G.e.h. Land Assault Store Front
Powered by the Star Forge
Here, you will find various futureistic war machines which will help you with your land assaults. Here, you will find some of the Galactic Empires most formidable war machines, as well as the Imperium of Man (warhammer 40k). Some space war machines, such as the Tie Ground Superiority, will be found here because they are ment for helping their empire acheive victory with in the planet instead of in space.
Link to Space Craft store front (as of now, I only have star wars ship. I'm planing on making a new store front and adding in 40k Battle Fleet Gothic ships for that one) : NAVAL STORE FRONT (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=383626)
Imperium of Man
Predator = $400,000,000
Vindicator = $350,000,000
Whirlwind = $100,000,000
Land Raider = $200,000,000
Land Raider Crusaider = $250,000,000
Razorback = $200,000,000
Rino = $100,000,000
Hellhound = $200,000,000
Leman Russ Battle Tank = $200,000,000
Leman Russ Demolisher = $150,000,000
Basilisk = $200,000,000
Imperial Heavy Repulsor Tank
Craft: Imperial "Pummel" Class Heavy Repulsor Tank
Type: Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 5.2m
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Repulsor Tank
Crew: 2+1Gunner
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 180kg
Move: 70; 200kmh
*********** Twin Heavy Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: 1 Front/Left 1 Front/Right
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-300/1/2km
*********** Heavy Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D+1
Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
*********** Heavy Ion Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-500/2/4km
Description: The Pummel class Repulsor Tank is the front line Imperial Repulsor Tank. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Raptor sees use as the main battle tank of choice for Imperial forces. With its combination of Anti-Speeder weaponry (which can be used on infantry as well) and its powerful Anti-Walker weapons it can cause a great deal of damage to enemy forces. The Ion Cannon allows Imperial forces to disable sheild generators and enemy starships, capturing bases, vehicles and supplies intact, an important objective since the battle of Endor.
Craft: Imperial "Raptor" Class Medium Repulsor Tank
Type: Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.5m
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Repulsor Tank
Crew: 1+1Gunner
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 120kg
Move: 90; 250kmh
*********** Heavy Blaster Cannon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-300/1/2km
*********** Heavy Laser Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
Description: The Raptor class Repulsor Tank is a step up from the Wraith class Tank, it is still fairly fast but has better armour and much better weaponry. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Raptor sees limited use as a main battle tank since its main weapon can inflict punishing damage on vehicles as powerful as walkers.
Imperial Light Repulsor Tank
Craft: Imperial "Wraith" Class Light Repulsor Tank
Type: Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.1m
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Repulsor Tank
Crew: 1+1Gunner
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100kg
Move: 105; 300kmh
*********** Blaster Cannon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 0D+2
Range: 50-300/1/2km
Description: The Wraith class Repulsor Tank is little more than a landspeeder with some armour, but has the advantage of being fast and well armoured in comparison to a landspeeder. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Wraith is used for scouting and for holding secured territory.
Tie Tank = $200,000,000
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 8 Meters long, 6 Meters High
Skill: Ground Vehicle; Tie Tank
Crew: 1
Cargo Capacity: 100 kilograms
Move: 30, 90 kmh
Medium Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-200/1/2km
2 Concussion Grenade Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Missile Weapons: grenade launcher
Range: 10-50/100/200
Description: The Tie Crawler is a cheaply produced tank, using the hull of a Tie Fighter with tracks attached instead of the solar panels, the laser cannons stripped out and replaced with concussion grenade launchers, and a turreted blaster cannon added to the bottom. Although not as versatile as a ATST or ATAT, the Tie Crawler is a good battle vehicle capable of doing a lot of damage to the enemy.
