The destruction of the Greeks
Hallo. I am the nation of Jibea and I declare war on all Greeks (but Klashonites unless they attack).
Present day tech.
Jibeans send 655,700 people into Athens, Greece
200 bombers carrying fusion bombs
200 bombers dropping the killer ants
300 radiation soldiers
1,000 as snipers
1,000 as unterseeboots (you don't stand a chance)
1,000 as flugzeug (Looks funny no?)
1,000 as machine guns
1,000 in rail tanks
5,000 in tanks
5,000 as terrorists in important buildings
10,000 in bombers carrying radiated sand
10,000 in bombers carrying nukes
10,000 in bombers carrying bioweapons
10,000 in bombers carrying chemical weapons
10,000 in artillery
10,000 assassins
15,000 sabatours
15,000 spies
150,000 building underground passages
150,000 using radiation weaponry
250,000 in underground tunnels
Standard Weapons:
gun: XM-29
Amor: Zylon (Best developed
Rations: Standard American
gun: Gewher
sights: Heat, gieger, night
Guns:15 cm (Big eh)
Armor: 15 inch side 10 inch front and back
Weight: 50 tons
Speed: 15 mph
Rail Tank:
Guns: Rail
Armor: 15 inch side 10 inch front and back
Weight: 35 tons
Speed: 25 mph
Guns: 10 mm sub on wings
Wings: ?
Load: See description
Speed: 15,000 mph
Special: Austrian design during WW2. Rejected by Hitler. Flies in the lower atmosphere. Too advanced for its time. Requires 9 Vengence Two booster rockets.
Weapon: Vengence Two torpeodoes. Various rockets including small nuclear warheads
Load: See Weapon
Speed: Varies. 20 knots above water 40 knots below
Special: Stealth due to angled. Also got the U in Uboat
Weapon: 15mm nose cannon, a ball turret, two tail guns. Ten aa missles and two emps.
Speed: Mach three
Special: Stealth. Similar to the American stealth fighters but much more stable.
Defences set at defeated areas.
EMP: Electromagnetic pulse missle.
SAM: Surface to Air missles.
EMPSAM: A SAM but instead of a missle it shoots an EMP
Machine guns
Rail Platforms
Barbed Wire
Surrounded with a large Bermease Tiger Trap
Surrounded Bermease Tiger Trap with Bouncing Betties, Shoe Box and Claymore
A lollipop
Bomber loads and Brief description:
Radiated Sand: During WW2 after the German nuclear bomb was sabatoged the Germans had a plan to send radiated sand to NYC by the stealth fighter. The stealth fighter was successful at first but it was to unstable and to difficult to control and they abandoned the plan. The radiated sand will stay in the dropped areas until the wind blows it away. The citizens would inhale and exhale the sand making the city affected a quarintine zone.
Nuclear Bombs: Of the fussion variety. An experimental new weapon in Jibea inwhich the uranium undergoes fission heating the area and the hydrogen fuses together releasing a hell lot of more energy then any fission reaction. Developed by Jibea's finest.
Biological: Uses pestilence to devestate an area and spread unless quarintined. Type varies. Only used by Jibea when pissed off. Normally involves a painful death.
Chemical: Developed by Germans in WW1. Uses various substances to destroy the oppents. Very effective and painful. Most common used by Jibea is Mustard Gas.
Experimental developements made by my region:
Killer ants: Taken from Africa and under selective breeding developed ants a little stronger then average. Very painful and worse then killer bees but luckily it can not leave Africa. Might go horribly wrong. Shut up okay!? Now I wish they had kept that new punctuation that was a question mark and exclamation point together.
Turd Warfare: Generously given enough turd by my ally I devolped new weapons. Basically the same thing as putting Mustard Gas in with Anthrax but probably weaker and with desired results. Plus it will annoy the hell out of them and they will waste all their precise water on showers.
Radiation: Using elements with a middle half-life to insure best results. Used to mess with the enemies blood activating various results such as an abnormally low amount of white or red blood cells. Unknown results.
Fusion bomb: Uses a basic a bomb explosion but
Most weapons were made by America or Germany and modified by Jibea.
Tanks: Parithean
Infantry: Varies
Snipers: Aim at enemy snipers first. Aim at defensive structure crew. Kill officiers then attack the little moralled soldiers who are virtually defenceless. Shoot tankers when they peek out. In order from top priority to lesser.
Fighters: Pyramid around bomber. Parithean tatics.
Bombers: Attack most important places or most destructive.
Submarines: Enemy boats, troops and finally cities in that order.
Tatics are mostly taken from Ghengis Kahn and modified by Jibea.
Greece obviously needs allies. Personnel, equipment, and war machines will be sent to bolster Greece against the incredible onslaught.
Am I alone in this endeavour ? :sniper:
maybe. I dont know. Well any way hi.
OOC: I am interested. Do you happen to allow 2010-tech, as my whole military is based after that. It is present but with some things that are expected to be battlefield-ready by then and your own developed weapons.
