Sevaris to begin mining the Straits of Gibraltar
Press Release, Ministry of Defence:
"We have authorised the 5th Fleet based at Gibraltar to begin mining the straits, as to prevent any Mississippian incursion into the area. These mines are programmed to detonate only when a non-friendly IFF code is detected. Therefore, all Allied fleets' IFF codes have been programmed as friendly, so the mines will not detonate on their ships.
We apologise for this inconvience, but this is out of national security."
-William Honecker
Defence Minister
The Macabees
30-01-2005, 22:52
OOC: Since I joined the anti-DA group I'm guessing I'm considered allied shipping.
Great idea, Can my 5th Fleet also help in the mining.
Great idea, Can my 5th Fleet also help in the mining.
Certainly. Your fleet may aid as well.
-William Honecker
Defence Minister
The Liberty II-Class destoyers and Calcome-Class cruisers aided in the mining by dropping Anti-ship and sub mines into the straits.
30-01-2005, 22:59
Encrypted Telegram to Sevaris
Although Praetonian Naval Forces are soon to leave the region, they will assist
you in your mining operations for as long as they remain.
30-01-2005, 23:05
The People's Republic condemns in the strongest possible terms this attempt to close off one of the world's major trade routes. We urge that this action immediately cease before serious damage is done to the global economy, to mention nothing of the loss of life that will be incurred should any vessels be sunk as a result of this criminally reckless action.
The People's Republic condemns in the strongest possible terms this attempt to close off one of the world's major trade routes. We urge that this action immediately cease before serious damage is done to the global economy, to mention nothing of the loss of life that will be incurred should any vessels be sunk as a result of this criminally reckless action.
Any vessels that wish to pass through Gibraltar should contact us, and we will program their IFF codes as friendly.
The Macabees
30-01-2005, 23:09
[Macabea City]
Men and women belonging to the logistical personnel working to maintain the new task forces being completed at an amazing rate were struggling back and forth, preparing the fleet for operations to come. The peace talks between Sevaris and Decisive Action were failing, and it was time for the Macabees to complete their promise and launch the required aid for the Sevarian cause. Therefore, it was decided that CTF-1 would be sent to the Gibraltar area in order to expand the mining operation and preform defensive duties. Macabee fleet defenses were some of the best in the world, and Sevaris would quickly need them.
The fleet to leave was easily distinguishable since it bore the Macabee flags, sign of emminent dismisal. The three incredibly large Rommel class Aircraft Carriers were lined up, ready to leave, large DREAD guns and Praetorian V SAMs shining in the midday sun. The Manstein class Destroyers, twenty in all, had already left the port, readying for ASW procedures, and the cruisers and frigates were in the process of leaving. The other ships would follow the sparkling carriers, as well as the escort carriers.
CTF-1 would proceed to the Gibraltar in full customs, with the charactiristic fleet defenses, including a triple layer ASW defense - one hundred, fifty and twenty-five kilometers out respectively - and an active AWACs and CAP defensive rings. Moreover, the MRT-1, MRT-2 and MRT-4, as well as the MLT-1 and MLT-2, coupled with the MST-1 and Poseidon SONAR system were all chugging to full effect with Defcon level 1 - they had to be ready for any type of attack.
Soon enough Sevaris would be fully reinforced with a sturdy Macabee carrier task force, and Macabee strength would also be appreciated when war broke out.
30-01-2005, 23:12
While we appreciate your efforts to minimise casualties, the fact remains that these are international waters, and that any attempt to blockade them in this fashion is at best illegal, and could well be seen as being tantamount to an act of war.
Fascist Confederacy
30-01-2005, 23:15
A message came across Lame Bum's (And other major nations) network broadcasts:
The Canadian Tundra
30-01-2005, 23:15
*Public Message*
To: Sevaris
From: President Jon Verian-Saiyoto
Subject: Straights of Gibraltar
We wish to remain neutral in this dispute, but we would like our civilian shipping to be able to pass through the straights unharmed. As such, I request that our merchant marine ships be designated allied and allowed to pass unharmed through these minefields, if you wish to inspect the vessels, we will instruct our vessels to expect boarding parties.
