NationStates Jolt Archive

Johnified America begins liberation of Johnified States

Johnified America
30-01-2005, 16:31
A map of the area. Grey = Nuclear Wasteland
Background: Islamaisbad took large parts of Johnified States in a war which took place in August-September 2003 realtime.
Johnified America and Johnified States have decided to take it back.
This takes place on the "Real NS world" which is very big and multi dimensional and all that fun stuff.
It is open for anyone to join on either side.
The war will be confined to the map area, even though Islamaisbad is based in the middle east, and Johnified America has more land than is shown in the map.

0340, California Coast, Islamaisbad-held Territory in modern day Johnifed States.....

The invasion had begun.
Fifty heavily modified amphibous land cruisers, headlights illuminating the dark shale of the cliff walls, storm the beach and take up positions as four man teams exit the vehicles and break into fire teams. 48 four man fire teams and another team of eight make thier way up the beach. The land cruisers with their three man crews are now functioning as technicals, with .50 caliber machine guns, 20mm cannons, 7.62mm miniguns and 40mm grenade machineguns mounted on the roof turrets and 11mm SAWs protruding from the passenger side. The special ops team move up closer and place explosive charges in an intricate pattern along the steep cliffs, then back away, taking up fighting positions behind, under and inside vehicles and behind rocks or in low natural trenches.
Within 80 seconds, the charges are detonated in sequence, blowing a rocky, loose ramp of crushed stone, stone fragments and small boulders that led up to the terrace like land feature which jutted out over the beach
To the invader's suprise there was no alarm sounded, no visible defense and no sign of resitance..... nothing. The special operations forces jumped into their vehicles went up into town, and started digging in and taking over with blitzkrieg like speed. The civillians were rounded up, briefed and given 8 hours to evacuate.

The full might of the JSA was about to be brought down upon the animals of Islamaisbad...

0804 local time, Midwestern Islamaisbad held territory, Johnified States

Five Apaches swooped in low, popped up above the treeline- just for a second- launched their deadly-accurate hellstreak guided missiles and dissappeared behind a ridge line. The brilliant manvuer went completely un-noticed by the Islamaisbad tank comander. He thought his collum of three T-80U, three T-72R, two ZSU-23-4, two SA-9s and a modified T-90 was the meanest hunk of metal on the road.
The newly updated tracking system of the SA-9s flashed an emerngency alert to the tank collum's commander, 14 MISSILES INBOUND!!!!
An order to scramble all vehicles was shouted out but many of the men tried to bail out.... it was probably too late......

1032 local time, Near Islamaisbad held Oregon, Johnified States

Five hundred aircraft able to deliver 6,000 shocktroops in less time then it takes most bombers to unload, take off from a hasitly prepared string of airbases and make thier way for the strongholds of the West

A command building in New Damascus, Islamaisbad held Nevada (aka Reno, JSA)
1100 local time

"They have taken the bait, our spys report they have come ashore at all 8 locations, at least 200 ground troops and over 40 land vehicles at each location,
those fools, like a moth to a flame."

"Wait. Fuck.
We are getting a report, over 400 enemy aircraft have breached our airspace, Oregon, Washington area"

Launch MiGs to intercept."

"Affirmative they are already on the way as well as F-16s, and SAM batteries have been alerted."

"What about St.Louis?"

Armor collum #506 has gone missing, scouts are out patrolling, looking for the tanks, no sign of enemy forces.