Also, where are you exactly, as I control Thunder Bolt (The entire coast of Algoria) and an island chain inbetween Africa and South America called the Emerald Isles. I also control the Sparty Island Chain in the Pacific off the coast of Vietnam. So I can pretty much participate anywhere.
sure. when i mean present i mean things feasible in this time period. By future i mean like space age weapons and junk.
I won't tell you directly but it is an important city. Begins with a T and unless I'm mistaken (Which I'm not) theseus was born here.
Give up?
Thebes everybodies favorite place (in greece)
My country is well underground. It's directly below Ireland with some parts below Spain. It is dark and cold. There is some stalagtites and stalagmites. An icecream truck is over there, the mining crew is in the west quadrent, the food court (mainly meat and some fruit to prevent scurvy), there is the capital and finally the weapon factory is over there. We transport using large nuclear subs to rise to the surface.
The Scandinvans
01-02-2005, 22:37
I'm sorry I'll have to intervane due in part due to the anceint kinship between Catholics and Orthodox peoples and I shall hold this ancient kinship between both of our great and anceint religions and I herby send 4 million troops composed of 8 army grouops. to help defend Greece with up todate technology.
1st Army Group
500,000 Imperial soldiers
1200 Chinooks
800 C-57 Transports
3400 Commanches
6000 Abrams
4000 Paladins
2100 F-20s
2nd army Group
same as army group 1
3th Army Group
same as army group 1
4th Army Group
same as army group 1
5th Army Group
same as army group 1
6th Army Group
same as army group 1
7th Army Group
240,000 Elite Imperial Guards
180,00 Auaxilary Troops
80,000 pilots and other crew distrubted amongst other divsions in vechiles
8th Army Group
120,000 Auxilairy Troops
40,000 Heavy Imperial Kinights6
60,000 Imperial Guards
280,000 Reserve Troops
:mad: :mad: :mad: : :mad: :mad: :mad:
I am Catholic. I am the new Phillip II but religiously tolerent. Don't turn this into a religious battle because the catholics fiercely outnumber you orthodoxs. I'm using about 1/10 my army, the normal troops that is.
Before I came to this forum I decided. Why kill the Greeks. I'll just use the islands to start the invasion of China and show it how a real country will smite them.
I break up my army to 10 seperate groups.
Group 1 goes to china (They're dead he he he)
Group 2-5 attack groups 1-3 of the enemy (tank destroyers check, tanks check, infantry check, wirly birds check, lollipops what no lollipops. :mad:)
Groups 6-9 attacks the city of thebes.
Group 10 is just a legion of unterseeboots and attacks Scandanavia's homeland (Sorry if i spelt your name wrong)
:mad: :mad: :mad: : :mad: :mad: :mad:
I am Catholic. I am the new Phillip II but religiously tolerent. Don't turn this into a religious battle because the catholics fiercely outnumber you orthodoxs. I'm using about 1/10 my army, the normal troops that is.
OOC: I love being a Judao-Christian Nation, I don't get caught in this.
The United Osea States wishes to stop the possable invasion by Jibea, and if needed, will force the armed men out of the greek lands.
The 3rd Osean Capitallia T-/E-/D-Boat Fleet is currently near Sicily on merchant protection missions, it will soon be sent further east if needed. With the 3rd Osean Capitallian is the 55th Fighter Wing and 3rd Bombardment Wing.
3rd Osean Capitallian Fleet:
[2] Rosemary-class SSCVN (E-Boat)
[1] Witzitt-class SSBSV (D-Boat)
[58] Raptior-class SSD (T-Boat)
[4] Tru'gall-class SSLDC (E-Boat)
[8] Dugahh-class SSBN/SSGN (T-Boat)
[5] Article-class SSDG (E-Boat)
[2] Portshire-class SSN (T-Boat)
55th Fighter:
[16] TyH-58D FIghting Cockatiels
[1] TE-21 SkyEye
3rd Bombardment:
[1] TyH-A1 Kegbird
[2] TyH-B12 Albatross
[2] TyH-B12D Swimming Albatross
[3] TyH-B12H Heavy Albatross
Jibea activates his elite core of the top 3,000 units
1,500 Radiation troops
500 Fusion bombers
500 Apaches
100 Napalm Troops
100 Tunnelers
300 Assassins
Radiation Troops:
Armor: Lead over Zylon
Support Weapons: Radiation grenades, frag grenades, claymore
Other: Shovel, first aid kit
Fusion bombers:
Weapon: Ball Turret 15mm, two tail turret 5mm, two wing turret
Load: Two fusion bombs
Speed: Mach 5 without bombs Mach 3 with bombs Mach 2 fully loaded
Other: Two remote aircraft with two rockets each can reload five time each before kamikazees, stealth
Weapons: Ten heat seaking rockets, 10 mm nose turret
Speed: Mach 1
Napalm troops
Weapon: M2-03
Armor: Zylon
Support Weapons: Frag grenade, Claymore
Other: First aid kit
Weapons: Shovel
Armor: None
Special: Digs tunnels at 2 miles a day
Weapon: Varies on hit
Oh and I have a logical plan. I am attacking my enemies like Rome did to Carthrage. Not all Greece is my enemies just about ten spots.
