RB outlaws the teaching of mathematics- violators of this law to be publicly executed
28-01-2005, 21:19
RB City, The Anti-Communist Empire of Roach-Busters
With Congress dissolved in response to the State of Emergency declared by the Generalissimo during the controversial, divisive, devastating war with the Incorporated States of Sarzonia, the Generalissimo had virtually unlimited power to pass any legislation he wanted, without fear of repercussion (sp?) or hindrance. He rather enjoyed his newfound power, with which he planned to establish a benevolent but highly authoritarian dictatorship. One thing he had despised since his youth was the subject of mathematics. He had always struggled with it, had never been able to grasp its concepts, and felt livid rage as he watched others breeze through it while he remained baffled. The Generalissimo detested the thought of anyone being brighter than him at anything. Henceforth, he passed the new 'Suppression of Mathematics Act.' Those already educated in mathematics were immune to persecution. However, anyone who attempted to teach math to others faced public execution by firing squad.
The law was passed- unanimously, of course- on the 28th of January, in the Year of our Lord 2004.
Within hours of the implementation of the law, more than 4,300 math teachers were arrested, all of whom were executed. Riots were expected to ensue.
The Island of Rose
28-01-2005, 21:27
How are you supposed to design anything without a metric system?
28-01-2005, 21:29
"I'll be looking forward to annexing you after you revert back to the Stone Age."-The Great Leader Li.
28-01-2005, 21:32
We will kidnap mathematicians from other countries so none of our own people have to do any math.
-Generalissimo J.L.
An ...interesting move, to say the least. We wish you the best of luck in creating your new math-free utopia.
FCD Foreign Ministry
We will kidnap mathematicians from other countries so none of our own people have to do any math.
-Generalissimo J.L.
Yay, I guess a stupid populace is a easier to control... and soldiers who have trouble with maths could be interesting to see.
28-01-2005, 21:53
The LOWLY nation of hakurabi would be pleased to perform the executions for the GREAT and EXALTED Nation of Roach-Busters and their MOST WISE and EXCELLENT leader Generalissimo the GREAT. We shall even pay $1,000 US to Roach-Busters in order to perform this GREAT HONOUR for Generalissimo the GREAT.
OOC: If it wasn't clear to anyone else, it's lip-service. Or ego feeding. And with the current state of mind, I wouldn't be surprised if he fell for it.
The Ctan
28-01-2005, 22:05
“And on a lighter note,” an attractive woman reading the news on the small private station said, smiling brightly, “the nation of Roach Busters has recently banned mathematics. Needless to say, analysts are predicting a rapid slide into backwardness and social decay. We can only wonder about some of those national leaders out there…”
The Canadian Tundra
28-01-2005, 22:22
"Is he legally retarded?" the president asked, his jaw dropping at the news of the math ban in RB.
"Uh, yes, I think he actually is sir" replied his chief intelligence officer, the head of CTSIS.
"My god, and we sold weapons to this guy? Jesus christ, last time we make that mistake. Well I guess I'll get on the phone and inform him of that then..." the president said, reaching for the phone.
"Uh, sir, maybe informing him that he's retarded isn't such a good idea..." the intelligence officer said.
"Good point, I'll send him a message, asking him nicely to stop" the president said as he prepared a message.
To: The mighty Generalissimo
From: The lowly President Verian-Saiyoto of The Canadian Tundra
Subject: Ban of mathematics
Oh Great Generalissimo, while I understand the wisdom behind your decision to ban mathematics, might it not be better to let it continue, that way, your nation would still be able to develop the powerful weapons and vehicles and other technologies of your unstoppable military?
28-01-2005, 22:31
OOC: I take it you'll be RPing a GDP per capita of about $100 from now on, and a total inability to build any kind of military vehicle?
28-01-2005, 22:34
So, even basic math is outlawed? Well, now that's just silly.
The Zoogie People
28-01-2005, 22:37
The doors to his office flung open, and in a halo of dazzling light there entered the Holy God of Math, who reported to President Hansien that which had been passed as law in Roach-Busters.
"No!" hissed Hansien, slamming his fist unto the desk, which splintered from the awesome zoogietic and mathematical fury of his DETERMINED RAGE. And with a poof of #cc66cc coloured smoke, he disappeared, and appeared in front of Generalissmo J.L.
"Thou fool!' he said in a deathly quiet and most intimidating manner. "Did you cheer on the Doom of She that Deviled Parabolas in false humor? Do you now eliminate in your country all that is Zoogie and Cherished!? That is your decision, but our alliance is at end! Beware, for the Agents of the Holy Math God shall extract their revenge 'ere the end!"
And with another magnificent poof of smoke, he disappeared.eth.
OOC: In case you're wondering, the term zoogies actually came from my math teacher. I'd say this is yet another fantastic thread, but as you can see from my IC response, my leaders wouldn't be too thrilled if this actually happened.
Rabid Rabbit
28-01-2005, 22:54
Without math there can be no 0's and 1's. And without 0's and 1's there can be no computers. NOOOOOOOOOO! It shall not be allowwed. Organise the military we attack tonght. What do you mean my ban on Literature classes has caused a complete shutdown of the military. What? They cant read? so what we can still attack. No! That says self destruct Don't Touch it!!!
"Is he legally retarded?" the president asked, his jaw dropping at the news of the math ban in RB.
"Uh, yes, I think he actually is sir" replied his chief intelligence officer, the head of CTSIS.
"My god, and we sold weapons to this guy? Jesus christ, last time we make that mistake. Well I guess I'll get on the phone and inform him of that then..." the president said, reaching for the phone.
"Uh, sir, maybe informing him that he's retarded isn't such a good idea..." the intelligence officer said.
"Good point, I'll send him a message, asking him nicely to stop" the president said as he prepared a message.
To: The mighty Generalissimo
From: The lowly President Verian-Saiyoto of The Canadian Tundra
Subject: Ban of mathematics
Oh Great Generalissimo, while I understand the wisdom behind your decision to ban mathematics, might it not be better to let it continue, that way, your nation would still be able to develop the powerful weapons and vehicles and other technologies of your unstoppable military?
Legally retarded? If your legally retarded, that doesn't mean your stupid, it means you have a mental problem and all your mental shortcomings arn't your fault. So, in truth, it's not his fault?
I can understand RB's reasoning, but your just crazy.
28-01-2005, 23:23
"Subterfuge has failed, surprisingly enough."
200 B-52 Stratofortresses flew high over Roach-Busters and released thousands upon thousands (12,498,001 to be exact. Mathematics at work!) of mathematical textbooks over the land, ranging from 1-2-3 books to "Why mathematics are cooler than Generalissimo J.L." (packaged with a free copy of "Why Generalissimo is cooler than maths", all 3 words of it." Besides possibly causing widespread devestation (Those books are heavy!), there also may be too many for the Anti-air defenses to destroy, and got to the populace.
No, that was not serious. Just ignore it. Though I may actually drop books, I'm not going to do such blatant Godmoding like THAT.