Over the northern coast of Andaluciae
The six cruise missiles arrive and begin to search for targets. The ABMR-19 rockets seek their targets and explode as designed. Four of the cruise missiles are taken out immediately. The fifth one starts to spiral out of control and the on-board AI automatically launches the flour filled warhead towards a large concrete building. The sixth missile spots a large mural of an Andaluciaen destroyer and launches the flour filled warhead towards the mural.

***MadderMikian News Network Emergency Broadcast***

All MadderMikian citizens are urged to return to the homeland. All gun and ammo shops are ordered to remain open 24 hours a day. Citizens are urged to arm themselves to the teeth.

***Communiqué to Rialto Leadership***

The Continuing Insanity of MadderMike considers your recent appointment as UN delegate to be an affront to the peace loving citizens of MadderMike. The onerous demands of the UN are challenging the very existence of MadderMike. If this barbarism is allowed to continue we will be forced to take all necessary action to protect the interests of MadderMike here and abroad.
/s Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister and President for Life of MadderMike
21-03-2005, 01:06
*Andaluciaen Consular Office*
Consul Arthur: (looking over regional news briefs) Huh, the government of Maddermike is encouraging its citizens to arm themselves to the teeth, how is that a change.
21-03-2005, 05:01
*Emperor Ulonov walks out onto the palace balcony where an amassed crowd waits*

Ulonov: Friends, today an injustice has beffallen our region... a threat so terrible, that it can not be ignored. This darkness that has beffallen our region is known as.... THE UN.... The United Nations through their actions make their member nations, once free and independent people, a large hegemonic empire.... a nameless, faceless, huddled mass of freeborn people changed to a seething mound or tyranny and opression.

My friends... we can not stand by, and watch the shadowy hand of The MAN creep into OUR beloved region....

all of Edensteins forces are being brought to condition Mauve... and all Edenstein citizens are being ordered to return home. Do not let the UN pressure you.... for they are weak and nothing but a paper tiger.... Edenstein will prevail.....

*the crowds cheer as Ulonov waits for questions*
Henceland Omega
21-03-2005, 07:03
::Carmine is sitting in his throne while Raskalnokov paces in front of him. Watson stands off to the side::

Raskalnokov: A new UN delegate. This is most unfortunate. I had thought by now that we had convinced the region of how bad that was.

Carmine: You're absolutely right. While I don't fear Pax, Dubelco, Rialto, or even mimes, there is one thing that I do fear. The Man.

Watson: Are you sure this man even exists?

Raskalnokov: This THE Man. And yes, he exists. I'm sure of it. I agree that Corran was an idiot, but his advisor Dr. Uzuki was no fool. He was a very learned man. And he didn't make up lies. Our archives show the amount of research that went into his investigation, and of the strange incidents that followed.

Watson: What should we do? We can't declare war on the UN. That would be suicide!

Carmine: Don't be silly Helmholtz, I'm not going to do anything stupid like that!

Watson: Well what about Rialto? We really shouldn't go to war against them either. While it's true we would blow them out of the water, it would give Pax an opportunity to strike at us! "My God, listen to me! I'm using the Pax threat I don't really believe myself to convince him not to do something even worse... This is not good..."

Carmine: You have a point, but you also have to realize that we cannot just sit idly by and watch this happen. I do think we should raise our security level.

Watson: It's been so long I don't even remember what our security levels are!

Carmine: Well that's because we've been at the same level for longer than I can remember. I don't think that moron before even knew how to raise the security level!

Jenny: So what... exactly IS our security level?

Carmine: Standard Mode of course. Raise it to Heavy! And I think I should have a word with Ulonov. We need to discuss our strategies...
Factory Idiots
21-03-2005, 16:29
"My name is Bubba, I am the Union Pres-a-dent of the Factory Idiots, we want a 20 hour work week and sixteen weeks of vacation. I will be pushing legislation to accomplish this. There is beer in the back of the arena, lets get drunk!"
22-03-2005, 03:55
* Special Report*

President Kerry has suffered a massive stroke and is reportedly near death. It had appeared he was recovering following a mild heart attack at his home. This stroke was reportedly caused by a blood clot in his brain as a result of his recent heart surgery. The cabinet has decided to temporarily grant full executive powers to Vice President Edwards in the event the President does pass away. Vice President Edwards has just finished attending a state dinner in Vampyrsdon and is on his way back to Rialto.

* Summary*
President Kerry near death after suffering a massive stroke. V.P. Edwards assumes executive control of Rialto.
22-03-2005, 20:13
***MadderMikian Nation News Bulletin***

Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister and President for Life addresses the gathered crowd. There are dozens of microphones taped together on the podium. Flash bulbs are going off several each second. The audience notes the M16 slung across his left shoulder, an M4 with grenade launcher on his right shoulder, a loaded stinger missle launcher across his back, and twelve pistols of various types and styles placed about his body. The assembled crowd murmers its approval. They know their leader is prepared.

Mike "People of MadderMike I know you are a Peace Loving Nation but there is a threat to our very existance ---UN nations.

These UN Nations are appearing ever more frequently disrupting the fabric of LETI.

I have tried a diplomatic solution but: It is with a heavy heart that I appear before you to announce that in order for MadderMike society to continue to prosper we must declare war on Rialto, Counterpoint and Factory Idiots. We aren't going after Nerfcats because I like cats. I will ask the council to enact a declaration of war this evening at 6:00 PM."

As Mike steps back from the podium the morning air erupts in gunfire. Tracers arc across the sky and a huge roar once again shakes the stage.

Several people go down from the returning bullets but all in all only a small fraction of the people attending.

[Summary - MadderMike will declare war on Rialto, Counterpoint and Factory Idiots.]
23-03-2005, 10:16
== Her Holy Empress Jessica Anastasia Lynne Mindori, UN Delegate, Bearer of Justice, Champion of Good, Model of Demorcracy and Lover of all, is as usual sitting in her bathtub pampering her self. She casualy switches on the television and watches the press conference from Madder Mike ==

Jessica- Madder Mike? Who in the hell are they? PHIL!!!
== A few moments later, Phil, comes bumbling into her room, he is diverting his eyes from Jessica ==
Phil- Yes my queen?
Jessica- EMPRESS!
Phil- Yes my Empress, how may a lowly man be worthing of your bidding?
Jessica- Phil, find me out all the information you can about these loonies in Madder Mike, and what time is it?
Phil- Why it is 6 o'clock my evilness...
Jessica- Apparently we are now at war with them.... bring me intelligence on them and prepare our troops for marching....
Phil- Yes... your bidding is done... =he slinks off=
=Jessica continues with her bath, and watching the new Showtime series "The L word"
23-03-2005, 21:22
*Andaluciaen ABM control facility*
Colonel Baker: Sir, we have the next round of Maddermikian missiles coming in.

General Smark: Allright, (looks at screen) cruise missiles again, hm, their new missile is a cruise missile. Alright, six targets coming in hot and low. Major, blow those buggers out of the sky.

