NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: RP idea - WorldWar (Harry Turtledove)

21-01-2005, 22:37
If you've read, or are reading (like me) the WorldWar alternative history by Harry Turtledove you'll know what I mean, for those who don't:

It's 1942 (If I remember correctly) and the world is in the depths of WW2 etc. Then this race of Lizards invade, and all the warring countries have to stop beating each other up, and team together to blat the Lizards, of whom, due to the fact they live one helluva lot slower than us, think we are still using swords and maces to bash each other to pulp.

Even though the humans have moved on from using swords, the Lizard's tech level is a little way in the future from us; they have 3-D imaging, cryogenics, reliable long-distance space flight, and hydrogen fuel. But their military technology is largely the same as ours now, so they shoot down Mustangs and Spitfires like flies.

Aaanywho, I thought it might be an interesting RP, with some people RPing individual humans, and others RPing individual Lizards.

Anyone interested?
21-01-2005, 22:57
ooc: race of lizards. Hehe, I rp lizardmen.
Upper Xen
21-01-2005, 22:59
OOC: I read those books, and the Colonization sequels, very interesting.

I had an idea to do an RP based on his "How Few Remain" series, where the South wins the Civil War.
21-01-2005, 23:40
OOC: I haven't got onto his other books yet, worth reading? Xen will you RP?

Could do with some more.
Upper Xen
21-01-2005, 23:47
I'm a bit involved with other things at the moment, sorry.

Still, I'll try to keep you in mind if and when I organize a "How Few Remain" RP.
Fimble loving peoples
21-01-2005, 23:54
I'll join. Trying to take down lizards in harrier jets with a spitfire sounds fun.
22-01-2005, 00:01
Read every one of Turtledove's books. I'd love to participate.

Would this be at the beginning of the timeline, after Germany accidently blows up its nuclear research, or after nuclear weapons are developed?
Fimble loving peoples
22-01-2005, 00:03
I've still not read Turtledove's books. I read the first few books of one my friend has and decided to read them but never got round to it.
22-01-2005, 00:12
Would this be at the beginning of the timeline, after Germany accidently blows up its nuclear research, or after nuclear weapons are developed?

We could RP getting the looted nuclear metal from the site of the destroyed ship, but it might complicate matters, so perhaps when both sides have the weapons, but in very small numbers.