Hataria to start Beheading Nazis!
HBC News
Today Emperor Barbarossa (May he live forever!) has ordered The Beheading of all Nazis as of Now. The Emperor also Declared that The Nazis are to be declared Terrorists forever!
already, Hatarian KGB and Police have been ordered to round up all Nazis and raceists by order of the Imperial Senate.
23-01-2005, 20:38
ooc: *deep breath*
We applaudeth Hataria, God Speed to said nation, who hath earned a celestial place in haven.
Philip Henslowe,
Spokes-person for
Department of Sarcasm
New Endenia
23-01-2005, 20:43
OOC: I have a bad feeling about this.
While we are vermently opposed to the Nazi Doctrine, we are shocked by the actions of the Hatarian Government in choosing to exercute all Nazi. Despite their ideological differences, Nazis are still human beings and as such are not to be treated as animals! We call upon the Hatarian Government to cease this action and recommand moderation in their actions against the Nazis.
Ambassador Aveila Sedai
Aes Sedai Of The Grey Ajah
Representative Of The White Tower
The Queendom Of New Endenia
Grosser Mattvia
23-01-2005, 21:47
The Mattvian government condemns these beheadings.
26-01-2005, 20:21
The beheading of my people will bring you war and much much more.
Hard Rock Beyond
26-01-2005, 20:27
Hard Rock Beyond
26-01-2005, 20:32
I declare war on thee for beheading of the people of mine and others!
Quentulus Qazgar
26-01-2005, 20:39
The trade-minister of Quentulus Qazgar sends his warning to the Hatarian government:
-Before you take up on any violent moves against these so called terrorists of yours, you should see this copy of a bill that was written 2 weeks ago in the national weapons market of Quentulus Qazgar.
Date: 12.1.2005
Merchandise: 3 neutronium bomb(s)
Sender: the national weapons market (NWM)
Receiver: a group of freedom fighters (origin unknown)
Worth of merchandice on free markets: 4999999 black pearls (5936548 $)
Paid with: cash
Exchange: 1 black pearl
We hope that you use your merchandice well and are satisfied with the professionality of the staff! You're welcome to visit our boutigué any time again 24 hours a day!
The Plutonian Empire
26-01-2005, 20:43
TAGged for interest :D
OOC: I highly doubt any of you would win a war against Hataria :D
EDIT: Yay! 800th post! (8 is my fave number, so I celebrate anything with a zero after that number ;) )
New Endenia
26-01-2005, 20:44
OOC: Well he would just god-mod us to death.
OOC: Only if y'all don't gangbang the poor guy. He's getting better, y'all aren't.
That's odd... we executed several thousand nazis after they tried to assassinate me... again. All we got even resembling moral outrage was "YAY! DEAD NAZIS!"
26-01-2005, 21:02
I wish to send you many camels and virgins for the idea of beheading nazis. Here in Rubbahwillee we have been executing men women and children for many generations. May I make a suggestion that you do not stop with nazis, but extend this policy to all who offend, or look like they may offend in the future. There will be some infidels who claim this is against human rights, to them I say lick my jubjub's daahlwack.
Peace be with you, and may the screams of the tortured infidels lull you to sleep. :mp5:
Dostanuot Loj
26-01-2005, 21:11
While we do not condone the execution of a group of people with no real reason except their political affiliation, we do support your determination to do what you believe to be right in your nation.
This said, if you are to be engaged in war because of your actions, by those who wish to force their beliefs upon you. We offer our full support to you, both economicly, and militarily.
Commanding Officer of Central Intelligance,
General Maria Yaccuna
The Plutonian Empire
26-01-2005, 21:14
I wish to send you many camels and virgins for the idea of beheading nazis. Here in Rubbahwillee we have been executing men women and children for many generations. May I make a suggestion that you do not stop with nazis, but extend this policy to all who offend, or look like they may offend in the future. There will be some infidels who claim this is against human rights, to them I say lick my jubjub's daahlwack.
Peace be with you, and may the screams of the tortured infidels lull you to sleep. :mp5:
I think I'd have fun beating this guy :D :p
27-01-2005, 20:04
If you wish to continue beheading my people your nation will fall before the might of my battle mechs
You idiot. Hataria is far bigger than you, ad he godmodes. Don't try it.
New Endenia
27-01-2005, 20:08
While he may be improving, he will still god-mod ur entire army to death.
Nueve Italia
27-01-2005, 20:43
Emperor Giovanni Gori supports Hataria's decision to exterminate these political radicals from their country. While Nueve Italia does not in any way support genocide, we believe that the villiany of Naziism should be destroyed from this world, by any means necessary. While other nations may find these actions as evil in themselves, what good has the Nazi Political Movement ever done, except for the death of millions and the start of a major war?
If this matter does come down to war, the Holy Empire of Nueve Italia will aid Hataria both militaristically and economically.
27-01-2005, 20:44
"Though we oppose Nazi ideals, we condemn the actions done by the nation of Hataria. We do not believe that violence will solve itself by inducing violence. In other words, 'How would u like it if someone cut ur head off?"
Ryusen Takugawa, Supreme Chancellor of Hiroshiko
The Plutonian Empire
27-01-2005, 23:26
The Plutonian Empire offers this suggestion to Hataria:
How about rehabilitation?
27-01-2005, 23:30
we support this action as nazi's have done much damage in our country through revolts and invasions
From The Emperor.
The Hatarians will start selling Nazis as Slaves as of now.
