Black Mesa Research Facility Opened!
Black Mesa New Mexico
21-01-2005, 19:20
Secret Communique to Administrator of Black Mesa Research Facility
The Black Mesa Research Facility has opened!The research station, dug into the rock of Black Mesa, New Mexico is one of the most sophisticated stations on the planet. Distinguished scientists such as Doctors Kleiner and Breen have been hired to work in the facility, and some promising newcomers such as M.I.T. graduate Dr. Gordon Freeman are here. We expect this facility to find out some interesting things about supposedly alien artifacts we have found.
21-01-2005, 19:23
Half life junkie i see.. which game. blue shift, counter strike...
Black Mesa New Mexico
21-01-2005, 19:32
All of the above.And the rest.
21-01-2005, 19:42
i like the new half life 2
21-01-2005, 19:42
+++Open Transmission+++
+++To: Black Mesa Research Facility+++
+++From: Zvenyj Grad, Daikerta+++
"We congratulate the scientists of New Mexico on completion of their newest research facility. We give you good luck on your future experiments and creations. Perhaps sometime we could work side by side on some projects."
~Vsevolozh Chernigovskii, Head Senior Scientist, Zvenyj Grad Reasearch Institute
Black Mesa New Mexico
21-01-2005, 19:49
We thank you for the kind welcome to the world.This facility is the most secure facility in the world, and we have a good reason.One: we fired the original administrator Dr Breen and put me in charge, and Two:
We have a specimen of xenotherium subservilia, a soldier which arrived at the facility some time ago, a single specimen. It has shown incredible strength and speed, and certain other properties. Unfortunately, we do not have the funding to uncover them all. Our US government funding is somewhat small for a facility of this size, and I wonder if you would like to help us in return for the knowledge we uncover, and any possible offspring.
21-01-2005, 19:57
+++Open Transmission+++
+++To: Black Mesa Research Facility+++
+++From: Zvenyj Grad, Daikerta+++
"Xenotherium subservilia, eh? I have heard rumors. I would be glad to give money to the research of this specimen, but first, I would need some assurance. Send me a full report of your testing, and I will determine if our investment into the project is a safe one."
~Vsevolozh Chernigovskii, Head Senior Scientist, Zvenyj Grad Reasearch Institute
Weapons-Tech incorp
21-01-2005, 20:00
I like the place just watch out for Raven corps.
Black Mesa New Mexico
21-01-2005, 20:24
Enclosed is a report on the creature.
And where did you hear these 'rumours'?
Creature exhibits massive resistace to airborne toxins. (it laughed, and killed 3 'Barneys')
Day two:Exhibiting ability to emit 'blasts' of energy from it's arms.(3 more guards. Eventually knocked unconcious by Dr. Freeman with a crowbar)
Day three:Slept through a DNA test.Results:inconclusive
Day four:Shows signs of anxiety and depression.
Day five:exhibiting signs of cowardice.
From this point the creature grows more and more cowardly. There's nothing more due to a shortfall infunds.
Weapons-Tech incorp
21-01-2005, 20:26
read funding thread
Black Mesa New Mexico
21-01-2005, 20:28
Responded in funding thread.