National Imports / Exports Thread
19-01-2005, 19:40
This thread is to collate what nations produce, what they export and what they import. This allows people to realistically say:
"Your embargo has little effect on me, as I dont trade with you for any vital resources. I will only damage my economy partially by way of losing trade conducted by private citizens."
and also
"Actually, you're just tradewanking by saying you can just get away without any problems, because according to the Imports / Exports thread you'll run out of oil without my custom."
It will also allow nations to do much the same thing as when nations say they never import anything to avoid taking "damage" from blockades. Therefore, I wish you to post what you import / export and produce / require below. THis thread is also a good place to see what others have on offer to make trading deals.
Name: The Democratic Imperium of Praetonia
Oil [30% of national requirement]*
Tea [5% of national requirement]*
Gold [530% of national requirement]
Iron [210% of national requirement]**
Coal [155% of national requirement]**
Staple Foods [21% of national requirement]*
Luxury Foods [87% of national requirement]*
Uranium [124% of national requirement]
Nickel [84% of national requirement]*
Zinc [102% of national requirement]
Plutonium [123% of national requirement]
Titanium [234% of national requirement]
Platinum [94% of national requirement]*
Natural Gas [76% of national requirement]*
Silver [110% of national requirement]**
Steel [670% of national requirement]**
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes: All by sea (island).
Imports / Exports:
Staple Foods [Artitsa; 82% of national requirement]
Luxury Foods [Artitsa; 75% of national requirement]
Oil [Hamptonshire; 24% of national requirement]
Tea [Sarzonia; 42% of national requirement]
Oil [Ottoman Khaif; 12% of national requirement]
Tea [Ottoman Khaif; 25% of national requirement]
Looking for all that other stuff! TG me for a trade... very lucritive oil contracts up for grabs.
19-01-2005, 20:28
OOC: Great idea!
Incorporated States of Sarzonia
NOTE: Bold means we have export agreements available. Underlined means we're looking for imports.
Oil: 25% of national requirement. Three week supply kept in emergency reserve.
Uranium: 95% of national requirement available at all times.
Tea: 355% of national requirement.
Coffee: Scarce. Widely consumed in Sarzonia.
Iron: 105% of national requirement.
Coal: 130% of national requirement.
Staple foods: 55% of national requirement.
Luxury foods: 37% of national requirement.
Gold: 246% of national requirement.
Nickel193% of national requirement.
Plutonium: 468% of national requirement.
Titanium: 177% of national requirement.
Platinum: 14% of national requirement.
Natural Gas: 288% of national requirement.
Silver: 87% of national requirement.
Trade routes: All by sea (island).
19-01-2005, 22:49
19-01-2005, 22:52
Interesting let me look for my S.H.I.T post
19-01-2005, 22:52
Nation:Russia (also many more resources but most are abundant or stategic resources not for trade)
Aluminium(Bauxite/Aluminia)-120% national need
Arsenic(white)-200% national need (export
Cadmium-50% national need
Copper(ore)-30% national need (import)
gold-80% national need
Iron/steel-180% national need (export)
lead-300% national need (export)
nickel-60% national need(import)
platinum-30% national need
silver-90% national need
tin-150% national need
titanium(ore)-90% national need
tungstein-125% national need(export)
zinc-102% national need
diamond-150% national need(export)
coal-200% national need(export)
natural gas-300% national need(export)
oil-230% national need(export)
uranium-200% national need (export)
Grains-140% national need
Meats-30% national need (import)
Timber-200% national need (export)
Chromium(chrome ore)-150% national need (export)
magnesium-100% national need
manganese-100% national need
mercury-110% national need
boron-300% national need (export)
feldspar-400% national need (export)
graphite-250% national need (export)
lime-200% national need (export)
lithium-150% national need (export)
mica-120% national need
nitrogen-150% national need (export)
phosphate-99% national need
electric power-400% national need (exportable to neighboring nations)
water-500% national need (export)
Trade Routes: Land,Air,Sea (most newly open under new government rule)
19-01-2005, 23:02
Argg couldnt find it so i have to retype this:
Country: Revertromance
(earth V and possibly 3 although i havent Rped in it since my claim)
Geography: Carribean; South America (Uruguay); and Africa (Cameroon)
Aluminium: 120% national useage
Coal: 120% national useage
Uranium: 30% of national useage*
Plutonium: 10% of national useage*
Iron: 400% of national useage**
Copper: 230% of national useage**
Diamonds: 120% of national useage
Oil: 150% of national useage
Silicon: 200% national useage**
Grain: 70% of national useage*
Fish: 370% national useage**
Titanium: 60% national useage*
Bronze: 170% of national useage**
Meat: 80% national useage*
Lumber: 500% national useage** (Uruguay is nothing but rainforest)
This is everything that is important (either i have to much or not enough)
nothing= stockpiling
The Canadian Tundra
19-01-2005, 23:13
This is an awesome idea, especially since I've been wanting to figure out trade stats for my nation. If anyone is interested in working out trade deals for any of these goods, feel free to ask. BTW, the Northwest Passage, while in RL is not really an ideal route due to ice, I RP a few years from now (for F-35s, more UAVs, etc) and the Northwest Passage is open due to global warming and the like, and the Tundric government is building up ports and the such along it, so anyone interested in using it as a trade route between the Atlantic and Pacific, its open and free, and you can do some trading with us while your at it.
Oil [242% of national requirement]**
Tea [3% of national requirement]*
Gold [56% of national requirement]*
Iron [239% of national requirement]**
Coal [103% of national requirement]**
Vegetables [83% of national requirement]*
Grains [156% of national requirement]**
Fruits [17% of national requirement]*
Uranium [213% of national requirement]**
Nickel [78% of national requirement]*
Zinc [96% of national requirement]*
Plutonium [153% of national requirement]
Titanium [178% of national requirement]**
Platinum [74% of national requirement]*
Natural Gas [167% of national requirement]**
Silver [89% of national requirement]*
Lumber [34% of national requirement]*
Manufactured Goods (like the stuff we get from China) [895 of national requirement]* (while we can almost meet the requirement, we want excess, seeking lots of miscellaneous items and electronics)
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes: Sea, limited Air, primarily regulated to military related trade.
19-01-2005, 23:37
Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire
NOTE: Bold means we have export agreements available. Underlined means we're looking for imports. Also note that most nonminerals or nonmetals come from outside of Hamptonshire Proper.
Oil: 110% of national requirement. [80% of Oil products are biodiesel or gasohol]
Uranium: 57% of national requirement
Tea: 110% of national requirement.
Coffee: 200% of national requirement..
Iron: 300% of national requirement.
Coal: 100% of national requirement. [Coal reserves are much higher but coal is no longer used as a mainstream fuel source]
Staple foods: 110% of national requirement. [Nearly 40% of food stuffs come from Hamptonian colonies]
Luxury foods: 52% of national requirement.
Gold: 105% of national requirement.
Nickel:193% of national requirement.
Plutonium: 120% of national requirement.
Titanium: 140% of national requirement.
Platinum: 615% of national requirement.
Natural Gas: 102% of national requirement.
Silver: 118% of national requirement.
Trade routes: Sea (Hamptonshire Proper), Land (Some Colonies)
[Yeah, I copied Sarzonia's list. Shoot me.]
Cyrian space
19-01-2005, 23:57
Cyrian Space
FT nation
We've been in isolation for a while so are mostly self sufficient, mostly we have branched out in luxury items. of course, over time as we expand and come to depend on foreign sources, We will import and export more things.
Water (60% of national need) (import)
Oxygen (156% of national need) (Export)
Fuel (93 % of national need)
Food (145% of national need) (Export)
Luxury food (64% of national need) (Import)
Basic alloys (75% of national need) (import)
Weaponry (135% of national need) (Export)
Scientific samples (82% of national need) (import)
Literature (45% of national need) (Import)
Electronics (185% of national need) (export)
Precious metals (86% of national need) (Import)
Precious stones (78% of national need) (Import)
Ships (93% of national need)
20-01-2005, 00:00
Oil [0%]*
Coffee [310% of national requirement]**
Tea [550% of national requirement]**
Gold [110% of national requirement]
Iron [250% of national requirement]
Coal [0%]*
Heavy Water [429% of national requirement]**
Staple Foods [221% of national requirement]*
Luxury Foods [80% of national requirement]*
Uranium [101%]
Consumer goods (all) [200% of national requirement]
Nickel [185% of national requirement]*
Zinc [119% of national requirement]
Plutonium [40%]
Rubber [90% of national requirement]
Polymers and Carbon Fiber [150% of national requirement]
Diamonds [134% of national requirement]
Crystals (All kinds) [200% of national requirement]
Narcotics (all normally illegal drugs) [1340% of national requirement]**
Pharmaceuticals [243% of national requirement]**
Titanium [196% of national requirement]
Lithium [20% of national requirement]
Platinum [94% of national requirement]
Anti-Matter [99% of national requirement]
Deutrium/Tritium [4000% of national requirement]** (Too much raw material, not enough powerplants, wanna buy some?)
Natural Gas [0%]*
Tungsten [50% of national requirement]
Silver [100% of national requirement]
*: I don't use it and I don't need it.
**: Currently exporting
20-01-2005, 00:03
OOC: Deutrium is heavy water
20-01-2005, 00:36
Consitutional Monarchy of Bretonia -- Estimated Production Output, 805 A.S. ((FT))
The Bretonian Empire is largely industrial, with extensive mining and manufacturing sectors with particular focus in radioactive materials and reactors as well as arms manufacturing, gold manufacturing and the production of super-alloys and superconductors. As such, high-tech electronics and certain luxury goods are in high demand, and few companies manufacture them. There is also a large agricultural industry, but this is mostly located on a single planet and only supplies enough for our own populace. A lack of fresh water as a result of territory-wide pollution is a growing concern.
Note: Almost all uranium goes into either the manufacture of weapons or into breeder reactors for the manufacture of plutonium and also MOX fuel. Although uranium is indicated at only 100%, this is because all of it is used, and more is mined if necessary. Vast quantities of uranium are mined by BMM in the Leeds system. Neither uranium or plutonium are available for sale separately as per recent anti-terrorist non-proliferation laws. Daranium is a unique mineral used to enhance ship-based nuclear weapons, and is also not for sale.
Lime Green indicates excessive production, with many possibilities for export.
Green indicates an ideal production, with possible surplus for export.
Orange indicates minor --> average demand for a certain product.
Red indicates an urgent demand for a certain product.
Aluminium -- 232% of requirements
Beryllium -- 125% of requirements
Boron -- 197% of requirements
Cobalt -- 81% of requirements
Consumer Goods -- 47% of requirements
Copper -- 178% of requirements
Daranium -- 142% of requirements
Diamonds -- 198% of requirements
Fertilizer -- 77% of requirements
Food (Basic) -- 101% of requirements
Food (Luxury) -- 73% of requirements
Gold -- 574% of requirements
H-Fuel (hydrogen, deuterium, and helium-3) -- 79% of requirements
High Temperature Alloys -- 85% of requirements
Hydrocarbons -- 111% of requirements
Light Arms -- 271% of requirements
Mining Machinery -- 178% of requirements
MOX (Mixed OXides) -- 562% of requirements
Niobium -- 83% of requirements
Optronic Equipment -- 68% of requirements
Polymers -- 113% of requirements
Silver -- 213% of requirements
Super Alloys -- 187% of requirements
Superconductors -- 192% of requirements
Titanium -- 123% of requirements
Uranium -- 100% of requirements
Water -- 66% of requirements
Trade Routes: Alpha-Epsilon Jump Gate --> Manchester; Omicron Gamma Jump Gate --> Leeds.
20-01-2005, 17:01
The Merchant Guilds
20-01-2005, 17:21
OOC: Again, a good idea Prae.
Natural Gas (42.1% over National Requirements)
Crude Oil (247.9% over National Requirements)
(Natural) Diamonds (11.1% over National Requirements)
Marble (303.8% over National Requirements)
Iron (871.0% over National Requirements)
Timber (812.1% over National Requirements)
Stone (1024.5% over National Requirements)
Silver (60.2%) over National Requirements)
Copper (5.1% over National Requirements)
Processed Chemicals (70.9% over National Requirements)
Chemical By-products/Products (298.4% over National Requirements)
Genetic Manipulation Equipment/Expertise (38.2% over National Requirements/N.A.)
