Earth (CnC) ---Main Thread---
Welcome to Earth CnC
This is an Earth loosely based on the Red Alert 2 Universe. As the RA universe is was meant to lead into the Tiberium Universe, it will be incorporated in time, but I’d like people to try and use RA to it’s fullest before just jumping over it, and leaping for the battle mechs, and Mammoth tanks.
This Earth is Currently being modded by Kyanges (Founder), and A Few Rich People.
- Earth (CnC) ---Announcements/Events Thread--- (
Links To Current RPs:
-Operation: Silent Dawn (A Few Rich People, Kyanges) (Closed) (
-(Earth CnC) The Gathering Storm (
-The Red Wind Blows to America (Earth C&C) (
Welcome, commander. Before you begin you campaign, there are a few simple guidelines and regulations that have been built into your battle control software that you should familiarize yourself with.
Guidelines and regulations:
1) Only one nation may be claimed at a time.
2) Only one person should have a claim to a nation any time. If you want to do something like a double claim for an alliance or something in that respect, please clear it with me first.
3) The Storyline of the game has not been carried over to this Earth, only t6he fact that the Soviets invade the US has. So once you start from there, you are free to choose your own path. (So if you choose the Soviets, that doesn’t mean you automatically, lose the war.)
4) You can only use technology used in the RA Universe for now. If you choose a side to back, you will only be able to use technology, and vehicles from that side. (So, no Allied supporters using Soviet tech, or vise versa.)
5) Your strength in this Earth will be based on the strength of the nation you have selected.
6) The fate of the factions in this Earth is not the same as in the game.
7) I know everyone would love to have Tanya backing them up in the field, but please, remember, there’s only one Tanya, (sadly…) and any other hero character, and it’ll have to be worked out where they is, and who gets to RP who. No one nation gets a hero, they’ll be acting as a sort of card that can be played in events, and military engagements. This rule is kinda iffy, so please ask questions about what to do if you’re unsure how to proceed.
8) Please place either CnC Earth, or simply CnC in the title of any topic created related to this Earth.
9) As people who've played the RA series of games knows, each nation listed below also has their own special unit, however, in the interest of keeping things moving, and also so no one nation can overpwer the rest, all nations of the same side gets the same special tech. (So every one has Grand Cannons, everyone has Tank Destroyers, Tesla Tanks, etc.) This rule is still in the air, I'll see how it works out.
10) Needless to say, as this is my Earth, I do have the final word on what issues, problems, etc.
11) just for sake of keeping things simple, the name of the nation that you chose, will remain that name.
Individual factions cannot actually be claimed, instead, one will choose any RL nation, and pick which faction to support. The Current factions there are to back are the Allies, and the Soviets only. Yuri, well, no, not yet.
The following nations are nations that, if chosen, must back the Allies:
-United States
-Korea *united in this Earth* (Now Claimed By moi.)
The following nations are nations that, if chosen, must back the Soviets:
-USSR/Soviet Union/United Socialist…you know the rest…
Current claims:* =Allied * =Soviet
- ArmandianCheese U.S.A.
- A Few Rich People Australia
- Canad a Great Britain
- Chellis Iran
- Chronosia Cuba
- History lovers Spain
- Kyanges Korea (United)
- Phalanix Canada
- Sevaris Germany
- Sloatyourthrit Iraq
- The Bloody Reaper New Zealand
- The Shadow Phoenixs France
- Upper Xen USSR
- Yafor 2 Libya
If none of this has made ANY sense to you, then you should probably read this:
...The U.S. is knee-deep in apple pie and amber waves of grain. The Red Menace is all but dead, diluted into the World Socialist Alliance, a harmless humanitarian organization with U.S.-friendly puppet leader Premier Romanov shaking hands and making speeches. Peace and prosperity reign. Then the reports come in.
Reports of U.S. citizens in the southwest U.S. succumbing to fits of dizziness and nausea. Others falling into a state of zombie-like submission, turning against both family and nation. Intelligence reports soon link the disturbance to a Soviet presence in Mexico, where, with a nod from the U.S., Romanov's WSA troops are supposedly putting down an insurrection. But it's soon revealed as an elaborate ruse, as Soviet troops—like none the Allies have ever seen—storm Texas, then California, and other major cities. Planting mysterious beacons along the way, the Soviet troops are led by psychic generals who use their minds instead of munitions to push forward with their invasion of the U.S. In the cities, Americans take up arms against their neighbors. In the country, patriotic farmers weep as they watch their cows—strapped with explosives and saddled by mind-control—march into military installations to explode in deadly clouds of beefy, succulent shrapnel. President Dugan opts for a decisive nuclear strike. The red phone rings. The button is pushed. Nothing happens.
