Join the International Christian Coalition today!
30-01-2005, 01:06
The International Christian Coalition
La Coalizione Internazionale di Cristiana | Die Internationale Christliche Koalition
La Coalition Chrétienne Internationale | La Coalición Cristiana Internacional
This alliance is for any and all Christian-populated nations, Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or other. Its purpose is to advance the beliefs and faith of Christianity in its member countries by funding pro-Christian education programs. As well, the ICC will be a force for goodwill (international humanitarian aid and/or peacekeeping). We will not and are not a military alliance.
To join you must:
a) not be a newb or a godmoder
b) not be anti-Christian, basically you should be respectful of any religion
c) have a substantial Christian population (at least 33%) OR one branch of Christianity as your state religion
To show your interest in joining the ICC - fill out the simple application below.
Full Nation Name: ______
Leader's Title and Name: ______
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: _____
One recent RP example (so I can get to know your style if I've never seen you around) - link
One testimonial/endorsement from an ally (they will have to post here)
This alliance has no affiliation whatsoever to the now-defunct Alliance of Christian Nations.
There will be no executive positions on this board - we are all Christian, so we are all equal.
Members of the ICC
Pacitalia (founder)
Present Day Comatica
30-01-2005, 01:14
Full Nation Name: The Anti-Communist Empire of Roach-Busters
Leader's Title and Name: Generalissimo J.L.
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 58%
We wish to join this highly esteemed alliance.
30-01-2005, 01:15
(OOC: Check the "Can't See the Eye to Eye" thread. You'll see how low the RB government can be. ;))
30-01-2005, 01:20
Saw it. :P
You have to get the support of an ally before you can join. And I know your RPs, so you don't have to do that.
30-01-2005, 01:26
So am I in, or...?
30-01-2005, 01:32
Full Nation Name: The Holy Socialist Republic of Constantinopolis
Leader's Title and Name: Chairman Alexander Nikolaev
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 71% (43% Orthodox, 18% Protestant, 10% Catholic)
One recent RP example: I haven't RP-ed on the forums in a long time, but you can check my NSwiki entry (
One testimonial/endorsement from an ally: I'll talk to Syskeyia about it.
30-01-2005, 01:33
You need the support of one of your allies first. You can't get it from me since I'm already in the alliance.
Farmina will give a reference on R-B.
The is an honorable Christian nations, with good values and really knows how to treat special interest groups.
Professor Walter tells me that the ruler J.L. also throws a "jolly good party."
-Justinian, High Priest of Farmina
Present Day Comatica
30-01-2005, 02:12
Full Nation Name: The All-Powerful Empire of Present Day Comatica
Leader's Title and Name: Emperor Titus Celmaetus
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 53%
OOC: And you've seen my RP's. Too bad I don't have that many allies. I'll get back to you on that part.
30-01-2005, 02:12
Roach-Busters is accepted! Welcome.
30-01-2005, 02:28
What about Farmina and Present Day Comatica? I think they should be accepted, as well.
(Btw, thanks for your endorsement, Farmina. ;))
30-01-2005, 02:37
Farmina didn't apply and Comatica needs an ally endorsement, which can't be either of us since we're already in the coalition. So does Constantinopolis, but it appears s/he has that covered.
30-01-2005, 03:18
For the record, I'm a he. :)
And, for the moment, I'm waiting for a reply from Syskeyia regarding the endorsement...
30-01-2005, 03:24
I'll endorse Comatica.
30-01-2005, 03:34
Read my post again, Josh :p
It says neither of us can endorse Comatica since we're already in. If that wasn't so, I would have already endorsed him.
30-01-2005, 03:36
Read my post again, Josh :p
It says neither of us can endorse Comatica since we're already in. If that wasn't so, I would have already endorsed him.
Oh, sorry, Tim. :p
Your endoresment system is rubbish.
Farmina applies and endores itself.
I see nothing wrong with that.
30-01-2005, 20:02
You don't have a percentage of Christian population, you don't have a leader's name, and you need the endorsement of one of your allies (which can't be R-B at this point, now.)
Present Day Comatica
31-01-2005, 00:34
Read my post again, Josh :p
It says neither of us can endorse Comatica since we're already in. If that wasn't so, I would have already endorsed him.
Damn. So close.... :(
31-01-2005, 00:43
Full Nation Name: Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
Leader's Title and Name: Reginald Leopold I, Magnus Dux (House of Pytor-Hampton)
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 88%
31-01-2005, 00:43
Wait. didnt cherry ridge set up a christian alliance??
31-01-2005, 00:46
Wait. didnt cherry ridge set up a christian alliance??
He shut it down prematurely because it wasn't going well. That's the ACN (see first post).
Comatica, if you have other allies to endorse you, you'll be in immediately. And Hammie, I need say an endorsement from Sarzonia or Praetonia before you can enter.
31-01-2005, 01:19
Full Nation Name: The Hibernian Trinity of Gnoolocopelep, Deus Vult, and Skcink
Leader's Title and Name: State Minister Conall Mac Nessa
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 97% and trying our damndest to expell the other 3%.
31-01-2005, 02:44
Denied on the basis that you want to force the expulsion of non-Christians from your country. My apologies but that's not what this alliance is about.
Present Day Comatica
31-01-2005, 02:50
If you don't mind my asking, what is the purpose of the ally's endorsement? For this is the first alliance I've seen to implement this requirement.