Medical Equipment/Expertise (86.1% over National Requirements/N.A.)
Information Technology (9.2% over National Requirements)
Precious stones (42.3% over National Requirements)
Imports (Full or over Half Requirement needs to be provided)
Alcohol generally
Most agricultural products
People (secretly(slaves)
Military Systems and Static Defence Systems
Red Tide2
20-01-2005, 17:35
Red Tide has a very corporate based economy. The Corporations have a share in every single buisness there is(with the exception of the media buisness which is coontrolled by the goverment). The Red Tide Mafia(AKA:The Heart of Armaggedon) also has a share of the economy. Mining, manufacturing, processing, enrichment and selling of Uranium and Plutonium is the nations major industries. Especially as the goverment begins another round of nuclear weapon expansion or nuclear powerplant construction. Arms Manufacturing and selling (over both the legal and black market) is the next biggest industrie and is VERY profitable. Then the manufacturing of automobiles, then the oil industry and the electronics industry consist of the last of the big industries.
Petroleum[50% over national requirement)
Weapons(IE:Tanks, Guns, Airpcraft, missiles, etc) [450% over national requirement]
Uranium 235 [200% over national requirement]
Plutonium 239 [100% over national requirement]
Automobiles[10% over national requirement]
Electronics[40% over national requirements]
Some Weapons Parts
Medical Equipment
Trade Methods: Air and Sea(Island based)
20-01-2005, 19:30
eh, I tend not to bother with blockades what with FT and all, but I do import two things:
Water 100% imported
Air. 100% imported.
The rest can be made to my own satisfaction.
Oil [84%]*
Coffee [24% of nationa requirement]*
Tea [42% of national requirement]*
Gold [110% of national requirement]
Iron [390% of national requirement]**
Coal [195%]*
Heavy Water [230% of national requirement]
Staple Foods [1677% of national requirement]**
Luxury Foods [242% of national requirement]**
Uranium [311%]**
Consumer goods (all) [320% of national requirement]*
Nickel [142% of national requirement]
Zinc [135% of national requirement]
Plutonium [97%]**
Rubber [104% of national requirement]
Polymers and Carbon Fiber [87% of national requirement]**
Diamonds [150% of national requirement]
Narcotics (all normally illegal drugs) [24% of national requirement](All drugs except Marijuana, Tobacco, and Alcohol are banned.)
Pharmaceuticals [293% of national requirement]**
Titanium [208% of national requirement]**
Lithium [48% of national requirement]*
Platinum [14% of national requirement]*
Natural Gas [89%]*
Tungsten [64% of national requirement]*
Silver [490% of national requirement]**
*In need of Importing
** Can be exported
If anyone would like to open up trade, just TG me. All routes are via water.
The Canadian Tundra
20-01-2005, 23:25
If anyone is in need of oil, military hardware, a good trade route from the pacific to the atlantic, we're here for you.
21-01-2005, 01:50
Deutrium needs to be purified from heavy water man.
21-01-2005, 01:59
Heres my needs
Resource_ | _ Percentage owned ____ _
__ _ _ _ _Oil | % 530 **
_ _ _ _ _Tea | % 425 **
Heavy Water | INFINITE **
Precious gems | % 90 *
_ __ _ _Silver | % 135 *
_ _ _ _ _Gold | % 225 **
_ _ _Platinum | % 345 **
_ _ _ _ _Zinc | % 285 **
Hydrocarbons | INFINITE **
_ _Potassium | INFINITE **
_ _Liquid gas | INFINITE **
_ __Titanium | % 185
_ _ _ _ _Iron | % 107 *
_ Magnesium | % 275
_ _ _ Lithium | % 295
_Technetium | % 415
___Plutonium | % 335
_ __Nobelium | % 185
_ _ _Uranium | % 385
Staple foods | % 395
Luxury foods | % 235
Anti - Matter | INFINITE ** (really called negative matter, but couldnt fit)
_ Magnesium | % 195
_ ____Droids | % 250
_ ___Nanites | exponentially increasing. indeterminate between this post and the reading of it
_ __Medicine | % 125 *
#btw, I dont have water listed because it is INF due to being a byproduct of certain resources. The reason some things are infinite are because of Singularity 14BB replicators. This cannot be done with everything. Nuclear elements, certain metals and more complex compounds cannot be synthesized through zpm yet. All nonmetals can be replicated infinitely.
Droids = Robots. Either intelligent or console tools
Nanites = Nanobots. Microscopic robots which used in conjunction perform certain intricate tasks
* Precious gems needed for Crystaloron; positive upflow from portable fusion batteries
We use platinum as our currency because it is the rarest metal that cannot be replicated.
Gold is not used because it has applications in technology, as does silver
The Sskiss have colonized a large number of worlds in 21 starsystems. Sskiss have no concept of money. Trade is by direct exchange.
Genetic codes (various species)
H3O (Heavy Water) (unlimited)
Exotic Animals
Pure water ice (unlimited)
Hydrocarbons (unlimited)
Radioactives (unlimited)
Various animal protein based foods (2345% of requirement)
Merceneries (ground troops or navy)
Magnetic Monopoles (78% of requirement)
Anti-Matter (45% of requirement)
Language Translation Programs
Mechanical based portable weapons or plans *
Exotic crystals (for military applications) (35% of requirement)
* Must be designed to suit Sskiss physiology
21-01-2005, 19:01
OOC: Should just note that this is a modern tech thread, and heavy water is not H3O, but H20 using deuterium (a hydrogen isotope) rather than "regular" hydrogen.
21-01-2005, 19:19
H30 is Hydronium not Heavy Water, as has been previously indicated. Hydronium is a very strong acid. For further reading check out this Hydronium article (
OOC: First, thank you Praetonia for clearing that up.
The Holy Republioc of Hyndu
(Positive percentages means surplus, negative means imported/needed, 0 means just what is needed, nothing else)
Oil: [36% Of National Need]*
Natural Gas: [18% Of National Need]*
Coal: [87% Of National Need]*
Timber: [113% Of National Need]**
Aluminum: [88% Of National Need]*
Iron: [115% Of National Need]**
Zinc: [92% Of National Need]*
Magnesium: [26% Of National Need]*
Gold: [113% Of National Need]**
Silver: [102% Of National Need]**
Copper: [111% Of National Need]**
Nickle: [113% Of National Need]**
Titanium: [78% Of National Need]*
Precious Stones: [56% Of National Need]*
Marble: [92% Of National Need]
Granite: [94% Of National Need]
Rubber: [12% Of National Need]*
Uranium: [112% Of National Need]**
Plutonium: [2% Of National Need]*
Wheat/Food Grains: [112% Of National Need]**
Other Foods (Non-Luxury): [330% (Mainly fish) Of National Need]**
Luxury Foods: [19% Of National Need]
We are just beginging to pioneer greenhouseing, synthetic materials, and new quarrying techniques, which may lead to a major change in production.
These are base material statistics. These include national needs for production of manufactured goods such as medical technology, plastics, automobiles, and consumer goods, all of which we have managed to be self-sufficent in until a recent population boom. We are always willing to deal in technology.
We are currently looking for Natural Gas, Oil, Coal, Aluminum, Magnesium, Zinc, Titanium, Plutonium, and Rubber.
Trade Routes: Merchant Marine, Minor Air Transport.
22-01-2005, 07:49
OOC: Should just note that this is a modern tech thread, and heavy water is not H3O, but H20 using deuterium (a hydrogen isotope) rather than "regular" hydrogen.
Mine does take place within the 21st century. specific date not chosen, although the replicator does seem advanced beyond the end of our century, we have found ways to exploit quantum physic's practical uses.
Besides whos to say what is modern? moderns a state of time obviously. Is Zimbabwe as advanced as Japan? see the point? I could make all that stuff now in rl if i had the resources
OOC: Should just note that this is a modern tech thread, and heavy water is not H3O, but H20 using deuterium (a hydrogen isotope) rather than "regular" hydrogen.
Didn't know. I just saw the thread and thought it was a good idea so I decided to post in it.
NC= National Consumption
Oil: 65% of NC (How? Kaiserine Yuna's conservation program cut national petroleum usage in half, and we can produce most of what we need thanks to oil discovered in the Bay of Biscay)
Iron Ore: 192% of NC (Available for Export)
Natural Gas: 84% of NC
Staple Foods: 92% of NC
Luxury Foods: 42% of NC
Coal: 45% of NC
Titanium, Uranium, Platinum, and other rare metals (excluding gold): 29% of NC
Tea/Coffee: 10% of NC
Gold: 6% of NC
Diamonds: 9% of NC
We are also a major exporter of steel. Sevaris's steel industry accounts for 122% of national consumption. (Thought you might want to know that.)
Sevaris does much trading via sea, altough a good portion (around 25-30%) is done across the Pyrenees via France.
22-01-2005, 15:38
Sevaris, I can provide you with:
Staple Foods
Titanium, Uranium, Platinum, and other rare metals (excluding gold)
Tea/Coffee More than you really need man.
The Canadian Tundra
22-01-2005, 17:20
Sevaris, we can provide you with some oil and natural gas
22-01-2005, 21:02
Mine does take place within the 21st century. specific date not chosen, although the replicator does seem advanced beyond the end of our century, we have found ways to exploit quantum physic's practical uses.
Besides whos to say what is modern? moderns a state of time obviously. Is Zimbabwe as advanced as Japan? see the point? I could make all that stuff now in rl if i had the resources
OOC: Replicators are not possible now, but Im not going to argue about it here. Modern Tech is what most people view as being modern tech, and you would not be viewed as modern tech with that stuff.
28-01-2005, 16:48
Schultaria Prime
28-01-2005, 17:46
Nation: The United Socialist States of Schultaria Prime
Category: Construction Materials
Bauxite: 118.95% Of national requirements **
Ferrous Metals (Raw Iron): 312% Of national requirements **
Ferrous Metals (Refined Iron / Steel): 167% Of national requirements **
High Strength Materials (Silicates / Ceramics): 104% Of national requirements **
High Strength Materials (Ferro Alloys): 126% Of national requirements **
High Strength Materials (Non-Ferro Alloys): 349.15% Of national requirements **
Mineral Composites (Granite / Marble / Sundry Sedimentary Rock): 267% Of national requirements **
Timber: 35% Of national requirements * +
Titanium: 100.75% Of national requirements **
Category: Energy Producing Materials
Enriched Plutonium: 72% Of national requirements *
Enriched Uranium (5% U-235 Content): 87.45% Of national requirements *
Fossil Fuels (Gaseous): 27.25% Of national requirements *
Fossil Fuels (Liquid): 0% Of national requirements +
Fossil Fuels (Solid): 100% Of national requirements
Industrial Ethanol: 640% Of national requirements **
Industrial Hydrocarbons (Equivalent to Liquid Fossil Fuels): 130% Of national requirements **
Category: Foodstuffs and Agricultural Products
Basic Beverages (Alcohol and Derivations): 495% Of national requirements **
Basic Beverages (Coffee / Tea): 106% Of national requirements **
Basic Beverages (Concentrates): 64% Of national requirements *
Fertilizers (Artificial Manufacture: Nitrate-Based): 94.65% Of national requirements *
Fertilizers (Natural Manufacture: Nitrate-Based): 107.9% Of national requirements **
Food Enhancements (Basic Spices): 136% Of national requirements **
Luxury Foods (Rare Animal Products): 28.25% Of national requirements *
Luxury Foods (Rare Spices / Plant life): 240% Of national requirements **
Staple Foods (Grains / Carbohydrates): 101.30% Of national requirements
Staple Foods (Land Animal Based Proteins / Lactates): 78% Of national requirements *
Staple Foods (Legume Based Proteins): 104.60% Of national requirements **
Staple Foods (Oceanic Animal Based Proteins): 145% Of national requirements **
Staple Foods (Sucrose Derivatives [i.e. Fruits]): 51% Of national requirements *
Category: Miscellaneous Materials and Resources
Buffer Materials (Artificial Polymers [i.e. Teflon]): 237.15% Of national requirements **
Buffer Materials (Natural Polymers [i.e. Rubber]): 21.25% Of national requirements *
Computing Power (Parallel - Scientific Research): 22.021 Exaflops/second [12.5 Gigaflops/second per capita] <>
Conductive Elemental Materials (Industrial Applications [i.e. Copper]): 173% Of national requirements **
Conductive Elemental Materials (Resistive Elements [i.e. Tungsten]): 48.5% Of national requirements *
Semi Conducting Elements (Metalloids / Non Metals): 106.80% Of national requirements **
Semi Conducting Elements (Modified Metallic Elements): 78% Of national requirements *
Category: Precious Metals / Crystals
Crystals (Computational Storage): 210% Of national requirements **
Crystals (Gem Quality): Dependent on National Budget ++
Crystals (Manufacturing Quality): 67.15% Of national requirements *
Precious Metals (Computational Necessity: i.e. Gold Wiring): 116% Of national requirements
Precious Metals (Significant Economic Value: Gold / Platinum / Silver): Dependent on National Budget ++
* Immediate imports and trade agreements on said items are preferable
** Immediate export on said items is available
+ While imports are welcomed, this commodity is either in the process of being completely phased from the economy or supplanted by other materials currently produced by the Schultarian industrial complex.
