29-01-2005, 05:52
CP TV Television News Reports.
Prime Minister Gen Heinz Publin takes office of Canadas People
Lead Anchor: Good Afternoon and welcome to CP TV Television News Your number one news station. Well it is that time of year again. A hard fought election is over. The winner has been announced. And all the other candidates are desperately questioning themselves of what they did wrong and why didn’t they get voted in. George Durham was reportedly to have been crying on his moms lap well she patted his back saying “ its okay son, mommies here. Mommy will protect you now.”
Yes he really is a sad man. He was later reported as falling down the stairs into his parent’s basement where he reportedly lives. All because he got into too much vodka, trying to make his miserable life go away. Please don’t let this stop you from trying.
Back to our feature story however today is the day that Prime Minster Gen Heinz Publin does take office of our great nation. However it probably won’t remain so great after he does. Considering he wishes to turn our fine nation into practically a mini police state, which he clearly stated throughout his political campaign. And we voted for him why? And you can’t say because you’re Canadian because that just won’t work. We will now go to our political correspondent who is out in the field covering this dreadful, dreadful day. Lance Brown.
Lance Brown: Thank you Ken. And yes I do hope that George too doesn’t stop getting into the bottle. The Nations politics would be far better off if he weren’t around. To the story though, I have seen many motorcades go down this street before. But never have a seen one with such protection as this one. The Parade began around 9am this morning starting at the Prime Minster’s residence where we could see the former intern minister Jean Poutine getting tossed out the front door by one of the many newly appointed body guards that this new leader has hired. Upon getting into his newly designed limousine which all features about it are being withheld and deemed top secret, this Gen really does travel in style. As he exited the driveway of the residence they made the long 5min trip to the Parliament Hill of Canadas People. The motorcade came to a halt at the entrance to the Hill were the Gen got out and made the traditional walk to the Peace Tower. Now reportedly named the Iron Fist Tower. There under the watchful eyes of thousands of Canadas People citizens the Gen took an Oath of Office and was sworn in as Canadas People first Prime Minister.
Well all this was going on I really wasn’t paying all that much attention at this point for I have seen many swearing in of Leaders over the course of my career in many other nations. What I haven’t seen is the amount of security that was present at this one. The fine city was practically on military lock down. The citizen bar coding system was in full swing tracking all citizens in the immediate area. Airspace above was completely shut down for miles around the area. Guards and sharp shooters were on the rooftops of all the buildings and the military, which I hadn’t seen for years, actually had more than one vehicle rooming the streets. That impressed all citizens.
Lead Anchor: Ah Lance, back to the topic at hand. Is the Gen prepared to make his first official speech yet? Can you give us any word on that?
Lance Brown: I’m glad you ask that and the answer is yes he is. This is actually quite unusual. Normally a leader waits at least several days before giving their first speech. This leader though has it ready right now. Lets listen in.
General Heinz Publin: My fellow Citizens of Canadas People. For weeks now you have supported my campaign out of fear of being tortured or killed. And that threat is very much so true. All those who voted for others shall pay the price. Effectively immediately the Federation Of Canadas People will no longer be bent over by over nations. We will not crawl away and turn our heads when a conflict arises against us. Instead we will stand strong and fight. We are not pussies. We are strong, we are proud, we are Canadas People! The government that is now being formed will be one that will stand strong in the face of our enemies. It will be one that will protect the citizens of the fine nation from any outside threat. This government will put Defence at the top of its priority list. Crime will be totally unheard of. My people you will feel safe. Through national allies our encomy will grow. Jobs will be created and people will work! Any person who remains on welfare for more than a month will be deported if they are lucky. A strong nation is a good nation. We will not accept the weak. Everyone will work and work hard they shall. Teens will be in school and if not in school they will be in the military. Taxes will remain steady. Education will specialize in military training and the views of the government. Citizens wishing to travel may do so although under strict guidelines. Movement throughout the country will remain as is. Since all of you are bar coded anyways. Refuges wishing to come into our land will be shot unless the highest authorities of out government give special permission. At which time I wish to introduce them all.
Appointed to the Deputy Prime Minister position will be my close competitor in this last election Mrs Ivanna Wackit. Filling the position of Defence Minister will be The Muffin Man. For his hard views on breaking out the carbs and his strong support for the military. Finally filling the position of Justice Minister will be Mike Pearson.
More positions are to come in a later date.