AT-AA= $150,000,000
Type: All Terrain-Anti Aircraft
Length: 12 Meters long, 5 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation, ATAA
Crew: 2 + 1 Gunner
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 200kg
Move: 18, 50 km/h
Concussion Missile Launcher
Scale: Speeder
Crew: 1
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-200/1/2km
Description: Although the Battle of Hoth was an overwhelming success for the Empire, with many Rebel troops being slain, and a massive capture of supplies and resources, the loss of a number of ATAT walkers to airspeeders was a blow to the Empire's image of the walkers as almost undefeatable in combat. In an effort to avoid the repeat of this happening, the Empire developed and introduced the ATAA, design to take on Air Speeders at extreme ranges and to take them out before they could make attack runs on the Empires ATAT and ATST walkers. Although the ATAA was hailed as a success, it was never really tested out in reality, since there were no other huge Imperial/Alliance ground battles before the Emperors death at the battle of Endor. After Endor, the Empires resource base was severly crippled that producing new ATATs became a priority rather than auxilary craft such as the ATAA, so few more were built.
Troop Transports:
AT-AT's = $200,000,000
AT-ST's = $50,000,000
AT-PT's = $40,000,000
Chimera = $50,000,000
Troop Carrier = TBA
AT-AST = $60,000,000
Craft: All Terrain-Assault Scout Transport
Type: Medium Walker
Scale: Walker
Length: 6.4 Meters long, 8.6 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation; ATST
Crew: 2; Skeleton 1/+15
Cargo Capacity: 200 kilograms
Move: 30, 90 kmh
Gatling Blaster Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-200/1/2km
Twin Light Blaster Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-300/500/1km
Concussion Grenade Launchers
Scale: Walker
Skill: Missile Weapons: Grenade Launcher
Range: 10-50/100/200
Description: This is an upgraded version of the standard ATST, designed to help where Imperial supplies were beginning to run low. So that when ATAT walkers could not be provided where needed, these walkers were used as a stop gap measure.
AT-PT2 = $45,000,000
All Terrain-Personal Transport2
Scale: Walker
Length: 2 Meters long, 3 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation, ATPT
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 30 kilograms
Move: 40, 120 kmh
Twin Light Blaster Cannons (firelinked)
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-200/1/2km
Concussion Grenade Launcher
Scale: Walker
Skill: Missile Weapons
Range: 10-30/50/100m
Description: Although the ATST and ATAT Walkers used by the Empire were extremely powerful weapons of war, their size prohibited them from entering areas where repulsor tanks and other small combat vehicles could easily enter, also the Empire felt the need to bridge the gap between the huge walkers and ordinary foot soldiers. So the design for the ATPT was dusted off, and with a few small updates to the design, this small manueverable walker was put into production. The ATPT2 is almost identical to the one designed for the Old Republic, except for a concussion grenade launcher mounted under the cockpit, and minor mechanical modifications, and peforms just as well as its predecessor, capable of turning a single soldier into the match for an entire squad. The New Republic has their own design of the ATPT, and it is far more common to see these small vehicles fighting it out on the battlefield, than it is to see large walkers and combat vehicles, due to the cheapness and speed that these can be manufactured. The Empire has stopped production of ATPT2's now, prefering to build faster and even cheaper Repulsor Tanks, but the sheer quantity of ATPT's in use, means that they will remain a common sight for many years to come.
AT-TT = $250,000,000
Craft: ATTT Walker
Type: Imperial All Terrain Tactical Transport
Scale: Walker
Length: 19.9 Meters long, 14.1 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation, AT-TT
Crew: 6, Skeleton:3/+10
Passengers: 30
Cargo Capacity: 0.5 Tons
Move: 21, 60 kmh
4 Heavy Laser Cannons
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
4 Light Blaster Cannons
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 10-100/50/1km
Description: The AT-TT was designed as an improvement to the standard AT-AT walker, built in small quantities after certain flaws began to cause losses amoungst the Empires armies. The AT-TT had more powerful forward weapons, which could cause significant damage to starships, and a lower turret mounted between the legs, was agile enough to take out speeders and personel. This meant that the AT-TT could deal with the Air Speeders that caused so much havoc at the battle of Hoth, however faults with the fire system which restrained the turret from firing at the walkers own legs, meant that many of these walkers were crippled by their own weapons. This caused a corresponding lack of confidence in Imperial leaders, and the AT-TT was only produced in small numbers. The AT-TT lacks the upper deck in its cargo area, so cannot carry speeder bikes in addition to its troops, this was because the turret on the lower surface of the walker increased its height, meaning that the walker could not fit into drop ships and storage areas designed for AT-AT's.