++ Precious metals are used as a last line of physical currency in Schultaria Prime should our nation suffer catastrophic failure in its electronic currency and banking systems. At the present time, Schultaria Prime's precious gem / metal reserves totals some $16,500,000,000,000 (half of which has come through transactions in various export operations)
<> Computing power is available as an export service via the University of Schultaria Prime system; individual supercomputers range from 27 Gigaflops to 130 Teraflops of raw processing power. Please schedule up to three weeks in advance to insure optimal computation time and incorporate your requirements into the Schultarian scientific establishment's schedule.
[Modes of Trade]
Via Sea: Major ports are contained in the Cities of Edgen and Tarannu with over 30 smaller ports located on the southeastern area of Schultaria Prime.
Via Air Carrier: Every major city over 1,000,000 inhabitants is required by national charter to have an airfield capable with at least one runway of 3,000 meters in length for emergency cargo airlifts.
OOC: I'm still missing items which I think are just as critical, if not a little more so, than some of the products I've already listed. This list will be updated to accommodate for expansion.
28-01-2005, 18:08
The Incorperation of Ramissle
All figures expected to change dramatically with exploration/time/expansion.
Oil: 29%
Uranium: 102%
Water: 120%
Fish: 250%
Timber: 98%
Marble: 115%
Gold: 101%
Agriculture: 99%
Iron: 125%
Silver: 74%
Other Metals: 85%
Furniture: 93%
Electronics: 56%
Automotive: 48%
Trade Methods: Sea
28-01-2005, 20:54
Schultaria Prime:
Crystals (Manufacturing Quality): 67.15% Of national requirements
I could make that difference up in return for non-ferro high strength alloys.
I can supply you with
Other Metals
But unfortunately, you have nothing I want, so I'll just take your money.
28-01-2005, 21:32
[from Bulgan Mining Complex]
Assorted Gems
Siap Exports:
Citrus fruit
Fine Jewelry
Military Equipment
We can trade via sea or air
31-01-2005, 20:36
31-01-2005, 23:13
BUMP! I need oil!! OIL!!!
31-01-2005, 23:44
BUMP! I need oil!! OIL!!!
I've got petroleum, biomass, and alcohol-based fuels ready for export. The recently expanded McClearn Oilfields off the coast of McClellen are chock full of very low sulfur petrol, quite easy to refine.
01-02-2005, 21:15
Schultaria Prime:
Crystals (Manufacturing Quality): 67.15% Of national requirements
I could make that difference up in return for non-ferro high strength alloys.
I can supply you with
Other Metals
But unfortunately, you have nothing I want, so I'll just take your money.
Those are about to change. My nation just moved to a new place, so thats going to change in like a couple days.
01-02-2005, 21:36
I've got petroleum, biomass, and alcohol-based fuels ready for export. The recently expanded McClearn Oilfields off the coast of McClellen are chock full of very low sulfur petrol, quite easy to refine.
Hmmm... excellent. How much can you sell me? I imagine I'll be needing as much as the US time about ten... (my powergrid is nuclear as is the navy...) or something... Im really not sure.
01-02-2005, 21:47
Sarzonia would like to enter into an arrangement to export its fine tea to Praetonia. It is not widely consumed in Sarzonia except by Praetonian expatriates who have emigrated here, and by tourists from countries where tea is one of the most popular drinks.
01-02-2005, 21:48
Sarzonia would like to enter into an arrangement to export its fine tea to Praetonia. It is not widely consumed in Sarzonia except by Praetonian expatriates who have emigrated here, and by tourists from countries where tea is one of the most popular drinks.
Such a deal would be most acceptable. We shall import... say... 1,000,000 tonnes of tea each year? For... say... $12,000 per tonne? So that would be $12,000,000,000 per year.
01-02-2005, 21:53
Agreed. Hope you enjoy our tea!
National Production for the Grand Imperial Nation of Tokarev
Any and all trade is welcome. Maritime trade is our specialty.
Bold is for things available for export
Italics are for things we want to import
Underline are staple items, for export or import
Oil (88% of national requirement)
Natural Gas (20% of national requirement)
Coal (12% of national requirement)
Electricity (135% of national requirement
Natural rubber (99% of national requirement)
Synthetic rubber (102% of national requirement)
Cotton (25% of national requirement)
Barley (16% of national requirement)
Course grain (98% of national requirement)
Corn (109% of national requirement)
Oats (0% of national requirement)
Rice (120% of national requirement)
Rye (100% of national requirement)
Sorghum (119% of national requirement)
Wheat (105% of national requirement)
Meat (80% of national requirement)
Root and tuber (83% of national requirement)
Potatoes (212% of national requirement)
Fruits and nuts (274% of national requirement)
Vegetables and beans (215% of national requirement)
Textiles (335% of national requirement)
Motor vehicles (679% of national requirement)
Machinery and equipment (247% of national requirement)
Chemicals (112% of national requirement
Steel (595% of national requirement)
Nonferrous metals (33% of national requirement)
Ferrous metals (100% of national requirement)
Uranium (500% of national requirement)
Gold (152% of national requirement)
Timber (57% of national requirement)
01-02-2005, 23:35
Hmmm... excellent. How much can you sell me? I imagine I'll be needing as much as the US time about ten... (my powergrid is nuclear as is the navy...) or something... Im really not sure.
If you're looking for strait out fossil petroleum oil, Hamptonshire can provide up to 12.5 million barrels per day. If you stretch that out to encompass both fossil and biomass/gasohol production we can deliver upwards of 42 million barrels per day.
Schultaria Prime
02-02-2005, 00:27
Updated the Schultarian entry (New Category: Miscellaneous Materials and Resources plus Several New Resources across the Board)
Schultaria Prime:
Crystals (Manufacturing Quality): 67.15% Of national requirements
I could make that difference up in return for non-ferro high strength alloys.
"We would be happy to initiate an exchange with your nation; please tell us exactly what materials you have in the high strength industrial gem market and their approximate worth, and we'll quote you a price in our most affordable and reliable alloys. Schultaria Prime hopes that this can be the start of a very prosperous trading relationship, and we thank you in advance for your cooperation."
-Director Joan Covey
02-02-2005, 19:07
If you're looking for strait out fossil petroleum oil, Hamptonshire can provide up to 12.5 million barrels per day. If you stretch that out to encompass both fossil and biomass/gasohol production we can deliver upwards of 42 million barrels per day.
Just oil... Im going to have all new cars powered by (m)ethanol very soon, and I can grow that fairly cheaply.
02-02-2005, 19:20
Just oil... Im going to have all new cars powered by (m)ethanol very soon, and I can grow that fairly cheaply.
So you are looking at:
12.5 million barrels per day @ $35 USD per barrel= $437.5 million per day
Of course getting 12.5 MPD to you is the hard part. That much oil not only requires VLCC transport but also pipelines.
02-02-2005, 19:21
So you are looking at:
12.5 million barrels per day @ $35 USD per barrel= $437.5 million per day
Of course getting 12.5 MPD to you is the hard part. That much oil not only requires VLCC transport but also pipelines.
It can be arranged... how much would it cost for me to do something like that? I really dont know.
02-02-2005, 19:30
It can be arranged... how much would it cost for me to do something like that? I really dont know.
The cost would greatly depend on the length, type, and load of the piping. The main oilfields for this order are in Northern Manium. The best bet would be a pipeline through McClellen to the Inner Sea. From there tankers can be loaded and sent to your Manium colonies. From there you can refine and distribute the oil.
02-02-2005, 19:51
Excellent. I have a military base on the edge of the inner sea, and Im sure that RomeW wont mind letting me run a pipeline through his territory. After that it's right in to Neo-Praetonia.
02-02-2005, 20:48
ooc: Dear god SP, i know jack shit about this sort of stuff. Just assume I have what you need.
Siap Exports:
Citrus fruit
Fine Jewelry
Military Equipment
We can trade via sea or air
We now add plastics to our list of exports, as well as communications equipment.
03-02-2005, 21:01
Steel for sale! A hell of a lot of steel!
03-02-2005, 21:04
Steel for sale! A hell of a lot of steel![OOC: Picture Sarzo trying to fend off a salivating Barbie Tucker! LOL]
Sarzonia is most interested in Praetonian steel.
03-02-2005, 23:31
The following commerical is brought to you by the Hamptonian Commerce and Transportation Ministry:
Are you a mid to large sized nation in need of a certain rare metal?
Are you building super and hyper sonic missiles and aircraft?
Do you want to get into the oil refinement business?
Are you thinking of switching to fuel cells or other hydrogen based fuels?
Does your healthcare industry lack the domestic production capacity to fill your national health system needs?
If you answered "Yes" to one or more of these questions it's time for you to consider Hamptonian Platinum. Our many mines across Hamptonian territories all work around the clock to retrive rare metals, minerals, and other elements from Mother Earth.
Our mines are run jointly by WorldTech Industries and the Interior Ministry. Miners are guaranteed a living wage, free healthcare, and other world class benefits. As a legally defined "Industry of National Importance", our mines must follow strict safety and welfare guidelines.
When you purchase raw materials from Hamptonshire you can rest assured you're getting the best quality out there. You can also take pride in the fact that you're contributing to the livelihood of our gallant miners and their families.
Buy Hamptonian:
For the Children
04-02-2005, 02:38
Ottoman Khaif
04-02-2005, 02:55
Nation: The Ottoman Empire
Oil [400% of national requirement]**
Tea [170% of national requirement]**
Gold [400% of national requirement]
Iron [360% of national requirement]**
Coal [205% of national requirement]**
Staple Foods [140% of national requirement]**
Luxury Foods [70% of national requirement]*
Uranium [90% of national requirement]**
Nickel [120% of national requirement]
Zinc [152% of national requirement]
Copper [120% of national requirement]
Plutonium [183% of national requirement]
Titanium [223% of national requirement]
Platinum [100% of national requirement]
Natural Gas [100% of national requirement]
Silver [100% of national requirement]
Steel [400% of national requirement]**
Natural rubber [104% of national requirement]**
Synthetic rubber [102% of national requirement]**
Industrial Goods [120% of national requirement]**
Cotton[110% of national requirement]**
Coffee[160% of national requirement]**
Wool[120% of national requirement]**
Spices[120% of national requirement]**
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes: by land, sea and air.
I will add more suff later on....
04-02-2005, 03:15
Name: The Republic of Viszonia
Oil [25% of national requirement]**
Natural Gas [75% of national requirement]
Timber [70% of national requirement]
Staple foods [65% of national requirement]**
Lithium [190% of national requirement]**
Electronics [70% of national requirement]*
Beryllium [87% of national requirement]**
Arms [25% of national requirement]**
Scandium [10% of national requirement]**
Boron [60% of national requirement]**
Iron [320% of national requirement]*
Plastics [40% of national requirement]*
Chlorine [64% of national requirement]*
Fluorine [72% of national requirement]
Marble [30% of national requirement]**
Gold [575% of national requirement]*
Transport equipment [80% of national requirement] *
Watches [70% of national requirement] **
Silicon [85% of national requirement] *
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes: Sea, Air, Land
04-02-2005, 05:26
The following commerical is brought to you by the Hamptonian Commerce and Transportation Ministry
Everday all across Hamptonshire and Her Protectorates millions of decent, hardworking folks wake up early to work on their farms. Sure, they may work for large multi-national "agribusinesses" but in the end they are just simple men and women working to make their way through the world.
