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An Overview of the Ottoman Empire by Dr. James Maxwell

Ottoman Khaif
20-01-2005, 06:01
An Overview of the Ottoman Empire by Dr. James Maxwell

The Ottoman Empire is one of the world oldest nations, it began in the year 1281, it was founded by Turkish bey by the name of Osman I, little did he know that he had founded the beginning sof empire that will conquer many lands in the name of the Ottoman Empire. This Empire soon took the title of Khaif in 1517 from the dieing Abbasid Khaifs, just becoming the Khaifs of the Muslim. The Ottoman Empire soon took the lands of North Africa, Arabia, Levant, Iraq, and the Balkans. By the time of Suleiman the Magnificent the empire had grow to take the major Muslim cities (Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, Damascus, and Baghdad), many Balkan provinces up to today's Austria, and most of North Africa were under the control of the empire. They have fought many wars to expand their vast empire, it is one of the greatest empire of the world.

The Social of the Ottomans

The Ideologically Dogma of the Ottomans is an interesting system, the Ottomans belives in the Islamic system of social make up for the lands of the Ottoamans and Islamic system of Government. The Ottoman people are very conservative when comes to social affairs. They reject any form of change to the social make up. Many say that Ottomans stuck in the past for this aspect of life. Ottoman Social reject with hated the ideas of Western ways of social makes up and how to runs. Most people would the Ottomans very anti- western in term how to ones run social. One of the pinpoints for the Ottoman hated for the west was Western philosophy and many things cause a void between the West and the Ottomans in the stage. Ottoman Empire their many groups of people who happen to live in Ottoman Land, like the Greeks, Germans, Romanian and etc, all these group nowaday call themselve Ottoman then their national. All do a policy of Ottomanize or untiy policy.There is no racism in the Ottoman Empire, because of the many groups living in Ottoman Empire live side by side and learn to repect eacthother. Yet Ottomans have to live with bitter hate of the west do to the fact the West missunderstoods veiws of the Ottomans,
“Most Ottomans know what the west thinks of them, they(West) think that Islam is an inherently totalitarian religion that advocates a law code which is barbaric by modern Western standards, and which rejects the values that Westerners hold dear like freedom of religion, equality, and democracy.” This is why the Ottoman hate the west because of their lack of knowledge about the Ottomans

The Ottoman Economy

Yet when comes to Economy, its becomes confusing for a outsider to understand the economic system of the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Government own all natural resources under Joint Stock Companies, anything relates to arms production is own by the Government. Public needs such as Water, Power and Transportation is own by the Government. Yet private companies are allow to running and produce their goods for the people of the Ottoman Empire. There are many laws relating to the economy, for one the banking system of Ottoman is state run, therefore under Ottoman Banking codes the it is illegal to do interest or the government to even try to make transactions that has interest.

The Foreign Policy of the Ottoman Empire

The Foreign Policy of the Ottoman is of maintaining neutrality, and self-preservation of the state. Meaning by this any threats to the Ottoman, must taken out to prevent them from harming the Ottoman Khaif Empire. The Ottomans have a belief that call for Ottoman Empire not get into wars that do have anything to threaten the state. Oddities about the Ottomans, for all the centuries the Ottomans have been around. The Ottomans always had very few allies at best, and do the fact the Ottomans trust very few nations. Just leaving the Ottomans to be lonely and left out in the world without many allies, they began to feel the need to be left alone then to bothered with the affairs of world. This is menially as engrave into the mindset of most policy makers of the Empire. All they wanted was to be left alone, yet the Ottomans were never granted that wish. They had well over six massive wars to protect themselves the foes of the Ottomans. The Overview of the Ottoman foreign policy is of neutral and only become active when needed for the protection of the state.

The Government set up of the Ottoman Empire

Government system of the Ottoman Empire is very complex system; The Ottoman Government forbids far right parties and far left parties. Also the Ottoman Election system is very odd for a outsider to understand. Those could who elect a vizier to the House of Vizier, are only Muslims, and only the Viziers could elect the next Sultan. Then the elected Sultan can appoint a Grand Vizier from any Vizier in the House of Viziers. Now comes the Parliament. An minister from Parliament as be to elected by the people (Muslim or Non Muslim) , The Prime Minister and Praetor are elected by the people of Ottoman Empire. Outsiders find hard to understand out this complex system of government works. Yet little is know about the inner working of the Ottoman Government, because most Ottomans view this matter very sensitive to talk about to outsiders.

More to come soon
Note this is public release of paper made by Dr. James Maxwell, feel free to post commonts and etc.
Ottoman Khaif
20-01-2005, 20:52 does it feel to go unotice in this blasted rp world...oh and bump
The Parthians
20-01-2005, 23:23
hahahahaha, please tell me that the horrible syntax was intentional, if so, bravo! A great imitation of bad translations, if not, you need some help with english grammar.

English is his second language.

Anyway, whats with the socialism. We put our resources under the control of whoever buys them and Arms manufacturing is in the hands of private firms.
20-01-2005, 23:29
ooooppppssss, sry 'bout that. I will delete.
Ottoman Khaif
21-01-2005, 02:25
ooooppppssss, sry 'bout that. I will delete.
Oh good, I get insulted..meh and life goes on.

