3 Kinetic Weapon Satellites to be launched
"In two days from now, Chellis plans to launch three Kinetic Weapon Satellites. One above Chellis, one above Torres, and One above France. Such satellites will be geosynchronus(sp?), and only will be used as defensive weaponry. Each satellite will carry 20 1x1x20ft Tungsten rods, and will be reusable. The project has cost three billion dollars, including one billion for the actual building and launching of the satellites. This is truly a great day for chellis!"
Kaeya Misho, Foreign Minister of France.
OOC: Really, these are just for defense. I don't like kinetic weaponry...The thing is, with all these super battleships, Doujin's and the like, its nice to have a weapon such as this. Sales are also possible, but at exorbitant prices...
The Freethinkers
19-01-2005, 12:41
OOC: Really, these are just for defense. I don't like kinetic weaponry...The thing is, with all these super battleships, Doujin's and the like, its nice to have a weapon such as this. Sales are also possible, but at exorbitant prices...
OOC: Interesting. Not a bad plan if you don't wish to counter such ships directly. Scandavian States disabled two Hogsweatian vessels in harbour using the same method.
The only recommendation I would include is at least some limited course correction capability on the weapons, otherwise the CEP is gonna be horrendous, and coat the rods themselves in some reflective material to protect against laser based ABM systems. Aside from that, nice one.
The Infantry
19-01-2005, 14:31
and coat the rods themselves in some reflective material to protect against laser based ABM systems.
OOC: lol, are you kidding? a laser ABM system is not going to be able take out a 1x1x20ft Tungsten rod on re-entry, if it even could get a lock on something that small and fast, it would be like trying to stop 20 bullets with a laser... the only defense against something like this would be the destruction of the satellite before they[the tungsten rods] are launched
19-01-2005, 14:53
TO: All Regional Commanders
SBJ: New Advice
All Shildonian naval units are hereby ordered to take additional precautions when operating within 2000km of the equator. These precautions are thus:
1. Be prepared to take evasive manouvers within 45 minutes of recieving notice by SFCSATTRAK of possible attack by orbital weaponry.
2. Should any Shildonian units become incapable of fulfilling the first order, they should have themselves extracted immediately to a point at least 2000km from the equator, irrespective of whether an attack by orbital weaponry is anticipated.
You can't have a geosychronus orbit over France. You can only have a geosynchronus orbit over the equator. France kinda isn't.
19-01-2005, 14:57
All (royalist) NSAA anti-orbital defence weapons are hereby placed on full firing alert. if any space to surface weapons are fired, all 3 sattelites will be fired upon, and it will be considered a declaration of war.
OOC: i'm in a civil war, so this wont really mean much till the end of it.
19-01-2005, 15:16
chelis how much for a custom sat weapon to be built
The Freethinkers
19-01-2005, 17:05
OOC: lol, are you kidding? a laser ABM system is not going to be able take out a 1x1x20ft Tungsten rod on re-entry, if it even could get a lock on something that small and fast, it would be like trying to stop 20 bullets with a laser... the only defense against something like this would be the destruction of the satellite before they[the tungsten rods] are launched
OOC: Welcome to NS. Where all lasers and ABMs are 100 percent accurate. And reliable. And everywhere. And all powerful ;)
That said, simply by disrupting the rods flightpath you could effectivel veer it of course with a proximity explosion. Sucks to be the unintended victim, but still survival of the fittest and all.
19-01-2005, 17:08
[OOC: Basically, as has just been said, the only problem is that an explosion near the rod, if it happens early enough, will veer it away enough to cause it to miss.]