OOC: Claim your space border with me!(FT)
19-01-2005, 11:00
This occured to me the other day. I'm not sure who actually borders my space. It does not matter if I have RPed with you before or not, if you want to share a border with me, post which border number you want (sorry about my naff little word star chart... Can't draw to save my life. BTW: If anyone wants to make me a map, feel free to do so.
MUD= The mudium sector (owned by me)
Main= My home system
Wos= Waste of Space (Owned by me)
Bath= The bath System (Owned by me)
TIN= Owned by The Imperial Navy (Dp=Excellant)
ST= Owned by Silver Turtle (Dp=Poor)
Os= Owned by Orange State (Dp=Excellant)
TMG= Owned by The Shadows/The Merchant Guilds (Dp=No contact)
TPM= Owned by The Phoenix Milita (Dp= No contact)
H= Owned by Hakurabi (Dp= No contact)
C= Owned by Chronosia (Dp= Warm)
Ss= Owned by Sskiss (Dp=No contact)
UC= Owned by Unified Cultures [Dp=No contact]
M= Owned by Maldaathi [DP=No contact]
S= Owned by Seph (Dp=Terrible!)
B= Owned by Balrogga (DP=Very Good)
SN= Owned by Steller Nations (DP= no contact)
BTW:Dp=Diplomatic relations.
Remember, just say which number you want, no matter whether we have met before.
BTW: 1 more nation can claim areas 9 and 11!
The Merchant Guilds
19-01-2005, 11:03
2 will do nicely for Shadow occupied space.
The Phoenix Milita
19-01-2005, 11:08
4 would be nice for TPM's location
19-01-2005, 11:09
The Imperial Navy
19-01-2005, 11:10
Glad you remembered me. ;-)
I will start working on my own border chart soon... i'll let you know when I'm done.
19-01-2005, 11:11
No prob. Anyone else??
The Imperial Navy
19-01-2005, 11:13
Can I have number 7 as well? Seeing as I'm always RP'ing with you, I think I deserve a bigger border.
The Merchant Guilds
19-01-2005, 11:15
Can I have number 7 as well? Seeing as I'm always RP'ing with you, I think I deserve a bigger border.
Getting greedeh TIN man.
Oh, Mole. Since i've appeared in that sector through the Shivan Gate do you want to make my Status: Quarantined or something like that since I think in my knowledge you had contact with the Shadows a while back, but we can say that was only a brief one. We can RP a secondary first contact scenario in a while if you want.
19-01-2005, 11:16
Go on then.
19-01-2005, 12:15
Hmm... Can I have... 1? No contact yet, obviously, but controlled as a comms routing outpost. The form of communication I use currently is fairly primitive (comparitively), and matter-based (nanobots with messages hyperspacing), and of limited range (fusion engines, but H2 collectors impractical), so it is necessary to establish communication centres every so often to keep exploration ships in contact with the colonies so other ships can be sent if needed. You could call it an information bucket brigade, I guess. They're established every 50,000 light years, half the maximum range of the nano-comms. As this chain is easily broken, there are four copies of the message launched - one to the immediate next post in the chain, the one after it, and the two on either side of the ring. In this way, a fleet can be sent if comms with one post is lost, due to one reason or another.
19-01-2005, 12:30
19-01-2005, 13:18
19-01-2005, 13:20
The Chronosian home system could be somewhere around 11
19-01-2005, 13:21
19-01-2005, 13:28
aww; relations are warm. I feel so loved :P
19-01-2005, 13:31
19-01-2005, 14:22
Moleland, the Sskiss can take area 10 if you like.
19-01-2005, 14:27
Fine by me.
I also suggest plenty of unoccupied territories for everyone to expand into.
19-01-2005, 15:59
United Cultures
20-01-2005, 01:34
United Cultures will take #8
20-01-2005, 01:49
How close to Earth are you? I need to know that before knowing if we share a border.
20-01-2005, 14:38
20-01-2005, 14:42
DLE: Not that far away (Check out my factbook)
Uc: Sure, you have 8!