By now, intelligence sources confirm the worst: Romanov is behind the siege, and he's using the most mysterious—and terrifying—technology to date: psychically enhanced troops whose minds are as deadly as their AK-47s. Premier Romanov's full agenda is soon unveiled. The Premier has for years used the WSA as a front to develop a global network of Communist allies who want to see the Hammer and Sickle replace the Stars and Stripes. Having developed his psychic technology in secret for years, Romanov finally has the means to do it. Romanov's motivations, meanwhile, are more personal than those of his communist cohorts. Still stung by the fall of the Soviet Union after the Cold War—memories that have haunted him since his childhood—Romanov has long promised to make America pay for its crimes against Mother Russia. And he's found the perfect way: not by destroying the last bastion of the free world, but by using mind-control technology to cripple his Allied enemies, leaving the infrastructure, defenses and resources of America free for the taking. Romanov plans to turn the United States into the premier Communist republic of the west.
Its nuclear arsenal temporarily disabled, the U.S. gathers its conventional forces—and some unconventional ones. Using its own time-warp technology to thwart the Soviet foes, the U.S. and its allies rally to stop Romanov's twisted plan. Will it be Stars and Stripes or Hammer and Sickle? The final battle—on American soil, in American cities—will determine the fate of the free world...
That the basic intro, and this is where we are leaving off. Happy RPing!
For more info, visit the site of the creator of it all, Westwood (
Note: I had some strange issues with images, so no maps will be available yet. If any one wants to help make the maps, that would be great, TG about it, if you think that you might want to.
(OOC: Can we do RA2 as well? I only ask this because I know much more about RA2 than I do about RA, but I could probably figure it out.)
Green Sun
19-01-2005, 02:44
And what about CnC:G?? I've only played that one.
I'm sorry, I had this poll up for a little while, that I constantly bumped in hopes of avoiding this kind of thing as much as possible. Well, with so many nations, I guess that it's impossible no matter how long you keep it up there.
@Green Sun, I'm sorry, no. Actually, in the polls it got 6 out of some 30+ votes, so it was kindof a no brainer. Once again, I'm sorry.
@Sevaris-yes, This is meant to be mainly more RA2 than RA, so yes.
Green Sun
19-01-2005, 02:50
Then I'm afraid I can't join since I have no clue what it's about.
I'm sorry, I had this poll up for a little while, that I constantly bumped in hopes of avoiding this kind of thing as much as possible. Well, with so many nations, I guess that it's impossible no matter how long you keep it up there.
@Green Sun, I'm sorry, no. Actually, in the polls it got 6 out of some 30+ votes, so it was kindof a no brainer. Once again, I'm sorry.
@Sevaris-yes, This is meant to be mainly more RA2 than RA, so yes.
Excellent. Put me down as Germany.
Then I'm afraid I can't join since I have no clue what it's about.
The story is quite simple actually. At least, if you only look at the RA part of it. If you like, I could give you a link to it.
Or if you prefer, I could simply tell you an extremely simple version of it. It's basically an alternate universe thing where Hitler is killed before starting WWII, but instead, Stalin , with no opposition from the West, launches his own invasion and thus starts WWII anyway.
Green Sun
19-01-2005, 02:55
And how long does the war go on for?
Excellent. Put me down as Germany.
alright, Germany is yours.
The USSR if you please.
Same here, the U.S.S.R. it is.
And how long does the war go on for?
I don't know actually. I didn't play the first Red Alert. I only read the basic story. This is part of the reason it's going to be mainly RA2, which has a slightly more comical plot. Plus, RA2 and Yuri's Revenge are the only two that I've played in the Red Alert Series
19-01-2005, 03:00
The thread is up!
I'll take Iraq.
Yay desolators.
A Few Rich People
19-01-2005, 03:01
Australia; still deciding whom to follow
The thread is up!
I'll take Iraq.
Yay desolators.
Iraq it is.
Australia; still deciding whom to follow
Alright, Australia is yours. Just let me know when you decide.
Great Britain for me?
Sure, and a cookie for you too.
A Few Rich People
19-01-2005, 03:23
Question, how are handling Yuri, is this RA-2 Tech where Yuri is allied or is this YR tech but Yuri is just not a faction yet?
Question, how are handling Yuri, is this RA-2 Tech where Yuri is allied or is this YR tech but Yuri is just not a faction yet?
Good Question. YR tech, Yuri has not gone rouge.
A Few Rich People
19-01-2005, 03:34
Another question, how are we dealing with the "prism gap" as a former player of the game one of the biggest weaknesses with soviets was that after a point an equal number of prism tanks could easily wipe out any soviet force, and with minimal air support the lumbering soviety airforce could be stopped. Even the V3 rockets would only put a dent in the attack before they over took it and exploited its weak artillary armor.
So are we toning them to "laser" vehicles, increasing the capicitor recharge time, or what?