AAT-PT = $50,000,000
Craft: Imperial AAT-PT
Type: Assault All Terrain Personel Transport (AAT-PT)
Scale: Walker
Length: 2 Meters long, 3 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation, ATPT
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20 kilograms
Move: 35, 105 kmh
Heavy Laser Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
Concussion Missile Launcher
Scale: Walker
Skill: Missile Weapons
Range: 50-100/300/700m
Description: The AT-PT design was redeveloped a number of times by both sides in the Galactic Civil War, being used where larger walkers such as the AT-ST and AT-AT could not go. The weakness of the design however was its poor weaponry, and its inability to cause significant damage to enemies. The Imperial AAT-PT is a AT-PT with heavier weapons mounted either side of its cockpit which allow it to compete on equal terms with other walkers. The Heavy Laser cannon mounted to the left of the pilot is the same as those mounted on AT-AT's, allowing significantly higher damage and range than the blaster cannons mounted on normal AT-PT's. The Concussion Missiles on the right hand side of the pilot are powerful concussive missiles which can shatter most walkers and cause heavy damage to starships. The AAT-PT was introduced in small numbers, but production was eventually abandoned due to the high failure rates among the vehicles power generators caused by the extra drain placed upon them by the Heavy Laser Cannon. The ones built are mainly left in service although they do require higher levels of maintanence than almost all other Imperial vehicles, a fact which makes them unpopular with Imperial officers and bureaucrats.
AT-HT = $60,000,000
Craft: Imperial Heavy Walker
Type: Imperial All Terrain Heavy Transport (AT-HT)
Scale: Walker
Length: 7.3 Meters long, 9.5 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation; AT-HT
Crew: 2 + 2 Gunners; Skeleton 2/+15
Cargo Capacity: 250 kilograms
Move: 20, 60 kmh
Twin Heavy Blaster Cannons
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-200/1/2km
Light Blaster Cannon
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-300/500/1km
Concussion Grenade Launcher
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Missile Weapons: Grenade Launcher
Range: 10-50/100/200m
Description: Although the AT-ST was the most famous of the Imperial Light and Medium walkers and was produced in by far the largest numbers, the Empire fielded a number of different designs and variations. The AT-HT is a heavy twin legged walker used for combat and patrols, where the firepower and armoured capabilities of a heavy walker like the AT-AT were required, but the transport capabilities were not needed. Carrying enough firepower to deal with most other walkers, and a light cannon for defence against air speeders and lighter more agile vehicles, the AT-HT is a capable and powerful combat vehicle. It was only due to the Empire's large purchases and use of AT-AT Walkers that the AT-HT did not become more common, although the Empire did built and deploy massive numbers mainly to important installations where the walkers sheer power was felt to be needed.
AT-AV = $300,000,000
Craft: Imperial AT-AV
Type: All Terrain Anti-Vehicle Walker (AT-AV)
Scale: Walker
Length: 2.5 Meters long, 3.2 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation, ATPT
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20 kilograms
Move: 30, 95 kmh
Heavy Laser Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-500/1.5/2.5km
Description: The Imperial AT-AV is a reworking of the early AT-PT's used during the start of the Clone Wars, designed to take advantage of the good visability from this design's cockpit. The powerful charging laser cannon fitted onto a swiveling mount at the front of the vehicle allows this small walker to engage vehicles many times its size, although the weakness of its armour and the slow recharge rate of the cannon do mean that it is a vulnerable target for enemy attacks. The AT-AV has been produced in only small numbers, being only tested by various branches of the Imperial Military but never adopted by any of them. They are sometime encountered assigned to low priority bases and units acting as a replacement for heavy artillery or walkers a role to which they perform poorly in and have become extremely unpopular vehicles.