OOC: I love being a Judao-Christian Nation, I don't get caught in this.
The United Osea States wishes to stop the possable invasion by Jibea, and if needed, will force the armed men out of the greek lands.
The 3rd Osean Capitallia T-/E-/D-Boat Fleet is currently near Sicily on merchant protection missions, it will soon be sent further east if needed. With the 3rd Osean Capitallian is the 55th Fighter Wing and 3rd Bombardment Wing.
3rd Osean Capitallian Fleet:
[2] Rosemary-class SSCVN (E-Boat)
[1] Witzitt-class SSBSV (D-Boat)
[58] Raptior-class SSD (T-Boat)
[4] Tru'gall-class SSLDC (E-Boat)
[8] Dugahh-class SSBN/SSGN (T-Boat)
[5] Article-class SSDG (E-Boat)
[2] Portshire-class SSN (T-Boat)
55th Fighter:
[16] TyH-58D FIghting Cockatiels
[1] TE-21 SkyEye
3rd Bombardment:
[1] TyH-A1 Kegbird
[2] TyH-B12 Albatross
[2] TyH-B12D Swimming Albatross
[3] TyH-B12H Heavy Albatross
Hello again. Don't worry i wont attack you unless you insulted me, a part of greece the region (big conflict), plutonian empire or east mora tau. If you are not my enemy then i could careless about you. Now i will continue on my rampage :) Have a nice day
OOC: I am saying, you should not invade Greece for just expansion or an "age long" conflict. My gov't is agenst that, and I am also (except the French....).
OOC: I am saying, you should not invade Greece for just expansion or an "age long" conflict. My gov't is agenst that, and I am also (except the French....).
Sure. Why is a government against expansion and total war willing to go to war. All you humanitarians are the same.
OOC: I have humanitarians. If you have seen my RPs, my gov't is agenst it, but we do it. That is why I had my title the Contridictary United Osea States but it was too long.
Nikolaos The Great
04-02-2005, 02:05
OOC: This guy for some reason is an enemy of the region Greece since I am the UN-Delegate of the region I guess he is invading me. First this is a godmode. You can't just send 655,700 soldiers into Athens without getting passed through all my defenses. 50,000 bombers? My friend not even I have that many bombers and I am many times bigger then you. You're a complete noob so this is ignored.
By popular demand more like TIOR requested it here is the Ignore Cane (
I can have this many since my whole nation is in a spartan like state where everyone is in or serves the army (my pop is approx 238 mill). Since you didnt send any forces i took that as their was no defences. France during the napoleanic age had at most 100 million people (i doubt this much) and had an army of over 650,000. You are also forgetting my vassels send money and supplies to me once every month like the manorial system. You should learn your history. I see no godmoding as of yet. Once i have an army of around 5 million then i would have wasted my expendable supply (about 2% of my pop) and my economy would suffer. Figuring the lack of a resistance i take it as a sign of weakness or are you surrendering? If you try the russian winter you must learn that you are not in russia or a similar climate zone. I laugh. America's pop about 300,000,000 people which is close to mine and has an army of at least 1 million 1/300th of the population.
05-02-2005, 18:36
I can have this many since my whole nation is in a spartan like state where everyone is in or serves the army (my pop is approx 238 mill). Since you didnt send any forces i took that as their was no defences. France during the napoleanic age had at most 100 million people (i doubt this much) and had an army of over 650,000. You are also forgetting my vassels send money and supplies to me once every month like the manorial system. You should learn your history. I see no godmoding as of yet. Once i have an army of around 5 million then i would have wasted my expendable supply (about 2% of my pop) and my economy would suffer. Figuring the lack of a resistance i take it as a sign of weakness or are you surrendering? If you try the russian winter you must learn that you are not in russia or a similar climate zone. I laugh. America's pop about 300,000,000 people which is close to mine and has an army of at least 1 million 1/300th of the population.
i fully agree!
Greek Forces
05-02-2005, 18:44
If war against Greece is what you want, then war is what you will have. Come to the shores of Greece my friend, and watch as your men are slaughtered and left to rot in the high sun. I will enjoy watching your pathetic attempt to make war on my country, and I will enjoy watching your men die like dogs even more.
Alkeides Mengsk, Lord-Archon of the Council of Areopagus
Steward of The Ancient Republic of Greek Forces
OOC: Those who were around back in the day know who's puppet this is.
05-02-2005, 18:58
OOC: AMF you wicked man
Nikolaos The Great
05-02-2005, 18:59
I can have this many since my whole nation is in a spartan like state where everyone is in or serves the army (my pop is approx 238 mill). Since you didnt send any forces i took that as their was no defences. France during the napoleanic age had at most 100 million people (i doubt this much) and had an army of over 650,000. You are also forgetting my vassels send money and supplies to me once every month like the manorial system. You should learn your history. I see no godmoding as of yet. Once i have an army of around 5 million then i would have wasted my expendable supply (about 2% of my pop) and my economy would suffer. Figuring the lack of a resistance i take it as a sign of weakness or are you surrendering? If you try the russian winter you must learn that you are not in russia or a similar climate zone. I laugh. America's pop about 300,000,000 people which is close to mine and has an army of at least 1 million 1/300th of the population.