Hamptonians always pride themselves on quality. Our farmers are world leaders in grain and cearal production. Corn, soybeans and wheat grown all across Hamptonian territory not only helps to feed and sustain all Hamptonians, but it is a driving force in our economy. Biomass and alcohols produced by the sweat of these farmers' brows sustains the very life blood of Hamptonshire- industry.
The hardwork and persistence of those valiant farmers has made Hamptonshire into a powerful and healthy nation. Now those gallant citizens wish to share the fruits of their labor with the rest of the world. Whether you're looking for foodstuffs or a source of alternative fuels, Hamptonian farmers will be there...for you.
You can take heart that every single grain of wheat, ear of corn, and soybean pod is the product of the care and love of a concerned Hamptonian.
Buy Hamptonian:
It's the right thing to do
Ottoman Khaif
04-02-2005, 05:45
To:Incorporated States of Sarzonia
From:Ottoman Minister of Trade
"We have notice that your nation is in of a good supply of coffee, we can coffee to your nation at a good price. Please reply if you are interested in our offer."
Minister of Trade Michael Corleone (
04-02-2005, 06:28
To: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
Subject: Coffee imports
We are very interested in importing coffee, as coffee is one of the most popular drinks in all of Sarzonia. We are willing to discuss price with you at your earliest convenience. Please call my office to make further arrangements.
04-02-2005, 06:33
To: Hamptonshire Ministry of Trade
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
Subject: Platinum imports
We have noticed that you have platinum available for export and we would be very interested in securing a deal to import platinum. We would be willing to negotiate a fair price or offer you some of our own export goods in an exchange.
Please contact my office to make arrangements.
04-02-2005, 07:12
The following commercial is brought to you by the Hamptonian Commerce and Transportation Ministry
Imagine the lush forests of a tropical country. The gentle aroma of the air, the feeling of the glorious sun on your shoulders, the sounds of nature...good isn't it?
Now that vision of perfection can be yours and all in the comfort of your own home! Hamptonian owned and operated Coffee, Cocoa, Vanilla, Tea, and tropical produce farms are ready for foreign business. Whether you're hankering for a steaming cup of rich and dark coffee, fragrant and delicious mangos, aromatic vanilla beans, vibrant teas, or the fully bodied richness of world class cocoa Hamptonshire offers what you need.
Our farmers are well paid and taken care of. Our twenty-five step Quality Control Process ensures that every single gram sold to you is of the utmost quality. Come and taste the treats that have so pleasured the Hamptonian people for decades.
These farms also provide the less developed areas of the Hamptonian League a reliable and profitable means of economic support. Every dollar spent on coffee or vanilla keeps those most vulnerable to exploitation out of the hands of evil. The battle against terrorism and unnecessary want begins at home. When you purchase Hamptonian coffee and other tropical goods you aren't only guaranteed the highest quality produce in the world, you also help keep the innocent out of the insidious grasp of evil.
Buy Hamptonian:
Don't let the terrorists win
04-02-2005, 07:37
Tag for later post. :) Good idea, Prae
Evil Woody Thoughts
04-02-2005, 07:42
100% means we produce exactly that which we need, anything less means a shortage, anything over 115% of national need, we export. An asterisk* means background check required.
Oil [190% of national requirement]
Natural Gas [155% of national requirement]
Gold [96% of national requirement]
Iron [131% of national requirement]
Coal [150% of national requirement]
Staple Foods [42% of national requirement]
Luxury Foods [103% of national requirement]
Water [278% of national requirement]
Fertilizers, Nitrates, etc. [21% of national requirement]
Uranium [735% of national requirement]* (since we replaced our nukes with more advanced weapons)
Volcanologic Explosives [110% of national requirement/not for trade] (more info in sig)
Nickel [182% of national requirement]
Zinc [93% of national requirement]
Plutonium [336% of national requirement]*
Titanium [234% of national requirement]
Magnesium [164% of national requirement]
Manganese [99% of national requirement]
Platinum [43% of national requirement]
Silver [63% of national requirement]
Steel [119% of national requirement]
Aluminum [179% of national requirement]
Armaments (Small Arms) [100% of national requirement]
Armaments (Tanks, Fighters, Ships, etc) [40% of national requirement]
Lumber [19% of national requirement]
Wood Pulp Products [23% of national requirement]
Rubber, Natural [0% of national requirement]
Rubber, Synthetic [64% of national requirement]
Manufactured Goods (like RL cheap Chinese stuff) [341% of national requirement]
Trade Routes: Mostly sea; air freight possible but mostly reserved for urgent stuff as it is too expensive to ship most raw materials by air.
BUMP! I need oil!! OIL!!!
We can sell you some...
Ministry of Commerce
The Evil Empire of Evil Woody Thoughts
04-02-2005, 07:53
One hell of a great idea - give me a bit to post a proper reply.
Ottoman Khaif
05-02-2005, 01:15
To: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
Subject: Coffee imports
We are very interested in importing coffee, as coffee is one of the most popular drinks in all of Sarzonia. We are willing to discuss price with you at your earliest convenience. Please call my office to make further arrangements.
To: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
Subject: Coffee imports
We are gald that you willing to trade with us. The price of Arabian Coffee is price per pound of $1.68 and for Turkish price per pound of $1.80. We await your word.
OOC: I do not know what is the rl price of coffee for the world market, so sorry if the price is a bit high.
05-02-2005, 10:52
OOC: Hamptonshire, as funny as those posts are, three with only a gap of one or two other posts is a little much... maybe just have one post that you can add more to? Im not sure.
IC: Telegram to Sarzonia
Imperial Ministry for Trade and Industry
The vast iron and coal mines, combined with large steel complexes produce 400
million metric tonnes of high grade steel every year. This is sold for $1,000 per
tonne. We are able to provide you with any amount per year up to around 250
million metric tonnes.
C'mon, folks. We've got
Fruits and Nuts
Vegetables and Beans
Motor vehicles
Machinery and equipment
and Gold
for sale! All we need is oil, natural gases, cotton, and related products.
EDIT: See my post on Page 4 of this thread for more details.
05-02-2005, 18:19
The People's Republic of Krechzianko
Wood Products: 350%
Iron Ore: 120%
Manufacturing (mainly tools, vehicle parts): 200%
Uranium: 200%
Textiles: 175%
Fruits: 110%
Vegetables, etc: 135%
Chemicals: 145%
Oil: 130%
Natural Gas: 200%
Small Arms: 200%
Heavy Military Products: 130%
Trade is by sea or anyone crazy enough to land a plane here...
Due to recent trade agreements and a newfound wealth of time on my hands, I am making a comprehensive list of Siapian Inports and Exports. It will be listed by product name, percent of national consumption produced and *if imports are needed and **if we can export it.
Iron-99% (plus or minus 5% due to trade agreement)*
Fine Jewelry-200%**
Electronics/Communications Equipment-140%**
Military Equipment-175%**
Citrus Fruits-210%**
Iron [131% of national requirement]
Coal [150% of national requirement]
Staple Foods [42% of national requirement]
Luxury Foods [103% of national requirement]
Water [278% of national requirement]
Fertilizers, Nitrates, etc. [21% of national requirement]
Uranium [735% of national requirement]* (since we replaced our nukes with more advanced weapons)
Volcanologic Explosives [110% of national requirement/not for trade] (more info in sig)
Nickel [182% of national requirement]
Zinc [93% of national requirement]
Plutonium [336% of national requirement]*
Titanium [234% of national requirement]
Magnesium [164% of national requirement]
Manganese [99% of national requirement]
Platinum [43% of national requirement]
Silver [63% of national requirement]
Steel [119% of national requirement]
Aluminum [179% of national requirement]
Armaments (Small Arms) [100% of national requirement]
Armaments (Tanks, Fighters, Ships, etc) [40% of national requirement]
Lumber [19% of national requirement]
Wood Pulp Products [23% of national requirement]
Rubber, Natural [0% of national requirement]
Rubber, Synthetic [64% of national requirement]
Manufactured Goods (like RL cheap Chinese stuff) [341% of national requirement]
The Republic of Siap can supply you with rubber and fighter aircraft. We need metals like Magnesium, Aluminum, Nickel and Titanium. We'd also like to purchase Iron from you when our production does not meet quota.
05-02-2005, 19:04
Telegram to Praetonia
To: Imperial Ministry for Trade and Industry
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce, Sarzonia
Subject: Steel agreement
My government has just authorised me to enter into an agreement for 250
million metric tonnes of your high grade steel. We would be more than
willing to purchase the steel at the $1,000 per tonne rate you have
mentioned, so [OOC: Unless my math is horrible] we would expect to pay
$250 billion per year for the steel.
We are pleased to enter into this arrangement with our Praetonian brothers
and sisters and we look forward to further positive relations between our
[OOC: Picture Barbara Tucker jumping up and down like a high school cheerleader right now. :)]
05-02-2005, 19:10
OOC: I do not know what is the rl price of coffee for the world market, so sorry if the price is a bit high.
[OOC: I don't either, so no worries.]
To: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
Subject: Coffee imports
We are pleased to enter into an arrangement whereby we purchase one million pounds of both varieties of coffee you have offered. The total amount then of our transaction would come to $3.48 million per year. We look forward to this being the start of a new era of relations between our people.
Ottoman Khaif
05-02-2005, 19:22
[OOC: I don't either, so no worries.]
To: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
Subject: Coffee imports
We are pleased to enter into an arrangement whereby we purchase one million pounds of both varieties of coffee you have offered. The total amount then of our transaction would come to $3.48 million per year. We look forward to this being the start of a new era of relations between our people.
To: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
From: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
Subject: Coffee imports
We are please with this deal, we also other types of Coffee your nation be interested to have. We have Ethiopian Mocha Harrar at $2.00 per pound,Boldly Rich Sumatra Mandheling Premium at $3.50 per pound,Pure Java Premium Prime Crop Pancur Estate at $3.60 per pound, and Tanzanian Kilimanjaro Premium at $4.20 per pound.
OOC: The reals prices for the coffee, that I just listed goes up to 14.00 bucks per pound, I am selling it petty cheap compare to rl market prices.
05-02-2005, 23:20
Telegram to Praetonia
To: Imperial Ministry for Trade and Industry
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce, Sarzonia
Subject: Steel agreement
My government has just authorised me to enter into an agreement for 250
million metric tonnes of your high grade steel. We would be more than
willing to purchase the steel at the $1,000 per tonne rate you have
mentioned, so [OOC: Unless my math is horrible] we would expect to pay
$250 billion per year for the steel.
We are pleased to enter into this arrangement with our Praetonian brothers
and sisters and we look forward to further positive relations between our
[OOC: Picture Barbara Tucker jumping up and down like a high school cheerleader right now. :)]
Telegram to Janis Hedge, Vice President for Business and Commerce, Sarzonia
Imperial Ministry of Trade and Industry
We are most pleased that this agreement has been found satisfactory to
Sarzonia. We hope that through increased trade through routes secured by
both of our great navies, both of our nations can become stronger and richer
as a result.
Ottoman Khaif
05-02-2005, 23:30
To: Imperial Ministry for Trade and Industry
From: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
The Ottoman Government would like to offer your, Tea from Ottoman India(One of the world best) and also Oil. The Price of Ottoman Oil is at $20 per barrel, please reply.. if you are interest in this offer.
05-02-2005, 23:35
Telegram to Michael Corleone, Ottoman Khaif
Imperial Ministry of Trade and Industry
We would be most pleased to accept your trade offer. We wish to import
2,000,000,000 (2 billion) barrels of crude oil per year at a price of $20 per barrel,
for a total of $40,000,000,000 (40 billion) per year. If possible, we wish to
import 500,000 tonnes of tea per year for a total of... $6,000,000,000 (6 billion)
per year at an equal price to what we pay for Sarzonian tea, $12,000 per
05-02-2005, 23:38
"Sarzonian tea is too expensive. I can sell better tea for $10,000 per ton."-The Great Leader Li.