AT-APT = $80,000,000
Type: Imperial All Terrain Armoured Personel Transport (AT-APT)
Scale: Walker
Length: 15.8 Meters long, 8.6 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation; ATST
Crew: 2 + 1 Gunner; Skeleton 1/+15
Passengers: 28
Cargo Capacity: 1 Ton
Move: 25, 75 kmh
Twin Light Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-300/500/1km
Concussion Grenade Launchers
Scale: Walker
Skill: Missile Weapons: Grenade Launcher
Range: 10-50/100/200
Medium Repeating Blaster
Crew: 1 (only has 75% cover while operating gun)
Scale: Personel
Skill: Blaster: Repeating Blaster
Range: 3-50/120/300 km
Description: The All Terrain Armoured Personel Transport is an Imperial troop transport designed to handle the same kind of terrains that walkers handle best, but providing a cheaper alternative to the AT-AT. Consisting of a modified Scout Walker at its front end, towing the troop carrying compartment at its rear, stripped of its main cannons the head section still has its side weapons for defence and assault, while the rear section has a single repeating blaster for defending the vehicles sides and rear. AT-APT's are used in small amounts throughout the Empire, although their lack of combat effectiveness and limited capabilities has meant that the Empire has much preferred to use AT-AT's where ever possible.
AT-LST = $40,000,000
Name: All Terrain Light Scout Transport
Model: Imperial All Terrain Light Scout Walker (AT-LST)
Scale: Walker
Length: 6.1 Meters long, 8.2 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation; ATLST
Crew: 1
Passengers: 2
Cargo Capacity: 180 kilograms
Move: 40, 120 kmh
Repeating Blaster
Scale: personel
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-200/1/2km
Twin Light Blaster Cannon
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-300/500/1km
Description: Although the AT-ST was extremely common the demand for walkers to act as symbols of the Empire in patrolling pacified worlds was higher than the Scout Walkers relatively high cost allowed commanders to procure. It became clear that a cheaper alternative was needed, something that led to the design and production of the Light Scout Walker, a vehicle designed to deal with lightly armoured vehicles and infantry. The AT-LST kept the Light Blaster cannons of the AT-ST, but replaced all other weapons with a single repeating blaster, the stripped down frame allowed a higher top speed and more manueverability, and the smaller weapon load allowed control by a single pilot with space for two passengers. However the light armour made these easy targets for enemies, and they were only deployed in secure areas where they were used as police and security vehicles instead of landspeeders and other lighter vehicles.
Aratech Imperial Troop Transport Speeder = TBA
Imperial Troop Speeder
Craft: Aratech Imperial Troop Transport Speeder
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 15.1m
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Air Speeder
Crew: 2 + 1 Gunner
Passengers: 20
Cargo Capacity: 1 Ton
Move: 350; 1,000kmh
Twin Heavy Laser Cannons
Scale: Speeder
Crew: 1
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 5-200/500/1km
Description: Although AT-AT walkers and Speeder Bikes were fine for the assault and scouting roles they were designed for, the Empire needed a vehicle that could transport troops around planets to areas where they were required. The Republic Assault Gunships which had been used by the early Clone Troopers were a perfect example of this, but the cost and manpower involved in operating these combat vehicles as simple troop transporters was high, so the Empire approached Aratech, the designers of the 74-Z Speeder Bike that the Empire had purchased in such massive numbers. They designed this, an Air Speeder capable of transporting a number of troops and their equipment quickly and safely to their destination. Although not well armed or armoured, this Troop Transport fulfilled the Empires requirements perfectly and was acquired by the Empire in its thousands. Aratech still only manufactures the Troop Transport exclusively for the Empire, but planets which have shrugged off Imperial control often have these vehicles, and sell them in attempt to relieve themselves of reminders of their occupation.
