MS Makes Abortion A Capital Crime
Decisive Action
29-01-2005, 20:15
Speaking via the White People's Radio and Television Network, Joseph Mladic made the announcement about the recent signing of new laws to curtail abortion, after it was discovered that there were at least 12,000 covert abortions in Mississippi in the last year. They wanted to make more laws to give added incentive for people to do the right thing.
"Due to an unacceptable level of abortions in the last year, laws have been signed which now treat abortion as a capital crime. There are several exceptions, abortions remain mandatory in cases of miscegenation. They remain option, with approval of the husband or father, in cases of rape or in cases of life-threatening problems for the woman. Thus, this law will have no affect on good women, and good women should have no problem with this law. If you are a good person, you have nothing to fear from the law."
Exact text of the law-
Protection of Unborn Act of 2005- No woman shall be permitted to abort an unborn child, commonly referred to as a fetus, unless several conditions are met. 1) Approval of the husband or in cases where the father is not married to her, then he and the woman's father must approve. 2) Proof that the child was the result of rape. 3) Proof that there are life-threatening circumstances making an abortion necessary. This shall not alter the earlier statutes that have established that abortion remains mandatory in cases of miscegenation. Committing an abortion outside of the law shall be treated as a murder and punished accordingly.
Fascist Confederacy
29-01-2005, 20:21
I fully support the choice made by my White bretheren. But, I would like to note, our version of the law--The Childrens Act--bans all forms of abortion under all circumstances. Even if the woman were to be raped. If she is raped, that merely states she hasn't been a moral woman and displayed her flesh publicly to a degree.
Czar Charles Hayden
~Rumor of what the Yaforite Chief Minister said when he heard of this new law. He denies all allegations that he said these words~
To: Decisive Action
We are inclined to disagree with these laws. This maydamage your country. Please reconsider. It is a danger to do these things, though from you it is not surprising.
Guillermo Vicente
Chief Minister of Yafor 2.
Decisive Action
29-01-2005, 20:22
I fully support the choice made by my White bretheren. But, I would like to note, our version of the law--The Childrens Act--bans all forms of abortion under all circumstances. Even if the woman were to be raped. If she is raped, that merely states she hasn't been a moral woman and displayed her flesh publicly to a degree.
Czar Charles Hayden
Secret Reply:
"I am personally offended by that, nig--rs raped my older sister when I was in high school... Was she being immoral by walking down the road, fully clothed, displaying nothing, on a chore for my mother... How as that her fault?"
Curtis Fabus
When abortions are made illegal for most situations, poverty rises.
Czar Sam Fabus
Fascist Confederacy
29-01-2005, 20:30
Secret Reply:
I'am sorry you feel that way Curtis. But that was then--and I'm sorry that it occured--and this is now. No longer due we have to worry about a ni--er pulling our daughters, sisters, or mothers into a back alley and gaining unconcented carnal knowledge. You and I both know that. By personally seeing to it that... Well, you understand what I'm hinting at. That infidelic scum doesn't step foot on our land anymore. And as I'm sure you know, there hasn't been a rape in The Confederacy since 1985--and that was handled to insure there would never be another. Mental defects are also non-existent in The Confederacy like they are in Mississippi. Thus, wouldn't that stop the insane acts of rape the ni--ers did because of their lack of a mind? I believe so. Again, I'am sorry of your sisters horrible accident.
With Brotherly Love,
I fully support the choice made by my White bretheren. But, I would like to note, our version of the law--The Childrens Act--bans all forms of abortion under all circumstances. Even if the woman were to be raped. If she is raped, that merely states she hasn't been a moral woman and displayed her flesh publicly to a degree.
Czar Charles Hayden
OOC: Do you have to add the brackets for centering, the coat of arms, and italics every time you make a post?
If a woman is raped, it has nothing to do with what she is wearing, it has everything to do with the attacker. By the same logic, it is the fault of a child when it is molested by Michael Jackson.
Czar Sam Fabus
Fascist Confederacy
29-01-2005, 20:37
OOC: Everytime Charles makes a public decree--yes.
Secret Reply:
Sam, you know that if a woman abides by the decency laws, and doesn't allow herself to flaunt her 'assets' and a man doesn't sin against God and allow lust to enter his heart (Not to mention breaking the Mind Abomination Act) the probablity of a rape is 0-0. Not to mention, if a rape were to occur, I'd have final say; Meaning, I coyld over-ride the laws if need be.
Your Friend,
Liberal Freedom Front
29-01-2005, 21:26
Maybe we should pay you a visit.
Number 1
29-01-2005, 21:33
"You'll never obtain decent stem cells again... that's for sure."-The Great Leader Li.
Decisive Action
29-01-2005, 21:53
Secret Reply:
I'am sorry you feel that way Curtis. But that was then--and I'm sorry that it occured--and this is now. No longer due we have to worry about a ni--er pulling our daughters, sisters, or mothers into a back alley and gaining unconcented carnal knowledge. You and I both know that. By personally seeing to it that... Well, you understand what I'm hinting at. That infidelic scum doesn't step foot on our land anymore. And as I'm sure you know, there hasn't been a rape in The Confederacy since 1985--and that was handled to insure there would never be another. Mental defects are also non-existent in The Confederacy like they are in Mississippi. Thus, wouldn't that stop the insane acts of rape the ni--ers did because of their lack of a mind? I believe so. Again, I'am sorry of your sisters horrible accident.
With Brotherly Love,
"It wasn't an accident, it was an atrocity. And I've always believed that rape has nothing to do with how a woman is dressed, that's just more of the blame the victim stuff, and I won't play that game."