Parthian,we have laws, to pervent other nations from gaining our natural resources.Plus the Ottoman Government is here to help the people of the Ottoman Khaif.
Ottoman Khaif
21-01-2005, 02:59
bump and yes I know freaking Grammar is not the best,so enough with the " You suck at Grammar" post.
Could someone please post a decent question about the this Overveiw or a nice Ideologically debate would be nice.
21-01-2005, 03:38
You’re small exposé on the nature of the Ottoman people is interesting, Dr. Maxwell. My family has descended from colonists from the British Isles, a similar situation found throughout my native country. My nation consists of three distinct peoples, the slim majority being of British descendant, the largest minority of Russian descent, and the third largest group the native inhabitants of these lands, some of whom claim Islam as their personal religion.

Of course, the Commonwealth of Azazia supports no religion, the government in fact taxes those religions who decide to operate in the nation – despite their loud, continual complaints and their allegations that collected taxes go towards nothing but war. But I digress, sir. The people of my nation have maintained a reasonable relationship with the Muslims in the Commonwealth with the one exception of a native revolt – however that was more based on the natives’ role as second-class citizens not of religious problems, not that such problems do not exist.

Although our own Muslim population has prospered as the initial city-state of merchants before complete colonization of the islands, they have as of late witnessed the influence of Wahabiism and some more militant extremist groups have begun to appear on the national radar. Though this is the exception, most of the relations between Muslims and Westerners have been peaceful.

Personally, I think our state of peaceful relations arises from the intense amount of cooperation necessitated by the sheer isolation of our massive islands. Although there was initial conflict between the Muslim city-states and the British colonies, they were more of sheer territorial conflicts than religious or cultural conflicts. Once conquered, they were assimilated quickly through the first several royal governors’ policies of religious non-interference. This could not help, of course, personal prejudices, but it is my opinion that it is indeed possible for Westerners and Muslims to arrive at relatively peaceful surroundings – the key factor, however, is a mutual cooperation and understanding.

Therefore I would contest your statement that the West hates Ottomans as a whole. Understandably the Commonwealth and its citizens are concerned about extremists operating under the banner of Islam, as they are to Western anarchists and alike; however, the Commonwealth – which operates under Western principles and philosophy – has had no knowledge of the Ottomans and consequently simply cannot hate the Ottomans. That goes against the core precepts of Western philosophy, to hate without reason is… well simply put, irrational. And although I cannot speak for the people or the government, I think you would find most citizens of the Commonwealth fairly rational – they would both wait until they’ve met and dealt with the Ottomans before declaring any sort of hatred. This isn’t to say there wouldn’t be cultural gaps; however, the trick is to not let these gaps become wedges between two peoples. And the Commonwealth being the understanding nation it is could surely begin to attempt to understand the Ottomans’ foreign ways.

I must say, Doctor, I have found your brief report rather interesting, and I am sure that the people in my nation and my government will read it with a close eye.

Dr. Frederick Cata, Commonwealth University
Ottoman Khaif
21-01-2005, 04:54
The psychologically complex of the Ottomans

Ottomans are of non-conformist, in many ways of doing things. The Ottomans very sensitive when comes to rebellion within their lands. In the Ottoman way, it is as a internal matter. Therefore the Ottomans don’t ask for help when crush rebellions or allow outsiders to support the rebellion, if a outside is caught supporting a rebellion. The result would be war against the rebel-supporting nation. To Ottomans any that happens within Ottoman is a internal affair and no outside nation is really allow to help, the set mind of these people force them to deal with their own problems by themselves then to allow a outsider to help.

Another psychologically complex of the Ottomans is the state of paranoid that the Ottoman Empire lives in. Most of the foreign policy of the empire is truly base on paranoid of the world. Ottomans view everyone, as could be threat to the state. The trust and honor what make up foreign policy of the Ottomans, in cultural of Ottomans there is a saying related to this matter” Trust is not given freely, it is gain thought the actions of what ones does. If trust is broken, you can never gain trust from the same person again.” By going by this saying the Ottomans have little faith or trust toward the western world, because of the west as done to the Ottomans over years. Most Ottomans politician still the west with bitterness for what the West as done to the Ottomans over centuries, what I mean by this is the following the Russian wars, Austrian Wars, and etc, the effect the Ottoman mind greater. Also other things always give the Ottomans a bad mindset on the west, was the western calling them “ the Sick man of Europe” or the Eastern Question, which ask when will the Sick man finally die or how would the west crush the Ottoman Empire? To this day this bitterness toward the western still remain as the same. Other thing well..a point of interest for the Ottomans are know to going in semi-isolation state for a period of time and then returning to international scene in a big way.
Ottoman Khaif
21-01-2005, 05:02
To: Dr. Frederick Cata, Commonwealth University
From: Dr. James Maxwell

Your opinion is enlightening, yet the western hate that the Ottomans have is more of love and hates relationship type of thing. It is more of bitterness toward the western for the attacks on the Ottoman Empire by the west in hopes getting rid of the “The sick man of Europe.” My next part of my paper goes in detail over the bitterness toward the West. I look forward for your opinions
Yours truly,
Dr. James Maxwell
Ottoman Khaif
21-01-2005, 06:06
Ottoman Khaif
22-01-2005, 01:32
Ottoman Khaif
22-01-2005, 04:37
bump for comments