Air support:
Tie Ground Superiority = $140,000,000
Tie Ground Targeting = $140,000,000
Space Marine Thunder Hawk = $200,000,000
Troop Support:
Space Marine Dreadnaught = $50,000,000
Space Marine Attack Bike = $10,000,000
Space Marine Bike = $6,000,000
Space Marine Scout Bike = $8,000,000
Space Marine Assault Bike = $10,000,000
Space Marine Land Speeder = $20,000,000
Space marine Land Speeder Tornado = $22,000,000
Space marine Land speeder typhoon = $24,000,000
Imprial Speeder Bike = $5,000,000
Tracked Sheild Disabler = $100,000,000
Imperial TRSD
Type: Imperial Tracked Shield Disabler (TR-SD)
Scale: Walker
Length: 12 Meters
Skill: Ground Vehicle Operation, TR-SD
Crew: 1 + 2 Gunners
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 100 Kg
Move: 30, 80 kmh
Shield Disabler
Scale: Starfighter
Crew: 2
Range: 20-50/100/300m
Description: The Imperial TRSD is a tracked vehicle designed to destroy the protective effects of shields, built after the Battle of Hoth to weaken the shields of Rebel bases or shut down the shields of starships. The TRSD was only built in small quantities because of its very limited range of targets, and although it was used successfully on a number of occasions was never popular with Imperial commanders because of its lack of any normal weaponry. The TRSD was considered to be somewhat of a liability because of the weakness of its hull, and the relative slow speed it travelled at. There was some talk of including the Shield Disabler weapon into the body of an AT-AT or other walker, but because of the dimished resources of the Empire after the Battle of Endor, this never came to pass.
TR-MB (Tracked-Mobile Base) = $200,000,000
Mobile Base
Type: Ground Vehicle
Scale: Walker
Length: 30 Meters
Skill: GGround Vehicle Operation; Mobile Base
Crew: 4; Skeleton 1/+15
Passengers: 90
Cargo Capacity: 150 Metric Tons
Move: 15, 50 kmh
Weapons: none, so far as I can tell. If anyone knows where I can get the weapons, if there are any, please send them to me. Thanks.
Description: The Mobile Base design was used by both the Empire and the Rebellion during the Galactic Civil War, and is a large vehicle which can carry a command staff and their support staff, as well as a few soldiers for defence. Slow and vulnerable, the Mobile Base carries communications and data processing capabilities to match a Capital Ship. Used to send orders to troops throughout a system should capital ship support be unavailable, and permanent bases lost (or not yet gained), the communications gear carried aboard one of these vehicles is not only capable of interplanetary communication, but also between systems. Although occasionally necessary, these vehicles were generally felt to be large targets, and with a lack of defences they were often lost, leaving Rebel or Imperial forces without decent command and control facilities.
AT SP (All Terrain-Sensor Platform) = $40,000,000
Type: Imperial Light Walker, All Terrain Sensor Platform
Scale: Walker
Length: 6.4 Meters long, 8.6 Meters Tall
Skill: Walker Operation, Scout Walker
Crew: 3, Skeleton:1/+15
Passengers: NA
Cargo Capacity: 150 Kilograms
Move: 30, 90 kmh
Passive: about 2,400 km
Scan: about 4,800 km
Search: about 7,200 km
Twin Laser Cannons
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-200/1/2km
2 Twin Light Blaster Cannons
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Range: 50-300/500/1
Description: The ATSP is a scout walker with a number of additions to it, mainly the addition of a Tie Fighter sensor package. This allows this Scout Walker to be used as mobile sensor platform, helping to scan for starships landing in remote areas of planets, as well as to help in planetary based searches. The ATSP is also a sealed vehicle which has enough supplies to last its crew for 24 hours, and has the addition of an Infrared sensor package to the forward viewing ports.
And Bump!! As of now, I don't have any discriptions for what they do
(my brother's using the Space marine codex at his friends house)... Or pictures. But I'm working on those. People who know what I'm selling,
don't be afraid to make any suggestions as of what I sould improve, such as prices, or where Items belong.
I'll be making a store front that sells a combination of technologies, Troops, and packages from the other store fronts, including this one.
24-01-2005, 22:34
OOC: cashback, a 40k storefront
OOC: cashback, a 40k storefront
Well, 40k has most of the land assault for future tech that I know of. Star wars (for the galactic empire anyways) I haven't seen much of. If anyone finds anyother land assault vehical that star wars has, then please list it.
