NationStates Jolt Archive

A New Age of Reason

29-01-2005, 19:54
The Fuhrer of Witzgall, Joseph Pimmlot, approaches the wooden podium in full military officer dress, with a red beret. His bodyguards wear their standard black uniforms and wield M4 carbines, slung across their chest. Instead of the usual insignia of the "Neo Gestapo", as his bodyguards have been nicknamed, they instead wear a red spear across a black and torn heart.

Pimmlot stands, hands on the podium, and looks into the gathering crowd. He moves his head left to right, eyeing the civilians and news crews. He watches as reporters set up the story for the viewers at home, even though many of the houses are empty and the occupants are in the streets, listening intently to their courageous leader.

"Citizens of Witzgall and the rest of the world! Those occupants of the international community, of the "Free World." Listen to my words!" the Fuhrer shouts, grabbing the attention of the world and clenching it into his iron fists.

"Imagine a biologist announces that cancer is forever so we should stop trying to cure it. Imagine a political analyst says capitalism is forever. Many people, including you at home or those of you who are here, alive, today, believe that society is at its peak, its prime. You are not happy, you are not smiling. You are saddened by your belief in this truth. I am here to break the comformation of society, to abolish such beliefs."

"If we change international relations to benefit the poor and weak, persistent capitalism will soon roll back our victory. What we build up, will eventually just tumble back down. Changing one for the better changes one for the worse."

Pimmlot stopped, pausing himself in the heat of the moment. His bodyguards stood, without emotion. Possibly not even listening to what their leader was saying. A recession of all government, of all oppression.

"I am instating a new world. A new world based on the belief of equality without oppression. I am instating a new era. A new era based on reason, not faith or fantasy."

"Viewed with one disposition, history has so far been a horrible accumulation of oppression and suffering. Viewed with another disposition, however, history has chronicled humans discovering their own finer potentials and together mounting heroic offensives to attain them -- against monarchy, feudalism, slavery, Jim Crow racism, apartheid, sexual subjugation, second class citizenship, sexism, heterosexism, dictatorship, one party rule, capitalism, and coordinatorism -- and seeking, in their place, equity, justice, and freedom. This is what I wish for, this is...the new world order."

The Fuhrer leaned back, lifting his clenched hands off of the podium and standing upright. His bodyguards still showed absolute coldness, no emotional signs whatsoever. As if they didn't care.

"The problems that we face today cannot be traced to class conflict alone. It is not merely a question of the ruling class profiting at the expense of the proletariat, for we have seen that the profit that those with capital do make does not make their lives any more fulfilling. It does not matter whether a woman is buried alive in a prison, in a reform school, in a sweatshop, in a ghetto, in a prestigious university, in a condominium bought on credit, or in a mansion with a private swimming pool and tennis courts, so long as she is buried alive. Everyone suffers from today's status quo, albeit differently; but whether a man is starving on his minimum wage salary, exhausted by his repetitive responsibilities at the office, or befuddled by the curious feeling of emptiness that accompanies the undirected acquisition of material wealth, he has a stake in fighting for change. So we all, rich and poor, must band together to consider our situation and struggle to alter it.”

The crowd was silent still. Not a soul moved from their standing position. Those at home watched and listened to Pimmlot, awaiting his speech to continue onwards.

“And this struggle presupposes participants who are fighting for themselves, to see and feel change and improvement in the course of their own lives—as we shall see… Whatever solution, whatever revolution, we propose, must be present-oriented rather than future-oriented if it is to be genuinely revolutionary. We must fight as a whole to disband this oppression we see in our everyday lives, we must work together.”

Still silence lurked in the crowd, all awaiting for the Fuhrer to continue. His speech was odd: he was getting rid of what made him one of the most powerful humans in the world, he was disbanding his own power in such a way that would be considered ritualistic political suicide.

“The past and the present are both full of examples which indicate this. To consider one: Christianity demands of its followers that they delay gratification until they enter the next world, when they will supposedly be rewarded for their proper conduct; in doing so it assumes that this proper conduct is not fulfilling enough in itself to be worthwhile unless it is rewarded. This kind of thinking reflects a dire misunderstanding of the nature of human happiness; for happiness is to be found in activity, in activities that are exciting and satisfying in and of themselves, rather than in passively awaiting rewards for unsatisfying activities. Traditional Marxism takes the Christian mistake one step further by asking its adherents to work towards a revolution they will probably never live to see—that is, in the Marxist "faith," gratification is delayed beyond the reach of human experience.

