New naval ships in the works!
Kordo Shipyards! (
Store portion currently: OPEN
Ships Currently Available:
Lotam Class Command Battleship Price: $5.4 Billion
Iowa Class class Battleship (Modified) Price: $1 Billion
Jack Kordo I Class Carrier Price: $5.2 Billion
Swift Class Pocket Carrier Price: $3.2 Billion
Hawk Class Guided Missile Destroyer Price: $1 Billion
Omega Class Missile Destroyer Price: $1.2 Billion
Sea Snake Class Attack Submarine Price:$1.8 Billion
New Dublin Class Amphibious ship Price: $1.4 Billion
Admiral Class Command Ship Price:$9.5 million
Total Profits:
25-01-2005, 02:55
Ditch the multiple gun calibres. They cause no end of trouble. Here is a rant on the subject. :) (
25-01-2005, 02:55
Looks like we've got another wannabe Doujin on our hands
Looks like we've got another wannabe Doujin on our hands
First, I've heard of the Doujin, and its almost god-moding powers, I will admite that, but I can't say I've seen the stats for it. And secound, this ship was designed to be almost a mini-fleet, so that Kordo can send a powerful message to any country with a coast, without having to mobilize and send several ships.
Ditch the multiple gun calibres. They cause no end of trouble. Here is a rant on the subject. :) (
Thanks for the suggestion!
Carrier stats coming soon!
The Doujin is not god-moddy, but very feasible for current technology.
Your stats are somewhat...I will admit a wanna-be of this great ship.
I suggest looking more into the subject and ditching the multiple calibers, like DPUO said.
You said yourself, "I have no idea what I'm doing." so I suggest going on Google and looking up these things:
Super Dreadnaughts
Large Trimaran Hulls
Those should get you on the right track.
I got rid of the howitizer because they weren't neccessary, and I got rid of the 8 inch rapid guns, the rail guns (I had planned on using them for shore bombardmen), while uping the amount of 18 inchers. Oh and I standardized the calibers.
Thanks for the help Truitt (and I meant that the Doujin was close to being god-modding).
Does anyone have ideas for the demensions?
Well, from your mission goals, you would want something Big Dreadnaught-ish, instead of Super or Heavy.
Try working with the designs of the Iowa, or possably the Kirov even. Play around with the status, and use RL ships like the Nimitz and Cyclone as compairasons.
One tip:
Try to make your main consern the main hull. Try to pack a good enough load of armor, weapons, and systems there. The sides are a good place for an aircraft deck, yes, but think about one more thing that I used in my dreadnaught that also was a submarine: Amphibious ramping/loading.
Well, from your mission goals, you would want something Big Dreadnaught-ish, instead of Super or Heavy.
Try working with the designs of the Iowa, or possably the Kirov even. Play around with the status, and use RL ships like the Nimitz and Cyclone as compairasons.
One tip:
Try to make your main consern the main hull. Try to pack a good enough load of armor, weapons, and systems there. The sides are a good place for an aircraft deck, yes, but think about one more thing that I used in my dreadnaught that also was a submarine: Amphibious ramping/loading.
Thanks for the suggestions! I will keep them in mind.
(hopefully some new ships comming tommorrow)
Vast Principles
27-01-2005, 19:02
An interesting idea there.
When i saw the ammount of 18inchers i immediatly thought of the doujin, lol. That ship was MASSIVE. I think i may be able to find the stats somewhere...
i have a pic of it, BEAUTIFUL! Compared to an Iowa class Battle ship it dwarfs it!
The idea of having two flight decks is excellent, perhaps speccialise to have one for conventional aircraft and the other with a "ski ramp" for VSTOL aircraft. That way one side can have your "big" planes and the other carry helicopters, and stuff like the JSF(that planes not doing so well last i heard about it!).
Thats bassically my ideas, other than i think having less weapons(guns that is) and instead having missiles may be a good idea. That way you have longer range firepower that can overwelm the enemy defences.
Another option for a second(?) ship would be amphibious operations. With that large a firepower, size for masses of troops and still have like 50 aircraft flying(maybe more, or less) would be amazing, an idea not worth missing out on!(if i build ships in using that idea)!
New Endenia
27-01-2005, 19:21
Pardon my ignorance here but what is the Doujin? So godmoddish powerful ship?
Vast Principles
27-01-2005, 19:23
Pardon my ignorance here but what is the Doujin? So godmoddish powerful ship?
A VERY large battleship, so large it could only be built in one place, it can hardly dock anywere and supposedly can take a dirrect hit from a nuke(thats right isnt it?)
there, all the statsHERE (
27-01-2005, 21:21
No, the Doujin cannot survive a direct hit from a nuclear device. I think I remember the subject being brought up at the OMP.
EDIT: I've given this link to several members at the OMP, including the nation that now owns the Doujin.
The Freethinkers
27-01-2005, 21:57
The official page for the Doujin is here:
The myth about the nuclear survivability was a disparaging legend created by the Doujin's detractors, one which I believed came from a comment of mine where I stated that like all RL and NS ships it had reasonable resistence to the secondary and tertiary effects of a nuclear weapon.
And no, I don't see how a reasonably large Carrier is a Doujin wannabe either.
Some new ships added.
I'm thinking of selling some of these but before I do, does anyone have any major problems with the ships? How about the prices? To high or to low?
29-01-2005, 20:06
How do you fit 24 guns into 3 triple turrets?