Any help would be apreciated.
Vast Principles
24-01-2005, 22:39
OOC: could help if non 40K people could learn a bit about which are good etc, ive not seen a 40k RP before(games yes, RPs never).
The ideas quite cool, perhaps you could look into playing warhammer games over the net! If you have a digital cam you can picture where your troops are and draw on the enemy, and using a pic hoster have the images so the other player can see where ur troops are and play that way!
OOC: could help if non 40K people could learn a bit about which are good etc, ive not seen a 40k RP before(games yes, RPs never).
The ideas quite cool, perhaps you could look into playing warhammer games over the net! If you have a digital cam you can picture where your troops are and draw on the enemy, and using a pic hoster have the images so the other player can see where ur troops are and play that way!
That would be a cool idea... If only I had a web cam:(. For now, I have to search for the vehicals and untill my brother is done using the Space Marine Codex, there won't be any info on the vehicals the space marines use. Finding info on the Imperial guard vehicals will be very difficult for me, for neither I nor my brother play as the imperial guard (I play the necrons). Anyone have any suggestions for that problem?? I'm getting some good responces.
Any suggestions? Or buyers?
How would you rate my store front?
Again, I'm still trying to find some pictures.
Don't forget! If you are a modern tech nation who recently went future tech, you can use up to 10%(I beleive that is the correct #) of your sales from your modern tech store front and add it to your defence budget.
25-01-2005, 18:48
Hehe... I bet you're glad I wandered in here. I'll be rping the Blood Angels in your new thread. I don't myself have the space marines codex (lost it) but I do know a basic description of each vehicle:
For a start, the Rhino and Razorback aren't technically assault tanks, they are troop carriers. The Rhino can carry ten, and has a stormbolter. The Razorback can carry 6 and can have lascannons, plasma cannons + a lascannon (as you have shown) or autocannons.
The predator has no troop carrying capability, but it has thicker armour. It can have either 2 lascannons or 2 autocannons, and in the side sponsons it can have either 2 lascannons or 2 heavy bolters.
The whirlwind has a massive artillery-type rocket launcher that counts as ordnance.
The land raider can take 10 marines or 5 terminators and has, to my knowledge, twin heavy bolters and a twin lascannon in each sponson.
Your picture for the basilisk is wrong. The basilisk is a huge artillery gun.
The hellhound has a massive flamethrower in its turret, that terrifies troops so much they fall back into retreat.
The thunderhawk comes in gunship version (with a large cannon and plenty of side stormbolters) and in transport version.
I'm not very sure about the bikes, except that the standard bike has two bolters on the handlebars and the attack bike has a sidecar with either a heavy bolter or a multi-melta.
The landspeeder is a flying beast, that comes with a few variations of which I am unsure. It comes as standard with either a heavy bolter or a multi-melta.
The dreadnought is kind of like a living grave, with a huge weapon on the right fist (lascannon, multi-melta, autocannon, assault cannon) and a huge body-crushing claw on the left. There are some chapter-specific variations (including the Blood Angels Furioso with two claws which rip tanks apart :D ).
Hehe... I bet you're glad I wandered in here. I'll be rping the Blood Angels in your new thread. I don't myself have the space marines codex (lost it) but I do know a basic description of each vehicle:
For a start, the Rhino and Razorback aren't technically assault tanks, they are troop carriers. The Rhino can carry ten, and has a stormbolter. The Razorback can carry 6 and can have lascannons, plasma cannons + a lascannon (as you have shown) or autocannons.
The predator has no troop carrying capability, but it has thicker armour. It can have either 2 lascannons or 2 autocannons, and in the side sponsons it can have either 2 lascannons or 2 heavy bolters.
The whirlwind has a massive artillery-type rocket launcher that counts as ordnance.
The land raider can take 10 marines or 5 terminators and has, to my knowledge, twin heavy bolters and a twin lascannon in each sponson.
Your picture for the basilisk is wrong. The basilisk is a huge artillery gun.
The hellhound has a massive flamethrower in its turret, that terrifies troops so much they fall back into retreat.
