NationStates Jolt Archive

The univers (ATTN:FT,ST,FT Alliances)

Soviet leaders
18-01-2005, 02:03
OOC: this is the begining of a thread.

Location:Moon of Ara Time:12:00
Ara Facts: Ara is a terrorist hide out and the people that live there hate so many people. The main group on the planet is Catalysts a group of men and women and they will kill anyone who is of government...

gang info from Imperial Soviet INFO on Terrorist Threats (ISINFOTT)
Catalysts: as only one reveal group the O’Hara they hate all alliances and have
killed millions of people. They would like to see all governments wiped out that don't support terrorist they have declared war on so many nations...

O’Hara: Will kill every last human in the universe and have declared war on all nations but never attack any of them they are only aliens and no men women are raped when they are captured...

this building was a old school and there were over a million men and women
A man walked up to a stage the leader of the Catalysts "On this day there are millions of humans in the universe and million more aliens we most help aliens there are nations that kill aliens and they have not been justified in there actions WE DECLEAR WAR ON YOU ALL!!! "the leader had everyone on there feet they broadcast this to the hole universe they think human or not if you don't support there group you should die.

in a building the O’Hara base they were planning there strike then out of nowhere came the Catalysts they burst in with blaster blasting there were the O'hara men holding on to there guts and yelling killed most of the O’Hara group but not all them they attacked a town and killed all who lived in it then they attack soviet leaders and now they have came up with a list of nations they will attack and so did the O’Hara groups

Catalysts list of nation to attack:
Cam III (1)
Unified Sith (2)
Coreworlds (3)
Doomingsland (4)
Chronasia (5)
Corpsac (6)

Soveit leaders (1)
Cam III (2)
United States of WyattLand (3)
Grand Duchy of Dutch Duchia (4)
Holy Empire of Parthonicus (5)
Constitutional Monarchy of Brevador (6)
Queendom of Colleen33 (7)
Dominion of Kane-Bearer of Pain (8)
Dominion of The Dark Ministry (9)
Most Serene Republic of Nellis (10)
Nomadic Peoples of The Shifting Sands (11)_

This is who they will attack....
The Weapones they use are mostly blasters and some ships like the Alliance Dreadnaughts

Catalysts use military blasters(Stormtroopers) and take ships.

O'hara:use low tech weapones(AK's M-16)never uses ships just hijack them

ISINFOTT:We have lost over 100 agents to get this information for you so plz there are about 100,000 humans on that planet this planet has been a horn in are side but we wanted the international community to dissigned what to do with it they are planing a attack in
Est:30:12:04:05 you only have 30 days to get ready there is somethin on that planet that you should know about there are about 2 ships with $2,000,000,000 each in it and if you find the ships you can take the money as payment thanks.We think that Catalysts is the key to most terrorist groups money.

Ara is not are moon we do not own the moon so we don't care if it lives or dies
18-01-2005, 02:16
OOC: Nothing against you, but please take a bit of time to go over your post and edit.

Okay, the list of nations you posted includes a member of the ESUS. That means you'll also be taking on me and a few others. Now, excuse me while I deal with it.
Green Sun
18-01-2005, 02:36
OOC: Now I feel like I don't belong. How come I'm not up there?

Oh, and I'm allied with the Empire. They'll have to fight me, too.
18-01-2005, 03:02
OOC:Dude come on; put a little bit of depth and effort into the thread. Don't just make it about listing and rough descriptions; get down into the violence of it; the nitty gritty. Also; what will the attacks consist of?
To quote Less than Jake "Put some fucking balls behind it dude!" "Some balls, dude"
18-01-2005, 03:15
OOC:Ugghhh, my head. Someone care to translate that first post? You realize that Doomingsland isn't human, right? (well, doesn't matter, since this insolence has already marked you to be purified and converted)
18-01-2005, 03:17
OOC: He wants you to invade and destroy him. That's what I got out of it.
Unified Sith
18-01-2005, 03:28
IGNORED until you can post better. I can't be bothered with this right now, got Earth Rome up and coming. Chron, Doomingsland? Care to kick some ass, but i'm just ignoring it.
18-01-2005, 03:29
Ass kicking inbound, big S
Cyrian space
18-01-2005, 03:36
Should anything actually become of this, the Cyrian Space Military will be doing it's best to end this terrorist threat to peaceful nations.
18-01-2005, 03:38
OOC: hehehe; I would say none of the first list are peaceful:P
Central Facehuggeria
18-01-2005, 03:55
18-01-2005, 03:56
Ass kicking inbound, big S
Agreed ;)
Green Sun
18-01-2005, 03:58
OOC: Why don't we just destroy the damn moon they're based on?
18-01-2005, 03:59
We will; eventually; after all life has been destroyed, enslaved or Converted :D
Soviet leaders
20-01-2005, 04:39
OOC:Ok this is not Soveit leaders this is a moon that is vary bad no laws no goverment nothing the gangs hate alot of nations for no will good reason and i will edit sorry.
Soviet leaders
22-01-2005, 19:12
OOC: is that beter?
22-01-2005, 19:13
Soviet leaders
22-01-2005, 19:23
OOC: what do you want in it