OOC: You where godmoding when you sent 650,000 soldiers directly into Athens. You are able to have 650,000 soldiers. I won't try the Russian winter on you but I can try guerrilla warfare in the mountains on you. It has worked effectively in Greece's RL history. Instead of ignoring this whole RP I will only ignore the part of 650,000 being sent directly into Athens. Since Greek Forces and I are both based in Greece I will leave GF to play as Greece and I will be based somewhere in the Middle-East.
To: The Greek Forces Government
From: Emperor Nikolaos Onassis
I would like to send help to defend Greece, my homeland, from these invaders. 500,000 Hoplites, which are also trained in guerrilla warfare in any kind of environment, are ready to be sent. The 1st and 2nd Hellenic Navy will also be sent to help protect Greece's islands.
-Emperor Nikolaos Onassis
Alexandria, Egypt
Greek Forces
05-02-2005, 19:05
OOC: AMF you wicked man
OOC: Tee hee hee.....good memory.
05-02-2005, 19:15
OOC: Tee hee hee.....good memory.Yeah I was looking through very old posts some time ago and I saw you ending yer message with Automagfreek, master of Automagfreek, ruler of Greek Forces, Boss of Arrogant Uber Geniusses and The Royal Knights.
05-02-2005, 19:23
Yeah I was looking through very old posts some time ago and I saw you ending yer message with Automagfreek, master of Automagfreek, ruler of Greek Forces, Boss of Arrogant Uber Geniusses and The Royal Knights.
OOC: I gave The Royal Knights to The Sean Empire/Tasty Foods, but he let it die. Arrogant Uber Geniuses is my cousin's nation that I simply keep alive and do not RP with (it has like 6 posts), and Greek Forces is my long forgotten little side project that never really took off.
Ok, I'm done hijacking now.
OOC: You where godmoding when you sent 650,000 soldiers directly into Athens. You are able to have 650,000 soldiers. I won't try the Russian winter on you but I can try guerrilla warfare in the mountains on you. It has worked effectively in Greece's RL history. Instead of ignoring this whole RP I will only ignore the part of 650,000 being sent directly into Athens. Since Greek Forces and I are both based in Greece I will leave GF to play as Greece and I will be based somewhere in the Middle-East.
To: The Greek Forces Government
From: Emperor Nikolaos Onassis
I would like to send help to defend Greece, my homeland, from these invaders. 500,000 Hoplites, which are also trained in guerrilla warfare in any kind of environment, are ready to be sent. The 1st and 2nd Hellenic Navy will also be sent to help protect Greece's islands.
-Emperor Nikolaos Onassis
Alexandria, Egypt
I went directly to athens since there was no reported resistence. I compare myself to america constantly because of the similar popualtion sizes
America has 73 million manpower in their military. I have around 2 million more population and you think i should have less then 650,000 attack force!!!
Rebeled Elves
06-02-2005, 00:02
I believe that Greece needs allys so send some of my army to help them.
Nikolaos The Great
06-02-2005, 00:09
OOC: You are really an idiot. America does not have a 73 million soldiers in there Army. And I never did say you should have less then 650,000 attack force. I said 50,000 bombers is not possible.
06-02-2005, 06:36
OOC: You are really an idiot. America does not have a 73 million soldiers in there Army. And I never did say you should have less then 650,000 attack force. I said 50,000 bombers is not possible.
first of all america does have 73 million people in the armed forces, and second 50,000 bombers are possibile nick with conscription.
Generic empire
06-02-2005, 06:44
first of all america does have 73 million people in the armed forces, and second 50,000 bombers are possibile nick with conscription.
((OOC: Do you have any idea how expensive a bomber is?))
06-02-2005, 06:47
that's why you raise the taxes a lot. after all, what are they for? and you could also borrow some money from the gov't.
OOC: You are really an idiot. America does not have a 73 million soldiers in there Army. And I never did say you should have less then 650,000 attack force. I said 50,000 bombers is not possible.
So you say that the CIA is lying about their own army. Ha ha ha. I know you said something about my bombers which I could see due to price but you also said that you would disregard the 650,000 forces. I will lower it to 60.
This wasn't created because of your region but because of fluffywuffy or whoever who insulted me.
That would cost about 60,000 mill (60 bill).
Nikolaos The Great
06-02-2005, 22:56
So you say that the CIA is lying about their own army. Ha ha ha. I know you said something about my bombers which I could see due to price but you also said that you would disregard the 650,000 forces. I will lower it to 60.
This wasn't created because of your region but because of fluffywuffy or whoever who insulted me.
That would cost about 60,000 mill (60 bill).
Quote from CIA Factbook:
Military manpower - availability: males age 15-49: 73,597,731 (2004 est.)
Thats how many people are fit to fight in a war in America. But thats not how many they have in there army. If you go by that logic China has 379,524,688 soldiers in there army.
I could have sworn there was about 10 million in their army but what ever.
