Communism Falls in Karuchea
29-01-2005, 05:33
People's Paper
Tirania, Karuchea- Today in an apparent coup, the President of Karuchea was deposed of power and the Communist Party of Karuchea was banned. The rebels, led by Mohammed El-Shabazz are now writing a new constitution that they say will mark the beginning of "The Green Revolution, Direct Democracy and a Ban to All Political Parties."
In the mean time, Mohammed El-Shabazz is the head of the Committee of National Defence and has the authority to rule-by-decree until the constitution is drawn up. Mohammed has re-assured the nation he is not going to become a dictator and is for promoting the Third Universal Theory of Direct Democracy and will seek to encourage liberty from any oppressive systems from Capitalism to Communism to Fascism if they oppose the democracy of their people.
According to several inside sources there will be a burning of all portraits of Karuchean Communist Leaders on Thursday, however, the pictures of Marx and Lenin will be left up as they are seen as theorists with good intentions for bringing Democracy.
...however, the pictures of Marx and Lenin will be left up as they are seen as theorists with good intentions for bringing Democracy.
Ah yes, Lenin, that hero of democracy. I believe it was the day of the elections in post-Revolution Russia when after recieving 25% of the vote, Vladimir I'lych threw out the results because "the vote does not matter."
A conundrum for you to ponder.
Zachary Harrison
Prime Minister
Kingdom of Malkyer
29-01-2005, 06:08
People's Paper
Tirania, Karuchea- The Green Militant Youth have begun seizing all Private Property, the former-Communist government had gone through with Market Reforms and private property "rights" were given to the rich party bureacrats. "All businesses and land owned by the party bureacrats and the rich exploiters is to be seized because it is the will of Allah" said Mohammed El-Shabazz yesterday in a televised speech to the nation just a day after the coup destroyed the Communist Party. "The people have begun taking control of things themselves, the highest directive in all of the land is the will of the people and it is clearly their will to begin seizing land from the rich to redistribute and Socialize the nation." is the official statement of the Committee of National Defence, whose Chairman is Mohammed El-Shabazz. Critics have said that the Green Army has brainwashed and terrorized the students and youth to force them to start seizing land.
29-01-2005, 06:22
We in Prachanda have always seen the previous "Communist" government as revisionist scum and welcome the change of governments. We admire your dedication to the workers and have traditionally been friends with Arab countries. I hope our two nations can develop a friendship over the coming years that will be mutually beneficial.
Koba Ulyanov, General Secretary of the Workers Party of Prachanda.
29-01-2005, 11:18
The Jipangunesian Archipelago, consisting of many hundreds of islands, is home to just about every sort of society that can be imagined. Many factions strive for control over the entire chain, but none have yet come close.
This sits well with men like Setiawan Dianputra, who, on hearing of the changes in Karuchea, was moved to address his comrades on the great island of Sencang. Waving over his head a well-worn copy of the Green Book, he told them that their struggles were mirrored across the world as they went about their daily struggle for survival as a community, hard enough in such an extreme environment as their tropical home even without the worry of privateers, gangs, and the closest thing to a government that Sencang had beyond them. The figure of archipelago-wide renown took the revolution in Karuchea as further proof that even other leftist groups clashing with his movement were incorrect and that he was right to call for opposition in spite of its fracturing effects. On Sulawaka, his supporters were having an awful time of it thanks to other leftist militias under autocrats modeling themselves and their theories after everything from the Stalinist to the Khmer Rouge, not to mention the Juche-for-Jipangunesia movement, and then all the nationalist militias without economic agendas and the private armies of currency-dealing businessmen.
Setiawan sent congratulations to Mohammed El-Shabazz on behalf of his comrades across Jipangunesia, so that he may pass them on to the people of Karuchea. It would take time in arriving, as the Jipangunesian was obliged to wait for the passing of a merchant who promised to deliver the communiqué to a freighter when he reached the port of Karlokarang at the far end of Sencang.
We are sad to see such Oppressive measures taken in Karuchea. These Religous Fanatics are enemies of the People of Karuchea and should be deposed by the People. We encourage those who look for progress to rise up and smite these Zealots.
People's Commissar of Diplomacy Talal Ghazi
The Commissariat of Diplomacy
The Worker's State of Hallad
The Federation is delighted to note the decision to oust the communist regime from Karuchea, but is also quite unsure about the results of this coup. Surely, a nation oppressed by a sect of religious fanatics is no better of than a nation oppressed by a communist regime. We hope that any extremism in the future shall be thoroughly moderated, any we wish your people the best of luck in the future.
FCD Foreign Ministry
29-01-2005, 18:45
People's Paper
Electoral System
Tirania, Karuchea- The system of government is now set up and is awaiting elections. The government of our great nation will be based on all of the workers in local areas meeting in the General People's Congress, which elect representatives amongst themselves to go to the Regional Council and also elect one representative to go to the National People's Congress which is the highest organ of the state and makes the laws which the Regional Council's confirm and enforce. The people have the right to remove any official from office at any time. The elections will be held soon for the Regional Council and National People's Congress as well as for Prime Minister. Because they infringe upon democratic rights and cause the parties to favour themselves over the people, no political parties are to exist. As soon as elections are over, the provisions for a new constitution will be debated.
Youth Successful in Campaign
Tirania, Karuchea- The Green Militant Youth has seized 80% of all formerly private and Communist-owned land. They have been aided by the masses of the country and soon will have all of the land ready for redistribution. Despite criticisms that they are forcing the spread of radical islam, this is certainly not the case, today Mohammed El-Shabazz has announced that of course, there will be freedom of religion as it is as essential for a democratic society as freedom of speech.
Solidarity Confirmed
Tirania, Karuchea- Yesterday, the Chairman of the Committee of National Defence, Mohammed El-Shabazz recieved messages of solidarity and congratulations from Comrade Setiawan and Comrade Koba Ulyanov. He responded "This is no big action taken by me, I am simply a guide for the revolution, true socialism and democracy, the congratulations should be given to the people. I hope our nations can develop good relations and our people can become like brothers."
29-01-2005, 19:40
We wish you the best of luck in your elections and hope that your nation will become prosperous and hold true to the economics of Socialism.
Message from Koba Ulyanov
29-01-2005, 21:23
People's Paper
Elections Successful!
Tirania, Karuchea- Today elections were successfully held for the Regional Council and National People's Congress. Elections were also held for Prime Minister of the Great Socialist Jamahiriya of Karuchea and we are proud to announce the Leader of the Revolution, Mohammed El-Shabazz is the new Prime Minister in addition to his post as Chairman of the Council for National Defence. The National People's Congress will vote on a possible permanent end to all political parties, several provisions and actions for military forces. The General People's Congresses will meet again and all masses in Karuchea are urged to take part in their General Congress to debate and choose the provisions of the new constitution.
Prime Minister urges Stop to Personality Cult
Tirania, Karuchea- New Prime Minister Mohammed El-Shabazz has urged a stop to the apparent attempts by Green Militant Youth to foster a cult of personality around him. Posters have been put up where the former Karuchean Communist posters were with pictures of Mohammed El-Shabazz and sayings that praise him as the "Greatest Leader of All-Time" and "Guardian of World Democracy and Socialism".
Land Redistribution Complete
Tirania, Karuchea- Green Militant Youth recently finished seizing all formerly private land and the Regional Councils will now redistribute this land in the hands of the people of Karuchea. A Green Militant Youth said "This action is a high order from the Supreme Leader by the Grace of Allah, Prime Minister Mohammed El-Shabazz and has been carried out by his will, the people's will and Allah's will.