Another question, how are we dealing with the "prism gap" as a former player of the game one of the biggest weaknesses with soviets was that after a point an equal number of prism tanks could easily wipe out any soviet force, and with minimal air support the lumbering soviety airforce could be stopped. Even the V3 rockets would only put a dent in the attack before they over took it and exploited its weak artillary armor.
So are we toning them to "laser" vehicles, increasing the capicitor recharge time, or what?
V3s are artillery, prisms are still tanks. They'll maintain their bouncing beams, and long range over other tanks, but as V3s are still artillery, and this is all meant to be somewhat more realistic, V3s should own them from long before they come within range of the Prism tanks. Note, that here, Prism tanks will still be weak against mass amounts of, or heavy armour, like Apoclypse tanks, so you will have that going for you.
I get the feeling that I'm going to have to do quite a bit of moderating, and possibly start the first RP here, just to make sure things get started on the right track.
A Few Rich People
19-01-2005, 03:59
If I remember correctly in the game the V3 shot about the screen and the prism about 2/3, en masse those prisms could close the gap quite fast and nullify the V3 range.
So lets make V3 longer then seems to be the solution (extra range no matter for the defense, it could allready sit outside of their range).
((as to mod, it looks like it, but as long as we are keeping the "prism gap" closed...))
Hail Communist Australia mate!
So, you've decided. Although, now that you're Communist...
...I don't like you anymore. :p
Communist Australia you are!
Bumpeth. Going to need a few more people in here if this is going to work right.
A Few Rich People
19-01-2005, 04:10
Put a link on the old threads to here, to let all those whom you get interested where the sign-up is.
19-01-2005, 04:13
The Shadow Phoenixs
19-01-2005, 04:17
Me French Plz
Put a link on the old threads to here, to let all those whom you get interested where the sign-up is.
Good Idea, thanks. It's done now. :)
Me French Plz
The French it is!
The Shadow Phoenixs
19-01-2005, 04:20
as Napoleon Dynomite says it "sweet!"
as Napoleon Dynomite says it "sweet!"
Armandian Cheese
19-01-2005, 05:22
Damn you! I wanted to RP the US! Putting Dubya (My man) in an Rp would have been glorious. Hmmm...I shall be...Poland! But I'm going to RP them on the ally side...Of course, being Poland, my allied status won't last long...
I wanted to be France :\
Can I be an allied Iran then?
19-01-2005, 06:46
isnt korea soviet!
19-01-2005, 07:39
Are we permitted to use Allied/Soviet tech from YR? Siege choppers, battle fortresses, robot tanks etc.
19-01-2005, 08:23
tag for now.
Can I be Cuba? Or are they taken?
I'm curious about nuclear weapons- I know that the US Nuclear Arsenal was wiped out in the first mission, but..would not the British and French (possibly Germany in this scenario) have nukes as well?
Just curious.
A Few Rich People
19-01-2005, 14:02
Sevaris: I think that if you want the weather device for your own use... no nukes for you.
Chronosia: Doesn't look like it, but Kyanges will have to confirm
Sloatyourthrit: Yuri still with soviets so he is hero and therefore no siege copters (no enemy battle masters for that matter).
Revert: Not in this world they ain't
Chellis: Don't see anything wrong with that, you just got soviet Iraq next to ya
19-01-2005, 19:38
-wishes Canada was in it-
Meh I'll take Korea. But if you do place Canada I'll dump Korea in an instant to be em. -goes back to wishing Canada was a playable nation in the Red Alert games-
A Few Rich People
19-01-2005, 19:57
Yes, you can be Canada, I'm Australia and they are not a playable nation in RA2. Don't have to be of those its an Earth so you can be any nation on the planet its just that some nations have to follow either allies or soviets.
19-01-2005, 20:00
Hehehe....Well then I call Canada!!! And I guess I'll be fallowing the Allies since if you played RA2 you do see the president of the US hiding in Canada. So screw you Korea I'm go show some homeland pride!
I wanted to be France :\
Can I be an allied Iran then?
Yes, Allied Iran it is.
tag for now.
Can I be Cuba? Or are they taken?
Comrad, Cuba is all yours.
Damn you! I wanted to RP the US! Putting Dubya (My man) in an Rp would have been glorious. Hmmm...I shall be...Poland! But I'm going to RP them on the ally side...Of course, being Poland, my allied status won't last long...
Um, actually, if you want to be the US, it's alright by me. You seem to have much more intersting plans in store than I probably do for the US, So, the US is yours!
Hehehe....Well then I call Canada!!! And I guess I'll be fallowing the Allies since if you played RA2 you do see the president of the US hiding in Canada. So screw you Korea I'm go show some homeland pride!
Alright then, Allied Canada it is.
Bump to let those who have claimed that their claims have been confirmed.
@ A Few Rich People: Check you TG's in when ever you get this.