Everyone, quit bickering, and yes, the number of bombers is too much. I barely hold a total fleet of 80 inter-continent stealth bombers and my population is 1.6 billion and taxes at 100%. Why? I pay for healthcare and a lot of civil services. Unless you are a corrupt dictatorship that will soon enough run out of money, stop buying and using all these heavy bombers and weapons. Don't get me started on your other figures, either.
The United Osean States wishes to send a fleet to Greece in order to help the Greek people agenst this neusense.
Forgot to ask, where is your main land at, Jibea, btw? I may want to invade it and stop this once and for all after you get your stats straightened out.
The Merchant Guilds
07-02-2005, 16:04
OOC: The USA has approximately 1-2 (probably 1.4-1.5) Million Soldiers under arms (circa 2000)... this includes all arms of their services and includes their Marine Corps but excludes the National Guard whose total size I can't tell you.
The most any RL Nation has per point of population is N. Korea, due to being at a permanent ready state to fight the S. Koreans and the Capitalist West/Japan.
You are a clearly a clueless n00b, I agree with NTG, he should set the ignore Suicide Bomber Squirrels on you.
My advice: Read the stickies (esp. CSJ's work) & a few decent RPs and try again.
I cant believe i forgot. If you knew me it would be either in Prussia or Ireland. Jibea is in ireland. Where is yours Nikalos the Great?
I am a corrupt dictatorship. My main spending is always in weapons primarily bombs (Not my fault they are dangerous blam physicst and chemists) and War vechicles. I am a war mongering nation and most of my citizens are in creation of dangerous materials (Uranium, plutonium, all that stuff) and war type products(tanks, aircraft, subermarines(big one)).
Oh one more question. What is your favorite condiment mustard or ketchup?
Mine is mustard because it is far superior to ketchup and when time's in trouble you could turn it to mustard gas (wrong in context for a joke affect). Ha ha ha ha ha.
And about the invasion you could be planning remember big brother is watching and know one can defeat a sober Irishman.
OOC: The USA has approximately 1-2 (probably 1.4-1.5) Million Soldiers under arms (circa 2000)... this includes all arms of their services and includes their Marine Corps but excludes the National Guard whose total size I can't tell you.
The most any RL Nation has per point of population is N. Korea, due to being at a permanent ready state to fight the S. Koreans and the Capitalist West/Japan.
You are a clearly a clueless n00b, I agree with NTG, he should set the ignore Suicide Bomber Squirrels on you.
My advice: Read the stickies (esp. CSJ's work) & a few decent RPs and try again.
You know what, NK is illegally selling Uranium hexFluride to libea (libya?) and guess what that does.
I read one of them about Godmoding. It says that you cant use an emp to destroy every missle, cant use more forces then your country has, cant declare that you use god to smite someone (there i believe should be an if you are not the vatican) and other stuff. Nothing to do with spending. Besides from one vassel i recieve $200,000 every six months (yea they're rich and conquer many lands far beyond everyones knowledge) and another gives me about $10,000 a year (poor :() plus my income. That is 1,000,000 in 2.5 years.
Besides you cant make a national wealth for nation states doesnt give you a standard way to find out and its all based on guesses so for all you know a person playing for ten years(although it wasnt out that long) could have the same amount of money as a person playing for two days. There is no distinguishing mark changing from one rank in economy to another. It could be as much as oo(cant make infinite mark) or as little as 1 cent. Money doesnt accumalate all the time as the cost for manufactoring and supporting companies take away some money (still not distinguished)
Also if you want to tangle with my nation do it in future or past tech.
I just realized something. I'm not telling you yet ;)
09-02-2005, 01:44
The nation of Klashonite proudly send it's forces to help the Jibean invasion and to purge the region of complete nitwits :sniper: :mp5:
Your sending in 650,000 yea? Firstly, when you RP, you do NOT say that your forces have made it all the way to someone capital. That is very stupid. Its called Role-Play for a reason. The opposing side will have to post about thier counter/defence to your mobilisation of 650,000 soldiers. Which, btw, you can not just say hey guess what I have X number of soldiers in X city/country. That is god mod. What the hell did you do, teleport them there? lol this isnt star trek.
Secondly, 50,000 bombers? The fact that you kept arguing, both you Jibea and Klasthonite, that it IS possible, shows the total lack of knowledge when it comes to these things. There arent 50,000 bombers world wide, let alone in ONE countries air force. Oh, you will raise taxes will you? Even with 100% taxes you cant have 50,000 bombers. Do you have ANY IDEA how much a B2 costs? Over 2billion dollars. Do you have any idea how many support personel you need? Its not just 50,000 pilots you childish noobs.
And the other thing which made me laugh, is the fact you cant read or comprehend things which are staring you in the face. No doubt you used the CIA for the info about 73million men in the US army. Well, if you knew anything about military, you would have been able to understand that 73million is only the amount of people which they estimate are actually fit and able to go to war. The USA can not afford to have 73million soldiers, nobody can. Do you have any idea how many that is? Obviously not, you have a hard time comprehending 50,000 bombers and the man power needed to support them, so 73million is way out of your league.