05-02-2005, 23:42
"Sarzonian tea is too expensive. I can sell better tea for $10,000 per ton."-The Great Leader Li.
Telegram to MassPwnage
Sadly we have yet to see proof of that, nor do we as yet trust your nation with
providing such an important import. If the tea supplies to Praetonia were to be
cut off the Imperium should surely wither and die!
Ottoman Khaif
05-02-2005, 23:42
Telegram to Michael Corleone, Ottoman Khaif
Imperial Ministry of Trade and Industry
We would be most pleased to accept your trade offer. We wish to import
2,000,000,000 (2 billion) barrels of crude oil per year at a price of $20 per barrel,
for a total of $40,000,000,000 (40 billion) per year. If possible, we wish to
import 500,000 tonnes of tea per year for a total of... $6,000,000,000 (6 billion)
per year at an equal price to what we pay for Sarzonian tea, $12,000 per
To: Imperial Ministry for Trade and Industry
From: Michael Corleone
Minister of Trade, Ottoman Khaif
We agree to those terms, the shipments of tea and oil.will get on their way to your ports.Thank you for dealing with us.
05-02-2005, 23:49
To: Hamptonshire Ministry of Trade
From: Janis Hedge
Vice President for Business and Commerce
Subject: Platinum imports
We have noticed that you have platinum available for export and we would be very interested in securing a deal to import platinum. We would be willing to negotiate a fair price or offer you some of our own export goods in an exchange.
Please contact my office to make arrangements.
To: Janis Hedge; Vice President for Business and Commerce
From: Daniel Pederson; Commerce and Transporation Minister
Subject: Order Reply
We are capable of exporting up to 125 tons of platinum a year. If this is suitable please contact us with an acceptable price; we are sure that we can come to some sort of accomodation.
We would also like to bring to your attention our ability to export large amounts of tropical produce, coffee, tea and vanilla. We have the following coffee varieties available:
Coffea bonnieri (caffeine free)
Coffea mogeneti (caffeine free)
OOC: Sarzonia, OK, there is no such coffee variety as "Turkish" it's just a style of coffee. Ordering one million pounds of Turkish coffee just means that you've order one million pounds of very fine ground beans. That's it.
Ottoman Khaif
05-02-2005, 23:52
OOC: Sarzonia, OK, there is no such coffee variety as "Turkish" it's just a style of coffee. Ordering one million pounds of Turkish coffee just means that you've order one million pounds of very fine ground beans. That's it.
OOC: Thanks for telling us..meh. Good to know at least...
06-02-2005, 00:06
Genius i was gonna do this but im lazy
Heck you could take my nation over with hannibals Elephants im so useless :(
Nice work though
Originally Posted by Hamptonshire
OOC: Sarzonia, OK, there is no such coffee variety as "Turkish" it's just a style of coffee. Ordering one million pounds of Turkish coffee just means that you've order one million pounds of very fine ground beans. That's it.
Heah Hamptonshire let him take advantage of him.
Ottoman Khaif
06-02-2005, 00:29
Genius i was gonna do this but im lazy
Heck you could take my nation over with hannibals Elephants im so useless :(
Nice work though
Originally Posted by Hamptonshire
OOC: Sarzonia, OK, there is no such coffee variety as "Turkish" it's just a style of coffee. Ordering one million pounds of Turkish coffee just means that you've order one million pounds of very fine ground beans. That's it.
Heah Hamptonshire let him take advantage of him.
Well I was not taking advantage of Sarzonia, I just thought there was coffee called Turkish Coffee, yet I was prove wrong. That's all.
Torkiv Island
06-02-2005, 02:42
name: The United Corporate States of Torkiv Island
iron-35% national requirement
steel-55% national requirement**
aluminum-80% requirement**
coal-50% national requirement**
wood-230% national requirement*
tropical fruit-390% national requirement*
fish-105% national requirement
tropical plants-400% national requirement*
uranium-95% national requirement
misc. electronic componets-195% national requirement*
coffee beans-120% national requirement*
tea-40% national requirement**
water-230% national requirement*
**=looking for imports
*=available for export
trade routes-ocean, air (Torkiv Island is an island with several island chains around its coast, it doesn't have any land borders)
name: The United Corporate States of Torkiv Island
iron-35% national requirement
steel-55% national requirement**
aluminum-80% requirement**
coal-50% national requirement**
wood-230% national requirement*
tropical fruit-390% national requirement*
fish-105% national requirement
tropical plants-400% national requirement*
uranium-95% national requirement
misc. electronic componets-195% national requirement*
coffee beans-120% national requirement*
tea-40% national requirement**
water-230% national requirement*
**=looking for imports
*=available for export
trade routes-ocean, air (Torkiv Island is an island with several island chains around its coast, it doesn't have any land borders)
We can supply you with all your tea needs.
-Michael Hearte
Siapian Business Coalition
06-02-2005, 04:16
ooc: It really IS better tea. The thing is, I cut labor costs by using slave and child labor to pick tea, instead of paying folks to harvest it for me.
Bah! No one can beat the quality of Siapian tea!
-Jason Burough
Siapian Tea growing Union
06-02-2005, 04:38
ooc: this calls for a tea-tasting thread of sorts....
Torkiv Island
06-02-2005, 05:46
We can supply you with all your tea needs.
-Michael Hearte
Siapian Business Coalition
excellent. would you like money or one of our own resources in exchange for your tea?
We'll take cash, to ease our growing trade deficit.
Masspwnage, you wanna make a tea-tasting thread? It could be funny.
08-02-2005, 02:45
ooc: later maybe.
The Vuhifellian States
08-02-2005, 02:55
**Oil-40% Of Overall Production
**Automobiles-10% of Overall Production
**Steel-14% of Overall Productions
**Glass-39% of Overall Production
**Electronic Software-90% of Overall Production
**Coal-14% of Overall Production
**Leather-13% of Overall Production
*Electronic Equipment-200% of Overall Production
*Bananas-19% of Overall Production
*Timber-14% of Overall Production
*Plastic-5% of Overall Production
*Water-1% of Overall Production (but a HUGE 1%)
*Uranium-1% of Overall Production
All requests should be sent to New Hivez Department of International Trade
Torkiv Island
09-02-2005, 15:07
We'll take cash, to ease our growing trade deficit.
how much?
Torkiv Island
10-02-2005, 01:41
we'll take 500 tons of your tea, siap. 10 million (thats right, right?) has been wired.
10-02-2005, 02:20
The Incorperation of Ramissle
All figures expected to change dramatically with exploration/time/expansion.
Oil: 29%
Uranium: 102%
Water: 120%
Fish: 250%
Timber: 98%
Marble: 115%
Gold: 101%
Agriculture: 99%
Iron: 125%
Silver: 74%
Other Metals: 85%
Furniture: 93%
Electronics: 56%
Automotive: 48%
Trade Methods: Sea
Updated List. We are seeking oil mostly.
05-03-2005, 23:08
08-03-2005, 16:27
Unable to see because of blinding snow, the unfortunate pedestrian BUMPS into a tree.
26-03-2005, 19:52
On behalf of Bort Chocowitz, President of The Democratic Republic of Golgothastan, it is my pleasure to announce that Golgothastan is very eager to engage in international forthwith. As a newly developing nation, we do not have the statistical data others have provided as yet; however, we are currenlty seeking to import: (*critical need)
Electrical equipment*
Fruit and vegetables
We are exporting:
A range of automobiles for personal, freight, military and agricultural use
A variety of processed foods
Pharmaceuticals (those wishing to engage in private negotiations regarding this item should contact the government directly)
We would respond very generously to any nations willing to help us in any of these matters, and would be willing to negotiate not only monetary settlements, but also exhanges of personnel, militray bases, embassies etc.
[OOC: er...I think this is right. What, can I ask, is actually the point of trade?]
26-03-2005, 20:13
Ive got nothing and you can have none of it!
HArlesburg main Industries,Resources and General pass times are:*
Trout Fishing;(108% of Nations needs)
Cheese^;(144% of National needs)
Fruit(229% of National needs)
Lumber;(300++% of National needs)
Gold;(33% of National needs)
Coal;(58% of National needs)
Vegetables(178% of National needs)
Livestock(418%` of National needs)
*Ill fluff up some real numbers later! ;)
^various sorts specialising in Brie
+Large forests!!!
`Cattle 248%,Sheep 150%,Chicken 14%
Japanese Antarctica
26-03-2005, 20:42
This means deficit, which means a need for imports
This means surplus/breakeven, which means it can be exported
Aluminium: 40% national usage
Coal: 20% national usage
Uranium: 70% of national usage
Plutonium: 60% of national usage
Iron: 270% national usage
Copper: 240% of national usage
Diamonds: 94% of national usage
Oil: 180% of national usage
Silicon: 210% national usage
Grain: 10% of national usage
Fish: 500% national usage
Titanium: 30% national usage
Bronze: 120% of national usage
Meat: 10% national usage
Lumber: 15% national usage
To summarize, mining is big, farming and timber is scarce.
Trade routes: Sea and rail lines
10-05-2005, 18:51
Arakarian and Anakean offers are here:
10-05-2005, 19:26
Less than we need
More than we need
Steel 92%
Coal 112%
Weed (yes, you read it correctly, it IS marijuana we're selling!) 217%
Grain 148 %
Cattle/fish/meat 185%
Oil 138%
Machine parts/components for heavy industry 49%
Electronics 63%
Light weapons/rifle-calibre ammunition 342%
Merchant ships 94%
Civil vehicles 86%
Dragon's meat, extremely expencive and TASTY luxury food 174%
Lumber 114%
Uranium 84%
10-05-2005, 19:48
The Grand Republic of Skinny87
NOTE: Bold means there are export agreements available. Underlined means the Republic is looking for imports.
Oil: 80% of national requirement. Two week supply kept in emergency reserve.
Uranium: 75% of national requirement available at all times, can be improved upon by 5% in an emergency.
Tea: 12% of national requirement.
Coffee: 150%. Widely consumed in the Republic.
Iron: 125% of national requirement.
Coal: 110% of national requirement.
Staple foods: 70% of national requirement [Imports from Western Hitlerreich, as much of that Colony is devoted to Staple Food Production].
Luxury foods: 55% of national requirement.
Gold: 185% of national requirement.
Nickel 193% of national requirement.
Plutonium: 250% of national requirement.
Titanium: 100% of national requirement.
Platinum: 10% of national requirement.
Natural Gas: 200% of national requirement.
Silver: 87% of national requirement.
Wool: 212% of national requirement
Trade routes: All by sea (island).
OOC: Excellent thread, Preatonia. Will add my info later. Have some RL stuff to do.
16-06-2005, 02:41
Freetruth is located in America.