Upper Xen
20-01-2005, 21:22
I came as promised, I will be the South Africans, and I will be Allied. Is this South Africa with modern borders or South Africa circa 1970's, with Namibia under its command?
Upper Xen
20-01-2005, 21:32
Now, check yours.
Libya, please.
Libya it is. I'll have it up in a sec.
Armandian Cheese
21-01-2005, 05:35
YES! USA! Ahem. And Iraq is soviet...Pre-emptive strike, here I come! I can see it now...
YES! USA! Ahem. And Iraq is soviet...Pre-emptive strike, here I come! I can see it now...
Iraq is Soviet... The person who chose Iran went Allied.
...Unless, that's not what you meant by what you said...
21-01-2005, 05:43
YES! USA! Ahem. And Iraq is soviet...Pre-emptive strike, here I come! I can see it now...
Please, this Earth has to have its first RP sometime. You two could be the first to begin...
I have an RP in the works right now, but it won't be ready for a little while. the last day of finals is tomorrow here, so after that, I can finally get things finished up here.
Armandian Cheese
21-01-2005, 06:14
Well, Kyanges, you should be the one to kick it off...And come on, doesn't faulty intelligence, spider holes, and pre-emptive strikes sound awesome?
21-01-2005, 07:03
And come on, doesn't faulty intelligence, spider holes, and pre-emptive strikes sound awesome?
Hm. I guess I came off a bit more cynical than I intended. I cannot wait til Operation Iraqi Liberation. Just be sure not to have an exit strategy. ;)
Also, what population will we be based off of? Ours or the country we're RPing as? If this has already been addressed I apologize in advance, and have already slapped myself across the face with a dead fish just in case.
I as the United Kingdom of Great Britain own all oversea territories of the UK, correct?
A Few Rich People
21-01-2005, 17:32
Honestly I think the first RP should be the first land battles on american soil, trying to remember how far the Soviets got in...
and for population... not sure but this may help
Your strength in this Earth will be based on the strength of the nation you have selected.
Canad a; this is modern day, so what ever they have today they should have now.
Haiti and the Falkland Islands :p
Armandian Cheese
22-01-2005, 00:47
Hm. I guess I came off a bit more cynical than I intended. I cannot wait til Operation Iraqi Liberation. Just be sure not to have an exit strategy. ;)
Also, what population will we be based off of? Ours or the country we're RPing as? If this has already been addressed I apologize in advance, and have already slapped myself across the face with a dead fish just in case.
Gah! Not another one of you "invaded for oil" people! Look, the war may or not have been a just decision, but every bit of evidence shows that the motivation wasn't evil. Naive, probably, but not a sinister plot. Ah, what shall I do first? Well, I've got to have Colin Powell do his little powerpoint at the UN...Ah, and are you actually planning to have WMDs? If so, then be sure to destroy them or ship them off to Syria beforehand. An Iraq war without missing WMDs and CIA screwups just isn't fun. If you don't have any, the better.
Armandian Cheese
22-01-2005, 00:50
Oh, and can the USSR invade me already? That's kind of the whole beginning to this...
22-01-2005, 02:20
Gah! Not another one of you "invaded for oil" people! Look, the war may or not have been a just decision, but every bit of evidence shows that the motivation wasn't evil. Naive, probably, but not a sinister plot. Ah, what shall I do first? Well, I've got to have Colin Powell do his little powerpoint at the UN...Ah, and are you actually planning to have WMDs? If so, then be sure to destroy them or ship them off to Syria beforehand. An Iraq war without missing WMDs and CIA screwups just isn't fun. If you don't have any, the better.
Sigh, if this is going to start and continue to be like RA2, your forces would not be able to invade Iraq, (considering half of your country is occupied) and even if you could you probably wouldn't have to justify yourself. Also I'm fairly certain there is no UN in the first place, but I could be wrong about that one.
I'm pretty sure that there was a UN in RA. Or else, how did the GDI come about.
In any case, the first RP must begin with Halld. As he is the one who chose the USSR, and this Earth is supposed to start with the Soviet invasion of the US.
We don't exactly need to follow the game do we? Let's just have it based on technology in the game and somewhat close to the relative storyline, which is really the Allies versus Communism.
I just don't feel that it would be quite as grand without the impending doom of the US looming to really drive things along. That is why I really want to have the Soviet invasion always the underlying theme in RPs that take place in Earth CnC. However, the way things look, we'll have to start small I guess...
Shame, it could've been so cool...
A Few Rich People
22-01-2005, 05:26
No, we need the US crippled or else nothing works. We need their nukes down, their people in panic. The invasion is the opening move that lets loose the floodgates and declaration of soviet power. It would look odd for Australia (a supporter of US) to start invading things in the name of Communism if the USSR hasn't got the ball rolling.
If we want to start with a few small conflicts to foreshadow fine, but the real action comes after the invasion.
But this is just my opinion, but I hope others agree.
