OOC: I need some advice
East Coast Federation
19-01-2005, 02:05
Alright, I need some advice about RPing my nations culture.
I've posted alot about there military power, and that they are similiar to humans.
But they've been seculded and no one knows much about them.
So I need some advice on how to do this.
Green Sun
19-01-2005, 02:13
'Similar to humans'? Then they'll be divided by religion and cultures. You'll have a variety of peoples and languages, even different races. But if they all started on one continent and grew there, but moved farther apart physicly, they won't be much different from each other.
East Coast Federation
19-01-2005, 02:15
The fact that I'm FT might help.
As I said, people only know about there military power.
I was gonna stick to a humanlike race so stuff doesnt get to complicated.
Green Sun
19-01-2005, 02:18
So in that case they'll have many cultures in one nation.
I agree with Green Sun, that you would have many different cultures. The military preparedness on the otherhand would reflect the "national culture".
East Coast Federation
19-01-2005, 04:11
19-01-2005, 04:15
I would recommend sitting down one day and thinking about how you plan to portray your country. There've been several suggestions that you have a multitude of cultures. Which ones do you want? Perhaps if you have a culture of warriors they have a rich past of war using spears or clubs and there may be some rituals where they use clubs in some form of coming of age ceremony. Perhaps children are required to take war classes where humans might take physical education. There are a number of possibilities you have that you can work with.