Natural Resources:
Grain, 200% of national need
Vegetables, 150% of national need
Fish, 200% of national need
Meats, 150% of national need
Fruits, 130% of national need
Luxury Foods, 115% of national need
Timber, 350% of national need
Tea, 125% of national need
Coal, 100% of national need
Ore, 110% of national need
Copper, 105% of national need
Diamond, 100% of national need
Rubies, 500% of national need
Water, 230% of national need
Fertilizer, 180% of national need
Cotton, 125% of national need
Silk, 125% of national need
Cloth, 125% of national need
Alcohol, 140% of national need
Fur, 210% of national need
Leather, 190% of national need
Paper, 245% of national need
Needed Resources:
Oil, 55% of national need
Natural Gas, 80% of national need
Stone, 45% of national need
Marble, 35% of national need
Salt, 45% of national need
Uranium, 15% of national need
Gold, 25% of national need
Silver, 25% of national need
Platinum, 10% of national need
Steel, 30% of national need
Tin, 65% of national need
Iron, 70% of national need
Bronze, 60% of national need
Graphite, 50% of national need
Silicon, 45% of national need
Rubber, 35% of national need
Coffee, 25% of national need
Electronics, 70% of national need
Weaponry, 75% of national need
Plastics, 20% of national need
The Sultanate of Vastiva
Aluminum: 88% national requirement
Antimony: 104% national requirement *
Arms and Armaments: 640% national requirement #
Arsenic: 101% national requirement *
Bauxite: 103% national requirement *
Carob/Chocolate: 0% national requirement
Cheese: See Below
Chromium: 188% national requirement #
Coal: # (Vastiva does not use coal, but maintains stockpiles for emergency usage. There is some private demand for coal as a fuel and cooking source)
Coffee: 0% national requirement
Consumer Goods: 46% national requirement
Copper: 162% national requirement #
Cotton: 0% national requirement
Electrical Power: #
Electronics: 209% national requirement #
Fish (includes shellfish): 463% national requirement ^
Fresh Water: #
Fruit: 13% national requirement
Fur: 380% national requirement
Gold: 720% national requirement
Granite: 48% national requirement
Honey: 2% national requirement
Industrial Gems: 140% national requirement *
Iron: 400% national requirement #
Leather: ? (converting from cow to polar bear)
Limestone: 320% national requirement #
Lithium: 100% national requirement *
Luxury Goods: 67% national requirement
Manganese: 84% national requirement
Marble: 30% national requirement
Meat: 4% national requirement
Mineral Water: 720% national requirement #
Natural Gas: 100% national requirement *
Nickel: 102% national requirement
Oil: # (VALOREC has a capacity of just over 700 million bpd; Vastiva itself does not use much oil as a fuel (domestic preference for LNG), mostly in plastics)
Palladium: 108% national requirement
Paper: 103% national requirement (hemp based)
Pharmaceuticals: 42% national requirement
Phosphates: 212% national requirement #
Plastics: #
Plutonium: 106% national requirement *
Precious Gems: 130% national requirement *
Pyrites: 119% national requirement
Recreational Drugs (includes tobacco): 18% national requirement
Rubber: 19% national requirement
Salt: #
Semiprecious stones: 600% national requirement #
Silicon: 102% national requirement
Silk: 0% national requirement
Silver: 103% national requirement *
Steel: 204% national requirement #
Sugar: 0% national requirement
Tea: 0% national requirement
Textiles: 55% national requirement
Timber: 14% national requirement
Tin: 188% national requirement #
Titanium: 94% national requirement
Tungsten: 104% national requirement *
Uranium: 106% national requirement *
Vanadium: 142% national requirement #
Vegetables: 66% national requirement
Wool: 46% national requirement
Wheat/Food Grains: 38% national requirement
Zinc: 110% national requirement
^ (possibly much higher, but Vastiva uses conservation and seeding methods to reduce take/impact)
* (potential production far ahead of need. Artificial controls in place)
# (production FAR ahead of national requirement – commonly exported good)
Cheese: Vastiva produces 3610% of the national requirement of goat cheeses, and ranks as 819th in the world for cheese exports. However it has no production of other forms of cheese, and imports this delicacy heavily.
Trade Routes: Land (Regional Trade via the Antarctic Highway), Mostly Sea
Major Areas:
Vastiva (Antarctica)
Vastivan Alaska
South Africa
Sisu Arshu (Continent of Manium)
Sisu Pangea (Continent of Sisu Pangea)
Tradaa Iroquois (Naval Base on Manhattan Island)
Tradaa Mextaali (Naval Base on Yucatan Penninsula)
Tradaa Baccarat (Trading/Naval Base in Monaco)
Tradaa Clariidae (Trading/Naval Base in Feline Catfish)
Notable Exports:
AMF: Arms (2%) Chromium (4%) Consumer Goods (14%) Luxury Goods (8%) Tin (14%)
Celack: Vegetables (25%)
Feline Catfish: Palladium (44%) Plutonium (16%) Uranium (30%)
Greenmanbry: Publications (?%)
Militant Pingweeners: Fish (200%)
Nova Hope: Bauxite (60%) Fish (30%) Fur (84%) Palladium (19%) Plutonium (4%) Uranium (16%). There is a huge purchase of power from our colony on Manium to theirs.
Schultaria Prime: Consumer Goods (18%) Industrial Gems (9%) Silver (6%)
YGSM: Fresh Water (100% via iceberg shipping)
Notable Imports:
DPUO: Alcohol (?%) Textiles (22%)
Jamaica Reborn: Beer (?%) Marajuana (30%) Molasses (?%) Rum (?%) Sugar (52%)
Schultaria Prime: Consumer Goods (14%)
TIOR: Coffee (48%), Tea (55%)
(Note: All figures are in national requirements - exports are theirs, imports are ours. If a ? is present, it is not a demand/required good, but sizable trade occurs in any case)
(Colorcoding and all other neat stuff to come later)
Name: The Democratic Empire of Camewot
Oil [10% of national requirement] *
Tea [150% of national requirement] **
Gold [85% of national requirement]
Iron [120% of national requirement] **
Coal [100% of national requirement] *
Staple Foods [300% of national requirement] **
Luxury Foods [120% of national requirement]
Uranium [45% of national requirement]
Nickel [95% of national requirement] **
Zinc [105% of national requirement]
Plutonium [126% of national requirement]
Titanium [5% of national requirement] *
Platinum [10% of national requirement] *
Natural Gas [123% of national requirement]
Silver [256% of national requirement] **
Steel [291* of national requirement] **
Coffee [200% of national requirement] **
Lumber [714% of national requirement] **
Meat [101% of national requirement] *
Fish [154% of national requirement] **
Diamonds [124% of natioanl requirement]
Fruits [354% of national requirement] **
Grains [80% of national requirement] *
Vegetables [95% of national requirement] *
Electronics [167% of national requirement] **
Weaponry [129% of national requirement] *
Cars [203% of national requirement] **
Turtle meat [553% of national requirement] **
Mining Machinery [122% of national requirement]
*= Import needed
**= Export possible
Imports / Exports:
Wrakistan (colony) :
Oil [150% of national requirement]
Gold [20% of national requirement]
Luxury Foods [123% of national requirement]
Titanium [105% of national requirement]
Platinum [103% of national requirement]
Government funding
Staple Foods [50%]
Nerotika (colony) :
Uranium [200% of national requirements]
Government funding
Staple Foods [60%]
The Republic of Total Victory:
Pharmaceutical Factories A808 and P346 have been directed to manufacture twenty thousand liters of D-09 for Camewot. D-09 is a reliable and fast-acting sedative, currently in use by Victorian police forces. Also, A808 and P346 have prepared a less potent dosage for use as a sleep aid as well as the concentrated police dosage. This is to be exchanged for oil and iron ore on an equal market value, with one-half of the value constituting oil, and the other half constituting ore.
Trade routes: By plane or sea
OOC: Prae, could we have a coal/tea trade?
OOC: Not a bad thread overall... How many KIST members are in here?
19-06-2005, 09:28
[OOC: Camewot: Indeed. How much coal do you need?
Vastiva: I wouldnt know. I dont know who the KIST members are.]
OOC: You have some left, erm, lets say 25-20%? You could buy some tea off me, I have enough.
The atrophied hand
19-06-2005, 18:28
Coffee 400%
Vanilla 200+%
Cassava 138%
Alomonds 257%
Cocoa 326%
Coconuts 219%
Platnum 177%
Diamonds 193%
Phosphate 221%
Trade routes::: Sea and Air
oil 79%
iron 82%
coal 79%
steel 70%
gold 55%
natural gas 60%
Some of the worlds finest artists producing valuable fine art.
The best architechts and aerospace design.
Fine beer and tabacco
and a healthy dose of blackmarket electronics.
A travel destination.
20-06-2005, 07:45
The following commercial is brought to you by the Hamptonian Commerce and Transportation Ministry and the Federation of Hamptonian Oil and Gas Corporations (FHOGC)
Think about it - Millions upon millions of years ago (or a few thousand if you happen to be a Christian fundamentalist), great and mighty beings roamed this great planet called Earth. Then they died.
Now we get to enjoy those same great, majestic crude oil and natural gas. The Grand Duchy of Hamptonshire and the Hamptonian League are fortunate enough to be sitting on trillions of barrels of fine low sulfur crude and more cubic meters of natural gas than you can shake a stick at. Whether you're a nation in love with crude oil and it's (relatively) cheap costs, or a concerned environmental nation embracing clean natural gas, Hamptonshire has something for you.
Contact the Commerce and Transportation Ministry today so you too can enjoy fine Hamptonian oil and gas.
Buy Hamptonian:
If you don't burn it, we will
Prior Commercials:
The following commercial is brought to you by the Hamptonian Commerce and Transportation Ministry:
Are you a mid to large sized nation in need of a certain rare metal?
Are you building super and hyper sonic missiles and aircraft?
Do you want to get into the oil refinement business?
Are you thinking of switching to fuel cells or other hydrogen based fuels?
Does your healthcare industry lack the domestic production capacity to fill your national health system needs?
If you answered "Yes" to one or more of these questions it's time for you to consider Hamptonian Platinum. Our many mines across Hamptonian territories all work around the clock to retrive rare metals, minerals, and other elements from Mother Earth.
Our mines are run jointly by WorldTech Industries and the Interior Ministry. Miners are guaranteed a living wage, free healthcare, and other world class benefits. As a legally defined "Industry of National Importance", our mines must follow strict safety and welfare guidelines.
When you purchase raw materials from Hamptonshire you can rest assured you're getting the best quality out there. You can also take pride in the fact that you're contributing to the livelihood of our gallant miners and their families.
Buy Hamptonian:
For the Children
The following commercial is brought to you by the Hamptonian Commerce and Transportation Ministry
Everday all across Hamptonshire and Her Protectorates millions of decent, hardworking folks wake up early to work on their farms. Sure, they may work for large multi-national "agribusinesses" but in the end they are just simple men and women working to make their way through the world.
Hamptonians always pride themselves on quality. Our farmers are world leaders in grain and cearal production. Corn, soybeans and wheat grown all across Hamptonian territory not only helps to feed and sustain all Hamptonians, but it is a driving force in our economy. Biomass and alcohols produced by the sweat of these farmers' brows sustains the very life blood of Hamptonshire- industry.
The hardwork and persistence of those valiant farmers has made Hamptonshire into a powerful and healthy nation. Now those gallant citizens wish to share the fruits of their labor with the rest of the world. Whether you're looking for foodstuffs or a source of alternative fuels, Hamptonian farmers will be there...for you.
You can take heart that every single grain of wheat, ear of corn, and soybean pod is the product of the care and love of a concerned Hamptonian.
Buy Hamptonian:
It's the right thing to do
The following commercial is brought to you by the Hamptonian Commerce and Transportation Ministry
Imagine the lush forests of a tropical country. The gentle aroma of the air, the feeling of the glorious sun on your shoulders, the sounds of nature...good isn't it?
Now that vision of perfection can be yours and all in the comfort of your own home! Hamptonian owned and operated Coffee, Cocoa, Vanilla, Tea, and tropical produce farms are ready for foreign business. Whether you're hankering for a steaming cup of rich and dark coffee, fragrant and delicious mangos, aromatic vanilla beans, vibrant teas, or the fully bodied richness of world class cocoa Hamptonshire offers what you need.
Our farmers are well paid and taken care of. Our twenty-five step Quality Control Process ensures that every single gram sold to you is of the utmost quality. Come and taste the treats that have so pleasured the Hamptonian people for decades.
These farms also provide the less developed areas of the Hamptonian League a reliable and profitable means of economic support. Every dollar spent on coffee or vanilla keeps those most vulnerable to exploitation out of the hands of evil. The battle against terrorism and unnecessary want begins at home. When you purchase Hamptonian coffee and other tropical goods you aren't only guaranteed the highest quality produce in the world, you also help keep the innocent out of the insidious grasp of evil.
Buy Hamptonian:
Don't let the terrorists win
OOC: Hamptonshire is part of KIST, if anyone wants to know.
20-06-2005, 09:08
The Republic of Lanquassia's Import/Export List
Item - Percent of item in Lanquassia, 100 being optimum for home consumption for an equivalent nation of size.