Major Dulles: Sir, I have a firing solution for ABMR-19s.

General Smark: Fire away.

*The mobile launchers light off 35 ABMR-19 low altitude interceptors, which down four of the newer Maddermikian cruise missiles. The remaining two evade the ABM equipment, and come screaming down on their targets, one of the targets being a mock up nuclear missile silo, the other being a mock up radar station. The flour warheads puff flour all over the place, causing some of the observers to cough incessantly.*
23-03-2005, 21:26
Rialto requests an emergency meeting with the leadership of maddermike.
23-03-2005, 22:27
OOC: For RP purposes I have played MadderMike as a large Island east of Eastern Detroit and north of HO on the Map of LETI here I have assumed that Andaluciae is in the Northwest corner of the lake. I have a crappy map posted in the Nimzonian Quisling thread. I will try to resurrect it and post it here somewhere.

Rialto requests an emergency meeting with the leadership of maddermike.

In Michaelgrad
Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister and President for Life reads the diplomatic message from Rialto. "Emergency meeting. Fine, where is Uncle Mike Bond Minister of Intelligence and Information?"

Em "He is stuck in Edenstein. He said something about stealing new nano-technology from them to fix his artificial leg."

Mike, cleaning a Desert Eagle 50 cal "He will need an artificial arm if he doesn't get back here soon. See if you can find one neutral country to host this meeting. I don't think Rialto would understand our "Everyone must carry a loaded, working gun at all times" Law.

Get ready to launch the next round of missiles towards Andaluciae."

Em calls up ADM Dewey and says "Operation Empress Soup".

Deep in the Mikian Alps hundreds of blast doors simultaneously open and six thousand cruise missiles leave their launchers. They start up the lake towards Andaluciae but one hundred miles into their journey they turn to the east and work their way towards Counterpoint.

The first wave of two thousand missiles are for hard targets and the on-board artificial intelligence modules will seek out large important looking targets. The second wave of two thousand missiles are each armed with five independenty targetable vehicle killers. The third wave is armed with cluster bomb-lets designed as anti-personnel.

The first of the missiles cross the border of Counterpoint near the Edenstein/Counterpoint border.

[summary- MadderMike launches first wave of cruise missile attack on Counterpoint]
24-03-2005, 06:24
At the capital of Nerfcat we come into the conference room of Miles Hansel the leader of the country of Nerfcat.

Miles- I really don’t know what is going on here in leti I know that we are not that large of a country, but war seems to be on the mind of everyone.

Head of the council- I am glad that everything is going on outside of Nerfcat.

Miles- I know, but I really would not like to arm our country.

Head of the council- I know this and I am not telling to arm the country I am thinking the other way.

Miles- That is a very good idea ok send letters to all of the countries in this battle that is starting and maybe if all of the countries can meet in a peaceful country away form all of the problems. Ok tell them the talks will be held right here in the Josie the capital of Nerfcat in this room.
25-03-2005, 04:56
==In the palace, Jessica is in her hot tub when a gaurd rushes in==

Gaurd- Empress.... Maddermike has launched an unprovoked attack against us!
Empress- Excellent...
Gaurd- What do you mean excellent!
Jessica- they are playing into my trap....

=she stands up out of her tuba and goes to the large window and steps out on the balcony in time to see by her count 200 missles coming in towards the palace. Out of the sides 12 double barrled gattling guns come out of the side of the structure, the fire up and begin spewing thousands of rounds of ammo at the incoming cruise missles. They take out 195 of the missles. The other 5's computer AI takes over sensing the new threat and slightly change their target, slamming into CIWS guns.==

Jessica- I hope thats not all they planned...

=another gaurd runs in and immediatly diverts his eyes once he realizes that the empress is standing there naked=

Gaurd 2- Empress I have initial damage reports from all over the empire.
Jessica- =walking over= Let me see those. =looking down=

=IEL (initial estimated losses)=

destroyed 145
damaged 400

destroyed 240
damaged 600

Other Vehicles
destroyed 503
damaged 791

ships destroyed- 3
damaged- 10

Military Personel
Killed- 3500
Injured- 7520
MIA- 8571

Military Bases
Bases are estimated to be at 76% operation capability

Nuclear Capability
All nuclear assessts are at 100% optimal

Conventional Strike capability
Conventional Cruise missles and conventional ICBM's 99% optimal

Bomber Command
95% optimal

Anti Missle defence
85% optimal
=Jessica smiles a devious smile and then, still naked walks over to her desk and pulls up her general staff=

Jessica- General, make them suffer....
General- Yes m'lady
25-03-2005, 06:00
OOC: Mr. Mike.. this is what the general is sending at you.

First wave...
1500 Mark IV Zeus EMP missles. Aimed at power grids, powerplants
2000 Yakohaunt 3 Mark VIII anti Infrastructure missles, Communications, phones, radio/tv stations
1200 Yakohaunt 4 Mark VII Anti structure, large structures, military complexes, factories.
300 Yakohaunt 4 Mark IX. Mach 4 tree skimming contour of earth Missles Heading straight for Michraelgrad government buildings, Mach 4 tree skimming contour of earth Missles.
800 JSTOR-165 AVM, Missles headed for motor pools and military basses
1200 Yakohaunt 3 Mark VI Missles headed for varios military installations.

300 B-52 bombers around the nation, as well as fighter escorts are spinning up their engines and are awaiting take off confirmation.

100 B-1B bomber are doing the same

50 B-3 Bombers.
25-03-2005, 06:01
As a fellow U.N. nation we have no choice but to come to the aid of Counterpoint. This unprovoked attack by Maddermike must not go unanswered. We The United States of Rialto have no choice but to formally declare war on Maddermike and ask all U.N. nations to do the same.
Henceland Omega
25-03-2005, 06:02
::In Andaluciae, Ritsuko and Citan finally get the location of Ed Romanov. They hurry towards him. As they run by they start hearing news of MadderMike's atacks on Counterpoint::

Ritsuko: Counterpoint?!? Are they still around? I thought Empress Jessica had finally quieted down again.

Citan: You are right. I wonder what made her suddenly decide to make threats and provoke attacks on her.

Ritsuko: Probably her time of the month...

Citan: Funny you of all people would say that.

Ritsuko: Hey! Give me a break! That guy had it coming!

Citan: In any case, I do wonder what this is going to turn into. I suppose anti-UN sentiment is still high in LETI.

Ritsuko: Yeah, isn't that your fault?

Citan: I only reported what I found. I made nothing up. The threat is real.

Ritsuko: Right, I know that. But now it's almost like a crusade against UN nations in LETI. Or at least the ones that do things. Nations like Nerfcat that are still isolationist don't really worrry anyone. It's when someone like Counterpoint gets up and waves her "magic stick of butt-kicking" at Edenstein and HO for being the nations that actually do some good around here.

Citan: Her magic what?

Ritsuko: Nevermind... let's just go find Ed. It's even more important now...
25-03-2005, 06:08
==As the missles go flying towards maddermike, Empress Jessica appears on TV==

Goodevening LETI... after the Unprovoked attack by Madder Mike, and the slaughtering of countless thousands of civillians, we have declared war on Madder Mike.... That is all...