Id likes to take this opportunity to thank the voter who voted for me in this last election and to cherish everything you have. For now it is the property of the government and may seized at any point in time. My fellow candidates will each be protected by mass amounts of specialized guards so I worn you to suppress your anger towards us and cancel any plans you might have. For you will pay with your life!
That’s all I have for now, get on with your lives.
Heinz général Publin: Mes collègues Citoyens de Gens de Canada. Pour les semaines maintenant vous avez soutenu ma campagne de crainte d'étant torturé ou étant tué. Et cette menace est beaucoup si vrai. Tout ceux qui ont voté pour les autres paieront le prix. Efficacement tout de suite la Fédération De Canada que les Gens feront non plus long est penché par par-dessus les nations. Nous ne ramperons pas loin et tournerons nos têtes quand un conflit se présente contre nous. Plutôt nous nous tiendrons fort et le combat. Nous ne sommes pas de minet. Nous sommes robuste, nous sommes fiers, nous sommes des Gens de Canada ! Le gouvernement qui est formé sera maintenant l'un qui se tiendra forts devant nos ennemis. Ce sera l'un qui protégera les citoyens de la belle nation de n'importe quel hors de la menace. Ce gouvernement mettra la Défense en haut de sa liste de priorité. Le crime sera totalement inouï. Mes gens vous vous sentirez sûr. Par les alliés nationaux que notre encomy grandira. Les travaux seront créés de le et les gens travailleront ! N'importe quelle personne qui reste sur le bien-être pour plus qu'un mois sera expulsé s'ils ont de la chance. Une nation forte est une bonne nation. Nous n'accepterons pas le faible. Tout le monde travaillera et travaillera dur ils fera. L'adolescence sera à l'école et si pas à l'école qu'ils seront dans l'armée. Les impôts resteront réguliers. L'éducation se spécialisera dans l'entraînement d'armée et les vues du gouvernement. Les citoyens souhaitant voyager peut faire si bien que sous les indications strictes. Le mouvement à travers le pays restera comme est. Depuis vous tous les codes barres de toute façon. Les refuges souhaitant venir dans notre terre sera le coup à moins que les plus hautes autorités d'hors gouvernement donne la permission spéciale. A qui chronomètre je souhaite les introduire tout.
Fixé à la position de Premier Ministre de Député sera mon concurrent proche dans cette dernier élection cette Madame Ivanna Wackit. La garniture la position de Ministre De La Défense Nationale sera L'Homme de Muffin. Pour le sien regarde fort sur se cassant hors le carbs et son soutien fort pour l'armée. Finalement la garniture la position de Ministre de Justice sera Mike Pearson. Plus de positions seront obligé à entrer une date ultérieure.
L'id aime saisir cette occasion pour remercier l'électeur qui a voté pour moi dans cette dernière élection et tout chérir vous a. Pour le moment c'est la propriété du gouvernement et peut saisi à n'importe quel point dans le temps. Mes collègues candidats feront chaque est protégé par les quantités massives de gardes spécialisés si je porté vous pour éliminer votre colère vers nous et annule n'importe quels projets que vous pourriez avoir. Pour vous paiera avec votre vie !
Cela’le s tout j'ai pour le moment, obtenir sur avec vos vies.
Lance Brown: Oh My God!! That was one speech I must say. The people of Canadas People really have something to worry about. Ken
Lead Anchor: Yes Lance that was one powerful speech. Did you predict that he would appoint some of the candidates he ran against as his key ministers?
Lance Brown: Well Ken I really do think that was a very interesting move. One has always said that you keep you friends close and your enemies closer and that’s exactly the thing I think he’s doing. Not to mention that they are probably the three safest people in the nation now with all the protection the will have. It truly is one of a kind.
Lead Anchor. Lance what can we expect in the next upcoming days of this new government?
Lance Brown: Anything is really is quite possible I’m sure. I’m sure we’ll see increased border security as well as a state of the art monitoring system for people coming both in and out of the country. As he clearly stated Canadas People is going to be one of the safest countries around both internally and externally. Other than that I’m sure we’ll see a lot more come out of this government is the upcoming days.
Lead Anchor: Thank you Lance for that very informative report.
Lance Brown: Good bye Ken
Lead Anchor: Well a very interesting day it’s been here and Canadas People. As we saw just a few moments ago coming live from our nations capital things are really going to change in this country At first glance this government seems to be taking a very dictatorship role however maybe it will actually benefit the country on a whole. We here at CP TV Television News will keep to up to date on all the breakthroughs with this new government. That’s all the time we have for today. Stay tune for you local programming.