*Secret message*
To: Sevaris
From: President Jon Verian-Saiyoto
Subject: Assistance
While we have publicly expressed our wish to remain neutral, we can secretly send equipment and or military forces, bearing equipment similar to your own so they can fight with your forces without being noticed as Tundric troops, in exchange for an alliance once the conflict is over, and a trade deal between our nations.
While we appreciate your efforts to minimise casualties, the fact remains that these are international waters, and that any attempt to blockade them in this fashion is at best illegal, and could well be seen as being tantamount to an act of war.
We're only doing this for Sevaris's security, Also, they're technically, for the most part, our waters.
*Public Message*
To: Sevaris
From: President Jon Verian-Saiyoto
Subject: Straights of Gibraltar
We wish to remain neutral in this dispute, but we would like our civilian shipping to be able to pass through the straights unharmed. As such, I request that our merchant marine ships be designated allied and allowed to pass unharmed through these minefields, if you wish to inspect the vessels, we will instruct our vessels to expect boarding parties.
*Secret message*
To: Sevaris
From: President Jon Verian-Saiyoto
Subject: Assistance
While we have publicly expressed our wish to remain neutral, we can secretly send equipment and or military forces, bearing equipment similar to your own so they can fight with your forces without being noticed as Tundric troops, in exchange for an alliance once the conflict is over, and a trade deal between our nations.
Secret IC:
We agree to both of your requests. Also, we would appreciate aid.
-Kaiserine Yuna Mannerheim
The Canadian Tundra
30-01-2005, 23:31
To: Sevaris
From: President Verian-Saiyoto
Subject: Troops and aid
The navy's fourteen battlegroup is near the straights, out in international waters on standard patrol in case anything should happen in their area of influence, we will move them near the straights under the guise of simply watching over our shipping. We are organizing an expeditionary force right now, they will be aboard the freighters SS Merchanter's Dream, SS Tundric Express 2, and SS Mule of the North. I have also organized three hundred JTF-3 assaults who will depart aboard 'civilian flights' from the Port Avalon and New Toronto international airports. What kind of aid in specific do you need?
The Macabees
30-01-2005, 23:33
OOC: If war does break out could someone email me at I don't get on much during the weekdays, and prime time for me is at school, and I can't get into the NS website (just the forums since it's a different server) I would appreciate it.
HMS Sandtiger
Somewhere in the Mediterranean
The old Commonwealth cruise missile submarine continued to push through the dark and deep waters, her twin propellers making revolutions for 12 knots, at which speeds she was nearly undetectable. Her small control fins extended from their secure holds along the outer hull and pitched slowly upwards, bringing the vessel to a depth of 100 meters where a small de-magnetized metal pole slid up from the rounded conning tower. Unseen to the eye, electromagnetic waves hit the small pole and were received by the Sandtiger, whereupon she receded back into the depths, undetected by any forces on the surface, which were interestingly absent from this area of the Med.
“Captain, depth is now 500 meters.” Captain Frank Pierce nodded to the diving officer, while he reviewed the latest messages. Apparently, the MoD boys had decided on why there were few ships in these areas of the Med. Mississippi and Sevaris were headed to war over the Pillars of Hercules, and unfortunately the strait had already been mined. That left Pierce with little options, his orders had him returning to the Atlantic then around South America to return home in about a week – but at this rate with his only exit route blocked, there was no real chance for him to escape.
“Commander Pyle,” Pierce addressed his XO, “please secure the consumables onboard and begin rationing for… one month. We might be stranded here in the Med for a little while.”
“Aye, sir.”
30-01-2005, 23:46
Bureau of State Affairs Release
The Protectorate of Angelico is a nation listed as third on the Decisive Action-led World Anti-Communist League's publicly published target list despite the Protectorate's pro-capitalist democracy. The Protectorate therefore considers Decisive Action to be a dangerous threat to the security of the Angelican people.
However threatened the Protectorate feels by Decisive Action, the Protectorate must officially lodge protest with this act of Sevaris to mine the Straits of Gibraltar. The Straits have an obviously vital purpose to international shipping, and the threat to civilian trade posed by such an act is significantly dangerous.
30-01-2005, 23:49
Although your nation may have a rather questionable claim to sovereignty over these waters, Article 38 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea gives all nations the right of transit passage through areas such as the Straits of Gibraltar. Denying us this right is a crime under international law.