Accordingly, our “revolution” must be an immediate revolution in our daily lives; anything else is not a revolution but a demand that once again people do what they do not want to do and hope that this time, somehow, the compensation will be enough. Those who assume, often unconsciously, that it is impossible to achieve their own desires—and thus, that it is futile to fight for themselves—often end up fighting for an ideal or cause instead.

Our revolution must be above all a revolution in the ways we live and think. We should fight for these goals not out of servitude to a doctrine or cause, but because it is exciting and invigorating today to strive for difficult and worthy objectives. We must band together, sticking with each other. We must “rise up” and take what we hold for granted.

Even from here, here at this podium of political and cultural power, I can taste the question already on the tip of your tongue: isn't this utopian? Of course it is. Do you know what everyone’s greatest fear, whether it be subconscious or otherwise, is? It is that all of your dreams, your ideas, your visions of romanticism or of utopia, will one day come true. That the world as we know it will suddenly change, giving your wishes a belonging in the society of truthfulness.

Perhaps this world is just setting itself up for failure, for catastrophe on a massive scale. Maybe sitting back and letting things happen is a safer idea. But what if? What if we could change all of this now, instate a new order and change the world for the better, on a wide purpose scale? Perhaps the world will never become perfectly molded into our ideas of peace and prosperity. People will die young, diseases will dance around us. Married couples will divorce. People will drink themselves into a mindless oblivion.”

The Fuhrer looked out into the massive crowd. Everyone stared into his eyes, into his mind. Listening with a clear mind, clear ears. The crowd was stolen.

“It doesn't have to be true that men and women waste their lives away working to serve the hollow greed of a few rich men, just to survive. It doesn't have to be the case that we never dare to tell each other what we really want, to share ourselves honestly, to use our talents and capabilities to make life more bearable, let alone more beautiful. That's unnecessary tragedy, stupid tragedy, pathetic and pointless. It's not even utopian to demand that we put an end to farces like these.

“If we could bring ourselves to believe, to really feel, the possibility that we are invincible and can accomplish whatever we want in this world, it wouldn't seem out of our reach at all to correct such absurdities. What I am begging you to do here is not to put faith in the impossible, but have the courage to face that terrible possibility that our lives really are in our own hands, and to act accordingly: to not settle for every misery fate and humanity have heaped upon us, but to push back, to see which ones can be shaken off. Nothing could be more tragic, and more ridiculous, than to live out a whole life in reach of heaven without ever stretching out your arms.”

The Fuhrer bowed his head downwards, and the crowd was silent. This was an annoucement of recession of the government, of all powers to be. No more instating one society to replace another, just to differentiate nothing but the names.

Witzgall had entered itself into an age of order. Surely most would think that the era was insane, that it would never work. When the word “anarchy” is used, it is used with joking and without a thought at all. For the better, for the worse. Anarchy can stop the cultural machines that kill and maim life as we know it. Most think Anarchy is a bad idea, an “idiot’s race”.

Anarchism is the political philosophy of people seeking a society in which all individuals have the greatest choice in the way they live their lives. Therefore, we work towards the creation of a global network of communities formed by voluntary agreements based on co-operation and respect for the freedom of others. We oppose all forms of oppression, including sexism, racism, religious intolerance, discrimination on the basis of sexuality, class structures, the governing of one person by another and any other form of authoritarianism or hierarchy that might happen along. Therefore, we support the empowerment of individuals and communities working towards freedom, we support the genuine resistance to authority. We are not the slightest bit interested in those who merely seek to replace one authoritarian system with another. Some of us like olives, some of us don’t.
29-01-2005, 20:15
OOC: Ah hem. No comments?
The Burnsian Desert
29-01-2005, 20:16

We are watching.
29-01-2005, 20:23
We are very shocked to see what has befallen the state of Witzgall. Preparations to cut all ties with our ally are being made immediately.

-The Junta
29-01-2005, 20:38
29-01-2005, 20:52

Greetings to you all, from the Witzgallian side of the world. Most of you know by now of the new situation in Witzgall, and how it will undoubtedly affect most, if not all, of your nations.

We need to create ways of satisfying our individual needs that simultaneously provide for the needs of others. Otherwise, every time we take care of our own needs, we simply reinforce the system of scarcity that makes others suffer—and it is in no one’s best interest that we live in a world of mutual distrust and misery.

I am asking you, as a whole community, to allow us to continue on our conquest over hatred, oppression, and the world as a whole.

