NationStates Jolt Archive

Is there a gurkha nation out there?

22-01-2005, 00:09
the Nation of Kaptaingood would like to enlist the services of 3 batallions of Gurkhas for a total of 3,000 men to constitute the 1st Gurkha Brigade (with the potential for increase to a division within 5 years).

we request this out of deep respect and value for the fighting men of this brave people.

we will pay their wages (to be nominated by the nation at a reasonable price) pay for their equipment and accomodation and after 5 years we will pay a pension of 25% of their final salary, after 10 years a pension of 50% of their final salary and after 20 years service a pension of 75% of their final salary.

we would also offer a 'selection' fee of 10,000 Kaptains (about $6000 dollars) to the government for every gurkha selected.

These specialist force will join a new headquarters command, under the imperial holy command directly of Kaptiangood (as opposed to those under the command opf the secretary of the interior, secretary of defence and secretary of foreign affairs) to be formed out of our special forces units of the 1st and 2nd commando brigades, 1 COunter terrorism batallion, 1 Division of the Kaptaingood Own Imperials, amongst others..

THis will form the 4th major military command structure of the land forces command.

being the presidential command, the interior command, the defence command and the foreign command.

we believe this long term investment would be mutually beneficial to both our nations.