Anyway, just because I got one of your nations from your old region Jibea, deleted for spamming our rmb, dont go off and act like an immature noob. Ooh too late. Youve made a fool of your self.
LOL He is going to invade Greece? NTG on his own can defend Greece in a RP, especially when it is against two hopeless childish noobs like Klashonite and Jibea.
Grow up, that nation was deleted because it broke the rules, its not our fault you and your friends dont know the rules, and have no idea about reality.(ie 50,000 bombers lmao)
In future if you want to RP, at least do it properly and dont make fools of your selfs.
12-02-2005, 02:07
Your sending in 650,000 yea? Firstly, when you RP, you do NOT say that your forces have made it all the way to someone capital. That is very stupid. Its called Role-Play for a reason. The opposing side will have to post about thier counter/defence to your mobilisation of 650,000 soldiers. Which, btw, you can not just say hey guess what I have X number of soldiers in X city/country. That is god mod. What the hell did you do, teleport them there? lol this isnt star trek.
Secondly, 50,000 bombers? The fact that you kept arguing, both you Jibea and Klasthonite, that it IS possible, shows the total lack of knowledge when it comes to these things. There arent 50,000 bombers world wide, let alone in ONE countries air force. Oh, you will raise taxes will you? Even with 100% taxes you cant have 50,000 bombers. Do you have ANY IDEA how much a B2 costs? Over 2billion dollars. Do you have any idea how many support personel you need? Its not just 50,000 pilots you childish noobs.
And the other thing which made me laugh, is the fact you cant read or comprehend things which are staring you in the face. No doubt you used the CIA for the info about 73million men in the US army. Well, if you knew anything about military, you would have been able to understand that 73million is only the amount of people which they estimate are actually fit and able to go to war. The USA can not afford to have 73million soldiers, nobody can. Do you have any idea how many that is? Obviously not, you have a hard time comprehending 50,000 bombers and the man power needed to support them, so 73million is way out of your league.
Anyway, just because I got one of your nations from your old region Jibea, deleted for spamming our rmb, dont go off and act like an immature noob. Ooh too late. Youve made a fool of your self.
LOL He is going to invade Greece? NTG on his own can defend Greece in a RP, especially when it is against two hopeless childish noobs like Klashonite and Jibea.
Grow up, that nation was deleted because it broke the rules, its not our fault you and your friends dont know the rules, and have no idea about reality.(ie 50,000 bombers lmao)
In future if you want to RP, at least do it properly and dont make fools of your selfs.
first of all, 50,000 bombers is possibile, but you would go into a big defecit. and so what, 73 million people could be drafted in a second with conscription. and who said that we would not be researching in advanced technology??!! and last of all, you don't even know that NTG will defend greece, that's a predection where you basically trying to shoot in the dark. all that your are basically saying is baloney and garbage.
Possible? lol. :)
Lets leave it at that, I dont want to make you look even more foolish then you already do. People who are experienced, people who have knowledge, have already explained it, yet you dont get it. Oh well, when you grow up and your voice breaks, perhaps you might understand then, but I wouldnt be holding my breath.
73million people drafted in a second you say? With a draft? Oh boy this kid has some good material. :D
Firstly, to support 5million soldiers, you would be struggling to cope, but 73 million.
Hey kid, listen up. We understand that right now, every dumb thing that pops into your head, you believe and take as gospel.
And NTG will defend Greece, Im not assuming or making a guess either. And he wont be the only one, thats a promise ;) Btw, I never said he will, I said HE COULD. But hey, Ill let you off this time, after all your just a kid, its not your fault you cant read to a satisfactory level yet.
Here is some reading comprehension for you..
NTG on his own can defend Greece in a RP
If you want to continue arguing wether 50,000 bombers is possible, be my guest, you will make a bigger fool of your self.
The fact either you or Jibea cant rp says enough about the two of you. :D
13-02-2005, 01:05
Possible? lol. :)
Lets leave it at that, I dont want to make you look even more foolish then you already do. People who are experienced, people who have knowledge, have already explained it, yet you dont get it. Oh well, when you grow up and your voice breaks, perhaps you might understand then, but I wouldnt be holding my breath.
73million people drafted in a second you say? With a draft? Oh boy this kid has some good material. :D
Firstly, to support 5million soldiers, you would be struggling to cope, but 73 million.
Hey kid, listen up. We understand that right now, every dumb thing that pops into your head, you believe and take as gospel.
And NTG will defend Greece, Im not assuming or making a guess either. And he wont be the only one, thats a promise ;) Btw, I never said he will, I said HE COULD. But hey, Ill let you off this time, after all your just a kid, its not your fault you cant read to a satisfactory level yet.
Here is some reading comprehension for you..
If you want to continue arguing wether 50,000 bombers is possible, be my guest, you will make a bigger fool of your self.
The fact either you or Jibea cant rp says enough about the two of you. :D
you can draft all those soldiers with the necessary funding
and after reading your lengthy posts, i've come up with a big question:
Does Jols have a life? :D :D :D :D
Possible? lol. :)
Lets leave it at that, I dont want to make you look even more foolish then you already do. People who are experienced, people who have knowledge, have already explained it, yet you dont get it. Oh well, when you grow up and your voice breaks, perhaps you might understand then, but I wouldnt be holding my breath.