We need control over all the resources of this society, not just the fragments we receive as individual consolation prizes, and we need social arrangements in which this control can be shared to everyone’s advantage. It’s not just a question of being free to pursue our desires, but even more so of being able to participate in the shaping of them—and for that, we must share power over the world that does the shaping.

I, John Pimmlot, am willing to hold a "conference" for the willing. It shall be held in the Great Hall, located in our capital city: The Red City. I would be greatly pleased if each and everyone of you attended, whether you be a national leader, a representative, or any other figure.
New Endenia
29-01-2005, 20:56
Official Statement From The White Tower:

I speak for the White Tower, The Hall Of Sitters and The Amrylin Seat:

The White Tower is shocked and somewhat intrigued by this annoucement, while we are saddened at the lost of a fellow leader, we are also curious about this new system of 'government' that the people of Witzgall have install. The Brown Ajah has specially requested permission to enter into the nation to study and note down this new form of government. The White Tower will be watching this closely.

Ambassador Karen Sedai
Aes Sedai Of The Gray Ajah
The White Tower Of Haven
The Queendom of New Endenia
Blessed Be By The Light
29-01-2005, 20:58

In response to your request, we will allow you to attend our meeting. Any questions will be answered there.
29-01-2005, 21:02
The Burnsian Desert
29-01-2005, 21:08
Burnsian Desert Statement

So, you want me to come to a summit so I can surrender everything I control?
President-General Rachel Bershov
President of The Burnsian Desert
29-01-2005, 21:09
For years, the Grand Imperial Nation of Tokarev has tried a similar course of action, though with limited success. We would be happy to coordinate with Witzgall in an attempt to foster peace and happiness in both of our nations.

-General Kingo Machimura, Minister of Foreign Affairs

[OOC: Not sure how familiar you are with my nation, but my nation is largely controlled by the military, based off World War II-era Japan as a matter of fact, and their proclaimed goal is to foster peace and prosperity and happiness. As your nation is professing a similar goal, I think it would make an interesting RP (especially as your nation appears to be akin to Nazi Germany, and mine is akin to Imperial Japan).]
29-01-2005, 21:14
OOC: Tokarev, you must misunderstand me. I'm no longer akin to Nazi Germany. This is an abolishment of that established structure and government. And by being controlled by the military, you are no where near my system.
29-01-2005, 21:17
"...and McFly's management have assured organisers of CentralFest 2005 that there will be no repeat of the incident when the band return to Phonque for the festival in the summer.

World news, now, and Joseph Pimlott, Fuhrer of The Sadistic Dictatorship of Witzgall, one of Europe's most notoriously authoritarian nations, has made a shock address promising the dismantling of that regime in favour of a system of community-based anarchism.

Joseph Pimlott
Fuhrer, Witzgall

Our revolution must be above all a revolution in the ways we live and think. We should fight for these goals not out of servitude to a doctrine or cause, but because it is exciting and invigorating today to strive for difficult and worthy objectives. We must band together, sticking with each other. We must “rise up” and take what we hold for granted.

Frederick Mikael
Political Editor, St Galler Tagblatt

Pimlott's speech was odd. He seems to be getting rid of what makes him one of the most powerful humans in the world. He is disbanding his own power in such a way that could be considered a ritualistic political suicide.

Lydia Kiguli
Central School of Economics and Politics

I am amazed that a leader steeped, as Pimlott is, in the murky realpolitik of fascism would make such an about-face and embrace anarchism. Anarchism is particularly disdained by militaristic political thinkers, a description which would include most fascists, because it lacks the military power to defend itself.

Critics of anarchism explain that successful anarchism requires total, even global, consensus on anarchism itself. If any group within an anarchist society dissent from anarchism, there is no authority to stop them from forming an armed, hierarchical organisation and using the strength of that coercive system to conquer the undoubtedly happier, but ultimately weaker, anarchist section of society.

In his weekly press briefing, President Bongo tentatively welcomed Witzgall's political experiment.

President Bongo Bongo

It's true that anarchist socities in the past have been unstable and short-lived, but I don't think anyone is in doubt that this might be an opportunity for a huge improvement upon the current regime in Witzgall. If Fuhrer Pimlott is serious about these reforms, he will find Phonque ready to support them, and to do everything we can to protect Witzgall from opportunism from less enlightened neighbours.

And finally, a waterskiing dog! I bet you haven't seen anything like this before! Precocious Jones reports from Jentris..."