=she leaves and goes back to he pampering=
25-03-2005, 16:47
OOC: For as long as this lasts

The Government of MadderMike wishes to thank the Government of Saxes for volunteering to host a conference between MadderMike and Rialto. In light of this we are asking what your laws and protocols are for visiting Saxes. As you may or may not be aware, all MadderMikian citizens over the age of ten are required by law to carry a loaded, working weapon. This is generally understood to mean a gun, however the courts have ruled that machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, stinger missile launchers and flame throwers are within the terms of the law.

The case of Mike McMichael vs MadderMike has established that knives, swords, brass knuckles, chains, whips, chain saws, and frying pans do not constitute a loaded weapon in the eyes of the law.

It is customary for our citizens to carry some sort of protection while visiting other countries. If you could send our chief protocol minister, Michelle Manners your customs in this regard we would know how to proceed when entering your country for this conference.
25-03-2005, 21:33
Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime talking to Em his consort and Secretary of State. "How do we get to Saxes?"

Em "The quickest way I know is to break a reed."
26-03-2005, 07:00
*Ulonov takes a look over the regional happenings*

Ulonov: Heh..... looks like Madder Mike is taking care of the problem for us.... *he pens a letter to the Mikeians offering support and aide*
28-03-2005, 02:35
The People of nerfcat are willing to help in any way we can to bring peace back to leti. We will not take up arms to any country and doing this we hope other countrys will keep us safe. We will hold peace talks to any country that wises to talk under a flag that is not under arms.

The Head of Nerfcat
Miles Hansal
28-03-2005, 04:39
*Message from Consul Arthur*

As of three hours ago, Andaluciaen naval warships have moved into blockading positions in the waters around Counterpoint in response to Counterpointian intrusions into our national and regional sovreignity by attempting to force the whims of the UN upon this region, and our nation, a non-member of this foul group. The dictates of this tyrranical body will not be followed by Andaluciae.

But this must not be confused as an act of war against Counterpoint. We are not firing on them at this time. This is only a containment measure, so as to prevent Counterpoint from spreading the will of the UN. We must understand that this is not an action against the UN or UN nations. Most UN nations are peaceful and harmless, but the miliitancy of Counterpoint must be contained and stopped from spreading. Nerfcats, Rialto and that other country have nothing to fear, and we wish to maintain normal relations with these nations. It is perfectly within the realms of your own nations national sovreignity to be members of the UN. We are standing against the militancy of Counterpoint and their attempts to force other non-members of the UN to follow the orders to which we have never agreed as non-members.

Thank you, Good night and God bless Andaluciae.
28-03-2005, 05:08
We will send the battleship Pasadena to the waters surrounding Counterpoint to ensure our humanitarian aid vessels en route to Counterpoint are not being blocked. The Andaluciaen Navy is herby granted permission to inspect these vessels for weapons and contraband. We must state this purely a humanitarian aid mission not a military one.
28-03-2005, 07:18
Onboard the SuperCarrier St. Helens in port at DDPP, Fleet Admiral Kulik watches as a large group of warships with the Andalucian flag sail by a few miles away.

"I wonder how long it will take before we see those come back this way with holes in them?" Kulik stated out loud. The few men on the bridge chuckle. "Any word from the higherups where we stand on this who problem?"

The comm officer turns to Kulik, "No sir, nothing from C&C for a week."

"Hmm, well, I doubt we'll have to wait long if this many ships are headed down south." Kulik says letting out a deep sigh. He walks out of the bridge and onto the walkway into the cool wind.
28-03-2005, 15:10
Andaluciaen vessels will not interfere with the Rialtan humanitarian aid vessels beyond inspections.
29-03-2005, 03:56
As news of the Counterpoint missile counterattack reaches the populace of MadderMike the government expected the citizenry to hunker down and wait out the attack. Most of MadderMikians had lived underground since the El Cosa Nazi attack on the government. Almost all of the above ground land was taken up by potholed roads, strip mining, and billionaire compounds. However this was MadderMike, long before the first missiles crossed into MadderMike people were streaming out into the open air.

The 1500 Mark IV Zeus EMP missles were the first to arrive. Aimed at power grids, powerplants they were met by a hail of gunfire, missiles anti aircraft CV9040 self-propelled cannons, usually used as commuter vehicles. They were ripped apart. There were many explosions, several of the missiles slammed into old decrepit coal fired powerplants. Two nuclear power plants were partially disabled.

2000 Yakohaunt 3 Mark VIII anti Infrastructure missles arrived next they were intended to disrupt Communications, phones, radio/tv stations. They ran into the MK 15 Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS) mounted on all radio/tv tranmitters and stations. They had been installed to protect the media from daily partisan attacks. 2,000 attacks on the Communications network was a normal mid morning tally.

1200 Yakohaunt 4 Mark VII were next targeting Anti structure, large structures, military complexes, factories. These were a little more successful as most of the surface near Michaelgrad is a military encampment and was very target rich. In addition the military is not as well armed as the citizens of MadderMike.

300 Yakohaunt 4 Mark IX. Mach 4 tree skimming contour of earth Missles Heading straight for Michraelgrad government buildings, Mach 4 tree skimming contour of earth Missles. These were much harder to pick up but the proximity to the ground made them vulnerable to the staggering amount of lead fired into the air.

800 JSTOR-165 AVM, Missles headed for motor pools and military basses
1200 Yakohaunt 3 Mark VI Missles headed for varios military installations.
These missiles were able to find many targets as 60% of the soccer moms use bradley fighting vehicles as their SUV of choice.

The Air net has launched nearly 300 F35 interceptors, 204 F16s, 5,000 F4 Phantoms, 20 AWACs, 250 airborne tankers, 120 F15s and several private airforces have launched a total of 12 MIG29s.


12 coal fired power plants
2 nuclear power plants
16 radio stations
300 bradley fighting vehicles
35 type 93 anti-aircraft selfpropelled SAMs
25 old government buildings long deserted, moved underground
15,324 civilians killed either by missiles or friendly fire, hard to tell.
610 military killed
95,000 + wounded civilians
10 wounded military

***MadderMikian National News***
MadderMike decries the unprecedented attack on the civilian population of MadderMike by the Evil Counterpointians. We call upon the LETI community to invoke sanctions on this evilness causing a LETI holocast.

In the Deep Underground Government Headquarters

Mike of Mike and Mike Shipping Prime Minister and President for Life of MadderMike to his concubine and Secretary of State Em, "Well, how goes the attack?"

Em replies "Not too bad we took a few more casualties then a normal Monday commute."

"The sales of arms and armored vehicles is up, we stand to make a tidy profit on this little engagement."