The Imperial Navy
20-01-2005, 14:44
OOC: The RP we're doing at the mo is the reason I wanted the 2nd border... the race I am about to conquer lives near you too...
20-01-2005, 16:23
The Merchant Guilds
20-01-2005, 16:30
OOC: The RP we're doing at the mo is the reason I wanted the 2nd border... the race I am about to conquer lives near you too...
OOC: That what you need your Foreign Legion for?
20-01-2005, 16:49
sephrioth wants a border with you near waste of space
20-01-2005, 16:57
i want 3. i wanna be near TIN
The Imperial Navy
20-01-2005, 16:58
OOC: That what you need your Foreign Legion for?
No-Thats just more military for my fiendish use.
20-01-2005, 17:07
Does anyone care. TIN vouch for me
The Imperial Navy
20-01-2005, 17:08
I don't even know you... how do you know me?
20-01-2005, 17:15
Im trying to make RP possibilitys
The Imperial Navy
20-01-2005, 17:17
Im trying to make RP possibilitys
Err... you're asking the wrong guy. I tend to RP with veterans... I do badly when I RP with newer players... sorry.
20-01-2005, 17:31
You know TIN thats insulting. And im not NEW I just dont post on forums much. With my regional board added with this id have 500 posts
The Imperial Navy
20-01-2005, 17:33
You know TIN thats insulting. And im not NEW I just dont post on forums much. With my regional board added with this id have 500 posts
Sorry, but it means you don't have much RP experience. I'm going now anyway, so it's recommended you find somone else to RP with.
The Merchant Guilds
20-01-2005, 17:33
OOC: But the point is if you don't post here much you're unlikely to know in detail how this board tends to work. Also, younger players (post count) tend to not get Role Play too well, I believe thats what TIN is talking about. Get yourself in a few RPs or just start RPing in threads, get noticed and this doesn't happen. :)
20-01-2005, 17:40
Maldaathi Your technology, do you have something to so it, or can you accuratly discribe it?
21-01-2005, 06:00
Thats a confusing question as your wording is stuffed
21-01-2005, 09:47
Sephrioth, you have 5.
Maldaathi, sure you can 3.
See what happens when i'm offline for an hour...
21-01-2005, 11:35
The Imperial Navy
21-01-2005, 11:39
Looks like you're nearly full... when this is done, I advise it be added to the factbook.
21-01-2005, 11:44
Was going to do that, but my borders will be expanding soon anyway!
The Imperial Navy
21-01-2005, 11:45
Was going to do that, but my borders will be expanding soon anyway!
21-01-2005, 11:46
What's so funny?
21-01-2005, 11:47
TIN Sez-Don't drink purple mash.
LOL! What the hell?
The Imperial Navy
21-01-2005, 11:48
LOL! What the hell?
My new, senseless siggy. ;)
The Merchant Guilds
21-01-2005, 12:41
Was going to do that, but my borders will be expanding soon anyway!
Wanna do that joint expansion then?
21-01-2005, 14:02
Sorry? You talking about the rP i'm doing with TIN?
21-01-2005, 14:40
I need 1 more person, or maybe 2!
The Merchant Guilds
21-01-2005, 15:34
Sorry? You talking about the rP i'm doing with TIN?
OOC: Oh, sort of. I had planned to do a little expansion and it would be in-line with our little agreement of sorts in that RP ages ago. I don't mind though. :P
The Imperial Navy
21-01-2005, 15:37
Oh yes... I've started my expansion early... lol.
21-01-2005, 15:40
Ok then.....
That's got to be someone... Maybe balrogga.... because he's rP with me before....
23-01-2005, 14:49
Since we have had many dealings in the past you can place me where ever you wish.
Stellar Nations
23-01-2005, 17:20
Seeing as my syste has no specific loaction as of yet, i'll take #9
24-01-2005, 09:43
Ok, Steller nation scan have 9, and Balrogga 11. solved!
25-01-2005, 13:31
Thank you I will have one of my colony worlds in position #11
25-01-2005, 13:32