NationStates Jolt Archive

Pacitalia lifts its ban on anime... well, sort of (Diplomatic RP)

28-01-2005, 05:48
Official Legislative Action of the Caza della Legislatorio Parlemento, Republic of Pacitalia
Bill H-18, regarding the possession, purchase and/or selling of anime

After careful and thorough investigation of both the ban and the materials and/or products in question, we, the primary of the cameral bodies of the legislative branch of Pacitalia:

recognise that violence in anime is not a major contributor to real-life incidences of crime in this country;

note that not all anime contains sections/parts/scenes with sexual deviance and/or violence;

agree that in nearly all cases of serious crime, anime was not a contributing factor to varying degrees; and

imply our acceptance that a total ban on anime may not have ever been necessary.

However, the general public opinion in Pacitalia is one that believes anime and its related art forms are not sources of positive ideology, entertainment or thought and still may educate younger audiences to certain extents that violence in these forms is legal and acceptable. Therefore, this legislation will enforce Pacitalia's newfound path to neutrality on this controversial issue by partially lifting the total ban that was previously enacted by this parliamentary body. With this legislation we agree to attempt to appease and satisfy both sides to the point where both can reach common ground on the issue and agree-to-disagree with each other's beliefs in a peaceful manner.

The CLP would also like to point out that this is not a move to please the ALM terrorist faction and hopefully sway it away from future attacks on Pacitalian people or land. We still consider the ALM a serious threat and a murderous machine and will continue to deal with it accordingly.

Therefore, the legislation is as follows:

1. All non-sexual anime literature ('manga') is unbanned, effective immediately.
-----a) "Non-sexual" and related terms may be any literature which has not displayed sexual content within its pages more than three times in the literature series' history, let alone each version/issue of said literature.
-----b) Thus, any literature not fitting this regulation is still illegal and therefore prohibited until further notice.

2. All non-violent anime literature ('manga') is unbanned, effective immediately.
-----a) "Non-violent" and related terms may be any literature which is not based around violence or the intentional or unintentional promotion of violence as its main theme or plot.
-----b) Again, any literature not fitting this regulation is still illegal and therefore prohibited until further notice.

3. Anime films, television programs, other video, and audio related to anime are still banned, until 1 March 2005.

4. After 1 March, companies representing the production or creation of anime media must pay a tax of D5,000.00 per thirty minutes of product which will be split evenly between the government and the radio/television station(s) on which the media will be aired. All overly sexual or violent televisual and audio anime is still prohibited.

Appendix 1: Punishment for law disregard - civilian
First offence - D10,000 fine
Second offence - D15,000 fine for each copy of anime literature or media in the offender's possession
Third offence or more - twenty-four months in prison, no chance of parole

Appendix 2: Punishment for law disregard - corporate
First offence - D50,000 fine
Second offence - D125,000 fine
Third offence - D1,000,000 fine
Fourth offence or higher - D10,000,000 fine and forced foreclosure of the company seen responsible

Appendix 3: Punishment for law disregard - military
First offence - Cut off year's salary of 5%
Second offence - Immediate and unarguable dishonourable discharge, plus eight months in a military incarceration centre.

Appendix 4: Government leniency on this legislation
None whatsoever, this will not be debated.

We, the Caza della Legislatorio Parlemento, officially sign this bill into law, this the twenty-seventh day of the first month of two thousand and five, with only the consent of the senate leader and prime minister needed to pass the legislation into law, instead of the additional consent of the senatorial body.

CLP Leader: Maurizio Salvatore Neglio
Senatoro Leader: Massimo Verdamenti
Prime Minister: Nikos Karagounis

The Resi Corporation
28-01-2005, 05:58
Inquiry from the Resi Corporation:

What constitutes sexuality in your nation? We produce anime, and would like to follow these guidelines without incident.
28-01-2005, 06:02
OOC: Can you elaborate on 'sexuality'? Do you mean, like sex crimes or same-sex rights, etc.?
28-01-2005, 07:06
The Resi Corporation
28-01-2005, 07:09
OOC: Can you elaborate on 'sexuality'? Do you mean, like sex crimes or same-sex rights, etc.?
((OOC: Sex differs from nation to nation. We need to know what sex is to your people, so we know what's appropriate. You can use as vague terms as need be. ;) ))
28-01-2005, 07:13
We have very liberal views on sex. Homosexuality and heterosexuality and the resulting sexual interaction are fully legal, as are same-sex civil unions. We have a system where the government recognises both same-sex and diff-sex civil unions as the official bond, though marriages are still performable and legal and can be controlled by the church.