No, we need the US crippled or else nothing works. We need their nukes down, their people in panic. The invasion is the opening move that lets loose the floodgates and declaration of soviet power. It would look odd for Australia (a supporter of US) to start invading things in the name of Communism if the USSR hasn't got the ball rolling.
If we want to start with a few small conflicts to foreshadow fine, but the real action comes after the invasion.
But this is just my opinion, but I hope others agree.
My thought exactly. I think I made a good choice in asking you to help out with this. You really do share much closer thoughts to my own about how this thing should play out. Thank you.
In any case, I still need the word from Hallad about his plans here. If he doesn't get the USSR invading soon, I just might need to take over it, aas much as I'd hate it.
Gah! Not another one of you "invaded for oil" people! Look, the war may or not have been a just decision, but every bit of evidence shows that the motivation wasn't evil. Naive, probably, but not a sinister plot. Ah, what shall I do first? Well, I've got to have Colin Powell do his little powerpoint at the UN...Ah, and are you actually planning to have WMDs? If so, then be sure to destroy them or ship them off to Syria beforehand. An Iraq war without missing WMDs and CIA screwups just isn't fun. If you don't have any, the better.
There is almost no evidence. Two of the existing evidence is that oil reserves in the world are running out, and Haliburton got many no-bid contracts. There was no WMD found, no proven terrorist connections, and america has a history of supporting dictators until they turn against america. No evil evidence?
Sorry, just my little rant.
A Few Rich People
22-01-2005, 22:38
Kyanges; what do you think, we post an ultimatum to Hallad (and TG it to him) to invade the US or we will get the ball rolling and tell those two players to take it from our intro?
If your still on drop me a line on AOL if ya can.
Hallads postition as the owner of the USSR will be cleared within about a day. As the role of the USSR is critical to this Earth, we need someone who can actually commit some time into RPing the invasion of the USA.
To the nation of "Hallad" Respond within 9 hours, or your claim on the USSR will be cleared.
Thank you, and that is all.
If you have any questions as to why, just TG me or something.
Armandian Cheese
24-01-2005, 04:47
Kyanges, I have an idea. How about I invade Iraq, over WMDs, sponsoring terrorists, and a brutal regime. The WMDs are shipped to Russia, and the whole "Where are the WMDs Scandal Erupts". Then it turns out that the WMDs are actually the "Iron Curtain", the ICBM, and the mind control tech. The USSR uses the excuse of the American invasion of Iraq, and utilizes the WMDs to invade the US.
Well, it's an interesting idea. I really want to accept it, but I'll still have to consider some things though.
Nice, work, I'll think about it.
A Few Rich People
24-01-2005, 20:34
^Example RP^
(also on front page)
Armandian Cheese
24-01-2005, 20:37
Hey, can we join in to your little example?
I've asked the other MOD of this Earth. (A Few Rich People) We've both decided that the RP is to remain an example. I'm sorry...
About your previous idea, I've decided that whoever takes over the USSR will be the one to decide whether or not he feels that that agenda will be something he wants to accept. So it'll be up to the new leader of the USSR.
Armandian Cheese
25-01-2005, 03:58
Well, either way, the USSR has to invade me. My idea gives 'em an excuse. Oh, and can you clear the USSR slot? Halllad had his/her chance. I'm thinking he/she just wanted to get in a land claim...
Yep, clearing it in a sec. Any thought, and, or, comments on the Example thing so far?
Armandian Cheese
25-01-2005, 04:12
I think it works well. Haven't looked over it that well, just skimmed, but all seems to be in order.
Armandian Cheese
25-01-2005, 04:14
Maybe you should put a big sign saying "USSR NEEDED."
Maybe you should put a big sign saying "USSR NEEDED."
Lol, I think I'll use that idea.
Armandian Cheese
25-01-2005, 04:17
Put it on the front page, or maybe start a thread about it.
Put it on the front page, or maybe start a thread about it.
For that stuff, I'll put it off for tomorrow. I've got some things that need to be taken care of now.
Armandian Cheese
27-01-2005, 02:03
Erm? It's been more than a day...
The Bloody Reaper
27-01-2005, 02:39
Loved all CnC games except for genrals
I want to be Soviet New Zealand
@The Bloody Reaper: Got it, New Zealand is yours.
@Armandian Cheese: Yeah, I've got it up there now.
@A Few Rich People: Ummm, do you intend to continue with that RP yet? If you can't make it, I'll have to get someother person to fill in for you. Just let me know if you can.
To everyone else, We still need a USSR.
The Bloody Reaper
27-01-2005, 22:07
Long live the soviets!
A Few Rich People
28-01-2005, 05:29
Sorry, with school and resident evil 4 not much free time, should get something in friday/weekend.
The Bloody Reaper
28-01-2005, 07:09
So when is there anorther RP?