[Summary-Counterpoint's counter attack on MadderMike caused heavy civilian damages slightly more than an average workday in MadderMike. MadderMike decries the attack on civilians liking it to the holocast.]
29-03-2005, 05:10
*Admiral Steeb and Rear-Admiral Stark are meeting onboard the flagship of the blockading flotilla, they have a message from Grand Admiral Scheer who is with the main fleet which is elsewhere*

Adm. Steeb: Well, looks like we've got the containment orders.

R.-Adm. Stark: Let's see those real quick (picks up notes, reads aloud) are henceforth authorized to do everything in your power to contain the Counterpoint military. Planes and missiles are to be warned repeatedly, until it is seen as appropriate to shoot them down, cargo ships are to be warned to turn around, if they do not they are to be stopped and boarded. Warships are to be warned to turn around and if they do not they are to be sunk...(sets down notes) well, looks like we're about to find ourselves in a shooting war.

Adm. Steeb: Yep (puffs on his pipe) the Counterpointians don't know about these orders now?

R.-Adm. Stark: No, they don't, and they won't find out about them until they test the blockade.

Adm. Steeb: What fun, well, I think etiquette can be broken for the moment, (opens a cupboard and pulls out a bottle of scotch, and a bottle of Edenstein Vodka.) We'll have a drink.

R.-Adm. Stark: Alright, pour me some vodka.

Adm. Steeb: (pours Stark a vodka and a scotch for himself, he then hands the vodka over to Stark.) Well, to luck.

R.-Adm Stark: To luck
30-03-2005, 03:46
The final Andaluciaen cruisers and destroyers moved into position in blockade formation around Counterpoint. Their anti-missile systems at full power, and VLS tubes loaded with a mix of 1/2 anti-missile rockets, 1/4 sunburn missiles and 1/4 tomahawk cruise missiles. CIS guns track across the sky, following imaginary targets. Some of the warships mount the large Siege Guns, designed for shelling fortified positions from a great distance.

Beneath the surface Los Angeles and Virginia class subs equipped espescially for blockade duty prowl the seas. Their retractable deck guns sealed inside the ship until needed.

Aircraft carriers and larger capital ships linger outside of the protective net formed by the smaller warships, submarines and their aircraft. The blockade of Counterpoint was underway.

Meanwhile, the main fleet cruise out at sea. Centered around the Megalith carrier Victory, which is commanded by Grand Admiral Scheer. Norse II and Iowa (modified) Class Battleships as well as Nimitz class carriers form individual cells and strong points, as well as various other independent fleets. Various smaller ships tend to the larger ships and provide everything from depth soundings to air cover.

A third fleet remains in port.

Various cruiser squadrons and carrier battlegroups also prowl the lake, as well as ballistic missile submarines and attack subs.

This is a description of the current Andaluciaen naval deployment disposition. The references to four fleets are references to administrative units, and not sailing groups, although ships from each administrative unit tend to do fulfill similar roles to other ships in their individual fleets.
30-03-2005, 18:45
Triana Smith returns from her vacation in the Corporatocracy of West Palm Beach (OOC: alive in spirit if not in fact) to find LETI involved in a shooting war. "D*** it! I told them not to get into a shooting war while I was away!" She cried at her Chief of Military Operations, Ret. Brigadeer Gen. Yassim Verras. "What in the Prophetless Void are we supposed to do about this? It's already too late for our usual diplomacy."

Yassim Verras looked at her, and pointed to a stack of papers he carried. "We have enough of a military to tip the scales one way or another. Besides, haven't we always said this whole 'The Man' craze was bogus in the first place? We can't just sit by and watch three nations lose their soverignty without jumping in our their behalf. It's like our CoC immigrants always say, with thier funny little bracelets, WWWD. What Would Wallace Do?"

Triana Smith smiled at the thought. "He'd move a large enough force to trick the other nations into declairing war with him, and then pound them with his nation's superior military. Or he'd just launch a surprise bombing raid against one of the aggresser nation's fleet." Now she was grinning from ear to ear. "I just can't figure out which one it would be."

"Or would he do either?"

"What do you mean?"

"He is best known for pulling strategies out of thin air, and watching them work despite the odds against them. I've come up with a great idea, that boarders on war, but lets the other nations of LETI fire the first shot."

"And that would be?"

"We move a large military force into Eastern Detroit, say 10 Corps worth of troops, the 4th and 6th armies and assorted change. Put with what we already have there, we'd have 4 full Armies worth of soldiers. Move our ships to blockade Counterpoint, but not from cargo ships, but from military vessels of other nations. Escourt any cargo ships into the ports with a cruser squadron. Then, with Counterpoint's permission, move our army into their land, along the Edenstein border, as a shield. I doubt even Ulonov would be crazy enough to risk open war with us as well."

"I see, diplomacy through force... It's like we're merging the best of both together, I love it. How soon can we have the Army and Navy on this?"

"They're ready to go, they just need your signature."

The Manarthian 4th Army, 6th Army and 2 Corps from the 9th Army have been sent to Eastern Detroit. There, the 5th Army remains on high alert.

The Manarthian 2nd Flotilla, which is stationed in Eastern Detroit, moves out towards Counterpoint.

Messages are sent to the Counterpoint Embassy, as well as all other UN nation embassies in LETI, pledging support for their soverignty, and asking for permission to deploy troops in defence of their borders.

[Summary] Manarth, though not a UN nation, is taking up the torch once held by the CoC as the regional defender of a Nation's right to choose what is in their own best interest.
31-03-2005, 00:09
*Consul Arthur is in a teleconference with Grand Admiral Scheer, Secretary Schumm and General McPherson, they are talking about the Manarthian response*

Consul Arthur: What the hell is going on here? How can Manarth be claiming to support national sovreignity in this dispute? We aren't targeting anyone but Counterpoint, and that's because they're trying to force their views down our throats! Hell, I thought we were the one's standing for national sovereignity.

Secretary Schumm: We are, but I know what they're doing. Remember that incident with General Sherman in Izimbeckwi? I'd bet that Manarth is trying to do something along those lines, trying to get us to fire unprovoked at them. Well, we need to do something fast.

GA Scheer: I think the only option we have, short of hooking all of our surface ships together, is to mine all Counterpointian ports and harbors. The F/A 18's can drop loads of mines in fairly rapidly...

Consul Arthur: I'm not sure I'm ready to take that step quite yet, perhaps a telegram to HO to see if our info will clear this up...

GA Scheer: Alright, but if that doesn't work, my boys will mine the entire coastline if they need to.

Consul Arthur: That will remain on the table, How about this (he turns on the voice recorder)

I hope we can avoid conflict with Manarth, as it is in neither of our nations interests. I would like to clarify something very important though. We are not blockading Counterpoint because Counterpoint is a member of the UN. We are blockading Counterpoint because they were attempting to force the UN dictates on the non-UN members of LETI. We are not taking actions against Nefcats, Rialto or any other nation in the region. We would not be taking any actions against Counterpoint if they were not attempting to force UN resolutions on the non-UN Nations of LETI. We don't want anything bad to happen. Thank you.

*Arthur clicks off the recorder, and the message is sent to a secretary, who types it out and sends it to Manarth*

Consul Arthur: Alright, was that good?