However, like most other nations, we find crimes of sex to be among the worst possible. Rapes, public displays of sexual humiliation, etc. are despicable crimes that could earn the perpetrator death by pull-chamber.
Canad a
28-01-2005, 07:14
OOC: Yes, know the Pacitalian Government is making funds over people being fined for watching or reading manga/anime. You know the sex stuff is called, hentai? Manga and Anime are just two different genres... meh... I prefer my American cartoons anyways.
29-01-2005, 06:12
29-01-2005, 06:42
To: Respective Government of Pacitalia
From: The Imperialius Familial Dynasty of the Sebecean Imperial Monarchy
Re: Anime Ban

We, a nation of Imperial Might and Democratic Freedom ask the government of the sovereign nation of Pacitalia a question regarding the ban on any form of anime.

As a Sovereign Government and the legal authority over the people in you domain, we recognize you right to pass any laws which you see fit.

Therefore You will receive full backing on you freedom to do what you see best.

However As a Republic, you nation enjoys some political freedoms and your people are no doubt free spirited,

So, as a result Your citizens who may oppose the ban may feel that this is a ban without their full representation.

In conclusion, you citizens may feel that this is a breach of their unalienable freedom to "Life, Liberty, Property, and Choice"[Declaration of the Sebecean Imperials; Sec. 1 Ph. 2], so as a nation that embraces freedom of self and nation, we ask that you lift the entire ban.


Family Members of the Pure Imperial Blood [Imperialius Familial]
29-01-2005, 06:51
Official Pacitalian Government Statement

The ban will never be lifted unless the producers of anime and its related materials realise that crimes of sexual natures are taken very seriously in Pacitalia, and by allowing a full lift of the ban we would appear weak to our people against the producers of this "artwork".

Paulina Cessaniti
Agustinate of Culture and Heritage
29-01-2005, 06:54
As a top producer of anime, we must say that we think it is all bonefied crap. Seriously, we just cram it out on production lines so stupid Westerns will slurp it all up. I mean, look at Pokemon. What the f*ck? Heh ... here's a twenty-third variation of the same theme, and as per usually all female characters are 18-year-old top-physical-condition virgins and all males are jacked.

This has been a public service announcement by the Board of Foreign Irrelations, Tokarev
29-01-2005, 07:00
We will advise that you have your anime artists who does attempt the certain style of anime to place an advisory warning about not learning from their artworks and how you can get your ass busted.
29-01-2005, 07:12
OOC: That was kind of confusing. Do you mean something like what rappers have to put on their album covers - the little box that says "explicit content - parental advisory"? Cos I'm not going to do that. Overly-sexual and overly-violent are forever banned. Period.
29-01-2005, 07:20
To be honest, we don't see why nations should bother banning just anime when long list of media including books, films and games cover controversial issues graphically in description or image. Meanwhile Anime is very diverse by nature and could be anything from a innocent childrens program to rape/BDSM scenes in hard core pornography. It seems pointless to ban one form of media and ignore other more common forms simply because Anime has a bad reputation.

In anycase, we're glad your nation isn't listening to the bigotted likes of Setian-Sebeceans who actively cull their homosexuals in all the gory of their homophobia. Clearly you're coming to your senses that allowing your public to make their own mind, encouraging parents to be reasponcible in raising their children to understand that games and films are nothing but fiction. With these kinds of realisations your society can take a step forward in progress.

Foriegn Minister Mick Lakely, Iuthian Diplomatic Corps
29-01-2005, 08:39
What an golorious day for all!!!!!!! Goes back to wacthing Gundam and Inuyasha, and dont forget Hellsing
29-01-2005, 17:40
Well from my view I saw how racist at times NS is I mean most of the nations banned rap, treat minoritys like dirt and even hunting them down. I want you to lift the ban not because of morality but to do it to show that you are not a racist nation.
The Real ALM
29-01-2005, 20:24
We applaud the Pacitalian Government for lifting its ban on anime.

In exchange, we will lift our Jihad against you. We hope you have a nice day.

Kimiko Ayasugi
The Real ALM
29-01-2005, 20:26
Official Pacitalian Government Statement

To the nation of Gyrobot and its government -

We are not a racist nation and we are rather insulted by that comment from you. It never matters what one government bans because it will always in the end anger at least one person. If we banned coffee, the entire continents of Europe and South America would be enraged. If we banned tabloids, British nations would never speak to us again.

This legislation is not intended to be racist against the Japanese people, or intended to be anything in relation to such a belief. We banned it primarily because in a few cases of abuse or violence (sexual and non-sexual) it had been acknowledged as the prime instigator for such crimes.

We hope the world understands that we do not enjoy explaining our criminal justice methods to the world over and over again to each country until they all get it.

Nikos Karagounis
Prime Minister of Pacitalia
The Real ALM
29-01-2005, 20:38
We applaud the Pacitalian Government for lifting its ban on anime.

In exchange, we will lift our Jihad against you. We hope you have a nice day.

Kimiko Ayasugi
The Real ALM

OOC: Hate to nag.....but I may need a response.
29-01-2005, 20:52
OOC: Sorry, didn't see your post.
Official Pacitalian Government Statement

Shogun Ayasugi -

We are pleased to hear our people's safety will be better guaranteed with the lifting of the Jihad and in return, we will remove our war declaration on you. However, we must press that we are still forced to keep watch on your activities, not necessarily in suspicion, but more as an observer.