73million people drafted in a second you say? With a draft? Oh boy this kid has some good material. :D
Firstly, to support 5million soldiers, you would be struggling to cope, but 73 million.
Hey kid, listen up. We understand that right now, every dumb thing that pops into your head, you believe and take as gospel.
And NTG will defend Greece, Im not assuming or making a guess either. And he wont be the only one, thats a promise ;) Btw, I never said he will, I said HE COULD. But hey, Ill let you off this time, after all your just a kid, its not your fault you cant read to a satisfactory level yet.
Here is some reading comprehension for you..
If you want to continue arguing wether 50,000 bombers is possible, be my guest, you will make a bigger fool of your self.
The fact either you or Jibea cant rp says enough about the two of you. :D
I dropped that number if you were reading. Any way if you dont say what troops you use then how can we know what we're up against. That is like saying "We are sending 73 million troops" i would assume that they are unarmed and infantry. Besides as you should know you cant say that ntg will defend greece.
I may not know the prices but give me ten troops that i will personnally lead into battle and the death of your region will be assured. Like Ghengis Kahn I don't loose. The Greeks aren't remembered for their army as you my as well heard that they lost to rome who was pathetic.
If you were Japan during WW2 you probably would've lost to China which would make you the laughing stock of the world. Now if i was Japan than that would've assured the victory of the axis. The only reason why i got to the capitol is because nobody says anything about resistance and you should never assume that there would be resistance.
You definatly know less about war then me figuring that i was raised in a war like society. You probably believe that america is the stongest military force.
One thing that i know how to do is to make battle plans that would destroy anybody (such as the parithean destroyed china). Nikolas the Great isn't so great.
I dont believe everything i read/hear and apparently you do. You say an army of x can defeat an army of y when x=100y then be my guest to live in your pathetic dream land. If you believe that an army of x that has a technoligical level of y can defeat an army of a with the technological level of b in the way that xy=50ab then you are truely pathetic. You seem like the type of person who would use robots in war if you could. I already am developing "exotic" weapons that the level of difficulty is too hard for a person of your intellectual status would never understand but is quite simple that a three year old would understand. You probably think that you can touch something and that my friend makes me sad (i cant be saddened).
One thing that makes me laugh is that you believe that an army of 5,999,999,999 people would win against 1 person. Everyone knows that its not the weapons or amor that wins the war. It is the commanding officer. I could defeat you with one rock even if your armor is a force field.
To summerize:
1. I dropped the bomber project
2. I know everything about war but prices (doesnt matter in pillage rather then pay)
3. I have superior tatics then you.
4. You make assumptions
5. Any one man army can defeat an army of x that you would lead
6. I am the neo Ghengis Kahn
7. You are pathetic
8. Any army of x that i lead will defeat any army of y
9. You probably dont know the positive side of nukes
10. You wouldnt be able to defeat the chinese in ww2
I decided to lead war against the greeks in a different forum since some pathetics dont know what dropping a topic is now do they jole? The name is going to be "Death to the region of pathetics".
I decided to lead war against the greeks in a different forum since some pathetics dont know what dropping a topic is now do they jole? The name is going to be "Death to the region of pathetics".
Neo-Genghis Khan? Superior tactics? Battle-plans that would destroy anybody? Clearly your n00bishness is surpassed only by your unfounded arrogance. The only "tactics" I have seen you use are ludicrous plans such as dropping killer ants from bombers (death on impact, anybody?) and hiding your troops underground in tunnels which they appear to have dug in seconds. Unless you are future-tech, in which case you probably wouldn't be using the equipment you are, you can't just teleport your troops into Athens. There would be mobilisation and troop movements first. The Greeks would then mobilise their own forces, and you would have to hack your way through. That is where the tactics come in, not in writing the largest numbers you can (Although I do appreciate that you have cut down on your number of bombers).
You mentioned funding your army by pillaging. Well, what will there be to pillage once your bombers have dropped their fusion bombs? Anyway, that will hardly cover the cost of a full mobilisation. You have apparently drafted your soldiers, so there will doubtless be dissent and maybe a little fragging. Meanwhile, back home, your workforce will be gone. Supplies will run out, and your people will probably revolt. Congratulations, your nation is overthrown. Troops are then recalled, either by the old government to put them back in power, or the new government to work in the field sand factories.
Greeks are then left with a healthy thirst for revenge. Cue possible invasion by them, plus whatever powers you have angered with your warmongering.
Final result. Your nation in ruins, your army defeated, and Greece barely hurt.
Neo-Genghis Khan? Superior tactics? Battle-plans that would destroy anybody? Clearly your n00bishness is surpassed only by your unfounded arrogance. The only "tactics" I have seen you use are ludicrous plans such as dropping killer ants from bombers (death on impact, anybody?) and hiding your troops underground in tunnels which they appear to have dug in seconds. Unless you are future-tech, in which case you probably wouldn't be using the equipment you are, you can't just teleport your troops into Athens. There would be mobilisation and troop movements first. The Greeks would then mobilise their own forces, and you would have to hack your way through. That is where the tactics come in, not in writing the largest numbers you can (Although I do appreciate that you have cut down on your number of bombers).