Curtis Fabus
29-01-2005, 21:55
As much as we disagree with alot of your other standrads we must appluade that you have taken a right step for once. Every human has a right to be born even if they due turn out to be right-wing bastards.
The high leader of zackaroth
Aimless von strangaild.
OOC: Everytime Charles makes a public decree--yes.
Secret Reply:
Sam, you know that if a woman abides by the decency laws, and doesn't allow herself to flaunt her 'assets' and a man doesn't sin against God and allow lust to enter his heart (Not to mention breaking the Mind Abomination Act) the probablity of a rape is 0-0. Not to mention, if a rape were to occur, I'd have final say; Meaning, I coyld over-ride the laws if need be.
Your Friend,
It is never a womans fault if she is raped. The victim is never to blame, it is always the attackers fault.
Czar Sam Fabus
29-01-2005, 23:24
I staunchly approve of this new law.
-Generalissimo J.L.
The Fedral Union
30-01-2005, 01:56
any more oppression in your nation and you would literally have a boot over every one
Czar Fabus,
Though I understand you have a semi-noble goal with this, I doubt it would work. For once, I find myself in agreement with Mr. MacDonald- When abortion is banned, poverty rises.
-Kaiser Alec Mannerheim
Itinerate Tree Dweller
30-01-2005, 03:43
"I suspect the the Fabus' have plans in place to take care of the many unwanted children that will be born? If not, poverty will only worsen." - Empress Persephone Kersk
Decisive Action
30-01-2005, 03:49
"I suspect the the Fabus' have plans in place to take care of the many unwanted children that will be born? If not, poverty will only worsen." - Empress Persephone Kersk
"No children are unwanted in Mississippi, besides we subsidize large families... Anyway, any orphans or such, or in the rare case, children taken from their parents, are placed in the care of the armed forces (in cases of males) or the diplomatic corps (in cases of attractive females), in the case of ugly females, we just send them to work in the textiles industry."
Joseph Mladic
"No children are unwanted in Mississippi, besides we subsidize large families... Anyway, any orphans or such, or in the rare case, children taken from their parents, are placed in the care of the armed forces (in cases of males) or the diplomatic corps (in cases of attractive females), in the case of ugly females, we just send them to work in the textiles industry."
Joseph Mladic
How do you define ugliness? That's what I'd like to know. I mean, is not beauty in the eye of the beholder?
-Kaiserine Yuna Mannerheim
Official Communiqué
JRV does not consider this a wise move either. Abortion should be viewed as the lesser of two evils.
- Rt. Hon. Silvia Cartwright, Vice Chancellor of the Republic of JRV
Decisive Action
30-01-2005, 03:56
How do you define ugliness? That's what I'd like to know. I mean, is not beauty in the eye of the beholder?
-Kaiserine Yuna Mannerheim
"Well Yuna, you are a beautiful woman, your past actions aside, we can't deny your beauty... Alice is a beautiful woman, Curtis's daughters, Eleanor and Victoria, they are beautiful women... All of the Stahlecker women I know are beautiful women... See, typically beautiful women are from the upper classes or the ruling elite. Most peasants are typically just eye sores..."
Joseph Mladic
"Well Yuna, you are a beautiful woman, your past actions aside, we can't deny your beauty... Alice is a beautiful woman, Curtis's daughters, Eleanor and Victoria, they are beautiful women... All of the Stahlecker women I know are beautiful women... See, typically beautiful women are from the upper classes or the ruling elite. Most peasants are typically just eye sores..."
Joseph Mladic
You sure? I'm what you would consider a peasant, as you would consider most women. I'm not saying you can't think what you do, it just seems illogical to me.
-Yuna Mannerheim
Arizona Nova
30-01-2005, 03:59
"I suspect the the Fabus' have plans in place to take care of the many unwanted children that will be born? If not, poverty will only worsen." - Empress Persephone Kersk
Why stop at abortion to stop poverty then? By that logic, one could go out and kill all the beggars - they don't contribute anything to society anyway. In fact, they compound the problem worse than the unwanted children anyway - they've been such a drain on resources, for so many years.
I applaud this move by DA to make abortion a capital crime, though I do not applaud racism in any shape or form.
~Emperor Anithraldur
"As much as Missisipi's and the empire's ideologies conflict, we applaud the good Czar on his decisive action in steming the tide of irresponsibility that arises from making abortions readily and legally available to mad sex freaks who would carelessly throw away the precious lives of children, simply out of there own iresponsibility and greed. May all your future actions be as wise as they have been up till now, good monarch, and may you rule for a thousand years."
His Emperorship Alexander I of the Alexian Empire
(Came along with the usual endorsement of the goverment, blah blah blah)
The Parthians
30-01-2005, 04:21
Why stop at abortion to stop poverty then? By that logic, one could go out and kill all the beggars - they don't contribute anything to society anyway. In fact, they compound the problem worse than the unwanted children anyway - they've been such a drain on resources, for so many years.
I applaud this move by DA to make abortion a capital crime, though I do not applaud racism in any shape or form.
~Emperor Anithraldur
We do kill beggars, or just auction them off as slaves. I don't like those eyesores running around Parthia.
We have banned abortion except in cases of rape, breeding outside the race (in which case it is mandatory), danger to a mother's life, and if we order a woman to. Our poverty is controlled by keeping our prols in ghettos separated from the outside world with Berlin Wall style fortifications and only permit them to leave for a certain time period for work. Disease tends to kill most of them off before they get old and kills 1/3 of the kids they make.
-Shah Khosru III