Armandian Cheese
28-01-2005, 23:07
We need a USSR, Reaper.
Kyanges, you mentioned to me you needed an USSR Rper. I'll assume that role under your request.
Armandian Cheese
29-01-2005, 02:06
Yes! Thank you God! Hey, how about we use this to start an RP?
"How about I invade Iraq, over WMDs, sponsoring terrorists, and a brutal regime. The WMDs are shipped to Russia, and the whole "Where are the WMDs Scandal Erupts". Then it turns out that the WMDs are actually the "Iron Curtain", the ICBM, and the mind control tech. The USSR uses the excuse of the American invasion of Iraq, and utilizes the WMDs to invade the US. "
Huntaer, please read Armandian Cheese's suggestion, and either accpet or deny it. (I highly suggest that you accept it.)
Armandian Cheese
30-01-2005, 06:30
Huntaer, please don't end up like Hallad!
Huntaer, please don't end up like Hallad!
Oh, you don't need to worry about that. He's my friend in RL, so there's no worry about him just vanishing like Hallad did. I'll make sure of it. ;)
Armandian Cheese
14-02-2005, 00:20
Has Iraq and the USSR agreed to my idea?
14-02-2005, 01:11 Don't forget my first CnC post!
Armandian Cheese
14-02-2005, 03:37
Before I accuse Iraq of harborin' WMDs, I need to know if my idea is approved by the USSR and Iraq.
Armandian Cheese
14-02-2005, 05:46
Bump For Jesus!
History lovers
18-02-2005, 02:43
I have a request: could I be a Communist Spain? And, if it's alright, possibly a combined Communist Spain/Portugal? If not possible, then just Red Spain.
I love Soviet tech in RA2.
History lovers
20-02-2005, 05:11
Bump to make sure Kyanges sees my request
20-02-2005, 05:16
Damn USSR got taken..
Bump to make sure Kyanges sees my request
(OOC: Ah, sorry about that. You're in.) Don't forget my first CnC post!
(OOC: And I missed that too... It's been added to the front page. Sorry about that too...)
Damn USSR got taken..
(OOC: Actually, the other guy has told me that he decided that he doesn't know enough about RA2 to do any RPs as anybody in the CnC, let alone that main bad guy, the USSR, so I simply forgot to update this thread announcing that he's been dropped. If you want the position, it's up for grabs.)
The Dubocratic Union
20-02-2005, 05:41
I'd be willing to participate.
EDIT: Oh, and if that guy who wants the USSR doesn't claim it, I'll take it. =]
If you need a person to be Allied, then put me down as an Allied India.
If you need a person to be Soviet, then put me down as Soviet China.
And if those are taken by the time you respond, give me Brazil, and make it Soviet or Allied, whichever will even it up.
Armandian Cheese
20-02-2005, 05:58
Bump to make sure Kyanges sees my request
Hey, man! Haven't seen you in a while! How's it goin'? Ah, and whoever wishes to RP as the USSR, please consider my previous idea for a kick off Rp. (It's a few posts back.)
I'd be willing to participate.
EDIT: Oh, and if that guy who wants the USSR doesn't claim it, I'll take it. =]
If you need a person to be Allied, then put me down as an Allied India.
If you need a person to be Soviet, then put me down as Soviet China.
And if those are taken by the time you respond, give me Brazil, and make it Soviet or Allied, whichever will even it up.
(OOC: At the moment, we really need more antagonists. So Soviet China it is. Thank you)
EDIT: (OOC: Oh, missed your edit about the USSR. Modifying claim.)
Armandian Cheese
20-02-2005, 06:56
Just reposting my idea for the new parties involved.
"How about I invade Iraq, over WMDs, sponsoring terrorists, and a brutal regime. The WMDs are shipped to Russia, and the whole "Where are the WMDs Scandal Erupts". Then it turns out that the WMDs are actually the "Iron Curtain", the ICBM, and the mind control tech. The USSR uses the excuse of the American invasion of Iraq, and utilizes the WMDs to invade the US. " Waddya think?
History lovers
20-02-2005, 14:10
Thank you.
And, yeah, Armandian, it has been a while. It's going all right. I now have two successful wars tucked under my belt (and the last one had some fighting in my country :( )
The thing I was thinking about was that when the European Allies get involved with the war, I might launch an invasion of France. Or Portugal (as it is considered neutral since no one has taken it).
EDIT: Since someone asked, I believe that the USSR forces made it all the way to Chicago :eek: . I think that Chicago was the city Vladimir destroyed with a nuke, getting the European Allies involved.
Armandian Cheese
21-02-2005, 03:00
So, has the USSR and Iraq agreed to my plan?
(OOC: Omg...this is just fskin' ridiculous. This has to get started sometime. History Lovers, since you seem to know Cheese well plus you're in for more than a single day, can you please be the USSR and get this thing off the ground?)
