Territorial waters of colonies now enforced (ATTN:IDF + Chellis)
Huzen Hagen
19-01-2005, 20:09
Today it has been announced by the Holy Empire of Huzen Hagen that the territorial waters claim limit of 12nm is now been declared for the colony of Eritrea. At some points this would clash with the watres of other countrys but in those cases the waters will extend only till it meets that of a neghbouring state. The government has also taken this oppurtunity to deny passage through Huzeny waters of all IDF and Chelllian shipping and this is most likely to extend to other nations. Any encroaching vessels will be interned and any military vessels will be asked to leave before being fired upon by coastal batteries. An alternative route could always be saught by violating the waters of Canada + Alaska.
thank you for your time
OOC: For clarifacation there is now a fairly long stretch of water and the end of Eritrea where no international water exists.
19-01-2005, 20:40
Colonial Command is pleased to see such actions being taken by Huzen Hagen, our naval bases and supply depots still stand ready to recieve any of your ships in times of need.
Erik Solar,
Imperial Counillor,
Goverment in Exile.
Communication to Huzen Hagen
We understand why you wish to do this to us, but you may do so. IDF ships will be instructed to stay East of Eritrea and transit through the Yemenese waters held by our NATO and OMP ally Granzi. You may carry on this restriction of us using your waters for as long as you like. We remind you that the Suez Canal is still closed to you.
Chellis accepts this, though denounces it. All Chellian waters, including gibraltar, are indefidentally closed to Huzen Hagen. We are not much harmed, as Mobica(Mozambique area) is supplied mostly overland, through allied DRC.
*continues shipping through Granzi and DPUO waters, to the Suez. Occasional shipping is moved through Gibraltar.*
Huzen Hagen
20-01-2005, 21:02
OOC: Erm, since when did granzi own those countries
thats a map of the earth claims threda as it stands. Notuce it isnt granzi that owns the nations you say he does
OOC: I your link is a dead link. Either way, I don't stick with one Earth the way I RP I'm in the Earth of those who interact with me and those nations are across multiple earths. My alliances with many nations in another earth are older than Earth II so I don't let that dictate who participates in RPs. In Earth II, Granzi has Yemen and I've RPed with him that way before Earth II was started. I recognize Granzi as he is the only owner of Yemen I've ever Rped with as I recognize your Eritrea claim as you are the only owner of that land I RP with even though you aren't Earth II. It works better that way since when about 50 earths popped up the NS world wen to hell.
20-01-2005, 21:47
OOC: I your link is a dead link. Either way, I don't stick with one Earth the way I RP I'm in the Earth of those who interact with me and those nations are across multiple earths. My alliances with many nations in another earth are older than Earth II so I don't let that dictate who participates in RPs. In Earth II, Granzi has Yemen and I've RPed with him that way before Earth II was started. I recognize Granzi as he is the only owner of Yemen I've ever Rped with as I recognize your Eritrea claim as you are the only owner of that land I RP with even though you aren't Earth II. It works better that way since when about 50 earths popped up the NS world wen to hell.
OoC: Fortunatly for you, its your right to decide that!
However, we don't do that, otherwise we could get around every blockade in the world woudn't we?
OoC: Fortunatly for you, its your right to decide that!
However, we don't do that, otherwise we could get around every blockade in the world woudn't we?
OOC: If you guys want to stick with one Earth, then half of the RWC can't RP with the other half since you are spread across earths. I had alliances long before Earth II was started and they don't end because someone started an earth.
20-01-2005, 22:04
OoC: The entire bullshit with Chellis and NATO has been on Earth 1
OoC: The entire bullshit with Chellis and NATO has been on Earth 1
OOC: No it hasn't, it's been on a crossover of the earths as RWC people like Zarbia are in Earth II as you have NATO people in Earth II like me. No one within the 2 alliance had interfering claims so it worked out well that we made a mix between the 2 Earths because we were the ones involved and it is pointless to have some nation we've never heard of claiming some territory where it serves no purpose in the RP.
OOC: For clarifacation there is now a fairly long stretch of water and the end of Eritrea where no international water exists.
Could you expound on this? Are you trying to say passage from the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden is now cut ?
Pacific Northwesteria
21-01-2005, 03:57
If Granzi has always played as Yemen, and nobody else in this thread has a conflicting claim, I don't see how you can argue that he shouldn't be able to RP it here.
The whole "different Earth" thing is false, because there are no conflicting territorial claims in this thread and moving between Earths has never stopped you before.
The Earth systems are arbitrary, and one can choose to accept them or reject them. They can be helpful and can clarify many disagreements, but they also create difficulties when RPing outside of the Earth. Pick one position, and stick to it. Not caring about Earths until your access to the Med is sealed off just strikes me as hypocritical and baseless.
OOC: Bluntly as I can put this - HH got his reaction. Shipping lanes shifted. Did he expect more? If so - what and why?
For the record, I own ALL of Earth XI (and also Universe XI), so I could RP "Well, I just go around" everything. It would be extrordinarilly boring to do so. So I'll accept HH's claim, shift where my vessels go, and leave open a possibility for incident.
What else do you want to have happen?