The Scandinvans
23-01-2005, 17:35
On a news broadcast on the NNC,"After the Collage of the Lords meet last the emperor declared all serfs and slaves were free but 48% of the Lords and 51% of the Earls and other lower Lords obejest. Overall though the power of the emperor side of the vote held more power." a ner brodacast came we have justed recevied tbis new broadcasting video from the emperor," My people and my loyal Lords the other Lords opposed to this decree have rebelled agianst the National Assembly and their emperor currently the are preparing for the war and have seized the Northwest corner of the of the country and half of the south and aready they have gained 45% of the pouplation's support and the I and the remaining National Assembly have declared war."
After the broadcast ended the Imperial army prepared for war but there were fight amongst the soldiers to which side there wre going to fight for and so 40% of the army joined the rebel army.
The Imperial army then amrched northwestwards in order to take control of most of the rebels weapons and mines. All of the Imperial army thought that this would be an easy victory. The rebel army prepaered their defence by they begin building barricades and bringing in weapons and other essential supplies. They knew that this batlle would be important and that if they lost this battle that they woudl proably lose the war quickly.
The rebel army just wanted to keeps their serfs and slaves in order to sustain their economy. If they won the war they would not try to dethrone the emeperor or to destroy his goverment but just make him not elminated slavery and serdom. They were loyal to the emperor still but they were willing to fight for their right to keep their serfs and slaves.
After the broadcast ended the Imperial army prepared for war but there were fight amongst the soldiers to which side there wre going to fight for and so 40% of the army joined the rebel army.
The Imperial army then amrched northwestwards in order to take control of most of the rebels weapons and mines. All of the Imperial army thought that this would be an easy victory. The rebel army prepaered their defence by they begin building barricades and bringing in weapons and other essential supplies. They knew that this batlle would be important and that if they lost this battle that they woudl proably lose the war quickly.
The rebel army just wanted to keeps their serfs and slaves in order to sustain their economy. If they won the war they would not try to dethrone the emeperor or to destroy his goverment but just make him not elminated slavery and serdom. They were loyal to the emperor still but they were willing to fight for their right to keep their serfs and slaves.