Primary Exports
Lumber - 105%
Clay - 125%
Pottery - 225% (Culture Specific Luxury Items)
Copper - 178%
Iron - 215%
Steel - 115%
Electricity - 185%
Water - 115%
Concrete - 182%
Titanium - 115%
Kelp - 105%
Building Materials - 150%
Machined Tools - 115%
Uranium - 155%
Plutonium - 125%
Primary Imports
Coal - 45%
Oil - 0.5%
Plastics - 0%
Rubber - 25%
Luxury Foods - 5%
Silicon - 95%
Meat - 45%
Luxury Clothing - 25% (Culture Based Items)
Fertilizer - 68%
Items on Economic List for special negotions
Basic Foods - 101%
Gold - 195%
Wool - 102%
Basic Clothing - 101%
Lanquassia is rich in mineral resources, water, and lumber. However, it is almost entirely lacking any resources needed for an industrial nation, specifically fossil fuels and fossil fuel derived items. Food production has only recently reached levels where there is no starvation for the population, mostly due to aquaculture and advanced irrigation techniques.
Lanquassia is also short on spices, meat animals, and the traditions and background to make luxury clothing items.
As such, as the lack of fossil fuels are addressed, demand and usages of Lanquassia's exports will go up and down as home consumption increases and the Republic hits the economic chain reaction. Specifically, as more coal is imported to Lanquassia, steel production will rise, and as more rubber, oil, and plastics are imported, production of many items on the export list will fluxuate.
Example, electricty. Lanquassia has an enormous potential for hydroelectricity, but most of its potential is currently untapped due to the current glut of the home electrical market - there's simply no way to use more electricty. But as the ability to manufacture home appliances and such which use electricty comes around from the import of plastics and rubber, the home market demand will increase, thus lowering the ammount of electrical power available for export, until someone builds more powerplants.
Currently, Lanquassia has only a very tiny nuclear research facility, with no nuclear power plants or nuclear powered craft, and such nearly all fissionable materals are available for export.
20-06-2005, 12:06
Most of Lankuria’s exports take the form of minerals, which are abundant on the high northern plateaux. Foodstuffs for its growing population are one of its main imports.
Aluminium (ore)- 85%
Copper(ore)- 150%
gold- 220%
Iron/steel- 61%
lead- 105%
nickel- 70%
platinum- 165%
tin- 148%
titanium(ore)- 130%
tungsten- 3% (scarce)
zinc- 120%
coal- 100%
natural gas- 90%
oil- 110%
Grains- 30%
Meats- 50%
Tea- 10%
Timber- 140%
Chromium(chrome ore)- 190%
magnesium- 130%
feldspar- 10%
graphite- 5%
lime- 80%
mica- 20%
nitrogen- 100%
phosphate- 60%
electric power- 80%
water- 150%
Federation of Seharai resource production
Although Seharai is a barren wasteland there are established farms scattered throughout this small ish country. Another main export is wood chips that, through a wierd mix-up in the nation generator, are supposedly generated from nowhere (I'm not complaining).
Oil based products: Crude oil- 0% (all oil is currently imported)
Wood- 180%
Iron (ore)- 5%
Nickel- 80%
Chromium- 40%
Steel- 110%
Grain- 150%
Rice- 120%
Titanium Oxide- 200%
Religious Zealots- 500%
Seharai does not yet require any other materials as we are not as yet planning to fully indutrialise the nation for a while. Silicon and other substances are available on our beaches and strip mines but are not available for export. Iron and Titanium Oxide are also available on the beaches but are classified as government property.
The production/consumtion of the Empire of Sonaj:
Oil - 312% **
Gold - 203%**
Iron - 182%**
Coal - 301%**
Uranium - 150%**
Plutonium - 223%**
Titanium - 230%**
Silver - 126%**
Copper Ore - 149%**
Lead - 236%**
Diamond - 252%**
Timber - 110%**
Chrome Ore - 253%**
Graphite - 223%**
Lithium - 132%**
Tea - 75% *
Nickel - 82%*
Zinc - 97%*
Platinum - 59%*
Natural Gas - 72%*
Steel - 82%*
Tungsten - 37%*
Grains - 34%*
Meats - 49%*
Magnesium - 85%*
Mercury - 32%*
Lime - 0%*
Nitrogen - 67%*
Phosphate - 95%*
Coffee - 29%*
Polymers and Carbon Fiber - 71%*
Rubber - 121%
Tin - 105%
Primary exports:
Primary imports needed:
Natural Gas
Trade routs:
Wormhole Device (
Intergalactic Travel
23-06-2005, 20:58
Majeristani Imports/Exports Listing
Aluminum (21% of national requirement)
Titanium (12% of national requirement)
Iron Ore (8% of national requirement)
Nickel (56% of national requirement)
Oil (249% of national requirement)
Coffee (100% of national requirement)
Tea (439% of national requirement)
Textiles (37% of national requirement)
Basic foodstuffs (121% of national requirement)
Luxury foodstuffs (92% of national requirement)
Drinking Water (44% of national requirement)
Uranium (288% of national requirement)
Anything in bold we can export. Anything in italics we need to import.
07-07-2005, 00:30
The Holy Empire of Nistolonia is in a fairly dense jungle region, surrounded by mountains. hills and Mt. Kalasar, a semi-active volcano. Its mountians are rich in minerals, and the jungles are rife with vegetation and wldlife, but it must import basic foodstuffs, as the meat in the jungle makes dangerous hunting.
Lumber: 200% national requirement (export)
Aluminum 99%
iron 120% (export)
Titanium 100%
Nickel 8% (import)
Oil: 0% N/A (Nistolonian engines dont run off oil)
Coffee: 600% (export, Nistolonians dont drink coffee)
Tea: 50% (import)
Textiles 75% (import)
Foodstuffs: 80% (import)
Exotic Foodstuffs 240% (export)
Water: 209% (export)
Uranium 167% (export)
Gold 200% (export)
Silver 89% (import)
Natural Gas 900% (export) Natural Gas is Nistolonia's biggest export and biggest power supply
Coal 201% (export)
Zinc 97%
Plutonium 223% (export)
Platinum 159% (export)
Steel 290% (export)
Copper Ore 149% (export)
Lead 36% (import)
Tin 100%
Tungsten 77% (import)
Diamond 52% (import)
Magnesium 185% (export)
Mercury 302% (export)
Graphite 23% (import)
Lime 90% (import)
Nitrogen 68% (import)
Phosphate 395% (export)
Black Market goods (Import/Export) Nistolonia buys and sells black market goods from terrorist groups, criminal organisations and other countries.
Although not a material as such, Nistolonia also has a large Intelligence/Information/Assassanation organisation (Nistolonian Secret Service/Intelligence--NSS/I), which it offers to any country willing to pay, so it can be considered an export of sorts. It is officialy part of the Nistolonian government, though it doesnt openly profess to be so.
31-07-2005, 23:33
Name: Imperium of Serapindal
Oil [115%]
Coffee [65% of national requirement]
Tea [110% of national requirement]
Gold [70% of national requirement]
Iron [130% of national requirement]
Water [215% of national requirement]
Staple Foods [170% of national requirement]
Luxury Foods [105% of national requirement]
Uranium [650% of national requirement]
Consumer goods (all) [135% of national requirement]
Nickel, Zinc, Tungsten, and other Industiral Metals [125% of national requirement]
Plutonium [645% of national requirement]
Rubber [90% of national requirement]
Polymers and Carbon Fiber [80% of national requirement]
Diamonds [40% of national requirement]
Pharmaceuticals [155% of national requirement]
Titanium [180% of national requirement]
Timber: [120% of national requirement]
Electronics: [100% of national requirement]
Steel: [190% of national requirement]
Cotton: [85% of national requirement]
Plastic: [85% of national requirement]
The Headspace Housing
20-08-2005, 04:29
Name: The Federation of The Headspace Housing
Oil [50% of national requirement]*
Tea [35% of national requirement]
Gold [150% of national requirement]**
Iron [125% of national requirement]**
Coal [85% of national requirement]*
Staple Foods [99.9% of national requirement]*
Luxury Foods [99.95% of national requirement]*
Uranium [16% of national requirement]
Nickel [78% of national requirement]*
Zinc [82% of national requirement]
Plutonium [17% of national requirement]
Titanium [250% of national requirement]**
Platinum [43% of national requirement]
Natural Gas [80% of national requirement]*
Silver [93% of national requirement]
Steel [500% of national requirement]**
Energon[350% of national requirements]**
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes: land, air, sea. (costal nation with 3 airports and 4 major ports)
Sel Appa
20-08-2005, 04:43
More Imports Coming soon...
We have huge surpluses of rice, tea, and copper. We offer some of the cheapest prices available for them. There is plenty and we do not want it to go to waste.
Trade by land and sea(depends if you're on our continent).
Magestic kiwi
04-09-2005, 22:47
Staple Foods-81%
Fresh Water-98%
Precious Jewels-138%
Natural Gas-303%
Trade routes: Air, Sea
Emporer Pudu
16-09-2005, 20:44
Name: The Dominion of Emperor Pudu
Land: The Dominion is situated along the west coast of the second largest island of The Dark Lands, a region dominated by huge pine, oak, and willow forrests. A large heavily mined mountian range runs through the southern section of the nation, while the coastline and northern areas are dominated by agriculture.
Industrial Metals/Minerals:
Gold - 236%
Iron - 94%
Nickel - 99%
Zinc - 69%
Titanium - 82%
Platinum - 95%
Diamond - 52%
Silver - 128%
Steel - 130%
Aluminum - 89%
Lead - 56%
Tin - 130%
Graphite - 43%
Nitrogen - 89%
Phosphate - 145%
Mercury - 92%
Energy Producers
Oil - 658%
Natural Gas - 593%
Plutonium - 88%
Uranium - 74%
Coal - 121%
Natural Goods:
Timber - 345%
Coffee - 321%
Textiles - 66%
Foodstuffs - 380%
Water - 174%
BOLD: Need to Import
Italic: Willing to Export
Trade Routes: Yearly frozen seaways
24-03-2006, 22:37
*might be worth bumping*
The Community of Siap is in need of the aforementioned food items and ores. We are able to supply Uranium and Platinum. We would like to open trade as soon as possible. Trade by sea is easiest for us.
-Alex Connor
The Community of Siap
Emporer Pudu
25-03-2006, 16:31
Nickel 8% (import)
Foodstuffs: 80% (import)
Silver 89% (import)
Zinc 97%
Plutonium 223% (export)
Uranium 167% (export)
Titanium 100%
The Dominion can provide Nickel, Foodstuffs, and Silver in large quantities in return for our import of your Zinc, Plutonium, Uranium, and Titanium.
Good day,
Mr. White
The Beltway
25-03-2006, 22:01
Aggregate (101% of requirement)
Airplanes (102% of requirement)
Alcoholic Bevereges (58% of requirement)
Apples (18% of requirement)
Automobiles (1% of requirement)
Autonomous Vehicles (115% of requirement)
Cattle (210% of requirement)
Cell Phones (12% of requirement)
Chickens (140% of requirement)
Clay (90% of requirement)
Coal (172% of requirement)
Computers (121% of requirement)
Copper (94% of requirement)
Corn (101% of requirement)
Crabs (124% of requirement)
Crude Oil (12% of requirement)
Fiber Optics (135% of requirement)
Fish (125% of requirement)
Gold (21% of requirement)
Granite (65% of requirement)
Gravel (56% of requirement)
Horses (1% of requirement)
Iron (45% of requirement)
Limestone(112% of requirement)
Marble (148% of requirement)
Natural Gas (54% of requirement)
Pigs (103% of requirement)
Potatoes (48% of requirement)
Refined Gas (160% of requirement; needs natural gas)
Refined Oil (120% of requirement; needs crude oil)
Sandstone (43% of requirement)
Slate (60% of requirement)
Sorghum (90% of requirement)
Televisions (3% of requirement)
Timber (54% of requirement)
Tobacco (120% of requirement)
Wheat (95% of requirement)
Trade Routes
Ports at Baltimore, Dover, Wilmington, Norfolk, and Lewes
Airports at Baltimore, Dover, Georgetown, and Dulles
Trade Policy
Free trade (no tariffs; any excise taxes apply to locally-produced and to foreign-made goods)
Excise taxes on tobacco (15%) and alcohol (12%)
31-05-2006, 22:47
Beltway, you've already invested in Northford (Commonwealth Mining~You've brought shares) Is this list still relevant? I wouldn't mind setting up a few trade routes with you...