Prime Minister Gen Heinz Publin takes office of Canadas People
Lead Anchor: Good Afternoon and welcome to CP TV Television News Your number one news station. Well it is that time of year again. A hard fought election is over. The winner has been announced. And all the other candidates are desperately questioning themselves of what they did wrong and why didn’t they get voted in. George Durham was reportedly to have been crying on his moms lap well she patted his back saying “ its okay son, mommies here. Mommy will protect you now.”
Yes he really is a sad man. He was later reported as falling down the stairs into his parent’s basement where he reportedly lives. All because he got into too much vodka, trying to make his miserable life go away. Please don’t let this stop you from trying.
Back to our feature story however today is the day that Prime Minster Gen Heinz Publin does take office of our great nation. However it probably won’t remain so great after he does. Considering he wishes to turn our fine nation into practically a mini police state, which he clearly stated throughout his political campaign. And we voted for him why? And you can’t say because you’re Canadian because that just won’t work. We will now go to our political correspondent who is out in the field covering this dreadful, dreadful day. Lance Brown.
Lance Brown: Thank you Ken. And yes I do hope that George too doesn’t stop getting into the bottle. The Nations politics would be far better off if he weren’t around. To the story though, I have seen many motorcades go down this street before. But never have a seen one with such protection as this one. The Parade began around 9am this morning starting at the Prime Minster’s residence where we could see the former intern minister Jean Poutine getting tossed out the front door by one of the many newly appointed body guards that this new leader has hired. Upon getting into his newly designed limousine which all features about it are being withheld and deemed top secret, this Gen really does travel in style. As he exited the driveway of the residence they made the long 5min trip to the Parliament Hill of Canadas People. The motorcade came to a halt at the entrance to the Hill were the Gen got out and made the traditional walk to the Peace Tower. Now reportedly named the Iron Fist Tower. There under the watchful eyes of thousands of Canadas People citizens the Gen took an Oath of Office and was sworn in as Canadas People first Prime Minister.
Well all this was going on I really wasn’t paying all that much attention at this point for I have seen many swearing in of Leaders over the course of my career in many other nations. What I haven’t seen is the amount of security that was present at this one. The fine city was practically on military lock down. The citizen bar coding system was in full swing tracking all citizens in the immediate area. Airspace above was completely shut down for miles around the area. Guards and sharp shooters were on the rooftops of all the buildings and the military, which I hadn’t seen for years, actually had more than one vehicle rooming the streets. That impressed all citizens.
Lead Anchor: Ah Lance, back to the topic at hand. Is the Gen prepared to make his first official speech yet? Can you give us any word on that?
Lance Brown: I’m glad you ask that and the answer is yes he is. This is actually quite unusual. Normally a leader waits at least several days before giving their first speech. This leader though has it ready right now. Lets listen in.
General Heinz Publin: My fellow Citizens of Canadas People. For weeks now you have supported my campaign out of fear of being tortured or killed. And that threat is very much so true. All those who voted for others shall pay the price. Effectively immediately the Federation Of Canadas People will no longer be bent over by over nations. We will not crawl away and turn our heads when a conflict arises against us. Instead we will stand strong and fight. We are not pussies. We are strong, we are proud, we are Canadas People! The government that is now being formed will be one that will stand strong in the face of our enemies. It will be one that will protect the citizens of the fine nation from any outside threat. This government will put Defence at the top of its priority list. Crime will be totally unheard of. My people you will feel safe. Through national allies our encomy will grow. Jobs will be created and people will work! Any person who remains on welfare for more than a month will be deported if they are lucky. A strong nation is a good nation. We will not accept the weak. Everyone will work and work hard they shall. Teens will be in school and if not in school they will be in the military. Taxes will remain steady. Education will specialize in military training and the views of the government. Citizens wishing to travel may do so although under strict guidelines. Movement throughout the country will remain as is. Since all of you are bar coded anyways. Refuges wishing to come into our land will be shot unless the highest authorities of out government give special permission. At which time I wish to introduce them all.
Appointed to the Deputy Prime Minister position will be my close competitor in this last election Mrs Ivanna Wackit. Filling the position of Defence Minister will be The Muffin Man. For his hard views on breaking out the carbs and his strong support for the military. Finally filling the position of Justice Minister will be Mike Pearson.
More positions are to come in a later date.