Secretary Schumm: Yes, hopefully it will have an impact.

[in summation: Andaluciae is concerned about Manarthian intervention, and is attempting to stave off any hostilities. A telegram was sent to Manarth.]
31-03-2005, 00:14
Possible conflicts with Manarthian warships concern at Admiralty.
If Manarthian Warships attempt to breach blockade, stop them.
Avoid Firing until the last second.
If channels can be physically blocked, do so.
If they persist: Sink them.

[Summary: Coded Andaluciaen orders to the blockading fleet]
31-03-2005, 05:38
In Confed controlled Eastern Detroit, all bases have been stepped up to the highest level of alert. With the current rise of man power on the Manarthian side of the border, all personal have been activated. A general "state of readiness" has been put into affect until further notice. Fighters of all types are at a moments need to be in the air. Border patrols themselves have been doubled as is. This new state will be affect until further notice.
31-03-2005, 19:19
Ulonov: Sovreignty? They are talking about national sovreignty?!?! Hell if it hadn't of been for Edenstein they wouldn't have any f*ing sovreignty... they'd still be under the boot of FA!

*Ulonov sits down look over papers on his desk*

Antolov: Sir... I can have an entire army group on that front in a matter of days... just give me the word...

Ulonov: I'm trying to stay out of this but call them up for 48 hour deployment, just in case we need them.

Antolov: And what about the blockade?

Ulonov: We'll deal with it when it affects us...

[summation] Calling up troops to the counterpoint front...
31-03-2005, 23:32
Mike of M&MS PM of MM and PFL is watching Let's Shoot an Immigrant with Em when Mike "Mad Bomber" Kazinski comes into the room.

Kazinski "Uncle Mike the latest satellite info shows a huge Marnarth build up in Eastern Detroit"

Mike "Interesting, where did you get the satellite data we don't have any satellites."

Kazinski "Um I told you, Uncle Mike that we "borrow" data from any and all satellites that fly over LETI."

Mike "Oh, yeah you did tell me that. Now what's going on in Eastern Detroit?"

Kazinski "Lots of troops, tanks, armored personnel carriers, the normal stuff of invasions."

Mike "Who do you think they are going after?"

Em "Dubelco, those two can't stay away from each other. They fight like brothers."

Kazinski "Maybe they are coming after us?"

Mike "Nah, it is something else. Maybe they are going to try and sneak into Counterpoint and steal their gem production."

Em "They will get shot up by Counterpoint and probably accidently by us."

Mike "Well where ever they are going we will profit. If they go after Dubelco they will lose armor and we are the closest place to buy replacements. It is a long ways back to Manarth. If it is Counterpoint, they will get shot up and we still are the closest place to buy replacements."

Em "I will check our production levels and see what our shipping schedule looks like."

[Summary MadderMike looking to profit from Manarth's buildup.]
01-04-2005, 05:24
==Empress Jessica stands in her C&C room contemplating the situation==

Jessica- What? I can't belive these people, Maddermike fired upon us first!
Admiral- What are your orders Empress?
Jessica- Send out a Fast Attack Frigate group through the blockade, but stay in international waters. Lets see if we can get them to fire upon us...
General- And Manarth?
Jessica- Welcome them! They may have been an agressor at one time, they will make a nice meat shield between us and Edenstein... now go...

==They salute and head off to carry out their orders==

{sum} A fast attack frigate group.. (3 Frigates, 1 Destroyer and a VLS ship) Head towards the blockade heading out into the lake. Manarth is welcomed into the country.
01-04-2005, 17:40
*The Counterpointian fast attack group is registered on the radar of the Andaluciaen blockade ships, and the commanders respond.*

*The first action that is taken is to order ships to get close to the Counterpointian ships breakthrough attempt. Second, a general alert is sounded throughout the fleet, weapons are readied, and anti-missile systems are brought to full power.*

*Next, the blockading fleet begins to broadcast a warning on as many radio frequencies as possible, but the Counterpointian ships keep coming.*

*The Counterpointian ships get close enough to the blockade ships for a loudspeaker broadcast, which is carried out and ignored. As such, one of the destroyers fires star shells over top the Counterpointian vessels. The flares pop overhead like fireworks.*
01-04-2005, 17:50
Speach in Lake Clarke City, capital of Manarth
Triana Smith, Prime Minister of Manarth presiding

Triana Smith: Ladies and Gentlemen of Manarth, LOTI and LETI. It disturbs me greatly that something as simple as the creation of a UN delegate would cause such a large fuss in these regions. Admittedly, in the early days of our countries existances, there was a profound distrust and fear of the UN, but at this point how can we possibly keep up the ideology of paranoia and fear?

I ask this to our friends in Edenstein, our allies in the past and still now, how can you rationalize, with the power you are able to exert in this region, that any single nation can be a threat to your hegemony? Andaluciae, how can you argue that Counterpoint is attempting to force you to join the UN, when your nation's military could destroy theirs with little possibility for retaliation? MadderMike, um... "What the F*** were you thinking?" comes to mind, but I know better than to use the logic of our culture in order to convince you of your mistakes. Instead, I have this to tell you, citizens of MadderMike, the power to inflict bodily harm was always yours, you just need to realize that more often.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Lakes, my Nation will not back down in our desires for peace. Even if it means the ostracizement and hatred that was once reserved only for the CoC, we will not be daunted! To quote the great poet himself:

Indeed you speak the truth, and rightous plain.
Ne'er shall I fight for Unus's enemies.
While great Unus's house may not my friend be,
Others shall chose what is the best for them.

Let others decide what alliance or governing body to join. Manarth will stand with them, against our own allies, if it means the defence of their right to chose their own way in the world. And if it takes a war to decide who has soverignty, Manarth has paid the price before, and will unflinchingly pay it again.

So it is that danger, hatred and woe
those men who love others not do show.

Thank you all, and may the Prophet bless the people of Manarth and the world.
Connerys Children
01-04-2005, 18:02
In the small town of St. Stubensville, Edenstein, the local postmaster is on his way to work. He waves to his friends and neighbors as he drives his large Edenstein made SUV to work. As he crests the small hill, sorounded by a nice wooded park, a man darts out of the trees in front of him. He slams on his breaks to stop his vehicle, and stops just before hitting the man in the road. No one else is around, as he breaths heavily, and waits for the man to continue on his way. The man stays put and motions toward the wooded area to the right.

A single shot rings out, shattering the passenger side window and burying itself deep into the postmaster's brain. The man in the road walks over to the car's windshield and places a piece of paper in the wipers, it reads as follows:

"This man was a member of an unlawful government run by a ruthless dictator. He was that way before Ulonov, and will be that way if and when Romanov returns to power. Do not be complacent in your lives, citizens of Edenstein. Make it free from the influence of the vile sex, that turns our own into dictators and tyrants!