Nikos Karagounis
Prime Minister of Pacitalia
29-01-2005, 20:59
We applaud the Pacitalian Government for lifting its ban on anime.

In exchange, we will lift our Jihad against you. We hope you have a nice day.

Kimiko Ayasugi
The Real ALM

Wait... your nations religious community declared Holy Jihad because another nation which has nothing to do with your people banned Anime from being viewed within their borders? Man... thats the silliest thing I've heard since Decisive Action banned kissing in public between a couple who weren't married, but even they have a moral reason for doing so and it does directly affect their nation.

Our muslim community conciders the delcaration of a Jihad as a serious responce to percieved threats against their faith. Personally I can't see how any Cleric could declare such a holy war based on Anime banned in a completely different nation... hell, most fundamentalist nations bad media altogether, so I can't imagine what fucked up religion hold Anime as sacred... most concider it goes against the will of Allah or similar.

Ohwell, nevermind.
29-01-2005, 21:16
Wait... your nations religious community declared Holy Jihad because another nation which has nothing to do with your people banned Anime from being viewed within their borders? ...

OOC: Don't worry, I kicked his ass a bunch of times. ;)
Present Day Comatica
29-01-2005, 21:16
I am gladdened to hear that Pacitalia and The Real ALM have reached diplomatic terms. Indeed, I am also repealing my declaration of war on The Real ALM, yet we shall watch your activity closely also, and possibly closer than Pacitalia. For we do not fully trust you, yet in no way will we take hostile action.

--Emperor Titus Celmaetus

EDIT: Those last sentences about watching closely and not trusting was directed to RALM, not Pacitalia.
29-01-2005, 21:18
Official Statement of the Imperial Government of Praetonia

"Coming from a nation such as Pacitalia, the Imperium is disappointed by such a restriction on freedom of speech. We do not see why any media of any type should be banned unless it is improperly labelled or poses a real and significant threat to national security, and then only in very extreme cases. We urge Pacitalia to drop these kinds of laws which only serve to the detriment of a free and civilised society.
Present Day Comatica
29-01-2005, 21:18
OOC: Don't worry, I kicked his ass a bunch of times. ;)

OOC: mm-hmm. It all started about a month ago, when RALM took credit for a terrorist attack in Comatica....

Good times.
29-01-2005, 21:22
What an golorious day for all!!!!!!! Goes back to wacthing Gundam and Inuyasha, and dont forget Hellsing

OOC: Actually, all those three would be considered too violent. Therefore, you can take it outside Pacitalia and watch it, but if we catch you... ooh, you're in big twubble. ;)
29-01-2005, 22:13
We would like to know. Are X rated movies illegal? If not what is so wrong with X rated Anime.

Civil Rights Spokesperson Karl Hammington

Hail Kim
29-01-2005, 23:47
OOC: No, X rated movies are not illegal. And, yes, I am aware that could be considered a double standard, but I hate anime with a passion, so it doesn't matter to me.
The Real ALM
30-01-2005, 03:43
Wait... your nations religious community declared Holy Jihad because another nation which has nothing to do with your people banned Anime from being viewed within their borders? Man... thats the silliest thing I've heard since Decisive Action banned kissing in public between a couple who weren't married, but even they have a moral reason for doing so and it does directly affect their nation.

Our muslim community conciders the delcaration of a Jihad as a serious responce to percieved threats against their faith. Personally I can't see how any Cleric could declare such a holy war based on Anime banned in a completely different nation... hell, most fundamentalist nations bad media altogether, so I can't imagine what fucked up religion hold Anime as sacred... most concider it goes against the will of Allah or similar.

Ohwell, nevermind.

"We follow a different faith, one that mixes elements of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Anime, National Socialism, Shintoism and Buddhism. And besides, I like the term Jihad, it has a nice ring to it."

Kimiko Ayasugi
The Real ALM
The Real ALM
30-01-2005, 03:45
OOC: Don't worry, I kicked his ass a bunch of times. ;)

OOC: Well, just that once, in Springbrook, MassPwnage has done more damage to the RALM. :)
30-01-2005, 06:44
Trust me the Parthians and Kahta are examples of Ethnical Barbaracy, they not only deported minoritys but also place them as exhibits which basically reduce them to animals. You need to lift the ban to ensure your nation doesnt catch the anti minority fervor.
30-01-2005, 06:50
Official Pacitalian Government Statement

Trust me, we are not racist, nor will we ever be anti-minority. Pure proof can be found in the fact that there is no majority race in Pacitalia, although the largest group is Italian-descended, there are still substantial numbers of Greeks, Spaniards and Romanians.

Paulina Cessaniti
Agustinate of Culture and Heritage