NationStates Jolt Archive

ANN: Allanea Condemns Decisive Action!

27-01-2005, 18:57

Good Morning, Allanea! Today, you will hear a State of The Union address by President Kazansky.

*Allanean Anthem ( is heard in the background*

Friends, Allaneans, Citizens!

I am here to condemn a certain nation. A nation that claims to cling to the ideals of freedom – and yet defiles the very concept of it with it’s very existence. A nation where Klan members are considered respectable. Where oppression is a part of life and inequality is an official policy, and fear and torture are merely motivation techniques. That is the Missisipian Federation of Decisive Action.

The nation, which still uses the fascist eagle and fascies on it’s flag, which oppresses and exterminates wide swaths of society, is a festering sore on the buttocks of humanity. At this moment, the United States is not seeking armed intervention. However, Congress has authorized a 400% tariff on all Decisive Action imports. Further, Decisive Action is added ot Allanea’s Oppresion Watchlist.

The leaders of Decisive Action have forgotten that the role of a ruler is merely securing the liberties of his people – all of them. Once he begins violating the freedoms he is entrusted to guard, he stops being a legitimate ruler and becomes a mere thug. I hope they remember it – before it is too late.

Good night, and may God bless Allanea.
Decisive Action
27-01-2005, 19:06
"Should we care? You think we care about world opinion? On a personal level, I only care what one person thinks, and that person is Roger Fabus."

Czarina Alice Fabus

"Why should I even bother replying? I don't know you, I don't like you, and I don't want anything to do with your nation... And tell me this, when did we have economic trade relations? All I know is your words mean nothing to me since I don't know or care about you or what you have to say. I, with the help of the Czarina, plan to lead Mississippi into a golden age, the foundation of a ten thousand year empire.

Besides, about that accusation of inequality, we have in our Commonwealth Armed Forces, 500 jews, and about 145,000 arabs, along with 10,000 blacks. We also have about 12,000 women in combat roles in the Federal forces (Republican Guard), so that pretty much settles your accusation that our nation is unequal. As for torture, well we're not going to continue to passively sit by and let it happen, which is why I am currently moving to reform the DISFB, the main perpetrator of torture in our nation.

I think though that I can say with some certainty, you don’t know Mississippi, you don’t know our history. You don’t know what our nation has been through, what our people have been through. You have no idea why we are how we are, nor do you seem to care enough to become enlightened about it. My father has some interesting stories about his experiences from 1976-1983, living under communist rule. Millions more have stories also, but many of them will never be able to tell them, if you search any woods, you can find the mass graves.

I realize that doesn’t justify the actions of my father’s regime, nor would I seek to gloss over his misdeeds. But until you’ve endured the harsh reality of the communist regime that came before him, you’ll never know what it means to be Mississippian, and as such, you have no room to judge us.”

Czar Roger Fabus