20-01-2005, 04:24
Stevenson has been an arms producing company since the first machine gun was successfully used in combat. Becouse of this, and the respect the Osea Federal Armed Forces (OFAF), Stevenson Incorporated has become a powerful company with one last goal as thier latest line of weapons, naval guns, has shifted to making a new Standerd Assualt Rifle over the T.H.S.R. (Truitti Heavy Support Rifle_ which has been part of the army's ranks for nearly fifty years.
The new rifle would be called the Osean Standerd Assualt Rifle, or the OSAR (Pronoused O-sar), becouse of its requirments to be able to adapt to any battle in any situation in any weather and with anyone operating it. It would also have to meet the requirements to work with the Ghost Infantry Sheet System, which would be released with the new rifle.
The Ghost Infantry Sheet System (GISS)
The OFAF has probably the least amount of long-term funding and recruiting than any other branch in Osea Truitt. The goal of the Ghost Project was to create the ultimate soldier with little dollars going into it. This would mean the equippment would have to out live a human being.
Besides being able to work with the scope, the Giss Helmet has an internal flat panel display that takes the images of a 125 degree radius horizontally and a 110 degree radius vertically image and turns it into Night Vision or Infrared Sights. The display goes over the right or left eye, depending on the person, and is retractble into the helmet which gives it the "horn" like appearance. The visual display does not interfear with the systems and targetting arches as the display is infront of the transparent glass.
As part of the Giss, is the Armament Coordination and Targetting System (ACTS). The ACTS (Just pronoused "Acts") would have sensative sensors on the tip of gun barrels, grenade launchers, and anti-tank rockets to show where the ordanance would hit. Each unit requires about $50 USD and if the system in the Giss Helmet can hold the extra space in its memory and computing program.
This would allow for even marksmen to get that "perfect shot" at any range becouse the Giss Helmet even reads as scopes are zoomed in and out and makes the variational adjustments. The Giss Helmet also can take the Acts commands and move faster than a human can react, and allow for targets that are "clean," or friendly, to be covered in a slightly transparent circle around the target. Those that are "dirty," or an enemy, are targetted with red. Those that could be civilians and/or neutrals show up as "dirty."
The ICOIF is the Integrated Cloaking System On Infantry Front, or is just called the "Ghost Plate." It uses small cameras behind the infantryman's battle vest (backpacks are usually not on when activeted but can be repossitioned over backpacks) and send the image it takes to tiny 2.5 pixil-sized screens that cover the entire front section of the infantryman. Although the exact number is not said, the amount of screens is ~5.9x10^902, or about 59(and 901 zeros). The screens are extremely small, and thus, have a screen length inbetween and still show up as a sitting image of the behind of the infantryman. Also, the cameras and screens were developed with harded materials that are water proof, scratch resistant, and desginned to work with the cameras and their possition (since they are bound to move) to project on the total opposite of its front. Allowing for a not perfect, but still better-than-nothing image.
The Active Battlefield Managment System (or called the "Abmess") is located inside the handy Giss Helmet. It provides information to the infantryman but a super-low frequency vibration that is sent by a wire to the inner ear. The wire is made exactly of four strands of fiberaudio wire that is almost completely invisable from an up-close look. If the helmet is taken off, the wire automatically disconnects from the helmet and is short enough to hang safely just out of the ear. The wire, once put in, can also be attached to the Head Strap Panel, which is mainly a "beanie" that has the basic Giss system programmed, mainly the Acts portion that has to do with sending and reciving messages. All the person has to do is place slight pressure on the skin and cartilage that comes out from the front end of the ear or a button near the trigger on the Osar. This also applies to the normal Giss Helmet. The way how the message is sent by the pressing of the "skin button" or gun button is by a small microphone behind the ear that is programmed to pick up the person's exact voice, much like a basic "talk-it type-it" program.
The Infantry Health Management System, or the "Eyemess," is put into those who are specialists or on constant front-line duty. It is a series of fiber wires running through the entire chest section of the suit. It tells wether or not the person has had his/her suit damaged, or even worst, has been shot. This is useful becouse if a suit has been damaged, both the person and operators at a friendly possition will see the status and can alert the person, or if feared for the worst, other infantry in the area. It is extremely expancive, being that the entire network and program costs $400 USD each, but could save many lives and current budget cuts in the space research project may leave way for the entire active duty force to be wired with such systems.
The Powerplant
The Powerplant of the whole Giss system comes from a small battery pack in the rear portion of the helmet. It can provide for the Ghost Chest System and Acts System non-stop for ten hours straight before one of three things can happen. Recharge the battery, replace it (which is just as easy), or "link-up" with a near-by ally with the same system and enough power. This is provided by a cord that can unreel from the side of the helmet into a socket or the recharging station most friendly posts will have. Additional power is beign worked one now for backpacks to give nearly 4x the power time.
The entire Giss System has 230 gigabites of space and an unknown amount of RAM and speed. Of which, the basic system componits including the Osar takes up only 82 gigabites of space.