Fascist Confederacy
28-01-2005, 01:29
The Confederacy condemns these acts. We wish to accept all National Socialists from your nation free of charge. But, on a more personal note, I find this revolting and disgusting. If you hate National Socialism for the 'Holocaust', yet you execute them, what does that make you?
Czar Charles Hayden
Lame Bums
28-01-2005, 01:38
We are willing to accept any refugees from the evil Communist regime of Hataria starting immediately, no cost. We need anyone and everyone to oppose the pacifist radical hard Left regimes of this world.
@Hataria: If you hate National Socialism for the 'Holocaust', yet you execute them, what does that make you?
28-01-2005, 01:40
Encouragement is sent by the Dictator of InsanityZero and its inhabitants. We would like to see more nations who persecute on a regular basis
The Nazis beheaded: 230
Nazis on The run: 230,000.
The Hatarians are sending nazis out of The Nation. those that stay are to be killed.
28-01-2005, 01:53
I believe that Hataria is an evil communist regime that is not different than Stalin's Soviet Union. If you wish to behead the Nazi people, fine then I shall behead the Communists, Jews, Blacks, and Mexicans that are in my nation. :sniper: :headbang:
28-01-2005, 01:54
OOC: I have no idea wtf is going on here, with all the accusations of Godmodding.
Hataria, you shame the capitalist ideals and your felllow man. A capitalist government has no right to interfere with the freedoms of it's people.. Despite the fact you may disagree with National Socialisim And/Or Nazi ideals, you are ntohing more than a shallow hypocrite to commit the same crimes they did, simply because of errors made in the past. A backwards step from national unification and practically spitting on the goals of a true Communist Regime.
Have we all fallen to the level of
"Hate the Hating Haters because they hate like all the hating haters of the world?"
Arkady Gregorovich, President Speaker of Xenonier.
Hard Rock Beyond
28-01-2005, 02:34
OK, basically, how much is each "slave"?
Lame Bums
28-01-2005, 02:37
We warmly welcome all 230,000 Nazis into our country. They will, after a short test, be granted full citizen rights a little cash to get started. Then they all gotta out and get jobs to help my economy, or better yet, join the military. :D
Fascist Confederacy
28-01-2005, 02:39
Thank you for allowing our White bretheren to migrate from your land to ours. We believe that has been a better solution than your hypocritical, genocidal actions.
Czar Charles Hayden
28-01-2005, 03:45
OOC: Hateria, for shame... Only 240? Try bigger axes, or maybe a butter knife. OR A SPOON!!!
Condemnation on vile acts... BLAH BLAH BLAH.... (Mentions big words that probobly don't excist) I D3CLA43 WA4ZZZ00RR 0N J00!!11!! OMG (Descends to Swearing... and is booted from thread.)
Have a nice day.
Hataria is not a Communist Nation. It is a Imperialist, Capitalist Nation Ruled by a Emperor.
Sorry to bust you bubble Communists.
28-01-2005, 18:56
You dare to call me commnuist? If you dont already know MY NATION IS LOCATED IN A NAZI REGION. So thus I am not communist.
28-01-2005, 19:13
OOC: Only beheading? Can't you be more creative? Why not shove hot coals down their intestines? Or maybe slowly shove needles up their fingernails until they come out their sholders? C'mon, man, you can be creative!
IC: The Confederacy of Swordsmiths condemns this action by Hataria. As of this day, we ar at war.
The Great Sixth Reich
28-01-2005, 19:46
While other nations may find these actions as evil in themselves, what good has the Nazi Political Movement ever done, except for the death of millions and the start of a major war?
OOC: Deaths of millions? Start of major war? And a political party caused it?! Link please! ;)
The Great Sixth Reich
28-01-2005, 19:50
"Stop this nonsense digesting breach of human rights or you'll learn the hard way... again. By the way, how did you enjoy the one-hundred nukes we dropped on your capital city a couple of years ago?" -Adolf Gorreing.
Lame Bums
29-01-2005, 02:47
The Nazi Party in the Weimar Republic, from 1919 to 1933. It's how Hitler got power. Gotta learn your history bud.
29-01-2005, 19:00
he was being Sarcastic lame Buns
Nueve Italia
31-01-2005, 19:15
OOC: *sigh* how little people actually know about political ideology. Please, do not take offense by this, but most people here calling each other "Nazi" or "Communist" are quite mistaken by what they say.
One person remarked that Hataria is likened to Stalin and the Bolshevik Party. Wrong. Stalin, yes, killed millions during his reign, however, the Bolshevik Party and the political entity of "Communism" did NOT. Soviet Russia was a dictatorship with a side-note of collectivism. Even if a nation starts to kill others at will, that is not a Communist ideal.
Also, it doesn't make sense if you support The Nazi Party and find Communism distasteful. Think of it: The National Socialist Party. Socialism is the birth of communism, collectivism, and indeed, all societies that believe that people are equal to one another. This leads to my next point: Socialists and Communists, in the purest of thought, believe everyone is equal. So why, then, would a communist or socialist nation conduct a genocide? Those that support what Hitler or Stalin did are not Nazis or Communists: They are psychopaths (no offense intended).
I hope this stops the slander towards these political ideals, because I truly support the pure idea of collectivism: The idea that everyone is equal, no one is better than anyone else, and there is no rich or poor. In fact, if it were truly possible to attain pure communism (which, it's not), it would lead to a very well thought-out society and a prosperous nation.
Nueve Italia
04-02-2005, 18:00
mwhahaha, Ihave killed this thread with my knowledge of politics :D
The Plutonian Empire
04-02-2005, 20:00
lol! :D