The Real ALM
21-02-2005, 03:09
OOC: Kyanges, perhaps I should be the USSR......Jesu-Maria, I'd said I'd post, here I am.
OOC: Kyanges, perhaps I should be the USSR......Jesu-Maria, I'd said I'd post, here I am.
(OOC: Shall I change your UX entry in the USSR, or do you want me to enter the RALM as a seperate nation? I ask because you mentioned that you had trouble signing in as UX.)
The Real ALM
21-02-2005, 03:16
Yeah, go ahead.
History lovers
21-02-2005, 03:26
I'll take USSR if no one else will, but I really would rather be Spain.
I'll take USSR if no one else will, but I really would rather be Spain.
(OOC: It's fine, UX has taken the position. I'm actually on then phone with him, and he's typing the beginning thread as we speak.)
History lovers
21-02-2005, 03:42
yay! All will surrender for the glory of Communist Spain. . .I mean. . .the. . .uhh. . .World Socialist Alliance. Yeah, that's it.
yay! All will surrender for the glory of Communist Spain. . .I mean. . .the. . .uhh. . .World Socialist Alliance. Yeah, that's it.
(OOC: Lol)
The Real ALM
21-02-2005, 04:04
This is my USSR entry thread, as Upper Xen, my Jolt account is on the fritz, so I'm posting like this now.
This is my USSR entry thread, as Upper Xen, my Jolt account is on the fritz, so I'm posting like this now.
(OOC: W00tage, thank you!)
Armandian Cheese
21-02-2005, 04:34
Sorry, but could we try out my planned thing with Iraq? It would be more realistic than the Soviet Union just randomly trying to conquer me. How 'bout I say a certain country is developing WMD (any country, although Iraq is preferable), and I invade. But they smuggle the WMD to Russia, which uses it (the wmd would be psychic technology) and the pretense of my invasion of a country to invade the US.
History lovers
21-02-2005, 04:46
Umm. . .in RA2, the USSR did just invade for no real point.
You'd better get in there, Armandian. Your people are dying.
Armandian Cheese
21-02-2005, 06:50
I wanted to make it more realistic, but meh. I can't right now, however, as I'm far too tired and must sleep. Sorry.
I wanted to make it more realistic, but meh. I can't right now, however, as I'm far too tired and must sleep. Sorry.
(OOC: There was some kind of reason: Revenge against the U.S.A. for what he saw as a desecration of his mother land.)
History lovers
21-02-2005, 14:11
I know I'm jumping way ahead here, but just something for you to consider:
If you are one side in this first part, does that mean you are forced into anoter side during another part? (Examples: Germans supported the Allies so they must be GDI, Aussies supported USSR so they must be Nod)
History lovers
22-02-2005, 01:51
BUMP to get my question answered
22-02-2005, 01:53
Well, NOD is a terrorist organisation, covertly funded by middle eastern and other governments; maintaining a sizeable control over the new 'Tiberian' economy. They are widespread and deeply nestled; apparently ancient. Kane, after all, claims to be THE Caine.
22-02-2005, 02:18
Can I get USSR?
History lovers
22-02-2005, 02:21
Doom, Upper Xen already is USSR, I think. You could probably take a smaller nation and make it allied to USSR.
A Few Rich People
22-02-2005, 04:06
In combat thread we can't crush them, need to hit a stalemate eventually, lets discuss how far/bad the fight we want to get before a calm happens.
History lovers
23-02-2005, 22:33
I agree. As long as everyone recognizes that I have Portugal, I am fine with any boundaries we set.
And, uh, that doesn't answer my question. Can we all decide new loyalties when we get to YR and later TS? I want to be on Communists in YR, and GDI in TS. Can I do that or not?
P.S.: And where the spit is Armandian?
Armandian Cheese
24-02-2005, 05:19
Ah! Please, hold off until thursday afternoon! (US Western Time). I deeply apologize for my long absence, but you guys chose the absolutely worst time to kick this damned thing off. I've had a lot of HW, and my mom just graduated from college (At almost 40 years old!), and I couldn't blow that off.
Ah! Please, hold off until thursday afternoon! (US Western Time). I deeply apologize for my long absence, but you guys chose the absolutely worst time to kick this damned thing off. I've had a lot of HW, and my mom just graduated from college (At almost 40 years old!), and I couldn't blow that off.
(OOC: Lol, no problem man. Actually, could you post something like what you did here in the thread with the RP? To get your message across and the like.)
(OOC: And Mamimi, Kyanges's citizen magical girl once again steps into the thread. "Bump!" She shouts, as she slams the thread with a mallet that was pulled seemingly from thin air. The thread was then sent flying to the top of the II forums.)