Id likes to take this opportunity to thank the voter who voted for me in this last election and to cherish everything you have. For now it is the property of the government and may seized at any point in time. My fellow candidates will each be protected by mass amounts of specialized guards so I worn you to suppress your anger towards us and cancel any plans you might have. For you will pay with your life!
That’s all I have for now, get on with your lives.
Heinz général Publin: Mes collègues Citoyens de Gens de Canada. Pour les semaines maintenant vous avez soutenu ma campagne de crainte d'étant torturé ou étant tué. Et cette menace est beaucoup si vrai. Tout ceux qui ont voté pour les autres paieront le prix. Efficacement tout de suite la Fédération De Canada que les Gens feront non plus long est penché par par-dessus les nations. Nous ne ramperons pas loin et tournerons nos têtes quand un conflit se présente contre nous. Plutôt nous nous tiendrons fort et le combat. Nous ne sommes pas de minet. Nous sommes robuste, nous sommes fiers, nous sommes des Gens de Canada ! Le gouvernement qui est formé sera maintenant l'un qui se tiendra forts devant nos ennemis. Ce sera l'un qui protégera les citoyens de la belle nation de n'importe quel hors de la menace. Ce gouvernement mettra la Défense en haut de sa liste de priorité. Le crime sera totalement inouï. Mes gens vous vous sentirez sûr. Par les alliés nationaux que notre encomy grandira. Les travaux seront créés de le et les gens travailleront ! N'importe quelle personne qui reste sur le bien-être pour plus qu'un mois sera expulsé s'ils ont de la chance. Une nation forte est une bonne nation. Nous n'accepterons pas le faible. Tout le monde travaillera et travaillera dur ils fera. L'adolescence sera à l'école et si pas à l'école qu'ils seront dans l'armée. Les impôts resteront réguliers. L'éducation se spécialisera dans l'entraînement d'armée et les vues du gouvernement. Les citoyens souhaitant voyager peut faire si bien que sous les indications strictes. Le mouvement à travers le pays restera comme est. Depuis vous tous les codes barres de toute façon. Les refuges souhaitant venir dans notre terre sera le coup à moins que les plus hautes autorités d'hors gouvernement donne la permission spéciale. A qui chronomètre je souhaite les introduire tout.
Fixé à la position de Premier Ministre de Député sera mon concurrent proche dans cette dernier élection cette Madame Ivanna Wackit. La garniture la position de Ministre De La Défense Nationale sera L'Homme de Muffin. Pour le sien regarde fort sur se cassant hors le carbs et son soutien fort pour l'armée. Finalement la garniture la position de Ministre de Justice sera Mike Pearson. Plus de positions seront obligé à entrer une date ultérieure.
L'id aime saisir cette occasion pour remercier l'électeur qui a voté pour moi dans cette dernière élection et tout chérir vous a. Pour le moment c'est la propriété du gouvernement et peut saisi à n'importe quel point dans le temps. Mes collègues candidats feront chaque est protégé par les quantités massives de gardes spécialisés si je porté vous pour éliminer votre colère vers nous et annule n'importe quels projets que vous pourriez avoir. Pour vous paiera avec votre vie !
Cela’le s tout j'ai pour le moment, obtenir sur avec vos vies.
Lance Brown: Oh My God!! That was one speech I must say. The people of Canadas People really have something to worry about. Ken
Lead Anchor: Yes Lance that was one powerful speech. Did you predict that he would appoint some of the candidates he ran against as his key ministers?
Lance Brown: Well Ken I really do think that was a very interesting move. One has always said that you keep you friends close and your enemies closer and that’s exactly the thing I think he’s doing. Not to mention that they are probably the three safest people in the nation now with all the protection the will have. It truly is one of a kind.
Lead Anchor. Lance what can we expect in the next upcoming days of this new government?
Lance Brown: Anything is really is quite possible I’m sure. I’m sure we’ll see increased border security as well as a state of the art monitoring system for people coming both in and out of the country. As he clearly stated Canadas People is going to be one of the safest countries around both internally and externally. Other than that I’m sure we’ll see a lot more come out of this government is the upcoming days.
Lead Anchor: Thank you Lance for that very informative report.
Lance Brown: Good bye Ken
Lead Anchor: Well a very interesting day it’s been here and Canadas People. As we saw just a few moments ago coming live from our nations capital things are really going to change in this country At first glance this government seems to be taking a very dictatorship role however maybe it will actually benefit the country on a whole. We here at CP TV Television News will keep to up to date on all the breakthroughs with this new government. That’s all the time we have for today. Stay tune for you local programming.