The thunderhawk comes in gunship version (with a large cannon and plenty of side stormbolters) and in transport version.
I'm not very sure about the bikes, except that the standard bike has two bolters on the handlebars and the attack bike has a sidecar with either a heavy bolter or a multi-melta.
The landspeeder is a flying beast, that comes with a few variations of which I am unsure. It comes as standard with either a heavy bolter or a multi-melta.
The dreadnought is kind of like a living grave, with a huge weapon on the right fist (lascannon, multi-melta, autocannon, assault cannon) and a huge body-crushing claw on the left. There are some chapter-specific variations (including the Blood Angels Furioso with two claws which rip tanks apart :D ).
Thanks, I do have the space marines codex. Or... At least my brother does. You should get the third edition. He collects the Dark Angels, I collect the necrons. I should have the info posted up by the end of this week. Have any suggestions on what site I could use to get a baskilisk tank picture (besides the gamesworkshop website)?
k..about the AT-AT and the AT-ST... THEY WONT WORK! They have skinny little legs for crying out loud! Infantry with hand guns would beat them!
k..about the AT-AT and the AT-ST... THEY WONT WORK! They have skinny little legs for crying out loud! Infantry with hand guns would beat them!
Did you ever watch the films?
k..about the AT-AT and the AT-ST... THEY WONT WORK! They have skinny little legs for crying out loud! Infantry with hand guns would beat them!
Shinny little legs? Infantry with hand guns would beat them? Give me a break. The rebels on hoth couldn't destroy the AT-AT even with their heavyist cannon! The blast was just absorbed! The only one that has "Skinny little legs" is the AT-St, and the AT-PT. The reb's could destroy those with hand guns, but it will still take a long time. That is why you send in the ""-wing to blow them up. AT-ATs are All Terain-Armored Transport. They have heavy armor. The only reason luke was able to take one out himself was because he had his trusty lightsaber with him, broke oppen an explosive area, and threw in a thermal detonator which blew up the AT-AT. The only way to take out the AT-AT is with a snow speeder. Of course, I would expect that if anyone was to attack me. The All Terain-Anti Aircraft (AT-AA) will take care of those.
Shinny little legs? Infantry with hand guns would beat them? Give me a break. The rebels on hoth couldn't destroy the AT-AT even with their heavyist cannon! The blast was just absorbed! The only one that has "Skinny little legs" is the AT-St, and the AT-PT. The reb's could destroy those with hand guns, but it will still take a long time. That is why you send in the ""-wing to blow them up. AT-ATs are All Terain-Armored Transport. They have heavy armor. The only reason luke was able to take one out himself was because he had his trusty lightsaber with him, broke oppen an explosive area, and threw in a thermal detonator which blew up the AT-AT. The only way to take out the AT-AT is with a snow speeder. Of course, I would expect that if anyone was to attack me. The All Terain-Anti Aircraft (AT-AA) will take care of those.
Just a question, exactly how effective would the SDs that I bought be, in battle? I mean, from invading a system, fighting its way towards a planet, and then taking it over through ground combat. (Assuming that I don't want to use the onboard super laser to take it out.) I'm looking for an inclusive description.
Just a question, exactly how effective would the SDs that I bought be, in battle? I mean, from invading a system, fighting its way towards a planet, and then taking it over through ground combat. (Assuming that I don't want to use the onboard super laser to take it out.) I'm looking for an inclusive description.
It would help by blasting away the planets surface less than 20 min (c'mon, you tell me that 500 turbo laser cannons can't do that?). Then, you would send in what troops you have through your troop transport ships, shuttle craft, or AT barges and beat up what is left of the planet. This could all be done in about a day. You would use the traked mobile base that I just put up to set up an command area, or whatever form of a base that you wish to use. Use what troop you have (I assume that you can clone your troops or you allready have a huge army) to wipe out the remaining resistance. Of course, have all available ships patrole the area so that no one leaves the planet alive... HAHAHA....
This type of tatic would make the US/British invasion of Iraq look like children fighting over a pillow. Other than that, that is all that I can give you. I, on the other hand, would just use brute force and send in the heavy stuff.