- - - - - - - - - - PBC - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - News at 10 - - - - - - - -
29-01-2005, 21:21
OOC: Witzgall, you misunderstand me. My government professes to have the same goals as yours now does, even though it is not a reality.
29-01-2005, 21:22
[OOC: Phongue- beautiful style... Just had to say that. Also, I will be making a thread sometime soon about the Summit, and it will be a character RP kind of thing. When I make it, I will be sure to TG all of you who are interested. If you wish, you can TG me about the character name and role and such so I have backround information.]
29-01-2005, 21:23
"...and it looks like Hasslehoff here will be enjoying the water well into his old age! This is Precocious Jones, for the PBC, in Jentris."

"Thanks, Precocious. And just before we go, President Bongo's office has just announced that he will be attending a summit with Fuhrer Pimlott to discuss Witzgall's change in government. From me, Helen Kanu, and everyone on the News at Ten team, have a very good night."

- - - - - - - - - - PBC - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - News at 10 - - - - - - - -
The Burnsian Desert
29-01-2005, 21:23
OOC: Phonque, that is the most thought out and well-set-up post I have ever seen with someone who has less than 1000 posts... good job. You are my new best friend. :)
29-01-2005, 21:28
OOC: Thankyou, gentlemen, I aim to please!

edit: I have no idea whether you are gentlemen:

Thankyou, fellow Earthlings, I aim to please!
29-01-2005, 21:42
To: Foreign Affairs Sekretariat, Witzgall
From: Foreign Office, DRP


As requested, background information on DRP and Pres. Bongo.

The Democratic Republic of Phonque is a progressive nation in sub-saharan Africa. Its government is one of the continent's most left-liberal, but Phonque still faces the task of shaking off the last remnants of post-colonial corruption.

President Bongo Bongo (That's given name Bongo, surname Bongo. Tell your journalists), 39, is an ex-Army major, educated in a Scottish private school and at the British military college, Sandhurst. President Bongo swept to power on what was described in Phonque as a 'nationalist' campaign, although in Phonquian terms this referred to his policy of protecting the Phonquian economy from globalisation, and especially from the activities of the World Bank, WTO and IMF.

President Bongo looks forward to his imminent visit to Witzgall.

Henry Odebele, SEO
Foreign Office, Democratic Republic of Phonque
29-01-2005, 22:00
The Burnsian Desert
29-01-2005, 22:03
To: Witzgallian Government, ATTN: External Affairs
From: Burnsian Intelligence Initiative (BII)
RE: Intelligence on Low General Kita Srumivov

As requested.

FILENAME Srumivov_Kita_int_pers.txt

Full Name: Kita Raquelle Srumivov
Age: 22
Height: 5'6''
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Ethnicity: Caucasian


Occupation: Burnsian Government Ambassador
Experience: 2 years
Education: Burnsian International University, Degree in Political Science, Political Studies, Diplomacy, Military Leadership, Marksmanship


Insert Photograph Below
30-01-2005, 00:44

The female reporter, Susan Fulton, comes onto the screen in homes around the world. Her voice is broadcasted throughout Orion Square.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Six Thirty News, presented by yours truly, The Witzgallian National News Network. Currently broadcasting to eighty seven nations around the world!

The "Summit of Reason", as it will hereby be called, will take place in exactly one week, on February 5th, 2005. This summit will house the many national representatives and leaders.

Also, attention commuters: There's a three lane blockage on the Thursk Bridge..."
30-01-2005, 00:53
"Anarchy... Hmm... This deserves some observation. I might attend..."-The Great Leader Li.
30-01-2005, 01:37
Bump. I need more people for this character RP...
30-01-2005, 19:16
OOC: She was an Ambassador at 20 and and Army General by 22. Who did she have to fu....

Wait. I think I can guess...

Burns, you filthy little perv!
New Endenia
30-01-2005, 19:25
Official Statement From The White Tower:

I speak for the White Tower, The Armylin Seat and the Hall Of Sitters:

A representative from the Brown Ajah, Vara Sedai will be attending this conference on behalf of the White Tower. We look forward to explanations of this new government.

Ambassador Karen Sedai
Aes Sedai Of The Gray Ajah
The White Tower Of Haven
The Queendom Of New Endenia
Blessed Be By The Light
30-01-2005, 19:26
We plan to send a representative to this meeting if Mr. Pimmlot would allow it.

-The Junta

OOC: Witzgall, do you have msn? Add me -
The Burnsian Desert
31-01-2005, 03:10
OOC: She was an Ambassador at 20 and and Army General by 22. Who did she have to fu....

Wait. I think I can guess...

Burns, you filthy little perv!

OOC: Girls can be pervs? I guess it's possible... :p