Attack on Entsteig
19-01-2005, 16:00
19-01-2005, 16:05
1.) Provoked?
2.) We completely deny being stupid. You seem to be, actually.
3.) You're just a country of ignorant and godmodding warmongers.
4.) King Hedrik II is not short. He is an imposing two metres tall.
5.) This can be constituted as a hate crime.
Thus Entsteig will mobilise its forces to the eastern borders of the massive nation and crush all opposition from this one-day old dictatorship if they dare attack.
No regards,
Hamun R. Larotz
19-01-2005, 16:17
We assure you that we have not 'badgered' Karchosia at all. Your assumption and declaration of us being 'stupid' has been vehemently denied and is now currently being ignored, due to the lack of reasoning. Not only that, but your country uses the customary measure, ignoring the internationally-used metric system.
If you wish so, a state of war now exists between Entsteig and Karchosia. Surrender now, and your country will be spared the penalties of loss.
No regards,
Hamun R. Larotz
19-01-2005, 16:17
OOC: Entsteig, you are most welcome to use our I.G.N.O.R.E-cannon version 5.1
19-01-2005, 16:21
Entsteig politely refuses. Karchosia is mobilising its forces towards Entsteig, and we must prepare for a defensive war.
We ignore them anyways, though. We thank you for your offer of services.
Hamun R. Larotz
Quentulus Qazgar
19-01-2005, 16:44
OOC: Karchosia, you shouldn't say someone's short. They might sue you. The proper thing to say about the king is that he is vertically challenged.
OCC:Err...How are the forces of AntiEntsteig-numbering 10 million-going to defeat Entsteig-a force of over three billion?
19-01-2005, 20:51
OCC:Err...How are the forces of AntiEntsteig-numbering 10 million-going to defeat Entsteig-a force of over three billion?
These aren't the numbers of our forces, but our overall populations. According to the Armed Republic of Karchosia, its entire populace is required to be in the military. Including children? King Hedrik condemns the Armed Republic of Karchosia for its own neglect of civil rights...
Hamun R. Larotz
19-01-2005, 20:54
By moral and if you join us
It seems that his message has been interrupted by major static. We cannot decipher its meaning yet. Stay tuned for more updates.
19-01-2005, 21:04
If you look at your own country, Hamun, you will observe that your country has no civil rights. Your people live in a world of slavery and torment.
Theodore Rossman
Official Envoy of the Government of Jaghur
Hamun R. Larotz: Envoy Rossman, please refrain from calling me by my first name, but by my title and last name. I believe that you owe me an apo--
King Hedrik II: Enough, Chief Ambassador Larotz. I'll take over from here. *clears throat* My country is a happy nation, a prosperous nation. No people in our country are enslaved or tormented. Your ally, Karchosia, has mandatory military service, even for young children. Refrain from attacking our nation of Entsteig and you shall suffer naught. We will await your answer. But to be safe, in the case that you DO attack, we have mobilised our military to the borders and the Entsteig Royal Air Force has patrolled the surrounding areas.
[end transmission]
19-01-2005, 21:31
Our country is a communist land. Communist, you say. Does that mean that we're oppressive? No. You obviously misunderstand communism if you think that. Go back to your junior high school, where you first learn about governments. All people in the land contribute to a common cause, the government, and we deal out the money and funding for the causes that they wish the money to indirectly go to.
Bringing peace to the world? How? By putting them under your puppet rule as Karchosia has done and make military service compulsory as it has done to the nations of Sveska, Bresha, and Jingal. We await your next response.
[end transmission]
19-01-2005, 21:43
You may have your poor representation of communism there, but it is considered an insult against the people of Entsteig. All people pay no fees and have are provided for by the government.
--No Regards,
Chief Ambassador Hamun R. Larotz
19-01-2005, 21:51
Ah, so now Joe Greyson is the leader of Jaghur. Isn't it ironic how he said "You know very well that your government is a wreck and that your king is corrupt, greedy, non-benevolent dictator" yet as the head of the military, he wields absolute power. We've heard enough double-talk from you.
Karchosia, for somebody who spells "hear" as "here", you must be quite keen to catch that mistake. A cookie for you.
If you must continue this, please note that we are pleasantly sitting here in Entsteig, awaiting your attack from the northwest.
--No regards,
Chief Ambassador Hamun R. Larotz
19-01-2005, 21:52
The king of Achleonia has a clear statement to this 'alliance':
The king takes a piece of paper and clears his throath. He taps the microphone. "Ha ha haa"
This was the official statement of the King. Thank you.
Anyways, what the hell are you thinking? A puny alliance, full of one and two days old nations trying to win a much stronger nation. Geez, get a grip and go get your n00b arses flamed somewhere else. We don't need the kinds of you here anymore
19-01-2005, 21:56
Are the three countries who have joined us subsidiaries to Karchosia?
Yes, it is confirmed that Sveska, Bresha, and Jingal are puppet nations of Karchosia.
19-01-2005, 21:58
The Oppressed Peoples of Flakworld agree with the Region on Anti-Entsteig and hereby declare war on Entsteig.
The Oppressed Peoples of Flakworld cite the following reasons for going to war against Entsteig:
1) They provoked Anti-Entsteig
2) They are stupid
3) Ant-Ensteig wants to declare war
4) Their leader is short
5) Anti-Entsteig naturally hates them (Anti Entsteig)
19-01-2005, 22:02
Yes, so please leave. You have no knowledge of the situation.