The Giss System as a whole costs about $1,200 USD with the gun and battle map programs installed.
Osean Standerd Assualt Rifle
The Osar is a new revolution in rifle technology not only becouse of its interactive scope that has IR and Night Vision modes that link up with the Giss Helmet, it is a deadly foe. It also has the ability to interchange firring rates of all kinds and allow for different barrel and power lengths to allow for an assualt-sniper multirole rifle that could be equipped to every soldier in the force.
Manufacturer: Stevenson Incorporated with Truitt and Hughes Corportation; Special Systems Division
Type of Fire: Recoil-Bolt Action
Total Length: 19.4'
Caliber: 6.56mm OSRC (Osea Standerd Round Caliber)
Weight: gun 5.9lbs
Barrels: Assualt (10.4') Sniper (15.8')
Rate of Fire: 910rpm
Standerd Muzzle Velocity: 2,380ft/sec
Rates of Fire: Semi-Automatic, Three-Round Burst, and Single Shot.
Power Ranges: Assualt (For Fast Reaction), Moderate (For Light Support), and Marksman (For Fast and Hard Single Shots)
Magazine: Fed by an upper plastic casing that is see-through but does not reflect light. Each "row" can hold twenty five rounds and a maximum of clips of two rows are made.
SubMagazine: Secoundary Clip System located in the rear near the Systems Managment Compartment and holds a see-through clip of four rows with twenty rounds per row.
Grenade Capabilities: With the Yk-44 (Yak Forty Four) a standerd FRAG grenade can be lauched by a spring to a maximum of 30 yards away.
Recoiless Capabilities: Exhust Lines feed through the barrel's tips but also can be redirected by the Quantom Pipe to the rear to allow for near-recoiless action.
Rifling: 8grooves; l/r-hand (Designned to be used by ether use; best fit with right hand, however)
Features: Nearly unlimited from other rifles' features. It is smooth and makes up for lack of snagging on clothing and is extremely cheap given the systems and features made standerd.
Total Unit Cost: $1,050 USD (Without Giss System. Additional $120 USD is required)
The futuristic design of the Osar also allows for underwater operation, swampy operation, high dust and sand intakes, and other hazards to rifles and becouse of its supercasing, it can withstand these and a few hundred drops on road tops.
I made this not based after the P-90, but a variation of other good rifles. The round is made by myself for the Kzann II Munition (standerd round and has poison in it, to make it so if you hit them; they dead anyways). As to the GISS, I am just wondering if this is within the 2010-tech range, as I have looked deep into this and have found it to be very possable today with a man in Japan who had tested a suit much like the one I am showing now.
Just any comments, feedback, or critisism, all is greatly accepted.
The new rifle would be called the Osean Standerd Assualt Rifle, or the OSAR (Pronoused O-sar), becouse of its requirments to be able to adapt to any battle in any situation in any weather and with anyone operating it. It would also have to meet the requirements to work with the Ghost Infantry Sheet System, which would be released with the new rifle.
The Ghost Infantry Sheet System (GISS)
The OFAF has probably the least amount of long-term funding and recruiting than any other branch in Osea Truitt. The goal of the Ghost Project was to create the ultimate soldier with little dollars going into it. This would mean the equippment would have to out live a human being.
Besides being able to work with the scope, the Giss Helmet has an internal flat panel display that takes the images of a 125 degree radius horizontally and a 110 degree radius vertically image and turns it into Night Vision or Infrared Sights. The display goes over the right or left eye, depending on the person, and is retractble into the helmet which gives it the "horn" like appearance. The visual display does not interfear with the systems and targetting arches as the display is infront of the transparent glass.
As part of the Giss, is the Armament Coordination and Targetting System (ACTS). The ACTS (Just pronoused "Acts") would have sensative sensors on the tip of gun barrels, grenade launchers, and anti-tank rockets to show where the ordanance would hit. Each unit requires about $50 USD and if the system in the Giss Helmet can hold the extra space in its memory and computing program.
This would allow for even marksmen to get that "perfect shot" at any range becouse the Giss Helmet even reads as scopes are zoomed in and out and makes the variational adjustments. The Giss Helmet also can take the Acts commands and move faster than a human can react, and allow for targets that are "clean," or friendly, to be covered in a slightly transparent circle around the target. Those that are "dirty," or an enemy, are targetted with red. Those that could be civilians and/or neutrals show up as "dirty."
The ICOIF is the Integrated Cloaking System On Infantry Front, or is just called the "Ghost Plate." It uses small cameras behind the infantryman's battle vest (backpacks are usually not on when activeted but can be repossitioned over backpacks) and send the image it takes to tiny 2.5 pixil-sized screens that cover the entire front section of the infantryman. Although the exact number is not said, the amount of screens is ~5.9x10^902, or about 59(and 901 zeros). The screens are extremely small, and thus, have a screen length inbetween and still show up as a sitting image of the behind of the infantryman. Also, the cameras and screens were developed with harded materials that are water proof, scratch resistant, and desginned to work with the cameras and their possition (since they are bound to move) to project on the total opposite of its front. Allowing for a not perfect, but still better-than-nothing image.