You mentioned funding your army by pillaging. Well, what will there be to pillage once your bombers have dropped their fusion bombs? Anyway, that will hardly cover the cost of a full mobilisation. You have apparently drafted your soldiers, so there will doubtless be dissent and maybe a little fragging. Meanwhile, back home, your workforce will be gone. Supplies will run out, and your people will probably revolt. Congratulations, your nation is overthrown. Troops are then recalled, either by the old government to put them back in power, or the new government to work in the field sand factories.
Greeks are then left with a healthy thirst for revenge. Cue possible invasion by them, plus whatever powers you have angered with your warmongering.
Final result. Your nation in ruins, your army defeated, and Greece barely hurt.
Ha you believe the Greeks could defeat a Prussian. I know everyone of Ghengis Kahns tatics which they use in modern warfare. Killer ants are a superior biowarfare type weapon. Any way they are paradroped or planted i already knew that some one would think that. They are rampant in Africa and in under a night they can kill several cows and people (one colony). Pillage comes in many forms. For example how much would a 3rd world country want for several Greek soliders and weaponary. You shouldnt bring up the Athens issue again since i already answered it. You Greeks are truely pathetic. You have to understand one thing. If there is no stated resistance then there is no resistance. Tunnels dont take long to build maybe a day for several feet. Invasion right. The Nation of the Prussian Empire against a few Greeks. As stated my only flaw is i dont know prices. One of your flaws is you're ethnocentricity. My nation is a war nation such as Nazi Germany (except for its not genocidal) once was. Greece is the only region that hates me and was started by the greeks.
So far you are my second favorite greek person due to the fact that you read that i cut back on the numbers. Any way numbers arent such a big issue since one person could kill the rest of the population without dying. All i need is a physist or read a book to figure out...
ooc: Surprisingly, I'm not Greek. I also don't believe that in RL Greece could have held up against Prussia in a straight-up, one-on-one fight. I agree that, assuming no-one steps in to help them , you could probably defeat the Greeks.
Having read your comment on marching straight into Atens because there was no stated resistance, anyone who looks at the posts will discover that your your post about marching into Athens was posted one minute after your post about declaring war.
I regret not having read the "killer ants" piece more carefully. However, there are problems. First of all, would you really want to send your troops into an area infested with killer ants? Secondly, I assume that they are dangerous in large swarms. Flamethrower, anyone? After the initial terror and confusion, which I agree would be a potent weapon, they probably aren't that hard to defeat.
While I don't blame you for not knowing about costs, there is one thing that should be learnt from it. You mention that a third world country would pay well for Greek equipment. True, however, they don't have enough money to pay for all of it, and I assure you that they won't have enough to pay for the amount of bombers you have stated, especially when they carry atomic weapons. I know that you are a warlike nation, and most likely spend upwards of 40% of your income on defence, but this still isn't going to work.
Tunnels taking a day for a few feet? If this is true, then you are truly wrong in your tactics. Three feet to a yard, so about that per day. Any substantial tunnel networrk will take years.
Also, your idea about one man being able to wipe out an entire nation? As long as he is very good and very lucky, true. However, a nation of several million is not just going to be slaughtered by one man in a day. Also, eventually he will run out of ammunition etc. It would take several lifetimes for one man to kill that many.
14-02-2005, 21:07
ooc: Surprisingly, I'm not Greek. I also don't believe that in RL Greece could have held up against Prussia in a straight-up, one-on-one fight. I agree that, assuming no-one steps in to help them , you could probably defeat the Greeks.
Having read your comment on marching straight into Atens because there was no stated resistance, anyone who looks at the posts will discover that your your post about marching into Athens was posted one minute after your post about declaring war.
I regret not having read the "killer ants" piece more carefully. However, there are problems. First of all, would you really want to send your troops into an area infested with killer ants? Secondly, I assume that they are dangerous in large swarms. Flamethrower, anyone? After the initial terror and confusion, which I agree would be a potent weapon, they probably aren't that hard to defeat.
While I don't blame you for not knowing about costs, there is one thing that should be learnt from it. You mention that a third world country would pay well for Greek equipment. True, however, they don't have enough money to pay for all of it, and I assure you that they won't have enough to pay for the amount of bombers you have stated, especially when they carry atomic weapons. I know that you are a warlike nation, and most likely spend upwards of 40% of your income on defence, but this still isn't going to work.
Tunnels taking a day for a few feet? If this is true, then you are truly wrong in your tactics. Three feet to a yard, so about that per day. Any substantial tunnel networrk will take years.
Also, your idea about one man being able to wipe out an entire nation? As long as he is very good and very lucky, true. However, a nation of several million is not just going to be slaughtered by one man in a day. Also, eventually he will run out of ammunition etc. It would take several lifetimes for one man to kill that many.
(sigh) This is why society is corrupted.... People with a lack of knowledge.... ;)