Vasil D'anglas
Official Up-Yours Envoy
Actually, I think I know much more of your little jihad to end this corrup, communist nation with a King in lead. Actually, I will just use my I.G.N.O.R.E-cannon to ease thing up for my part.
"Load I.G.N.O.R.E!"
"I.G.N.O.R.E loaded, sir!"
Four cannons fire towards every country of this so called 'alliance'
19-01-2005, 22:03
*like the king of Achleonia, King Hedrik II has a statement to make*
King Hedrik II: Ha ha!...ha!
Chief Ambassador Larotz: Yes, that was the king's statement. The fact that Karchosia has planted false information throughout the news channels and that Jaghur wants his ally to admit that it has taken over three countries is hilarious, yes.
[end transmission]
19-01-2005, 22:06
OOC: Entsteig, you are most welcome to use our I.G.N.O.R.E-cannon version 5.1
Considering the age of these warmongering n00bs, you are probably going to need some Jay Industries Anti-Godmod networks.
19-01-2005, 22:10
If you insist on speaking to us, Larotz, please retake second grade and learn proper grammer.
Vasil D'Anglas
Official Envoy of the Entsteig Alliance
Classic. It's better than my previous "Ironic Stupidity" quote of "Special Intelligens group." Karchosia wins the award for warmongering Spacktard n00b of this thread
19-01-2005, 22:11
Entsteig, if you need any assistance, do not hesitate to ask.
N00bs, get twinned. Check the link in my signature.
19-01-2005, 22:15
Karchosia, Flakworld, and subsidiaries of Karchosia, we have won our first victory
Which victory was this?
19-01-2005, 22:17
Where, in fact, have you actually done anything apart from practically say "you smell"? Eh?
19-01-2005, 22:31
OOC: They're just a bunch of idiotic 14-year-olds (no, really) who have no rationale for declaring war on Entsteig, no intelligence, and no idea when to give up...
OCC:Meh. I'm kinda bored.
IC:Ravea offers it's assistance to Entsteig and is prepared to defend the country at all costs. Ravea refuses to stand by while a nation is unjustly attacked for no reason.
19-01-2005, 22:56
Ah, quite excellent. Entsteig and Ravea are now allies.
Chief Ambassador Hamun R. Larotz
OOC: If I didn't think my I.Q. dropped six points from each post of the Anti-Entsteig people, I would help you, Entsteig. But, I feel my sanity is most important to me now, so I can't do anything. If they keep up, though, I will be glad to help.
OOC: They're just a bunch of idiotic 14-year-olds (no, really) who have no rationale for declaring war on Entsteig, no intelligence, and no idea when to give up...
That would be insulting if the creator of Entsteig wasn't 13-years-old and my next-door neighbor. Have fun with all your bastard allies, Clare!
19-01-2005, 23:50
Good. Now leave NationStates and never RP again.
After being provoked, the region of Anti Entsteig is declaring war upon the NationState of Entsteig :sniper: . The reasons are as follows:
1) They provoked us
2) They are stupid :headbang:
3) We want to declare war
4) Their leader is short
5) We naturally hate them :mad: (Anti Entsteig)
So, we are going to demolish them, have a nice day!
These are the worst reasons ever!
I can only think of one right now and that is if you are attacked first
*Merlynian Theory*
20-01-2005, 00:21
These are the worst reasons ever!
I can only think of one right now and that is if you are attacked first
*Merlynian Theory*
Those are the worst reasons ever because they are the worst RPers ever. Isn't it ironic how they're extremely stupid while they proclaim my country as stupid?
I feel this topic has gotten out of hand and is not fufilling its intended purpose. So, thanks to the butting in of people who were not originally involved and the immiturity of all, the "Attack on Entsteig" is no longer being supported by Karchosia and its affiliate countries. But do no think this is a retreat from the field of battle (because we never got around to that). Once we have become stronger, we WILL attack Entsteig, unless we feel like joining them. So go back to controlling your own countries.
Vasil D'Anglas
Official Envoy of the Ensteig Alliance
Heh. Good choice backing down and not getting vaporized. And Wow! Who would expect that Entsteig wouldn't have friends come to help him in a time of need?
(And the only ones I saw being immature were you and your friends, Karchosia. Honestly, "His leader is short?")
20-01-2005, 00:37
Heh. Good choice backing down and not getting vaporized. And Wow! Who would expect that Entsteig wouldn't have friends come to help him in a time of need?
(And the only ones I saw being immature were you and your friends, Karchosia. Honestly, "His leader is short?")
Karchosia's only friend was Jaghur. The other three countries that he mentioned were his puppet nations.
20-01-2005, 00:49
These aren't the numbers of our forces, but our overall populations. According to the Armed Republic of Karchosia, its entire populace is required to be in the military. Including children? King Hedrik condemns the Armed Republic of Karchosia for its own neglect of civil rights...
Hamun R. Larotz
That is entirely impossible. If your entire country was in the military, you would not have a country since all forms of infastructure and income would be non-exsistant. Furthermore, without an infastructure you wouldnt be able to feed, clothe, arm and pay your soliders, causing your army to eventually fall apart from famine, exposure, disiese and enemy forces trampling over your defensless army.
This entire manner disgusts me and I hope that the people who have instigated this noobish conlict are smiten by God himself.
20-01-2005, 15:04
Yes, let's listen to him, so EVERYONE GET OFF THIS TOPIC, IF YOU DON'T YOU'RE A DUMBASS!!!!!
He said *INSTIGATED*, not *INVESTIGATED*. Are you even literate?