Children of Connery"

The man disappears into the wooded park.
01-04-2005, 18:59
Speach in Lake Clarke City, capital of Manarth
Triana Smith, Prime Minister of Manarth presiding

<<snip>> MadderMike, um... "What the F*** were you thinking?" comes to mind, but I know better than to use the logic of our culture in order to convince you of your mistakes. Instead, I have this to tell you, citizens of MadderMike, the power to inflict bodily harm was always yours, you just need to realize that more often.


Mike of M&MS PM ...."That does it. Em call up the El Cosa Nazis and put a contract out on that Triana Smith person."

Em "Well, she is dark skinned and has dark hair that is probably enough for the Nazis"
E-C-N Corporation
01-04-2005, 19:10
The CEO of the E-C-N Corporation, Aldolpho Locoaleman, is in the topmost room of the highest turret in the Chateau Castor Peau. Aldolpho is a slender man about 5' 8" with hazel eyes and dark brown hair. He is a ruthless man and has risen to the top of El-Cosa-Nazi by murder, mayhem, and coldblooded slaughter. He is talking with his number two Ranceed Carne.

Aldolpho "So these Madder Micheals wish to hire us for some unpleasantness eh?"

Ranceed "So it seems boss. I have seen this Smith, she is not the ideal leader for the esteemed nation of Manarth. They used to be war loving, an enjoyable nation to have in LOTI."

"I agree, this woman is pushing Manarth to live in a diplomacy choked neitherworld. We shall take this contract. How much are they offering?"

"$500 Million she is a head of state after all."

"Get them to double it, they have more money than brains anyway."

"OK boss."
Henceland Omega
03-04-2005, 01:49
::Carmine walks back into the Hence Palace after finishing yet another day of the Hundred Arrows Movement. He looks at Ramsus who has been eagerly awaiting him::

Carmine: Yes? What is it?

Ramsus: Premiere, I thought you'd like to know what's going on here. It would seem that Manarth is siding with Counterpoint in this whole conflict.

Carmine: Manarth?!?! Didn't we pretty much free Manarth?

Ramsus: Yes, it was the Edenstein soldiers with the HO support that defeated FA and brought back a free Manarth.

Carmine: And this is the thanks we get for it... You know, if anybody was intelligent out there they'd realize that there had to be something to this UN and The Man thing, because it's the only thing that I agree with the previous ruler on!

Ramsus: I don't think they really care about us too much...

Carmine: Oh they will... they will...
04-04-2005, 17:27
Manarth News Network, Wallace and Kelsey

Willfred Wallace: Hi, this is Willfred Wallace for Wallace and Kelsey, I'm here today, as always, with Margaret Kelsey to disucuss the current rise in anti-UN extremeism in the lakes.

Margaret Kelsey: Well now! I'm not really sure that that's a fair statement, the nations that inhabit these regions have always been a bit bonkers when it came to the UN. This recent flairup is nothing out of the ordinary.

Wallace: Also with us today is Dr. Rodriguez Hernando Peterson, former West Palm Beach Embassador to the UN and current Dean of Political Science at Manarth University at College Town, as well as James H. Vandershale III, current Manarthian Undersecretary of Foriegn Affairs (LETI). Gentlemen, good to see you again.

R. Peterson: Thank you Will, Magie.

J. Vandershale: Pleasure to be here, as always.

Wallace: Vandershale, I have to ask, how far exactly is Manarth willing to go to preserve the rights of soverignty to all UN nations in LETI?

J. Vandershale: Well, Mr. Wallace. We are still hoping to resolve this issue non ferro sed verbis. You've heard Ms. Smith's speach to the nation the other day, and I believe the words speak for themselves. All we want in this region is peace, and as a major power in the lakes it is our duty to preserve it by whatever means necessary.

Kelsey: You mean you honestly don't believe the non-UN nations in LETI will just back down?

J. Vandershale: Yes. I firmly believe that we are all rational players in this region. Manarth, Edenstein, and yes even MadderMike. We just need to be given another option, and non of us here in Manarth want to consider the possibility of war before all other options have been exausted. I doubt the people of Edenstein or Hencland Omega will ever trust the UN, but at the very least I believe we can discuss a way for all of us to live in peace.

Kelsey: I'd like to hear a bit from Dr. Peterson. Doctor, why is it that LETI nations fear the UN so much?

R. Peterson: Well, Magie, the simple fact of the matter is that the UN represents a threat to their existance. Hear me out. The shear size of the UN makes it a threat of epic proportions. After the interventions of Sketch, and the constant wars with the CoC it's understandable that they would not want any interventions in their lake. Another factor in this is the percieved loss of soverignty that being a UN nation causes. Now, this is exactly the reason that West Palm Beach ceased it's UN affilitation several LETI months ago.

Due to UN rules, we were forced to pass legislation.

Wallace: What kind of legislation?

R. Peterson: It doesn't matter! Previously, WPB had a perfectly Anarchical system. Not even a figurehead government! It was sublime. But after that instance, we were forced to actually feild something we could loosely term as a governing body. And then we had to pay them for doing something we didn't need in the first place. Anyway, I think I'm off the subject. The point is, the UN is a bad investment in most circumstances, but it in no way threatens the nations who do not sign it's charter. Our nation backed out of it, and was only slightly worse off than when we started. And no nation around us was any worse for wear.

Wallace: I'm afraid that's all the time we have for now. Stay tuned after the commercials where we will discuss Dubelco's reactions to our increased troop readyness.

Announcer: Wallace and Kelsey is brought to you by NEW BEEFYCHICKEN BORRITOS!

Singers: Beefy Chicken! Beefy Chicken!
Salsa and too kinds of meat!!!!

Cut to commercial
05-04-2005, 05:19
Greetings, fellow nations. I, the Imperial Saxy Empress Jessamine, am sending this message to all of you. It concerns the talks between the warring nations and them coming to my nation to talk. The following list are the guidlines for coming to my nation and are in place in order to protect all parties involved in these talks. Please forgive my delay; I had to make the list and make sure that nothing was left out. Here they are:

1) Each single ruler may carry one standard non-projectile weapon on their person at all times, such as a sword or a staff, for their own protection and for the reassurance of their minds.
2) No other person in each ruler's entourage may carry any type of weapon whatsoever, including weapons for assasination and treachery(i.e., poison).
3) If any person in any ruler's entourage is found with a weapon, they will be locked up for everyone's safety, including mine.
4) Any persons needing any medical attention will be attended to without bias.
5) All persons will be fed and given suitable lodgings without bias.
6) We are a stable and neutral nation. Any and all persons will be attended to without bias.
7) Talks will be given in the main reception hall, behind the main dining hall, with myself and my High Council.
8) Any person found wandering the halls without cause, and who is not part of my personal household, will be subjected to fair and open questioning in order to assure all safety of all rulers.
9) Each ruler will be allowed to bring their top advisors and any persons deemed necessary; however, each entourage is not to exceed 20 people.
10) Any and all ships, whether of the air or sea, will be allowed to dock in our ports without fear of being shot upon or otherwise attacked; again, I stress our neutrality.
11) If, at any point, any other nation in this region fires upon these ships, they will be held accountable; this also goes for any of my nation’s ships.
12) I hold the right to uphold the safety of myself and any persons in this council from attack and accusation that is unjust; I also hold the right to imprison anyone tried and found guilty of any attempt against myself or those under protection of immunity.
13) Talks will begin in four days. Please get here by the night before, if possible.