31-01-2005, 03:24
Full Nation Name: The Holy Socialist Republic of Constantinopolis
Leader's Title and Name: Chairman Alexander Nikolaev
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 71% (43% Orthodox, 18% Protestant, 10% Catholic)
One recent RP example: I haven't RP-ed on the forums in a long time, but you can check my NSwiki entry (
One testimonial/endorsement from an ally: I'll talk to Syskeyia about it.
*endorses Constantinopolis*
Well, "'Stan" did help me rescue my Parliament way back when, and our alliance has been maintained even when CACE and SATO were on the brink of war (Constantinopolis was in the former group, and I in the latter.)
Anyway, may I appy:
Full Nation Name: The Republic of Syskeyia
Leader's Title and Name: President and First Consul Benedict Michael Sukothai
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: Roman Catholic 99.75%, other .075%
One recent RP example: Syskeyian-Eurusean/Reich War ( (There is a lot of OOC b#$@%ing at the beginning, I must admit, but here is where it starts to get good.)
One testimonial/endorsement from an ally: I've got some allies- perhaps they'll post here. :)
31-01-2005, 03:59
Constantinopolis is in. Welcome :)
Comatica - it's to prevent noobs and godmoders from getting in - usually noobs will have no allies because of their noobishness. However, I can still deny them entry. ;)
Thanks for the detailed entry, Sysk. :) Just get an ally to endorse and you're in.
Holy Republic of Farmina
Ruler: The Highest of Priests, The Fourth High Priest of the Grey Catholic Church of God, Justinian
Christian Population: 100%
Hamptonshire, endorse me, please.
31-01-2005, 14:41
*endorses Constantinopolis*
Well, "'Stan" did help me rescue my Parliament way back when, and our alliance has been maintained even when CACE and SATO were on the brink of war (Constantinopolis was in the former group, and I in the latter.)
Thanks! And by the way, is there any war or something that I can help you with? It seems like we haven't collaborated on anything in ages... well, that's mostly because I don't RP on the forums very much, but still. ;)
31-01-2005, 15:38
Full Nation Name: The Promised Land of Jeruselem
Leader's Title and Name: Queen Mariah I of Jeruselem
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 26% Catholic, 2% Eastern Orthodox, 1% Armenian Church 1% Protestant (and other), 70% (Jewish and Moslem)
... That's what you get then you control an Israel ...
One recent RP example - World Cup 11 to 20, U21 Championships 1 to 11 (regular soccer nut) ;)
One testimonial/endorsement from an ally - I think every Christian nation has seen me around by now!
31-01-2005, 15:45
Full Nation Name: The All-Powerful Empire of Present Day Comatica
Leader's Title and Name: Emperor Titus Celmaetus
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 53%
I will endorse PDC for this alliance. Technically I'm not an ally, but I would like to think that doesn't stop me from endorsing him. He's a good RPer, so much so that I offered him to teach in my RPing school. I hereby endorse PDC wholeheartedly.
Present Day Comatica
01-02-2005, 02:25
I will endorse PDC for this alliance. Technically I'm not an ally, but I would like to think that doesn't stop me from endorsing him. He's a good RPer, so much so that I offered him to teach in my RPing school. I hereby endorse PDC wholeheartedly.
Yes! Thanks, Sanctaphrax! :D
01-02-2005, 02:29
Comatica is in. Welcome!
Present Day Comatica
01-02-2005, 02:34
IC: (My first one tonight!) Thank you for admitting us into such an alliance. This alliance is of a different make that I find refreshing: The will for peace and brotherhood among Christian nations. Thank you again.
--Emperor Titus Celmaetus
(OOC: Kinda a weak RP, but I'm just not in the groove tonight. :p )
I propose that endoresment should come from members of the alliance; and thus R-B has endorsed me.
01-02-2005, 02:45
I propose that endoresment should come from members of the alliance; and thus R-B has endorsed me.
No, because that would defeat the purpose of the system. Find another ally, I'm sure you have many.
I still object to the system.
Fine, I'll find someone to nominate me.
Full Nation Name: The Empire of Risban
Leader's Title and Name: Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 58% (mostly Catholic)
One recent RP example: Terrorist Attacks in Risban ( (I figure this one would be good since it shows the Cardinal of Risban on the advisory council).
One testimonial/endorsement from an ally
I will try to find one. I know Upper Xen's bishop or something interacted once with Cardinal Kliptnock, so I'll see if he'll endorse this.
Upper Xen
01-02-2005, 03:56
Full Nation Name: The Empire of Risban
Leader's Title and Name: Emperor Robinson Antares Scorpius
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 58% (mostly Catholic)
One recent RP example: Terrorist Attacks in Risban ( (I figure this one would be good since it shows the Cardinal of Risban on the advisory council).
One testimonial/endorsement from an ally
I will try to find one. I know Upper Xen's bishop or something interacted once with Cardinal Kliptnock, so I'll see if he'll endorse this.
"I, Archbishop Grigori Batov of the Russian Orthodox Church of Upper Xen, will support Risban's entry into this alliance. Their Cardinal Kliptnock is a good man, and a dedicated Christian that will not waver from his faith. Accept him, and you will have a good friend in times of trouble."
Grigori Batov
Archbishop of Harbin
Russian Orthodox Church of Upper Xen
OOC: Should I do this? If not, I can move it.
Full Nation Name: The Irate Dictatorship of Kordo
Leader's Title and Name: President Jack Kordo II
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 95%
One recent RP example: The Red Hand of Kordo (
Full Nation Name: The Kingdom of Matrex
Leader's Title and Name: King Luthar Howard
What is the approximate percent of Christian people in your nation: 90%