At the very least, the owners of vessels who are affected by this unlawful act should be compensated by your government for the trouble caused.
The Canadian Tundra
30-01-2005, 23:55
*Public Broadcast*
The president steps up to podium to make an address to the Tundric people and the media as to the Tundra's position on the growing tensions surrounding Gibraltar.
"The Canadian Tundra will, at this time, remain neutral in the present dispute. I have personally discussed with the leaders of Sevaris the implications to Tundric shipping regarding this, and they have designated all Tundric vessels friendly, and all Tundric shipping may pass unharmed through the straights as usual, though in the interests of security, we have permitted the Sevaris navy to make any inspections of our vessels they see fit to carry out. In the unlikely event that conflict breaks out, the fourteenth battlegroup is enroute to ensure security for our civilian shipping and two more naval battlegroups are enroute from the the Tundra to provide further security, and to be on standby to evacuate any and all Tundric civilians and protect Tundric interests in the areas affected by the conflict. That is all." The president said, stepping down as the media representatives scrambled vainly to get in a question.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
31-01-2005, 00:08
Although your nation may have a rather questionable claim to sovereignty over these waters, Article 38 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea gives all nations the right of transit passage through areas such as the Straits of Gibraltar. Denying us this right is a crime under international law.
At the very least, the owners of vessels who are affected by this unlawful act should be compensated by your government for the trouble caused.
UN law doesnt apply here, because we do not recognize UN law.
31-01-2005, 00:17
It is intriguing that your defence is the same as that used by Slobodon Milosovich, another war criminal.
The Macabees
31-01-2005, 00:28
OOC: Why is the threat of war gone?
Red Tide2
31-01-2005, 00:32
OOC:If Sevaris controls Morrocco... than there is a part of the straits that would be considered his territorial waters.
OOC: Why is the threat of war gone?
OOC: DA is pushing for a diplomatic resolution now. I do not think war will occur now, but I could be wrong of course.
The Canadian Tundra
31-01-2005, 00:33
Simply because one does not follow UN law, does not make one a war criminal. If a nation is not in the UN, it is under no requirement to abide by UN law, nor does it make it a war criminal.
31-01-2005, 00:37
OOC:If Sevaris controls Morrocco... than there is a part of the straits that would be considered his territorial waters.
Read Article 38 and report back. Noone is claiming he doesn't own the Strait of Gibralter, just that there is an obligation to grant the right of transit. Placing a minefield could be seen as infringing on this right.
Does your nation allow domestic criminals to get away with crimes by claiming to be above the law? Of course not. Noone is above the law, whether they be a petty theif or a country attempting to sabotague the global economy by blockading the sea lanes.
The Canadian Tundra
31-01-2005, 00:48
Domestic criminals do not get away with crime, but someone in another nation is not bound by our law. Just as Sevaris is not bound by UN law because he is not in the UN. Were Sevaris in the UN, then this would indeed be a violation of law, but since he is not, as far as we know, then he isn't.
31-01-2005, 00:52
There is a standard of behaviour adopted by civilised nations. One cannot simply deny the obligations created by this standard of behaviour.
Itinerate Tree Dweller
31-01-2005, 01:04
There is a standard of behaviour adopted by civilised nations. One cannot simply deny the obligations created by this standard of behaviour.
Yes they can. Many nations ignore your "standard of behavior" through various activity ranging from slavery to massive genocide. And allowing access to territorial waters is not a "standard of behavior."
31-01-2005, 01:15
All nations have the right to transit this area. We recognise that there appear to be exceptional circumstances in this case, and so are sympathetic towards this action. However, forcing neutral parties to take sides in some petty conflict between third world nations in order to excercise a right guaranteed in international law is little more than blackmail.
Since these are exceptional circumstances, we are willing to overlook the fact that this is an illegal act, provided that all shipping affected is compensated for the fact that they must now turn aound and take a longer route to their destinations by going back through the Mediterrenean and around Africa. This is not an unreasonable request given that what is going on is little more than piracy and blackmail.
OOC: Is this Earth DA, or the original, regular Earth?
The Macabees
31-01-2005, 02:15
The Macabee fleet will, in fact, remain in port, as the threat of war seemed to have died down.