I implore all of you to come to decisions quickly and rationally. I also ask that each nation send me a telegram stating how they are coming, when, and how many people are being brought. Thank you.
05-04-2005, 14:38
*Consul Arthur reads the message from Saxes*

Consul Arthur: that's a change from the last peace conference this lake had...
05-04-2005, 17:49
OOC: Why don't we all go back to having it on a cruiseliner again, since that worked out soooo well!
06-04-2005, 01:24
As I was not here the last time peace talks were held, I do not know what happened. I am assuming that my collegue was being sarcastic, so I will just voice my opinion: a cruisliner is too vulnerable to attack. If it is in the middle of the ocean, there is a chance that enemies or other nations will come out of the dark and sink the cruisliner. I myself do not wish to die, so it will stay on dry land. Hope no one minds.
06-04-2005, 01:33
Mike of M&MS PM &PFL of MadderMike is reading the hosting instructions from Imperial Saxy Empress Jessamine. He begins to sputter and seemingly foam at the mouth. "No projectile weapons ggaggh Swords and Knives eeerrkk."

Em tries to calm him down and he jumps onto his desk.

Mike "This is such nonsense, this is a LETI peace conference for God's sake." He stamps his foot for emphasis and it plunges into the top of the desk long since riddled with bullet-holes. He is flailing his arms and he falls forward with an odd snap. "Argggh, I think I broke my leg."

....Twenty minutes later, after the paramedics have hauled Mike off to the hospital, Em hangs up the phone. She motions to Mike "Mad Bomber" Kazinski, who has been observing the whole series of events. "Mike we will need your services for the peace conference. Send twenty of your little "packages" to me care of the Saxes Hilton.

Official Communiqué to Her Imperial Saxy Empress Jessamine

Due to the serious injury of Mike, Prime Minister of MadderMike; The official MadderMikian party for the Peace conference will be Em Secretary of State for MadderMike, ADM Mike Dewey Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ADM Dewey's wife Michelle Dewey Olympic champion fencer. Twenty-seven Lackeys of the grades Common Lackey up to Senior Bootlicker Lackey.

/s Em Secretay of State, MadderMike

[Summary- Mike Prime Minister of MadderMike breaks his leg and sends Em Secretary of State and his concubine to head the diplomatic party to Saxes]
06-04-2005, 01:50
OOC: Saxes read your TGs
06-04-2005, 05:21
A courier delivers the message from MadderMike to Empress Jessamine. She glances over it, noting the people coming. Pressing the com button, Jessamine says to her secretary:
"Please make reservations for the party from MadderMike."
Releasing the button, she sat back in her chair, aware of the gaze of her Head Councilman, Jolnar. Turning towards him, Jessamine addressed him.
"Jolnar, I will need you to go and make sure that our Council is taking every precaution against any attacks on our person. A concubine an Olympic fencer....hmm...this might get interesting for all parties involved. Before you do that, though, please receive my dictation in this response to MadderMike:

I accept your terms and your substitute; I wish you a speedy recovery from your injuries. Your embassadors will be shown their lodgings upon arrival, but for your purposes they will be on the sixth floor on the right hand side. I look forward to seeing your embassadors and helping make peace for your nation."

Jessamine inclined her head, indicating that she was finished, and Head Councilman Jolnar bowed and took his leave.
06-04-2005, 05:53
*The Counterpointian fast attack group is registered on the radar of the Andaluciaen blockade ships, and the commanders respond.*

*The first action that is taken is to order ships to get close to the Counterpointian ships breakthrough attempt. Second, a general alert is sounded throughout the fleet, weapons are readied, and anti-missile systems are brought to full power.*

*Next, the blockading fleet begins to broadcast a warning on as many radio frequencies as possible, but the Counterpointian ships keep coming.*

*The Counterpointian ships get close enough to the blockade ships for a loudspeaker broadcast, which is carried out and ignored. As such, one of the destroyers fires star shells over top the Counterpointian vessels. The flares pop overhead like fireworks.*

=on the deck of the HECP Intrepid Captain Crisp watches as the starburst shells fire over head=

Crisp- Looks like they mean buisness... Radio.. order all ships to slow stop.. lets see how far these Andal.. What are they called?
First officer- Something about a horse I belive... Andaluciaens, horses from Spain, very noble breed.
Crisp- I see... Send out a message to the horse people to move aside.

=-= Message to The Andaluciaen fleet =-=

You are in violation of our nations sovreign right to use these water ways... End this blockade at once or suffer the consequences
06-04-2005, 13:14
I have read my tg's from MadderMike and Rialto. Things are also in place for Rialto to stay in lodgings, and our main airport is now getting ready for Air Force 2 from Rialto.
07-04-2005, 02:07
*Rear-Admiral Stark is the nearest commander to the approaching Counterpointian ships, his flagship, a Norse II Class, the ANCS Excelsior, is patrolling 50 miles away*

R-Adm. Stark: Well, looks like their willing to fight. What kind of ships are they going at there?

Capt. Boyd: They're confronting a pair of Frigates and a Destroyer...We've got several cruisers in Sunburn missile range, as well as this ship. We've got an Iowa Type B...60 miles away.... We also have a Nimitz Class carrier about 200 miles back...

R-Adm. Stark: Alright, scramble our fighters and bombers, same for the ones on the Nimitz...And get us and the Iowa in range for our big guns... They can fire the first shot. We're not moving.

*A sailor rushes into the room*

Sailor: Sir, we have the captain of the Tiberius on the radio, he's requesting instructions.

R-Adm. Stark: Alright, get him on the line.

Sailor: Aye-aye. *runs, gets radio handset, comes back and gives it to Stark*

R-Adm. Stark: Captain, this is Rear Admiral Stark,

Captain Bertrand: Sir, I have a whole mess of Counterpointian warships right here, what should I do?

R-Adm. Stark: Get in their way, physically block them. Don't shoot unless they get past you or they shoot first. Your ships hull is reinforced, you can take shots from those dinky five-inch guns...And you've got air cover coming in. F/A-18s and JSF's from the two nearest carriers. Got that?

Captain Bertrand: Yessir.

R-Adm. Stark: And one more thing. Send the Counterpointians a message, you're not moving. Any attempts to run the blockade will be sunk.

Captain Bertrand: Got it.