02-06-2006, 20:28
Bumpage in general... this is a good thread me thinks
03-06-2006, 09:41
Ok Here's my list
Oil: 300% of national requirement. Low Demand, available for export
Uranium: 135% Exporting
Tea: 100% of national requirement. Low Demand, Low supply
Coffee: 100%. Low Demand, Low supply
Iron: 300% of national requirement. Readily available
Aluminium: 10% national requirement. Although it is mined in vast quantities, due to the fact that most of the infrastructure of Northford is constructed out of Alu, "There's never enough"
Titanium: 125% of national requirement Exporting
Coal: 100% of national requirement.
Staple foods: 100% of national requirement
Luxury foods: 25% of national requirement. Importing
Gold: 20% of national requirement. Urgently Required
Nickel 180% of national requirement. Exporting
Plutonium: 100% of national requirement..
Platinum: 10% of national requirement. Importing. Urgently required
Natural Gas: 200% of national requirement. Exporting
Silver: 15% of national requirement. Importing
Wool: 150% of national requirement
Trade routes: All by air/sea (island).
(Note: Uiri is on a coast and is 5/8 forest, 1/8 desert and 2/8 urban)
Bold is in need of import. Italics is willing to export
Steel (50% of national requirement. willing to ecept iron and coal for it)
Oil (150% of national requirement)
Nickel ( 80% of national requirement as it's used to make coins)
Cotton ( 140% of national requirement)
Eddible Plants (300% of national requirement; a lot of Uiri is forest where fruits grow wildly)
Polyester ( 25% of national requirement)
Gold (110% of national requirement)
Tin (60% of national requirement)
Uranium (55% of national requirement; it is the most common source of energy, plants in the desert)
Coffee (175% of national requirement)
Tea (165% of national requirement)
Plutonium (85% of national requirement)
Copper (15% of national requirement)
Lead (190% of national requirement)
Trade routes: Probably by air/sea as not many in my region RP
18-12-2007, 00:12
Oil [200% of national requirement]**
Coffee [120% of national requirement]**
Gold [65% of national requirement]*
Iron [105% of national requirement]**
Coal [110% of national requirement]**
Staple Foods [105% of national requirement]**
Luxury Foods [80% of national requirement]*
Uranium [90% of national requirement]*
Nickel [50% of national requirement]*
Zinc [75% of national requirement]*
Titanium [400% of national requirement]**
Platinum [115% of national requirement]**
Natural Gas [90% of national requirement]*
Silver [10% of national requirement]*
Steel [150% of national requirement]**
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes- Land, Sea
08-08-2008, 06:44
Submitted by Beldentia Ministry of Foreign Trade
Democratic Republic of Beldentia
GREEN means Seeking EXPORT
PURPLE means small Export
MAGENTA meansSeeking Small IMPORT
BLUE means Seeking IMPORT
Oil [60% of national requirement] Looking for Long Lasting Treaty
Tea [20% of national requirement]
Gold [15% of national requirement]10% for Export
Iron [260% of national requirement]
Coal [440% of national requirement]
Staple Foods [153% of national requirement] - Reserved for Beldentia
Luxury Foods [106% of national requirement]
Uranium [164% of national requirement]
Nickel [70% of national requirement]
Zinc [109% of national requirement]
Plutonium [170% of national requirement]
Titanium [198% of national requirement]
Platinum [35% of national requirement]
Natural Gas [87% of national requirement]
Silver [52% of national requirement]
Tungsten [24% of national requirement]
Steel [540% of national requirement] - Much needed to supply Beldentia's Small Arms and Automobile Industry
Lead [326% of national requirement] - To Supply Beldentias Small Arms Industry
Gun Powder [40%] - To supply Beldentias Small Arms Industry
Fresh Water [60% of National Requirement] - Has ability to fil 178% but much of it is polluted
Timber [32% of National Requirement] - Subsequently timber is hard to grow with water being a priority for the population
Copper [106% of national requirement]
All metals suchs as Steel, Irion,copper and gold are already refined and can be purchased at a purity of 99.3%-99.8%. To buy lesser pure metals that will create also a lesser manufactured material please contact us. Metals in their initial Ore stage can also be purchased by contact only.
All Ready Manufactured
Automobiles [410% of national requirement]
Small Arms [340% of national requirement]
(Mostly outdated weapons for Beldentian Army, Modern weapons available upon order)
Electronics [22% of national Requirement]
Home Apliances [76% of national requirement]
Car Electronics [232%]
Oil by product Micellanious [23% of national requirement] - (Plastics, Toys,plastic cutlery, cases ect)
Metal Miscellanous [277% of national requirement] - (Pots and pans, cutlery,nails ect..)
Marcelo Dominioni
Beldentia Minister of Foreign Trade
08-08-2008, 07:15
[OOC: One of the best thread ideas EVER, sir.]
Import Commodities
Military Equipment - Classified percentage
Titanium - 33% of national requirement
Bauxite - 70% of national requirement
Tungsten - 17% of national requirement
Cheese - 70% of national requirement
Building Materials - 38% of national requirement
Aircraft - 15% of national requirement
Automobiles - 32% of national requirement
Heavy Machinery - 50% of national requirement
Export Commodities
GREEN indicates tradeable commodities
BLUE indicates commodities that may only be traded to trusted nations
RED indicates commodities that Asgarnieu will not trade
Military Equipment - Classified percentage
Oil - 485% of national requirements
Textiles - 206% of national requirements
Potash - 212% of national requirements
Building Materials - 162% of national requirements
Salt - 300% of national requirements
Diamonds - 234% of national requirements
Gold - 600% of national requirements
Nickel - 109% of national requirements
Platinum - 508% of national requirements
Silver - 477% of national requirements
Uranium - 1,000% of national requirements
Radiochemicals - 361% of national requirements
Lumber - 1,000% of national requirements
Oil Bi-Products - 395% of national requirements
Beef - 904% of national requirements
Rice - 177% of national requirements
Chemicals - 800% of national requirements
Pre-Fabricated Structures - 112% of national requirements
Tea - 212% of national requirements
Qat - 399% of national requirements
Microchips - 141% of national requirements
Computer Software - 500% of national requirements
Plastics - 700% of national requirements
Furniture - 459% of national requirements
TG me if you want to become trade partners, specify what exactly you would like to have from us and what you have to offer.
08-08-2008, 12:32
From the desk of Mercantile Rub Minister for Commerce
The nation of Axmanland applauds this fine aid to international trade and welcomes the chance to participate.
The only commodity we will not trade in is oil, having seen the terrible international conflicts that the oil trade causes around the world Axmanland has bulldozed several rainforest's in order to achieve oil self sufficiency and as the only nationalized industry in Axmanland any excess production is stockpiled against future needs.
staple foods 250% (mostly rice and fish)
luxury foods 12% (massive importer of sweet tasty baked goods)
light intoxicants 32% (tea coffee alcohol tobacco etc )
heavy intoxicants 457% (stimulants hallucinogens canabiniods etc)
quality pharmaceuticals 374% (for medical as well as recreational applications)
light arms 187% (side arms rifles land mines rpg's mortars)
heavy arms 110% (tanks planes warships)
aluminium 135%
copper 127%
iron 75%
silicone 63%
precious metals 132% (gold silver platinum)
raw opium 50%
steel 12%
cars 224%
home computers 164% (products such as operating systems and other software are included in this group)
uranium 112%
plutonium 32%
heavy water 71%
textiles 78% (cotton silk etc)
weponized disease samples 0% (currently looking to acquire samples of smallpox brucellosis Ebola etc)
We are an island nation with well developed ports to import and export goods and on a side note Axmanland is an extremely cloudy rainy country and our citizens would love to find a sunny country to take their two week summer holiday in however this country would need to have nonexistent drug laws as the average Axmanlandian citizen has enough chemicals within his bloodstream to be charged with trafficking just by walking across a border
08-08-2008, 15:03
Major Industries: aerospace, agriculture, armaments, ceramics, chemicals, construction, electronics, engineering, financial services, food processing, forestry, glassware, hydroelectricity, information technology, machinery, manufacturing, media, metallurgy, mining, paper, pharmaceuticals, precision machinery, publishing, retail, shipping, telecommunications, textiles, tourism, transportation, vehicle production, wholesale
*When ordering Biotopian exports please indicate what % of the national surplus you wish to purchase. This information will be used to compile international trade data for future reference.
Major Exports
agricultural supplies
agricultural machinery
10% consumer electronics
32% beverages
10% electrical components
32% foodstuffs
10% industrial machinery
information technology
10% machine tools
media content
30% pharmaceuticals
precision equipment
10% vehicles
wholesale goods
*When offering Biotopian imports please indicate what % of our reqirements you wish to supply. This information will be used to compile international trade data for future reference.
Major Imports
20% beverages
crude oil
30% foodstuffs
horticultural produce
10% industrial components
industrial machinery
10% information technology
10% liquefied natural gas
machine parts
media content
20% metals
retail goods
More details including the updated last of trade partners can be found Here
15-02-2009, 17:20
Name: The Greater Democratic Republic of the Pataari People
Oil [113% of national requirement]
Wool [236% of national requirement]**
Porcelain [3% of national requirement]*
Tea [2% of national requirement]*
Lumber [263% of national requirement] **
Gold [169% of national requirement]**
Iron [189% of national requirement]**
Coal [132% of national requirement]
Staple Foods [73% of national requirement]*
Luxury Foods [43% of national requirement]*
Uranium [98% of national requirement]
Nickel [246% of national requirement]**
Zinc [102% of national requirement]
Plutonium [123% of national requirement]
Titanium [134% of national requirement]
Platinum [97% of national requirement]
Natural Gas [120% of national requirement]
Silver [130% of national requirement]**
Steel [432% of national requirement]**
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes: Mostly by sea or air, but can be done through land.
Name: Confederacy Of Laudren
Oil [60% of national requirement]*
Tea [3.6% of national requirement]*
Gold [205% of national requirement]**
Iron [350% of national requirement]**
Coal [360% of national requirement]**
Staple Foods [80% of national requirement]*
Luxury Foods [190% of national requirement]
Uranium [12% of national requirement]
Nickel [96% of national requirement]*
Zinc [150% of national requirement]**
Plutonium [15% of national requirement]*
Titanium [200% of national requirement]**
Platinum [100.5% of national requirement]*
Natural Gas [60% of national requirement]*
Silver [206% of national requirement]**
Steel [569% of national requirement]**
chemicals [200% of national requirement]
cobalt [25% of national requirement]*
copper [100% of national requirement]
electronics [269% of national requirement]**
retail goods [400% national requirement]**
rubber [269.58% of national requirements]**
textiles [69 % national requirement]*
cars [224% national requirement]**
home computers [100 national requirement]*
* = Looking for imports
** = Available for export
Trade Routes: Sea, Land, Air. ( highly developed sea ports, aw well as train and road routes, and all major cities contain at least 2 airports )
Ok Here's my list
Gold: 20% of national requirement. Urgently Required
Laudren is wiling to trade gold with your nation. If interested, post back and we can arrange a trade deal.
22-02-2009, 16:23
Do you guys just make this up, or is there some calulator that formulates this?
The Kingdom of Nallen
Will Export
Looking to Import
<% National Requirement>
Cheese <2000%>
Oil <25%>
Livestock (cows, goats) <800%>
Livestock (chickens, pigs) 103%
Eggs 106%
Milk (and non-cheese milk products) <500%>
Coffee <0%>
Textiles <300%>
Beef <140%>
Plastics/Rubber <8%>
Metals <18%>:
Iron <35%>
Steel <10%>
Zinc <40%>
Gold <0%>
Silver <5%>
Copper <10%>
Aluminum <25%>
Alcohol 95%
Grain <70%>
Manufactured goods (small, i.e., computer chips) <250%>
Manufactured goods (Large, i.e., automobiles) <20%>
Clay <170%>
Cannabis <225%>
Produce <50%>
Lumber 92%
Coal <65%>
Potatoes <350%>
Trade Routes: Sea, Air (limited).