The Phoenix Milita
29-01-2005, 20:09
Kordo, If your going to cut and paste stats from my storefront and modify them to fit your needs, you could at least proofread it and realize 3 multiplied by 3 equals 9
and where/when exactly did you buy the plans to my ARENA system? or my Squall Torpedoes, AH-1A1 Cobra AH-220 and SH-65A helicopters, Hatchet cruise missiles and SA-101 SAMs and my modifications for the AEGIS system, for that matter?
Kordo, If your going to cut and paste stats from my storefront and modify them to fit your needs, you could at least proofread it and realize 3 multiplied by 3 equals 9
I did base the Lotam Class off one off your ships. And when someone suggested a modified Iowa class, I did look to yours for inspiration and I fully admit that, and if you want me to remove them I will. As to the matter of the bad multiplication, it is just one of the many things that has no doubt slipped past me and made it into the post(s).
and where/when exactly did you buy the plans to my ARENA system? or my Squall Torpedoes, AH-1A1 Cobra AH-220 and SH-65A helicopters, Hatchet cruise missiles and SA-101 SAMs and my modifications for the AEGIS system, for that matter?
I didn't not know that these items were specificlly designed/copyrighted by you. They have been removed or replaced. I'm sorry if I offended or angered you in any way. That was not my intention.
EDIT: I believe that "squall" torpedoes do exist in RL. I don't think that their used by the US.
Roman Republic
29-01-2005, 21:24
After you make the ships could I buy the production rights or the blueprints so I can make my own with my own systems??
The Phoenix Milita
29-01-2005, 21:32
I did base the Lotam Class off one off your ships. And when someone suggested a modified Iowa class, I did look to yours for inspiration and I fully admit that, and if you want me to remove them I will. As to the matter of the bad multiplication, it is just one of the many things that has no doubt slipped past me and made it into the post(s).
I didn't not know that these items were specificlly designed/copyrighted by you. They have been removed or replaced. I'm sorry if I offended or angered you in any way. That was not my intention.
EDIT: I believe that "squall" torpedoes do exist in RL. I don't think that their used by the US.
I was not offended much, flattered a bit, you should have seen the ones where they copy the whole thing, picture and all and just change the name of the ships!, those piss me off much more. About the Squall, what you are most-likely thinking of is the russian Shkval torpedo, Shkval means Squall in russian, my Squall is 20 mph faster and has a different powerplant and guidance system. It is also wider than the Shkval, this is the reason for the larger torpedo tubes.
As long as you remove or rename the specific technology, I have no real objection to the use of my template.
After you make the ships could I buy the production rights or the blueprints so I can make my own with my own systems??
The production rights for the Jack Kordo I class, the Hawk Class and the New Dublin class are currently for sale. If you wish to purchase the rights for any and all of these ships name a price and the ships and we will negotiate from there.
I was not offended much, flattered a bit, you should have seen the ones where they copy the whole thing, picture and all and just change the name of the ships!, those piss me off much more. About the Squall, what you are most-likely thinking of is the russian Shkval torpedo, Shkval means Squall in russian, my Squall is 20 mph faster and has a different powerplant and guidance system. It is also wider than the Shkval, this is the reason for the larger torpedo tubes.
As long as you remove or rename the specific technology, I have no real objection to the use of my template.
Thank you very much for your understanding. All technology of yours has been removed. And I did not mean to directly copy/steal your ships. I was just looking for a good starting point to develop my own ships.
Roman Republic
29-01-2005, 21:36
How about 150 billion for either the Production rights or the blue prints. I prefere the blue prints because I can build my own fleet. The prduction rights will help.
Which ships? All three or just one?
Roman Republic
29-01-2005, 21:49
Which ships? All three or just one?
All of them, but no battleship. I have to decommision 20 Kombayn Nikoladze Class Battleship before I, Dictator Patel, came to power. They was commisioned by the Former and now Vice Dictator Kombayn Nikoladze. My country has an odd history.
MY list will include:
On the Carriers could you reduce the crew to 2000 men. Add more aircraft.
I will sell you the blue prints to these ships for $150 billion, or the production rights for $125 billion. As for the carrier, I can create a special version for you if you wish.
30-01-2005, 00:21
We wish to purchase the following from our great ally, Kordo:
Jack Kordo I Class Carrier x100 ($520,000,000,000)
New Dublin Class Amphibious ship x1,000 ($1,400,000,000,000)
Hawk Class Guided Missile Destroyer x750 ($750,000,000,000)
Lotam Class Command Battleship x100 ($540,000,000,000)
GRAND TOTAL: $3,210,000,000,000
Money will be wired immediately upon confirmation. Thanks!
30-01-2005, 00:33
We wish to purchase the following from our great ally, Kordo:
Jack Kordo I Class Carrier x100 ($520,000,000,000)
New Dublin Class Amphibious ship x1,000 ($1,400,000,000,000)
Hawk Class Guided Missile Destroyer x750 ($750,000,000,000)
Lotam Class Command Battleship x100 ($540,000,000,000)
GRAND TOTAL: $3,210,000,000,000
Money will be wired immediately upon confirmation. Thanks!
Order confimed. A special discount of $10,000,000,000 has been given. Ships will begin to arrive within one RL day.
30-01-2005, 02:40
Thanks! Money wired.
New Carrier and Destroyer added
Roman Republic
30-01-2005, 21:44
I will sell you the blue prints to these ships for $150 billion, or the production rights for $125 billion. As for the carrier, I can create a special version for you if you wish.
I'll buy the blue prints. You can sell me a modified version of your carrier's blueprints.
*wired $150 billion from the Roman World Bank to Kordo Bank*
Thank you very much for your buisness. The blue prints will be delivered by armed guard to you shortly.
occ: Opinions of ships still requested. Anyone can suggest something!