*Captain Bertrand signs off, and has a message sent to the Counterpointian ships. the message reads:

We will not be moving. Return to your harbors and you will not be fired on. Attempt to run the blockade and you will be sunk. /message*

*Meanwhile a message is sent to the Andaluciaen attack subs in the area, to prepare to sink the Counterpointian warships.*

(in summation: Andaluciaen forces are ready to take on the Counterpointians, if they should choose to run the blockade)
Henceland Omega
07-04-2005, 04:41
Hundred Arrows Movement Day 7

::Carmine sighs and steps out onto the balcony above Yggdrasil Square. There are still throngs of people that want to voice their opinions. The Blue Guards are stading around the whole place proudly as they have the past few days. ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler is still bouncing off the walls while trying to pick up Elly, who tries to ignore him. Carmine begins the days activities as usual. After a few hours he seems to grow tired...::

Elly: Boy this sure is taking a lot out of him.

Sam: I could take you out a lot too if you'd like!

Elly: That's not what I said.

Sam: Boy, I wonder how much longer he's going to keep answering these questions. I have so much news it's like the pinnacle of all news everywhere!

Elly: How much news reporting have you done since the Edenstein LoE conflict?

Sam: Why I repoted on lots of news!

Elly: Nevermind...

Carmine: ::sighs:: Ok, next how about the man over there in the red?

Man: Yeah, I just want to tell you I really don't like what you've done with the country.

Carmine: What?

::The crowd looks over in surprise::

Man: Yeah, seriously. Before we were content to be ignored by the rest of LETI. We were smarter than them and the stats proved that, but we didn't feel like we had to prove ourselves. We didn't get invovled in needless wars or conflicts. Holy Emperor Corran had his flaws of course, but overall he ruled the coutnry the way we liked it. There was a reason we voted him back into power during the one and only election we had.

Carmine: I see...

Carmine: That's very bold of you.

Man: Well you said to voice your opinions and that's what I'm doing. Other people have criticized you during this thing, I'm just the only one with the guts to tell you the honest truth.

Carmine: You think that's the honest truth? What's your name?

Man: My name is Richard Guillard, and yes that is the truth.

Another random man: Yeah, I really think you need to open up more and be more democratic about things. There really are no human rights here right now while you're governing things.

Random woman: Maybe you should do something like have new types of governement every so often, or in different sections of the country!

::The crowd begins to speak all at once, each idea more critical and absurd than the last::

Elly: Wow, things have been getting bad before but this is ridiculous!

Sam: Huh?

Elly: Well look. The past few days, all people have done was either bash him over the failed Izimbeckwi thing or question him about Pax. Look at this list. Since Day 3 there haven't been any actual heatlhy suggestions. Just unhealthy criticism and bashing. But until today they've coated it with a layer of helpfulness and compliments. Today they're just being blunt.

Richard: I just don't think you're fit to be the ruler of Henceland Omega. The ruler of Dubelco maybe, but not HO.

::Carmine pauses for a minute, then looks up at the crowd. He holds up his arms for silence. After a few minutes things calm back down::

Carmine: Ladies and gentlemen, I have reached a conclusion. At this point there is nothing more to be gained from this campaign. I declare a final closing to the HUndred Arrows Movement. You may all return home...

::He walks back into the Hence Palace. Elly looks at Sam::

Elly: Wow, I wonder how he's going to handle all of this...

Sam: Well whatever it is, if it's newsworthy, just remember that ACE Reporter Sam Kitzler will be there to get the news!

Elly: God help us all if that happens...
07-04-2005, 14:50
Em, ADM Dewey and Mrs. Dewey get ready for the trip to Saxes. The lackeys are busy packing, squabbling over every opportunity to get noticed and perhaps get a promotion. The Chief Bootlicker Lackey has things well organized with the judicious use of the tongue, whip, or taser.

Mrs. Dewey has just finished exercising with her custom made sabre. She is a statuesque blond of almost six feet in height. The sabre is a little over three feet long, it is razor sharp on the top six inches and the entire length of the bottom. Made in a similar process to Damascus steel it is flexible and strong, holding an edge even with fierce fighting.

They board MadderMike's Airforce One, a modified B2 bomber and take off for Saxes. Upon reaching Saxes airspace the captain requests permission to enter Saxes airspace and land in the capital city.
07-04-2005, 17:17
Marine Lt: Ms. Prime Minister, please take the broadsword along. It's a very simple weapon, just swing it at your enemy.

Marine SSGT: All the other delegates will have one!

Triana Smith: Honestly! I will not be walking around armed to the teeth with a SWORD. We are supposed to live in a more civilized age than that, one with cumbustable weapons at least. Prophet! They should have at least let us bring flintlock pistols. If no one is armed with anything more dangerous than a pointy wedge of metal, I'm not bringing anything. I trust the Saxes to keep me safe. And I trust none of you will bring anything more dangerous than a pen.

Vandershale III: Don't worry about me, my army days are behind me.

Administrative Assitant 1: We won't.

Triana Smith: Very well then, let's get on the road.

::The plane carrying Triana Smith and her enterage of 4 land at an airport in the capital. The 6 marines guarding the Prime Minister exit with her, and stand watch until the Saxes security guards arive::
E-C-N Corporation
07-04-2005, 19:27
3 AM Remote Saxes Border

A jet black NH90 Helicopter with very faint UN markings crosses the border flying about fifteen feet off the ground. It takes a zig-zag course towards the capital city.

In a mixed suburban/farmland area about twenty miles from the city the helicopter drops to the ground in a wheat field near a large stand of evergreen trees. Two men and associated equipment drop to the ground and move quickly towards the woods.

This scene repeats twice more each time about ten miles from the previous drop. The helicopter zigs back to the border and out to sea.

The first team consists of Dominic Brubaker and Edward Noble skilled assassins from the El Cosa Nazi organization. Each man carries a TAC 50 sniper rifle broken into pieces for easier concealment and transport. They also carry a pound of C4 explosives and several detonators. Each man carries a fake passport from Counterpoint.

They work their way towards the center of the city. In a secluced lane they come across a young couple enjoying each others company in a ten year old sedan.

The El Cosa Nazi team quickly dispatches them and drop them into a shallow grave covered with leaves.

OOC: Team two and three to follow.
07-04-2005, 19:38
Head Control Tower to MadderMike B2 Bomber: "Permission to enter Saxes airspace, land at LIX, Lover's International Airport, Airstrip number has the magenta lights at the edges. Copy. Over."

The com buzzes and Empress Jessamine, in her overstuffed office armchair, presses a button.
Jessamine: "Yes Mikey?"
Mikey: "Your Saxyness, we have just been informed that the delegates from MadderMike are approaching in their B2 Bomber and have been granted permission to land."
Jessamine: "Are there official cars there to pick them up?"
Mikey: "Yes, ma'm, all delegates will be told to land at Airstrip 10, and the follows are in place to make sure nothing happens."
Jessamine: "Thank you, Mikey. Please inform the drivers to take special care in driving, we don't want any road rage on the way here."
Mikey: "Yes, Your Highness. Anything else?"
Jessamine: "Actually, send me in a brandy...I think I need one of those..."
Mikey: "Yes, Your Highness. Mikey out."

Jessamine sits back and wonders at the reactions of the leaders that she has heard about. She wonders at their seeming wont of civilization, yet they are simultaneously engaged in war. Shaking her head, she waits for her brandy with eyes closed in meditation...