The Active Battlefield Managment System (or called the "Abmess") is located inside the handy Giss Helmet. It provides information to the infantryman but a super-low frequency vibration that is sent by a wire to the inner ear. The wire is made exactly of four strands of fiberaudio wire that is almost completely invisable from an up-close look. If the helmet is taken off, the wire automatically disconnects from the helmet and is short enough to hang safely just out of the ear. The wire, once put in, can also be attached to the Head Strap Panel, which is mainly a "beanie" that has the basic Giss system programmed, mainly the Acts portion that has to do with sending and reciving messages. All the person has to do is place slight pressure on the skin and cartilage that comes out from the front end of the ear or a button near the trigger on the Osar. This also applies to the normal Giss Helmet. The way how the message is sent by the pressing of the "skin button" or gun button is by a small microphone behind the ear that is programmed to pick up the person's exact voice, much like a basic "talk-it type-it" program.
The Infantry Health Management System, or the "Eyemess," is put into those who are specialists or on constant front-line duty. It is a series of fiber wires running through the entire chest section of the suit. It tells wether or not the person has had his/her suit damaged, or even worst, has been shot. This is useful becouse if a suit has been damaged, both the person and operators at a friendly possition will see the status and can alert the person, or if feared for the worst, other infantry in the area. It is extremely expancive, being that the entire network and program costs $400 USD each, but could save many lives and current budget cuts in the space research project may leave way for the entire active duty force to be wired with such systems.
The Powerplant
The Powerplant of the whole Giss system comes from a small battery pack in the rear portion of the helmet. It can provide for the Ghost Chest System and Acts System non-stop for ten hours straight before one of three things can happen. Recharge the battery, replace it (which is just as easy), or "link-up" with a near-by ally with the same system and enough power. This is provided by a cord that can unreel from the side of the helmet into a socket or the recharging station most friendly posts will have. Additional power is beign worked one now for backpacks to give nearly 4x the power time.
The entire Giss System has 230 gigabites of space and an unknown amount of RAM and speed. Of which, the basic system componits including the Osar takes up only 82 gigabites of space.
The Giss System as a whole costs about $1,200 USD with the gun and battle map programs installed.
Osean Standerd Assualt Rifle
The Osar is a new revolution in rifle technology not only becouse of its interactive scope that has IR and Night Vision modes that link up with the Giss Helmet, it is a deadly foe. It also has the ability to interchange firring rates of all kinds and allow for different barrel and power lengths to allow for an assualt-sniper multirole rifle that could be equipped to every soldier in the force.
Manufacturer: Stevenson Incorporated with Truitt and Hughes Corportation; Special Systems Division
Type of Fire: Recoil-Bolt Action
Total Length: 19.4'
Caliber: 6.56mm OSRC (Osea Standerd Round Caliber)
Weight: gun 5.9lbs
Barrels: Assualt (10.4') Sniper (15.8')
Rate of Fire: 910rpm
Standerd Muzzle Velocity: 2,380ft/sec
Rates of Fire: Semi-Automatic, Three-Round Burst, and Single Shot.
Power Ranges: Assualt (For Fast Reaction), Moderate (For Light Support), and Marksman (For Fast and Hard Single Shots)
Magazine: Fed by an upper plastic casing that is see-through but does not reflect light. Each "row" can hold twenty five rounds and a maximum of clips of two rows are made.
SubMagazine: Secoundary Clip System located in the rear near the Systems Managment Compartment and holds a see-through clip of four rows with twenty rounds per row.
Grenade Capabilities: With the Yk-44 (Yak Forty Four) a standerd FRAG grenade can be lauched by a spring to a maximum of 30 yards away.
Recoiless Capabilities: Exhust Lines feed through the barrel's tips but also can be redirected by the Quantom Pipe to the rear to allow for near-recoiless action.
Rifling: 8grooves; l/r-hand (Designned to be used by ether use; best fit with right hand, however)
Features: Nearly unlimited from other rifles' features. It is smooth and makes up for lack of snagging on clothing and is extremely cheap given the systems and features made standerd.
Total Unit Cost: $1,050 USD (Without Giss System. Additional $120 USD is required)
The futuristic design of the Osar also allows for underwater operation, swampy operation, high dust and sand intakes, and other hazards to rifles and becouse of its supercasing, it can withstand these and a few hundred drops on road tops.
I made this not based after the P-90, but a variation of other good rifles. The round is made by myself for the Kzann II Munition (standerd round and has poison in it, to make it so if you hit them; they dead anyways). As to the GISS, I am just wondering if this is within the 2010-tech range, as I have looked deep into this and have found it to be very possable today with a man in Japan who had tested a suit much like the one I am showing now.
Just any comments, feedback, or critisism, all is greatly accepted.