(OOC: This isn't a response to anyone's RP. I'll type that up when I have the time. I just noticed that everyone is jumping up for Super Weapons, and all manner of advanced tech. It's to late too stop the ones that have been used already, but, I'd like to to hold off on any further use of them. History lovers is right, that numerous pieces of technology that we're using now have not been developed yet in this early stage of the war, but I feel that we must strike a balance, to keep thins RP interesting, but also make sure that all the concentrated use of SWs, and advanced weaponry doesn't end this war in a day. Advanced Infantry, vehicles, and base defenses are one thing, but SWs are in a category all their own due to their ability to wipe out anything, no matter how powerful. Use your better judgment is all I'm saying. Thank you.)
Armandian Cheese
28-02-2005, 02:25
(OOC: So what do you all think of my idea of dividing SWs into categories of tactical and strategic? And I'm not going to reply to Pearl Harbor until Blood Reaper changes his post, as it would be impossible for his transports to land there with no naval battle beforehand. Texas and the Alamo will be addressed soon. Actually, maybe we should split up the thread into various areas of the war? This is an EARTH after all, and not just one thread.)
(OOC: So what do you all think of my idea of dividing SWs into categories of tactical and strategic? And I'm not going to reply to Pearl Harbor until Blood Reaper changes his post, as it would be impossible for his transports to land there with no naval battle beforehand. Texas and the Alamo will be addressed soon. Actually, maybe we should split up the thread into various areas of the war? This is an EARTH after all, and not just one thread.)
(OOC: It's an idea that I also toyed around with. But I never really setteled on it. If their support for this idea, then sure, we can make it so. With the multiple threads idea, I thought of the same thing. Perhaps I'll make a thread labled for whatever theater it takes place in. "Korean Theater" (Earth CnC), "American Theater" (Earth CnC), and so on.)
Armandian Cheese
28-02-2005, 02:38
OOC: I think it would be a good idea, as the nukes in CnC are ridiculously underpowered compared to RL ones. There is no actual building that could survive a direct nuclear strike.
OOC: I think it would be a good idea, as the nukes in CnC are ridiculously underpowered compared to RL ones. There is no actual building that could survive a direct nuclear strike.
(OOC: True. I guess that that is how it should go then. I wonder though, should it be really technical? As in, should we post up the specific yields of each type of SW?)
Armandian Cheese
28-02-2005, 02:49
(OOC: Nah, that won't fit the RA spirit. Just have small base scale, and big city destroying scale. But let's hold off on both, especially the second one.)
(OOC: Nah, that won't fit the RA spirit. Just have small base scale, and big city destroying scale. But let's hold off on both, especially the second one.)
(OOC: I agree.)
The Real ALM
28-02-2005, 03:19
(OOC: So what do you all think of my idea of dividing SWs into categories of tactical and strategic? And I'm not going to reply to Pearl Harbor until Blood Reaper changes his post, as it would be impossible for his transports to land there with no naval battle beforehand. Texas and the Alamo will be addressed soon. Actually, maybe we should split up the thread into various areas of the war? This is an EARTH after all, and not just one thread.)
OOC: I also sent a massive airstrike at Pearl might want to deal with that.
From this point on, this thread is OOC. Ic posts will be taken as OOC unless of course, stated in the post.
Moving on to the CnC thing. How are the progress of SW developments so far? Is it possible for people to use weather storms yet? I ask because I haven't read everyones post yet. Especially those on weapons development. Actually, there haven't been many of those...Armandian has been doing some, and I thank him for it. Well?
History lovers
04-03-2005, 23:22
Iron Curtain in semi-wide use
Nuclear Missile used lightly
Weather Control Device: Only one, damaged, in Flensburg, Germany
Chronosphere: Not Invented Yet, Still in production, America gets it first
Iron Curtain in semi-wide use
Nuclear Missile used lightly
Weather Control Device: Only one, damaged, in Flensburg, Germany
Chronosphere: Not Invented Yet, Still in production, America gets it first
Thanks HL. Damn, no weather storm for me then I guess... I wonder how the repairs are going with that thing...
Armandian Cheese
05-03-2005, 06:53
OOC: I also sent a massive airstrike at Pearl might want to deal with that.
I did. It's lumped in with the New Zealander assault on Pearl.
History lovers
03-04-2005, 23:26
I'm going to be off of my computer for the most part of the next one or two weeks. I have no control over this, but may be able to get on intermittenly. Please do nothing drastic during this time. Thank you.
History lovers
AKA Communist Spain
I'm going to be off of my computer for the most part of the next one or two weeks. I have no control over this, but may be able to get on intermittenly. Please do nothing drastic during this time. Thank you.
History lovers
AKA Communist Spain
Don't worry, with how slow things are going, that snail you left unharmed during the fight should still be there.
Along with the turtle, and that druged rat...
Green Sun
30-04-2005, 16:28
Hmm...The story makes a lot more sense now. I have an idea: I want China. If not, Tibet. Maybe we can have this fall into my CnC:G world anyway.