That is, if you don't want to use the onboard super laser. I'd use that only in extreme curcomstances (out maned, out guned ect. I doubt it though...).
I'm updating my store front with new Items. You may still buy from the first items I posted up, but for now, you can't buy the new ones. Sorry.
Unless I already specified the prices.
26-01-2005, 17:53
k..about the AT-AT and the AT-ST... THEY WONT WORK! They have skinny little legs for crying out loud! Infantry with hand guns would beat them!
Jesus H. Christ. How the hell did you grow up not watching star wars?
Anyway, your basilisk pic is fine. Doesn't the new edition rulebook have provisional army lists? The old edition one has. Anyway, start selling boltguns already!
Jesus H. Christ. How the hell did you grow up not watching star wars?
Anyway, your basilisk pic is fine. Doesn't the new edition rulebook have provisional army lists? The old edition one has. Anyway, start selling boltguns already!
The bolt guns will be sold at a seperate store front which will be entitled :
G.E.H. Infantry Store front. There, you will beable to purchas infantry (space marines, storm troopers, dark troopers, ect.), weapons (lightsabers, bolt guns) armor (Space marine Power Armor, Storm Trooper "Eliet" Armor), and troop accessories (Built in flame throwers, grenade launchers, personal sheilds).
And yes, I beleive that the new edition rulebook does have army lists.
I'll constantly be updating this store front, as it is that I found some good land assault vehicals that the Galactic Empire uses. Hopefully I'll be done by the end of this week. I'll also be posting up what each vehical does.
I the new stuff up, and descriptions. I'm still posting up new Items.
26-01-2005, 22:57
Can I get in on this with you? I'm a keen Space Mariner.
Depends on what you mean by "getting in on this."
I still have yet to know what other nations think of my store front.
Bump. At least three people bought from my Naval Store Front. One guy bought twice.
27-01-2005, 22:15
It's good, but a bit limited. You need to post up some descriptions of your wares, maybe do some packages or discounts. I can give you a hand if you like.
It's good, but a bit limited. You need to post up some descriptions of your wares, maybe do some packages or discounts. I can give you a hand if you like.
Sure, I could use some suggestions for any improvements with my Naval Store Front too, If you wish to help.
I could offer a specific 30% discount for your efforts (lol, you can't just say you'll help and end up just buying things at 30% off). Do you have a rule book for the Space Marines for BFG (battle fleet gothic), or just a rule book in general? I've been wanting to post up 40k IoM ships, but I don't have any fleet specifications. So I wouldn't know how much each ship could cost. Any help in that area would be apreciated. I have links to my store front in my signature now.
Since your storefront is for anyone into 40k, I will pass on this opportunity.
You did mention a buyer, that would be enough to warrent a similar or better purchase to protect Wesmany. However, not knowing what was ordered/purchased and by whom, is not enough to encourage "threat inflation".
Try again. :p
Since your storefront is for anyone into 40k, I will pass on this opportunity.
You did mention a buyer, that would be enough to warrent a similar or better purchase to protect Wesmany. However, not knowing what was ordered/purchased and by whom, is not enough to encourage "threat inflation".
Try again. :p
Umm... Did you not notice the star wars stuff too? Are you calling star wars 40k?
And about the buyer from my Naval Store Front,
Phlanix bought two Sovereign Class Star Destroyers, and two Eclipse Class Star Destroyers.
Unified empires bought 1 nebulon-b frigate, 4 tie fighters, and 4 tie line fighters.
Kyanges bought two eclipse class star destroyers.
I'm currently updating the Naval Store Front with 40k stuff. As of now, it's mostly star wars. Ranging from a simple tie fighter, to a ship as complex as an Eclipse Class Star Destroyer (the most deadly of the lot SD's.)
01-02-2005, 21:12
OMG: Not another bump! Quit bumping so much. Do it once every two days at most.
OMG: Not another bump! Quit bumping so much. Do it once every two days at most.
Well, it has been two days since I last bumped...